EVENING HERALD KSTAltLlSIIHI) 18T0. Published every Kvenlng,H.Tcept Sunday, nt 8 Sorrn Jaiidin Htrkbt, Nrar CBNTnn. The Herald Is dellvcird in Shenandoah nml tile surrounding towns fur six cents a week, pay able to tlio carrier. Ily mall SHOO n year, or 28 cents a month, payable In advance. Advcrtlso montii charged nccordliitc to space nnd position. The puhllshcrs reserve the rlisht to clinngo tho position of advertisements whenever the piile llcntlon nf news demands It. Tho right la reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether paid for or not, that the publishers may deem improper. Advertising rates mado known upon application. Kntercd at the pootofllce at Shenandoah, Pa., as eccondclus limit matter. TKMtt'HOKK CONNKCTI0N. Evening Herald Till KS1)AV, DiX'EMUKR 2(), 1805. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. To the Itcpublicnn elector of Pennsylvania: ihe H' piihlfcnns of Pennsylvania, hy their duly .ho-u n n presouhit Ives, will meet In Stale con MnlM.n Thursday, April 23, 1W, at 10 o'clock ,i. in . in the opera houc, elty of ltitrrl'diurg, for 1lic purpose of nominating two candidates for 1 1 pre M-ntatlve at-larne in Congress nnl thirty mvo candidates for Presidential electors, tiie m let tlou of eight delcg.itcs-nMarge to tho lie nuhlnan National convention, and for the 'ransnctiouof sueh other business as may he presented. Ily order of the Mate Committee. SI. H. UAY, ttest Jrhh It. ItBX, Chairman. W I! Anpbkws, Secretaries. Tin he may be war nml panics ami strikes, hut the almshouse deals go on forever. Santa Ci. vs had no nse for his sleigh this trip. His visit to Shenandoah ww mado on a bicycle. It never paj-s lo go out of the way to make the acquaintance) of n man who is running for an oflieo. TltKiii: isn rational anil patriotic England peace party, as well as in this country. Justico ts always a liasis for dignified anil honorable agreement. "Li.t us All ho tip and doing" for tho Spiing campaign. It will bo a good way for very mombor of tlio Citizens party to begin the mv year. Jidgi: Lynch, of Luzorno county, lias derided that a School Director may act as Secretary of the Board and receive a salary. The question of legality was raised in tho Wilkesbarro School Hoard on account of a dead-lock in filling tlio position. 1 s a little less than a week tho spinster will be in full possession of tho privileges which leap year custom is supposed to give her. Tin-re is every reason why sho should mako use of her opportunity, tills time, for after lRfm she will bo forced to wait eight years for another leap year, and in that time present charms may fade. Possibly tlio new woman will seizo upon tho prerogative of proposal without waiting for a leap year. ili:iu: is somo political nows that caino all the way from Pottsvillc : "Tlio Executive I ommittco of tlio Republican Standing Com- mittce, at a recent meeting, appointed Messrs. Payne, Albright and Davis to await upon the Republican County Commissioners and other liepublicans elected to ollico to urge upon them the removal of all Democrats holding office under them. This sub-cominittce held a conference witli closed doors witli Messrs. Allen and Rentz, but with what success could not be ascertained in detail. It is reported among tlioo on tho hill that Rentz has con ceded every appointment to Allen, provided the porsons ho would name were itepirbH cans." The railway btriko in Philadelphia appears to havo been settled agreeably to both sides. The company and the men both mado con cessions, and in doing so their courso is to bo commonded, as a continuance of tlio struggle tvould not only mean thousands of dollars lost to thorn but also a groat hardship to the business peoplo of .Philadelphia. In tlio Ncttlemcnt one fignro stands out prominently above tho rest. John Wanauiakor's friends are taking advantago of tho opportunity to buust his canvass for tho Unitod States cnatursbip. There 1b no doubt that his efforts contributed more to tho amicable M ttlemont of the difficulty than any other .me man, and that fact will afford him an iduuitage in any desire ho may entertain as .i successor to Don Cameron. Tub Hepublleau House of Heprescntatives has taken prompt action, and will pass incisures looking to financial relief. Tli Ways and Means Committee reported two bills to-day, one of which is a bond measure tod confers authority to issuo 3 per cent, five year bonds for the redemption of greenlwcks, and for no other purpose. The second is the n venue bill, and it imposes a duty equal to ity per cent, of the MoKinley rates on lumber and wool. On all other dutable articles it makes a uniform advance of fifteen per cent. Them hills will m the Houto, but there 1 some doubt as to the action of tiie Senate. The measure for increased revenue is not what the Itopuhlicaus would like hail they full power, but it is as near the McKinley tariff bill as it is posslblo to go at this time. The President lias partially sur t. ndi red to the Hcpublican party on the tirilV qui st ton by hU acceptance of the Political Ariel ninth. Tlio Pottsvllle Itcpubllcnn contains tho fol lowing political information : "County Chair man Hurd Payno is not a compromise candi date for Almshouse Stoward this yean Had hissluto and that of Senator Coylo gone through last year, Ms chief clerk would havo been Junius Fadden. of Caw township, lato Assistant State Librarian at llarrisburg, wliero Fadden previously took a night course in a business college to prepare for tho job. An up-county doctor, a relative of James .1. Eranry, furniture dealer, Shenandoah, was lo have been the physician. Now, why Wero Kraney, Harry Muhloon nnd his cousin, James I-'adden, so intimato with Senator Coylo and Chairman 1'nyno? l'orhaps ex Senator King van tell you. Ho was Coylo's opponent for tho Senatorsliiii and was beaten 70(1 in a district witli a normal Democratic majority of 1,200. lllg Jack Toole played tho winning hand that bout their game." Wollinu-linml lias its own special mediciiio in Dr. I'iorco's Prescription. And every woman who is "run down" or overworked, every woman who sutlers from any "female complaint" or weakness, needs. fust tliat remedy. With it, every disturbance, irregularity, and derange ment can bo permanently cured. It s an invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and strengthening nervine, and the only medicine for women which once nsed, is always in lavor. in periodical pains, dis placements, weak bark, hearing-down sensa tions, and every kindred ailment, It is specific. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation, liver- ills, indigestion, dyspepsia, piles and head aches. "All Itlght," Said He. Two young men purchased a turkey from a fanner on Main streot Tuesday evening and tendered a ton dollar bill. The turkey cost $1.20. The farmer first laid out 7(1 cents which one of tlio young men put into his pocket. The farmer then counted out eight oiio-tlollar bills and u dispute ovor tho change was closed by one of tlio young men pulling out a dollar bill and handing it to the farmer witli tho eight bills in hand. "Now give me my $10," said tho young man. "All right." said the farmer, suiting bis action to tho reply, and it was not until he figured an hour with a friend that he found ho had sold the turkey for 21 cents. The surprising feature about tlio affair is that it didn't cost tho farmer a dollar or two more for his ex perience. (irlp-Cnlds-Headaclic. Why sulfer with Coughs, Colds and La Grippe when Laxative lironio Quinino will euro you in one day. Put up in tablets con venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For salo by Kirlin's Pharmacy. Preliminary i:nnilnatlon. Tho following young gentlemen on Tuos- day underwent a preliminary examination before tho Bar Examining Committee : J. J. Burke, of Mahanoy City, law student with It. P. Swank, Esq.; William P. Lyons, of Ashland, with C. O. Burkert, Esq.; J. II. Sehropo and W. 11. Dtirkin, of Girardville, and John Moran, of Mah'anoy City, all with John V. Whalen, Esq.; Edward O'Donnell, Girardville, with K. S. li.islioro, Esq.; James Creary, of town, with M. M. Burke, Esq. Xover Palls for Coughs and Colds. That's what Pan-Tina is. 25c. At Gruhlcr Bros., drug store. An Important Meeting. An important meeting of Washington Camp No. 200, P. O. S. of A., will bo held this evening in their hall in tho Schmidt building. Action will he taken in which every member is interested and should bo present. Mnlinnoy City lluslncss College. This excellent college, at 205 East Centro street, gives Commercial, Shorthand ...id Typewriting courses equal to any in tho state at tho very lowest rates. Individual in struction. Day and evening classes. Students constantly entering. Catalogue free. 10-11-tf G. W. Williams, Principal. When you want good roofing, plumbing, gas fitting, or general tiusmithing dono call on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street. Dealer iv. stoves. 8-1-tf Shenandoah Liquor Licenses. Tliero aro 175 names recorded in tlio Clerk of the Courts' ollico as applicants for liquor license from Shenandoah. The First ward, comes to tho front with 50 applications. Shenandoah being tlio largost town in tlio county has tho greatest number of licenso applications. Mabanoy City is a close second, with 141 applications on file. Kline, with 03 applications, leads tlio townships. Help Comes to Those AVbo Take Bed Flag Oil for Sprains, Bums. Cuts. At Gruhler Bros., drug store. Buv Keystone flour. Bo sure that tho name Lassie, & Baer, Ashland, Pa printed on every sack. tf J'hotograps of tho T.ehlgh Valley. A collection of photographs, taken at various picturcsquo spots on tho lines of tlio Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, will bo exhibited in tho Assembly Hall of tho Union Leaguo, Philadelphia, on December 27 and 28. Wo acknowledge tlio receipt of an in vitation to attend the exhibition. Hip Disease Itosults from a scrofulous and Impure condition of tho blood, and it is cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla tho groat blood pu rifier. The father .ot a Philadelphia girl writes this: " We gave Hood's Sarsaparllla to our little girl, who had symptoms of hip disease. She could not put her' foot down on the floor when we com menced giving her the mediolne, but in a short time she was able to get off tho couch and to reach her playthings. Since then she lias steadily Improved, thanks to Hood's Sarsaparilla, and her general health is all that could be desired. When any of tho otber ohildren are not well we give them Hood's Sarsaparilla and we earnestly recommend it to others." E. BEitnv, 203 Hichmond St., Philadelphia. Hood's Pills caiy to tiny, ay to talc eaiy In tSuct. 13 tint. riillions of Dollars Go up in smoke every year. 'Take no risks but get your houses, stock, fur niture, etc., insured in first-class re liable companies as represented by fiAVm FATKT Insurance Agent, UilVlU riiUOl, 130 South Main St. Also Life and Accidental Companies. PITHY POINTS. Happenings Throughout the ltcglou Chron icled for Hasty Pcrusnl. Tho Jonos-lloagnn fight at Mt. Cnrmol was stopped by the authorities. The next teachers' institute, of Northum berland county will be Jiohl nt Mt. Cnrmol. Tlio six-year-old son of M. J. Leahy, of Gllbcrton, was run ovor by a butcher wagon on Tuosday. lie was slightly injured. A new Council of tho Jr. O. U. A. M. will bo instituted at St. Clair on January 17th, and another nt Auburn in tho near future. Thomas McCnflroy, of Branchdalc, died on Monday, aged 30 years. Ho was tax collec tor for lieilly township and was very popular. James Murphy, of Girardvlllo, einployedas engineer ut Preston No. 3 colliery, died on Sunday, and tlio funeral took place, this morning. He was 33 years of age. John O'ConiiolI, a miner, employed at North Mahanoy colliery, and residing at Mabanoy City, had his Imck and leg badly iujurcd by a fall of top coal on Tuowlay. Annlo Williams, the little child that was so badly burnt about thrco weeks ago by her clothes catching fire, died from the effects of her injuries at her home in Mabanoy City. Thomas Jorniau, aged 35 years and married, was burned nt Springdalo colliery on Tuesday. Ho resides at Shoemaker's. The assistant flro boss was also slightly burned about the hands and face. Tho funeral of Mrs. Thomas Holden, of Gllbcrton, took place from her late homo and proceeded to St. Mary's church, Mabanoy Plane, where funeral services were conducted by tho pastor, ltev. John Laughran. Tho remains were thou taken to ! mckvillo where interment was mado. A husband and seven small children survive her. PERSONAL. Edward Malick spent yestculay witli his parents at Sliamokin. J. G. Thiimin, tlio activo young solicitor on the IIkhald, is spending a week's vacation with his parents at Allentown. Ho was entertained by members of the Emanon Club previous to his departure in excellent style, on Tuesday evening. Martin Blllinger spent Christinas witli his parents at Heading. Oscar Gobo enjoyed his Christmas dinner at tho parental table in Heading. II. M. Saylor, of tho Ashland Daily Local, dropped in to wisli tlio Herald attaches a merry Christmas. William Bacliman, of Hazleton, spent Christmas at his former home here, and was heartily greeted by his many friends. Mr. and Mrs. William Snyder, of Allen town, aro guosts of town friends. -Misses McGinty, of Mahanoy City, spent yesterday afternoon in town. Miss Nellie Bradigan spent yestorday at Hcckshervillo. James O'Hara, a student of tho Pennsyl vania University, is spending tlio holidays witli his rolatlvos here. John Mabcr, of Scrauton, is a guest of town friends. Hicliard Amour and his mother spent Christmas with friends at Mt. Carmel. Oliver Eisenhower, of Wilkesbarro, is spending tlio holidays in town witli relatives. David O. Thomas, of Pertli Amhoy, N. J., spent Christmas witli his mother, on North Jardin street. Luther Scchrist spent Christmas with friends at Buckliorn, Columbia comity. Charles G. Palmer has dropped business cares at Bridgeport, Conn., until after the holidays and is visiting his family hero. B. G. Hess, who has bocu in tho South for tho past month or so on important business, has returned homo. Harry Nccdam, of Philadelphia, is spend ing the holidays witli relatives in town. , Mr. and Mrs. William VanDanaker, of Boyertown, and John VanDanaker, of Phil adelphia, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. D Hnlmau. Edward Clay, of Newark, N. J., is spending the holidays as tlio guest of Harry Dickie- man, on West Coal street. Mr. Clay is well known here, having been a resident of Delano for a number of years. M. M. MaoMillan, of Mahanoy City, paid a fraternal visit to town last evening. Mrs. E. F. Silliman, Jr., and Miss Carter of Mahanoy City, were in town last evening. T. G. Mayberry and wife, of West Oak street, aro spending tlio holidays witli rela tives in New England. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Swalm spent last even ing with Mahanoy City relatives. Samuel Powell, of Mt. Carmel, is in town David Thomas, of Mt. Carmel, at one time a compositor on tho Hkiulp, was in town this morning. Ho was in attendance at the Mahanoy City eisteddfod yesterday. Thomas Waters, Jr., greeted old friends hero yostcrday. Mr. Waters has an excellent variety company on tho road and is meeting with much success. He is playing this week at Lansford, and will endeavor to get a dato here. Itucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, soros, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cuics pilos, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salo by A. asley. Setley nt filrurdvUle. William Setley, who is well known hero as pitcher of the local base ball team, in com pany witli his wife, is spending tho holidays at tho hitter's homo in Girardville, lliey camo up from Florida, and upon their return to the South will locato in Texas. It Slay do us Much 1'or You. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that ho had a sevoro Kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his lack and also that hi bbidiler was affected. He tried many so-eallod Kidnev cures but without any Kood result. About a year ago he began usaof fclectric Hitlers anu louiiu rcuei at once. Electric Hitter is especially adapted to cure of all Kidney and J.ivcr troubles and often L'ives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only 50c. for large bottj. At A. Waslcy's drug store. Christina In tlio Jug, The police and constable yesterday and last night scooped in about twenty men and one woman who celebrated Christmas too well. Some paid fines and otliurs aro serving 48 hours in the lockup. A Warning. A recent arrival in town is liable to get into serious trouble if ho does not at once desist from annoying young ladies, with whom he luu no acquaintance, with bis at toiitions. and also stop bis "miltakcs" going lulu houses unasked, or he may get a thrashing from somo relative. ltcllef In Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "New Great Soutli American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on account of ita exceeding promptness in relieving pain in thebladdor, kidneys, back and every part of the urtuary passages in malo or female. It relievos retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If yoa want quick relief and cure this is your r mcdy. Sold bv I'jiac hhainra. druirgist, 107 Kouth ( Main street MR. J. C. CRAM A WITNESS SAYS IYIUNV0N SAVED HIS LIFE Olad to Testify For Munyon's Improved Homoeopathic Home Remedies. J. C. Cram, Wollsbiirg, West Va., says : "I have been n great sull'erer from dysiiepsia mid catarrh of tho liver, and have a great many doctors and used numberless remedies, but without a cure. In fact, of late, I grew worse so rapidly Hint I was given up as a hopeloss caso. At this time Munyon's treat ment was recommended to me, and I firmly bellevo tho use of Ills Homoeopathic Homcdies saved my life. A short course of treatment. using Munyon's Dyspejisia Cure and Liver 1 lire, cured me completely ot all my stomach and Hvor troubles, and made a new man of mo. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure is guaranteed to euro all forms of indigestion and stomach troubles. Pnco 38c. m, t t...... -,,,. .,..,.., , i i 1 , biliousness, jaundice, constipation and nil liver diseases. PrlcoSoo. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneumonia and breaks up a cold in a fow hours. Price 35c. Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness and speedily heals the lungs. l'rico 25c. Munyon's Vitalizer restores lost powers to weak men. Price, $1.00. A separate specific for each disease. At all druggists, mostly 25 cents a bottle. Personal letters to Prof. Muiiyon, 1505 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered with free medical advice for nny disease READING R. R. SYSTEM IX KI'FKOT OCTOIIKU I, ISM. Trains lenvc Shenandoah as follows : Kor New York via Philadelphia, week days 10. o2r. 7 20 n. in.. 12 58. 2B and 5 55 p. m Stindnys, 2 10 n. in. Kor Now York via Jlniieh Chunk, week days, 23, 7 20 n. 111., 12 58 nnd 2 55 p. in. For Heading and Philadelphia, week days, 10, 5 25, 7 20 a. m., 12 58, 2 55 and 5 65 p. m. Sun- Inys, 2 10 a. in. Por Pottsvillc, week days, 2 IO-7 20 n. in., nnd 2 M, 2 55 and 5 55 p. 111. Sundays, 2 10 n. 111. eor Taninqua nun .uiuinnoy uny, wcck nays, 10, 5 25, 7 20 n. 111., 12 SS, 2 55 and 5 55 p. 111. Sundays, 2 10 n. m. ror Yllluunporr, isnnnury mm iwihuiuki week days. 3 25, 1130 a. 111., 150 and 720 p.m. Sundays, 3 25 n. 111. I' or jnuianoy rinnc, weeuoays, iu. a s., 20, 11 30 a. in., 12 58, 1 50, 2 51,5 55, 7 20 nnd 9 35 . in. Sundays, 2 10, 3 25 a. 111. For Ashland nnd Sliamokin, week days, 3 25, 7 20,1130 a. in., 150,720 and 9 35 p.m. Sun days, 3 25 n. 111. For Iulthnore, Washington and too west via I. .to. It. It., through tralils leave lteadinir Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. .t It. It. It.) at 3 20, 05, 112li a. in., 3 41) anil t;it p. 111. funonys, 3 20, 7 00, 11 25 11. m., 3 40 and 7 27 p. m, Addi tional trains from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest nut streets station, week days, 150, 5 11, 8 23 p. 111. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. 111. Tit A INS FOK HIlliNANDOAH. Leavo New York via Philadelphia, week days, 8 00 a. m., 1 30, 4 00, 7 30 p. in, nnd 12 15 nlglit. Sundays, 0 uu p. 111. Leave apw lorK via jnaucii uinniK, weeK lays, 1 30, 9 10 11. in., 1 10 and 4 30 p. 111. Leavo Philadelphia. Itcadint; Terminal, week days, 120,8 35, 10 00 a. 111. and 4 00, 0 02, 1180 1. in. Sundays, 11 uu p. in. Leave Head nc. week days. 135. 710. 10 OR. 11 50 a. m., 5 ,55 anil 7 57 p. m. Sundays, 1 33 n. m. Leave I'oiisviiie, weeKriays, ;j., 'mu a. 111., 12 30 nnd S 12 p. 111. Sundays, 2 35 a. in. Leavo Tntuaoua. week ilavH. 3 JK. 8 50. 11 23 a 111., 1 20. 7 15 and 9 52 p. in. Sundays, 3 18 a. m. Leave iuananoy itiy, wcck nays, 11:1, 11 17 n. 111., 1 51, 7 39 nnd 9 51 p. 111. Sundays, 3 45 a. m. Leavo Jinhauoy Plane, week days, 2 10, 4 00, 0 30, 9 3T, 11 59 a. m., 12 58, 2 Ort, 5 20, 6 20, 7 53 nnd iu 10 p. 111. Sundays, j w, jiwh, m. Leave Williamsport, week flays, 7 42, 10 10 a. m., 3 35 and 11 41 p. m. Sundays, 11 15 p. m. ATLAJNTIU 11TV JJ1VJS1UIN, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wnrf and South street wharf for Atlantic City. Weekdays isxprcss, y una. 111., auu, 1 uu, ouu p.m. Accommodation, buuh, 111., 4 3U, oajp. m. Sunday Kxpress, 9 00. 1000 a. m. Accommo dation 8 00 a. in., 4 15 p. 111. ltctiirnlnir leave Atlantic City (depot,) week days, express, 7 35, 9 00 11. ni., 3 30, 5 30 p. m. Accommodation, 6 50, 8 15 a. m., and 4 32 p. 111. Sundays Express, 4 00, 730 p. m, Accommoda tion, 7 15 a. 111., -1 15 p. m. Parlor Cars on all express trains. I. A. SWKIOAItD, O. G. HANCOCK, Ueirl Superintendent. Uen'l Pass. Agt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SCHUYKILL DIVISION. NovEiinnit 17, 1895. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above date for Wiggans, Oilherton, Frackvllle, Dark Water, St. t'latr, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Heading, Pottstown, PhoenixTille, Norrlstown and Phil ndelphia (llroad street station) nt 6 0S and 1145 a. m. and 1 15 p. m. on week days. For Potts vlllo and intermediate stations 9 10 a. m. SUNDAY. For Wicirans. Gllbcrton. Frackvllle. Dark Water, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, at 6OS,9 40n. m. nnd 3 10 p.m. For Hamburg, Heading, Pottstown, rnocnixviiio, isorrisiown, I'liiiadeipma at ouu. 9 -ton. in., 3 10 p. m. Trains leavo rrnckvillo for Shenandoah at 10 4011. m. and 1211, 5 01, 7 42 and 10 27 p. m. Sunday, U 13 n. 111. nnd 5 10 p. m. Lcnvo Pottsvillc for Shenandoah nt 10 15, 11 48 n. m. apt! 1 10, 7 15 nnd 10 00 p. 111. Sunday at jo to a. 111., o J.T p. 111. Leave Philadelphia, (llroad street station), for ShennndOnh at 5 57 and H 35 n, 111., 110 and 711 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at ooua, in. Leave llrond street station, Philadelphia, for Sea Girt, Ashury Paik, Ocean Grove, Long Ifraucn, nni nuerineuiaio stations, u.w, o.iw, 11.39 a. in., 3.30, 4.00 p. in. week-days. Sundays (stop at Intcrlaken for Ashury Park), 8.25 a.m. Leave llroad Street Station, Philadelphia, FOIS NKW YOHIC. Kxpress, week days, 3 20, 105, 4 50, 515, 0 50, 7 Si, 8 20.9 20, 9 50, 10 30 (Dining Car), 11 00, 11 11 n. m., 12 noon, 12 35 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p. 111. ,-,i..i.. , .in pm in..!...- f.i ion Jon 5 00, 5 50 ( Dining Car), 6 00, 0 50, 8 12, 'l0 6b 'p. m.,' l'juimgiit Sundays, si-ju, iib, 4 ou, 010, bib, 9 20, 9 50, 10 30 (Dining Car), 11 01 a. in'., 12 35. 230 (Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited I 32), 5 20, 5 56 (Din ing Car), 0 35, 6 50, 8 12, 10 03 p. 111., 12 01 night. Kxpress for liostou, u. ithoiit change, 11 00 a. m. week days, und 0 50 p. m. dally. WASHINGTON AND THIS SOUTH For llaltlmoro nnd Washington, 3 50, 7 20, 8 31, 9 12,1020,1123 a. 111., 12 09 (1231 Limited Din ing Car), 112, 8 IS, 111 (5 19 Congressional Limited, Dining Car), 017, 6 55 (Dining Oar), 740 (Dining Car) p. in., and 12 05 night week days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20. 9 12, 1128 a. m., 1209 112,4)1,(5 15 Congressional Limited, Dining Car), 6 55 (Dining Car), 7 40 p. 111. (Dining Cur) and 12 05lilulit. Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia, FOlt ATLANTIC CITY. Kxpress, 8 00 a. in., 310, 4 00, and 8 00 p. m. week ibi) s. Sundays, 8 15 and 0 43 n. 111. Kor Cape May, Anglesww, Wlldwood and Holly Ileuch KxpreaSjOOOa. ni., and 4 00 p. 111. week days. Sundays, 9 00 a. m. For Sen Isle City, Ocean OHy and Avnlon. Express, 9 00n. m., and 1 00 p. m. Week days. Sundays, 9 00 a. in. For Homers Point. Kxpress, 8 50 a. in., and 4 00 p. 111. week days. Sundays, 8 45 a. m. S. M. Pbevcwt, J. It. AVoon, Gen'l Manager. - GaivU 1'aiw'g'r Agt. After All Others Pail coxsuir the famous specialist 329 N. 15th St. Jlelow Cnllowldll Philadelphia. Tn uAAtirA n liositivu nnd nerniAtient cure of Errors of Youth and Iiss of Manhood and of all discuses of the blood, Kidneys. Bladder, Skin and nervous System consult at once lr. I.ohb. He guarantees in all cases caused hy Excesses, imprudence or Inheritance to restore Health and Strength hy building up the shattered nervous system and adding new life and energy to the broken down constitution. Consultation and examinations free and strictly confidential. Olllce hours, dally and Sunday, from 0 A. M to ii 1. M. and 0 to 0 evenings. Head his book on errors of Youth and obscure diseases of both sexes. Sent free. -ND, Iteeenti Veno- Tho Press of Jlrx . r.tu'lun .iliai;e. , Cirr of MRXtco, Doc, 38. Tho pross, contlnuos lb (jlvo support to Vrcldont Clevolnud, who has become lmiiiBinwly popular, nnd ono paper deolnros that ho has tho publlo sentiment of nil tho now world behind him, tluit ho is invincible nnd that ho hns injected into tho publlo law of tho world tho Monroo doctrine, which is tho renson why Kuropo is mad dened nnd utters gnivo threats. Hut Kuropo will lltul that, all the nations on this honilsphore declare the Monroo doc trino to bo International law, for the peoplo of the new world are sovereign on this side of tho son nnd hnvo now the for midable support of a great nntion, which hi its secession contest revolutionized tho nrt of imvul wnrfnro and compelled Kng hmd to eopv its intentions nnd. bo-ido that, tholTnitod Statos, which In that, war nut 2.000.000 bravo men in tho Held enn rniso oven grantor armios now, for It is n i nation of 70,000,000 rich, bravo niuipiiin atlo men. All tlio leading journals tako tho side of tho Unitod Slates in unequivocal lan guage, the only dissenting voloos being thu clerical organ Kl Tiempo nnd tho or gans of rosidont Spaniards, which declare the United States Is on the brink of ruin, flunnoinl and political, nml in porll of tho combined hostllo notion of Europe Tho Ideal Pmuiccn. James I Francis, Alderman, Chicago, says: "I regard I)r. King's Now Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds nnd Lung Complaints, having used it in my family for tlio last live years, to the exclusion of physician's proscriptions or other prepara tions." ltev. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes: "I have lieen a Minister of tlio Methodist Episcopal church for 50 years or more; and havo never found anything so beneficial, or that gavo 1110 such speedy relief ns Dr.,King's Now Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough Itemcdy now. Trial bottles freo at A. Wasley's drug store. Twelve Thousand Druses Killed In Itattlo CONSTANTIxoPLIi, Dec. 2(5. Advices re celvod hero from lieirout l-oport that n so' vero fight has taken placo between tho Turkish troops nud tho Druses near Sued lch. According to tho ofllcial report tho Druses lost 12,200 killed, while only sev enty Turks wero killed and fifty wounded. Zcltoim Captured by tlio Turks. KoMK, Deo. 20. Advices received hero from Aloppo say that tho town of Zoltoun, fifteen miles from Marnsh, which has heou held by tho insurgent Armenians for somo tlmo past, has boon enptured by tho Turk ish troops. It is ndded that tho inhabi tants of Zeltoun lied to tho mountains. Tlio wifo of Mr. D. Robinson, a prominent lumberman of llartwick, N. Y., was sick with rheumatism for five months. In speak ing of it, Mr. Robinson says : "Chamberlain's Fain liaini is tlio only thing that gavo her any rest from pain. For tho relief of pain it cannot bo boat.'.' Many very bad cases of rheumatism havo been cured by it. For salo at 50 cents por bottlo by Gruhlcr Uros., drug gists. Coming Invents. Dec. 30. Cantata, "Tlio Jolly Farmers," in tho F. M. church, under tho auspices of tho Y. F. A. Jan. 2. Entertainment by tho Ministering Children's League of the All Saints' F. E. church, in Rabbins' ball, Jan. 18. Grand Welcomo Meeting to Brig adier Rown and Ensign Gilbert, at Evangelical church. Feb. 20. Supper and entertainment under the auspices of Council No. 81, Daughters of Liberty, iu Robbins' hall. Major C. T. Ficton is manager of tlio Stato Hotel, at Denison, Texas, which the traveling men say is ono of tho best hotels in that section. In speaking of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Major Ficton says: "I havo-used it myself and in my family for several years, and tako pleasure in saying that I consider it an in fallible euro for diarrhoea and dysentery. I always recommend it, and havo frequently administered it to my guests in tlio hotel, and iu every case it has proven' itself worthy of unqualified endorsement. For sale by Gruhler Rros.. druggists. Two Youthful Missouri Heroes. J Cahtiiage, Mo., Deo. 20. Tho Hussclll brothers, tho older of whom is not yet 10 years of ago, aro heroos in tho vicinity o Smlthflold. During tho big flood two fam ilies camped on tho White' farm wero missing, nnd woro supposed to bo drownedi Thoso boys began a search for them and found thorn thirteen men,,.womon, and children in a wngon box on, a hay stuck, with a nillo ot water around them in ovory direction. Tlio unfortunntos' had boon tliero twenty-four hours nnd woro nearly exhausted. The lads conveyed thorn two at a tlmo to tho land. When most needed it is not unusual for your family physician to boaway from homo. Such was tho oxporienco of Mr. J. Y. Schenuk, editor of tho Caddo, Ind. Tor., Hannor, when his littlo girl, two years of age, was threatened with a severe attack of croup. Ho says: "My wife insisted that I go for the doctor, but as our family physician was out of town I purchased a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Ifemody, whioh relieved her immediately. I will not bo without It in the future." 38 and 50eiit bottles for salo by Gruhler Ilros., druggists. Satisfaction plumber. guaranteed by Bell, tho NUGGETS OF NEWS. At Borea, Ky., in a shooting frnong be tween drunken mou, Will Johnson nud Lee Mltoboll were lclllod. I)r ' Miirston Uydor was acquitted nt Wi 'It, Vti of the murder of the In fant d of Com M. Lowis. l'lvo-yonr-old Clmrllo Smith, son of Oharlos Smith, was drowned In iv barrel of WUtor nwr Jii father's storo in Now York. Knglneen Samuel Keck, wiillo repairing ft boiler, was almost scalded te death at Goonfotown, O., by a defeotlvo steam valvo. James HeBDoy, who was convicted of stoallus bullion from tho United States mint in San Francisco, lms been sentenced to eight yours iu prison nmlniluoof 6,000, Mrs. Kdward Woniplo, wife of ox-State Controller Weuiple, of Now York, dlod nt Kultonvllle, N. Y., from tho effects of an noeldontal fall from ft window, lifter tak ing an overdose of medlclno. Tlio premature explosion of n blast in Harlem, Now York, sorlously injured Mlcbaol Munchor, l'asqualo Sabbli John Corges and William Booth. James Mar key, the foreman, was arrested, APPLAb Will NotPerformfliiracles But It Will Cure. E. MILES' ItESTOKATIVE NERVINE cnro3 nervous prostration. Not mi raculously, but scientifically, by first removing tho germs ot disease, and tlion supplying healthy ncrvo food, increasing tho appetite, helping digestion nnd strength etiing tho onttre aystom. Desporato cases rcquiro prolonged treatment as shown by that of Mrs. M. II. Reed, of Delta, Iowa, who writes l "As tho result of a lightning stroko, tho physicians said I had alight stroko of paralysis, my limbs would all draw up. I Dr. Miles' would havo throbblngs in my chest that seemed unendurable.. For three months I could not sleep and for threo weeks did not close my oyes. I prayed for sleep, and Nervine Restores Health felt that it relief did not como I would bo dead or insSno. I took Dr. Miles' Restora tive Nervine and tho second night slopt two hours and from that tlmo on my health Im proved; slowly at first, but steadily and surely. I took In all 40 bottles, and I cannot express how grateful I am, for I am now perfectly well, and havo taken no medicine for over tour months." Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold by druggists on guarantee that first bottlo benefits or money refunded. Took on heart and- nervos free. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind, .CHASES BloodfHerveFood For Weak and Run-Down People from Childhood to Old Age. WHAT IT IS! Tho richest of all rcstorstW r oodB, tie cause it replaces the sarao Bnbetances to the blood and nerves that aro eihausted In thcBetwollfe.KivlnRfluidsby disease, Indlcestlon, tuna living, overwork, worry, excesses, abuse,e(c. WHAT IT QOCS,! By raklnK tho blood pnre and rich, and thedicestlon Perfect, it creates solid HeBb, muscle and strength. The nerves be Inp mane 6tron,the brain becomes active and clear. I orrestorlnB lost vitality and stopnlnft alt wasting drains and weakness In either sei, It has no equal ; and asafcmalercRulatorit is worth ita weight In gold. One hox lasts a week. Price frfic., or 6 boi.es $fuo. Druggists or by mall, ltonk free. . THE DR. CHASE COMPANY, 1513 Chestnut St.. Phlladelpbb. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. p F. UUItKE, M. D. ao IS. Lloyd street, Shenandoah. 'Olllce hours : 7 to 9 a. 111., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. 111. J II. POMEUOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. .Shenandoah, I'a. M- sr. nuiiKB, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. OIUcc Kgan building, comer Centre Btrccfa, Shenandoah. if Main and pitOF. JOHN JOKE?, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Iockr Box G3,iIaliunoy,Clty, l'a. llnvlng studied under some of the pcs masters Ip Iypndqii and &irls,,jvill,BlVQ' Icsfeons on tho vioiinf ciiitar-nnuivjcai culture. Terms' reasonable. Address ill enro of Stronsc, the Jeweler. Shenandoah, 's Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Agt., 207 West Coal Street. Teams to H I re. If you want to hire a safe and reliable team for driving or for working purpose pay Shields' livery stable a visit. Teams constantly 011 hand at reasonable rates. JAMES SHIELDS, N'o. 110 East Centra street. Opposite Heading railroad station. A genuine welcome awaits youat JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. rialn and Coal Sts. Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys, beern, ..nnH ..n. ...... ci.,,.ti.f or, ri.. Choice tern 1 perance drinks ami eiuurs. S Chichester's Uusllsh Diamond II run J. ENWYROYAl PILLS Original una irni, ui-nuiuu 1L Dnugtit (or Ciciw n vi boiM, www "im """ w no nil, far-. JilfuH JaSfffroU tuftllllu V Mm, and tmttattont AtnruKuti,orMad4c. Id iumil Air joinloulari. uitimonUU to I MUltef foe I.adl'm,il"er. by return PliMir.uv"4vi.t ,wy SY PILLS! Safe Alio sure, echo 4c. ior'-womau s saje fJUARD." WlriK BPECIFIC Co.,PHUS.,PV Mm ' 1 urn leUtruffaor DRUG