Let The Whole World " ,uiow The Good W.Miles' Heart Cure Does rEAKT DISEASE, has Its victim at a dlsadvautuge. Always taught that heart disease Is Incurable, when tlio symptoms become well dellnetl, tho patient becomes alarmed and a nervous panic takes place. But when a sure remedy is found thero Is groat roJoicInR and desire to "let tho whole world know." Mrs. Laura Wlno luner, of Selkirk, Kansas, writes; "1 deslro to let tho whole world know what Dr. Miles' Dr. Miles' Heart Cure has dono for mo. For ten years I had pain In my heart, short ness of breath, palpita tion, pain In my leftside, oppressed feeling In my chest, weak and hungry Heart Cure Restores Health spells, bad dreams, could not lio on either side, was numb and suffered terribly. I took Dr. Miles' Heart Curo and beforo I finished tho second bottlo I felt Its good offocts, I feel now that I am fully recovered, and that Dr. Miles' Heart Curo saved my lifo." Dr. Mllos' Heart Curo is sold on guarantee that first bottlo benefits, or monoy refunded. tftXHASR Bloodf Serve Food For Weak and Run-Down People from Childhood to Old Age. v. WHAT IT IS ! The richest of all restoration fA"' !'f"!ao it replaces tho eamo substances h. .? i,? ."! that aro eihaustedln M;E.e",,ol"e-'!l'l!1K,,laldbJri"s'"-fDiilK'8tion, Higa living, overwork, worry, excesses, abase, etc. WHAT IT DOES ! Br msklne the blood S P ch' ""H thedlcestlon perfect, It creates fSL11!'11' ""' J?d strength. Tho nerves be" iif.i11 i." strnMhp bralnT)ecomes attire and .?M1Hlrie8tori1'? lo8S nd stopping all ?iifid.r,lnj" ,nd w,l"iess In either six, It has i.Tf i W! "A" 'neregnlator It Is worth its ?Klht 'S P0.ldh0n, hox lasts a week. Price Clio., or MbkninXul. DruKO stsorbvmall. llnnl, rHiZ. TUP ("ID CUAniT rmm fl a w 1513 Chettnut St PbilftdeluhU Do you DESIRE to Make MONEY ? UR PLANS OP OPERATION AS- i SURE ABSOLUTE SAPETY. Ipfako your money earn you a monthly llftry. Uno.00 nntl more made dMIy, by our new sys finntio VI An of Operation ou small investments I cruln and stock speculation. H All wn ask 1h to llivcsthrato our new and ofninal methods. Past workings of plan and highest references furnished. Our Uooklet "Points & Uinta" how to make money and other Information gent FKKE, Gilmorc & Co. Hankers nnd Urokera. Open Hoard of Trade Wdg., Chicago, 111. 9-23-3ui-d.tw Of a head-splitting headache Immediately ro TAYLOR'S Anti-Headache Powders. They nroa positive and speedy cure and are guaranteed absolutely harmless. Their great success Is ample proof that they are an effective article, which can be always used with trie best of results. Procure them from Gnihler Bros. Latter' Lager and! ; Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, Aeu 207 West Coal Street. JOHN F. CLEARY, j PUKK SELTZER WATBlt DftTTT PI? A curo for headache and DUM : stomach troubles. i QINOKK ALB. nc ! wisiss iiidsit. Ur1 . LAOUU HI5F.lt, roitTiiit. 17 and 1 9 Peach Alley, Shenandoah. NilHons of Dollars Go up In smoWb every year. Take uo risks but net your houses, slock, fur niture, etc., insured in first-class ro liablo lioin Dailies as reuresouted by DAVID FAUST, Sc Also Life and Accidental Companies. SATOLlrtlffllON. Oonforring tho Borf otta on tho Em inont OathoUo Prolate, A VERY ELABORATE OEREMONIAI WJtiieMpil by tlio View rrestilrnt nnd Jinn) Lrnilliii; Amrrlcnii Statesmen, by Illttlii. RiiNlii'il KeiirrsiMitatlven r I'iii-pIrh Gov. eminent! mill by j;iiilnvnt Catlmlk-s from All Section. Baltimore, Jan. 0. Tho second step In tlio elaborate ceremony of derating Fran cis Satolll, archbishop of Lepanto, nnd npostolio (loleRato to tho United States, tc tho rank of Cardinal, prlnco of tlio church, took place In tho vencrnblo cathedral here yesterday. Tho ceremony consisted of con ferring tho borretta. which Is tho cap worn bypriostson ordinary occasions, and dif fering only In tho caso of cardinals In that it Is red. Tho prooedlug steps litivolieon tho conferring of thozuchctto, or red skull cap, nnd tho administering of tho oath Tho rcmnlnlng step is tho conferring ol tho red hat, wh'ch must bo dono In Homo by tlio popo himself, within six months from Nov. 30, tho day upon which SatolU'a appolntniont was matlo. Tho old t'dlflco In which tho ceremony took plnco, and In which tho llrt Ameri can bishop was ordained and tho first CARDINAL FATOLLT. American priest onlalned. and which la presided over by tho only American born member of tho college of cardinals, was packed to tho doors with an audlunco which numbered among its members many of tho most prominent ecclesiastics, diplomats, legislators, educators nnd jour nalists in America. Archbishops, bishops and eminent professors represented tho Catholic church in tho congregation. Tho vlco president of tho United States and numerous congressmen, senators, judges and minor officials wero present as an in dication that tlio governmon t of tho na tion took -an Interest in the proceedings. Eminent Catholics outside tho priesthood camo ninny miles to seo tho ceremony nnd to lend improsslvoness and importiinco to tho occasion by their presence, and diplo mats of high degree camo to roprosent foreign governments Jlnrquls Sacripanti,' of tlio Noble Guard, was thero as tlio bearer of tho zuchotto and borretta, and Mgr. Sbarrottl as tho direct representative of tho popo. Tho initial step in tho coremonies of tho day took placo In tlio palaco of the cardi nal, shortly after 9 o'clock In tho morning, when Mgr. Sbarrettl presented his creden tials to Cardinal Gibbons. Thoso creden tials deputized Cardinal Gibbons to confer tho berrotta, and woro accompanied by tho borretta, which from that moment wero in the custody of Cardinal Gibbons. In pre senting the documents and tho berrotta, Mgr. Sbnrrottl alluded briefly to Mgr. Sa tolll's work for the church. Cardinal Gibbons, In receiving the docu ments and tho borretta responded briefly, expressing his high appreciation of tho honor conferred upon him, and congratu lating Mgr. Sbarrettl upon tho manner In which ho had performed his duties in this country. Willie this scene was In progress within the palace the procosslon was forming In CARDINAL GIBBONS. front of Cnlvort hall, a block away. At 10 o'clock It was ready to start, and when fbrmod tho participants wero nrrnngod na follows: First camo tlio processional oross bearer, with tho crucifix raised Idgh in ho air, nnd flanked on elthor side by a boy in cas sock and surplico. Following him wero a long lino of students from tho various Catholio colleges, after which camo semi narians from St. Mary's, thon prlosts, then franclscan monks, In their garb of brown. Following thoso camo tho members of tho faculty of tlio Catholio uulvorslty in Wash ington, In long robes of black, lined with many colored Bilks, their heads adorned with tho shovel board hat of tho scholar. After these camo half u hundred bishops and a scoro or moro of archbishops, tho inunenso trains of their rich vestmonts held up by littlo boys In brilliant vest ments, too. In this formation thoy marched through the cathedral to Chnrlos street and passod tho palaco of tho cardinal, whoro they woro joined by his ominonco, who took his place last In tho lluo. Upon his head ho worn tho red borretta, nn exact du plicate of tho ouo which ho was soon to confer upon tho man who will for some tlmo, at least, sharo his honors In this country. Upon his shoulders hung tho boautlful cloak of cardinal silk and or mine, with half a dozon train bearers, olad In cardinal velvet nnd gilt braid, following In his wake. In this ordor they swept along Mulberry street to tho cathodrnl again, whore they filed into tho voporablo old pllo through tho main entrance way. Satolll was not In tho procosslon, but ns the hoad of It renohed the altar, ho, accompanied by Mgr. Sbarrettl, Marqula SacrlpantI, the mem ber of tho Noblo Guard who brought tho cardtnalltlal Insignia hero, nnd tho priests who had been deputized to aislst him In the coming ceremony, entered tho cathedral from a rear door. As tho procosslon wended Its way down tho center aisle the org.m, n full orchestra nnd a chonu of fifty voices rendered a tri umphal march, When Cardinal Gibbons reached the altar ho bowed low to Satolll, who returned tho salutation, and each, ac companied by his asilstant priest nnd dea cons of honor, sought tho throno upon which ho was to rest during tho groater part of tho ceremony. The deacons and assistant prlosts were: Hov. I)r, A. h. Magnlen, Key. 1), William O'lJrlen l'ardow, Hov. Dr. W. II. O'Con noli, Hov. Dr. Kennedy, Hov. Kihviinl J. McGolrlck, Hev. Kdward J. Hiuina. Hev. M. J. Hlordoi) and Hov. George Dougherty. Marquis SacrlpantI, clad In tlio scarlet, gold and whlto uniform of the Noblo Guard, wcnrlng high top boots nnd sword mid helmet ou, advanced from his post 1 near the oontro of the altar, ami deported I ou a tablo at tho left hand of Cardinal Gibbons the cordllinlitiul documents and' Iho berrettn. Thon ho crossed the altar ' luulstood In front of tho throno occupied by Satolll, lifted his helmet, nnd took up a po4i Ion to the light of Satolll. On the Bom. bide Ktood Ktiguno Kelly, of New u York, and ou (ho opposite side of Satolii -throne stun I Charles Astor BrN'.wd, nisi, of New Yor.i, chamberlains to tho pope. IJoth wero chid in tlio regulation black cloth swallnv tailcoat and tho low cm vest of evening dress As so m as all tho principal aWorsin the I spectacle had assumod thvlr positions Dr. j Hooker, of tho University of Washington, I read In Latin the olllclal document to So-1 tolll from tho popo announcing tho hit-1 tor's elevation. , Ho then crowed to tho throno occupied' by Cardinal (Kbuons and handed him an- 1 other papal brief, which was read aloud by Father Magnlen. The muling of tlio papal briefs having been finished, Mgr. Sbarrettl advance1 tn a point hi front of Cardinal (Jili'mn-' throne and delivered an address in L i. in. Buying lu part: "Most eminent sir, I bag you to nnvp my coiigintulailous upon this speci.il honor which, today, it conferred upon your ominonor-, anil upon this manifesta tion of partieula" afivotlon as shown by Ills holiness toward this moH noble Ameri- 1 can nation and lis nourishing church. In fact from the iimo when Leo XIII most i happily ascended the throne of Peter he has in mnny ways expressed his affection toward this country. He sent his repre sentative to bo present nt the Inaugura tion of tho great universal exposition, to which ho contributed most precious docu ments. Ho has cultivated with paternal 3ollcltudo this soljct part of tlio Lord's vineyard nnd has bestowed upon It miiuy favors." When Mr Sbarrettl had finished speak ing Cardinal Gibbons responded briefly in latin, and then turning toward tho throno' occupied by Satolll, spoke lu English ns follows: "Your emlnenco, I regard It as a great honor and privilege to bo chosen by tho holy father to act as his delegate and rep resentative lu conferring upon you tho berrotta, as tlio symbol of tho exalted dig nity to which you have been raised. "Hut tho distinction conferred on your emlnenco is not only n proof of tho sover eign pontiff's prediction; It is nlso nn ovl denco of your personal merit. When you enmo to the United States threo years ago you were a comparative stranger to our country; a stranger to our clergy and peo ple; a stranger to our civil and political institutions, and even a stranger to our noblo language. "Tho knowledge which your emlnenco has already acquired of our system of gov ernment, both by travel and observation, and tho warm and judicious tributes of prnlso our political system has received at your hands, nro well attested by tho ad mirable lectures and discourses which you liavo delivered from tlmo to tlmo lu differ ent parts of tho country. "It must bo a source of special gratifica tion to your emlnenco to contemplate around you on this auspicious occasion so largo a number of tho leading prelates and clorgy of tho country to testify by their prosenco, their joy and satisfaction at tho eminent dignity to which you havo been raised by our holy father, Loo XIII." Tho vast audience becanio all attention as it nearod tho most interesting point in nil tho ceremony, that of actually confer ring tho berrotta. Cardinal Gibbous de scended from his throno and advanced to tlitf front of tho altar. Behind him enmo his nttoiidaiits, Father Magnlen bearing tho berrotta. As Cardinal Gibbous reached tho altar, ami turued to faco tho audience, Satolll rose, and escorted by Marquis Sac rlpantI and Chamberlains Kelly and Brl stcad, walked toward Cardinal Gibbons. Upon reaching this Illustrious prelato Mgr. Satolll knelt nnd bowed his head. Cardinal Gibbous took tho berrettn from tho silver salvor on which It rested and slowly unfolding it, held it high up so that tho nudlenco could seo It. Thon ho placed It upon tho head of tho new cardi nal. Cardinal Satolll roso. and for tho first tlmo in Its history there were two cardinals upon America's soil. Advancing to tho front of the altar Car dinal Satolll dollvorcd a brief address, lu the courso of which ho said: "It Is certainly a source of great and sin cere satisfaction to mo that this function should bo held bore In America, whoro I havo received so many attestations of good will and nffoctlon, in tho midst of this groat and glorious nation, whoro truth and liberty aro joined with that splt-lc of christian lovo which is their most potent safeguard and tho pledgo of porpetuul puaco and tranquility. I hopo and pray that this will mark tho beginning of an era still moro brilliant nnd still moro prosperous for tho church and for tho country." Upon finishing his address tho nowly made cardinal, who up to this tlmo Jmd worn tho robes of an urchblshop, retired to tho tuner sanctuary, nnd in a few minutes returnod clad In tho gorgeous apparel of a cardinal. Ho was seen lu thoso but a few moments, howover, as ho was almost Im mediately robed In tho whlto and gold vest ments of tho mass, which ho was to eclo brato. Assisted by his priests and deacons he proceeded with this mnidtho brenthlcss attention of tho vast audience. When tho gospel was reached a movable pulpit was pushed to tho contor of tho auditorium, and Archbishop Kulu, of St. Louis, deliv ered tho sermon. At tho close of tho mass Cardinal Gib bons announced that tho holy father h'ld cabled his congratulations, nnd that he had authorized tlio speaker to pronounce tho npostolio benodlctlou upon all thoso present. At his request Dr. Hooker read tho cablegram. Tho cardinal pronounced tho benedic tion and tho ceremony was endod. The Wcathor. For eastern Pennsylvania and Now Jer sey: Fair; slowly rising tomperaturoj va rlablowlmU, becoming southerly. EVERYBODY THE k i . .A LARGEST PIECE OF 600D TOBACCO EVER SOLD FOR THE MONEY OametimeancolB a reliable, tho jurcitdrt.gs Thev nro prompt, pnfoanl certain In result. The cenulno(0r. reari)ceTrdi3ai For sale by 1'. P. 1). KIllLIN, Shenandoah, l'a. 'HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKG SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH OLD DR. THEEL "Tr" 604 rauaSMSRSSi North Sixth St.. 'Gnarnnie. ab. Green, Philadelohla. Challenge! tu Vkl, irom the advertising tpro lalUt op to the lecmiiug Proleson, Jn curlrg the womcajpaofi-MwcUl Pliffumsanil Jf l.OOlf 1'OlbOX. No uaturtiowUngerlQK.sttiereiirjtt S?js? IilltytlroH of on tli and J-om of Power bJ cared, btrlctnrtu lurltwrlu anil Plica. cored without cutting. UK. TliGt L lintMUve'r thooldcaC tba beat and moat skillful ami n perl em t-d cne, Bo mule nil at othtr may claim. Heud dveV-ceot autupl for book "Truth and b enlightened reparmnjE ynr dim mo and how to gt curerl. The onlr Imitc rXPOtlNO OlA('Kanl their book nud Clrt'iilura. Itiuttro. lief. Frvnh t'nea curt'd lu HolO luyi.. Mount V to S; Krtt., C to V. tTtM &nd rat, hrp- , 6 tn 10, Sua., 9 to IS; K'ga , CtoW. Trcutiiicnthy Hull. rh.D jou tite or can mention imm psjier. Hoard ana Ifulsfng I r deeireil. Evan J. Davies, LIVERY AND Undertaking ! 13 N. Jardin Street.. Chlchcatcr'a Uncllab lHamoml Ilrantf. lli-tn-l.ml nn.l l.tilv ComitllO. BATt, aJwajt cliutik ladies ark Urujfcist fir tfitcAf r i , -A IHa a mnd Urn ii fir. WimI m I' ( mrtlhc 3tx-M. t. aluJ nil i u rn i TuUo 'dun unUitri'atK'ii I'm nt ortend-lp. tn Pltroj a . r j .i i i r- i iimouiiU an I "llcllcf for I.mltc." ii ' ' I'v return t'h Iftiixitpr Cht-ill (fill t tK. UttilNoii "uuuini loLltff aU 1k ''riwiii-' l'lilliv-- Utu tVETERINARYSPECIFICS Por Horses, Oattlo, Sheep, Degs, Hogs, AND FOULTItr. SOOFagO nnnlc an Trentinent of Aultualg uuil Churt Sum I'n e. ccnrnjFeverH.ConircBliniis.IiillnniuintloL A.A.lSpinul .llelllnirlllH.IHHk J'ovcr. 11.11, hlriilus, J.uiueneBn, Itheliiuiillam. !.!... Dlbleniper, Nasal DUchureus. D.D. lluls or (irubs, Worms. l'.i:...Couiih, Heaves, I'lic uiunn'.n. IM'.C'nlio ur (irlpt-H, llcllyncliu. Il.i.-Hllscurrlaffu. HciuorrhnBcs. II. II. Urinary and KlUuey Diacascs. J.I.-.ICi upuvo lIlBeiiBes, nianec. J,K,"l)leue of lllift'vtluU) l'arnlysls. Single Dottle (over 50 doses), - - ,uo btublo Case, with Rpecldra, Manual. Veterinary Cure Oil and Medlcator, 87.00 Jnr Veterinary Cure. OH, 1,00 Bold byPrncitlbLt oi. ..Bt prfp14 KajnhenaBd In Mr qnullljr en receipt 0f frl. Ill unmE IS-K UU. ( 0. , 1 1 1 1 U millam St., N Turk. H0HE0PATH10 EH SPECIFIC No in use 30 yean. Tho onlr iuceeMfui remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from overwork or other causes. 91 per vial, or fi vlala and Urea vial powder, for $5. So4 by lrofflauf or lent jtiiil on recti I pi ol fnc Miai'llUUb'BKU. 10., Ill J.113tUUam&U,&wlork. ip xsctsiBB i RaraB lira t??? IS ON TO IT monthly, rcculfltinpr isediclne. On'y .larmlcos and should be used. If you want tho best, get Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity For- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. P. V. BUltKU, M. 1). I 30 IS. Lloyd btreet, felieniunloah. OlHco hours 7 to 9 ft. in., 1 to 3nn4 7tn9 p. in. y u. 1'omkuoy, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW. Slicnaiuloali, l'a, M. UUItKK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. OflkoKftn building, corner of Main nnd Centre utrects, Shcnaudoati. PK0K JOHN JONISS, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOK, Lock Hox 05, Slalmnoy City, l'a. Having etudled under aomo of tho best muMers Ip London and Pari, u ill tfivo lrbona on tho violin, j?"ltar and vocaI cutturo. Terms reasonable. Address fn enru of Btronse, the Je-tveler Slienandoah. DR. A. A. SE1BERT, Specialist in diseuRus of tho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 207 West Slarkut St., POTrSYH-LB. Hours 8:30 n, m, to 12 in.; 1 to 4 p, w., p. m. 8unduv 9 n. m. to 12 The Backus Water Motor Is the Most Economical rower Known, and ihc nest In ihc World for Driving Light Machinery. It takes but little room. It never gets out of repair. i it can not blow up. It requires no fuel. I It needs no engineer. Tlirri- U no delay; no firing up; no n1,c to i clrnn u iy, mi ixtra ineunineo to pay; no ri- I always iiiiruiK ii' "win ; no mhi mm 10 i..y, ann 1" 14 ri'uuy 101 for use. It In In .alimHe lor lilmrliiK 1 liuri'Ii Organ, for rmniit.g Trilitlng Pri'SM'H, KrwiiiK Miichlnrs, Turning IjiIIicb, Hcioll !Sus, cirinil Hitmen, t'nuYc Mills, Snimatra Mmliiiii'H. I", l it ( utli'lK, Corn Minn, Elovntori!, Ktc. I'our-liorsi power nt 40 pounds premurr or water. It is iioinclcfn, neat, romitact, steady, anil aboM' all j IT IS VERY CHEAP. Price, $15 to $.300 Semi for clrvulnr tn Uip 11m ku AVnter lima. C., Newark, N. J., stntlnir t'"Ir you saw ntlvcitfsenicnt lit. We also manufacture Patent Kotatlng: anJ Exhaust Pans. Send for Special Catalogue on Ventilating. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD tiClU'YICH.I. DIVISION. JfnvimiiKU 17, 189.1. Trnlns will Icftvi- Slieiinmlonli nflcr tlio iiboro Intefnr WlRfmiiK, (Jllbrrton, Krnc-kvlllp, lbk Wnter, St. flnir, l'litNville, Itninlnire, Itmillne, l'ottftown, 1'IkiciiIxtIIU', Norrittown nnd rhfi ndelphiii (llroad wtrcet stiitlou) nt r, OS mid 1145 a. m. nnd 1 15 p. in. on week d.ivs. For l'ott ville and Intermediate station; !' 10 n. m. SUNDAY. For WlKRitna, Ollberton, l'rnekvllle, JDaik Wnter, St. Clair, I'ottsville, at 0 CH, 0 40 n. m. nnd 310t. in. For Hamburg, Itendlnc, Pottutown, l'lioenlxvllle, NnrrUtun n, 1'hiladelpliia at (TuO, 9 -10 ll. m., 3 10 p. in. Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah at 10 10 n. in. and 1211, SOI, 7-12 and 10 27 p. m. Sunday, 11 in a in. and 5 10 p. in. Leave I'ottsville for Sheuandonli at 10 15. 11 tS n. m. and I to, 7 15 and 1000 p. in. Sunday at 10 Wn. ni.,515 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, (liroad Mreet station), for Shenandoah at .r.7 and H;ir, a. ni., 1 10 and 711 p. ni. week days SundayM leave at 0 TO a. m. Leave llroi.il wlreet station, lMdladelphla, tfr Son lllrt, Asliury l'.irk, Otean lroe, LlU Branch, and iiiteriliediate etatioutt, C.50, 8.UT., 11.3911. in., 8. "0. 1.00 n in week-ilav. Humtrri (stop at Interlaken for Asliury Park), 8.25 rf" ni Ieac llro.ul Slreetbtalinn.'Philadelptda, FOU NKW YOItK. E)tnrcf. week i'av. 3 20. 105. 150. 515. ftttl. 7 113, M 20, 0 SO, U 50, 10 .to ( Dint iiK Cur), 11 00. 1 1 in., 12 noon, 12 . (l.lnilteil l uo nntl 4 22 p. Bi. Dlntiic Cars), 1 10, 2 30 (DinlliK Car), 320. iXKt. 5 00,5 58 (DlnliiK Car), 6 00, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. 'til. 12 01nlKht. SllndnyB, 3 20, 1 05, 50, 515, 91? 9 20, 9 50, 10 30 (l)iliinnCar), 11 l a. in., 12 35.UIM V.LHUII1K t-liri, 1 W 1 1.1 11111411 -I O ooo (lira, lliKCnr),0 35, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p in., 12 01 lilniit. Ksprefti for llot-ton, iltliout (-halite, 1100 a. in. week dnyg, and 0 50 p. m. dally. WAS1UNOTON AND THIS SOUTH For Baltimore and Wiwlilncton. 8 50. 7 20. 8 31. 912,1020,1123 u. 111., 12 09 (1231 Limited Jllu- niB unr). lis, aii, -in (oiu conirreatjkjtial Limited. Dliiinir Carl. 0 17. 0 55 (Dlnlnir 7 40 (DInillB Car) p. in., and 12 05 night week nays. minuayH, 3 w, 7 2U, v is, ll a. m., zvw 1 12, 4 11, t 5 IS ConKrett,ionnl Limited, Dinfu Car), 055 UiidK Car), 7 10 p. in. (Dinn-iK Car) and IS 05 nlirht. Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia, FOK ATLANTIC CITY. Ex preen, 8 50 n. in., 2 10,4 00, nnd 5 00 p. in. week days. Sunday;, 8 15 ami 9 45 n. m. For Cape May, AukIcr-ici, Wildwood and Holly Beach. Kxprtwi, 900 n. in., and 4 00 p. lu. week days. Sunday;, 9 00 a. in. For Sea l;le City, Ocean City and Avnlou. Kxprens, 9 00 a, in., nnd 4 00 p. in. week dam, Sundays, 9 00 a. in. For SomerB Point. Kxpres;, 8 50 a. in., and 4 00 p. m. week days. Sundays, 8 45 a. ni. S. M. Piikvoht, J. Ii. Wool), tlfli'l Manager. Ocn'l Pass'K'r igt. READING R. R. SYSTEM IN Kl't'KCT OCTOUKU I, 1895. TraiiiM leave Shenandoah us follows: for New Yirk ia lMdladelphla, week tiayn. 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a. m., 125S, nndSKi p. m Sundays, 2 10 a. in. Vov New York via Munch Chunk, week ilavs, 5 2r, 7 20a. m , 12 r.s and 2 55 p. m. For Heading anil IMillndelplda, week tnv, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 n.in., 12 fs, 2 -V nnd 5 55 p. m. Shu day8, 2 10 a. in. For lottjville, week dayH, 2 10; 7 20 a, m., and 12 58, 2 55 nnd 5 55 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 n. in. For Tninaqua uiid Malmnoy City, wit'k 2 10,5 25, 7 a. in, 12 5. 2 55 and 555 p. m b unda 2 10 a. tn. For VHliamMtrt, Sunlmry and LcwUbni;, week dayK, !) 25, 11 30 a in., 1 50 and 7 20 p. tu b inula vb, 3 25 a. tn. For Mahanov Plane, weekday, 2 10. 3 25, 5 3r. 7 20, 11 30 a. in., 12 58, 1 50, 2 55,5 55, 7 20 and ! ir p. in. Sunday, 2 10, .1 25 n. in. For Ashland and Miumokin, week layn, 3 J5, 7 20, 11 SO n. in, 1 50, 7 20 mid 0U5 p.m. Snu daj'H, 3 25 a. m. For lbittliuore, Wofddnuton nnd tho WcM via Ii. A O. U. n.. thrnugh trulna leao Jiendtiuj TerinluBl, rhlladulphrH, (P. & It. U. I.) at M -V, 7 58, 11 1 a. m., 3 1(1 ami 7.27 p. in. Humlav 8 20,7 00,1126 . in., a -1(1 and 7 27 p.m. Afdi tlouul trnhw from Twenty-fourth ami rhrt nut MreU KiHtion, wtwk dayH, 150, !i4, in. Mindayn, 1 35, fi 28 p. in. Tit A INS FOIt BHIfiXAXnOAU. lA'ae New York via Flnladclplda, wn-k days, 8 00a. in., I :t0, too, 730 p. in. and 1215 ulKht. Sundayn, 0 00p in Inve New York iu Maueh Chunk, ietk dnH, 130, y 10 a. in., I 10 ami 130 p. m. Lave Philadelphia, Itendinj; Tennlnnl, week days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 00 a. in. and 100, 0 02, 1130 p. in. Sunday, 11 30 p. m. Iaiivo Heading, week dayH, 135, 7 10, 10 v 11 50 a. in., 5 55 and 7 57 p. m. Sundayn, 1 35 a. mi. Leuve. PottHville, weekdays, 2 35, 7 10 . iu , 12 30 and 6 12 p. in, Hunday&, 2 85 a in. IavoTiumupia, week day. 3 18, 8 50, 112) a in., 1 20, 7 13 and 0 52 p. in. Sundays, 3 18 u. iu. Iavo Mahanoy City, week days, 2 45, $31, 1147 a. in., 1 51, 7 39 and 954 p. m. Sunda, 3i . iu. Ieavo Malmnoy riano, week days, 2 40, 4W, 630,937, 1159 ft. in., 12 58, 2 0(1,5 20, 62fl, 7 53 and 10 10 p. m. Hundays, 2 40, 4 00 n. m. Leave WUUamsport, week days, 7 42, 1010 a. in., 3 35 and 11 41 p. m. Sundays, 11 15 p. m. ATIVNTIO CITY in VISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wnrf mid South strett wharf for Atlantic City. Weekdays KxprcsH, 900n. m., 2 00, 4 00, 6 00 p. in. Accommodation, 8 00 a. in., 4 B0, 0 30 p.m. Hunday Kxprcsa, 900. 1000a. in. Aecomiuo datiou 8 00 a. iu., 4 45 p. in. KeturuinK loavo Atlantic City (depot,) week days, express, 7 35, 900 a. m,t 3 30. 530 p. iu. Accommodation, 050, 8 15n. m., ana 432 p. ui. Sundays Kxpress 4 00, 7 30 p. m. Accomuuxhf tlon, 7 15 ii. in., 4 15 p. m, 1'arlor Cars on all express trains. I. A. HWKIGAltl), Q, 0. HANCOCK, fien'l Superintendent. Ocn'l Fass. Agt, 4