The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 02, 1896, Image 1

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Tor Family Trade
j'o paper can take the place of
g Mf erait. It is read daily j
fj' nrrp member of the family 3
Advertisers appretiate this. 3
' HRSH fapcr comes H ft I B 1 Hp 11 II HI ll 11 fl ll
WmMM '' buyers. The 1 H B I 1 I 1 1 1 R V
WSK brutes trade that can g Vlfefc' AJ JJtfe J, llr' I' JJL IL. I
Iginii. . in anothtr way. f Cr r 7 sT v N7 'y I &
wm? )uiuuimiuuuiumii)iuiiumir2 .
m rm"-
Williams 8c
Seasonable Goods
P At Gaughan's.
We are prepared to supply the wants of everybody
from a stock that has been carefully selected for the occasion.
The large patronage that we are receiving daily from the large
crowds of buyers that enter our store is an indication that our
goods and prices are a fetching card.
We are leaders in our line. Our large purchases always for
cash give us an advantage over all others, enabling us to sell
to you as cheap as our competitors can buy.
Infough Our Cloak Room
And see the pretty Coats and Capes we have to offer you at
enticing prices. We have a large selection and you are sure
to find the garment you are looking for, less in price than you
would expect to pay.
ksk Table Linens From 20c
Napkins, Doylies and Hemstitched Table Sets. Ladies' and
tgents1 fur-top gloves, kid gloves in all leading shades and
colors ; LAWN, LHNbN AINU blLK nAHUKUKLnithS with
Vud vithout initials, and silk umbrellas. These are items
rerybody will be looking
fetty things we have to offer.
A- Vm.j
liming lew
lexprcas 71
-8- Kxvr
13 n. m;
nr Pnr.1
p, iu, 15 ana
Cheapest Place In Town.
y 3 W. Centre St.,
bo t-
V-- V?, S. . 1
Our Fancy Java, or
Irdto Tea, we occupy a
arefi'lly selected by competent
1 i
i' Mb c 4
jonvince you that we can please the most fastidious customers.
7e offer nothing but good
imd flavor, and they are
Son, S. Main St
per Yard Up.
for and are only a few of the many
IMo. 27
N. Main St.
irer vent.
s 2
Man, supplied with reasoning and dis
cerning powers, may improve his con
dition by the exercise of these faculties.
This can be applied with very good
effect in the purchase of Coffees and
Teas. A good cup of Coffee depends
not only on the making but the brand
of Coffee, the grade. the roasting and
preparation are very important factors.
We feel confident that we can meet all
those requirements. A delicious cup
of' Coffee is a certainty if you use
our Fancy Blended Coffee.
front rank, all our Teas being very
judges, and a trial order will
grades that are noted for quality,
sold at popular prices
Philadelphia street Railroads May Again
Be Tied Up.
While the Company Practically Agreed to
Recognize Organized Labor, Manager
Beetem Insists They Must Re
linquish Right to Organize.
PlltLAl)Ri.rillA,.Tan.S. Atnn cnrlyhour
this morning tlio Hltuntlon of affairs In the
street railway trimhlu was very gravo.
Tho employes wcro then in oxecutlve ses
sion with their lenders and vnrlous com
mittee, and It was evident from tho nt
mosphero of thing tlint ft second fctrlko
could bo easily precipitated. Tho mutter
under discussion was tho result of a con
ferunro hold earlier in tho night liy a sub
comniltteo of tho omployos and Goneral
Manager Beetem, of tho Union Traction
Tills meeting had lasted three hours,
and at Its conclusion tho aspect of affairs
was favorable for an adjustment of tho
difficulties. In answer to uuostious, tho
men said they camo as employes of tho
company, but did not dony their member
ship in tho Amalgamated Association of
Street Railway Workers, which has been
tho stumbling block throughout. An
earnest discussion thon followed of the
proposition inado by tho company last
Monday night, asking tho men to agree
that all differences aro adjusted If tho 200
lmportod motcrmcn and conductors wero
put at tho foot of the "extra" list, nud tho
old men given their former runs. Jlr.
Beetem added that tho company wns doing
everything in its power to bottor tho con
dition of tho 111011, and was considering
tho question of shorter hours.
There was au apparent disposition on
tho part of tho commlttco to nccept tho
proposition as an amendment to tho agree
ment by which they refused to work after
tho recont striko. Tho members, how
ever, were not entirely authorized to do so,
und at midnight went to Harmonlo hall,
where u mass meeting of tho workers was
in session, awaiting tho report of tho re
sult of tho conference with tho general
manager. Mr. Beetem declared that tho
whole trouble must bo settled forthwith,
and ho promised to wnit for tho result of
tho mass meeting's action.
Tho Harmonic hall meeting was at
tended by u roprescntatlvo gathorlug of
tho workers, with Leader Million, of tho
Amalgamated Association, and tho var
ious committees. All other porsons were
excluded, but from tho Indignant cries
and angry expressions coming from the
meeting room and a word or two of infor
mation given by men passing in and out
it was apparent that there wos 'much dis
satisfaction with tho result of the confer
ence with Mr. Beetem. At 3 o'clock this
morning tho meeting was still In session.
Whon tho striking conductors and mo
tormeu returned to their cars under tho
agreement with tho Union Tractlo'n com
pany, they say, they understood that their
union was to bo recognized. Thoy consider
Mr. Bectein's declaration to their repre
sentatives at Monday night's conference
as a blow at the association. It will lx) re
membered that tho general manager said
ho would hear the grievances of tho men
as stated in the agreement, but that nil
nev men would bo obliged to pledge them
selves not to join any labor organization.
Since this announcement tho men have
becamo Imbued with tho Idea that thoy
gained nothing by going bock to work. A
canvass was made, and In nearly every
caso tho working conductors and motor
men aro said to havo oxpressed a willing
ness to striko again.
President Million Is doing his utmost to
avert ui'othor striko nt tills tlmo. Ho de
clares that Mr. Beetom's proposition Is "a
game of bluff," not representing tho vlows
of tho directors of tho company. Ho urgos
the men to Insist on dealing directly with
a committee of tho directors, nud feels
coufldont that such 11 commlttco can bring
about an adjustment of existing diffi
culties. Regarding a statomont tiiat the Traction
company could "secure 1,200 men at a mo
ment's notice," Mr. Million said that tho
statement was clearly disproven during
tho recent strike.
Three rntully Iluruetl by 3Ilno ftns.
Siiamokin, Jan. S!. Klvo mon wero
badly burned, threo of them probably fa
tally, by nn oxplosiou of gas In tho Girard
mliio Tuosday night. Those who are
likely to dlo from their bums nrd: Samuel
MeDungol, mlnorj Michael Yundea,
miner, and Joseph Eucowskl, laborer.
Superintendent Aloxnudor haw and Koro
mau Kvau .Tonkins wero sorlously burned,
but will rccovor. There Is very llttlo hopo
for tho other three men. Their bodies pro
sont n horrible nppearauco. The ilesli was
so torribly roasted that it dropped from
tlielr arms and facos In large pieces. Tho
oxplosiou was caused by 0110 of tho miners
going Into tho chumber with a naked
llnulloj'a I'renlilentlul llniiin,
KltANKFOUT, Ky., Jan. 2. A convention
of leading Republicans was held in tho of.
flco of Governor Bradley Tuesday night,
and the "Bradley boom" forpresidont was
started. This was tho tliume, and tho
toasts to tho governor wcro full of "Happy
New Years" and wlshos for his political
preformoilt in tho year 1800. All thoBtorlos
concerning Governor Bradley's caudidacy
for tho sonatorshlp aro set at rost. Ho Is
not 11 senatorial candidate, but has his oyo
on bigger gamo. Ho will havo a solid del
egation from Kentucky, as well as delega
tions from a numbor of othor souther 11
i:lviuU Its ireetlng.
The Columbia Brewing Company wishos
everybody a happy New Year and returns its
thanks to Us many friends who havo
patronized them so liberally during the past
year and promlso to try to merit a continu
ance of tho same.
Kendrlclc House Free I.unch.
Bean soup to-night.
And Mr. llritro Win lllni.rlr Chosen
l'l-i'slilent of Miirylaiitl'A Si-iiutn.
AJtNAl-ous, .Inn. 2.-Senator W. Cabell
Bruce was elected president of tho sennto
yesterday, and the anticipated deadlock In
that body was thereby broken. Tills re
sult was a caso of the "mountain coming
to Mohammed," as Senator Bruce, by
persisting in refusing to accept tho action
of Tuesday night's caucus of his Demo
cratic colleagues In nominating Seuutor
John Walter Smith for tho ofllco, has
brought his own election to tho place.
This surprising result ciuno about
through tho efforts of ox-Governor Jack
son hud Senator Michael to restore har
mony In tho Democrntlo ranks, and n con
ference of tho loaders of tho Democrats in
tho stinato was hold at which It was stated
that Senator Bruce's decision not to abide
by tlio result of tho catena was final, and
that In tho event of a oontcst In tho senate
upon that or nny other arising out of It
ho would In all probability act with the
Republicans. To add to tho difficulties
In th6 wny of tho Democrats, It was also
announce:! that Sonator Michael would act
with tho Republicans, which would give
tho opposition a majority of one.
Under these circumstances thero was
nochlngclsofortho Democrats to do but
to ncflept tho inevitable, which thoy did
upon tlio assembling of tho scuatoatnoou,
when Senator Jackson nominated Sena
tor Bruce for tho presidency, ''iicro were
no other nominations, and twenty-ftve
senators voted lor Senator Bruco, who re-!
f ruined from voting. j
iho only other feature of tlio session was
tho presentation of memorials contesting
tho seats of Senators Bond (Dem.)from
Calvert county and Wostcott (Rep.) from
Kdnt county.
Tho ticket adopted nt Tuesday night's
Republican caucus, headed by ex-Congressman
Sldnoy K. Muild, of Charles
county, for speaker, was clec ed in the
After tho reading of tho governor's mes
sago nn adjournment was taken until
Tuesday next to allow tho list of commit
tees to bo made up.
A ileum or .iiuinrui'tirc.
MKIJ1A, I'n., .lull. 2. Tho inquest held
by Coroner Quinby on tho body of Mrs.
Irono Lockwood developed tho fact,
through tho testimony of Dr. S. A. Beaie,
that tlio woman died of nialprnctlce. Tlio
jury rendered n verdict thatdeath resulted
from Criminal mnlpracticc, Inflicted by
sonio person or persons unknown to tho
TUo Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer
sey: i'nlr and warmer; southwesterly
At ltreen's Itliilto Cure.
Pea soup as free lunch to-night.
Free hot lunch every morning.
Meals served at all hours.
A Happy Nmv Year to You.
We pluck tho wishbone of prosperity with
you theso first days of '11(1 ; to tho thousands
of pleased buyers who have helped us build
tho largest Dry Goods business in our town
we extend a hearty greeting. The changes
wo intend making after April 1st makequirk
selling necessary. We begin to-day a (HI days
sale of If 20,000 wortli of ilno Dry Goods at
prices that menu dollars saved to every
buyer. Watch our daily newsof bargains, but
better still come to our store often and seo
the daily bargain sales. This week we will
offer Itemnants, tho season's lot of ends of all
kinds of goods at about half regular prices.
3t L. J. Wilkinson-, 20 S. Main St.
Well lntronlzeil.
Tho danco in Itobbins' opera lio ise lust
night under the auspices of the Itilcy or
chestra was excellently patronized and a
very enjoyalilo oveuing was spent. The
orchestra had a busy new year season. It
played at tho licscuo hall on Tuesday even
ing, at Mahanoy Plane yesterday afternoon
nud furnished tlio music for its own dame
hist night.
Tho Turkish Company, at 121 North Main
street, is attracting largo and well pleased
audiences. Tho program is both novel and
interesting. it
Henry Wamick, of West Coal street, was
yesterday notllled of tho death of his father
at Pottsvillo. The funeral will take place in
that town to-niorrow.
.Mrs. Oithorino 'Moonoy, a former resilient
of this town, died at St. Clair Monday even
ing. Tho deceased lived hero until a few
mouths ago, and after the death of her
lund went to livo with friends at St. Cl.ilr.
Watson House, l-'ree I.iiueli.
Boston Baked Beans to-niglit.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Marriages on the Im-reuM.
The records at the Begislcr's olilce show
that uiarriiiees in thiseminlv nm mi the in
crease. During the year 1NI1 there were
issiicu 11.' marriage licenses. Dining the
year just closed ltegistor Matteu issued USUI
licenses, miikim? nn imriuisn rr 1 in t,i nm.i
of 1MI3. Tho piewuit year being leap year, it
is natural 10 suppose mat the latter number
will still be Increasisl.
Sehellly House.
Delicious mock turtle soup to-night.
At the bar : All tho delicacies of the season
in every style,
The I I 1st Case.
The first caso of assault and battery in
this town for tho new year was before. Jit.
tico Williams last ntijht. Felix Gczefrkl was
put under $500 ball for stiikiug Anthony
Fast on tho head with a bottle ill u saloon on
South Main street.
Host gasTltting is done by P. W Bell.
To Klect a Director.
A regular meeting of the School Hoard will
bo hehl this ovcuiug'nnd au election to 1111
the vaoauoy on tlio board caused by the death
of School Director John T. Stanton will be
Have ho leaks in your gas and water mains
repaired, by P. W. Bell, tho plumber.
Council Meeting.
The first regular meeting of the llurough
Council for the year 180tl will be held tills
Six People Rendered Partly Unconscious
by Coal Gas.
The House Was Filled With tho Oas by
Reason of a Stove Pipe Falling Prom
Its Place During the Night.
The Victims.
William Jefferson and Ids wife, of Hist
Line street, and four of their children nar
rowly escaped suffocation by coal gas, owing
to a stovo pipo fulling out of plaro while the
family was asleep. Tlio pipes of the parlor
heating and kitchen rango connect with tlio
same chimney. During the night the pipe
in the parlor fell, hut did not make a nolso
sufllelent to awaken any of the family.
There was no liro in the heater, but the coal
gas from tho rango filled tlio house.
The oldest son of the family arrived home
late and found the odor of tlio ras so strong
upon entering that lie left tho front door
open. He then called for his father. l!e
ceiving no answer the son hurried up stairs
to the sleeping apartments and found Mr.
and Mrs. Jefferson, Bessie, aged 18 mouths;
Annie, r years, Harrison, 7 years, and John,
0 years, in a stupor, but lie succeeded in
arousing them. All had been overcome by
tlie coal gas and shortly after aroused ouch
vomited fieely. It was thought their illness
would he serious, but all except Mrs. Jeffer
son soon rccovcied. Tho latter still sutlers
from the effects, but will recover entirely in
a d.iy or two. It is fortunate that one of tho
family happened to lie out late, and the case
may lie used by some of the married men of
town as an argument in favor of extending
their visits to lodges.
Satisfaction guaranteed by Bell, tho
Hotel and I till 11 at I.nltvslile Destroyed
Under Suspicious Circumstances.
Special to KvnxiMi !Ii;hai.!.
East Maiiano Junction, Jan. 2. Two
lires of a very suspicious character have taken
place here and the people aro very much
alarmed. Between one and two o'clock this
morning the hotel of iiichard B. Coogaii was
totally destroyed by lire. The barn of Farmer
Kinase, situated a short distiuue from the
destroyed hotel, was burned down between
one and two o'clock yesterduy morning. In
both cases the owners' losses weie very
It was supposed that Kraiiso's liaiu w.ts set
on lire accidentally by some one dropping h
lighted mutch while engaged in stealing
fowl. Two cows, two horses, 11 large number
of hogs and several tons of hay and feed
weie dcstioycd. But the destruction of
Congan's hotel has led many to tlio conclu
sion that incendiaries are at work. Tlio fire
started 011 the side uf the building where the
porch was located and thero was nothing in
that part of the house that could have
caused it. The Haines spread so rapidly that
the occupants ere able only to escape with
their lives and a few pieces of clothing they
could catch in their iliglit. Mr. Coogan says
that tho escape from the hotel was almost
miraculous. All the occupants weto in a
sound slumber when the lire started and
were only awakened by the cracking' of
timbers and the stilling effects of the same,
Some wero obliged to grope their way out of
the building through dense volumes of
Our entire stock of underwear in natural
wool, camel's hair, llccce lined and a big
stock of medicated red llannols must be dis
posed of, as wo will positively not carry any
underwear over for the next season. At
MAX I.KVIT'P, 1!S Fast Centre sheet.
A Narrow Incline.
John D.iuks, while standing at tlio comer
of Main and Centre streets this morning,
met witli au accident which might have
proved far more fatal than it did, by a sign
nt' iho Western Iminn 'I'elet.niiili ( 'ntimnnv
which was loosened from its fastenings by
tho recent storm, falling unoii his head and
felling him to the gioiiud. Mr. D.iuks' scalp
was severely lacerated ami ho remained un
conscious for some time.
.V (.onil Pel lorillllliee.
The performance last evening at Ferguson's
theatre by the Schoppo XX Century .Min
strels, including local talent, was greeted
with a good house and proved a success
financially and was very ably leiidercd. The
stage setting in tho first act uas an exact
representation of many produced by llrst-
cliiss minstrel companies, und thojukos wore
I all up-to-date, being greeted by rounds of
' I'Olt 1K1MI,
All tho latest stylei of hats, just received.
I Inspection open to every body. At .MAX
! I.IIVIT'S, IS liist Centre street.
A Wedding.
Mlw l.lllie, daughtei of Mr. and Mrs.
William Needs, and David Feist were mar
ried last evening at the residence of tho
bride's pui'liU, 'M South Bowers street. Miss
Hattio Morris was tlio bridesmaid and Joseph
Feist the groomsman, liev. John Bath,
pastor of tho Primitive Methodist , church,
ulllciatcd at the ceremony.
Iteglu tin, Nell Year Klght.
Tho diileience between the b.'illiiiicy of a
Wclsbuch gas light and au or .iuary gas
burner is 3 to 1. The difference In testis
one half. Ask any one who uses them how
their gas bills compare with tlio old way.
The Welsliacli lights give 00 candle power of
light ami use but one-half the amount of gas
consumed by tho ordinary tip. If you want
to learn more about It, see I.. J. Wilkinson,
the agent for Shenandoah. It
The I'll I r,
Tlio fair of tho Phoenix Fire Company is
drawing largo crowds nightly. Uistulghta
son of Maulml Hughes, of West I.lno street,
was awarded tlio door gift. To-night tho
gift will be a bag of Hour. Dancing will also
bo Indulged in.
A Mighty Nice Thing fort Couglia.
What? Pan-Tina, 25c. At UVuhler Una.,
drug store.
116 and 118 Ncrth Main Street.
We most heartily express
our thanks for the kind patron
age you have given us the
past year and shall endeavor
to continue in the new year,
not only to please you as
heretofore, but try our best to
pass our old established record
and serve you fully to your
With Respects,
4 " jy
, t
of Holderman's Jewelry
Store and windows are
unsurpassed in Eastern
Prices Low.
You All
Want . . .
Fresh Eggs.
We sell no pickled or ice
house eggs.
When we have them they
are fresh.
We have some now.
122 North Jarlln St., Shenandoah.