The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 19, 1895, Image 1

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A Bushes
If Allows the home paper comes
g first, im'th home buyers. The
Herald brings trade that can
1 not be reached in another way,
For Family Trade j
Xi paper an take the plaie ol 3
Mf Herald. It is read daiv
Cray member oj tin amih II
Advertisers appre, in, tin's. 3
VOL. X.-NO 811.
J. P.
Williams Sc
In a few days and gift-buyers will be-on the lookout for pretty
tilings. We are prepared to supply the wants of everybody
from a stock that has been carefully selected for the occasion.
The large patronage that we are receiving daily from the large
crowds of buyers that enter our store is an indication that our
goods and prices are a fetching card.
We are leaders in our line. Our large purchases always for
cash give us an advantap - over all others, enabling us to sell
to you as cheap as our competitors can buy.
Go Through Our Cloak Roomjasm
And see the pretty Coats and Capes we have to offer you at
enticing prices. We have a large selection and you are sure
to find the garment you are looking for, less in price than you
would expect to pay.
Damask Table Linens From 20c per Yard Up.
Napkins, Doylies and Hemstitched Table Sets. Ladies' and
gents' fur-top gloves, kid gloves in all leading shades and
and without initials, and silk umbrellas. These are items
everybody will be looking for and are only a few of the many
pretty things we have to offer.
r t r a Tim a a
ijr vast assortment of New and Novel Toys
Express Wagons,
Doll Beds
And Cradles.
' Kid Dolls,
Jointed Dolls, '
Sleeping Dolls, I
Dressed Dolls,
Dolls of all kinds, at all
prices ! i
No. 9 West Centre Street.
The OLD RELIABLE Dry Goods and Carpet Store,
113 North Main Street.
Latest Styles and Materials in
a Ladies', Misses' and Children's
All INI cw Novesltles In Dress Goods.
Elegant line of Blankets and Comforts, at
prices unheard of before.
Our Fancy Java, or
IrAegard to Tea, we occupy a front rank, all- our Teas being very
carefully selected by competent judges, and a trial order will
convince you that we can please the most fastidious customers.
We offer nothing but good grades that are noted for quality,
color,and flavor, and they are sold at popular prices
bo 0
Son, S. Main St.
IMo. 27
11 N. Main St.
would surpriso even old "KIUS" liinisclf
Silk Japanese,
Gold Embroidered Piano
Tablo Covers.
- Bazar,
Man, supplied with reasoning and dis
cerning powers, may improve his con
dition by the exercise of these faculties.
This can be applied with very good
effect in the purchase of Coffees and
Teas. A good cup of Coffee depends
not only on the making but the brand
of Coffee, the grade, the roasting and
preparation are very important factors.
We feel confident that we can meet all
those requirements, A delicious cup
of Coffee is a certainty if you use
our Fancy Blended Coffee.
On President Cleveland's Message Re
garding; Venezuela.
At the Annual Banquet of the Actors' Be.
nevolent Fund-Meantlmo English News
papers Make Savoga Comments on
the President's Attitude.
London, Dec. 10. Tho officials of tho
British foreign ofilco declined to express
any opinion on tho Venezuelan uni-stlon,
nml tho saino uttltudo of reserve is main
tained nt tho United States oinhassy here.
United States Ambassador Uayard arrived
nt tho embassy at an early hour, looking
worried. Ho declined to sec any one, say
ing that tho matter was much too grave to
All tho Kngllsh newspapers continue
their bitter assaults on tho incssngemost of
them Insisting that it is an election dodge.
Tho St. James Gazette heads its article
"War or Wire Pulling?" and says: "Pres
ident Cleveland's language in tho mouth
ef a European diplomat would mean tho
Instant mobilization of armies. It is rather
too lata or too soon to say ' hands oft ' to
tho empire which Includes not only Brit
ish Guiana and Jamaica, but Canada. Tho
pretensions of President Clevolaud and
Mr. Olncy nro so exaggerated and tho Inn
guago bo offensive that ono could not bo
surprised If thoro was a Bimilar oxploslon
of vlolenco hero. But Lord Salisbury has
kept his temper In this unpleasant corre
spondence, nud tho nation will do likowiso
until tho timo comes whon wo shall do
well to bo angry, and that timo may coma
Wo aro all anxious to glvo tho Amorlcan
government tho opportunity of forcing It."
Tho Globo romarks: "No self respecting
nation would for a moment entertain such
pretensions, and no one doubts that Presi
dent Cloveland's heroics nro duo to tho ne
cessities of politics. Ills Snckvillo action
shows tho length to which ho is prepared
to go In tho sacred causo of spread oaglo
ism. It would not bo wlso for American
statesmanship to confldo too much in tho
amiable sentiment that blood Is thicker
than water, or to imagino that England
can bo intimidated. President Clovelnnd
also must reckon with Franco if ho insists
upon carrying out his modern construc
tion of tho Monroo doctrino in its entirety."
Tho Pall Mall Gazette ridicules tho
wholo mattor, saying: "It flashed across
us at first that President Cleveland was
mad and, second, that ho was hypnotized
by Mr. Olncy, who in turn wus hypnotized
by Mr. Lodge. But wo conclude that it Is
only an election address."
Tho annual banquet of tho Actors' Bo
novolont fund at tho Hotel Mctropolo last
night was tho occasion of a notable public
demonstration of good feeling toward tho
United States ambassador, Hon. Thomas
F. Bayard. When Sir Francis Jouno pro
posed tho totvt to tho Actors' Benevolent
fund he said in tho courso of his speech
that ho hoped tho only rivalry between
England and America would bo a histri
onic rivalry, and that thero would nover
bo serious differences betweon tho two na
tions, which woro, after nil, brothers. This
sentlmout was greeted with loud nud pro
longed cheers by all tho company, which
was ronowed when Sir Francis ndded that
Mr. Bayard was a worthy rcprcscntntivo
of a great country.
Sir Edwin Arnold said ho laughed at tho
idea of any' differences botwecn England
and America, and Mr. Comyns-Carr
(jousted the friends across tho sea.
- Mr. Bayard, upon rising to respond, was
greeted with a perfect tumult of applause,
and his toast was drunk with three cheers.
Mr. Bayard was perceptibly and deeply
moved. Ho said In part:
"Tonight wo nro on common ground,
and thero is no sea between us. Thero nro
homo thing. it is impossible to divide." By
way of illustration ho repented tho Blblo
story of tho judgment of Solomon over tho
dispute of two women, both of whom
claimed to bo tho mothor of tho samo
"Gentlemen, It could not bo. Wo cannot
bo divided. Thoy nro children of tho brain
and of tho heart and of a common ancestry.
I do not think that thoy will over bo per
mitted to die. I will answer for my kin
dred and your kindred boyoml tho sea."
These inferential references to current
affairs wero greotcd with repeated cheers,
nud Mr. Bayard resumed his sent amid a
scene of unusual enthusiasm.
AS viisvj;i IX PAIS IS.
Ono Xuwsimpvr Think Wii Will OMulii
Complete SatiMfactlou,
PZ-IS, Dec. II). La Putrle, referring to
President Cleveland's mossage, says: "Tho
United States will obtain complete satis
faction by their vigorous attitude Great
Britain Is only strong with tho weak. She
is prudent with those who aro dotermlned
to defend tho dignity of their country. Tho
affair will bo a groat lesson to all nations."
La Llbcrto says: "A controversy Is pro
ceeding between two peoples of tho samo
ethnological origin ami who are accus
tomed to use big words, but whoso passion
doos not go even so far as a lotting of
blood uffnlr. It is only a false alarm, and
will certainly be arranged."
Tlio .Journal dos Debuts says: "Wo can
not Imagine nn election mnnouvorlu such
a gruvo question. It is probable, and must
bo hoped for, Mint tho good souso of tho
statesmen of Washington and London
will prevent tho dispute from being en
vouomcd to tho extent of nn open rupture,
in spite of tho excited tono of tho news
papers of both countries."
Tho Temps says: "A fratrloldul strugglo
between Great Britain and tho groat re-
public of tho new world would seem a
crime agalnbt humanity nud civilzatton.
As much as it Is lundmtssablo that Eng
land, can accept the arrogant, pretensions
of thq message, so Is It to be hoped' that
sho will discover a pacific and .equitable
BolutW of tho difficulty. An Anglo
American war Is Impossible."
The Honubllque FruncnUo says: "IMS in
every way a big affair which lias fallen
into Lord Salisbury's hands, 'i'uoy woum
not bo sorry In London to draw tho United
States into n quarrel, In view of our fron
tier troubles with Brazil."
Traction OIIIcIIiih Collier at l'lilladi'lplila's
Public llnllilliiK.
PlllUnKU'lUA, I)ci HI. Tho second dny
of tho street car strike ended with every
wheel yet nt a stnudstill. Excitement was
at a hlith pitch all dny, but thoro woro no
sorlous outbreaks. A fow cars woro run
over branch linos, guarded nt all points by
nnned policemen. In many Instances thoy
carried their revolvers drawn. Tho mobs
were lio smallor, but thoy respected the
gleaming steel. Somo fow attempts to
stone cars wero mnde, but they hnd no
gravo results, except in ono lustanco, where
an Innocent spectator was slightly Injured
by a blank cartridge. A stone had boon
thrown, nud n mounted policeman fired
four shots into tho crowd. The policeman
galloped rapidly away, or thero might have
been ri bloody riot.
. 'Humors wero plentiful, both as to trou
blo ahead and ns to tmoedv Mtttlnmont nf
tho contest, but this morning both sides
nppcotcd to bo firmer Minn over. The
strikers aro gaining recruits every hour,
Mayor Warwick has been nt hlsofflco al
most uninterruptedly for tho past forty
eight hours, and ho hns n special wlro to
Governor Hastings, at tho executive man
sion, In Harrisburg, over which they are
in constant communication. Troops nre
reuuy to Do on the streets of Philadelphia
within an hour nftor a request is mado for
A ntunbor of arrests woro mado yester
day on charges of inciting to riot, and
nearly all the prisoners wero hold in ball.
Soverrtl men wero knocked down nnd in
jured in minor outbreaks, and thoy aro in
hospitals. John McClornoy, who wns
struck on tho head by a stono during n
riot at the Eighth and Dauphin streets de
pot, lifts concussion of tho brain, nnd may
dlo. Michael Brennnn, a non-strlkor, is in
prison awaiting tho result of McClcrnoy's
Almost the cntiro board of directors ol
tho Traction company conferred with the
mayor yesterday. It is asserted that all
of thdm except President Welsh woro In
favor of making somo concessions, but he
emphatically put his foot, down against
any such action.
At Itri'Pii'H lilulto Cafo.
Nico vegetable soup for frco lunch to-night.
Plenty for everybody.
1'reo hot lunch every morning.
Meals served at nil hours.
Gents' link cuff buttons at Maley's.
fclionk Himself nnd Skipped.
As a West-bound car on the Lakeside Elec
tric Hallway was approaching tho bridge on
East Centre street yesterday a crowd of Pules
wero hi advance on the track. The motnrnian
sounded his gong and all left tho track, but
suddenly one stepped back so close to the
rail that tho front part of tho car struck him.
He was knocked down with considerable
force, but fortunately roll clear of the truck.
Tho car was stopped and tho lnotoriaan and
conductor alighted to ascertain the result.
The victim was found stunned and bleeding
at tho nose. He was raised to his feet and at
onco recovered. lie shook himself and
walked oil' without saying a word.
Kendilik House I'ri-o Lunch.
A nice dish of vegetable soup awaits you
to-night. Call and try it.
liny your mother or wife a carpet sweeper
era rug for a Christmas present, at 1'ricko's
carpet store. IS-18-Ot
Drugged by a liiinauny Horse.
Vincent Pepper, sou of ox-County Treas
urer Pepper, of Ashland, while riding a
horse, narrowly escaped with ills life. The
animal ran away, throwing its rider, and in
the fall his foot became tangled in the reius
and he wus drugged soveral squares bofore
the horse was stopped. Fortunately young
1'eppcr was not seriously injured, his over
coat saving him.
lhiinim's is tho place after all.
Watson IIoiiso Free Lunch.
Extra lino hot lunch to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Don't fail to attend the I'hcenix Pair on
Saturday evening.
j win Aiijust it.
j Contractor P. J. Cleary, of Shenandoah,
says a Hazleton exchange, who recently com
I plcted tho work in Hazleton, was in. town
yesterday consulting tho ollicials on tho
I settlement of the claims held against him for
damages Incurred during the construction of
! the sewers. Mr. Cleary will make a full
i lidlos' and gents' gold plus at Maley 's.
Film Chocolates
And lion lions for Christmas in large
1 varieties at Kcininerer's, !to North Main
I street. ISMtl-iit
Mold toothpicks at Maloy's, tho jeweler.
: To-niglit's Kiitcrtuliiiufut.
I Tlio entertainment In Ferguson's theatre
this evening, under the auspices of tho
Annunciation Literary Society, will ho a
treat in tho literary line, as some of the beet
local talent has been engaged. The society
should bo greeted by a large audience.
Purchase your' Christmas presents at tho
I'hicnlx Fair, and you will be well pleased.
Laundry for Christinas taken at Fay's
Steam Laundry until Monday, 2 p. m.
12-IS-lt O. L. Fay, Prop.
Hon, John 1'. Welsh Iicjured.
Hon. John F. Welsh, foreman at Ilurulde
colliery, Shamokin, had his foot badly in
j u red by a initio car panning ovor it. Ho
will be confined to Ills homo for sovapil
weoks. Mr. Welsh was at ono timo a loader
of the U. IJ. A. in this county, and during
liis rosldonco liore represented Schuylkill in
tho Legislature.
Tlio I'liinilx I'ulr.
The Phccnix Hoso Company, of town, aro
making preparations for holding their fair,
which will open in their now building, on
North Jurdlu street, on Saturday evening
next, and will continue for two weoks. Tho
committee is now engaged in gathering up
donations mado by the peoplo, and thoso who
have not donated havo yet suillclcnt timo to
assist tho fire laddies in wiping out tho debt
on their now building.
The latestlVdora hat at MX LEVIT'S.
A Bold Operation in a Jewelry Slore
Two Men Make an Unsuccessful Attempt
to Substitute Pasto Jewels For Dia
monds While Making an Inspection
Under Pretence to Purchase
A hold swindling game was attempted at
Strotisu's jowelry store, on Main street, yester
day and would havo been a success but for
the sharp eye, coolness and presenco of mind
of the proprietor.
Two tall, well dressed men entered the
store and, accostlug Mr. Charles Strotise, who
stood behind one of tho display cases, asked
to bo shown n variety of diamond rings. The
men had the appearance of well-to-do, sporty
commercial travelers and assumed an air that
would easily disarm oue of suspicion.
Mr. Strotiso withdrew a tray of rings from
tho caso at which lie stood and placed it on
tho glass top before tho strangers, who at
onco became interested in the selection and
entered Into a dicu$slou of the merits of tills
and that ting. Several minutes passed and a
number of rings wero handled, but Mr.
Strouso observed that each taken up by the
strangers was carefully replaced in its prupcr
position. Finally one of the men intimated
that he desired to see other rings. For a
moment or two Mr. Strouse's attention was
diverted from the rings under inspection and
ho drew forth another tray. As ho did so
ono of tho men said carelessly, "Never
mind, I do not think 1 will make a selection
now. We'll call again."
Intuitively Mr. Strouse's eyes scanned the
first tr.iy and he observed that one ring ap
peared to have been hurriedly placed in its
place on the tray. Ho picked it up nnd saw
at a glance that the ring was a paste diamond
substituted for a $123 ring. Tlio strangers
had by this time passed to tlio door and were
going out as Mr. Strouso exclaimed, "Excuse
me, come back a moment." The men
hesitated and exchanged glances with each
other as if they wero undecided whether a
dash or a parley was in order. They
were evidently misled by tlio jeweler's
coomess anil retained to tlio case I
with inquiring glances. .Mr. Strouse i
had edned to tho end of the case so that he
coultruusily pass around to the open space in
whiffli the men stood, but he did so in such an ,
uiU'oTCerncd manner that they did not seem I
to observe it and stood before the case in ,
ovident expectation that the jeweler in- j
tended to throw out inducements to make a
sale. !
If such were their impressions they were I
very mucu neceiveii. stiou.-e eyed them
critically for an instant and then sharply
said, "Give me that diamond; I don't want
your paste." At the same time Strouse
threw the bogus ring upon the glass top of
the sliow case. A pamliil expression missed
across tlio face of one of the men, while the
other remarked to hint in undertone, "It's
all up; shell out." Strouse followed
up his demand with a shoit and effective
story committed to memory for such emer
gencies setting forth the ellicacy of a secret
button which would bring a couple of officers
to the store befoie a fugitive could get ten
yards from the entrance and one of the
strangers, produced tho stolen ring, at tlio
same time forcing $23 into the jeweler's hand
with a plea to say no more about the matter
i ml promising to give him no further trouble.
Tliey also promised to return and make the
gift f.")0 ami left the store with as much speed
tliey could without sacrificing their
assumed dignity of bearing. Tliey have not
returned with the other $23 and .Mr. Strouse
has not seen them since. Ho says the men
were entire strangers to him. One of them
incidentally remarked before tho trick was
discovered that they came from Jersey City,
but, ol course, no laith can bo pinned to that.
'1 his caso will serve as a warning to the
merchants to beware of swindlers. Tho
holiday season brings them out in droves in
all cities and towns and confidence, shop-
llttlng and lliin-tlam games can only be
avoided by diligent watchfulness.
High Water Mark
Ha been reached by Columbia beer. Leave
your orders for your Christinas dinner. Put
up in bottle for family uo and nroiuntlv
A Grand Display of Holiday I'rosouts at
Prices Never Heard of llelnre.
It will pay you to buy your Chilstmas
goods at our store. We have an elegant
assortment of silk hand kerchiefs, murders,
furs, parasols, linens in large varieties, plush
goods, linen and cambric handkerchiefs,
gloves and mittens, ladies' eoatsand fur cu pes,
huautilm now patterns in euriicbi, latest dress
goods, fascinators, purses, rihbuns, curtains,
yarns and oil cloths. On thoso artlclos we
will meet all competition. Theso goods are
all newly purchased especially for tho holi
day trade, anil prospective purchasers should
not fall to visit our store before making their
30 South Main St.
12-lli-3t Shcnaudoah, Pa.
.V C'andyless Xiuas
you do not want to think of. Get the bct
and purest direct from tho manufacturers,
where it is the cheapest. At M. L, Kkm
mi:kkk's, 33 North Main street. 12-1 9-3 1
A Now Switchboard,
The Shenandoah Electric Illuminating
Company has added another improvement to
its plant on Dowers street by putting in the
latost Improved switchboard.
.-Minn l ire Out.
Tho fire in the old workings of tho seven
foot vein in tho Tunnel Itidge colllory, Mah
anoy City, was extinguished yesterday aftor
oightecn hours of hard work by tho mine
olllciuls, nssigted by members and apparatus
of the borough lire department.
The Croat U'mlirellu Sale.
A fashlonablo umbrella, with steel rod and
silver trimmings at manufacturer's lowest
priced. At MAX LEVIT'S, IB East Centre
Fine assortment of rings nt Maley's.
116 and 118 North Main Street.
It is old and everybody knows it, that our
store has been continually on the
"Upward" course.
liccauso our prices havo always been
"Down, "away down below competition.
We again give you good proof of Mint
if you call nud examine our Christmas
Christmas Fancy Work.
We have on hand a large number
of Remnants in Satin, Surahs
and China Silks. Short,
pieces is exactly what
you want, reduced to
Ladies' Sateen Skirts.
Lined through with out-M A A
iug flannel plain rufneJpAvf
With Mohair braid andrf -i A Q
pocket pl4-
With Mohair ruffle 1 . 75
A Useful Christmas Present.
Ladies' Garters.
Diflerent styles and nllA-,
shades, a handsome present-v
With large Rosettes of Baby A Q
ribbon all with clasps 4- C
Pin Cushions.
All our cwn make, pink, yellow light
blue, Nile green, red. Will suit most
any lady. Will clearly please ns a gift.
$'35. Si. 50 and Si. 75. We have also a
large variety of Toilet Hottlcs with
ribbon to match Cushion.
Ladies' White Aprons.
With stripes, with hems or f?r
embroidery De
Bureau Covers.
The very latest. All open work.
It will do you good to see the as
sortment. Flour Cans.
Large Japaned with lettering 90c
Bread Cans.
Square, well made, different sizes.
Cake Cans.
Round with hinged lid, also dif
ferent sizes.
A Laro Variety'
Still they go, and large consign
ments are expected. With 1 or
without movable eyes. Muslin,
Kid Body or Dressed.
of Holderman's Jewelry
Store and windows are
unsurpassed in Eastern
Prices Low.
A. tfOIiDEttPfl,
You All
Want . . .
Fresh Eggs.
We sell no pickled or ice
house eggs.
When we have them they
are fresh..
We have some now.
122 Nortli Jar-Jin St., Shenandoah.