I APPEAL TO MIME WORKERS, ( mnlur letter IIhh lleen I.miiiI by tho V, M. W. r A. i i i mji.irtHnt circular letter lm liecu sent I i n'h l.iMtiliif the 1' tilled Mini Workers of A ni rim in thin n-irlnn, Issued by the surt my of District No. 1,or the main ditrict In n hp stales that hcirafter the ir liniiiurv of organising new branches will 1 oli upon the nfflwrsof the several sttb-dlstrb I- hosoiluty it is to canvassthc locality win n Ihcrr la no branch of the order, call meeting and attend lo all other necessary matters Hint the nrganlwr ih-hI pay hut one vi-it t.. any iwrtlcular field. Thorough organisation," the lattci in cludes, "Isthc only tcttiedy thnt labor i.in have. Alone wo arc, romimnitivi'ly spiak inn, mere pygmlm, ami never did anil mvi r hMI receive Hie recognition llmt honest labor vbmiM at all time command ; but united u ',ue com met. thoroughly organized body, it iiiciU no logic or force of iriisoiiliig tu b iiionKlrale with how much greater force mr refmeata to right wrongs and redrew injurhmcan leiiresented, and with how much creator icsioet and attention our demands will fx) received und considered." Our llnu woolen underwear, which' we "Ifer at amazingly low prices, is wiling lapidly. At MAX Ll'VIT'S, 15 East Centre M reel. STROUSE QUU goods arc decidedly the very BEST sold in litis city. The finest Hoc of BRIQUET IiAfflPS, SMEHWARE, ' DIR010J4DS, KIATGflES, JEOIELRY. Watch Making a Specialty Chas. Strouse, The Leading Jeweler, A SOUTH HAIN STREET. FERGUSON HOUSE JEWELRY STORE. EVENING HERALD Tin i:i)AY. nirKMitnn m. imi.-. lie lleeilllie ArollM'd. ii old man dicved like a railroad engi neer or tireinaii, in working clothes, occupied i seat in KcrgiimmV tlicutie last night nuil attracted the attention of thiw seated about iiiin several time during the evening by i iug awuy to his emotion. He cupped the . Iiniax during the sn ne in which an dibit is iimdc to stnli the slave diiver, who had evi dently incurred the displcasnre of the old man by the portrayal of the hvntul charac ter, uirl as the Unifo wui drawn the latter -limited "(live it to him ! tilvo it to him !" I'be lauahter about him wemed to icmind the unduly excited spcrtator that ho was in a i lieatrc, und ho became calm. lluy one of our latent still' list, styles and pi iron correct. At MAX LKVIT'S, 15 Kant entre street. New Orders Issued to Knglueei's. The Lehigh Valley Coal Company ester . I i.v issued ordors to their engineers that all I")ok, buncho. pictures and other inllamable articlOB should bo removed from the ariotts . uginc limises hi thai in case of tire the flamo could Ik' gotten under control more uadily. The orders ate being obeyed, .ilthough it appears that the motive U dill'or- lit tJiau that what appears in the order. till a New Tooting. Wo are now in the Held with complete line of New place to buy, Fall Shoes. At Wonier's. the to secure best shoe values, tf DON'T GIVE UP Popular prices, when we an nounce that you can save 50 per cent, by visiting our store and purchasing your holiday gifts, and think you are receiv ing inferior goods If you want a good article, if it's made of gold or silver, we have xt, both ornamental and useful, ill SUVCrWHrC WUtCllCS, Miiriro1 Incirumantc 1'llioiv.tti 111011 umwiio, rrtir1 nnnrlc uyuv.ai uuuuo. I.argc assortment uf solid gold ladies' and gents' rings and watches. Call ami examine our stock. At IKE ORKIN'S 129 S. Main Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. BUY VOUR. 'Groceries FLOUR, FEED, HAY AND STRAW, "Also Tabic and floor Oil Cloths From E. E3. FOLEY, 1 01 1 1 ntrc and t v of thn Globe for s HEUHALOrA and similar Comphlnts, Rmi iurcu unuer mo Biriri'".it . uv.iur.nii iiiwiuni. cniitfg .11 ! . 1 I .1 A DR. RIRHTER'S World rfn own fill ftemsrksblr surcon-ddl inlvr""inw Hi Trade Mark "Anchor," F. Ad.IUchter & Co., !i5rrt3t.. IT-.wTwi. -31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 12 Branca EouseBt OvraGUnworks, V 50. i- in Hheimti'l'Mli lor sale by ! I' U h.trlitl,5 8. M n -I .J. 1 ltilh.n, 7 H Mam t . H. Iln ucnbuili N I', c r J nln A-. Lloyil w The ("oiiiioandery (lencriil. At the meeting of the Executive Committee of tho Commaudery General, Sons of America, at Shamokin, considerable business was mapped out for the year. A now com maudery will be Instituted at Heading on the 87th inst., with 100 members, and another at Chicago on January 1'dli. After the meeting tlio momberit 'wore banqueted by the local commaudery. Among those- proeent were CommandcryMlcnenil .triwph F. Itlor, of Port Carbon ; Senior Vice Commander, S. I., llrowil, of town ( Slate Recorder K. K. Stees, of 1'hiladelphla ; District Cotumandur C. Hood, of Milton, the latter being accom panied by eight mcmbors of the Milton commaudery. For lino goods at low prices, MAX LKVIT'8, in Knst Centre street. Clearing in mo i;ioiu Kootn. Xot many days left before ChristmascomoB. Kow is tho time to buy that new Cloak or Wrap. Our line is still complete, but the prices have been pinned down without re gard to cost. If yon have been waiting for thin chance, it means dollars saved. Wo are showing rich lines of Capes, all lengths and sizes, in plain or trimmed cloth ; l'lush Capos, plain or fur trimmed ; Fur Capos of Coney, Astmckan or Soul ; ladies' or missos Jackets in newest styles of cloth at money-saving prices. L. J. Wilkinson'. i For an appropriate Christmas pref-ent sec our lino pastel or water color crayons, cheap, j llilllnger llros., It) West l.loyd street. ! On Their Own Itecoglllir.illlce. Patrick llogau and Mattin Murray last night appeared before Justice Johnson, at flirardville, to answer a cliargo of stabbing Anthony Heady, of I)cn's Patch. They wcro accompanied by their counsel, M. M. llurke, l'sii., and after a review of tho case, substantially as heard before Justice Orcen, at Win. Penn, the accused men vrcro dis charged on their own recognizance, with tho understanding that they are to appear when I'oady becomes ablo to leavo tlio Miners' hospital to testify against them. It is now quite certain that Heady will recover from his injuries. Selicilly House. Hot lunch to-night. I Finest lobsters in town. Chicken soup. Mtllo neck clams. Rappahannock oysters. I Ham. Saldino. Swiss cheese. I Fish cakes. Oysters in overy style. ! For a good photograph go to llilllnger llros., West l.loyd strict. i All Tiiloolicd I'm- lilt. As the mimed band of the Uncle Tom's 1 Cabin Company passed up Main sheet 1 yesterday the knob of the drum major's baton tlowotl' during the evolutions and was passed through one of the First National !ank windows. The sphere went through the glass with such speed that tho opening it made was perfectly round and little larger than the hall. The manager of the company made satisfactory settlement for tho damage by paying $15 lo Justico Lawlor. Special inducements in flnu dress kid and ' driving gloves for gentlemen. At MAX M3V1TK, IS litst Centre street. I A Dangerous Ucd. At about one o'clock this morning Michael Sullivan, the night operator and watchman at the Udiigh Valley depot, found a Polandcr asleep on the tracks in front of tho station. The man had been lying in tho dangerous place for some time, as he was so much frozen lie could not bond his limbs, or make-other use of them. Sullivan got tho man into the depot with some tlttUculty and after thaw ing him out turned him over to Chief of PolicoToJw , ' ' Pino woolen sweaters at MAX tiKVIT'S. Sellout Stious, At Werner's. The liest service for the least money, that is why we shoo about half the j children of Shenandoah. ! Satisfaction guaranteed ii-r-tt by Jtoll, the I plumber. I Iteseueil by Voons Women, , Misses Duma Klscnliowcr and Bertha (itildin heroically rescued a 12-year-old boy from death at one of the water company's reservoirs yest onlay afternoon. The hoy was skating, and dropped through thin ice. The young women, whu were also skating, 1 saw tho I drop and hurried to tho rescue. They succeeded in getting him out of the 1 ,vaicr without assistance. , t)ur m io )owest " 0l. mmy tIll. i, . We aim to plca-e tlte public, Our patrons do the rout. Ilrumm's Jewelry and MusictioodsStoro. Candldute for High Constable. ,,,, ,,,.. , ,. ,,1,1 alw,i , lohn Matthews, one snected citisen. ,lay-8 HEUAU.asa eandidaW for theotlicoof High Constable, suVjiK-t to tjio rules of tho Democratic party. Mr. Matthews has lx.cn a resident of the town 30 years, and the Demo crats could not find a stronger candidate. Hi injuries incapacitate him fur work in the mines. Don't Trllle With Coughs and Colds, Take Pan-Tina 35e 'wid be cured. At (iruhler llros., drugiore. A Xew.Onlcr. The l.eblgli Valley Coal Company has issued ordsrs tltat hereafter no coal is to ho allowed to remain in the coal pockets of the breaker over night. This order will be en forced during the winter. I It' Winning yew Vrjeiids !Uy. I What ? Pan-Tina for coughs and colds. At lirtlhle-r llr-., drug store. HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache. A pleasuut laxative. All Druggists. 7 1fjfil'vY THE FIRST GLIMPSE Of Christmas, is a store overflow ing with wants and needs for 1 winter and Christmas Presents 1 in lavish abundance. Dolls, Toys, and all the glorious things for Tree or Bower. Our store is a veritable Kairyland. We have compiled a vast series of people's wants that wait your endorse ment to bring sunshine and hap piness into your homes . PRESENTS FOR GIRLS. Celluloid Work Box With Mirror. Brush and Comb 1 $i.oo 25c China Ink stands White Metal Stands Pen, Rack and Stand 2C 25C Pin Cushion Novelties ioc Hand Mirrors 19c & 25c Bevel Mirrors, handsome designs, 75, 85, 98c Shell Boxes 25c & 50c Pin Trays 10c & 25c Plush Needle Cabinets 25c Silver Figures 25c Photo. Cases 25c. to $1.50 Match Safes ioc. & 15c 25c ioc 25c Atomizers Silk Garters in box Side Combs Side Combs Side Combs 1 5c. & Child's Ten Sets in great variety in China and Urittania ware, 24 piece set, sold everywhere for $j.25, our price, $1.00. PRESENTS for GENTLEMEN Moustache Cups, with motto, 19c Moustache Cups, with motto, 20c Nicer one.with motto, 25c Very Fine 75c China Smoking Sets $1 Wood Smoking Sets 25c Cuspidors, china, 50c up Shaving Sets 75c up Pocket Knives, all prices. Pocket Cigar Cases, Pocket Cigar Cases, morocco, 75c Cuffefc Collar Box $1 up Pocket Purses & Bill Books China Clocks Library Lamps $2.50 upj Nickle Lamps I Games and Pipes LAMPS. i ; Banquet Lamps Vace Lamps Hanging Lamps Hall Lamps Night Lamps Princess-Lamps Don't Fail to see our $2.00 Banquet Lamps. A NICE PRESENT FOR MOTHER. , A Tea Set. A Dinner Set A Toilet Set A Dozen Bone Dishes A Dozen Fruit Dishes A Doz. Fruit Plates A Dozen Oatmeal Dishes A Doz. Bread & Butter Dishes A Doz. Dainty Cups & Saucers A Doz. Iudi. Sugar & Creams An Ice Cream Set A Fancy Salad A Beery Set A Lemonade Set A Pickle Castor A Cracker Jar A' Bread Plate A China Tray A Trinket Set A Fancy Fruit Dish A Set Knives & Forks A Susjar Shell and Butter Knife. A Set of "Roger's" Spoons A Pair of Vaces A Boudoir Lamp All of these we are in a position to sell cheapor than elsewhere. Girvin's 8 S. Main Street. Tho Now nilbcrlon Colliery. As tho Improvements at' Clllterton, Colliery, P. A Hj C. A I. Co., progress tfielr magnitude Is found to lie surprising,- The outside work ings will liear no semblaocfe-pf tho former structure mitt njlkc change be found In the shipping dBiiacily which will lie greatly increased. Tlisy liavejutH placed a pair of engines which, next to tlte'Mnlmnoy Plane engines, arc the finest and most powerful In this vicinity. l list or All, lteil l'iag Oil, '.'oc. What for? Aohds, Pains, Hrltlses. At Clrnhlor llros., drugstore. llest plumbing is dailo by P. W. Hell. 1 former Kosldciit litjorcd William J. Mann, a former resident of town I and now located at Philadelphia, met with a ' painful injury whllo at his work. Ho dls-1 located his left wrist, sprained his. elbow, right ankle, knee atid right wrist by a fell. Ho will le confined to his bed for several weeks. He Is tho son of Mrs. Alice Maun, of town. Who On n's Tho lint? At last night's performance a lino black Fedora hat was exchanged Tor a brown ono, very much worn. Tho owner of this fine black Fedora hat can have same by calling at Urceil's cafe. llmt gfts fitting is dono by P. W Boll. Ills Skull Is Intact. The report that Levi Orme, of South Chest nut street, was suffering front a fractured skull sustained by a fall and that ho was In a critical condition, was without foundation. Ho has heon suffering from congestion of tho brain, but is now convalescent. Pool Tournament at Schinlcker's. A pool tournaraont will bo held 'at Schmickor's pool rooms, 101 South Main street, on Christmas Day. Tho contost open for all, professionals handicapped, and cntrios will close on tho evening of the 21th inst. Prize will bo a gold watch, and others will ho announced at timo of tho contest. 12-10-12t Sell woll, wear Ilrumm's. well, run well, watchos at tf Its First Kngiigcinent. Tho Alpha Glee Club, recently organized by young men of town who aro adepts in performing on tho mandolin und guitar, is making arrangements for its public appear ance and will take part in tho entertainment of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school at Yatesvillo on Christmas night. Itlglit and Itcasonnlde. That is the way wo treat our patrons. It takes considerable ciro and attention to select goods to suit tho trado, hut wo have dono so in the past and wo can do so in the future. Call and oxamino our stock of jewelry, silverware, watches and clocks. A lino selection of rings at moderate prices. At Maley's, 10 North Stain street. Have tho leaks in your gas and water mains repaired by P. W. Bell, tho plumber. niici). i OWHXS. At Ashlnnd, on the 10th Inst, Owen I Owen", okciI 37 years. The funeral will tnku place nt Aslilaixl 011 iTl.tny attcrnoon nt i:au o'clock, nnd proceed to Shenandoah via electric cars, wbcru interment will be made In the Odd I'ellows' cemetery nt 2:30 p. m. Friends and relatives Invited to attend. 12-10-2t POLITICAL CARDS. poll HIGH COXSTAI1I.K, JOHN MATTHEWS, Of the Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic rules. MISCELLANEOUS. TOIt RALK A corner lot, with n brick dwell V itur, fotMi rooms nml a vacant lot, in St. Clair, la. tVnt rally located mid will le fold cheap. Apnlv to Mrs. Thomas Fennel 1, St. Clair, Pa. " 12-Mf JO" 7OK SAUK. One of ihe most desiraltlo prop erties on Main street. Apply at K. W. SiioiiMAKnu'f. Attorncy-at-Iav. Oil ice : Corner Centre nnd Market Mreets. 12-2-1 m HOLIDAY GIFTS ! Full line of nihil sold riiiRs nil styles, ilia moo.U, watches, clocks and jewelry. 11 karat poll. I ol.l and old tilled watches, warranted 15 year, Klln or Walthnin inoveinent. nt SI I nnd opwnni, for ladies or gents. Ladles solid Kold, silver ami gold filled watches nnd chains nt moderate prices. Full stock of 18k rings. Complete line of sulphur diamond novelties, optical goods anil musical instruments. Call and examine our Mock. At EI 206 S. . DUE Main Street, :lus, Shenandoah, Pa. FALL and WINTER STYLES. Call and see tho brightest, breezlost, snappiest lot of Fall and Winter Suitings Shenan doah has over had. We're experts on fit. We're dealers In new Ideas. We're leaders of reasonable prices. If you are a hard man to suit we want you to call. . PORTZ & BRO., 2-q. North Main t. A Full House. Every nook and corner of the P0TTSVILLE CHINA HALL has been filled with goods selected from the best European and American mar kets. There is an immense col lection and it will take a most vivid imagination to conceiye of any articles', that can: riot be found in our well filled store. R. H. BERGEMAN& CO., CHINA HALL, POTTSVILLE. 1 The Happy Housewives All housewives are happy when they receive a second supply of GOLD HEDAL" Flour, for they know it "makes the best bread." You can get it of any grocer at $2.50 per half-barrel sack; Thos. E. Samuels & Co., Wholesale 105 South Main Street, Pianos and Org For the Holidays. I have received the finest selection of Pianos and Organs ever displayed In Hchuylklll County. Parties contemplating purchasing n l'lano or OrKnn would do well to call and see my stock and get my prices. I have tho polo agency for the following makes : PIAN05. -rrwm BUSIUS & SOXvS, ALBRIGHT, SCH0MACHER.I LUDWIG, ! ESTEY. Cash or on easy payments. Our prices are right. Only one prlit. You arc earnestly Invited to coll nt Britton's flusic Store, 22 and 24 East Centre Street, MAHAN0Y CITY, PA. CHARLIE SING, - NO. s SOUTH JARDIN STREET. First-class Work at Low Prices. All Work done in first-class manner, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shirts washed and Ironed, ioc; shirts Ironed, 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c; undershirts, 7c; underdrawcrs, 7c; handkerchiefs, 2c. CHARLEY SING, Manager. HOOKS & BROWN Holiday Gifts. OUR Toys, and Games are sell ing fast and we are getting' new goods daily to take the place of the goods sold We have the finest assortment in town. A visit to our store will convince the most doubtful. IRON TOYS. Steam Engines Fire Engines Hook and gadder Trucks .... Train of Cars 25c, 50c, $1 . . . . "Mechanical Engines Pratic Wagons Mechanical Sulkies I'hcatons, &c, &c HOW ABOUT GAMES ? WE HAVE Chevy Chase . . Parchcsi . Base Ball . . . Foot Ball . . . Halina .... Hide and Seek , Checkers, &c.r &c , FOR THE GIRLS. Dressed Dolls. . . Kid Dolls .... Jointed Dolls . . Felt Body Dolls . Doll Carriages . Tea Sets, etc . . 25 c, 50c. nndJSi FOR THE BOYS. Books Ait Guns AIngic Lanterns . . Banks' ..... Trumpets .... Wheelbarrows &c. &c . We will supply any Hymnal Frnycr Book or Bible desired. Names put on frout cover at a slight increase of price. We accept subscriptions for any periodical to be sent to any address. A year's subscription lo n popular magazine makes a very acceptable gift. INSPECT OUR STOCK. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Kemember the place, No. 4 NORTH MAIN STREET. JOHN F. CLEARY, l'lTUE SKLTZKIt WATpii A cure for hcadacho and stomach troubles. OINORIt ALE, WEISS DKEH. LAGER HEF.n. BOTTLER OF . . . I'ORTEIt. 1 7 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah. . C. WATSON, . Wholesale and Retail , Liquor Dealer. Cigars, Tobacco, &c. Agent for Beading Bruwing Co.'s Beer and Porter. 11S and 11 e S. Malm St. I SUEN'ANDOAH'S Reliable : Hand : Laundry, jCor. LLOYD AND WHITE STS. All work guaranteed to be llrt-clan In every fiartloular. Bilk tics and lace curtains n ,pco nlty. Goods called for and delivered, A trlul order solicited Grocers, Shenandoah, Pa. arts! ORGANS.. ESTEY, CROWN, WEAVER, UNITED STATES, LAWRENCE, (7 OCTAVE.) Chinese Laundry, OPEN EVERY DAY Go to tho Shenandoah Dental Rooms for painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver fillings: If your artiflehl teeth do not suit you call to see us. AIL examinations freo. We make all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crow and Bridge work and all operations thaV per tain to Dental Surgery. 'No charges for extracting when plates are ordered. Vo nro tho only users of vitalized air for tho painless extraction of teeth. SHENANDOAH Dental : Rooms, (Titman's Block) East Centre Street. Office Hours: 7 a. m, to 8 p. in. BUY YOUR HORSES NOW At Win. Nciswcntcr's Private Halo of WESTERN. HORSES, unw o-.ilnir nil nt. Ilia stjitilpii. r..tmfr PmhI and Main streets, Shenandoah. A FEW CELEBRITIES : 1 Fine Mated Teams. 2 Jet Black Teams. 6 Fine Roadsters. And the balance of the car- joad are good workers and cinvers. uur two diuck teams are fine specimens of horse flesh for undertakers. Every horse sold guaranteed. For tho Latest Styles and Lowest Prices -In . . , Fall and Winter Millinery ! -Call at- SALLIE SENIOR'S, No. 1)1 NortbAMaln St.,, Shenandoah. rviiiiirJERY BUSINESS FOR SALE ! t l entiro stock and fixtures for sale. Inventory takcu at cost and a satisfactory discount nia.de. Never such a chance to get an established buslnoss for so little money. Llslitdsiand txpfo-Iocateil store in town ovorythlng going at cost and less. Four weeks loft to gut tho Big Bargains. Don't pay 1 nioro .olsowhoro. Wo have tlio bar gains; como before tlioy aro gone. ARS. Q. V. HYDE, N. MAIN STREET 29 j,