The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 04, 1896, Image 1

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For Family Trade
H A " s the home (; tomes
." fa tier ran take the flare of 3
., :aith home buyers. The
Herald hiinsrs Irmle llmt ,,,
the Herald. It is read daily
by e-.'cry member of the family 3
Advertisers attprenate tii. 3
not tie reached in another atic. ?
Hiiimmin mi i . , rr
VOL. XI -NO. 13.
Williams 8c
in m nun w h ' i n i i
l a n a a t i hi u a
rst-class Work
K All Work done In first-class manner, and satisfaction itaranteed. Shirts washed
1 . rt.a, P lt.raA On. i.ntl..c- 1 . . fi.if f. . ,-. . iimla.rlitvlp f..
underdi awers, 7c; handkerchiefs, 2c.
CO I J -
0) m s
3 V I,, 13
1 - s
u &
2 - bo -c
Our Fancy Javaor
Iu'regard to Tea, we occupy a front rank, all our Teas being very
carefully selected by competent judges, and a trial order will
convince you that we can please the most fastidious customers
We offer nothing but good
color and flavor, and they are
Sort, S. Main St.
At a Great Reaction.
Wc still have a gori assort
ment, and nt the prices they
are now being o.Tcrcd they
will not last long.
IMo. 2-7
N. Main St.
n .
aiivx t-M & f a b i tri i b- i
at Low Prices,
l IS1G, Manager.
. ... .?ito Mnn. 4nnnlifrl wlfrli rpnannifirr ntirl fllc-
erning powers, may improve his con
dition by the exercise of these faculties.
This can be applied with very good
elTect in the purchase of Coffees and
Teas. A good cup of Coffee depends
not only on the making but the brand
of Coffee, the grade, the roasting and
preparation are very important factors.
We feel confident that we can meet all
those requirements. A delicious cup
of Coffee is a certainty if you use
our Fancy Blended Coffee.
grades that are noted for quality,
sold at popular prices
Philadelphia Street Car Men Generally
Remained at Work.
President Haliono, of tlio Amalgamated As
sociation, Urged the Men to Disregard
Lutz's Order, and Nearly All Who
Had Quit Work Returned.
Piiiladkli-iiia, .Tim. 4. Tlio street rail
way Ktriki- pn clpltnteil by tlio luccndlury
notions of a fow hot bended agitators,
against tho earnest protests of President
Marion and tlio other lenders, ended In a
complete flnsco after a fow hours.iu which
no dnmngo was dono. Thcro was no gou
cral tie up, in almost every lino ran Its
ears n usual. This was bocauso tlioro
.. i..- t .i . i
roXr ; To ,, ,, ,7ttho'otorVu,"ft, 1,1 1
rinrt,TTw ' th0
ub n , i1UtJ ftt ,th0, rK;
2 LSln, remained out
m , ? I 0.mi.0"lT S y
to work by J o clock yoiterday afternoon i
would bo permanently discharged. Of tho
luj malcontents, forty were employed on
on one branch. About fifty others, not
included In this number, resigned their
Additional pressure was brought to bear
upon tho men to go baok by President
Mahou's bulleton that tho strike was not
legal becauso It had not Iceu authorized
by tho oxectitlvo council of tho Amnlga-
mated Association of Street Hallway Em
ployes, iti) men who returned will bo
given their regular runs, and thocompnny
has reiterated its willingness to consider
nny grlovancos submitted by tho em
ployes. Tho radical men who brought about
Thursday night's turbulent scenes nnd
yostorday's failure are nt odds with Pres
ident Million, and threaten to withdraw
from tho association.
Hiram W. I.utz, who prosldcd at Thurs
day night's mass meeting, and who or
dered tho strike, was summarily sus
pended yesterday from tlio Amalgamated
Association by order of National Presi
dent Million. Since tho association ef
fected an organization In this olty I.utz
has boon chairman of tho loca. cxecutlvo
committee. Tho reasons glvon for his
suspension nro ho violated tho consti
tution of tho association in ordering a
strike against tho ndvico of tho other ex
ecutive officers, and In breaking a most
solemn obligation In tho association's
ritual. For reinstatement ho can appeal
to tho national council, and this failing,
tne national convention.
President Million, in speaking of Thurs
day night's notion, said: "I havo noticed
for several days an effort on tho part of
certain agitators and outsiders to bring
about another striko. It culminated In a
call for tho meeting at tho Labor Lyceum.
Having tlio honor ot tlio Amalgamated
Association and the cause of tho street car
men at stake. 1 determined, toprovout It if
possible. I saw t ho president of tho lycoum
nnd told him the mooting was unofficial.
He said It I attempted to speak ho would
havo mo arrested.
"I did speak, and discountenanced the
strike, with tho result already known.
Tho professional agitators and certain
hoodlums and outsiders wcro In control,
and swayed tho men. Sober judgment,
however, seei.Ts to havo prevailed, and I
am still confident that tho differences be
tween tho company and tho men will yet
bo adjusted If tho latter will bo pntlcnt.
Tho association will not bo Injured, but
will bo benefited, it is hoped, by tho
withdrawal ot an objcctlonnblo element."
Will Itrtnrn to I'tillailelphln.
PlTTSDinio.Jan.l. Tho senatorial muni
cipal investigating commlttco examined
Controller Gourloy and Mayor Mclvenna
yesterday, but nothing of a startling na
ture was doveloped. The commltteo then
adjourned to meet in Philadelphia next
Monday. Chilrmim Andrews stated that
tho commltteo would return to Pittsburg.
In the meantime the Citizens' Municipal
league will continue the collection of evi
dence to preent to the eonimiUeo upon its
lelurn to tills city.
:h lug roi Mino WnrKt'r.
PlT"s.ivi:ii. Jtri :! The jilnt. commit
tee oi c o.ii'iMioi '. ami miner) to deter
mine v. li the.' a utiiuinn mining rate exists
iji tills ill-trlc. mot here ye.ieiiliiy after
noon. Pre-u.V'iit Ponim, ot the United
Mine Workers of America, wis much
pleased at th" action of tlio New York and
Cleveland Cos oompiiny in advancing
tho rato to sixty four conts. Ho said tho
result would bo uniform wages here, and
that It would 'havo 11 beneficial effect In
Ohio, Iiidlaua and Illinois.
Keiulrlck IIoiiko Tree Lunch.
Hear kroiit and pork to-night.
New Ollleers.
.Mrs. Alice Drown, 1). H. C, of M.ilmnoy
City, visited town last night and installed
the new olllcers of Council No. SI, Daughters
of Liberty, in follows: C , Mra. Ihmiiu KeUt;
A. C Chris. Dinklocker; V. C, Mrs. S.
D.ivios ; A. V. C, William Loueks;!!. S.,
Mrs. Alice Morgans : A. It. S., Miss Clara
Itlck j F. S., Miss Annie Kline ; Treiu., Mrs.
Wm. II, Dcttrey; I. O., Mrs. Mnry Scluviut;
O. !., Mrs. Maud Acker; (.. Mrs. Annie
Dinklocker: Trustee, Mrs. Annio ISowinaii ;
Jr. X, C, Mrs. Ituth Hopkins; A. Jr. X. C,
Mrs. Annio Doater. Tho Council is In
excellent condition, financially and limner
Sclieitly House.
Clam chowder to-night.
Oysters. Clams.
At tho bar : All tho delicacies of tho season
iu every style.
Health ltcports.
Katie, two-year-old daughter of Thomas
Mcllale, of Wost Lloyd street, was reported
to tho Hoard of Health this morning as
suflcrlngfroin scarlet fover,
Watson IIouso Free Lunch.
Tho ever popular lunch to-night,
krout and pork for all.
Tlio rropof(t Hum! Nme Precipitate n
Yfgnrutu l'rr.iual Ili.russlnu.
Wasiiimiton, Jnti. I. The senato heard
it stirring debate yesterday, tho bond ques
tlon being tho nialn I .sue. .Mr. Sher
man's speech, which had been anticipated
with much interest for souio time, Initia
ted the financial discussion. Tho veteran
senator was in good voice, ami his spoeoh
was closely followed throughout. This,
howover, was merely n proludo to an un
expected lliianciul controversy, vigorous
nnd personal In chnrnctcr. Mr. Klklna, of
West Vlrglnln, sought tosocuro an Imme
dlato vote on his resolution directing that
nil bond Issues bo advertised nnd tho
bonds offered to tho public
Mr. II111 attempted to havo tho resolu
tion referred to committee, but In nroll
call tlio voto was overwhelmingly In favor
of proceeding with tho question. Only six
ncsntlvo votes wcro cast Chilton.CuHcry,
Hill, .Mitchell (Wis.), Murphy and Urico.
Mr. Hill spoko vigorously niralnst tho ros-
iilution. Ho asserted that Mr. Shorman.l
when secretary of tho treasury, had made
muiii. wuuml-is witn .ov xont syiiuicaies
similar to the ono now assailed. This
brought on a sharp personal debate, in
wlllch "111, Sherman, Honrfeller
mul oUlers , , , The Iiepubllcans
UcUl tho bonds d.oul.1 not bo sold
14 y'ite ot hankers, but
tiirQ,..r1l ,'.,. .... .,, ., , ,,,.,
i uireeiiy witn the people and thus save a
I big percentage. Tho Domoerats vigorously
( supported Secretary Carlisle's plan,
j At 5:!)() o'clock tlio senate agreed to ad
1 jouril, although the motion carried by n
bare majority of one. During tho day Mr.
Morrill, from tho llnanco committee, re
ported that tho tariff und bond bills would
bo ready on Tuesday, to which day tho
I senato adjourned. Tho holiso held a brief
session and adjourned until Monday next.
' A New Star fur tho Flag.
! Washington, .Inn. I. At noon today
i tho pre .Idenl l ulled hU proclamation, in.
I conformity with tlio act of congress stat
i Ingthatth' pjoplo of Utah liavo compiled
with all oi reiiuirements of tho law
providing for the a imlssion of Utah to
the Union, and declaring that tho terri
tory has pacd out of exlstenco and that
Utah is admitted to the family of states.
Tho new state officers will begin tho dis
charge of their functions noxt Monday.
Atllrueu't Itlullo Cafe.
Uracil's liostnu Iiakcd Itams free to all
patrons to-night. Lverybmly come and en
joy a dish of them.
Ileinot'ratle .standing Committee.
On Kituriluy, January IStli, the Denu cr.itie
Standing Ccmunltteo will meet in l'ott-.illo
to select a i lialrman and secretary. Josiah
Lineaweavcr, Ksq, and Dr. .1. J. Kiill.nle, of
l'ottsville, are named as possible candidates
for U13 chairmanship. It is generally be
lieved that the former gentleman will bo
selected with little dltliculty. Ho is strongly
supported by cx-C'ungressinan Iteilly, who U
anxious to again return to the halls nf Con
gress. Tho name of 1'. J. Martin, of I'alo
Alto, is mentioned in connection with the
The latest shades in kid gloves at MAX
LLVIT'S, 15 liist Centre street.
The "Vets" Were Knttrrtalned.
The members of Watkin Waters l'ot, No.
11(1, li. A. It., of town, spent several pleasant
hours at tlio regular meeting last night. Tiie
ucw corps of officers were installed, after
which the Post was invited to the Scheilly
House as tho guesti of the hospitable pro
prietor, Col. Scheilly. The members in
dulged in their favorite dish, army beau soup,
and tho battles of the year were again fou;;lit
amid mueh good humor this time.
Tho latest styles of hatsat MAX LLVIT'S,
15 liist Ccntro street.
January Weather.
Tho weather for January, according to
l!ev. Krl I!. Hicks, tho St. Louis prophet,
will bo about liko tills: Disturlsiuces from
3d to Utli., clear to 8th., then hliiards and
storm over tho 1 Itli., followed by a cold a e
and more storms. 1-rom tho Kith to 23th.,
storms will alternate ultli clear days. The
latter part of tho month will also
storms, especially from 27th to 30th.
Salvationists' Fareuell.
Captain George Davis and Lieutenant
George Williams, oi tho local Salvation
Army corps, will hold their farewell meeting
to-morrow evening. Captain Davis gees to
Chicago on Tue-day, Imt Lieutenant Will
iams' dostlmitiou has nut lieeu fixed. The
meetings of tlio Army will bo held nt tlio
usual hour to-morrow.
"Y" riograni.
The following interesting proxmm has
been prepared for the meeting of the '"V"
this evening, in HedduU's building : SiiiKiug,
"Y;" scripture reading, Miss Weft; selec
tions from Peck's Hud liny, Lilward;
".My Kxperienco in the Flower .Mission,"
Miss Price; vocal solo, Miss Wsisloy; uu essay
on Temperance, John Kershlke; singing.
"Tho Temperance Lighthouse" Xo. ."ill, by
"V;" leading. Miss llruwn ; critic, John T.
Lawsou; temperance doxnlogy.
Another Fire at ltaruesllle
'flic peoplo of lliruesvllle and the vicinity
are aluruied over thu tires which uppeur In
have inceudhtry origin. Another occurred
during the early hours of this morning. It
was a bain near Timothy I'lynn's farm but
the owner's nauio cannot bo learned. Tin
informant canto by train and says tho owner
of tlio kirn, fearful of a couflagmtion, got up
during tlio night nnd dl-covered tho hlagc.
It wus extinguished hoforo considerable
damage was dune. Itecord,
For Sale at Once
Sixty-two yards oil cloth, S tables, 1 look
lugiglasi, two S-foot show eases, hat casowith
drawers, 1 couch witli hair top and as
springs, laeo curtains, 2 stools and 1 lamp.
At Mrs. O. W. Hyde's, 20 North Main street.
Prosperous Columbia.
The Columbia llrowlng Company made tho
1!kst ivtiik WoitLti In lSOo, but as their
motto Is Excelsior they propose to make it
bettor for 1800, thorcforo predicting tho
healthiest year of tho century for this and
other localities where Columbia beer Isused.
guaranteed by Hell, the
Directors Mlddleton and Day Agree on a
In Uie Distribution Shenandoah Gets Two
orthe Plums, Adam Mort and Will
iam nilflllan Being Appointed
to Good Positions.
Special to Lvenino Hkkat.iu
l'OTTSvli.l.R, Jan. t. Another Blate has
been smashed by tho Poor Directors, .and a
1 1 i-,u id new ono has been made by .Messrs. IXiy
and Mlddleton. Whether tho latest produc
tion of tlicso political manipulators will
stand tho test is diUiciiit to say. The
Stewardship is the straw that broke the
eamul's buck. Dietricli insisted upon Gordon
Iteed for tho position, and as Mlddleton
wanted the place for John W. liecse, of St.
Clair, there could ho noagrecnient, and hence
tho smashing of the slate.
All three of the Directors were present at
the almshouse yesterday, and tho result of
their dcTilienitions show that Jocob Day
knew what he was talking about a few days
ago when lie said that ho would bo on tho
ground Hour when the time came to make
the appointments. At this meeting Middle
ton and Dietricli wei-o to finally settle their
dill'crciues. Fulling to do mi Mr. Dav. he of
the red stockings, llirted with Former
Dietrich for u while and then ousted his
fin times with Stove Middlelon. Thuy soon
agreed upon a slate, in the composition oi
which they dropped n few plums to Dietricli
to soothe his wounded feelings. The slate as
given out stands as follows :
Steward, John. W. Ueese, nf St. Clair:
Matron, Mrs. John W. lfeose, of St. Clair;
Physician, John M. dray, M. 1)., of Cressona;
Clerk, John F. (iressiuig, of l'ottsville;
Solicitor, Charles K. Krockons, of St. Clair;
Head Keeper of Insane, Washington. Orme,
Iilytlio township; Keeper of Female Insano
Department, Gordon lieed, of Wayne town
ship; Attendant of Female Insnuit Depart
ment, Mrs. Gordon lteed; Night Kiuperof
Insane, William Gilllllau, of Shenandoah;
Night Attendant of Insane, Mrs. William
Gilllllau; Hospital Keeper, Adam Mort,
Shenandoah; Female Attendant of Hospital,
Mrs. Adam Mort; Keepers of Public Kitclieu
Mr. and Mr. James Day, Orwigsburg: Fire
men, Isaac Huy, Schuylkill Haven, and
William U. Smith, PotUUlle: Farmer, James
H. Wuhun, Palo Alto; Teamster. George
Iloll'iuan, Smith Manheiin township: htouo
Housu Keeper, James Culver, Port Carbon;
linker, Yktor Dilllngsu.vder, Schuylkill
Haven; Night Nurse, William Ilellhcr,
Wayne township; Shoemaker, Manassah
Dietiiuh, West llruiiswii k; Tailor, Christian
Schmidt, l'ottsville; Carpenter, l!udy Mover,
Schuylkill Haven; Gate Keeper, Ijiiigstnlf
Miildlctou, .Mai.eville: lio-tler, lKmuls Kein
merer. West l'eiiu; Axsistaut Cook, Mary
Fehr, Washington township; Hospital Cook,
Mis. Kate Ferris, Llewellyn; Waitress, Alice
Davis, South Manhuiin; Liuudrcss, Eliza
beth llines, Shenandoah: Seauistiess, Hen
rietta Ilcttzcl, Schuylkill Haven.
The position of butcher and conk havo not
been agreed upon. The Duectois will meet
on Monday to otik'ially name the appoint
ments. Thcro is some doubt about tho slate
standing the strain until that time. Stuu
Middleton, however, appeals to he ill tlio
swim no matter which way the eat jumps.
It was announced that the Commissioners
would to-day take up the appointments of
pii on pliysivlan and ducket clerk in tho
District Attorney's otliec. There is some
little hitch over these, appointments. They
will not ho announced, however, until Mon
day. Huy two suits of our fine woolen under
wear beforo they are sold, as they ate selling
cheap. At MAX LUVIT'S, 15 l'aist Centie
The Appointments Locally.
William Giltilluu, who is on the slate for
appointnicnt as nlglitkeeper in tho Insane
department at tlio Schuylkill Haven Alms
house -'stated this inuruiug that hu was in
doubt as to whether he would accept the ap
pointment. One of his reasons is that he
does not liko night duty. His friends are
prevailing upon him to accept the olliee, Iiuw
oor. William Smith, wiio is slated lor lire
man, is the father of School Director Charles
K. Smith, of town, and is employed as u
motor man on tlie electric railway ul Potts
ville. Adam Mort, who receives a hospital
appointment, ran for Chief llurgess on the
Citi.ens ticket In the Spring of lhUI.
Wall l-npel day in wall paper ui
Husslor's, 21 West Coal street.'
Monday, at
lllrtlnhiy l'aily.
A birthday party 111 honor of tho fifth an
niversary of Miss Anna Anderson was livid
last evening, at the residence of her parent,
on Last Coal street. The fullowing children
weru in attendance : Margie Kee-e, Muud
Hitching, Florence and Until Itennie, lMn.i
and Annie Smith, and Gertie Shone,
Mublo Iteese, Neta ilaskins, Maria Carey,
Mildied Gregory, Lena ami Isaac Wagner,
Walter Kobiiison, Albert and Itobert Junes,
Lddie Howe, Alvin Urine, Harold McLaren,
liirl llipwn, Stanley Gilpin, Juy Williams
and Daydon Anderson.
llest sis fitting is done by p. W Hell.
A llupp New Year to You.
We pluck the wishbone of prosperity with
you tlieso first days of 'IUI ; to the thousands
of pleased luiyeri. who liavo helped u build
the largest Dry Goods business in our town
wo extend a hearty greeting. The changes
we intend making after April 1st nmkc quick
selling necessary. We begin to-day a HU days
sale ofip20,00iJ woith of line Dry Goods at
prices that mean dollars saved to every
buyer. Watch our daily newsof ImrgHius, but
better still come to our store often and sen
tho dally liargain sules. This week we will
oiler liemuaiiU, the season's lot of ends of all
kinds of goods at about half regular prices.
at L. J. Wilkinson, hi S. Main St.
A Mlghly Nice Tliln;
lor Coughs,
What? Pan.Tina. Je
drug store.
At (Iruliler llm
116 and 118 North Main Street.
We most heartily express
our thanks for the kind patron
age you have given us the
past year and shall endeavor
to continue in the new year,
not only to please you as
heretofore, but try our best to
pass our old established record
anu serve you fully to your
With Respects,
of Holderman's Jewelny
Store and windows are
unsurpassed in Eastern
Prices Low.
We caught on to several
barrels of the finest Maekerl
hist week, that we ever saw.
Some Norways,
fat jueiv ami white as tiny maek
erl grow, weight ia lbs.
Another lot of small ones, elegant
color, texture ami flavor, weight
about J4 lbs. each.
122 North Jardln Street, Shenandoah.
7 ana J 9 Peach 3,