The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 20, 1895, Image 2

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USTAllI,lSI!i:i 1870.
Published every levelling, Itxccpt Sundoy, nt
8 South Jauiiin Htrkht, Neah Chntrk.
the llunilfl Is tlcllveied InShcnnndonh nnd tlio
surrounding tow in for six ecnta a week, pay
able to tho curriers. Ily mnll S3.00 n year, or 25
cento it month, payable In advance. Advertise
ment;! charged according to spnee and position.
The publishers reserve the right to change the
petition ot advertisements whenever the pub
lication (it news demands It. The right Is
reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether
raid for or nut, that tlio publishers may deem
improper. Advertising rates made known
upon application.
.Entered ut the postofllco nt Shenandoah, l'n., as
second class mall matter. '
Evening Herald
YA'K have heard nothing nbout tlio Nn
ttonnl Delegate -CoiigroH!iiiian-TreaMirer slates
llAB the mlllenium started at Chicago? It
la gravely stated that 1700 saloon licenses aro
i not to ho renewed there noxt year.
Wouldn't It he a'trille strange if tlio uinn
Who ran away from the last war ami sent a
substitute, should lead us gayly Into the
Tjik Hbkai,i looks healthy, feels healthy
and is healthy. Our friends appreciate the
fact that it is tlio only way to reach tlio
httyors through our columns.
If the Venezuela controversy is to ho
settled by arbitration, tho United States has
one thing in her favor. Tlio arbitrators will
rnot he selected from l'ottsvillo.
JIavino secured the elephant, it will now
be in ordor for St. Louis to offer inducements
for tlio donkey and the tiger. No circus is
complete without a menagerie.
This county will bo entitled to seven dele
gates in the next Republican stato conven
tiontwo in the First district, one eacli in
tho Second and Third, and three in tho
I.AWYKK WllITKHOUSE propSGS to do his
investigating with tho aid of Steward Hart
man. Probably Hartmau wants to setback at
Mime people who did some investigating
about a year ago.
Tub esteemed London Star wishes to as
sure tho pcoplo of the United States "that
Englishmen, regardless of party, will abide
firmly by Lord Salisbury's claims, and will
not submit to bounce." Wo think Johnny
Hull, upon second thought, will submit to
Wi: aro patiently awaiting a reply from
our contemporary, the livening Chronicle, as
to the discrimination against other towns in
favor of Pottsvillc in tlio appointment of
arbitrators. Perhaps tho editor of our coiv
temporary lias lost himself among the liun
dreds of rewards granted against defendants.
Strikks aro rarely successful, and that of
tho street car men in Philadelphia will bo no
exception. Tho lot ot the street car man is
indeed an unhappy one and his provocation
to strike groat, but with five men ready to
tako tlio place of every ono who quits, it is
question If it is not wiser "to bear the ills we
havo than lly to others we know naught of.
Ftm-XN years ago tho Schuylkill county
ulmshouso liau nearly as many inmates as
now, and had about one-half us many em
ployos to attend to its affairs. It is time the
pruning-knifo was used in that establishment
to lop ofl a lot of sinecures. At tlio time
mentioned many of the dutios wero per
formed by inmates; why can it not be done
Tlio unauimity with which public men and
tlio pros of all shades of opinion upprovo tlio
position taken by tho President, in the
Venezuola matter, shows that tho bulldozing
of a weak nation by John Bull is resented by
nil fair-minded peoplo, oven to the extent of
going to war, if necessary, to enforce tho
doctrine laid down by President Monroo
seventy years ago, that Kuroponn nations
must keep hands otf the American continent.
There is not, howover, much danger of
war, fur, although John Dull is a bulldozer
where small, defenseless nations are in tho
way, he is not so aggrosjlve with a larger one
which is nearly hi equal in warlike equip
ment and far superior in resources. After a
lot of diplomatic dHllyiug, it is quite likely
he will relinquish his present desire to grab a
slioe of Venezuelan territory.
The British newspapers sneer at our lack of
preparation for war, and attribute the
President's action to political impulse. While
it I possible he 1 actuated by politic, we
incline to lielievo our British cousins aro
mistaken, and that the President's utterances i
are purely patriotic, and that ho is prompted
-.olely by tho honorable feelings which impel
an honest man to defend the weak from
imposition by a bully.
TJw present dUnmeeiou of our national de
fense, and the sneering, tantalizing touo of
the English pros in refereuco to our military
aud naval establishments, may be productive
f some good in stirring up Congress to do
soinetliing in the matter of protection for our
aboard, and the quicker upbuilding of our
navy, as well as establishing a precedent in
i he manner of dealing with European nations
vt ho endeavor to cm-roach upon the smaller
American countries. If It does have this re
sult tho present outbreak of jingoism will
ecrvo a good purpose, as in the event of war
in our present condition wo would, for somo
tlmo at least, be at a groat disadvantage,
until yo could hurriedly get ourselves to
gether. In tho present age, the nation best
prepared for war is likely to havo tho ad
vantage nnd come out best.
For your flno Christmas candles In boxes
go to Kcmmorcr's, 35 North Main street.
A Ornmt Dlhiilny nt llolldny l'rosciits
l'rlces Never Heard of llcforo.
It will pay you to buy your Christmas
goods at our store. Wo havo an elegant
assortment of silk handkerchiefs, mufllors,
furs, parasols, linens in largo varieties, plush
goods, linen nnd cambric handkerchiefs,
gloves and mlttons, ladles' coats and fur capos,
beautiful new iwttcrns in carpets, latest dress
goods, fascinators, purses, ribbons, curtains,
yarns and oil cloths. On theso articles wo
will meet all competition. These goods are
all newly purchased especially for the holi
day trade, and prospective purchasers should
not fall to visit our store before making their
30 South Main St.
13-10-51 Shenandoah, Pa.
Gents' link cuff buttons at Majcy's.
Unsatisfactory Itesult nf "Scaldy Hill" and
Honor Fight
About BOO sports from various parts of
Schuylkill, Luzeruo and Carbon counties
assembled at Lakeside last night and wit
nessed tho fight between "Scaldy Bill"
Qulnn, of Mahanoy City, and John Doner, of
Summit Hill, which resulted very unsatis
factorily to tho Mahanoy City man and his
friends. The men fought like demons until
tho 37th round, when the Summit Hill and
Iansford pcoplo ruBhcd into the ring and
so overawed ' tho referee, "Red Dick"
Coogan, that ho declared tho fight a
draw, although "Scaldy Hill" clearly
had tho best of tho fight nt all stages.
Honor's people wore there in great force and
wero determined that their man should not
bo declared tho loser. Some say the crowd
was the toughest ever seen at a prizo ring
and it was prepared for anything other than
n losing game. "Scaldy Hill" was apparent
ly unmarked by tho fight, whilo It was nec
essary to carry Boner to bed, nnd it is bo
liovcd he is still there, as he was badly
punished, although ho is givon credit for
having mado n very gamo battle and fre
quently forced it. Quinn was backed heavily
by Hazlcton sports, who raved over tho de
cision, but wero powerless to enforce what
they deemed was duo them before tho Sum
mit Hill and Lansford mob.
Rlidit goods, sold at right prices, in right
ways at Brumm's music gootls store.
The Phoenix Fair will open on Saturday
A Growing Industry.
For the past four weeks sovoral young
ladies havo been busy with needle and sew
ing machines turning out an immense
quantity of secret society badges, caps and
regalia at Morgan's Itcgalia Bazar. Largo
orders havo been received from tho following
btates during tho past two weeks : Thurber
and Covsican, Texas; Whiting, Ind.; Kclly-
villo and Chicago, 111.; Elunra, Brooklyn and
Syracuse, N. Y.j Kearney, Mo.; South Ani
boy and Perth Amboy, N. J.; Ansonia, Conn.;
Troy Centre, St. Clair, Mahanoy City, Girard-
ville, Johnstown, and also three orders from
town. A little over three hundred badges
and four hundred and fifty caps havo been
supplied in tho above orders. And yet there
are pcoplo in town who think they cannot
get as cheap goods at home as in somo other
town. Prices must bo right or clso orders
would not bo received from such far points
as above in preference to the largo firms in
New York, Philadelphia and Chicago.
Havo tlio leaks in your gas and water mains
repaired by P. W. Bell, tho plumber.
Low prices is the special inducement nt
Brumm's jowejry storo.
Clerical Orders on tlio l'enimy.
The Pennsylvania Itailroad Company an
nouuees that clerical ordors for tho year 1898
will bo issued to oidained ministers of tlio
Gospel located on its system cast of Pitts
burg and Erie Inclusive, on the samo condb
tious as prevail at present. Clergymen who
desire to avail themselves of this privilege
should make application to the nearest ticket
office of tho Pennsylvania Railroad, so. that
tho orders may bo issued beforo the close of
tho present year.
Laundry for Christmas taken at Fay's
Steam Laundry until Monday, 2 p. m.
12-18-lt C. L. Fay, Prop.
Never Falls lor Coughs and Colds.
That's what Pan-Tina is, 23c. At Grulilor
Bros., drug store.
Bost plumbing is done by P. W. Boll.
League Meeting.
Tho Shenandoah Republican League will
hold its regular weekly meeting at its head
quarters, in tho Titman building, on East
Centre street, at 7:30 o'clock this (Fri
day) oveuiug. At its last meeting tho
League changed its meeting night from
Thursday to Friday.
Appears in a hundred different
torms, such as Running Sores,
Whlto Swellings, Eruptions,
Bolls, Pimples. Salt Rheum,
Scald Head, etc. The only
cure is in making Pure, Rich
Hood's Sarsaparllla makes
puro blood and has never been
equalled as a cure for Scrofula.
Cases considered incurable,
nnd given up by physicians,
yield to Its wonderful purify
ing, vitalizing powers. In fact,
Is the One True Blood Purifier. fljflforf5.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Stan.
LJI Dlllo"8 Sn:
mild, effec-
nuuu o r motive.
All drugiljti. 15c,
Its Clothes Ignited tiy a Spark From u
Lizzie, four-year-old daughter of T. .1.
Davis, of St. Clair, lies In a critical condi
tloirat the homo of hor grandparents. Mr.
nnuj Mrs. David Hrown, on South Plum
alley. Sho is suffering from terrible burns
received through her clothing catching lire
from a spark from a locomotive.
Tlio house which tho Browns occupy is on
a high embankment nnd a very short dis
tance intervenes between it and tho Lehigh
Valley railroad. Children residing In tho
neighborhood uso tho space as a play ground."
The victim was playing near tho brink of
tho embankment when nit cngino drawing
a leng train of loaded coal cars passed.
There is a sharp curvo nt this point of tlio
railroad and to get tho heavy load around, it
tho cngino was exhausting heavily, Im
monso clouds of smoko dotted with sparks of
fire being thrown from tho stack. One of
theso sparks fell upon tho child's dress, but
she paid no attention to it until tho ignited
material was fanned into a blaze, which was
caused by tho child running to and fro in
her play. Upon discovering tho flro Lizzio
ran to tlio houso of her grandparents and
through tho long alley to the rear of tho
dwelling. Meanwhile the flames had gained
rapid headway. Mrs. Brown and her daugh
ter wero attracted by tho child's crios and
seized her as sho ran into tlio yard. They
at once pulled ofl' what was left of tho
clothing, Mrs. Brown having iter hands
seriously burned in tho operation. Tlio
dress nnd underclothing on tho child's hack
was burned almost entirely and tho clothing
covoring tho front of the lower limbs had
also been burned.
Dr. J. S. Callcn was called and ho pro
nounced tho case a serious one. At first ho
feared tho injuries would prove fatal, but
sinco ho has concluded that there aro good
chances for recovery. Tho victim is terribly
burned about (ho lower limbs, tho kick and
left side and was in terrible agony for several
guaranteed by Bell, tlio
Major C. T. Picton is manager of tho
Stato Hotel, at Dcnisou, Texas, which tlio
traveling men say is ono of tho best hotels
in that section. In speaking of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
Major Picton says : "I havo used it myself
and In my family for several years, and tako
pleasure in saying that I consider it an In-
fallible euro for diarrhoea and dysentery. I
always recommend it, and havo frequently
administered it to my guests in tho hotel, and
In every caso it has proven itself worthy of
unqualified endorsement. For salo by
Gruhlcr Bros., druggists.
When you want good roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tinsmithing dono call
on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street.
Dealer IV. stoves. 8-1-tf
Why suffer witli Coughs, Colds nnd La
Grippe when Laxative Bromo Quinine, will
euro you in ono day. Put up in tablets con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to
money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For salo
by Kirlin's Pharmacy.
Gold nnd silver thimbles at Malcy's.
Ho Foiled Tbeni, Too.
M. F. Maley, the North Main street jeweler,
says that on Wednesday afternoon tho samo
two men who tried to victimize Strouse, tho
joweler, by substituting a paste diamond
ring for a genuino ring taken from a case for
inspection, tried the gamo on him. Ho kept
a close watch upon them and they left tho
store without making a purchase, or taking
anything that did not belong to them.
Best gas fitting is dono by P. W Boll.
Mulinuoy City Ituslness College.
This excellent college, at 205 East Centre
street, gives Commercial, Shorthand
Typewriting coursos equal to any in tho stato
at the vory lowest ratos. Individual in
struction. Day and evening classes. Students
constantly entering. Cataloguo free.
10-14-tf G. W. Williams, Principal.
Who Said Tlmy Havo n Cough'
Advico Tako Pan-Tina, 25c. At Gruhler
Bros., drug store.
Scliellly House.
Hot lunch to-night.
Clams in largo quantities. Largest clams
in town. Served nt short notice.
Finest lobsters in town.
Chicken soup. Littlo neck clams.
Rappahannock oysters.
Ham. Sardines. Swiss cheese.
Fish cakes. Oysters in every stylo.
A Colored Time Table.
General Passenger Agent Charles S. Leo
has issued a colored time table for all tho
divisions of tiie Lehigh Vnlloy in pamphlet
form which is a very handy compendium
of information pertaining to tho passenger
traffic of that road. If every department of
tho company were managed as carefully as
that under Mr. Leo's supervision, things
would bo in bettor shape.
Fool Tournament ut Scliiiilclcer's.
A pool tournament will bo held at
Schmlckcr's pool rooms, 101 South Main
streot, on Christmas Day. Tho contest open
for all, professionals haudicapped, and entries
will close on the evening of the 21th inst.
Prizo will bo a gold watch, and othors will bo
announced at tlmo of tho contost. 12-10-12t
Lantern Exploded.
Harry Watson, of Mahanoy City, went into
the oil house, at Park colliery No. 1, (Spring
Dale) yesterday to give out tho supplies. Ho
carried a lighted lantern, which exploded,
burning him nbout the face and hands, also
setting fire to tho oil houso, which burned to
the ground. There was no insurance. Loss
about 170.
lluclclcri' Arulea Salvo.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, coins, ami
nil skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo
perfect satisfaction or niony refunded. Price
26 cents per box. For sale by A. Wnsloy.
Thomas j;, Samuels to Wed.
The announcement is mado of the ap
proaching marriage of County Auditor
Thomas E. Samuels and Miss Mattio Parry,
of Lansford, to take place after the holi
days. Mr. Samuels is engaged in tlio whole
sale grocery business In town and is especially
popular among our business people. His
numerous friends join us in tho wish that
his future as a Benedict may be as bright as
has been his past in business and political
a flairs.
Help Comes to Those "Who Tako
Red Flag Oil for Spraius, Burns, Cuts. At
(iruliler Bros., drug store.
Kxprexs Ilimiuess.
The United States Express reaches more
points quicker thait any other. Drop us u
postal and we will call fur parcels. Ot
Forty Dollnrs (lone.
Manager Schelrcr, of Goodman & Co., tho
West Centre street commission dealers, has
been victimized to tho oxtcnt of forty dollars.
A boy called nt tho placo to havo n ten-dollar
bill chaSigcd. As silver was wanted bills to
tho amount stated wero laid at ono tide on
the top of tho desk by tho clerk whllo tho
other money was being counted out, nnd im
mediately after tlio monoy was changed tlio
clerk's attention was called by an Impatient
customor. He momentarily overlooked tho
money on tho desk, but dropped tho ten
dollar bill Into tlio drawer, wljtch ho locked.
It was not until after tho boy and tho cus
tomer had left tho placo that the forty dollars
was found missing. Tho caso is being worked
and from circumstances brought to light
believed that within tho noxt 21 hours either
tlio guilty party will return tho money, ornn
arrest will bo made.
In Self Defense
you ought to keep your flesh up. Disease
will follow, If you let it get below a healthy
standard. No matter how this comos, what
you need is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical DIs
covory. That is tho greatest flosh-builder
known to medical science, far surpassing
filthy Cod liver oil and nil its nasty com
pounds. It's suited to tliu most delicate
stomachs. It makes tho morbidly thin,
plump and rosy, with health and strength.
Send for a free pamphlet, or remit 10 ets.
(stamps) nnd get a book of 108 pages with
testimonials, addresses nnd portraits. Ad
dress World's Dispensary Medlcnl Associa
tion, 003 Main Street, BuUalo, N. Y.
Itupturo or breach, permanently cured
without tlio knife. Address, for pamphlet
and references, World's Dispensary Medical
Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
The Hospital Greatly Crowded.
Tho Stato hospital is so crowded with
patients that Superintendent Biddlo is nt
his wits end to know what to do with them
all. Eleven patients wero received Wednes
day. Somo of tho convalescents aro com
pelled to sleep on tho floor, and many who
aro barely convalescent nro compelled to
leavo the institution to mako room for
others who nro worse off.
No need to sutler with rheumatism, lum
bago, neuralgia, cramps or colic. Dr. Thomas
Eclectric Oil cures all such troubles, and
docs it quickly.
The lloiviimii Funeral.
The funeral of tho lato David Bowman
took placo from his lato residence, Main aud
Mahanoy streets, Mahanoy City, to-day at
noon. Tlio services wero conducted by Rev,
I. P. Zimmerman, assisted by Rev. H. A.
Keysor, after which tho cortege proceeded by
tho 12:55 p. m, Lehigh Valley train to Le
hlghton, where Interment was mado.
It is as hard work for somo people to digest
their dinner as it is for n normal man to walk
ten miles.
"After dinner rest a while." This is an
old saying. It means that if after eating a
heavy meal you try to do hard work you will
exhaust all your energy. There will be none
lelt for your stomach. Your stomach needs
onergy to work just as your leg or arm does.
Sick peoplo want energy. They seldom
havo enough for their stomach. Their di
gestion is out of order and they want to
know tho reason. It's simple enough as wo
have tolu It.
What they ought to do is to save their
stomachs from hard work until it is capable
of doing it, just as they rest their tired backs
by lying down.
This they can do by using artificially di
gcslcd food. Shaker Digostio Cordial con
tains such foo ; not only this, but it is
capable of digesting other foods in the
Sliakor Diccstivo Cordial affords nourish
ment and creates new energy as soon as it is
swallowed. Ordinary food first lias to be
digested. Shaker Digestive Cordial whils
creating new energy docs not cxpond any.
iLgiuiiiu siuuiacn no worK lo no, 41 will
make thin peoplo fat. Sick pcoplo are
naturally thin. Getting thin is a sign of
sickness. A person may be born thin, and
naturally remain so. Such a ono is not
necessarily sick. All Druggists keen it and
a 10 cent sample bottle may first bo tried.
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
A sale of dinnervvare that
will put money in every
housekeeper's pocket.
R. H.
John Lewis Is homo from Lnwrcncovillo,
Mnrtln F, Moore, of PottavHlo, spout to-
day In town.
William Dusto visited friends nt Mnhnnoy
City yestorday, '
Charlos A. Snyder, Iq., tranaictcd busi
ness in town to-day.
Martin Dovitt has returned from the Droxol
Institute for tho holidays.
Miss Annie Stein Is homo from tho Millers
vlllo Stato Normal School.
Ignatius Roilly lias entorcd tho employ .of
tho Grnnd Union Tea Company.
Ex-Congressmau James B. Roilly, of l'otts
villo, was n guest of town friends to-day.
M. J. O'Neill, tho furulturo donlor, has
returned from n trip to Philadelphia, and
Now York.
William Brown, of Yatesvillo, a student nt
tho Lehigh University, Is homo to speni tho
holidays with his parents.
Harry Clauscralid John Scheifly, students
at the Jofforson Medical College, Philadel
phia, aro homo for tho holidays.
Frederick Grulilor, a student at tho
Muhlenberg Collogo, AllentoWl,, is hoino to
spend tho holidays witli his parents.
Tony Monaglian, a student at tlie Lock
Haven Stato Normal School, is In town to
spend tho holidays with his pnretlta.
Frank Kern, at one tlmo n well-to-do and
dashing young man of this tOYH, la' qpp qf,
mo siriKing motor mon in i;jjiiaiQip(ia.
Paul Shtiltz, a student in tlio dental depart
ment of tho University of Pennsylvania, is
tho guest of Dr. Clifton Bobbins, on East
Coal street.
Georgo Holvoy, of tho local branch of the
Grand Union Tea Company, will leavo
shortly for Reading, whore lie will outer tho
employ of the Reading branch.
Charlos II. Lewis, formerly of the Shen
andoah, but now connected with
tlio businoss department of tho Villngo
Itecord, II. C. Bayer's new acquisition, was a
visitor to town this morning. Mahanoy City
llegln Itlght With Coughs nnd Colds.;
Take tho suro cure, Pan-Tina, 25c. At
Grulilor Bros., drug store.
As well as a suitablo present can bo found
in our lino of underwear, hosiery, gloves,
shirts, collars, cuffs, umbrellas, canes,
sweaters, handkerchiefs and mackintoshes at
lowest prices. At MAX LEVIT'S, 15 East
Centre street.
Tno Lives Saved.
Mrs. Piioebo Thomas, of Junction City,
111., was told by her doctors sho had Con
sumption and that there was no hopo for her,
but two bottles Dr. King's NoW Discovery
completely cured her nnd sho says it saved
her life. Mr. Thos. Eggcrs, 139 Florida St.,
San Francisco, sulTered from a dreadful cold,
approaching Consumption, tried without
result everything clso then bought ono bottle
of Dr. King's Now Discovery and in two
weeks was cured. Ho is naturally thankful.
It Is such results, of which theso aro samples,
that provo tho wonderful efficacy of this
medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial
bottles at A. Wasley's drug store. Regular
size 50c and $1.00.
Election of Olllccrs.
At tho regular meeting of Shenandoah
Commandery No. 14, Sons of America, last
evening, the following officers wero elected to
serve for ono year : Past Commander, Gcorgo
H. Krick; Commander, Henry Aregood;
Vice Commander, Gcorgo L. Hafner; Junior
Vice Commander, R. H. Morgan j Recorder,
S. L. Brown ; Treasurer, J. H. Babb; Chap
lain, John G. Thomas ; Inspector, William
II. Zimmerman; Guard, Gcorgo Scihert;
Picket, C. H. Sampsel ; Financier, R. II.
Morgan ; Delegates to Commandery Guard,
Gcorgo II. Krick and G. L. Hafner ; Alter
nates, R. H. Morgan and Henry Aregood.
The commandory is in excellent condition
and will take part in the institution of the
new commandery at Reading next Friday
evening. Mr. Babb was elected treasurer
last night for the 22nd consecutivo time, hav
ing filled tho ollico for 21 years. Ho is an ex
perienced financier and cashier of tho First
National Bank of Girard vlllo.
(lid People.
Old peoplo who require medicine to regulate
tho bowels and kidneys will find the truo
remedy in Elrctric Bitters. This medicine
does not stimulate and contains no whiskey
nor other intoxicant, hut acts as a tonic mid
alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach
and bowels, adding strength and giving tone
to tho organs, thereby aiding Nature in tho
performance of tho functions. Electric
Hitters is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old peoplo find it just exactly
what they need. Price tilty cents per bottle
at A. Wasley's drug storo.
Shenandoah Ituslness College.
This admirable, school in Refowich's hall,
South Main street, offers special advantages
to night students, permitting them to como
by day during idlo timos without extra
charge. Tho systems taught aro tho very
best and our rates tho lowest. Students need
not go out of town for an education when
they can secure one in their own equally as
good and as cheap.
10 0t James F. Walpron, Principal.
When most needed it is not unusual for
your family physician to bo away from home.
Such was tho experience of Mr. J. Y.
Sclionck, editor of tlio Caddo, Ind. Tor.,
Banner, when his littlo girl, two years of age,
was threatened with a sovero attack of croup.
Ho says: "My wife insisted that I go for
tho doctor, but as our family physician was
out of town I purchased a bottle of Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy, which relieved her
immediately. I will not be without it in tho
future." 25 aud 50 cent bottles for salo by
Grulilor Bros., druggists. ,
Coining ISvenU.
Dec. 30. Cantata, "The Jolly Fttrniers,"
in the P. M. church, under the auspices of
the Y. P. A.
Jan. 2. Entertainment by the Ministering
Children' League of tlio All Saints' P. E.
church, in Bobbins' hall.
The wife of Mr. D. Robinson, n prominent
lumberman of Hartwick, N. Y., was sick
with rheumatism for flvo months. In speak
ing of It, Mr. Robiusou says : "Clwmberlaiti's
Pain Balm Is the only thing that gave her
any rest from pain. For the relief of pain
it cannot he beat." Many very bail oases of
rhemualn have been cured by it. For sale
at 00 cent por bottle by Grulilor Bros., drug
gists. Buy Koystono flour. Be suro that tho
name Lmia & BAi;n, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every saok. tf
Itellet In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney aud bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "New Groat
South American Kidney Curo." This new
remedy is a groat surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male or female.
It r lieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almoSt immediately. If you want
quick relief and euro this is your remedy,
wold by Ihaac Shapinv, druggist, 107 South
Main street.
All Hor Life Happy Iloloase r.t Last
or Miss Allco Yoiinp, vrho Ilcsitioa
at 892 llcxiuulnr yireet,
Rochester N. Y.
(From llochettcr Democrat and f mrifre.')
Our renrcsentntlvo was wclvpil vory
iilensantly nt, 802 Alesnmjur Street, by
Nliss Allco Younr. who told how sinoo
i hili)lioo(l sho had Item held in the l ond-
n no of pain from her back, never r -inemberiug
tho time that slio hail not suf
fcreil mjjt or nches in tlio region of tlm
kidneys. Jinny were tlio menus she uswt
to flliil relief, but there seemed no roinodv
fered Bjijjt oi
kidneys. Mi
to find relief,
JPF 'IPf eius, iin(i mio i, wuijiiitof, n enp-
Hex caau n
yvii; uirii,n(HUH ci)mos iiiesq Ijttfa qnumie3
q; tJirtixi pnit cpmos Uicso Hit
nan :nc nc. email h luunev mils nm n
half box lejptwes, the lipiids, na. onp by ono
thft. ticlfcs nn4 rjnfns tlfsrinnei.r, shp finds
ucreuif ;i snivu ui uj)iii no uioru, ifv iiieir
continued use. sups:
i'snys: "Iyaa entirely
riectty strops, healthy nhfl well.'
!Idw did von tnko this femortv V " Mis?
Young yus lUKpil. liy our roprciBntU'v''
shq. lpnllptT. U)A sj.q ff)lln'fiil directions
tm S!rJ&. W&XgURlJ ttoi.tfllij how the
wore: ''amoTlinii, bemlinjf ovor, wiilkinc
or standing nny length of time always
ij.ivp me a mm m tno small 01 my DacK.
I had a pain in the kidneys till the time,
nm! if I caught cold It would nlways
3ettlo theic; tho pain I suffered wns of
II veiy exlir.u&tiug nature; at night I
could only lie Hat on my bapk any other
position causing pain and sulTcrlng; the.
nerves passing up my back, were allectctt
and this brought with Itsovcro headaches,
but as I said before, Doau'a Kidney Pills
have removed nil pain nnd suffering en
tirely and I never felt better and healthier
in my life."
Doan'o Kidney Pills nro for sale by all
dealers, price CO cents, mailed by Foster-.
Milbnrn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., Solo Agents
for the United States.
For sale at Kirlin's Pliarmaey.
No. 7 North Jni-din Street.
Offlec Hours : Prom 8 to 0:30 a. m. 1:30 to &SO
p. m.; e.uu to ,:M p. 111.
p F. BUUKE, M. D.
30 K. Lloyd street, Shenandoah.
Office hours : 7 to 9 a. in., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9
p. m.
Shenandoah, l'n.
Offlec Ecran blltldlnir. corner of. Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Lock Box 05, Malxtnoy City, Pa.
Havlni? studied under some of tho best
masters n London and I'arls, will give lessons
on the violin, guitar nnd vocnl culture. Term
reasonable. Address in care of Strouse. ifio
Jeweler. Shenandoah.
Go to the Shenandoah Dental Rooms for
painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver
fillings. If your artlfical teeth do not suit
you call to see us. All examinations freo.
We mako all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown
and Bridge work and all operations that per
tain to Dental Surgery.
No ehargos for extracting when plates aro
ordcrcd. Ve arc the only users of vitalized
air for tho painless extraction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
(Tltman's Block)
East Centre Street.
Ofilco Hours: 7 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Are YOU busy ?
Hen of all Kinds Wear Clothes.
And our biislna-H Is to make Clothes for nil
Kinds of men.
Custom Tailor Made Suits
from 810.00 to S80.00. Trousers from S2.75
to 10.00.
We want a bright and energetic
man of large acquaintance to solicit orders for
them nnd it will pay hi in well to do it.
Addrchs, H. J. n.
15-21 Lafayette Place, New York.
rjNCn MORE In harmony
v with tho world, 200O
completely cured mon are
singing happy praises for
mo greatest, granu
cet and most suc
cessful curo for sex
ual weakness and
lost vigor known to
medical science. An
account of thlstwn
(Icrul (Its cowry, la
hook form , wi th ref
erences and proofs,
will Hoafrtt. to nfif.
ferine men (sealed) free. Full manly vigor
permanently restored. Failure impossible.
and can't get it, then eomc to us for
It. We carry tho best of
Groceries, Butter and Eggs,
Our delivery wagon awaits your order. Gool
delivered promptly.
29 East Centre Street.