The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 02, 1896, Image 2

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i:staiu.isiii:i) 1K70. I
rubllnlipil every Kvcnlng, Except Sunday, at
TUB Herald )i ilellvcied liiHIicnainloan and t'-io
nurroiindiiiK towns for nix cents a week, pay
able to the curriers, lly mail &I.OO11 yciir.orSS
rents a month, payable in advance. Advertise
menu charged accord I ok to fiaoe anil position,
The publisher recri c the rluht to change the
posUlouof advertisement whenever the puli
Ucatlon of news ilcinanil It. Tho right Is
reserved to reject nny adw-rtliement, whether
paid for or not, that the pulillihers may ileem
Improper. Advertising rates made known
upon npplieatlon.
Entered at the pimtoiucc at Shenandoah, l'a., as
second class mail matter.
Evening Herald
1HI ItKDAY, .lAM'AUY S, IMlll.
To the lEi'ptlblienn electors of Penni) Ivanla :
The ltcpiiHIcnn of Pciiuyl-aiiiii, hy their duly
ehosi h ti preventative-, will meet in State eon
ventiuli Tlmiilu. , April 21, I at 10 o'eloek
ii. in in the opera linic, eily of HarrNhiirg, for
the purpose of nominating two candidates for
rcpn.ent.ilue nt-lurgc in ('(ingress and thirty
two candidates for Presidential elector, the
selection of eight delegilteM-at-lurRO to the lie
publican National eoneutIou, and for tho
transfution of toieli other iMHinenn as may he
lly order of the State Committee.
SI. S. (Jl-AV,
Attest Jeiih 11. Itl'.x, Chairman.
W. It. ANiutr.wt, Seerctaries.
Si:ATtit (JI'AY 1ms Ills lighting clotlies on.
He vaiils the government to build bix nddi
tionnl war ships.
If you are a business man reftolvo to adver
tise. U the end of the year you will surely
Unci the investment a paying ouo.
Osr of the most fertilo counties in Georgia
lias no railroad, telegraph or telephone lilies
in its border, nor has it a newspaper.
I'nrslDKNT t'l.nvr.l.ANli has had lots to say
about the tatill', but ho has never yet signed
u tariff bill. Will he break his record at this
laic day?
A Hi w York girl is dying from tho elliets
of an excessivo usu of cigarettes, having, it is
aid, consumed one hundred thousand of tlio
vile little things.
Tin: Philadelphia Ledger truthfully says:
"Every elcetlie are light is as good as a
policeman for protective purposes, but too
much Kin be paid even for police protection."
Tin: Wilkcsbane liccord almanac lias
reached our table. It is crammed full of use
ful information, especially of Luzerne
county. Typographic-ally it has much merit.
....III 1..lav 1 In
tiators decided cm New Year's day that a
prosec utor had no cause for action. TInJJs n
good ncgmning, ami mu icaveu sown oy i.
HiniALii is apparently getting in its work
Tub speaker of tlio Maryland House of
Delegates bears the euphonious name of
Mudd. It is to be hoped that, iu tlio collo
quialism of the day, his constituents will not
say that his name is mud when his term is
Tnr.iu; are barnacles still clinging
to the llepublieim party in this c ounty. In
the South tliey are called carpet-baggers.
They should bo scraped off without delay, as
the party has no room for hucksters and
political brokers.
Pllll.ADKl.PlllA has 8,000 children attend
ing school on half-time, because of insufli
cient room for them to attend all day. There
aro probably many more thousands who are
entirely excluded for this reason. Slionan
doali leads Philadelphia in supplying tlio
necessary school buildings, thanks to a pro
gressive and patriotic board of School Direc
tors, At the Indianapolis conieutiou of the
American Association of Physicians and
Kurgeons, to lie held on the loth instant, the
.ibject of vaccination, says the Philadelphia
Ledger, will bo dlscused pro and con. Tho
friends of tho practice of vaccination have
nothing to fear from such n dlscuseiou. On
the contrary, it will compel those who oppo-e
the practice to give their reasons, and to
n ..... 1..... .I.n .1 n .,1 1 .1i. ...m. II. ...!..-.
( -tile oiil iniu inu imj iiiiii mi,. i-,m,ia
of blood-poisoning and cither evil cllects. The
r -cords of the Muncipal hospital in Philadel
phia are alone ample to prjivo the wonderful
value of Muciiiation both as u deterrent of
' snail pox and us an anieliomut. Tho ai
unicnt against it Is trilling when compared
with that in Its favor.
Tiik overwhelming success of the Citizens
party in the borough election of 1803 wan
brought about by the belief on tho part of
Ibii people that the local government in their
hands would bo better administered. Tho
:,uceess then uchioved should stimulate every
member of tho jiarty to lenewcd effort from
now until the polls closo on the evening of
February 18th. A constant, uimoet effort Is
what Is required i all eporglc must bo set in
inotiou touchlovo succosa. Thero Is always
danger lurking In fancied security ; the belief
that the party will win In tho approachini
c jiilcst is very opt to beget a blunting of
Individual etl'ort. To win success theio must
be per onal effort, without which thero i
he no victory
Convict Coiner.
Lincoln, Keli., .Inu. 3. A wool: ago nn
ex-convlct, Intcly released, while testify
ing In court nt Omalm, let fall tho rcmnrk
that th re was, or had been, oountorfelt
itiff point? on lu tlicstnto pcnltcnUary. A
Lincoln paper publishes a coiiiiiiuulcatlon
from a man of supposed integrity, n car
pentor named Hrown. who Uvea near tho
penitentiary, In which ho reiterates tho
charges of tho convict, and says that tho
counterfeiting win conducted on a whole
sale scale, tho Issue being silver dollars
skilfully ojecuted. Ho declares that mi
employe of tho Institution acted as tho go
Sir. Morgan's Nleo New Year's fllft.
Nkw Yoisk, Jan. 2. It Isauthorltatlvely
nimounred that the new bond syndicate
has perfected arrangements to tnko the
bond Issue as soon as announced, on the
plan already published $100,000 at once
and another $100,000 at tho option of the
government. Tho bonds will bear Interest
at 4 per cent. Hanker Morgan, lu the
management of tho transaction, will
charge 1 per cent, commission for his ser
vices, which will make tho neat sum ol
$8,000,000, while his profits as a member ol
tho syndlealo may bo as much more.
The Greater Cincinnati.
Cincinnati, .Tan. 2. Cincinnati receiver,
a Now Year's gift of twelvo square miles
of territory yesterday, Increasing tho area
from 2l)i sciuuro nillos to ail'-i, and In
creasing tho population to a.Vi,000. H also
Increases tho tax duplicate $11,000,000,
which Is about 5 per cent. Incrcaso, and In
creases the bonded debt about tl, 500,000,
which Is llkowiso nn lncreaso of about 6
percent. Tho villages annexed are
wood, Avondale, Clifton, Wostwood and
Riverside, flvo villages with an aggrcagatc
population of HI.OOJ.
Cupidity Cnuseil Ills Arrest for Murder.
HliooKLYN, .Tan. 2. Detectives last
night arrested Max llach, 25 years old, on
a charge of double murder, llo Is accused
of having shot and killed Gustavus A.
Grolshugan and his wife cm June 21, 1891,
at Lawtey, llradford county, Fin. Imme
diately after tho murder ho went to live
in .Jacksonville, and then drifted to Brook
lyn. Not very long ago ho married a pretty
girl in this city, and soon afterward laid
claim to property valued at $23,000 located
In Florida. It was this claim that led to
his arrest.
Truant AYorkimin lletiten and Itohked,
Cincinnati, .fan. 2 Lato Tuesday
night three men assaulted Herman Hohl
ing, driver lu a livery stable, and after
beating him Into Insensibility took from
his trunk nbout $1,000 In gold. They over
looked a packago containing over $11,000
in bonds and greenbacks, which Holding,
though only a driver, had accumulated in
his Wl years. Yesterday two of tho three!
men were arrested. They were John
Weber and Peter Shannon, both drivers.
Nearly half tho money was recovered.
To lllllld Up
both the llesh and the strength of pale, puny,
scrofulous children, get Dr. Pierce's Golden
.Medical Discovery. It's the best tiling
known for a wasted body and a weakened
system. It thoroughly purifies the blood,
enriches it, and makes eH'cctive every natural
means of cleansing, repairing, nnd nourishing
tlio system. In recocring from "Jji Grippe,"
pneumonia, fevers, or other debilitating
diseases, nothing can equal it as an appetizing,
restorative tonic to bring back health and
vigor. Cures nervous and general debility.
All diseases of lower bowel, including rup
ture and pile tumors, radically cured. Book
of particulars free. World's Dispensary
Medical Association, 0(13 Main St., llullalo,
N. Y.
Vlo Jays Without rood or Water,
Galvkston, Tex., Jim. 1. Captain II.
X' 1I1. tl.n W,,T- f ,,,.1,1 , ,.r t,n
Ajierlean schooner Jula A. Ward, havo
justVirrived from Menustcau, La., on the
schooiicr M. L. Weaver. Tlio Ward was
driven on tho Louisiana coast on tho
morning of Deo. 20, and soon afterward
sunk. Tlio crew escaped on a raft, and on
tho night of tho 21th, having landed, thoy
reached tho plantation of Arthur Frank
lin In a famished and exhausted condi
tion, having been without food or water
for flvo days.
Storm Danmgo In New Kngliuul.
HostoN, Jan. 1. As tlio reports come in
from all over New England, particularly
from points along tho coast, tho losses
caused by tho Btorm continue to grow
well up Into tho thousands. Tho storm
was tho most severe that has visited Now
England formally years. Tho seaports of
tho capo district and In Mulno wero tho
heaviest sufferers. Tho wind reached n
velocity of forty to fifty miles an hour.
Gray Gables, President Cleveland's sum
mer resldonce, was considerably damaged.
Mr. Vm. Thornton of 127 Y. Mui kc
Slreet l'.xpluliis lur.v uiiil
Why Ho Did It.
(From Ihe Khnlra Gtizvttr i
Old ago has many i.illnuiiies. nunc of
which arc moro prevalent than kidm-v dis
orders. Have you ever noticed turn Ihe
old peopla complain of backucue, Zaun
back, anil general listlcssne.-ssV Am! thm
lire many other s.Miiptnms of wlmh llley
ilo nut speak, tiirh as Llciatuiir of I ho
limbs, painful and Infreijuenl u:i.ial!np
or exc'Cbsivonevs of urinniy dwih.irgc
Most people think they are too old to
liud relief nnd cure, hut this U not
s.i. No iK'ttcr evidence tlinn the follow
ing, which comus liom an r.unira citizen,
who has been cured of o very sevi re case
at 77 veins of ago. Mr. Win, Thornton of
Pi7 W Market Street, upoulis of ids c :iw;
lu thU way. "1 am 77 years old. I U.ive
been (ittlkted with that Uieadec! conn : "iit
(kidney disease) for over ten years, mak
ing my old ago iv burden. I wub so bad
as to bo forced to carry n bell at nil times,
and, when my suffering became bovmul
endurance. I would nut on tho belt diuw-
lug It tightly around inc and buckle it,
thus briuging an extreme pressure over the
kidneys; this, undoubtedly, forced the
urine out, a function which tlio kidneys
themselves had become too diseased to per
form. Mv condition I nut down to n
strain 1 received. I begun taking Douu's
Kidney Pills. After two or three days I
noticed their effect. 1 was much surprised,
as tho ailment was so severe and so long
standing, while I had tried many remedies
without nny relief whatever. The pain I
have experienced ot times from straining
in my efforts to discharge tho urine was
simply awful. I have done away with
tho use of my leather belt, and tho pain
has nil gone, and 1 recommend Douu's
Kidney Pills to all ufllictcd with kidney
r.ed urinary disorders. "
jor sale by all dealers, or sunt by mail
on receipt of price by Foster-Mllburn Co.,
Uullalo, H. Y., win ilgcnts for tuo U, o.
Insurgents' Friends Claim That They Arc
Still rushing Westwnnl,
HAVANA, Jan. 2. Tho news received
from tho front today tends to confirm pre
vious deductions mado regarding the
movements of tho Insurgents. His ad
mitted onco more that tho Cubans aro
again marching westward, and with the
Intention, apparently, of pushing for Los
1'nlos, a small town on tho railroad lead
ing to (iulues and well westward of Sin
tanzas and tho town of Alfonso XII.
Pubis Is slightly southward nnd a little to
tho west of, tho most westerly
point yet reached by tho Insurgents, and
where they are reported to havo burned
tho railroad station a day or so ago.
The Spanish oftlclals explain tills move
ment westward by saying that the Insurg
ents Intend to return eastward towards
tho province of Santa Clara through tho
northern part of tho Sagua district, as
they are tinnblo to get eastward through
Jagtiey Clilco, in tho provinco of Santa
Clara, owing to the measures taken by the
government to prevent them from so do
ing. Hut as this would bo tho most round
about and utterly Incomprehensible way
of proceeding eastward tho friends of tho
Insurgents ridicule tho Idea, and continue
insisting that tho forces of Gomez and
JIaceo nro steadily pushing westward. It
Is announced that two battalions of troops
will arrlvoat Matanzas today from bantl
splrltus and Jucrro, to enforce tho garrl
son of Matanzas.
For n pain iu tlio chest a piece of Manuel
dampened with Chamberlain's l'ain ltalm
'""""1 '" over tlic sent of the pain, and
another on the back between the shoulders,
will afford prompt relief. This is especially
valuable iu cases where the pain is caused
by a cold and theio is a tendency toward
pneumonia. For Kile by Gruhlcr Pros,,
Lcnz's Ileal h Ulineiiged.
Alton, Ills., Jnn. 2. A letter received
from W. L. Sachteleben by his father
brings tho tidings that two moro of
tho Kurds, arrested mid on trial for tho
murderof F. G. Lonz, the Pittsburg wheel
man, hnvo escaped, and that in tho pres
ent unsettled state of affairs at Krzeroum
and throughout Armenia pursuit will bo
useless. It seems, in so far as tlio object
of avenging tlio death of Leuz was con
cerned, Sachtelobon's efforts havo proved
an utter failure.
Alleged Ilooilllng In Detroit.
Detkoit, Jan. 2. Thero Is much talk of
boodlo ln connection with the amended
ordinance, which was passed by common
council on Tuesday, giving tho Detroit
Citizens' Street Hallway company a new
franchise running for thirty years. One
of tho stories Is to the effect that thero is
$70,000 in tho pot. Tho ehnrges will un
doubtedly lead to an investigation by tlio
grand jury, and some sensational develop
ments aro expected.
Says We Can Triumph Against Europe.
LoSDOX, Jan. 2. Frederick Harrison,
tho well known critic and revlowcr, In a
lecture here, said that tho Venezuela crisis
presented a very real danger, and would
leavo formidable problems unsolved.' lu
tho event of war tho United States would
suffer In tho first instance, but lu tho end
would raise such a fleet and army that sho
would eventually bo triumphant against
Ministers Not Impelled.
London, Jan. !!. According to tho ofll
clnls of tlio foreign oflieo hero and tho
Spanish amlia-isador to London, thero is
no truth in tlio report which lias reached
Caracas, Venezuela, from Hogota, republic
of Colombia, that the Spanish nnd British
ministers have beon summarily expelled
from Hogota or from Colombia.
Many merchants are well aware that their
customers are their best friends and take
pleasure In supplying them with the best
goods obtainable. As all instancowe men
tion Perry oi Cameron, prominent druggists
of Flushing, Michigan. Tliey say: "Wo
have no hesitation in recommending t'liaiu
berl.iin's Cough liemeily to our customers,
as it is the best cough medicine we havo
ever sold, and always gives satisfaction."
For Kile nt 25 and SO cents per bottle by
Gruhlcr Pros., druggists.
Coming KientM.
Jan, Lntertainnient by the Ministering
Children's League of tlio All Saints' 1'. K.
church, in liobhins' hall.
Jan. 18. Grand Welcome Meeting to Brig
adier Hown and lhisigu Gillicrt, at Kyangelical
Fell. 20. Supper and entertainment under
the auspices of Council No. 81, Daughters of
Liberty, iu iiobbins' hall.
ICellt-f III Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder discuses
relieved in six hours by tho "New Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surpnso on account of its
exceeding promptness lu relieving pain in
tho bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in rualo or leuialo.
It relieves retention of water nnd pain iu
passing it almost Immediately, If you want
quick relief and euro tills Is your remedy.
Sold hy Isaac Shapiro, druggist, 107 South
Slain street.
Murdered on a Genrtrla fstrect,
AtHANY, (hi., Jau, 2. Thomas H. Hoy.
nobis, a ono armed man, shot and killed
George Cox on tlio strcot horo. Hoynolds
said Hint Cox had been too attentive to
Mrs. ltsynohls, who had separated from
her husband on account of brutal treat
ment. After tho llht shot Cox fell on hU
knees and begged tho murderer not to
shoot again, but IteyuohU fired a second
time, killing Cox Instantly. Hoynolds was
Insanely jealous, and thero Is no truth lu
Ids assertion against tlio doad man.
lhiKiurer and rireiiuiu Killed.
DliNVfin, Jan. 2. Tho Hooky Mountain
Nows' special train on tho Douver anil
Hlo Grande railroad was wrecked at
Malta, four miles this sldo of Lcadvlllo.
Tho train slowed down as It approached
Malta station, but tho rails being covered
with lco and snow tho wheels Bllpped nnd
tho unglno jumped tho track, crashing
luto tlio depot. The engineer, I. H. linker,
and tlio fireman, II. Hnrtiuiin, woro hor
ribly crushed and burned, nud both died
In n short time.
Killed on tlio Kv of III Mnrrlngn,
Usiontown, l'a., Jan. 2. W. II. Lohr,
of Salt Uck township, was out on n hunt
Imr imrty on Monday, when his gun was
discharged by slipping from his hand and
btrlking a rock. Tlio load tore out his
stomach, but his remarkable iiorvo onablcd
hint to tlo up his wounds, and ho was car
ried to tho residences of John Cusie, whero
ho died iu an hour. Ho was engaged to
marry Maud Hoover, of Springfield town
ship, on Now Year's day.
Sillier Announces Slorton's Candidacy,
Hkw Youk, .Tan. 2. Kx-Scnntor Warner
Miller said today that (iovernur Morton
had authorized his friends to state that he
hud consented to become a candidate for
president of the United Ktutos. Chaunccy
M. Depow won d not discuss the subject,
but announced that ho would glvooutn
statement later concerning tho matter.
lteuanl for Kentucky Lyncher").
KltANKFOliT, Ky., .Tan. 2. Governor
Urndley Issues a proclamation offering
$1)00 reward for tho conviction of any or
all of tho parties participating In tho burn
ing of Mrs. T. .T. West and tho murder of
N. A. Dovoros, of Marlon county. To tU'a
Is lidded a reward of $2,033 by cltizons of
tho county.
l'lllnl Sleighing Accident,
Four Ys'AYNU, Ind., .Inn. 2. Yesterday
a Nickel I'lntepassongertraln crushed Into
a sleigh at Claypool. and the cutter nnd
two men were hurled several yards. Will
iam Doddridge, u druggist, was Instantly
killed and H.iulel Hhoudos, a wealthy
farmer, hnd his skull crushed and will dlo.
Alleged Hebuke to llayaril.
Wahiunmton. .Tan. 2. It Is understood
that Secrntii-y Olniy wrote a month ago
to Anilia Hador Huyaitl deolnving his
speech"! m Oiil Iixum and Kdluburgli
Indiscnvi. uKji'.iiuus, and u IvUIng lihn
nut to repeat the offeusj whtpj in Un
diplomatic service.
.Tosepli Cook a Wreck.
ClllCAHCi. Jan a.-r-Dr. Nohle, an Ultimate
friend iihd pliy4eiiu m .ho Hov. Joseph
Coc;-. snyS the leeilirer is a wreck, ills la
imrs h.ivln- be in th: on neurasthenia, a
frv ells i. fieri iliculnble lu ti person
it his ngc.
On tho
Solid llasls
Of Pure, Well,
Ked Wood,
Is real and lasting.
Opiate Compounds, Narcotics
And Nerve Stimulants are
Temporary and Dangerous.
Builds permanent
Good Health
llccauso it
Purities, Vitalizes
And Enriches the Ulood.
Cures Scrofula, Catarrh,
Nervousness, "Weakness,
Dyspepsia. Try it.
Prepared by C. I, Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Hood's Pills
the after-dinner pill nnd
family cathartic. Ac
'fOOO oooooo ooooooooc-o ooo oo
; Inter national
Invaluable in Office, School, nnd lTonu
Successor of the
Stamlnrd of tlio 1
ti. 8. (iov't l'rlat-
lug Office, the U. S. 1
Burrcnio Court, ami 1
of nearly all tlio '
School books.
AVnrmlv com
mended by State .
Superintendents .
1 of Schools, and ,
other Educators al
most without num
' It Is easv to find the word wanted.
lYorus are Riven n.eir correct nipuaueucm places,'
cacu una ueaiuuuiK ti raroKruiui.
i It Is easv to ascertain the pronunciation.
critically marked letters used lu Ihe sclioolljooks. i
i no DronunciaLion laMiown I v ma ortunnrv urn-
It It easv to trace the crowth of o word.
1 lie etymologies are full, and lite different mean;
lira yivvu ui uic viuccv. lueiruevciujmiciu.
It Is easv to learn what a word means.
'I lie dentations are clear, explicit, and full, and
encll Is cuntalned In a separate paragraph.
a. .0 C. MimitTAM CO., l'tibllslwrs,
npriusiieia, Jiiass., u.a.A.
Specimen pages, etc., sent en application.
The Backus Water Motoi
Is the Most Economical Power Known,
and the Best In the World for Driving:
Light Machinery.
It takes but little room.
It never gets out of repair.
It can not blow up.
It requires no fuel.
It needs no engineer.
There Is no ilolny; no firing up; no ashes to
clean away; no extra insurance to juiy; no rn
pairing neeensary; no coal liilU to pay, mul U 1
always ready for use. It U !uviiliiiWo foi
hlowiiig Church Oriraus, fur Printing
l'ressoti, newuiK .uucuinen, i timing jellies,
Scroll Haws, (triad Stones, UotTro Mills. SausiuTc
Mnchi lies, l'Ycd Cutters, Corn Mills, Klevntorm.
Ktc. Kourdiorse ihiwcr ut 10 pounds pressure of
water. It is noigulcee, neat, cumiiait, steady,
und above till
Price, $15 to $300,
Send for circular to the llackiw Water Moto,
Co., Newark, N. J., ntutlug iper you saw
udvertlbeiiieut in.
We also manufacture Patent Rotating
and Exhaust Fans.
Send for Special Catalogue on
Tlio Day Observed nt Washington In tho
Old l'nsliloneil Way.
Washington, Jan. ?. New Y'ear's day
was eolobrated hero In thn good old fash
ioned way. Washington, of lalo years, Is
nlinost the only city that has retained the
old custom. Calls were oxchaiiged by
everybody In ofliclal and private llfo. All
of tho officials) received, tho president first
of nil, tho vloo president, tho members of
tho cabinet, heads of bureaus, and so on
down to the humblest officials, and after
that tho great social public
Just before 11 o'clock tho president and
Mrs. Cleveland dosoonded tho stairway
from tho private portion of the house and
tool; his pluco in tho blue parlor next the
door, with Mrs. Cleveland on his right. Iu
tho lino bosldo her were tho wives of the
members of tho cabinet and Miss Her
bert, daughter of Secretary Herbort. Mrs.
Smith was prevented from attending by
tlio lllnoes of her daughter. In the renr of
tho lino were fho menibors of the cabinet
and a numbor of ladles Invited to assist In
tho reception.
Tho most nttractlvo feature of tho great
reception was tlio scene in tho vast east
room. Tho daylight was excluded by heavy
curtains and tho room was Hooded with
tho soft light from tho great hemispheres
of opal glass In the celling, which lit up In
most attractlvo stylo tho toilets of the
ladies and tho splendid uniforms of the
diplomatic corps and of tho army and
navy officers. As tho general public began
to enter the house, however, this scono dls-
.....1 ...w.. 41. n ......... .na Hllr.,1 wltb
u use imouK. cununsiy yiuiiiuk liiu ..v.-
orations and discussing tho appearance of
tho presidential party and other features
ol tho .Sow Year s day reception.
Kleetrin Hitters.
Electric Hitters is a medicine suited for any
season, but perhaps more generally needed iu
the spring, when the languid exhausted
feeling prevails, when the liver Is torpid and
sluggish and the need of a tonic and altera
tive is felt. A prompt uso of this medicine
lias often averted long mid perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No medicine will act more
surely iu counteracting and freeing the sys
tem from the malarial poison. Ileaclaclie,
Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to
Electric Hitters. Only fifty cents per bottle
at A. Waslcy's drug store.
Notorious Thief Captured.
Indian vi', Jan. 2. Dick Wilson
grabbed a tray coiiialnlng nbout $400
worth of diamonds In tho store of C. J.
ltollls, In Massachusetts avenuo, this city,
Tuesday night, and ran with them, but
was caught after an exciting chase. Yes
terday ho was identified as C. A. liar
din, who, witli a man mimed Elrod, some
years ago, It Isalleged, robbed tlio "Wclls-
Fargo Express company of a package con
taining $:i.,000. Ho was arrested, but ac
quitted because of lack of ovldeuco. Ills
wlfo was also arrested yesterday ns an al
leged shoplifter.
.Murvcdoiis ltusulta.
From a letter written by llcv. J. Guncler-
nuin, of Diiiionihile, Mich., wo aro permitted
to make this extract : "I have no hesitation
in reeomiiiendine Dr. Kiim's Xcw Discovery.
as the lesults were "nlinost marvelous in the
case of my wife. bile I iras pastor of tlio
liaptist c liurcli at itives junction sue was
brought down vith I'ncunionia succeeding
La (irippe. Terriblo jiaroxysms of coughing
would last hours with llttlo interruption and
It seemed us If she could not Mirvlve them.
A lrieiid recommended Dr. King's scw
Diseoverj'; It was quick in its work and
highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles
free at A. Waslcy's dniK store, lingular size
50e and $1.00.
Murder Follows a New Year's Dunce,
Camden, N. J., .Tun. 2. A New Year's
evo dance was given nt tlio residence of
Albert Cropper, a colored musician, About
i o'clock yesterday morning Thomas
Gould left tlio houso, nnd was followed by
"William Robinson, who caught up to
Gould and fired threo shots nt him, killing
hlin Instantly. Jealousy wns'the cause of
tho crime, owing to tho attention paid by
both men to Jessie Uorton, a slstor of Mrs.
Cropper. Hoblnson was arrested.
Held Up l Sheriff".
ELL1SVILLE, Miss., Jan. 2. Tuesday
night when Sheriff H. E. Dovnll was leav
ing his oltlco throo masked men covered
him with revolvers and told htm to glvo
up his llfo or his money, saying they pre
ferred tho money, and demanded that ho
open tho safe. Tlio sheriff gavo them the
keys, and they opened tho safo nud took
nbout ?3,000 bolonglng to tho county.
Eight Hours for fit, Lotiln llookliliulerg.
ST. Louis, Jan. 2. The demands of the
800 union bookbinders of this city of eight
hours work for tho former pay of ten hours
has been acceded to by eleven of tho princi
pal firms. But two largo flrnn will resist
the deiniiud. These will try to run with
nou-unlou men.
Not a few who read what Mr. Itohert
Itowls, of Hollands, Ya., has to say bolow,
will remember their own experience under
like circumstances. "Last winter I had hi
grippo which left mo in a low state of health.
I tried numerous remedies, nono of which
did me nny good, until I was induced to try
a bottle of Chamberlain's Cougli Itcnicdy.
Tho first bottle of It so far relieved 1110 that
I was enabled to attend to my work, and the
second hottlo efl'ected a cure." Tor sale at
25 and 50 cents per bottle byQrulilur llroi.,
Frosli outbreaks aro reported at Orfuh,
Aslatlo Turkey, though no dotplls ury
Haron Montoftoro, son of tho lato Sir
Mcxos MimtKliore. luw buen appointed
Italian consul general in Ixiudou
Ilenrv . and D.ivhlH. Quurltts, lOyear-
old eoiiblns, wero killed by n twin while
crossing tho rnllroad tracks at l'illyrous,
neur Hlchnioud, Va.
In a light with a wildcat near Kredonla,
N. Y.. Arthui woodman, a noy, was nib-
fluured for llfo. Ills face and shoulders
aro terribly laeeratod.
In a L'enerul light at Straight Creek
mines, near Ahland, Ky., Charles Jones
and l,on Irwin woro fatally shot and
Thomas Wolfo stabbed.
A dispatch from Ciinca, Island of Crete,
says that tho Cretan revolutionary com
mittee has Informed tho foreign consuls
that It declines to surrender.
llucklen's Arnica SuHe.
Tho best salvo In tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It 'a guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
25 cents jier box. For sale hy A . Wasloy,
lluy Keystone flour. Jio euro that the
nn in ii Lkhsio & llAKlt, Ashland, l'u,, Is
prlutcd on every tack, tf
Cold and Cough
Promptly Effectual lu Curing!
and Coughs and a Sure Prl
Pneumonia and all Lung Dice!
Munyoifs Cold Cure will posit
up the crip or a cold iu a few lioi
as soon nstlic cold appears, lit'
reaches the lungs and thcro is
cmprbed brcathine Munvon's (
used In alternation with the void
half hour, will effect an ilnnii
When there Is pain in tlio
Plasters will give crcnt re
protection. These i.tuccUj
veniive oi pneuinoni.i an
Why Poison Your
with dangerous limits why ntj
yon's New and Improxcd Honioe
Homo ltemtillcs. A separate specific for
disease. Absolutely harmless. Positivj
permanent cure8, .w ciruggisus,
bottle. J1
Personal letters to Prof. Sliil
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa.4
Witli free medical advice for any tl
u?jm iiir-vnil oore laroai, i impies, ot.. &,
bJiicr.MF.liY co no? Ainsonic TemptrJ
iClilenarn. 111., for r-roofs of cures, cmil'
(ill, fsr.oOJOO. Worst esses cured In 10
to clnys. lOO-pnne booU free.
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
All work guaranteed to be first-class 111 every
finrticular. Silk tics nnd Ineo curtains n jspec
nlty. Goods called for nnd delivered. A trial
order solicited
iit'ftt.i ui.'f 'r-'r I.-'
1KH WATl 1
OF . . . ;
J i kvt nivmniH i (ij u
A euro for heniiiiclie nnR
Htonitu li troubles. hlrtS
wkihh ?rshlrts,
5 7 anil 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah z
Are YOU busy ? i to
Hen of all Kinds WeaT- Clcthi
Ami our 1iii.Iuchm 1h (u nmkii Clothr
Kinds of men, 1 1
Custom Tailor Maae
from $10.00 to $30.00. Trousers frcAi
to S10.00.
r n KaIn-la- . .1 aw
...o.w.f n.v.iinlntniu.n in vVUMf nw J
tliciii iiihI It will ts' lihn wi-ll In iff i It.
Address, S. J. It.
1V21 I.fcfnyctto. IUuKT.MUylvU,
C9k rhtohffprH EncIUh Diamond II rand.
Pennyroyal pills
fV&iK irr. ftlwiri rell&blo. LOlC lt i
mmnfRM.Lj In Iforf ftn.l (.'oU mPtilllaX
botea, aealed witb Una ribbon, iako '
now and imitation: At DrugglMi, or lend 4c.
In itarari Ar, particular, teU mould J al
" Keller for 4llc.,, Utter, by return
Xf 1 it.nnit TvntiiaottltU. Xamt Itivir,
Do you DESIRE to Make
Mnko your money enrn you u monthly
$10.00 and moro mnile dully by our new sys
tcmntlo Plan of Operation on small Investment
In irrain nun mock speculation.
All we usk is to investlitate our new and
oritcinal methods, l'nst workings of plan nn
hlRhcst references furnished. Our llooklet
"l'olnts Ii Hints" how to make money nnit
other Information sent 1 ltr.1';.
Gilmorc 4. Co., llsnkerannu llroKcrs.
ltnnul of 'Arnila H11l'! Clllcnko. II
- - (
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
Celebrated FemalJ
1'mvdurn BovcrfuM
i0,&mj r4ulie tlfClar lUi''
wll. ir.. .. HnnoMoBl I'lll ami nthfl 111
nolntmenC (Jutrtntecd u(erlyr to nil
lhUttlntheinirkrt, A K. 1. l'nticuli
VJiX, liock Ut, Xtoctoo, Uui.
ruiittjRi;. iivyt uuy iu uwi uu
Bart aiio cure f no 4!
uusku;' viu'in upe.
i in ei ti.m a
Sua uiiiHj mm n
1 to en"' I)d J
nkes: i
I' Li
1 H
to call?!