EVENING HERALD mi umuy. nKcr.Jinr.ii in. urns. for over 3, Of Ibr Globe fur RHEUMATIS HEURALGIA aad similar Complaints, ami i i iaii.a unuer mo stringent , GERMAN MEDICAL LAWS. .jrencrllcd by eminent puyiclansiy DR. RICHTER'S World rpnownril! Itemarkablr MiccPisf ul I 1 Onlvccnmiiowltli Trade Mark "Anchor," J r. AH. Illchter & Co.. 215rutict., litw rori. -31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 12 Branch Houses. OwnUltKwoiks. Si k WW tn Hlu'iintKloiili for Mio uy r I" 1 Kirlin OS. MitMNi,.i, . . Hilliui 7 H Main St . I II llit- Kcnliucli N I', ir ni" loyii bis ,."flroKh'.sVt STROUSE ()Uk Roods are decidedly the very 1 BEST sold In this city. The finest ! line of ! BRKQUET ItAfflPS, SILVERWARE, DlfltDOJiDS, I OlATGtfES, JEOIEItRY. Watch Making a Specialty Chas. Strouse, The Leading Jeweler, 4 SOUTH flAIN STREET. FERGUSON HOUSE JEWELRY STORE. Sweets MVNIT.UTI'I! Kl tpi dally for holiday high, cl.iHliade. Delicious for lunch, deport and hmiI pniiicH. Tn tr thcin ,ncc Is all woiwtk. lUisult our prices ou the foMiiwInn lt of Cake, iheuit and Mcct Meats: Cheese Wtifers 1 5 cents per box Log Cabin Brownies 15c., a box Plum Pudding 50c. per box Columbian Mixed Cakes 20c. lb English Walnut Cakes 20c. lb Jelly Fingers Jellv Wafers Taffy Wafers Puritan Fruit Cukes Royal Fruit Biscuits Mixed Fruit Cake Royal Fruit Biscuits 2oc per lb 2.0c. per lb 2oc. per lb 25c. per lb 15c. per lb 20c. per P 15c. per lb Mixed Nuts, Citron, Lemon 2 pounds for 25c ind Orange Peel, 2 pounds lor 25c Several Varieties of Fine AS SORTED CAKES, 3, 4 and 5 pounds for 25 Cents. FLORIDA ORANGES'" and" LEMONS. Live and D.-essed Poultry. P. A. CHERRINGTW5, 122 North IV a In treat. DON'T GIVE UP Popular prices, when we an nounce that you can save 50 per cent, by visiting our store , and purchasing your holiday , gifts, and think you arereceiv-1 ing inferior goods If you j want a good article, if it's made of gold or silver, we have it, both ornamental and useful, in Silverware, Watches, Musical Instruments, .... Optical Goods. Large assortment of solid gold ladies' and gents' rings and watches. Call and examine our stock. At IKE ORKIN'S 129 S. Main Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. BUY YOUR Groceries nir nn mm r lrurri rn IriL KlLIHULl ffltUli Aur FLOUR, FEED, HAY AND STRAW, Also Tabic and Ploor Oil Cloths From EL. B. FOLEY, C01. It "tie and West Hu, Tlir l.yon-Dimii ContrM. Ulnroey General McCormlck yesterday I nrtornoon lieartl Hrgmnetit In the iietltion of ' Jntlgo T. 11. 11. I.yoit to content the election of 1'. M. Dunn m Orplmim Court .Imlgc. The lawyoni tor Mr. Dunn P1o-hi1 tho iK'litlon on tlio ground tlmt the law made no provision for u contest ofthferhaiHcter; that tho petition and nllldavlt wore not jiroiiorly prcMaruri ; that the nllldavit was not siillleient beonuoe it was contended there is nothing to show in it that it was sworn to before a proper olllcer, as Ills rixdcticc is not given, not even the county or .state in which he resides, and therefore there is nothing to show that lie was com petent to administer the oath. The Lyon people quoted authorities to show that the law did apply to contests like tho one pro poed. Tho Attorney Ocneral is holding the matter under ndvlsemonl, and a dispatch from llarrishttrg states that lie will refer the matter to the Oovcrnor for the appointment of Judges to conduct the contest. A Clearing In tlio Cloak ltooin. Not many days left before Christmas comos. j Now is tho time to buy that new Cloak or Wrap. Our line is still complete, hut tlio prti'P-, have been pruned down without re gard to cost. If you have been waiting for this chance, it moans dollars saved. Wo nro showing ricli lines of Capes, all lengths and sizes, in plain or trimmed cloth ; Plush Capes, plain or fur trimmed ; 1'ur Capes of Coney, Astrackan or Seal; ladies' or misses Jackets in newest styles of cloth at money-saving prices. L. J. Wll.KINRON. HOOKS & BROWN Holdiay Sale Goes oil with greater vifjor every hour, and is constantly growing. Out stock is lnrgc ntid wc can give buyers a better selection than can be had else where. Hxniiiinc our slock. DRESSING CASES from $1 up. Work Hoses TOo IJoxeH of "Stationery nil price's Albums SI. r0 and upwards 1 1.'iudkcrclilef Chmpi 81. 00 and ' iipwiirils (Hove Holders $1 Sound upwards Necktie Holder $1.25 and upward .Jewel Cimes 10c Celluloid Novelties nil price... GOLD PENS. IV11 nnd lVnrl Holder il.ai up.. Hold Pencil rOo up (ln c Hooks 75c Ti.otb l'lck 'i"c BOOKS. Cloth Hound 10c A Hotter Our 3."p .worth Wc... I.ilirn Hookw NV. up Toy Picture Hook Go. up Examine our Hooks. It will pay you. IRON TOYS. Ifirc Kngines i Hook nnd Ladder Trucks $1 . . . . Chief's Wngon 50c Sulky i5c Sulky, (mechanical,) 50c Engine, (mechanical,) 50c Steam Engines 50c, SI Engine and Train 25c, 50c, 1$ . . I'raiic Wngons $1 Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., GAMES. Board Games Card Games Marble Game.- Ourstock iscomjilctc and cheap from CHINAWARE, Etc. After Dinner Cups .'-Saucers 10c. 15c, 25c, 50c Shaving Mugs 25c Cups &. Saucers 2jc up Hisquc figures 25c, 50c., Si . . . . l'in Trays 10c., 15c.. Se Vases 25c, 50c Etc., Etc., Etc Wc will supply any II) mnnl Prayer Hook or liible desired. Names put on front cover at a sliulu increase of price. Wc f accept subscriptions for any periodical to be sent to any address. A year's subscription to a popular magazine makes a very acceptable gift. INSPECT OUR STOCK. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. l.t'lneinhor the plai i No. 4 NORTH MAIN STREET. We Carry the Largest Stock of . . . iPS - We have the newest and most exclusive shapes. yye sejj at tne lowest possible price. R. H. BERGEMAN&CO., CHINA HALL, POTTSVILLE. Pianos and Organs! For the Holidays. 1 have reeelvmt the llnetit selection of IMiiihm and OrKniiR ccr displayed in Schuylkill County. I'artlcfl contoinplatiUB purchasing a I'i.iim or Ori;an would do well to call and sec my stock and ut my prices. I have the xolc axcucy for the followliiK make : PIANOS.. HI.ASIUS & SONS, ALBRIGHT, SCHUMACHER, LUDWIG, ( ESTEY. 'ash or on may puymenU. Our prices arc rltsht. Rr-iffnn'c HuctV Qi nfP 1 Ul 1 LHJ11 S 1 lUZMVs - IUJi V 1 22 and 24 ast Centr street MAHAN0Y CITY, PA. A llriltliint i:vent. The assomhly of the Lorraine Social Chili, at Mahalioy City lust night, was n very line and successful allliir and was attended by prominent people from many parts of the region, Supper was nerved shortly after j midnight. There was call setvieo to all residences and depot. Tlio Sohoppo orchestra furnished the dancing Miisie, Among the people of this town who attended tlio event . . - 1, 1, . .. , ... - . uru: .hito's jinmignu anil Jill lull, NUH : DelcHinp, Clertrudo l!ee), Kmc ltollly, Libblc CaMinaugh, Mary Coiighlin, Magglo Uuubert, I Maine lieed, 1311a lliggliHaud Annie llurke, j nnd Mcwsrs, Harry llafucr, James Iligulns, I Thomas Niirk, John Cloary, TliomaB Toole, Tliomas l'ergusou, Dr. Hartley and Kdward Miles. L'idlos' and gents' gold xrnlclio at Muley's, 10 North Main street. j lleglu lllght With Coughs mid Colds. , Tako tho sure euro, Pan-Tina, 'J5c. At, j Oruhlor llros., drug btoro. lluy your X mas piottents at Maley's. Vacant House Destroyed, A two-story franio dwelling, located on the higli road between tlirardvillo and Holmes vlllo, was destroyed by flic at about one o'clock this morning. Tlio building was un occupied nnd the origin of tlio lira is un known. Tho building Is owned by tho 1. Sc. II. C. & I. Co. and had not been occupied for several years. Tho site is near tlio llolmes ville school houfo. lluy the Chrlitmas presents at Urumm's. Special Perfumes l'or tho Holidays. Iiutier l'ils' Lilac lllossoms and May bells, tho Crown brand Crabapplo, Alfred Wright's Maud Mullor, Violet, White- Kosc, American Ucauty, Mary Stuart, Anno Iloleyn, Lundborg's Heliotrope and White Rose, Lubin's Jockey Club, Quentin's Princess llounic, lhnpress Josephine, Pinaud's Aurora Tulip, Perfiimo atomizers. Huylcr's Candy in one, two, threo nnd II vo pound boxes and fancy baskets. Holly wreaths and cut Howers for Christmas decorations and tho genuine Imported Mistletoe. SlIBNANDOAH DltUO STOKK, 3 South Main Street. Go to Maley's, tho jeweler, for your sterl ing silver novelties. Id North Main sttcct. I.caguo Mooting. Tho Shenandoah Itcpublican Leaguo will hold it.s regular weekly meeting at its head quarters in tho Titman building, ou Kast Centre street, at 7:30 o'clock to-morrow (Fri day) evening. At its last meeting tho League changed its meeting night from Thursday to Friday. Sflieilly J louse l'or Sale. Tho property and good will of tlio Scheifly House, on North Main street, is oll'ercd for silo. Tlio proprietor contemplates locating in tho South. For further particulars apply at the Schcilly House. 13-10-tf HOOD'S PILLS euro Liver Ills, Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache A. pleasant laxative. All Druggists. MISCELLANEOUS. "TilOIt 8AL15. Ono truck filed, In Rood oomll X: tion, mid a cutter will be Mil d cheap. Apply to George Williams ?o. 27 N. Jnrdin street. TSTIEAYKI). To tlio ureinUoH of tlio under- lli flijyiUHl, on November 21th, nred bcUer with two white hooN on hind 1ce. Owner can have finnic hv paving for tills notice and all expunges. Ucorge K. Iavis No. 122 Turkey linn. 2t TOItSAU-;. A comer lot, with a hrick dwell " Injr, seven rooms and a vacant lot, in Ht. Clair, Centrally located and will ho sold cheap. Apply to Mrs. Thomas Kcnnell, St. Clair, lt. 12-5-tf TorNDItY I-'OltKMAN A bkillfnl moulder ) with S-'IOOO ami good moral character, may becotno foundry foreman and irtner in bimi ncKH cetablUhed hcven years. AddreM, giving reference, "Cast Iron,' Shenandoah IIkkALD oflico, Shenandoah, I'a. 12-17-19-20-21 ilOIt SAl.l'. Ono of tho nuifct dohirablo prop- ortios tin Jlatn htroot. Apply nt U. V. .Siioi:.makku'h. Attorncy-at-Uiw. Oflloo: C'ocoor Contro and Market htrcots. 12-2-lm HOLIDAY GIFTS ! I'ull line of mi id cold rinirw. all styles, din- luouils watches docks and jewelry. 11 karat Mlid cold nnd cold tilled watches warranted 15 years Klein nr Waltluun movement, at $11 ami upward, for ladies or gents. Ladles' solid Kold, silver and gold filled watches and chains at moderate prices. Full Mock of ISk rinc. Complete lino of sulphur diamond novelties, optical Kmdn and uuiMcnl instruments. Call and examine our stock. At E. DUELL'S, S. Main Street, Shenandoah, 206 Pa. OPEN EVERY DAY (iotu tlio Slicnaiilii.'ili Dental Rooms for luinU'ns extraction il truth. (inM and Silvoi lillliiK-s. If your uitifual teeth do not suit you cull to Mio us. All examinations free Wo mako all kiiuls of plates. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown and liridgo work and all operations that per tain to Dental Surjrery. No cliargoH for extracting wlion plates nro ordered. Vo are the only iimjvh of vitalized air for tho painlesn extinction of teeth. SHENANDOAH Dental : Rooms, (Tituiau'a liloek) East Centre Street. Oflico Houre: 7 a. in. to S p. in. ORGANS. ESTEY, CROWN, WEAVER, UNITED STATES, LAWRENCE, (7 OCTAVE.) Only one price. Yuu nro earnestly Invited to eallnt t ran i , VSV JL JS. U. f J. A 1 J 'iillWIilKIKilllJiilllllllllUlUiil TTAT VW 1 TT K-l B B I 1 A Y JUL V JLJL1S XX A SUGGESTIONS. We have both Toys, useful articles and fancy ones, for the grand surprise that is sure to take place on the morning of December 25. All Good and All Cheap. Silk Handkerchiefs fop Ladies and'Gcntlemen. Handkerchiefs for Children with fancy silk embroidered corner - - Sc. FIDE cnnDi Chocolate and Bon Hons 20c. A Finer grade 25c. Cream Marsh Mallows 20c. CHINA, You will be surprised toseewliat 25c. will buy. Cups and Saucers, really worth 50c, for 25c. Plates to match if you wish. Hand Painted Plates and Placques 25c, with Easels for a trifle more. Cut Glass Pepper & Salts 25c China Syrup Jugs 50c Oat Meal Sets 39c Salad 25c, 50c, 69c, up to JAPANESE GOODS; Sugar and Creams 90c. set Olives 25 and 50c. Pin Trays 25c Royal Wooster Cup nnd Saucer Tl ! Klb -E 1TM 50c Brush and Comb Tray 50 & 75c Decorated Vinegar Cruets 25c Milk Sets 50c Water Sets, Bottle and Glass 25c Lemonade Sets at all prices. Cracker Jars, Satin Glass, 50c We have just received to-day, (Thursday, Dec. 19th.) one original case of Carlsbad China, a nice assortment of useful Gifts rang ing in price from 25c to 50c, You would do well to call this week, and get the choicest of the lot. Fancy Decorated Soup Plates ioc Moustache Cup 19c Moustache Cup 20c Moustache Cup 25c Moustache Cup 35c Moustache Cup 39c Moustache Cup 50 & 75c French China Teas 50c French, " " a superb article for $1 No tlnor at any Price. New Lot of Lamps, you'll say they are the best value you ever saw. Mirrors on Fancy Easel Round Bevel Mirrors 25c 75c Toilet Sets in great variety. A nice one for $1.95, dec orated. Jumbo Coffees Fancy Tea Pots China Cream ioc Tea pot Stands" ioc Bread Plates 25c Berry Sets Black Boards Drums Bureaus . Cupboards Folding Beds Pianos Games Blocks 1 ops Wagons Rocking Morses Sleds Hay Wagons 1 111 toys Tin Stoves Iron Stoves, 4 sizes Brownie Ladders Cliilds Brooms 8c CELLULOID nOVELTIEi DOLLS, DOLLS. Tree Ornaments 3c Child's Tea Sets, large, 24 pieces, $1 Leather Purses Magic Lanterns 25c We make a specialty of Dolls, hence can give, you the largest and best Doll for the least money. Girvin's 8 S. Main Street. That "GOLD MEDAL" FLOUR . . . Makes the Best Bread. That Brick's "NONPARIEL" niNCE MEAT Msanls the Finest in the World. That "BLUE LABEL" KETCHUP .... Is the Best Ketchup Made. Try either and you will find the above correct. Thos. E. Samuels & Co., Wholesale Grocers, 105 South Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa. Whitelock's ma Free & Ml Shoe Store. 0 GIVEN AWAY FREE. 0 Boxc fir 0 Fine Given away free to each Shoes and Rubbers from ME AND SEE1 U -Largest Assortments of Wm WOMEN'S AID GDIS' Flf SLIPPERS.! i'fi mm For Christmas Presents 39c, 49c, 50c, 65c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, and $1.50. Special attention is called to the 39c. and 49c. grades, these are worth from 50c to 70c. a pair. GUM BOOTS FOR THE CHILDREN makes a good and useful present, here is the place to get them. Gum Boots for Men and Women are here in large lots, all new and fresh stock. Stout Snag Duck Boots ; we are headquarters for them. Prices the lowest. Remember Box of Fine Christmas Candy given away free to each buyer of Shoes, Slippers, or Rubbers at the Cheap Shoe Store, we lead in best grade of shoes at lowest prices. 44' TIS A FEAT whitelock's cheap Shoe Store Egan's Building, See our windows. Cor. MAIN AND CENTRE STREETS CHARLIE SING, - Chinese Laundry, NO. 6 SOUTH JARDIN STREET. First-class Vork at Low Prices. All Work done In first-class manner, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shirts washed and ironed, 10c; shirts ironed, 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c; undershirts, 7c; underdrawers, 7c; handkerchiefs, 2c. , CHAR LEY SING, Manager. SWEARJ Candy Customer buying Boots, us until Christmas Eve. nnun TO FIT FEET.'