i w pticurn f nstantljr Relioves SKIN TORTURES Awarmbithwith Cuticura Soap, single application of Cuticura (ointment), the great skin cure, followed by mild doses of Cuticura Resolvent (the new blood purifier), will afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy cure in every form of torturing, disfiguring skin humours. RoM throughout the world. Hrlt1h depnti NwFr, London. 1'ottir DRDOURlM.CourUixlori.U.S.A READING R. R. SYSTEM IN KFFKOT OCTOllUll 1, 1S95. Trains leave Shenandoah ns follows Kor New York via 1'hllnilclphln, week dnvs 210, 5 23, 7 20 n. in., 12 58, 2 55 nnd 5 55 p. in' Sundays, 2 10 n. In. Kor Now York vln Munch Chunk, week dnys. B 20, 7 20 n. m., 12 5S mill 2 M p. in. For llemllng and Philadelphia, week dayi, 2 llV r, 25, 7 20 n.m., 12 B8, 2 55 nml 0 53 p. m. Sun days, 2 10 n. in. For Pottsvllle, week days, 2 10; 7 20 n. in., nnd 12 IB, 2 53 and 5 05 p. in. Kundnvs, 2 10 n. in. For Tiunmpin nnd Mnhnnoy City, week dnys, 210,5 2.5, 7 20 n. m., 12S8, 2 5.5 nnd 5 05 p. m. Muiidnys. 210n. in. 1'or Willlnmipurt, Sunbiiry nnd Lewlsburg, week days, 8 20, 11 30 n. in., 100 nnd 7 20 p. in. Hundavs. 3 25 n. in. Kor Mnhiinoy Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 3 25. 5 25. 720, 11 !K) U. 111., 12 58, 1 50, 2 55,5 05, 7 20 nnd 9 33 p. in. Sundays, 2 10. 3 25 n. in. For Ashland nnd Shnniokin, week dnys, 3 25, 720, 1180 n. in., 100,720 ami 035 p.m. Htm dnvs. 3 25 n. in. 1'or Haltiniore, Washington nndtho West via I!. .t). It. It., through trains leave Heading Terminal. Philadelphia. ,fc It. It. It.) nt 3 20. 7 55, 11 20 n. in., 3 16 nnd 7.27 p. in. Siindnvs, 3 20. 7 00. 11 20 n. in., 3 IG nnd 7 27 n. in. Add!- onnl trnlns from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest- streets station, wceie nnys, I GO, oil, 8 23 p. Sundays, 1 35, S 2:1 p. m. TItAINS FOI! SHItNANDOAH. Leave. New York vln Philadelphia, week da'8, 8 00 n. in., 130, 100, 7 30 p. in. and 1215 night. Sundays, 5 00 p. in. I.envc New York via Mnueh Chunk, week day, 4 30, 9 10 n. in.. 1 10 nnd 1 30 p, m. Ieuve Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week days, 1 20, 8 35, 10 00 a. in. nnd 100, 0 02, 1130 p. in. Hundnys, 1130 p.m. Leave Heading, week days, 135, 710, 10 00, 11 SO a. m., 5 55 nnd 7 57 p. in. Sundays, 1 35 n. in. J-eavo Pottsvllle, week dnvs, 2 35, 7 -10 a. in., 12 30 nnd 0 12 p. in. Sunday, 2 35 n. m. Leave Tanmqua, week days, 3 18, 8 50, 1123 a m., 1 20, 7 15 nnd 9 52 p. m. Sundays, 3 18 n. m. Lenvo Mahauoy City, week dnvs, 2 45, 9 21, 11 47 n. in., 1 01, 7 39 nnd 9 01 p. m. Sundays, 3 13 a. m. Leave Mnhnnoy Plane, week dnys, 2 40, I 00, 0 30, 9 37, 11 59 a. m., 12 58, 2 0(1, 0 20, 0 20, 7 53 and 10 10 p. m. Sundays, 2 40, 4 00 a. in. Lenvc Wlllianisport, week days, 7 12, 10 10 a. in., 3 35 and 11 41 p. in. Sundays, 11 15 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wnrf nnd South street whnrf for Atlantic City. Weekdays Kxpress, 9 00 a. in., 2 00, 4 00, 6 00 p. in. Accommodation, 8 00 a. in., 4 30, 0 30 p.m. Sunday Express, 9 00. 1000 n. in. Accoinnio , dntion 8 00 n. m., 4 45 p. in. Hcturniiig lenvo Atlantic City (depot,) week days, express, 7 35, 9 00 n. m., 3 30, 5 30 p. m. 1 Accommodation, 0 SO, 8 15 a. in., and 4 82 p. m. ' Sundays Express, 4 00, 7 30 p. m. Accoinnioda ' tlon, 7 15 n. m., 1 15 p. m. Parlor Cars on all express trains. i. a. swwaAitn, a. o. iiancock, Oen'l Superintendent. Uon'l Pass. Agt. CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. Victims of Lost Manhood should send at onco tor a book that explains hoy lull manly vijtor Is easily, quickly ana permanently restored. No man Buttering (rom weakness can af ford to Ignore this timolv ndvlco. Book tolls how Dfull Rtrenplh. fin. Telopmont and tone aro Imparted to overy portion of tho body. Sent with positivo proofs (sealed) free to any man onapplicatlon. ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.N.Y. Of a head-splitting lieadaeho Immediately re- lleved by tho uso of TAYLOR'S Anti-Headache Powders. Thoy nro a positive nnd speedy cure and nro guaranteed absolutely harmless. Their great success is amplo proof that thoy are an effective article, which enn be always used with the best or results, rrocurn incm irom uruuierxiros. Layer's Lager and Finest, Purest and Ucaltlilcst. PS1 it Chris. Schmidt, Ast., j 207 j West Coal Street. millions of Dollars f Go up in smoko every year. Take no risks hut gut your housos, Block, fur nlturo, etc., insured in ftnit-clang re liahlo compauios a8 represented by TvAtrm 'EATTCT Insurance Agent, DAVID rAUOl, 130 South Main St. Also Life and Accidental Companies. TO PL Tho Scandal Whioh Is Agitating California's Metropolis, 0IIARGE3 AGAINST A MINISTER. Ho Admits Having l'nld I'lvo llundreil Dol. lnrs to n lllnclttnnllcr Tho Alleged lllnekmallor, Who Is Under Arrest, Ie clnrcs Tlint Sho Acted for tint Minister. SAN FltANcisco, Deo. U0. Mrs. Mary A. Davidson hiw been arrested on the charge of oxtortlon preferred by Ilev.C. O. llrown, pnstor of tho jylrst Congregational cliuroh. ' Dr. Drown charges her with hlnckuiHll. nnd says ho paid her 500 to secure her sllenco In regard to his alleged relations with Miss Overman, a young woman from Tncoma, who visited at his house. Tho First Congregational church 1r the largest and most fashionable one of thai , denomination in tho city. Mrs. Davldison, who is n woman about 00 years of age, ' caino hero during tho Midwinter fair n representative of a Boston corset firm, nud lately conducted n eorsot store of hoi ' own lioro. She lias attended Dr. Brown' 1 church for tibout n year nnd has taken l great Interest in church matters. MUs Overman canto hero front Tncoma for hot health nnd visited at tho Louse of Dr. I Brown, whose family sho know In Tncoma. After ti stay of several months, during which tlmo sho liecamo acquainted with Mrs. Davidson, Miss Overman returned tc Tncoma, but came back to San Francisco When Mrs. Davidson promised to secure employment for her. According to Dr. Drown, Mrs. Davidson enmo to him last November at tho time when there was intense excitement in the city over tho exposure of soveral old men who had been debauching young girls and told him sho had been commissioned by Mrs. Jnuo RHznbcth Baddin, a lodging houso keeper, to doinand $2,000 down and $100 a mouth for ton years if ho did not want his intimacy with Miss Overman exposed. Mrs. Davidson said that Miss Overman had confided in her nnd would testify against him, and that Mrs. Baddin know that ho had occupied u room iu a lodging houso with an unknown woman. Mrs. Davidson pointed out to him that owing to tho stato of public feeling almost ' anything that witnesses would swear to would bo believed, and advised him to set tlo nt once. Dr. Brown was horrified at thonaturoof the charges brought ugninst him, and saw no means of escape. Ho succeeded, how over, in reducing tho figures to $500 iIdwu and $!i3 a mouth for Uvo years. Ho paid Mrs. Davidson $300, for which sho signed a receipt. After paying over tho money Dr. Brown attempted to find Mrs. Baddin, but without success. Finally ho met the Miss Overman, who was shopping with Mrs. Davidson, nud reproached her witli her perfidy. Slio indignantly denied that sho had made any charges, and when eon fronted with Mrs. Davidson, denounced the woman as infamous. Miss Overman immediately left Mrs. D.iviiKou's hutuo und went to tho homo of Dr. Brown, here she is now under tho protection of hi, wife. Thou tho minister consulted with tho deacons of tho church and tho result is tho arrest of Mrs. Davidson. Both the minister nnd Miss Overman deny that there is tho slightest foundation for the charges. Mrs. Davidson, when seen after her ar rest, said Dr. Brown called on her several months ago and voluntarily confessed his lovo for Miss Overman. Ho asked her ad vice, and sho told him to sever ids rela tions with, tho girl nt once. Miss Over man, sho says, confessed her lovo for Dr. Brown, and that ho had promised to pay her $33 a mouth. A fow days after this Mrs. Davidson says Dr. Brown handed hor $35 to give to Miss Overman, saying ho had promised to pay iter that amount for ten months. Some tlmo ago a strange woman, who called herself Mrs. Baddin, called on Mrs. Davidson and said sho know of Dr.Brown's intimacy with Miss Overman, and de manded $10,000 us tho priee of her silence. About six weeks ago she sent for Dr. Brown nnd told him of Mrs. Baddiu's de mands. Ho said: "It is ull true, and more, too." Mrs. Davidson continued: "Ho refused to seo the woman and asked me to hnndlo tho business for hint. Ho said, 'You have ourheartVbecrots.'and told mo everything. Dr. Brown said ho could not pay her $10, 000, but would pay $5,0JJ, with $50J down and tho rest at tho rate of $35 a month. Dr. Brown said ho would lenvo San Francisco within three months, as ho hud calls from churches In Brooklyn and Philadelphia." Next day she paid tho $500 to Mrs. Bad din, who said sho was going to leave town, but would return each month for tho $35. Mrs. Davidson says Dr. Brown lias paid $35 for Miss Overman in August and Sep tember, November and December. Sho concluded hor htatoment by saying: "1 hnvo kept this secret for tho sake of the church, for tho sake of Miss Overman nnd Dr. Brown, but tho truth must bo told, nud I am sorry I am obliged to divulge theso things." Miss Overman is a tall young woman with rod hair and bluooyoj. Sho is said to bo a divorced woman, Mattio Overman is Iter maiden name. Somo mouths ago sho went to Tho Chronicle nud offered a story on a prominent niau for $1,000. She is not particularly good looking, but is an interesting talker. So far tii? police hnvo failed to find any traco of Mrs. Baddin or tho lodging house Which she is (.aid to have kept. jrurilured 1U llrotliur-In-Ijuv. Pm.vcE'lox, Intl., Deo. 110. Saturday night, near Oakland City, John Cooper wis murdered hy (ieorge Alurtlu. Cooper nud Jlnrtln were traveling hore traders, und stopped nt Oakland City to get u juit of whisky. They pitched their tent nud quarreled. Martin grabbed a nock yoke nud battered Coojior s brains out. Their funillleri were with them. They wore brothers-in-law. Slartln rodu away, loav lug tlie dead man lying In bin wife's arms. Tho women i-emalutHl In the woods all night with tho corpso: Jlnrtln Is at large. Tried Ti'iiln Wreclclnif for Koroiiee. Nrw CA8TLK, l'a., Deo. 30. Ilelng re fused a free ride by the oouduotor, Otto Krouse, IU year of age, tried to wreck a train on tho I'ltwhurg und Luke Krle rond nonr this city. The boy va arresUxl and placed lu jail, whore he frankly tontc.'d attempting the crime and guvo his re.uou. Grlllo anil livi rlmiclt Slntvhml. Nkw Yokk, Dec. ). Young liilffo and Jaolc Kvorhardt have been matolu-d by .Toe Veudlg to light for n puree of W.uoo li,000 to go to the winner und 11,000 to the loser. Tho men are to weigh In at 133 pounds. They aro to light ou Fob. 16, In Mexico. A'F. Let The Whole World Know The Good Dr.Miles'Heart Cure Does EAUT DISEASE, has its victim at a disadvantage. Always taught that heart tllsonso is Incurable, when tho symptoms become well defined, tho patient becomes alarmod and a nervous panic takes placo. Dut whon a suro remedy is found and a euro effected, af ter years of suffering", there is great rejoicing and dcslro to "lot the whole world know." Mrs. Laura Wino inger, of Selkirk, Kansas, writos; "1 doslro to lot tho wholo world know what Dr. Miles' Dr. Miles' Heart Curo has dono for mo. For ten years I had pain in my heart, short ness of breath, palpita tion, pain in my leftside, Heart Cure Restores Hpiltll oppressed feeling in my xiwcuia chcsti wcak nnd lmngry spells, bad droams, could not iio on either sldo, wa9 numb and suffered terribly. I took Dr. Miles' Heart Curo and beforo I finished tho second bottle I felt Its good effects, I fool now that I am fully recovorcd, and that Dr. MIlos' Heart Curo saved my life." .,D,?III,S' J'a,rt Cllr w soui on guaranteo that first bottle beuollts, or money refundod. CHASES BloodfHerveFood For Weak and Run-Down People from Childhood to Old Age. P WHAT IT IS ! Tho richest of all restoratlra Foods, leonuso It replaces the same substances 5S.15? bl!Y!'1 "."l1 that aro exhausted lu i,1TiV,lte-Ei'lnB,lll,ld8by'll8e8,.lnaleestior,, mgtt living, overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc. ..WHAT ,IT DOES ! By maklns tho blood D0JWJ,ricll.nslthoaieestlonperfe2t, it creates f olid flesh, inusclo and strength" Tho nerves bo lr,B raaj o strong.the brain Vcomes active aid r?A 1,?rt0'nit lost vitality nndstopplnB ail astlnir drnlii8 and weakness In cither sei.lt has ,THV "!'! "A" fleregnlatorlt Is worth its weiclitlneold. Onobox lastsaweek. Price Ode. or 6boxes2.iHi. DruRcistsorbymall. Ilnnk free. , JHE DR' CHASE COMPANY, 1613 Chotnut St.. Philadelphia. Vti.JlllfC vrttl Bore Tnroat. rimme-t. ConuerC ".plHJC IUU Colored Spots, Aclus, Old bonJ.H y-r non in Moutu, nair-rainngj wruo tlMt ,i.- ...iii.it jl to., ;tv i iuimoinc -jdupiF tj-,i illcnatl. Bll.. for TirnnTa of pnm 4',f,1.h Vti1"!" iwwujwi, worst casps cured m lf52 :L$itt HA ilSTU. tflm.i.fiu-K l.nnlr fVi.f. K?tO CliloheHtr'n l;nsllli Pluroon'l Hrnni. Orliflriul nnil nlv Griiiilnc. safCi filwayi rUiafclc. LASice ak Druggist ior anient 'icr j.nnin ma-i vmond Braiul In I ted ami UutJ tiietiltic jboxes, ipalcxl wltb hluo rihimn. rnUo 'nn nt hen. liefitae dnttctrotia tubtltw 'tlonsand imitation: At riruziini. oncnJ-lc In (tamps or particulars, t tuimoolali id! tlinih jri-v i iiiuiuiiiian. nuinoiujrH, Cold br &U l.noi ' 'rujytiiu I'hUti- - 17 tt. OLD DR. THEEL Removed QQA EXWSESSSSSfflmssx North Sixth St.. 'Cnamnicei. vr.M ah. Green, Philadelphia. Challenges tt. VU, irom the uL trtlsicg up, c. lalUt up to tho Icciuuug l'ru uro,1u curlne thu worst caie of pcclal DUvan ian i Cl.t)()l I'01t?3i. Ho matter how llQ.LritiK, c icreauj danceremthe tronMo mir bi. .r or Je Mllty, KrrorMofVoi.tli'iD't)' uttMufi'owcr curt J. rStt-lff iifrv. V.i t-t. l.t n..1 I'lha enrei wtthontCQttlng. Uit.THCIL lpi uln'v iticoidtit, tbfl beat aoJ m out oklllfiil und isiJcrUnt pl one, no matte what ott.tr may claim, Beul tn o s-ct-ct ituiups Tor book 4Trutli"aDirte eallarhtoneJ rctrfllDK viir diiwo an- I how to ?.t eurnl. Tie otilv t-uok rNPO"l.N(J JLrAKSant their bioki nnt i'lrt'iilarw. Juitautre Her, Frt'Kli rut'H urt'J In 4 to 10 Hay., Hourit ato3;ETiji.,Cto9. Kt end Mit, 1 6 (. Ti) Sun., a to 13; Kfgi , OtoO. Trt'iitniont hy Jiull, Mtivo rou wriw or call mention thin paj-r. floard iud i'Klging i r dfi'rtJ SPECIFICS are scientifically prepared Remedies; have been used for half a century with entire success. ho. grrcirio rou 1 rcvera, Congestions, Inflammations. 2 Worms, WormFever, Worm Colic... a Ti'i'tlilnu, CollcCrylng, Wakefulness 1 Dlnrrlica, of Children or Adults 7 Cousin, CoUU, Bronchitis 8 Xi'urnlKln, Toothache, Faecaclie 9 ilrndnclics, Sick Hcmlacho, Vertigo. 10 Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation 1 1 Suppressed orl'aluful Periods.... 12 Whites, Too Trofuso Pcrlodi 13 Croup, I.nrvnallls, Hoarseness 11-Salt itlu-iini, EryBliwlas, Eruptions. la-Illiriiiiintlsin, orlthcumntloPauis.. 10 Jlnlnrln, Chills, FcTcroml Aguo 1!) (Int.irrli, Iullucnza, Cold In the Head 2u-Whooplus Cough, 27-Klilney Disease 'JS-.crous Dehllllv J10 Urinary Weakness, 31-Soro Throat, Quinsy, Diphtheria.... "77" for GRIP. SoM hy DrutRtiii, or ant prepaM on rretpt of price, 25c., or r far $t.f itnay ho awnruji. earept t, 1. Mix only. It, rl I' M PH RRTM MMUAL(KuUrgUiIUiVi4t HAII.KOFHaa ntJIPHKMb UEU, CO., 1 1 1 A 1 18 WMan fit., New VurL. A genuine welcome nwalta youat JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. Haiti and Coal Sis. Tool room nttulied. Fluent wlilkeys, lieers, imrter wkI alo iiKtantly on tap. Oliolec teiu (tmiie ilrlnks anil eliritrs. SHENANDOAH'S Reliable : Hand : Laundry, Cor. LLOYD AND WIHTK STS. All work guaranteed t lo flrst-elo'w In every iwutlciilnr. Silk ties nml Inee eurttilni n ikw Inlty. Goods eulleU for nml ilallvereil. A trliil onler oolloited Evan J. Davies, LIVERY AND Undertaking ! 13 N. Jardin Street. f & ss HUMPHREYS' THE CUBANINSUHGENTS Thoy Aro Still Kooping Spfiuiards in a State of Approhonsion, REPORTED RETREAT UNCONFIRMED I OiittioOtlier Hand, tlm flovrrnini'lit Trniip Are ActUcly Hugnt'il In mi Miiileiitoi' to 1 I'rcrnt n Union nT Itevnliitlmilst I'iiitii lu tho Orlcnlnl I'm vim c. IIAVAXA, Dec. 30. In uplto of tho re ports rerelved liere Snturilny night Hint : the lmvln hotly of the InsttrKonts hull re treated from tho iirovineo of Intnnzns. nntl wero nnee more In Pnntn Clam, re ports continue to eomo In of tlntnne tlom nt vnrlous piilnts lu Mtitnn.ns anil ol threateitliiK tnnveinents of bodira of tiiMir gents. Whether these nro wandering nntl isolated liatuls cnliliot ho ostlniatetl ami rately. An engagement with an lnsur gent hand Is also reported yestorday from tho provlnoo of I'lnar dol Ulo, the west crnmoit on the Island. Uneasiness Is also eatiscd In oiTlplal elr clos hy reports that eomo from the prov lnco of Santiago do Cnha, tho oriental provlnee. Tho report of .TosoMnceo'H (light seems to have hecn without foundation. v thoro are renewed nvldonoes of his activity In that province, nnd tho troops stationed there aro (hiding ahundnnt occupation The Spanish rtuthorltles have reason tc suspect that a movement Is contemplated In tho orlenUil provlueo to bring about n junction of tho Insurgent hands there, and troops nro aetlvoly engaged In trying ti prevent tho coming together of Jose Maecr and Hahl, whoso combined forces would alTord means for a forinldahlo movement thnt would effect n, diversion, mid prevent tho withdrawal of Spanish troops to rein- j force those acting ngivlnst Gomez. Antonli Mncco and Handera In Matanzns ami Santa Clara provinces. Nothing authentic Is known of tho lm mediate whereahouts nn.ldolngsof (ioincy and his forces, who were snld to bo throat ontng Cienfucgos. Nothing has been heard from there today, though several ski, . mlshes are said to have occurred In Santa Clara province, with tho result that fifteen ( Insurgents wero killed und nine taken prisoners. Tho Insurgents seem to ho still In con siderable force in the neighborhood of Car denas and Cimaronnes. The bands ol I'nncho nud Perez, who aro said to bo re treating, burned tho stntlon nt Murga and destroyed fovoral houses at La (iunlllas. Thoy also plundered tho stores at Centre rns. The bands of Lacret and Kolofjf wero on Saturday evening discovered to be moving In tho Immediate vicinity of Cardenas, just cast of Matanzas, and tho news cre ated ti great deal of oxcitement at that pjace, as it was suspected that an attompt was ahout to bo madoto enpturo tho town, In ptirsuanco of tho earnest desiro of tho Insurgents to hold a seaport. The garrison was called to quarters In hot liasto and waited long In expectation of an attack, whllo tho volunteer forces of the business men of tho placo wero also put under nrms, manifesting enthusinslm In the service. Tho bnnd of Ilobau was also reported to be moving upon Cimaronnes. Tho authorities hero continue to claim with jubilation that tho insurgonts are powerless to effect tho cupturo of any towns or seaports. Tho skirmish In Plnar del Rio occurred In the district of Gushnjoy, tho city of that name, eapitol of tho district, being about twenty miles southwest of Havana. A col umn of troops attacked a band led by tho famous Insurgent bandit leader, I'erlco Delgado, who is said to have been seri ously wounded, ono of his men being killed nnd three taken prisoners. Tho guerrilla chief, Lolo Henltcz, sur prised n hand of twenty in tho district of Alanzonlllo, provlnco of Santiago do Cuba, utnong them being sovoral insurgent lead ers, who wero colobrnting Christmas night, and four of thorn wore killed and three takou prisoners. Vor the Defense of Havana. TAMI'A, Flu., Deo. 30. Pnsseugors just arrived from Cuba report nctlvo operations around tho fortifications in Havana, com manding tho harbor entrance. Passengers, saw four immonso eighty ton Improved guns, with many smaller ones, which aro soon to ho placed in position on tho rail road from Havana to San Antonio. Ex plorers, or freight trains, precede all pas senger trains. It is very difllctilt to man theso bomb hunting freight trains. llaltliiiuro Theater Hnrrnr. IlAI.TIMOlli:, Deo. 30. An Inquest over tho victims of tho Front Street thoater disaster was held yesterday, and tho coro ner's jury found that no ono was to blame except tho people In tho nudlouco who lost their heads and brought on the panic. Two men also testlllod that In their opinion tho cry of "fire," which brought on the panic, was raised hy thloves for tho purpose of robbery. It was brought out that various urtlcles wore stolen during tho frightful crush, including n great portion of tho box ofllco receipts for tho night, a pair of dia mond earrings, which were snatched from a woman's ears, nnd a lnrge number of overcoats, canes and umbrellas. Little IH'iniiml lnr Com let I.nlior. Nasiivili.k, Tonn., Deo. 80. All the stnte convicts will he returned to tho stato, and the state will have to take onro of them Iwgluning tomorrow. Flvo hun dred will bo workod In tho stats ooal mines at Hrushey Creek and some on tho I new penitentiary, but the majority will, from present indloatloiis, be kept idlo, as only three npplionntH have responded to advertising for temporary leasing of tho convicts, and these bidders, if their terms are accepted, only make a total of about 300. Veteran i'.Hllroad I'renliltmt to ltiliio. TEBllK Hautk, Deo. 80 The Kxpress announces on credible Hiithority that William It. McKeen.formore than twenty live years president of the Vmmdulln, nnil, with ono exception, holding that high position longer than any othr rajlroad official In tho United States, will rjjtlr$ at the annual election Jan. 15. It is runiorvd that Vlco President nud General Munnmr John G. Williams nnd General Superin tendent II. K. Klllott will also retire nt tho annual election. The Cznr Was I'lilnfnlly Surprised, London, Djc. 30. The Berlin oorro- spondent of The btandard says: "I have oxcellent reason to slate that the reports of nn agreement between Itussla nud tho United States about Venezuela nro tin. founded. On the contrary, tho ozr was painfully surprised nt Presldont Cleve land's message, and any war Involving Kngland would bo unwolcotno to tho Hus slou court on tho approach of tho coronation. tmA GREAT BIG FPR IO Its Bometimeaneods n reliable, monthly, recnlotlnc medlclno. Only harmless and tho j'Ureot drugs should be umju. If you want the beat, get Ob1- Peal's Pera&awgwaS PlUs They are prompt, sa'o ai"l certain In result. TheeennlDefDr. Prol'e) never diaap 2 nolat. Bent anywaure, 1.00. Addreu I'hal MuDICiaii Co., Cleveland, O. For sale hy P. P. D. KIKLIN, Shenandoah. Pa. A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Sflll'YKII.l, DIVIHION. NciVKMIlEIl 1", 1S9.V Trains will leave .Slienandtmli after the above date for AVIkkiiiisi, Jilbertttii, Kniekvllle, Dark Wnter, St. Clair, l'ottHvllte, llnmlnire;, Heading, Pottstnwn, 1'lioenlxTille, Norristmvn nml Phil ndelpliln I llrimd street station) nt DOS and 1143 n. in. nnd 1 1.1 1 in. on week dayn. Kor l'ottfl vlllo uml Intel in 'ilinto stations ? 10 a. tu. HUNDAY. For "Wliri-'ans, iUlberton, Frnekville, Park Wnter, St. Clair, 1'ottHvllle, nt (1 08, 9 40 n. in. nnil 310 p.m. For Ilninbiirg, Itendinir, 1'ottttowu I'lioenlxville, Nun Mown, lliilailelihin ntOOO. 9 10 n. in., 11 10 i. in. Trains leave Kraekvillc for Hlicnnmlonh nt 10 10 n. in. and 12 14, ,001, 7 I'J and 1027 p. in. Sunday, 11 l:i n. in. anil ,1 40 p. in. Leave l'oINvllle for Shenandoah nt 10 IS, 11 4S a. in. and 1 10, 715 ami 10 OU p. in. Sunday nt 10 10 n. in.. 5 15 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, (Ilrond street station), for Sheniimlonli at 557 nml 8 115 a. in., 110 and 711 p. in. week days. Sundays leave at G 50 a. in. Leave ilrond street siation, I'liinuieipnin, lor Sea Ci Irt, Ahlmry I'ark, Oeoan drove, Lone; llrnneh, nml intermediate stations, G.50, 8.'J5, 11.39 n. m., :i.!50, 1.00 11. in. week-days. SnndnyB (stop at Interhiken for Aslmry Park), S.25 n. m. Leave Ilrond Street Station, Philadelphia, KOlt NEW YORK. Express, week days, 3 20, I 05, 4 50, 5 15, 0 50, 7 33, H S0,u !, 50. 10 30 (DiiiliigCnr), 11 00, 11 II n. in., 12 noon, 12 35 (Limited 100 nml 122 p. in. DlnlnjrCnrs), 1 10,2 30 (l)iulng Car), 3 20, 100, 5 00, 3 50 ( Dining Car), 0 00, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. ill., 12 01 night. Sundays, 3 so, 105, 150, 5 15, 8 12, 11 20, 0 50. 10 30 (Dining (Sir), 11 03 n. 111., UXi. 2 30 (Dining Car), 100 (Limited 122), 5 20, 56S (Dlu lug Car), 0 35, n 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. m., 12 01 night. KxpresH for Uoston, without eluingc, 1100 a. m. week dnys, nnd G 50 p. in. dally. WASHINGTON' AND THIS SOUTH For Ilaltiinoronnd Washington, 3 50, 7 20, 8 31, 912,10 20,1123 a. in., 12 09 (1231 Limited Din ing Car), 1 12, 3 IS, 1 11 (5 19 Congressional Limited, Dining Car), G 17, G55 (Dining Cnr), 7 10 (Dining Car) p. m., nml 1205 night week days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23 ll. m., 12 09 112,4 11,(5 15 Congressional Limited, Dining Cnr), 655 (Dining Car), 7 10 p. in. (Dining Or) ami 12 05 night. Leave .Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia, FOU ATLANTIC CITY. Express, 8 50 a. in., 210,100, and 5 00 p. in. week days. Sundays, 8 15 and 9 15 a. m. For Capo. My, Aniflessea, Wlhlwood and Holly lleueh. Kx jirejw, 9 00 a. in., and 4 00 p. in. week days. Sundays, 9 00 a. in. For Sea Isle City, Ocean City and Avalnn. KxpresM, 9 00 a. in., ami 4 00 p. in. week days. .Sundays, 9 00 a. in. For Somers Point. Kinross, 8 50 a. m., and I 00 p. in. week days. Sundays, 8 15 a. m. S. Si. Phevout, .1. It. Wood, Oon'l Manager. Oen'l PaWg'r Agt. CANVASSER WANTED. Are YOU busy ? Hen of all Kinds Wear Clothes. And our Imsinens is to nmkc Clothes for all Kinds of men. Custom Tailor Made Suits froiri S10.00 to SiO.00 Trousers from J2.75 to 410 00. We want a bright anil energetic man of large aeqiialntame i M.lieit orders for them and it will jiay him II i do it. Addrew, S. .1. It 15-21 Ufnyetto Plaee, N. York. 'AMSY PELLS! HOKSUlGUAftC:' Wib-qx OpeciriC CCiHHILA.,P ALL m CENTS i:lrt-;.. "Ww-r- zlSZUt W3'S5T6inrl! A t V'UH. IKI n r.t IN KKFICCT NOVEMlHiU 17, 1H91. Passenger trains leave hhenniuloah for Venn Haven .luuetion, Mnueh Chunk, Lelnghton, Slatington, White Hull, Cntasailrnia, Allentowu. llethlehem. Ijiston ami Weatheriv, at 0 01, 7 :1S, 9 15 a. in., 12 13, I 05, 5 27 p. m. Kor New York ami 1'hilndclphln, 601, 7 9 15 a. in., 12 13, 1 05 p. 111. For (iuaknke, Switehhaek, Gerhnrds nnd Hud somlnli', 9 15 a in. nml I 05 p. in. For Wilkesharre, White Haven, Pittst.m, Iieeyvllle, Townmln, Sayre, Waverly and El llilra, G 01, 9 15 a. in., 2 57, 5 27 p. in. For ltoehester, lluoaln, Niagara Falls ami the West, 9 15 a. in., 2 57, 5 27 i. in. For llelvldere, Delaware Wnter (lap and Strolidsburg. G Ol n. in., I 05 p. ill. For Lunibeitvllle and Tienton, 9 15 a. in. ForTniikhnnnoek, 0 01, 915 a. in., 2 57, 5 27 p. in. Forlthnenand (ienevn, GOI, 915 a. in., 5 27 p. m. For Anliurn. 0 15 a. in., 5 27 p. in. I For Jennesvllle, Leviston nml Heaver Meadow, I 7 3h a. in., 12 13 p. in. 1'or htoektou nnd Lumber Yard, GOI, 7 38, 9 15 n. in., 12 13, 2 57, 5 27, 8 0H p. ill. For Silver llrook Junetlon, Amlenried and ' llazleton, G0l,7 3i3, 915 a. in., 12 13, 2 57, 5 27, BO 1. 111. For Sernnton, G Ol, 9 15 n. m., 2 57, 5 27 p. m. For Ilazh brook, .Initio, Drifton and Free land 0 01,7 38, 9 15 a. III., 12 13, 2 57, 5 27 p. 111. For Ashlnud, (limi'ilviHe nml Lost Creek, 4 H), 015,7 30.9 13,10 20 a. III., 1235, 140, 1 10, 6 8A, 8 22 p. 111. For Haven Itnn, (Vntrnlla, Mount Cnrine! and Slminokiii, 9 13, 1111 a. ni., 132, 4 20, 22. 9 15 p. m. For Yntcsvlllc, Park Place, Mtihanov Citv and Delano, 5 50, 0 01, 7 38, 9 15, II 05 a. in., 12 43, 2 57, I 05, 5 27, 8 OH, 9 ', 10 53 p. in. Trains will lenvu Sh.nnokin at 5 15, 8 15, 11 4.5 n. in., 1 55, 1 ill), 9 30 p. in., ami arrive nt Shenan doah at G 01, 9 15 a. ill., 12 13, 2 57, 5 27, 11 15 p. Hi. I.envo Shenandoah for Pottsville, 0 01, 7 38, 9 0S, 1105, 11 30 ll. in., 12 13, 2 57, 110, 5 27, SOU p. m. Leave Pnttsvillo for Shenandoah. 000. 7 40, 9 05, 10 15, 11 Ma. 111., 12 82, 3 00, 1 10, 5 20, 7 15, 8 55, 9 10 p. ill. Leave Sheuiindonh for llazleton, G 01, 7 3s. 9 15 a. in., 12 18, 2 67, 5 27. 8 08 n. in. Leave llazleton for Shenandoah, 7 35, 10 05, II 00 ll. 111.. 12 13, 2 58, 5 30, 7 23, 7 56 p. 111. SUNDAY TItAINS. Trains leave for Jtuven Uun, Centralia, Mt. Cnrine! and Slininokln, 6 15 a. m., 2 40 p. in., and arrive nt Hhamokln nt 7 10 a. m., and 8 J5 p tu. Trains leave Slininokln for Shenandoah at 7 55 a. in., nnd 1 00 p. in., nnd arrive at Sht nuH donh nt 8 49 a m., and 1 58 p. m. Trains leave for Ashland, Cllrardville and Lost Creek, 9 40 . nr., and 12 30 p. in. For llazleton, lllnek Creek Junetlon. Penn Haven Jnmtlon, Mnueh Chunk. Allentowu, Hcthlehoni, !m,toii and New York, 8 49 a. in., 1230, 2 30 p. ill. For Philadelphia, 1230. 2 30 p. in. For Yateavllle, lurk Place, Malianoy City and I lelnno, 8 19, 11 35 a. in. , 12 80, 2 80, 1 On, 6 03, 7 40 p. in. Live lhuleUm for Shenandoah, 8 30, 1130 a. in., 1 05, 5 80 p. in. Leavo Shenandoah for l'ottdville, 5 55, 8 49, 932n. in.. 2 40 p. in. Lhavo Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8 30, 10 40 a. in., 1 35, 5 15 p. in. ItOI.I.lN II. W1I.1IITIL Oenl. Supt., South Itetlilehem, Pa. ClIAItl.KS S. LKK, Oenl. Poati. Agt.. Philadelphia. A. W. NONNIOIACHKIt, Aim. O. P. A Hoiitli Bttthlehein, Pa. Teams to Hlr. If you want to litre a safe and r&llabl team for driving or for working puriixtsi siy Shields' liver) liable a visit, Taanui constantly nn hand nt reasonable ratan. JAMES SHIELDS, No. 410 Hast Centre street, Opposite Heading railroad station. a, m u - . i ji an .ra i