1 r?.niMnrramri!mnii(imin?mMi,miTniTmnnii EnmniinnmmjimnipnnppimnDnnni For- Family Trade Xo paper tan take the pta,e of j the Herald, ft is rend daily by every member oj the family 3 Advertiser! atitreciate this. 3 A'nmtis the home paper comes E Jirtt, with home hiyrrt. The H Herald btingt trade, that tan E tint h '... Un.t ... mtntkf nni iiiiiiiiiiiJiiiaiuiiiJiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiuuii!iiiimi:iii:ii li'llIilllfflllUlIlltUUUJIiUlUUlftllUUIWIliliJiiUllU'J VOL. X.-NO 305. SHENANDOAH, PA., THHISDAY, I)E(TJIBEJl J 2, 1895. ONE CENT. I f IIJxk ,faAk tL JNW Jill LaL ftK 'v i I i w: iw l. i ii. a. 1 1. . wmrmffi&mz ii r . i i i 1 1 . i -J. P. Willi HRISTMAS WILL ams 8c Son, In a few days and gift-buyers will be on the lookout for pretty things. We are prepared to supply the wants of everybody from a stock that has been carefully selected for the occasion. "The large patronage that we are receiving daily from the large crowds of buyers that enter our store is an indication that our goods and prices are a fetching card. We are leaders in our line. Our large purchases always for cash give us an advantage over all others, enabling us to sell to you as cheap as our competitors can buy. Go Through Our Cloak Room And see the pretty Coats and Capes we have to offer you at enticing prices. We have a large selection and you are sure to find the garment you are looking for, less in price than you would expect to pay. Damask Table Linens From 20c per Yard Up. Napkins, Doylies and Hemstitched Table Sets. Ladies' and gents' fur-top gloves, kid gloves in all leading shades and colors ; LAWN, LINEN AND SILK HANDKERCHIEFS with and without initials, and silk umbrellas. These are items everybody will be looking for and are only a few of the many pretty things we have to offer. P I P ATTf H Aft "KRIS KRING sTOY TEMPLE. Our vast assortment of Xew anil Novel Toys LOOK ! Kxpress Wagons, Wheelbarrows, Tables, Chairs, Doll lieils Anil ('rallies. R EID ! Kid Oolls, Jointed Dolls, Sleeping Dolls, Dressed Dolls, Dolls of all kinds, at all prices ! Morgan s No. 9 West Centre Street. The OLD RELIABLE Dry Goods and Carpet Store, 113 North Main Street. Latest Styles and Materials in Ladies', Misses' and Children's COATS and CARES All New Novelties i n Dress Goods. Elegant tine of Blankets and Comforts, at prices unheard of before. COFFEE Our Fancy Java, or In'regard to Tea, we occupy a front rank, all our Teas being very carefully selected by competent judges, and a. trial order .will convince you that we can please the most fastidious customers. We offer nothing but good grades that are noted for quality, color and flavor, and they are sold at popular prices c Sn 0 0 0 t 0 0 0) 0 a, O 2 w o 0 0 0 8 0 m OJ 8 " to S. Main St. BE No. 2 "7 N. Main St. would surpriso even olil "KUIS" himself REFLECT 1 Silk Japanese Oold Embroidered Piano Covers, Lambrequins, Throws, Table Covers. D TEA Man, supplied with reasoning and dis cerning powers, may improve his con dition by the exercise of these faculties. This can be applied with very good effect in the purchase of Coffees and Teas. A good cup of Coffee depends not only on the making but the brand of Coffee, the grade, the roasting and preparation are very important factors. We feel confident that we can meet all those requirements. A delicious cup of Coffee is a certainty if you use our Fancy Blended Coffee. At KEITER'S. Ifliioifliira i ritlful Scene at the Funeral of Harry Hayward. HOW THE MURDERER MET DEATH A Remarkable Display of Coolness and Ncrvo as ho Looked His Last Upon Earth Ho Was the Least Affected of Any Man Present. MiJcnSavoms, lien. 12. At tlio Rim pi burial (.crvlcu over tlio remains of Iln-ry Huywnnt yostordny nfternoon, ut Luke! wood cumctcry, tlioro occurred n most trnulo Incident. The ceremony hi'ld In tlio llttlo chnpcl at tlio cemetery, mid wns attended iiy n very fow friends mid tlio members of tho family, Adry Included. After the words of scrlpturo and prnypr Mrs. liny ward desired to placo some flowers on tho caskot, and supported by her son, Dr. Tliaddotis Hayward, and her husband, advanced to do so. Sho walked around tho head of tho collln, strewing carnations as sho did so. When sho hail nrrrlvod ut tho right hand sldo of tho bier, sho hesitated. In responso to a siRiial from her Thnddous and her husband loosoncd tholr support ot her and sho stood alone. Sho raised her clinched hands and broke forth In a low moaning tono: "Poor, dear Harry! My baby boy! My dear baby boy! God has forgiven him! Poor, dear Harry! Poor, dear Harry ! 'IJo bravo, mother; bo bravo and strong! Tho chains bind me, but they can't chain my soul? I como again!' Poor, doar Harry! My baby boy I" With this tho mother half turned nnd started toward whero Adry sat. In front of Adry sho stopped nnd lifting his faco lu hqr hands said "'Tell him I'vo forgiven him, mother.' " Her reproachful tones echoed in tho silent room. Seemingly half crazed, tho bereaved mother turned from her cider boy t6 Vfhcrd hor youngest lay, nhd foil fainting Into tho seat near by. Harry's parents had expected to mnko their son a last visit during Tuesday after noon, but strength and courage failed them. Tho old father, whoso whole frame shakes with palsy, Is a pitiable object, but his mental condition Is not so bud an might bo expected. Tho mother has borne up remarkably well, but those who know her best fear for her reason. Hayward's demennor at his oxecutlou was a romarkablo exhibition of coolness and nervo. Debonair as ever, what bad seotned moro effrontery during his jail days now became, In tho great dimly lighted gallows room, tho lndiffercuco of n man who was, at least, not afraid to die. Jfot'a man of tho llttlo group of privileged spectators, but whoso heart thumped moro loudly and importunately than that ouo which was so soon to coaso its beating, not a faco but turned more ghastly than his In tho gruesomo light. "Good ovoning, gentlemen," said ho in clear tones, us ho bowed his way Into tho room, wearing bis somber garbso jauntily that Its grotosiniencss was forgotten. As ho made his way up tho stairs to tlio scaf fold ho tripped on tho unaccustomed gown. This amused him, and ho laughed ut tho first step. As ho strodo upon tho trap the deputies lookod moro llko frightened chil dren hanging to a parent than olHcers of law. Harry Huywanl might have posed for a figure of justico defending tho weak Instead of u murderer going to his doom. Carefully placing his feet on tho marked spots ho drew his splendid flguro to Its greatest height und glnuccd about with a calm face, occasionally brightened by a sinllo of recognition as ho espied soino friend In tho crowd. On being asked if he had anything to say, ho replied in a careless, drawling tone: "Well, yes. Thero has been a good deal of curiosity and wonder at my nc tloii, and some of you think that I am a very devil, and If you all knew my whole llfo you would think so all tho more. I have dictated tho full etatoment today of my llfo to Mr. Kdward Goodsell, Mr. J. T. Mannix and a stenographer let's see, what's that stenographer's 11111110?" and Hayward peered down over tlio edgo of his scaffold as if expecting somo 0110 to answer. Thus ho went on for somo tlmo, culling to several persons by name, and making some flippant remark to each. Then he spoke of tho priests who had taken an In terest in him, buying ho held them in greatest respect, but "could not think as they would have him." Then ho repeated a short prayer, In obedience, ho said, to 11 promise ho had mado his lawyer; but thero was no show of feeling. Ho said: "Oh, Lord', for Christ's giiko forgive mo my gins. Megarden, go ahead." Thus ho indicated to Deputy Megarden that ho was ready to die. As tho deputies put tlio ropo about his neck ha said: "Lot's gee, where Hooj the knot go, under the right ear? No, It's tho left. Isn't It? Please pull it tight. That's good. Keep your courage up, goutlomcn. Pull her tight; Pll stand pat." Megarden stepped back, raised his hand lu thofiHat signal, and llko a shot tho body dropped through the opened trap. Death was instantaneous. Lato Tuesday night Harry had a recon ciliation with )ils brothur Adry, whom ho go bitterly denounced lust Huuduy. It wits easy to, percelvo that Hurry's animosity wiw short lived. It Is. supposed that the lougthy autobi ography wldoh JIuj-ward dictated to a stenographer contains a full confession of his own cpnueetlon with tho murder of Catherine Gjng, an yvell as ggnsattpual ac counts of other crlmos in which ho has bceu involved, but tlio real facts will not be known until tho statement is printed in book form. Tho book was an Idea which occurred to Hayward only a day or two ago and It was his belief that It might be mado projltablo to his cousin, Good soli. Accordingly, ho dictated it at length to Court Stenographer Klchard Maboy in the prosenco of Goodsoll and Joseph T. Mnnnlx, a reporter. Thoso three are the only persons who know its contonts, and, naturally, will dlvulgo nothing. Hayward also made several statemouts to tho public Into a phonograph, and tho owners of tho Instrument expect to make money by pernlii: 1113 tiu pnnl'ir to near Harry's own voice after its owner has been laid uwuy in the earth. Hcfore hU execution Hurry, at tho re quest of his 'brother, Dr. Thaddeus Huy wanl, consented that tin autopsy should be performed und his brain examined. He yimd much question Hayward was a de generate. Much is tlio belief of one of the BpeclalUts who conducted the uutopsy, Tho bruin has been found to weigh flfty flve ounces, about normal, nnd tho defects In it, If any, arc too subtle for either knife or microscope to detect. Allrn O. Tlmrnmii Dead. Spwlnl to Kvkkixo IIkiiai.ij. Coi.t'Miiw, O., Dec. IS. Allen (1. Thur raan, the famous jurist and statesman, died hare at 1:15 this afternoon. Ho was candi date for Presidential nomination at tlio na'tional Democratic conventions of 1870, 180 and 1SS1 and at tlio convention of his Iiarty in 1S8S was mado the candidate for vieo-preMilent. a. v. a. At Ilrecn's Cute. feour krout and pork for free lunch to night. I'lcnty for everybody. Free hot lunch every morning. llcals served at all hours. THE INVESTIGATORS. TIley ltroiiinn Their Work itt l'l-ohiiig l'lilludelpliiu Jobbery PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 1. Tlio senate In vestigating committee yesterday resumed its work of Inquiring into tho municipal affairs of tho city. Kx-Councllmau Ueas loy, who at a previous meeting ot tho com mittee testified to his inability to find tlio contract signed by tho Philadelphia Trac tion company giving tho city tho right to do away with overhead trolleys when a better system became known, gave somo" minor testimony, after which ho said ho had found tho contract In tho mayor's of fice. Ho said It was signed by tho traction ofllciuls, but not by Mayor Stunrt. Ho was not prepared to sny whothcr this vitiated the contract or not. The subject of electric lighting was then taken up. Myron D. Law, cx-superlntpn-deht of tho Brush company, estimated that the cost of each light per night, If a plant was owned by tho city, would bo about twenty-two or twenty-fivo cents. Ho re ferred to the present system of overhead trolleys, and said an underground system could bo adopted for about tho same cost. Other witnesses wero examined, showing that tlio companies now furnishing light sublet their contracts. It was shown by an oldctrical export that tho city could fur uish its own light at u fraction less than sixteen cents per light per night, instead of paying from thlrty-flvo to forty-five to the contractors. Tho committee's counsel, Lawyer Pettit, then announced the beginning of the in vestigation of the police bureau. Ho called attention to thopHjvalencoof policy shops, "speak easles" and houses of 111 famo, and tho participation of policemen in polltios. All tlieso tilings, und perhaps moro, ho said, would bo shown. Tho committee ad journed with Secretary Glbboney, pf the Law und Order society, on tho stnnd testi fying to "speak easles." It Is said thero will not be any moro long recosses until tho Christmas holidays, and after that time thero will bo longer ses sions and moro of them. In tlm National Semite. Washington-, Dec. 1'.'. Tho session of the senate yesterday lasted but one hour, and was mainly dovoted to n discussion of Senator Dubois' proposition to amend tho rules so as to distribute tho appropria tion bills among tho various committees of tho senate. Senator Hill, of New York, reintroduced tho amendments which he proposed to tho rules In tlio last cougress during tlio deadlock on the repeal of the Sherman silver law for cloture und for counting a quorum, and Mr. Call, of Flor ida, gavo notice that he would today call up his Armenian resolution. Mr. Seanmii (Jet 11 New Trial. Laxsino, Mich., Dee. IS. Tlio supreme court has granted a now trial In the case of Dr, D. J. Seaman, who was convicted at Detroit of manslaughter, In having caused tlio death, by u criiptnnl operation, of Kmily Hall, an Knglish girl, who hud boon betrayed by Hev. Jonathan Hell and sentj to this country for tlio purposo of having tlio operation performed. Tho now trial was grunted on errors. I.x-fcenutor l'lutt's Victory. New YoitK, Dec. 12. HoturiH from the Republican primaries are practically all in at the headquarters of tho Republican county committee. The showing W u de cidedly favorable one for tho followers of Piatt and Lauterbacli The county com mittee of 1895 had ltli members of which about nlnty wero Piatt men. The coni mlttco for MM has i:w members of which 100 are Piatt men. INVITATION TO THIS l'lJIILIO. Call and examine our stock of specially hclccteil stiir and soft hats, just received for the holiday trade. At MAX LKVIT'S, 13 Kafct Centre street. Two Men Horned. John Andrukofski, of Hrandonvillc, and Anthony Motaloskl, of South West street, were burned about tho hands and face by an explosion of gas in' tho Indian liidgc col liery this morning. Tho explosion was not attended by much force and tlio men were not dangerously burned. Is It on Your 1. 1st? What wo mean by this is whether you In tend to pnrchaso any jewelry btvsilverware for tho holidays. You will do well by calling on us before going elsewhere, as wo can savo you somo money. At M. F. Malay's, 18 North Main street. 12-1 l.St Hurt at Indian Ilidge. John Morris, of Sputh West steet, wap pain fully burned about tho faco, hands ami arms by an oxplo&ion of gas at Indian Hidgo colliery this morning, He is under treat ment by Dr. W. N. Stoiu. Watson House Free Lunch. Sour krout and pork to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. ray-Iay. Tlio employe of the V. & It. C. & I. Co. in this district will rccelvo their wages for the last two weeks of November next Saturday. IK A Forecast or Appointments at the Alms house and on "The Hill." EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ACTING. It Is Said Directors Dietrich and MIddleton Will Make the Appointments. The Martin-Allen Deal to be Repeated Again This Year. Special IlniiAi.ti ('cirreppnndonce. 1'OTTSVII.U:, Dec. 12. Much speculation is indulged in and many surmises are made just now in reference to tho appointments to lie made by the County Commissioners and tho Hoard of Poor Directors. So many rumors aro floating about that ouo feelslike exclaim ing, "Whore am I at." There aro a number of applicants, too, who feel the same way. At tho Poor House it Is said Directors Deitricli and MIddleton will organize, leaving Jacob Day, tlio other member of the Hoard. out in the cold. From present indication? ftj would appear that this rumor is ollicial, but tho Directors themselves are 11011-comiiiittaI. ' The present Hoard is composed of three Ite puhlicaus, and If they appoint oIlleiaN en- j mt:ij- irmn iikil party it yui no soiueiiiuig never before known in this county. Steward Hartniaii has very wisely decided not to he a candidate for reappointment. Ills successor is said to he (Jordan Heed, who is now holding tlio position of insane keeper, and was an appointee of Director Dietrich last year. John II. lieese, of St. Clair, the present hospital keeper, is anxious to succeed Clerk John V. Gressang, while Dr Gray Is to remain in his present position. Solicitor W. J. Whitchouse will not accept tho position again, and S. Hiinl Edwards, Esq., who was defeated for tho nomination of District Attorney and is at present solicitor for the Controller, is slated for the legal end of the deal. It is well known that John II. lteese is very close to Director MIddleton and that he took a very active part In his nomination and subsequent election, and this makes his appointment to a position very certain. Whether it will be clerk or steward there seems to bo Somo" doubt. Middlotcm will name tho majority of appointees north of the mountain, and Shenandoah is said to have a claim on him which lie will acknowl- 1 edge. Almshouse deals, however, are "mighty uncertain" and the next few days , may make a big change. While the manipulators of the Almshouse I deals aro at work on the slates, the f.irmeis I aro taking a hand in its affairs in a different direction, notices nave been issued lor a public indignation meeting to bo held at J. S. Stout's hotel, in Kriedenslmrg, on Saturday noxt. Farmers anil taxpayers, generally from Wayne, 'Washington, North and South Man heim townships, will he in attendance. At the meeting it is expected that stringent measures will be adopted demanding stricter economy in the management of the almshouse and a more judicious disposal of the public 'monies and a reduction in the salaries of the employes. In connection with the appointments on "the hill" by the County Commissioners, thereby hangs a talo. It is said the liepuhll can Executive Committee has been "rom liiting" behind closed doors, and have made a demand upon the two Republican Commis sioners to pull away from Mr. Martin and organize on a strict Republican basis. What Mr. I'lrich will say to this is not known, but his say is a pretty large sized onejut now. Tho Executive Committee, I am further in formed, have made tlio same demand upon I'rotlionotary Deegan. They want the Demo cratic appointees under tlio Martin-Allen deal and tlio l'rotliouotary's Democratic, clerk removed and Hepublicans put in their places, and their motto appears to be to the victors belong tho spoils. There is much speculation here as to what will he tho combination in the Commissioners' otllce. From the outside it looks very much like tlio old slate, with Allen and Martin forming the combine. I don't believe the ell'orts of tho Executive Committee will re sult in changing tiiis. The rumor that John I'lrich will letire as Solicitor to the Commissioners is looked upon asajoke. Hig John will pull the strings if Allen and Martin organize. The appoint ment of a Mercantile Appraiser is causing some trouble. There lire about a dozen ap plicants, and outsido of one or two they are all Democrats. This fact will likdly. cause Martin to allow Allen to name the appointee; to shift tho responsibility. Calvin W. Ilrewer, it is said, will bo. asked to step down as warden of tho prison. It would not he wise to placo much faith in this rumor, with the party organization in the hands if the pres ent managers. For the next three weeks all kinds of rumors will float about, hut in summing up thu state of affairs as they cxit at present at the almshouse and on tho hill, the combina tions appear to ho Middlcton-Dcitrich at the former institution and Allen-Martin at the latter. Felix. Never Hip, i) ounce overalls, at 13 cents. At MAX LEV IT'S, 15 East Centre street. Columbia lteer give good tato to all who partake of it and betrays nobody. Why not ue a good boyr mado of higliHft and Iwtt product known to the browur, iiwt(d of using other brews made of Inferior products. Columbia is tliM purest and best. The assortment of X-mas presents is at Hruuim's. tf Couldn't Walt for Santa Clans. Unknown parties some time last night broke a pane of glass in tlio store of Louis Habinowitz, 011 West Centre street, and stole a quantity of toys. ' ' Kendili k llousu Free Lunch. Nice hot lunch to-night. Hii)1' thu Ohrlttnias present at Itriimm's. tf Heittli of llenjainlii Kuiitiier. Benjamin Kuntncr, an aged resident of Muhanoy City; died lit his home TuuMlay night. Mr. kuntuer was a former resldunt of this town. His sou, Adam J. Kaiituor, still resides here. The funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon, interment being made here In the Odd Fellows' cemetery ITHE BUSY STORE lie and 118 North Main Street. AN INVITATION TO ALL. DON'T FORGET TO CALL. Our Prices as usual below real value, HEAD RESTS. Of China Silk with tassels triangular with gilt em broidery DOUBLE HEAD RESTS of China Silk, never at such price SOFA CUSHIONS, dif ferent shades, si7.e i6x 16 with ruffling CHINA SIXKTIDIES with Silk Embroid; ery DOLLS. A beautiful Dressed Doll, silk dress, hat, with feathers, never under S5C. .with us DOLLS, worth more, money, light and dark hair, A 13 inch DOLL with pat ent head. An excellent good article CHRISTMAS TREE ORNAMENTS. An Endless Variety. Bewildering to the Eye. Gloss, Paper and Tinsels, each 4c It is not easy to mention here what we have. Our selection is large. The only way to con vince yourself is to see. AE have one table on which you find a large seleclion of Toys and use ful articles, such as Glasses, Nappies, Rattles, Tumblers, Jack in the Box, Sheep in Fence, Horse Stables. Any article, 4c. CHINA CUPS and SAUCERS. A nicely Decorated Cup and Saucer 10c Moustache Cup - - 24c Handsome China Cups, with 'Embossed Letters 39c Cup, Saucer and Plate, sets, 29c Beautiful Plates for 10, 19 & 24c MAX SCHMIDT. Season IReirunfcer Presents well received come from Holderman's Jewelry Store always. They are more handsome and daintier, the selection larger; a'l goods of the finest kind, absolute as represented, carrying with them a guaran tee as to their purity and per fection . 00 Inspectors Welcome. Selections laid aside If desired. '8, MAIN and LLOYD STREETS. You All Want . . . Fresh Eggs. We sell no pickled or ice house eggs. When we have (hem they are fresh. We have some now. Graf's, 122 North Jar Jin St., Shenandoah. CHRISTMAS A f 4DC 59c 49c 19c Oc 09 4