The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 17, 1895, Image 2

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Published every Kvcnlng, Kxccpt 8uiidy, nt
8 South Jasmv Strket. Nkar Ckstrk.
She llernlil Is dcllvcied InHhrnnndonh nml tho
rtirrounding towns fornix cent n week, pay
able to tho carriers, lly mull $3.00 n yenr. or 23
cents n month, jinynhle In advance. Advcrtlo
menta chnrfrcu accord Ing to spnconnd poxitlon.
The publishers reserve the right to chnngc tho
position of advertisements whenever tho pul
neiUlon of news demands It. Tho rlptit Is
reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether
Ciiid for or not, thnt the publishers may deem
npronrr. Advertising rntes mndo known
upon application.
"Entered nt the )ostofllco nt Hhcnnndonh, I'a,, us
deeond clnss mail matter.
Evening Herald
TU IIS DAY, I)i:CEMHEK 17, 1803.
Tun Itoptibllcnns of Shenandoah will likely
hsio Honielhing to my as to who shall bo on
the ticketus u representative of till, town,
notwithstanding tho presumption of n county
Nit paper.
IiBVi I'. Morton, tho present tiovernor of
Now York, Is an avowed candidate for tho
presidency. His friends nro already claim
ing 2.18 votes for their fuvorito in the con
vention. Pennsylvania is included in tho
list with (HI votes. Wo think the New York
tiovemor's friends arc counting their
chicken lwforo they are hatched.
A qUIXtion that appears pertinent just
now, in view of tho investigation to he in
augurated by Solicitor Whitehouse, of tho
almshouse, of tho mismanagement of that
institution, is why was it delayed until a few
days lioforo tho appointments are mado? The
public will encnurago any movement tending
to instigate reforms in that locality, hut it
looks like there's a "nigger in the wood pile."
The opinion of Attorney ( Mc
cormick, in declaring thatlifoinsuraneodoes
not represent moneyed capital and cannot bo
included in the list of taxable subjects, will
Iks phasing news to those of our readers who
have their lives insured and are not willing
to pay a state tax upon the same. When tho
Auditor General tent out assessors' blanks to
tho County Commissioners and directed that
retnrns be made of all policies of life
insurance, under a protest from holders of
these policies and tho insurance companies
the question was referred to tho Attorney
General for his decision.
Til r. suggestion has been made that Ponn-
cvK.onio n,1r.t ll.n nl.tft ,la i.i 1 in inn
f a United States Senator to succeed ,T.
Donald Cameron. When tho delegates to
the next state convention tiro chosen let the
names of tho various candidates for Senator
bo submitted to tho people and instructions
voted at tho primaries in every county in tho
-fltate, tho candidates subsequently placed in
regular nomination in tho convention and
tho ono receiving tho largest number of
votes declared tho caucus nominee. This is
the way ex-Governor Koraker, of Ohio, was
.chosen to succeed Senator llrice. Tho plan
is it novel ono, and it gives every Republican
voter tho opportunity to express his choieo
for this high ollico and besides is tho means
if averting contests of a disgraceful and nil
seemly character so often characteristic of
Legislatures in electing United States
The Presidential possibilities are narrowing
down to a very few. Harrison is practically
out of tho race. Itecd is strong in New lln
land and will have a solid delegation from
that section. Tho prevalent impression that
(Juay and Piatt both favor the Portland giant
.gives him a big send oil' witli professional
politicians. Tho announced candidacy of
Governor Morton is looked upon as more of a
compliment to His Excellency than any
thing else, nnd will bo tho means of keeping
tho other candidates from dividing tho vole
of that state. When tho proper tlmo arrives
to uncovor New York's real choieo will bo
known, nnd his name is 1'eed. McKiuley
has a strong following with tho masses, and
his conspicuous position regarding Protection
makes him at all times a formidable candi
date. Allison stands in a position to profit by
any antagonism between Jteed and Mc
ICinloy that will constrain conservative
delegate) to took a perfectly available man as
tho compromise candidate. Lincoln is but
yet a name honored by tho immortal associa
tions clustering around tho martyred first
Priwidontof tho party.
Tho late elections give us a Republican
Governor in New Jersey, Marylaud and
Kentucky, bo wo will look to the names
of Griggs, Lowndes and Hradley as Vlco
Presidential possibilities.
An early convention places us already
within sound of the guns that will bo called
into action for uso against the common
onoray, and victory is in tho air.
Tjik Reading reorganization plan has been
iwucd, and as it is in tho ittorost of tho
general mortgago tho preference bonds and
stockholders aro heavily assessed. As tho
case stands at present, tho company having
failed to pay tho iutcrcst on the general
mortgago bonds that interest is in position
to sell out tho property to satisfy their claims,
and anything given the preference bond
holders and stockholders Is In tho nature of
a gratuity. While the plan is no doubt a
drastic ono for them, it is about nil they can
expect. Tho new plan will effect a reduction
in fixed chargos of about $717,000, although
tho oapltallsttloti will ho somowhat increased,
and tho incronso is not such as to compel
payment of niiything until it is earned. It
is to bo hoped that tho prtscnt scheme will
bo of permanent benefit and not like tho
Corbln schemoof 1887, merely a make-shift
Slock of Holiday Attractions Mom
Numerous Than Kvcr.
Grim poverty may lurk in its squalid dens,
and there may be hundreds of unfortunates
who go to bod cold nnd hungry every night,
but this skeleton does not obtrude itself on
tho happy, gorgeous panorama that Is pre
sented on tho ttrcota of town on which tho
business places aro located. Tho window
displays are unparalleled in their wealth and
variety. Every tasto and every purso is con
sulted. Some of them nro exceedingly novel.
Ono of tho most attractive sights is afforded
by tho windows of Max Schmidt, on North
juatn street, it is a roast lor tho eyes
and close by, in tho window of Waslcy's
drug store, Is found an amusing novelty
in the form of frogs mado of cotton
engaged in a gamo of foot hall beforo an
audience mado up of similar figures. Tho
exhibit at lioldcrman's jewelry store is a
gorgeous ono and at Hooks & Brown's
stationery store tho display in silk, satin,
velvet, celluloid, ivory, aluminum, Bilvcr
and gold is dazzling. Smokers and members
of their families will find tho display at
Kalbach's and Daniel & Dodson's cigar
stores worth a careful InsicctIou, and
nt Strousn's jewelry storo it would seem
tho wealth of tho country had been
collected. Girvin's is a groat placo for
sightseeing. Tho Christmas presents for
children nnd in the household lino chal
lenges enumeration. Morgan's liazar is also
a marvelous placo in the juvenile lino and
may well be called a "toy tcniplo " Tho
Pittsburg Novelty storo also offers a
field for rellectlon. M. F. Malcy and E. H.
Ilrumm make elaborate displays of unique
designs in jewelry. Iko Orkin and
K. Duell, tho jewelers, nro also out with
I holiday displays that help to mako tho
panorama pleasing to tho eye. Here and
there aro sandwiched displays of less glitter
ing, but no less important wearing apparel,
and when you are out seeing tho sights don't
fail to take a glimpsont the windows of L. J.
Wilkinson, P. J. Gaugban, P. J. Monaghan.
It. F. Gill, N. J. Owens and J. J. Prico.
The firms of J. P. Williams & Son and
O'Neill Uros. are also important exhibitors
and anyono contemplating making presents
of furniture, organs or pianos should not
overlook these two stores. For a snappy,
breezy and bright display of gents' furnish
ing goods for the holidays Max Lovit's
windows aro right up to the mark and Portz
& liros. display of clothing and furnishing
goods is excellent. At Mrs. Hyde's, Mrs. .1.
J. Kelly's, Miss Morrison's and Miss Senior's
millinery stores the ladies will find all the
latest and most novel styles and a glimpse at
the l aetory Shoo Store windows will show a
raro btock for feet for both ladies and
gentlemen. Of courso everybody will want
some cologne for the holiday season. Tho
Shenandoah Drug Store is making nspecialty
in that lino this season. The kirlin, Gruhlor,
Wasley and Hagcnbuch drug stores nro also
out with lino lines. A night can ho very
pleasantly and enjoyably spent in viewing
tho many displays and may help many to
make up their minds as to what they "will
buy for Christinas." Our shop windows beat
those of any town in tho county.
In Self Defense
you ought to keep your flesh up. Disease
will follow, if you let it get below a healthy
standard. No matter how this comes, what
you need is wr. 1'iercc s liohlen .Medical Dis
covery. That is the greatest llesh-huilder
known to medical science, lar surpassing
muiy cod liver on ana an its nasty com
pounds. It's suited to tho most delicate
stomachs. It makes the morbidly thin,
plump and rosy, with health and strength.
Send for a free pamphlet, or remit 10 cts.
(stamps) and get a book of 108 pages with
testimonials, addresses and portraits. Ad
dress World's Dispensary Medical Associa
Hon, (103 Main Street, liull'alo, N. Y.
Iiupturo or broach, permanently cured
without tho knife. Addrc, for pamphlet
and lefereuces, World's Dispensary Medical
Association, lliitl'alo, N. Y.
The Sticker Won.
Tho Pottsvillo court yesterday decided tho
contested School Directorship in Cass town
ship, declaring George Dcegan elected. A
man named Novils was nomiuated for tho
place, hut died shortly beforo the election.
Tho name of Gcorgo Deegan was printed
upon a slip, and as tho first man who eamo up
to vote asked for a Deegan sticker, it was
given him, when the election ollicers pasted
Deegan stickers over tho namo of Novils, nnd
ho was declared elected. Tho name of
Timothy llrcnnaii was written in tho blank
on tho ticket by a number of voters, and tho
election of Deegan, it was claimed, was
To Preserve a Mansion.
Schuylkill Council, ,lr. O. U. A. M., of
Philadelphia, aro engaged in a moonicnt to
purchase tho Betsy Ross mansion, in which
the first United States Hag was mado. They
have an option on tho building until Febru
ary 15th. Tho Council subscribed $1,000 and
requests tho co-operation of all kindred
Merit wins, and Merit has not
only placed Hood's Sarsapa
rilla at the head of all medi
cines but has practically given
it, as a blood purifier, pos
session of the whole field.
Wins because it Cures. It
Cures because It purifies, vi
talizes and enriches the blood.
Disease cannot resist Its potent
powers. Health comes at
Its persuasive bidding. If you
need a good medicine, get
Hood's and only Hood's.
Prepared bjr C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. 51.
IT ,1 Cltll cure all ller llli
nUUU O nilG attcr dluucr
Improved Homoeopathic Remedies Combine
the Best in All Systems and Make Pos
itive Cures Where All Other
Medicines Fall.
If You Aro Sick Ask Your Druggist for
Munyon's Oulde to Health-Buy a 20-Cont
Remedy and Curo Yourself.
Mr. A. Bcnoit, Waupaca. Wis., says : "For
years I was afUictcd with a bad case of
catarrh. My head was stopped up. Mucus
was continually dropping in my throat. My
stomach was atl'ected, and tho catarrhal
poison produced general debility and weak
ness. I used largo quantities of medicines
without rccoiving any benefit, until I began
with Munyon's licmcdlcs. I used Munyon's
Catarrh Curo and Tablets n few weeks and
was completely cured of catarrh. I also used
Munyon's Dyspepsia Curo and tho Vitallzer,
and am entirely frco from tho stomach
trouble nnd general weakness."
Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never fall.
Tho Catarrh Cure 25c. eradicates tho dis
ease from tho system, and the Catarrh
Tablets prico 25c cleanse and heal tho
Munyon's Rheumatism Cure seldom falls to
relievo in ono to three hours, and cures in n
few days. Prico 25 cents.
Munyon's Dyspepsia Curo is guaranteed to
curo all forms of indigestion and stomach
troubles. Prico 25c.
Munyon's Vitallzer restores lost powers to
weak men. Price, f 1.00.
A separato euro for each disease At
all druggists, mostly at 25 cents a bottlo.
Personal lcttors to Prof. Munyon, 1505
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered
with free medical advice for any disease.
Mrs. James Harrington, of West Coal street,
presented her husband with a bouncing baby
William Helms, of Mnhanoy City, spent
last evening in town.
John M. Schoppo spent yesterday nt Mnha
noy City.
Dr. J. S. Cnllen spent the day in Philadel
phia. Hon. Joseph Wyatt, tho genial Represen
tative from tills district, was a visitor to
Reading yesterday.
Joseph H. Kohlcr, of Allentown, is a guest
of relatives in town.
O. S. Swartz, of Allentown, who was a
guest of friends hero, left for Ids homo this
Mrs. O. G. Clauser spent to-day visiting
friends at Pottsvillc.
Miss Katie Gros-er, 'of Philadelphia, is
visiting her slstor, Mrs. Charles Blakcr, on
South Jardin street.
Mrs. Harriet Lockett, of Wilmington, Del.,
is a guest of town friends.
Miss Sophia Glover, who is teaching school
at Shamokin, is home to spend tho holidays
with her parents, on South Jardin street.
William Helms, of Mahanoy City, visited
friends in town last evening.
Heber Hooks, tho butcher, will enter the
employ of George Moll, of Pottsvillo, in a
similar capacity, to-morrow.
Charles Palmer, of Mt. Carmel, was a town
visitor yesterday.
.1. W. Lloyd, who was formerly a promi
nent caterer of town and later a hotclkccpcr
of Girardvillo, is now a resident of Pottsvillo
and travels for P. F. Collier, tho New York
publisher. He is now drumming up business
in town.
Daniel Williams, of Mt. Carmel, was a guest
of relatives in town yesterday.
Harry J. Wasley, business manager of tho
Mast and Wig Club, is in Philadelphia in
consultation with several costumcrs in the
interest of the club.
Mrs. Homer Knasss, of WestChorry street,
left this morning for Allentown, to spend tho
holidays with her parents.
Miss Magdalene Mcllnlc, of Pottsvillo, is tho
guest of town ftiends.
Mrs. Lizzie Humble, of West Coal street,
is visiting her parents nt Pottsvillc.
Mi's. Thomas Calhoun, of Philadelphia, is
tho guest of her mother, Mrs. Stanton, on
West Oak street.
Tho wifo of Mr. D. Robinson, a prominent
lumberman of Hartwick, N. Y., was sick
witli rheumatism for five months. In speak
ing of it, Mr. Robinson says : "Chamberlain's
Pain Balm is tho only tiling that gave her
any rest from pain. For the relief of paiu
it cannot bo beat." Many very bad cases of
rheumatism have been cured by it. For sale
at 50 cents per bottlo by Gruhlor Bros., drug'
.ITiihnnoy City's Pugilists,
Articles of agreement to spar 20 rounds
have been drawn up between "Dinkey'
Hughes and Phil Huntziuger, both of Maha
noy City. Tho contest is scheduled to bo
pulled elfin that town on Monday, December
:50th, in private, or boforo the club that offers
tho largest purse, and will be fought accord
ing to London prize ring rules.
liellef In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney nnd bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "New Great
South American Kidney Cuie." This now
remedy is a great surprise on account of Its
oxeceding promptness In relieving paiu in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every jsirt
ol the urinary passages in malo or lemalo,
It relievos retention ot water and nam in
Kissing it almost immediately. If you want
ciuick relief and curo this is your remedy
Sold by Isaac Shaplra, druggist, 107 South
Slain 6treet.
ItoliKery lit l'ark Place.
Tho rosiilouco of Harry Swartz, at Park
Place, was entered by unknown parties
Saturday night, and an expensive diamond
ring nnd sovoral articles ol jewelry were
stolen, tho property of Miss Emily Swartst.
An entrance was clloctcd through a rear
door, which was found unlocked. The
thieves also took thirty dollars in money
Mulinuoy City Kindness College.
This excellent collego, nt 205 East Centre
street, gives Commercial, Shorthand nd
Typewriting'coursos equal to any in tho state
at tho very lowest rates. Individual in.
struction. Day and evening classes. Student!
constantly entering. Catalogue frco.
10-H-tf G, W. Williams, Principal
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds nnd La
Grlppo when Laxative llromo Quinlno will
curo you in ono day. Put up in tablets con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or
money refunded. Prico, 23 cents. For sale
by Klrlin's Pharmacy,
Havo the leaks in your gas aud water mains
repaired by P. W. Bell, tho plumber.
Don't Trlllo With Coughs unit Cold,
Tako Pan-Tina (25c.) aud bo cured At
G rubier Bros., drug store.
Shot by at Chief justice.
CrtATTANooOA, Tonn., Deo. 17. Ohlof
Juttlco T. L. Snodgrnss, of the Tennessee
supremo court, fired two shots at John tt.
Bcosloy, a prominent lawyer of this city,
ono of which took effect lu tho arm. Mr.
IJoasloy Is seriously hurt, but tho wound
Is not regarded as llkoly to provo fntnl.
Tho shooting was the outcome of annrtlclo
published over Ucasloy's signature, hi
which he charged thnt tho supremo court
rendered a decision In tho railroad dobt
caso of tho stato from a political stand
point nnd not from jiiHtlcu. Judgo Snod
grass wont boforo Jtlstlco Tom Cownrt nnd
waived trial, and, upon giving $1,000 bond,
was released. .
Chapman's Case Will bo Tried.
AVasiukoton, Doo. 17, Tho trial of
Broker Elvorton It. Chapman, of Now
York city, for refusal to testify boforo tho
senate committee during tho sugar trust
investigation, was set for yesterday, but
was Informally postponed, owing to tho
pressure of cases boforo tho court. It prob
ably will bo taken tip early In January.
Tho Chapman caso will bo tho first tri
of tho six cases growing out of tho senate
sugar investigation. A number of other
important cases will be tried early in tho
year, including that of Miss Kllznboth
Flngler, who shot nnd killed a negro lnd
somo months ago for despoiling a fruit tree.
When most needed It Is not unusual for
your family physician to bo away from home.
Such was tho experience of Mr. J. Y.
Schenck, editor of tho Caddo, Intl. Tcr.,
Banner, when hlslittlogirl, two ycarsof nge,
was threatened with a scvoro attack of croup.
Ho says: "My Wlfo insisted that I go for
tho doctor, but as our family physician was
out of town I purchased a bottlo of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy, which relieved her
immediately. I will not bo without it in tho
future." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale
Gnililcr Bros., druggists.
Committed Murder While Ilypnotlred.
ST. PKTliKsnuita, Dec. 17. On the
ground that she was hypnotized tho court
of appeals has reduced the sentenco
of death imposed upon a girl named
KoumyautzclT to five years' imprisonment.
Tho evidence showed that tho girl wus
completely under tho control of n man
who compelled her to poison her father.
Fell Through the Ice and Drowned.
SUSQUEHANNA, Pa., Doc. 17. While
skating o'u the river yesterday Lolaud
Genie fell through the Ice and was
drowned. The body was recovertii. Whllo
ondeavoring to save his son the father nar
rowly escaped drowning.
Ilticklon's Arnlcn Salve.
Tho best salvo In tho world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perlect satistactlon or mony retnnaed. rnco
25 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasley.
A Colony of Crooks.
MoitltlSTOWN. N. J., Dec. 17. The police
have discovered a gang of degenerates hud
dled together in the shods and largo coal
bins nt Stanhope, Morris county. They
are wretched Italians, who livoliko boasts,
and have boon engaged in sweating and
shaving silver coins, filling them up and
passing them.
Married a Mere Child.
PATMWON, N. J. , Dec. 17. Demorest
Hopper, the famous rlllo shot, has shocked
his friends and tho community by marry
ing n moro child, May Terliuno, of Itldge
wood, Hopper is 45 und tho brido is senrcely
10, and small for her years.
American men antl women suffer from a
very general disease dyspepsia.
Dyspepsia has many symptoms, nun,
Palo people arc generally dyspeptic. Hollow
cheeks, bad breath, acid eructations, palpi
tation ot the heart, hot and cold Hushes,
headaches, nausea nnd vomiting, all these
arc symptoms of dyspepsia.
What does dyspepsia mean ? In two
wokis, imperfect digestion, now can wo
remedy it V Notalono by resort to drugs.
We must rest tho stomach.
For this purpose wo must put into it a food
which is already digested and which will aid
tho digestion of other foods. Wo must take
Shaker Digestive Cordial, for this is just
such a preparation. It contains food which
will ne nnsorueu at once, ltj also con
tains principles which will assist tho diges
tion of other foods, while last but not least,
it contains a combination of those drugs in
tiio cultivation of which tho Shakers have
been so successful, and which act by stimu
lating tho liver and bowels.
Imperfect digestion is often caused by over;
work of tho digest ivo apparatus, too much
food, food eaten too quickly, nervous worry,
Tho Shaker Digostivo Cordial is tho most
successful remedy for indigestion that has
over been mado. A single 10 cent bottlo
will afford relief in most eases, although this
small quantity cannot bo expected to eircot a
perfect cure.
If you find it suitable in your own case,
continue its uso. All druggists keep it and
can supply you with an interesting descrip
tive pamphlet.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Happening Throughout tlio ltcglon Chron
icled for ltasty Perusal.
Tiio Miners' hospital is crowded with
Jack McCarthy threatens to start a new
Republican newspaper in Hnzlcton.
Tho grippe is again making its appearance,
and quite a number of cases nro reported in
A marriago licenso has been issued to David
James, of Frnckville, and Miss Annlo Jones,
of Girardvillo.
Tho license of John Rogors, In tho First
ward, was transferred to John Horan. Mr.
Rogors will romovo to Pottsvillc, having
purchased tho Mclswcnklo hotel.
William and Thomas Howell, administra
tors, aro settling tho estate of their deceased
father, William Howoll, who died nt tho
homo of his son-in-law, Samuel Davis.
Allen Moyor, 14 years old and employed as
slato picker at tho Logan colliery, was pain
fully injured in tho thigh by an exploding
duailu cap. Ho was removed to bis homo in
'Squire William Purcoll and his wife had a
narrow escape from being asphyxiated by
coal gas that escaped into their sleeping room
through a defective fine, nt their homo In
Ashland, Medical assistance had to bo called,
and had they slept much longer they would
have smothered to death.
Michael Coon, for thirty years a resident of
Boston Run, died at his homo Sunday.
Tho M. E. Sunday school of Gllberton will
give n cantata on tho 21th lust.
Alfred B. Cole, of Mahanoy City, and Miss
Suo B. Kisncr, of Millvillo, wcro married on
Miss Amanda Fclton has brought suit
against her cmployor, Joseph Mummoy, of
Zion's Grove, charging him with taking her
furniture and converting it to his own use.
Slio has also brought suit for tho recovery of
wages alleged to bo duo her.
Old cople.
Old pcoplo who requlromcdlciuo to regulate
tho bowels and kidneys will find tho true
remedy in Klcctrio Bitters. Tills medicine
docs not stimulate and contains no whiskey
nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and
alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach
and bowels, adding strength and giving tone
to tho organs, thereby aiding Nature in Hie
nerioruianco ot mo functions, electric
Bitters is an excellent appetizer nnd aids
digestion. Old pcoplo find it just exactly
what they need. Prico fifty cents per bottlo
at A. Wasley's drug store.
A Tniiiaqitti .Girl mid Her r.over Itroitght
Hack Again.
Special to Kvknino Hkrald.
Tamaqua, Dec. 17. About a month ago
this town was greatly excited over the elope
ment of ouo of our fair daughters with a
well-known comedian. The eloping couple
were Sid K. Russell, who produced a drama
here for a local lodge, and Miss Gertie
Houser. Tho youug lady conies from a very
respectable family of Tamaqua.
Russell is thirty years of age, whllo Miss
Houser has not seen moro than 17 summers.
Soon after their departure tho mother of tho
wayward girl put a detective upon their
tracks, and as a result of his efforts Chief of
Polico Reinboldt, of this place, was enabled
to bring the couple hero this morning.
Russell was given a hearing beforo 'Squiro
Lutz on tho charge of bigamy, larceny and
adultery, on oath of Mrs. Houser. Ho was
committed to tho county jail in default of
$3,000 bail. Ho will bo given a hearing be
fore 'Squiro Lutz on tho -1th of next month.
I.ocnl Institute.
Tho regular meeting of tho local teachers'
institute was held last evening in the High
school building, Superintendent Whitaker
presiding. Tho teachers of tho soveral
grades met separately and after preparing
sets of questions to be used for tho bi-monthly
examinations, outlined the 'work for the
next school month. Tho examinations will
bo held Wednesday and Thursday of tho
present week, and Friday will bo devoted to
finishing up the work of the behoofs prior to
tho Christmas vacation. Special programs
will bo prepared for Friday afternoon, con
sisting of recitations, readings and binging
and other appropriate exercises.
Polish l'liest Missing,
Rev. Jackimowicz, hc Polish priest at Mt.
Carmel, who had been given thirty days by
tho court to leave tho county, is believed to
havo jumped his bail and left for parts un
known. In addition to being indebted to
Bishop McGovern, ho is said to owe several
thousand dollars to members of his parish.
.Tones Hold Tor Trial.
Thomas E. Jones, tho special officer, was
given an additional hearing last night beforo
Justico Toomcy on a chargo preferred by an
Arabian named John Jabura, and was put
under $-200 bail for trial at court. Tho
Arabian claims Jones arrested him ' for
peddling, but released him after taking 2
Hilda razor. Jonos denies tho chargo. Ho
admits ho got tho razor, but says it was
given to him ns security for Jabqra's appear
ance witli an interpreter.
Tho l'ncillo Cnblo Conipnii3',
TnHNTON, Dec. 17. The Paclfio Cable
company, with a capital of 2,000,000, was
incorporated yesterday under tho laws of
tho stato of Now Jersey. Tho company is
formed for tho purpose of constructing,
laying, operating and maintaining an
olectrio Biib-niiirlno cabin lu tho Pacific
ocean, witli telograph lines and connec
tions tor tiio transmission ol mossagec.
Tho cupltal stock of tho company is di
vided into 80.000 shares of $100 each.
Among tho incorporators aro A brum S.
Hewitt, V. O. Mills, G. M. Dodgo, Fred
I). Grant unci J. J. Hill.
Not a Successful Actor.
SAN Francisco, Deo. 17. Lord Sholto
Douglass finished his career ns an actor in
this city by being lilssod off tho stage. As
the ourtnin was about to go down at the
close of tho lust act tho lord read a speech
on tho reprohonslblo methods of tho news
papers on account of their falluro to view
his theatrical vonturo seriously, Douglass
called tho people names, and nltogothor It
was tho most laughable comedy that has
been enacted sluco tho youngest son of tho
Marquis of Quoonsborry became a foot
light favorite.
Settled Their Differences Honorably,
New OM.KANS, Doc. 17. There has been
an honorable adjustment of tho differences
between Major Hearsoy, of The State, and
Congressman Boatner. All arrangements
for a mooting on the Held yesterday had
been inadetwlien gentlemen of prominence
In the stato Interfered nnd brought such
weight to boar us to reach a, bails upon
which a settlement of tho dlff croaces might
bo mndo. Tho Hrrnngements aro under
Stood to bo satisfactory, und tho adjust
ment Is honorable to both'gentlemen.
No need to suffer witli rheumatism, lum
bago, neuralgia, cramps or colic. Dr. Thomas
Eclectrlc Oil cures all such troubles, and
docs it quickly.
Ashes Put
Onto a Good
Deaden It.
Fire Will
Tiio human 1xdy In
like a coal fire in
many respects. This
food that goes into it
represents tho fuel,
and as it .Is burned or
digested ashes or rofusei
Coal nsbes arc harm
less. Body ashes arc poi
sonous. Naturo keeps tho
bars of our grate (tho kidneys) constantly
cleared nnd able to dispose of these ashes
casting them out of tho body and into tho
Now, besides tho nshosof digestion wo havo
tho waste products of the tissues and organs.
Every timo wo move a muscle, turn our
head, lift our hand; every timo our heart,
beats or our brain thinks a small portion of
eacli organ thus employed is used up in the
Tlioso ashes or wabto products nro also,
Both kinds clog and disease tho blond, and
poison nnd irrltato tho various organs.
If tho kidneys do not work properly theso.
poisons aro not thrown out, but collect and
do barm.
Uso Dr. Hobb'sSpamgus Kidney Pills, rake
out your uslics and Impurities, keep tho
blood clear nnd pure, nnd let your flamo of
life burn naturally and healthfully.
Fifty cents per box, from all druggists, or
nnn vv oiiciosu oucis. in alanine
U?HOl)bS or silver direct to tie,
paragus mbimcinrco..
Interesting and Tb-
QVfDilfc structivo Book on Kld
OrlllO I10y Health and Blood
entering Free.
Coming Kveut.
Dec. 30. Cantata, "Tho Jolly Farmers,"'
in the P. M, church, under the auspices of
tho Y. P. A.
Major C. T. Picton is manager of tho
Stato Hotel, at Dcnison, Texas, which the;
traveling men say is one of tho best hotel
in that section. In speak'ing of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
Major Picton says : "I have used it myself
and in my family for several years, and tako
pleasure in saying that I consider it an in
fallible curo for diarrhoea and dysentery. I
always recommend it, and havo frequently
administered it to my guests in the hotel, and
hi every caso it has proven itself worthy of"
unqualified endorsement. For sale by
Gruhlcr Bros., druggists.
When you want good roofing, plumbing,,
gas fitting, or general tinsmithing done call
on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street.
Dealer iv stoves. 8-1-tf
Two T.Ick Saved.
Mrs. PhoelK) Thomas, of Junction City,
Hi., was told by her doctors sbo hail Con
sumption and thnt there was no bopo for her,
but two' bottles Dr. King's New Discovery
completely cured her and sbo says it saved
Iter life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St.,
San Francisco, stilfered from a dreadful cold,
approaching Consumption, tried without
result everything else then bought one bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two
weeks was cured. Hois natnr.illy thankful.
It is such results, of which tlieso aro samples,
that prove tho wonderful efficacy of this
medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial
bottles nt A. Wasley's drug store. Itegular
size Me and Sl.ll'.l.
Buy Keystone flour. Bo sure that Hie
namo Lkssio fc Baku, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack. tf
It's Winning few Friend Dully.
What? Pan-Tina for coughs nnd colds. A
Gruhlcr Bros., drug ston .
General ant! Nervous Debility.
Weakness of Body and
Hind, Effects of Errors
or Excesses In Old or
Yonng. Hobust, Noble
Manhood fully Restored.
How to Enlarge nnd
Strengthen Weak, Un
developed Portions of
Body. Absolutely un
failing Homo Treatment.
Benefits in a day.
Til Klntna nnd ForeieQ
Countries. Send for Descriptive liopK, ex.
planation and proolu, mulled (soaiod) free.
Do you DESIRE to Make
Mnko your money earn you n monthly
110.00 nnd more mndp dully by our new syx
tematie l'lnu of Operation on small Investment
in grnlu nnd stock speculation.
All wo nsk Is to invcstlgiita our new nud
original methods, l'ast workings of plan nnd
highest references furnished. Our Booklet
"Point it Hints" how to make money and
other Information sent l'BKK.
Gilmorc 4. Co., Bankers nnd Brokers.
Open Hoard of Trade llldg., Chicago, III
9-28-3 ra-daw
For Weak and Run-Down People from
Childhood to Old Age.
WHAT IT IS! The rlchel,of all rritomtlT
Foodtt, becauge it replaces tba samo sub.tanoe
to the blood and nerves that are eibaaated la.
tbeaetwolKe-KilinEllaldabT disease, indigestion,
high llviue, overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, eta.
WHAT IT DOES ! Br making ths bloo
pure and rlcu, and the digestion perfect, it create
aold tieeh, muscle and strength. The nerves be
ing made strong, tbe brain becomes active anj
clear. For restoring lost vitality and stopping al
wasting drains and weakness In either sex. It baa
no equal t and ass female regulator It Is worth lu
weight in gold. Ouo box lasts a week. Price die., or
6 boxes iuu. Druggists or br msll. Hook free.
1113 Cbettaut St.. Philadelphia.
nMions of Dollars
Go up in smoke every year. Tttko tio
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured in lirstjclass re
liable companies as represented by
DAVID FAUST, ggfl&gg:1'
Aleo Life and Accidental Coiripantcs.