The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 21, 1895, Image 3

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    ,,vrf '
r V
the great
Instantly Relieves
Skin Diseases
AnJ the most distressing forms of itching,
binning, bleeding, and scaly skin, scalp, anil
blood humours, and points to a speedy euro
San" fall rclnCl'ICS nn1 tho best phjsl
Sritniiv Cdkb TnnATMrs-T. - Warm baths.
OUTirmiA (ointment), and mllcl doses of Cu
TicuitA lliaoLVKM (the new blood purifier).
" " Boss. I, Klnj IMmnUL, London. I'otiib
UDaAsDCuni.Coar.,Bol 1'iopt., Uoi ton. U. 8. A.
General and, Nervous, Debility.
Weakness of Body and
Mind, Effects of Errors
or Excesses in Old or
Younpr. Robust, Noble
Manhood fully Restored.
How to Enlarge and
BtrenRthen Weak, Un
llovelopod Portions of
itour. Ausoimciy an
falling norno Treatment.
Benefits in a day.
fmtrt tM fllntM and TiVsrploT,
Countrios. Bend for Descriptive Hook, ex
planation and proofs, mailed (scaled) free.
Icr Horses, CattleSheep, Doge, Hog?,
SOOrnffO Rook on Treatment of Animals
and Cbnrtbent.l'rce.
A.A.JSplnnl Meningitis, Milk l'over.
ll.II.Strnlns, Lameness, Klieamailsm,
O.C.lllsteniper, Nnsnl Discharges.
D.U. Ham or Grubs, Worms
K.K.'-.Coucbs, Heaves, Pneumonia.
F.F Colic or tJrlpos, ltcllyncbe
.(!. Itllscarrlnuo, Hemorrhages'.
11,11, Urinary and Kidney JJiscnscB.
J. I. Eruptive Dlsenscs, Manse,
J. K. Diseases of Hiiftitlon, Paralysis
Single Bottle (oyer SO doses), - - .00
Htuble Case, with Bpcclflcs, MannaL
Veterinary Cure Oil and Madlcator. - 87.00
Jnr Veterinary Cure Oil, . 1,00
Sold bybragirhUi or .st prtpftl4 snrwbtre and lour
qatsUlr 9u reept of prie.
HUIPIIRETS' It 14), CO,, 111 A 1U W1M1 81. , Saw Tort.
In nse 30 jests. The onlr successful remedy for
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
nd rroitratlon, from over-work or other .causes,
per vi&l or.6,TiaIf and Urg vial powder, lor $5.
Sold by ProcsMta.or ett poitpsldon receipt of price.
MGBPII RHYS' EKD. CO. 1 1 1 A 1 1 S V Wlm St.. Keylock-
Chtcheiler KnelUh Diamond It rand.
Urlfftnal and Only Genuine. A
SAFCs alirtya relUblt. ladics tk I
mondlirani in ltcd Qd Gold nictalUaYvSy
Iboxef. Mled wlUi blue riVn. Take Yuf
inootuw Jtefutt dangtrout tuhHitu
tion and imitation; Al nrugjriili, or lend 4c.
la eUmjn tor particular!, toBUmonUlJ md
"Kcucr iop i.Dic"i'tr( dj return
Stall. llSOOOTrothubDlKla. Xame lipvr.
lcheftt4arlhcntltullo.tjluulmi unic.
Thoonly Genuine Specialist In 1'Kladri-
tillta. linttvlttivtnnillni' ulinr. fitlipru flfivin.
tlse. Nervous liehllltyandtliorosults of Indla
crouon. U j cars' Kuropcnti llosiiiliil tied .'.J
Tcar Prnetlcnl Jixperlence. special Itii
rttHCH nitd Miletiucs I'eiimiiientl j- Cured
ill ilo J01)il)B. ltclicf nt once.
Cinnn DrilCnU Primary orbocoiidary. cured by
DLUUU rUloUn ntlrelynewmetlindioto'JOituy'
bend Ave 2c stamps for bootc "Tnith," benetlclal to
yount' and eld, single and married s onl y book c j
Iiosinc'IiincUs. Hours, B-3; cv'gs, u-a.:."; Vil.atnl
hat. ev'gs,il-U:30: Hnn.,9-12. II olliei s roblicd mid
deceived roudon'tJudRBallnliUe. I will euro
you and jouVe you visoron aud Mtni ntr. Lowest
clmrEes for the best treatment. H'rtteoreatt.
Our Plans of Operation
Absolute Safety of investment.
Dividends Payable Monthly.
Principles of LIFE INSURANCE and BUILO
$10 to
Can bo Invested mtb
convince any tfatonable peroa t
till It a truthful ttuUimenu
The loot
andT v
iul wont
looked for (Ti.urw i
is at nan
very uvtttatinn In tin
11 (If it r.n m.n
in vnluBd.
mrtithiw ert at or below ibeoof 't
rriyt nr, i prices o.
ui ti,kiuvi.iuu. n, ill you Join lm-
procttitoa and reap the beneau o)
this boom ?
Will establish IKm by rrter
llD.y ,liu',1' ( 'he leadiRv Oaitk.'
and Trvtt CtmtanUt of our ct
t,nr- it) Our past ucc Jul
25 HBP C6nt I "( 'hat reel
" I " InurnBilitnn na tn
Our past niccut justifies us ir.
ei asaureo of
II ni' Mntlfll dnd of per c(!Ut or more on
u3onict utvi
... 4 DHIUVU
TIGATE I f too want tn m&fce monev. ml
Qk td fur you to t x.tztiquU neu
rndarf7inI nprthod WHJ ftarnn
let to convince Hie ioou wkeptloiil.
' u
Lion. XMprukonuivtM i'uiwu J'Tr
Co-cpcrttlve Trading Lsi:,'vi"
A It tTWN,
iM ttf all ln&
ppf Do you DESIRE to make
t All pereons who wish to be candi
dates on the Citizens'
ticket at the
pring Election
of 1896,
I jn the Borough of Shenandoah,
must present thqir names and the
required fees to the secretary of the
Citizens smnumg committee nut
later than the 17th day of January,
vi896. By order of the committee,
T. J. JAMES, Pres.
W. J. W ATKINS, vSec y,
The President Sends an Anti-Eo-cess
Messago to Congress
House ItepubUcans Decide to Ifrnore tlie
Adjotirutnent Itcsoltttloti ntidCtititlntie at
Work The Senate Passes the Venezuela
Commission 11111 Without Amendment,
Washington, Deo. SI. Yesterday was
n, tiny of oxcltomont nnil Btirprlses in
Washington. Kvonts moved with rapid
ity, nnil when tho sun went down publlo
men in nil hrmicltes of tho service woro
nervous nnd worn out from tho tonBlon.
Iteports enmo of pnnio in Bccttritles
throughout tho country nnd hero In Wnsh
iiiEtou nffnlrs moved nt tlto rapid pneo of
a kaloldoscopo. Tito houso Vonczuolnn
oommtsslon hill wns amended in material
respects by tho sennto foroign relations
tommlttco, and then by a sudden change
In sentiment In tho sennto was passed
unanimously just ns it canto from tho
houso. Then on adjournment resolution i
from today over tho holidays was passed
by the sennte, only to bo followed by nu
urgent messago from tho presldent.strong
ly advising prompt notion for tho reform
of our currency system and tho mainte
nance of publlo credit.
At tho other ond of tho nvcnuo tho pres
ident nnd his cabinet received prompt nd
vioes'of the cours.0 of events hero.nnd on
the publlo exchanges. Tho enbtnet held'
two sessions, something without prece
dent in recent years. Secretary Herbert,
who returned from Now York this after
noon, attended the second meeting for a
brief time. All of tho remaining mom
bow of tho cabinet woro present except
gceretarlos Lnmont and Smith, who nro
out of town. Tho lltinucial situation was
tho princip.1l toplo of conversation, nnd
the rosult of tho meeting was rovcaled in
tho message bent to tho senate lato in tho
nfternooii, the body being kept In session
by request from tho White Houso for its
Tho message wns.not favorably received
In tho senate. Tho summary adjourn
ment upon the motion ot Senator Cock
rell, ouo of tho Democratic leaders, Imme
diately after the conclusion of its reading,
was taken on tho Itcpubllcan side as n dis
position not to consider the messago seri
ously. Tho action on the "Vonoznolan commis
sion Wf s tho culmination of a debnto adding
a memorable pgo to congressional his
tory. It was a day of notable spoeches by
notable men. Tho subject of war bet,wqcn
the United States nnd' Great Britain ,wns
tho prevailing themo, which found expres
sion In lofty patriotic sentiments, in stir
ring appeals for preparation jmd defense,
In graphic portrayals qf tho horrors' of war,
rind at times in deilnnt warnings to tho
people.noross tho water.
By n blugnlar .coincidence tho session
which was to be marked by such vigorous
debate nnd action, wits opened by an in
vocation of classic beauty from tho blind
chaplain of tho senate, breathing tho
spirit of good will botween tho two prom
inent English speaking nations. This
was speedily followed by tho adoption of
Mr. Allen's somewhat ironical resolution,
calllug on the flnanpo committco to Inves
tigate tho needs of tho unlimited coinage
of silver.
At all times during tho four hours of
discussion tho gallories were besieged by
nn eager crowd, whoso patriotic impulses:
found frequent expression in applause,
which tho presiding oilicer sought vainly
to suppress.
Tho most notable utterances of the day
were those of Senators Sherman, Teller,
Mills, Lodge, Piatt, Turplo, Chandler,
Whlto, Cnffory, Call and Stewart, repre
senting the three shndos of political senti
ment, and yet in tho main uniform in
urging tho support of tho president, vig
orous assertion of tho Monroo doctrlno,
nnd, if need be, any nctiou ossential to
mnlutaln tho national dignity.
Thero were strong expressions, also,
ngalnst tho panic In American stocks and
securities which it was said tho London
commercial houses wero seeking to bring
about. Throughout the dob'ate, thero was
nn undercurrent of feeling that, whilo tho
country would not shrink from war If It
must como, such a calamity was not im
minent. tiiu ntrcsi hunt's mhssagk.
Ho Urges Financial Jeclslatloit lteforo the
Holiday Adjournment.
Washington, Dec. 21. President CIovo
lnnd'H llunncliil messago, which was not
delivered to tho sonato until 4:I!0 yoster
duy afternoon, is in substance ns follows:
"In my last annual message tho evils of
our present llnuucinl system woro plainly
pointed out aud tho causes and means of
the depletion of government gold wero ex
plained. It was therein stated that tiftor
all tho efforts that had been made by tho
oxocutlvp branch of tho government to
protect our gold rosorvo by tho issuanco of
bonds amounting to moro thnn $102,000,
000, such reserve then amounted to but
llttlo inoro than STO.OOO.OOO, that about
810,000,000 had been withdrawn from such
reservo during tho month noxt previous
to the ditto of that mossago, and that quite
largo withdrawals for shipment in tho
immediate future wero predicted. Tho
contingency then feared has reached us.
"Wo tiro in tho midst of another season
of porploxlty caused by ourdaugerous and
fatuous ilnancial operations. Those may
bo oxpected to recur with certainty ns long
as thero is no amendment in our financial
system. If in this particular instance our
nredicamonj is nt all influenced by u re
cent instnnco upon tho position wo should
occupy in pur relation to certain questions
eouoornlug our foreign policy, this fur
nishes a signal and impressive warning
that oven the patriotic sentiment of our
people is not nn adequate substituted for n
sound fluanulal polloy.
"Of course there onn bo np doubt In any
thoughtful mind ns to tho completo sol
vency of our nation, nor can thore bo any
just apprehension that tho Amorlcan
people will le satisfied with less than an
honest payment ot our publlo obligation
in tho recojrulzod money of tho world.
Wo should not overlook tho fact, how
ever, that uroufceil fear Is unreasoning nnd
must be taken into account In nil efforts
to avert publlo loss and tho sacrifice of our
peoplo'g interests,
"Tho real uud sonsiblo euro for our ro
currlng troubles onn only be effected by it
complete chntigo in our llnuucinl scheme.
Pending that, tho executive branch of tho
government will not relax its efforts nor
nbaudon its determination to use evory
menus within Its reach to maintain before
tho world American credit, nor will there
beany hesitation In exhibiting its confi
dence in the resources of our country and
tho constant patriotism ot our people
"lu view, however, ot the peculiar bltu-
tlon now confronting us, I havo ventured
herein to express tlto earnest hopo that the
congress in default of tho inauguration o
a better systom of flnnnco will not tnko a
recess from its lnbors. before it has, by.
legislative enactment or .declaration, dono
something not only to remind thoso np
prchenslvo among our peoplo that tho re
sources ot this .government nnd a scrup
ulous regard for honest dealing afford a
sure guarantee of unquestioned Safety nnd
soundness, but to reassure tho world' that
tho ability and determination ot our na
tion to meet in any clrcumstnncqs e,very
obligation it incurs do not admit of question."
Cured Mrs, Julia -B, Fuss of Sciatic Rheu
matism After Six Doctors Failed.
Two Bottles of Munyon's Rheumatism Cure
Made a Completo Cure After Twenty
Years of Suffering All of Munyon's Rem
edies Act Promptly and Cure Permanently.
Mrs. Julia 15. fuss, Tnmpa, On,, says: "I
have had a comrlicat!on.ot altincnts fur the
past twenty years, and during' that time had,
six doctors and tried innumerable remedies
without obtaining n cure. I suffered from
sciatic rheumatism, pains in all parts of tho
body, (itilliicss of' the joints, .pain in the
back and nervous prostration. Two bottles
cured mo completely. I am like a now
woman, and I shall ahvay.t recommend
MUNYON'S REMEDIES above all other
Munyon's Rheumatism Cure seldom fails to
relievo in one to three hours, and cures in a
few days. Price So cents.
Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure Is guaranteed to
euro all forms of indigestion and stomach
troubles. Price SSo.
Munyon's Kidney Curospeodllycitres pains
in tho back, loins or groins and all forms of
kidney disease. PricoSoc,
Munyon's Vltalizcr restores lost powers to
weak men. Price, $1.00.
A sepcrato specific for each disease. At nil
druggists, mostly 25 cents a bottle.
Personal letters to Prof. Mttnyon, l."0.
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered
with freo medical advice for any disoaso.
Of a liead-pllttinp lientlpchu immediately re
ltevett Ijy f,lie,useof
Anti-Headache Powders.
They nrun positive and speedy euro and nro
(51m ran teed absolutely harmless. Their jjreat
success Is ample proof that they uro an effective
article, which can he always uod with the best
of results. Procure them from Gruhlcr Ilros.
After All Others Fail
329 N. 15th St.
Itelow Callowhlll
To securo n posltlvo and permnnent euro of
Krrors of Youth nnd Loss of Manhood aud of
all diseases of tho blood, Kidneys, Bladder,
Skin and nervous System consult nt nnco lr.
Lohh. He guarantees in nil cases caused by
Kxeesses, Imprudence or Inheritance to restoro
to Health and Strength by bulldini; up the
shattered nervous sybtcm nnd adding new lifo
nnd enerirv to tho broken down constitution.
Consultation and examinations freo and strictly
confidential. Onlco hours, dally aud Sunday,
from OA. M. to 3 1. M. and 0 to 9 evenings.
Read his book on errors of Youth nnd obscure
diseases of both sexes. Sent free.
John dalton,
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Do you DESIRE to Make
Make your money ram you n monthly
J10.00 nnd more mado dally by our new sys
tematic l'Jnn of Operation on small investments
in grain and toqk speculation.
All we ask Is to Investigate our new and
original methods. Past workings of plan uud
highest references furnished. Our ltooklet
"Point fc Hints" bow to tnako money and
other Information sent I'llKlC
GH.M0HC A Co., IhikcrnnilIlrokcr.
Open Hoard if Trade Mdtr., I'hleago, 111.
JUlUCVnil re Throat, l""I"Mji-?,PP;i"
HAYb lUU Colored Spot, AthM, W
Ulcers In Mouth, ltalr-KallinjI Write COOtt
OhlciiBo, III., for proofi ot cares. UupF
Ito an. Uuy. lOO-puge Doom
Terrible Accident in a Mine Noar
Dayton, Tenn,
An Kiplnslnti of Firedamp Caused tint
Hoof of the Mine tn Cnvn In, Shutting
Oir the Air nnd Slaking It Iiuposslbli
to Itenclt liven the Dead. Ilodles.
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.. Deo. 21. Twenty
nlno miners lost their lives yesterday in
tho Nelson mine, near Dayton, Tenn., by
an explosion of firedamp, Tho explosion
was succeeded by a terrific crash, whlrh
indicated that tho roof of tho passage
Which they had entered had fallen in. No
avenue of escape was left and thero Is no
possibility that any or tho men will bo
found nllvo.
The initials the property ot the Dayltui
Coal nnd Iron oompauy. Tito men, both
white and colored, including several boys,
entered tho mine to go to work at 7 o'clock
in tho morning, but nothing of tho awful
catastrophe was known until 11 o'clock.
when tho miners at entry No. 10 found
tlto way blocked by n solid wall of coal
and slate.
Tho entry where tho unfortunate miners
nro entombed ran back more than two
miles from the mouth of the mine. Tho 1
mlno Is of tho kind common in southern I
coal fields, known ns 11 drift or lovel veined
mlno, worked in tho direction, of tho vein, I
strnlght into tho face of tho mountain, but
before tho entry is reached n long slope
extends to it level several hundred yards
below, nt an angle of about twenty de- '
greos. Tho cars aro pulled up from the
foot of the slope, where tram cars, drawn
by mules, connect with tho outside by 11
cable, which hauls the coal up with re
markable rapidity.
Rescuing parties worked all day nnd
night trying to reach them, but it is proli ,
nino iney win uo soverai ttnys toreing nn
opening through the wall of tho fallen
rooting, which must bo made safo as they
proceed. The foul air quickly oxhautts
the workers who nro relieved by fresh
hands. Tho work will continue day and
night, till the bodies aro recovered.
At the first drift mouth hundreds of
women nnd children soon gathcred,und tho
picture of their grief nnd despair is heart
rending. Mothers wringing their hands,
weeping daughters and llttlo children,
sweethearts and grandparents, all in tho
greatest distress, for tlioy havo been told
that there is no hopo. The mine Is ven
tilated by air shafts or. .passages. Tho
caving In of tho wall In tiio.ontry cut off
tho draught, and death was certain to
thoso who breathed tho poisoned, air.
Tho.followiug is a nearly completo list
ot tho entombed miners: Lon Ferguson,
Jnck Ivestock, William Henderson, John
Westfleld (colored), John Mauls, Josh
Bennett, William Alexander, W. II.
Davis, Thoodoro Lauo, AVill Lane (son of
Theodore), Tom Hawkins, John Leech
(colored), W. J. Miller, Robert Hamil
ton, Laney Walker, Charles Washburn,
Cyrus Alcxandor, Will Brotlierson, Jim
Johnson, Elder Morgan (a son of ex-Postmaster
Morgan), John Abel, n whito boy,
and "Will Roddy, n colored lad. Tho first
ten woro married.
Tin: cuarxocK anxi; victims.
It Is Now Known That Thlrty-xoveii Men
Woro Killed.
IiALKIGH, N. C, Doc. 21. It is now
known that thirty-seven miners woro killed
by tho explosion nt tho Cumnock mine.
Tho cause Ib still unknown. Twenty min
utes beforo tho accident tho flro boss re
ported ovcrythlng nil right While tho
work of roscuo was going on yesterday the
mouth of tho shaft was burroundod by a
largo crowd of people. On one hand was
an old mother whoso husband and sous
wero buried in tho bowels of the earth
Nearby stood n young wlfo with a baby in
Tior arms, whilo brothers, sisters and rela
tives from far nnd near stood around weep
ing nnd wailing.
When tho bodies were brought to the
surface soverai were unrecognizable. Tho
negroes could not be distinguished from
tho whlto miners, nil being covered with n
sooty coat of coal, nnd many having tho face
aud eyes burned out. Dr. Mooro, the
principal physician on tho scene, thinks
most of them died from suffocation by
firedamp, but tho old miners think nearly
all wero killed by tho explosion. Konr
llfths of tho dead wero married niou nnd
their families aro left holplebs ami destl
tute. The miners who escaped alive toll thrill
ing talcs. Ono man, Joseph Smith, had
reached tho foot of tho main shaft when
ho thought of his sou, who was in tho ill
vlslou whoro tho explosion occurred. Ho
rushed back into tbo darkness to where
tho gas was burning, snatched up his son,
who hnd fallen into n stupor, and carried
him to tho foot of tho shaft. Both wore
badly burned, but they will live.
Double Murder and Suicide.
Sioux CITY, In., Deo. 21. Particulars
havo just boon received here of 11 double
murder nnd suicide near Castara, Monona
county. George Wolf and Ills wlfo quar
relled, aud sho wont to tho homo of Will
lam Hatledgo to live. Wolf went to the
Rrttledgo farm and shot Mrs. Ratledge
through tho heart. Then ho shot his wife
fatally. Being unable to find Ratledge
he fired n bullet into his own brain.
Important Ilattle Imminent In Culm. '
MADItll), Dep. 21. A dlnpittch to The Kl !
Llboral from Havana says thai Maximo
Gomez, Antonio Muceo, Laeeret, Suuivi I
Poriqulto and Perez, at the head oi io.ihki
insurgents, havo foroed the frontier ui
Mntanuts. and it Is believed that an im
portant Iwttlo is imminent, as there are '
many Spanish troops in that part of tho '
country. 1
Cheering for tho Strihers.
NBW YoitK, Deo. 21. Tlionieetiugof tho
exeoutlva committee of the Brotherhood
of Tailors was hold last night. It was tin
nnuncod that about thirty contractors had
signed application blanks for tho return
ot their men. Many of tho members of
of tbo brotherhood believe this to be tho
beginning of the end of tho strike.
Yellow Feier In Mexico,
Citv of Mexico, Deo. 21. Advices from
Morldaroport the arrest of soverai news
paper men on political grouuds. Yellow
fevor is still opldeinlo iu Papautla in the
6tatoor Veracruz, both In town and on
tho big plantations.
Why sudor with Houghs, Colds' and La
f Grippe when Laxative Bromo Qu uiuo will
cure you in ouo day. Put up in tablets con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, er
f money refunded. Pi In" 13 cents. Fur sale
i by Ktrlin'- Phannary
Let The Whole World
Know The Good
Dr.Miles' Heart Cure Does
EART DISEASE, has Its victim at a
disadvantage. Always taught that
heart disease is incurable, when the
symptoms become welldelincd, tho patient
becomes alarmed and a nervous panic takes
place. Rut when a suro remedy is found
and a euro effected, after years of suffering,
thero is great rejoicing and dcslro to "let
tho whole world know." Mrs. Laura YVlno
lnger, ot Selkirk, Kansas, writes; "I deslro
toletthowholoiworld know what Dr.Miles'
Ti- JYIHpc' HoartOurohasdonofor
Ul. 1'lllta m0i portonyeatslhad
Heart CUre palnlnmyhoart, short
, noss of breath, palplta-
KeSIOreS tlon.palninmylcftsldo,
TTpolth oppressed fooling in my
nCtillll....... chest, weak and hungry
spells, bad dreams, could not llo on oltbor
side, was numb and suffered terribly. I took
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and beforo I finished
tho second bottlol felt Its good effects, I feel
now that I am fully recovered, and that Dr,
Miles' Heart Curo saved my life."
Dr. Miles' Heart Curo Is sold on gunrantco
that first bottlo benefits, or money refunded.
Passenger trains leave fthcuandnnh for Venn
Haven .lunetlon, Mnuch Chunk, Lehlghton,
Klatlngton, White Hall, Cnhisautiua, Allentown,
liethlehcni, Knatou nnd YVenthorly, at 0 OI, 7 3S,
U 15 a. m., 12 4:1, 1 05, 5 27 p. in.
Kor New York and Philadelphia, 0 01, 7 38,
9 15 a. in., 12 43, I m p, m.
For ( junknkc, Hwltchhaek, ( Jcrhards nnd Hud
soudale, 0 15 a. 111. and I 05 p. m.
For WilkeslMirre, Whitu Haven. I'ittston,
Lnceyvllle, Towautla, Savre, AVaverly ami Kl
mlrn, a 01, II 15 a. m 2 57, 5 27 p.'iil.
For Rochester, lluPfolo, Niagara Falls and the
West, y 15 a. in., 2 57, 5 27.11. 111.
For Helvldere, Delaware Water (tap ami
Stroudshurg, G 01 a. tn., 1 05 p. in.
For Laiuhertvillo and Trenton, 9 15 a. 111.
For Tunkhauuoek, 0 01, 915 n. in., 2 57, 5 27
p. m.
For Ithaca and (Jenevn, G01, 9 15 a. in., 527
p. 111.
For Auburn, 9 15 a. m., 5 27 p. 111.
For JeaucHvllle, Le istou uml Heaver Meadow,
7 3S a. in., 12.13 p. 111.
For Stockton nnd Lumber Yntil, 0 01, 7 3S,
9 15 n. III., 12 13, 2 57, 5 27, IM p. in.
For Sliver llrook Junction, Audcuricd and
Hazleton, 0OI.7 3S, 9 15 a. 111., 12 13, 2 57, 5 27,
8 0S u. 111.
For Sernuton, 0 01, 9 15 a. m., 2 57, 5 27 p. 111.
For llazl, brook, .Teddo, Driftou ami Free
hold 0 01, 7 US. 9 15 11. in., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27 p. ill.
For Ashland, (llrardvilie nnd Lost deck, -1 10,
0 15,7 30.9 13,10 20 a. 111., 12 35, 110, 1 10, 6 35,
8 22 p. 111.
For Uaveu Uuii, Centnilia, Mount Cnrtncl and
Shanioklll, 9 13, 1111 ll. Ml., 132, I2U,S22,915
p. in.
For Vntesville. Park Place, Mahanoy City nnd
Delano, 5 50, 0 01, 7 3S, 9 15, II 05 a. 111., 12 43, 2 57,
I 05. 5 27. 8 OS. 9 23. 10 All 11. 111.
Trains will leaye Shainokln nt 5 15, 8 15, 1115
a. in., 1 55, 1 9 30 p. ill., mid nrrlve at Shenan
doah at 0 01, 9 15 a. m., 12 13, 2 57, 5 27, II 15 p. in.
Leave Shenandoah for l'ottstllle, 0 01, 7 38,
9 08,llO-i,1130a.ln., 12 13, 2 57, 1 10. 5 27, 8 tW
p. 111.
Leave l'ottsvllle for Shenandoah, 0 00, 7 10,
9 05, 10 15, 1 1 4S a. III., 12 32, 3 00, I 10, 5 20, 7 15,
8 55, 9 10 i. in.
Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, 0 01, 7. is, 9 15
a. III., 12 13, 2 ."i7. 5 27, 8 OS p. 111.
I.eavu Harlt-ton for slienandoali, 735, 1005,
11 00 a. 111., 12 15, 2 3", 5 7 25. 7 50 p. 111.
1 rains leave iin itutt-ii nun, vt-inntii.i, .m.
Cannel nndSlmniokin, 0 15 a. in.,2 40p. in., and
Trains leave for Raven Run, Centnilia, Mt
arrive at Shainokln at 7 40 a. 111., and 3 43 11. m.
Trains leave Shamokin for Slienandoali at
7 53 a. ui., nud I 00 p. 111., and arrive at Shenan
doah at 8 49 a. 111., and 4 .38 p. m.
Trains leaye for Ashland, Glrardville anil Lost
Creek, 9 10 n. 111., uud 12 30 p. 111.
Fur Hazleton, ltlaek Creek Junction, I'enn
I!nven Junction, Mnuch Chunk. Allentown,
Rethlchem, Rastou and New York, 8 19 a, in.,
1230, 2 30 p. ill.
For Philadelphia, 1230. 2 30 p. 111.
For Yatesvillo, Park Place, Mahauov Citv and
Delano, 8 19, 11 35 It. in., 12 30, 2 30, 4 58, GUI, 7 10
p. in.
Leave Ilazlctim for Shenandoah, 8 .'10, 1130
a. in., 1 05, 5 30 p. in.
Leave Sheuaniloah for l'ottsvllle, 5 5'i, 8 19,
9 32 a. in., 2 10 p. 111.
l.,.!,vi, l'ottsUll,. for Shi'imnilonh 8 30 10 In
, 1 35. 3 15
HOI. I. IN II. WII.RUR, Genl. Supt.,
South lletldeheiu, Pa.
CI (A III. US S. LEE, Genl. Pass. Agt..
A. W. NONNEMACIIKR, Asst. (1, P. A.,
South liethlehcni, Pa.
ami can't get it, then come to u. for
it. AVe carry the bent ot
Groceries, Butter and Eggs,
ROUtt and FEED.
Our dellvory wagon awultn our order. (JuoUs
delivered promptly.
29 East Centre Street.
There is no pain that Pain-Killer will not stop.
Colic, cramps, toothache, earache, sprains, cuts,
burns, bites and stings, all yield to its magic.
&. i r a
m mm is cerram
kills pain
Tbi ami
mr I. oQi
,n il. 1 ulthpr!
t oktui Tb. c.ulo.
j jdfiilflli '
Result la 1 weeks.
plalhhiuh-inui j,ci..unt,n
lor sale by P P D. KIRWV Rheuandcah Pa
I i. lu'rm i i, iwo.
Trains leave Shennndoiih ns follow:
For New York vln Philadelphia, week days.
210, 52ft, 71 n. m, 12,V, 255 iindS.Vk p. iu1
Sundaes, 2 10 11. 111.
ltr New York via Munch Chunk, week days,
5K, 7 'Ma. in., 12 As nnd 2 AS p. in.
For HendliiK nnd Philadelphia, week tlays,
2 10, 5 25, 7 20 11. in., 12 58, 2 55 ami 3 p. 111. ."Sun
days, 2 10 a. In.
For l'ottsvllle, w eek days, i 10; 7 SO n. In., aud
12 W, 2 55 and 5 50 p. in. Sundays. 2 10 a. in.
For Tnninmm and Malmnnv City, wick days,
2 10,525, 7 20 a. 111., 12W, 2.V, and 5S p. in.
Sundays, 2 10 11. 111.
For illlHinHirt, Suuhury and LrwlftlHiig,
weak days, 3 25, II 111) a. in., 150 and 7 20 p.m.
Humlny. 3 25 a. in.
For Mahauov Plane, weekdays, 2 10 3 3ft 5 25,
7211. 1130 a. 111., I2SH, 150,2 35,5 55, 7 20 ltd 9 US
p. Ill Hundays, 2 l0, 3 25 n. in.
For Ashland uml hainoklu. wifk dnvs, 8 25,
720,ll:iO 11. in., 150,720 mid 935 p. in. Sun
days. 3 25n. 111.
Kor Italtiinore, Whhltirtnn and the West via
11. O. It. II., through trains lenve Heading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. .V. It. It. It.) nt 3 2U,
7 55, 11 20 n. in.. 3 10 and 7.27 11. in. Sundays,
3 20, 7 00, 11 20 n. in., 3 40 and 7 27 p. 111. Addi
tional tmlns from Twenty-fourth and Clspst
nut streets station, week days, 150, 5 11, S23.
in. Sundays, 1 Xi, s 23 p. 111.
I.envo New York vln 1'hilndelplHft. week
, davB, SOOn. in., I.'IO, 100, 7 30 p. 111. and 12 15
1 night. Sundays, 0 (10 p. 111.
j Leave New York via Maiieb Chunk, neck
I days, I 30, 9 10 a. til., 1 10 and I DO 0. 111.
I lyoave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week
days, ISO, H35, 10 on a. m. and 100, 0 02, 1130
I p. 111. Sundavs, 1130p. 111.
1 Lenve Rending, week days, 1 35, 7 10, 10 00,
1 11 50 11. 111., 5 55 mid 7 57 p. 111. Sundays, 1 35 a 111.
1 Leave l'ntty ille, weekdays, 235, 7 10 a.m.,
12 30 and 0 VJ p. 111. Sundays, 2 35 a. in.
I Leave Taniaiua. week days, 3 18, 8 50. 11 23 11'
I in., ! 20, 7 15 and 9 52 p. 111. Sundays, 3 18 a. 111.
I Lente Mnhanoy City, week days, 2 45, 9 21,
' 11 17 a. 111., 1 51, 7 39 ami 9 51 p. m. Somlayp, 3 45
a. 111.
Leave Mahnnoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 100,
0 30. 9 37, 11 59 a. Ill , 12 58, 2 00, 5 20, 0 20, 7 53 and
10 10 11. m. Sundays. 2 10. I 00 a. in.
I.eaxe Wllliauisport, week days 7 12, 1010 a.
in., 3 35 nnd 11 11 p. 111. Sundays, 11 IS ji. m.
Lenve Philadelphia Chestnut street arf and
South street wharf for Atlantic City.
Weekdays lixpress, 9 00 a. in., 2 00, 4(0, 600
p 111. Accommodation, 8 00 a. tn., 4 30, C 30 p. ill.
1 Sunday Express, 9 00. 1000a. 111. Aiooinuio
I datlon 8'00 a. m., 1 15 p. 111.
Returning leave Atlautio City (depot,) week
days, express, 7 35, 9 00 a. Ill, 3 30, 5 30 p. ui.
Accommodation, 0 50, 8 15n. m., nnd 432 p. 111.
Sundays Kx press, I 00, 7 30 p. 111. Accommoda
tion, 7 13 .1. 111,, 1 15 p. 111
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
Oen'l Superintendent. Uen'l Pass. Agt.
NoVKMimu 17, 1895.
Trains yvill leave Shenandoah nfter the nbovo
dato for Wlggans, (iilberton, Frackville, Dark
Water, St. Clair, l'ottsvllle, Hamburg, Rending,
Pottstown, Phoenlxville, Norrlstown uud Phil
adelphia (llroad street station) at 0 08 nnd 1143
n. m. nnd 4 15 p. 111. 011 week days. For l'ott
vlllo and intermediate stations 9 io a. m.
For Wlggans, Gilbcrton, Frackville, Dark
Water, St. Ulalr, l'ottsvllle, at 0 OS, 9 40a. m. and
3 10 p. in. For Hamburg, Rending, PottsUiwn,
Phoenlxville, Norristown, Philadelphia at 0 00,
9 40 a. m., 3 10 p. 111.
Trains leave Frockvlllo for Shenandoah at
10 10 a. in. and 1211, 5 01, 7 12 nnd 10 27 p. la.
Sunday, 11 13 a. in. and 5 40 p. in.
Leave l'ottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10 15, 11 48
a. in. audi 10, 715 and 10 00 p. in. Sunday at
10 10 a. 111., 5 15 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia, (Rroad street station), for
Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a. 111., 4 10 and 711
p. 111. week days. Sundays leave at 0 50 a. 111.
Leave llroad street station, l'hihulclpldn, for
Sea lllrt, Ashury Park, Ocean Grove, Ixmg
Ilranch, nid Intermediate stations, G.50, 8.25,
11.39 a. 111., 3.30, 4.00 p. 111. week-days. SiimhiyH
(stop at Intcrlakcii for Ashury Park), 8.2511.111.
Leave llroad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week davs, 3 20, 1 05, 1 50. 5 15, B 00,
7 33, 8 20,9 20,950, 10 30 (Dining Car), 11 00,11 II 11.
111., 12 noon, 12 35 (l.lmtteil 100 unit 4 22 p. 111.
i Dining Curs), I 10,230 (Dining Car), 320, 100,
5 00, 5 50 (Dining Car), 0 00, 050, 8 12, 10 00 p. m.,
12 01 night. Sundays. 3 20. 103. 150, 615. 12,
9 20, 9 50. 1030 I Dining Car, 11 UI II. 111., 12V,. 2 30
(Dining Carl, I 00 (Limited 1221,520, 556 (Din
ing Car), 0 33, (i 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. in., 12 01 night.
Express for Ronton, without change, 11 00 a.
m. week days, and 0 00 p. 111. dally.
For lialtiinore and Washington, 8 50, 7 20, 8 31,
912,1020,11 23 a. 111., 1209 (1231 Limited Din
ing Car), 112, 3 18, 111 (519 C011g1ession.1l
Limited, Dining Car), 0 17, 0 53 (Dining Car),
740 (Uinlng Carl p 111., nnd 1203 night week
davs. Sunday -,3 50, 7 20.9 12, 1128 a. 111., 12 09
' , v - , --
Curl, 0 55 1 Hilling Car), 710 p. 111. (Dining
1 1, 1 11, ' 10 1 ongresKionai j.iiiiiicu, I'uuiig
Carl ahd 12 05 nieht.
Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia,
Express, 8 GO a. in., 2 10,100, and 5 00 p. in.
week days. Sundays, 8 15 and 9 15 n. in.
For Capo May, Anglessen, Wlldwood and
Holly Reach. Express, 9 00 a. in., and 4 00 p. m.
week davs. Sundays, 9 00 a. m.
For Sea Isle City, Ocean City and Avalou.
Express, 9 Offn. m., and 4 00 p. in. week days.
Sundays, 9 00 a. lit.
For Somers Point. Express, 8 50 n. m., and
4 00 p. in. week days. Sundays, 8 15 a. m,
S. M. PitirvosT, J. R. Wood,
C.en'l Manager. Gen'l Pass'u'r Agt.
! ' 33l l IS
to Hire.
If you want to hire a safe and reliable
team for driving or forw orklngpuriMises
pay Shields' livery stable n Visit. Tennis
constantly on hand at reasonable rates.
No. llOJiist Centre street.
Opposite Reading railroad station.
A genuine welcome awaits youat
Cor. tain and Coal Sts.
Tool room attached. 1'inet-t whiskeys, beerj,
porter and ale enntantly on tap. Choice too.
perance drinkK and ciifarn.
I HI BaSS?""
- l''i'll.'il IalU'.lipl Al lu&llluu.
i jttl.betitbkm. r.rijl.tllAIn.
Wben la douM wlat t t r bVlvcus P Wilt Lost of SMuil Toner (in elOVr
lex), linpotco. v, Aui'i li. Van i a-H c 1.' r i ikn, ..sts. u. 'ii -i . .use, us
bcine fills Ura-it - " r- it and lull vigor cm! Wly r stgiv I li i . I, -ikIi
tr .11 ,r. ultlji. M..K.1 vt ir i, kul.Tfi i , i I. Vun
(. yf-,.- r.arw.,Fl'8 I. q t ti i' c , i.ti: ct I Ui t 11 , Addicts