EVENING HERALD KSTAHLISH rib 1870. p Paallahed every Kvenlng, Except Snadaj, lit I Se-VTsi JinslN St a am-, N Hi a CmrmV 'Th Herald Is deltvn rd In Shenandoah and the mirroundlar towns for six cents a week, pay able to the carriers. Hy nuUJ p.OO'a year, or 33 rto cwnU a maata, payable In advance. Advertise ments eJiargednccdrdinR'.to space and position. The publishers reserve the Heht to change the posiuoa at advertisement whenever the pub lication of news demands it. The right Is eryed.to reject anr advertisement, whether afcl fir t 'fotlWthe'publfthers'mBy -J ceBi naproper. Advertising rntcft made known indention. ' Catered al Ullo.Po.0).celft., 81 :loa jnall nintlcr. . Baeaandoah, Pa., an 1 second, cjn VkLKi'ilbNK cONt connection. Evening Pi era Id . 3at?uhday. dkcemuert, ri4iw The Lancaster Morning News Is an advo cate 6f 'Hon. John Wanamakor for United Urates Senator to succeed Wn' Cameron. at! TliosK 'Who have 'plenty of this world's Reads aro admonished to keep their eyes on the wants of the worthy poor beforo tho rigors tf winter set in. A liUlo thoughtful in this direction may lc tho means of - . - averting a great deal of suflcring. IK tho' Senate on Thursday Senator Call, of Florida, a 'Democrat, made 'a scathing nr raignmcnt of tho Cleveland policy in the matter of'rceognlring tho Cuban insurgents as belligerent, and charged this govcmnicrit with aiding and abetting tho tyrannical Spaniards. Senator Call appears to tic more in' accord with the sentiment of' tho 'people than the'h'ead ofrhis pilrty. Thk City arid 'State, edited by Herbert Welsh, thinks that ''Senator Camcroa's star is waning. There can bo no doubt of this, ad the announcement that ho will not lo i Candida to s'liceeed hlmsclf 'miiy bo looked ...... . ... . . -. for at any tlmo in tho near future. Tho trusted friends of "Quay talk in this' strain sad they also intimatc'that It is not trio pur pose 'of 'the old man' to help his colleague, They further throw out tho suggestion tllnt Qnaynaving practically givca Cameron his scat the last time, 'discharged ' tho 'political obligation which ho owed Ins colleague, and an now rlropliim without danger of being hirgcdwith trig'ratitu'de.'' THE JUDICIAL CONTEST. The action of Judg'o LyOri in instituting a contest for tho Orphans' Court Judgeship is attracting a great deal of attention. Tho consensus of newspaper opinion seems to bo that tlio action is ill-advised and likely to be detrimental to his future political prospect", and probably to tho Republican party. Wo do not know what information Judgi Lyon has as to the number of illegal and fraudulent votes cast, for his opponent. It is reasonable to assume, however, that ho has taken the step after mature deliberation and that ho has knowledge of sufficient illegal votes being cast fer his opponent to turn the litter's majority of 70 in his favor. If ho is in possession of such information ho is ccr-1 tainly justilluble in endeavoring to right a .grave wrong dono him, regardless of tho expense it will incur. Under those circum stances hisuction would bo commended by all right-thinking persons. One or two partisan papers, and among the number a semi-Kcpublican sheet, in.dlseuss i ng the merits of the contest lay great strops upon tho expense involved. This, wo take it, is of secondary consideration. If Judge Lyou fails to prove his charges and tlio court decides there is no cause for, action, the men whoso names aro attached to tho petition aro liable for ali costs incurred, and tho county will not lose ono penny. On tlio other hand, however, if it is shown, that I'. M. Dunn holds his certificate of election by fraudulent and irregular votes, and that Judgo Lyon is en titled to tho office, then tho county will foot tho bill of cost, and rightly so. A wrong will havo been righted, and there will not ho a single tax-payer in Schuylkill county to hject to such payment. It may be, however, that tho smallness of tho majority returned against Judgo Lyon has caused his friends to institute tho contest, in the hope of unearthing sufficient illegal votes by a drag-net f brown ovor tho whole county to give him a majority. If this view of the contest bo true, it may act as a boomerang, and be suicidal to any ambition ho may have for futuro political preferment. No political party could afford to take him up again with the los of prestige which a failure inn contest of this kind would entail. That many illegal votos will bo found is to he expected, but that nil of those will bo on the sido of tho Democratic candidate Is assum ing too much. Tho present ballot law, is not fully understood by tho voters of limited education, and the mistakes mado are no doubt many. Tho' ltepublican party lias as many f this class of voters as the Demo cracy, and it will therefore affect both parties equally, Judgo Lyon ia reputed a man that acts deliberately, and t is not within tho provi denkornoWspaper criticism to" impugn liis motives until more definite kuowft!je 'is furnished the public. Hut In the absence of any specific1 charges' of 'fraHid',ha,4ihg'bcen alleged, tho Inference is that Judje Lyon's actions aro not dictated by that prudence whlch'should rietlStto one" entering upon a serious undertaking of this nature, Tf hlch it is to bo hoped Is Incorrect, ltcllglous Notices. Services In tho Trinity Iteformcd church - morrow nt 10:00 a. m., Und 0:30 p. m. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30. , , ScrvlcisWo held in tho Methodist Episcopal 'ihurch "every Sunday at'iOtfO "a. m, and 0:30 p, m, Kov. J. W. Meredith, pastor. Sunday school nt 2 p. m. Services In All Saints' Protestant Episcopal hurch on East Oak ktrcet to-morrow at 10:30 . m. and 7p. m. Tho rector will officiate. feuVday scYioorrit S p. m. ttcguiar services win ou neiu m uio uhucu ivangclical church, (Dougherty's Hall,) to- m'orroVat 10 a. In. au'd 0.TJ0 p. rh. TrcA6hIilg by ' Siri tho "pastor, 'Kov. It. Llchtenwnmer. inlay school at i.3U p. m. Services in tho Presbyterian church to morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 10:30 p. ra. Sunday school at S p. in. Itcv. T. Maxwell Slorrison, pastor. Service to-morrow in tho Primitive Metho dist church by tho paor.'KcV.'jolm ifoth, at 10:30 a. in. and 0:30 p. m. Sunday school p. m. Services In th'o CatVilry llaptist church, South JilrUln street,' foiYno'rrdW'nt'lTOto'h. in. and 0:30' p. V. Preachmg'b'y' ncV. 'David L. Evans. Morning 'subject, 'Tho Lord's Prayer." Evening subject, "Ho was a Burn ing and a Shining Light, nnd Yo aro Willing jForaScasonbjKojoiceJn His Light." Sun-, day school at 2 p. m. special antiicms wuii bp rended by tho choir. ltev. D. I. Kvans, pastor ot tne lrst paptist cliurch of .town, wilj prcjcli at St. Clair , to-morrow. Key. jTaxob will occupy his pulpit, preaching in Knglisl) at.p p. m. Meetings will bo held in tho alyation Army meeting' hall to-morrow as follows: 10:l,r a. in., holiness meeting; 3:00 p. ra., Christmas praise mcQting i g:p0 p. ni subi jcqt, "A Scriptural Prizo Fight." AH nto cordially invited lliicklen's Arnien Snlye. Tho best salvo in tho world for cuts., bnjlscs, sores,' ulcers, salt rheum, fejer sqjps,, tetter, chapped Hands, tbilblains, carps, and All skin 6ruptions, and' positively cutis' piles, or.no.pay required, It is guaranteed ta'givel 23 cents per box. For sale. by A. YYasley. American Armor tlio Heat. Bethlehem, Pa., Deo. T.Kobcrt P. Llndorman, president, ot t,ho Bctjhlphdvn Iron coiunanv. received last ntsht from T.lniitnant Molirs. eiiffinoor ' of ordnnnne tor tbo c'OmpUnj-,. a cnli'Io'rnrn Bfo'tingf ttiut ft'very successful lost of 'VirrrYor. 'plfito liad been mndo at tho czar's nfovirfir'&ro'u.nd's. pear St. Petersburg. Tho test'Mstilte'd ia" tho .Russian Kdvernment accepting 650 tdns pfHorveyized armor, jilnte Jhqtest provid inas a.ipcrican,nrjnqiiiswninouii pouoitno uvab muuu iu tiiu unu. Tlllmiin and Kvans Denounced. Atlanta. Dee. 7. Soiiiitor'Benlaniin R,. Tillman arid Governor John ' Gitry Ev'nris, of South Carolina, wero'dc'nduhcl1d'1byt!lio rnembqrs bf.tho Exposition Exhibitors' as sociation nt Thursday's meeting. Uosblu . tions cbndemnlnir their Hnccchcs oa South Vuroiina uny its lniiamiiiniory utterances were adopted, and tho two South Carolin ians wero referred to ns ranting dema gogues, cut turoats nnd moonstiiners. Protected His Innocence on the Scaffold. Little Koqk, Dec. 7. Jesse Jones, 21 years old, was hanged at Ozark yesterday. Jones was convicted of murdering tw;o wcaitny siocKinen nnineii (jnaries nnu Josso Hlbdou, of Loga'n county, In Feb ruary, 1891. His father is Charles S. Jones, a prominent fnrmer of Spencer county, Ind. Ho strongly protestod his Inuocenco lu n speech on the gallows. Governor llntftlugs Illness. HAniltsBUKQ, Dec. 7. Governor Hast lngs is confined to tho executive mansion with it mild caso of fever. This ' is his third uttack sinco his return from tho At- luntn exposition. His condition Is not serlpus, although tho fevor uiakes him weak and nervous, and prevents him from attending to his duties. Nino Mexicans tn be Shot. El Paso, Tex., Dee. 7. Nino Mexicans, tho murderers ot n Mormon elder near the Chihuahua colonies a month' ago, hnvo boon captured by tho Hurales and brought to Cludad Juarez, whero thoy will bo shot. Tlio elder was defending his proporty from tho thieves when they murdorod and aurned h'lm. Conlln Succeeds Superintendent Uyrnes. New Youk, Deo. 7. Petor Conlln, fo'rmt erly inspector, und during the piVst few months acting chief of pollcb, 'wits lust rilght appointed chief of police, having passed his examination iatlsfuctorily, gaining a percentage of U3 3-J0. out of a possible 100, Ho gained (0 per cent, on thu score of record and senorlty. l'reaeher Clmrffod witli Criminal Libel. DETliOIT, Dee. 7. Police Commissioner Harry F. Chlplhnu sworo out a warrant yosterday for tho arrest of Hev. H. J. Sor vloe, pastor of Trumbull Avontto Presby terian church, one of the largest congre gations in the city, on a churgo of crim inal libel. Durraut Denied it New Trial. Sas Francisco, Dee. 7. Judgo Murphy denied tho motion for a now trial lu tho ease of Theodora Durraut, convicted of the murder of Bluuchu Luuiont. Don,t Get Excited Was what tho doctors told me, and they said I must not run, on account ot flut. terlnjfof toy heart. 1 yeaVwUb', oysiepsla, t eat Irl cc-'mf ortVos gen eonld to6t sleeb or generally tnlierable. Flood's Sarsaparilla gave me refreshing sleep, steady 'nerv.o and better health than ever. I have great filth In Hood's. n.H. EitlOB, Reading, Pa. Hodd'S PillS !alycot wit SIckL over A DETECTIVE'S TRIBULATIONS, laat Here by tho German hoTernmerit to Secure Evidence. Sldox Clir, In,, Deo. 'T'.-'fror tK"o past lr rnnthsho German "ffdvArrithtaJit h'M had "aTdetecirvo named Xofih Vbh Mlltcrh In this country looklun ub'vlUeilife'ththo ;rarrio "JBob Kffcobs. Jlorsy'rllKlH5l'eSse,.,, va peineu in nsnorc iino in iuo cpurts ot tuittf country. Th'o dxporlenco bf tlio oW clal has not boeu a pleasant one. Ho nr 'ttv'W'lh'Am&fieh'lTttt Mny, hntl itttcr nt- wn'sUl'mCttlcngOTisltcd every r'neo track, lh'in country lh s'e'iiroli'df ovldettc'o. A month ago ho &t'tlrcCL In Sioux City, nhero Kneobs mndo his homo for n long tftn'o, '(hit WAt proinptly rirrostid n, chargp of robbing nnd burning h Hopbt 'at BmairfoWn In tho coilrity. iii tlio fear that he might destroy his usefulness it no becamo known lie did not disclose his Identity. .Ha succeeded lu cstn)llsilag nn alibi tinder tho namo ot John Miller it tho caso against him horo, bitt 'lnste'iul 6f "d'olbg ro 16a'sedVislturhyd,idtJ(5r'tr) 'tho foUc'rftl ul- thorltlos nnd tttk'ch to South DitTt6tit to fltisw'erthe'chatfg'o ot rbbblng a postdfllco In that state. This ohnr'go also falling ho was accused of working n confldcnco game ou South Dakota fnrnicrs. Sinco tlion lio has spoilt 'th'o greater' part of ills timo In jail nil ovor tho tidrtllwost, now accusa tions bolng'brbUntYv'jjr'alnst hlitt to fast its cuo oiuoncs woro (iisposoi ui. isotwitnstitfKiinB tiiouiiucuitios no eou ttfvcJdtos'ecitrotHoilio'cdsiiry ovidohoo to' dlsefoso hYs ldon'tlty. 'His Story is 'Amply proven by papers In hlspossdsslon. Kneoiis, b;q says, vUJ cOrtalnly go to (Jormnny to answer tun ennrges ngainst uiiii. Wore Tastorai "I'estunbnials for Dr. Agrfew's Catarrrfhal Pdwder-'A Marvel 'of 'filessed Tittl6l"E6llef ami KdarPennanent Cure. "OnofshOrt'pulT." T?ai. T. It. Itncirnr T,fiKtnr nf t.hn rinrmflll ETangelical Lutheran Christ Cliurch, of lluflSlo, declares that tlio 'first time tie .fol lowed directions to "givo one sliort pull'," with Dr. Agnows itarrhal I'owdor he ox- tioricnced an inexpressibly restful relief VomTtVorious dtarrlinl cold. It is tho ex perience of thousands of others rfillictcd with catarrhal troubles. No two people sufl'er alike; but WhrAtttr in 'What fdrm catarrh nily"appcar, or how long endured, a glad qinqand, quick, relief from its most distress ing auu uiiuiiMvu ii'iuua'ais iuuuu iiic jiisi, (imo'you'tiso'Dr.'A'grifcw''s Catarrhal Powder. other catArrh euro lias V6n to tunny hearty tcjtiniQnials, and you will rcfuse'any other after onco trying this. ,It cures, but nrsc gives instant; reuei. ou ccnis. oom oy S. P. Klrlln. iiu vnase Alter Absconder tewls. ClKCrtnfATi, Deo. 7. Tho story "has just beebmo public 'that Z. T. Lewis, of Ur- bana, who victimized numbers of-peoplo by spiling forged bonds, and who, after an nlal or by buying off bis accusers, finally World ' ualph qrawford.'a Clnfclnnatl aetcottvo. urnwrord lias unnmiteu means (ln cash and loiters of oredlt to'Onablo hltit lo travel arounu tno giooo ii necossur-, ' and; thlsjuoney is furnished by Clndnnntl panks, yjnp ut)til .now .nave been silent victims of Lewis' tprged bqnd business. It Is 'stated that the Cincinnati banks kept pe'rfeCtly qiilet abodt'n loss .that' ls'glven .nnywhero frotn'Sl'B0,d00'to-t250,''000. Lewis, though a promlubht church inembcr, is represented as being a despcrnto man, whoso capturo would rosult in a tragedy. Did You Kvcr Try Electric Ititters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottlo now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to tho relief and euro of direct influence iu giving strength and tono to the organs. It you havo ioss ot Appetite, Constipation, Headache. Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, Slceploss, Excitable, Melancholy or troubled witli Dizzy Spells, Electric Hitters is tho medicino you need. Health and strength aro guaranteed by its use. Largo bottles only fifty cents at A. Wusley's drug store. Captuln ltassttt Iti-pnrted Dying. 'Washington, Dec. 7. Tho illness of Captain Isaac Dassett, tho venerable as sistant doorkeeper of tho senate, took, a vory unfavorable turn yesterday, and it Is now believed that his death may occur at almost any time. Tlio Weather. For eastern Pennsylvania and New .Tor ley: Fair until this evening; southwest srly winds; wanner. A Household Treasure, D. W. Fuller, of Canajobaric, N. Y., says that ho always keeps Dr. King's New Dis covery in the house and his family has always found tho very host results follow its use; that ho would not bo without it, if pro curable. G. A. Dylteman Druggists, Cats kill, N. Y., hays that Dr. King's New Ilisrnverv is undoubtedly tho best cough remedy; that he has used it in his family for. emht vcars. nnd it has never lulled to do nil that is claimed for it. Why not try a Temedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at A. Wasley's drug store. Ilegular size 50c and f 1.00 l'npullAts May Nominate Allen. ST. Louis, Deo. 7. Chairman Bozello, of the Peoplo's party statu executive cum jiilttco, is making arrangements for hotel accommodations fot delegates to tho na tional convention of that party, which will bo held horo. Mr. Bozello stated today that Senator W. M. Allen, of Nebraska, will likely bo nomlnatod for president and tho Omaha platform readopteil. Klectlou CrooUs l'ardoued. Springfield, Ills.. Dec. 7. Governor Altgeld has pardoned Donald H. Chnp mnn and Simon ' McNulty, of Chicago, convicted of election frauds. Tlio gover nor, in bis pplnion, strongly consuros tlio alleged practice ot uook county commis sioners in selecting partisan jurors. Itellef In Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases relieved ia six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Curo." This new remedy is a great surpriso on account of its exceedinz Dromotness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or temaio. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it alraost.imrdediately. If you .wat quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Isaao Shapjra, druggist, 107 South Main street Cfifna' Wants' KUasli's Aid. PARtB,' Deo. 7. A',dlsp'ii'tbh"frdm Petersburg says itr Is,'rep3rted"that St. the Chinese government b'asltslied' the- govern irjent of Rus'sU' If, ln' tUfi'dVent'or being re quested to do bo', it Wottd"send' au 'army corps to suppress'tho'rb'Uelllon Qftho Dun cans In nprthwostern' China. The rebels are'ropdrtelto'havb'bn'ptalred L'an Chu Fu with' 3,000' luen, 'th'lrty1 'gdhs'iiad large qiaritltibs of stor6a aUd ammunition. There's Just TTliat You ITant. 'Pan-Tina (5c.) for 'eoliths and colds. At Ortihlcr Bros.drug s'iore. Munyon s Rheumatism Cure Mr. L. C. arlffltli, AVIlb SUffCreU Wr Year's VVifh IthcUrri'atl&trt 1 Heart Disease nh'd'Was Bcarce V Abfe'td Walk, States Wat Iffe'ts fentfrely 'diirc'd. Mr. L. Carffllth. Carvcrsvlllc. Pa.. AiVs : I was troubled with heart discaso for years and at timo liad'spells wlfeli 1 was like ono dead, would sink away and become cold, lil,.lca n,,.l i,t,innef tn,io rPu'n vnnn ntrn T liad'!tfslpclasml tills was 'followed by1! severe form of rheumatism which spread to all parts of my body. I couhVscarcely walk, my hands wqro so drawn put of shapo that I could not uso tlieVn, and I was almost a helpless' cripple wheti I began 'taking Muii yon's Khctmiittlsm Cure. Our homo nhy sician had treated mo for months without rclioving me, but in HVo ' flays after begin nine Munyon's Pills I could walk around. and now I am perfectly well. Munyon's lthcumatism Cure has mado a complete 'and wondctful cure of al my troubles." Munyon's Itheumatism Cure is guaranteed to bo absolutely harmless and a str6iig tonic 'ihliuImMgpthoWeaknml debilitated. It cures acute or muscular rheumatism in from ono to five days. Sharp, shooting pains in any part of tlio body stopped by a few doses. A prompt, complcto and'ponnancnt cure for lameness, stiff lack and all pains in hips and . loins. Chronic rheumatism, sciatica. lumbago or ruin in tho back "a'ro speedily. cureu., ThoMuriytm licmcdics 'act promptly and tur'o tlio most 'otetimttd diseases. 'A separate euro for each 'disease. At all druggists, mostly 25 cents a bottle. Personal letters ,to .Prof. Munyon, 1505 Arch, street, Philadelphia, ,Pa answered wjth frcp medical ,itlv)co,for,qny disease. , "Five SoiUircAl'olffialttrii'sluBi. "CdLrnfAS. 'a, Deo. f.-iPrlh'co Gra ham, 'J-as6ii Blrtko and -yVIlliaiu Tracer Werohangcd'AfllAiirp'ttiu'ycsterdiiyWrthe inrirder of'E.' K. 'Mbafs,' obWnllttetl'f'or 'tho ptirp6ao of'robbiry. On'tJio-g'a'llbWs thiy persisted In saying ' that "tytlU'am 'Dlako, Sr., bhtt nothlbjj'to do with tho'erlitte. ilo fasc6n'vl"6tt'd'al6hg(wHh tlio ' others rind sentenced tollfo' Ihrjirl'sOhblurit, 1b'ut'as lalidn'fftitt'tlie's'herirf'any lynched as lfa' wHS'leiivtflg fa6nrt. Tom 'Potbrs'6n was arsOTWdgc'd for the'mtiftlor'of 'Dlsliens.try U6nstablo Jr6s61ey, "at' redriwooAl,"abb'rit sfxWc'eks'ab.' Afe'g'roiA'rtil;d EllibttWds hltiiged'at'Cht'cr fbr'tHo iurd6r of "a white 5Ufan riUinctt elcb, In Landaster. county. All'tUo c6iiaomhoU bi'6n t'dn-, fesse'd thelr'gUllt. Major C. T. Picton Is nliria'gir 'of' the Stato Hotel, at Dcnison, Texas, which "tie traveling men say Is one' of the Best Iiottls 'ih that section, tn fpcsking of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera sad Diarrhoea Jlemedy Major Picton iiays : "I have osedit tnyself and' in' niy fandly" for Several ycn1s,''and, utke pleasure in' saying that I'iohstd'cr It'an'in iafllble etire for'diarrhi'aa -and 'dyserittry. ' I always recommend it, 'and have frequently; adminfstcrcd it to my guos'ts' in theqfeli and in every case it has proven itself wsrthy of 'unqualified endorsement. F6r sale by Gruhler Rros., druggists. Volcnnio Kruption In Now Mexico. SANTA Fe, Dec. 7. It is repdrted from Las Cruces that Sim Auirustlndticiilk. forty miles east of that town, is in a'state of bruptlon. Davo King And Llge Davls'who woro out upon tho mountains heariPa dis tant explosion, a largo boulder be! rig thrown to a considerable height, followed by a puff of steam and ashes. The noxt day Mr. Bergerol 'wont to tho place whero tho explosion occurred and found a de pression, partly filled with debris nnd ashes. Steam was iS3ulngfrom theground, which 'was So hot as to prevent an ex tended Investigation. The Murderoiw Apaches. PncCNIX, A. T., Dec. 7. -Latest reports from tho vicinity of tho San Carlos agency, Arizona, indicate that tho outbreak bf tho Apaches Is of more lmportanco than was at first supposed. Tho bodies of four white men woro found yesturdny in tho lower Gila valley, near tho reservation lino, closo to Ft. Thomas, which VWs re cently abandoned by tho United' Bta'tes troops. This is forty Tnll'03 from 'Wish Springs, Where tbo Morrllls woro killed, so if inusf havo'beeu dono by different party' of Indtuns, and undoubtedly by 'a' larger baiid. DIZZINESS IN'THE'HEAE. This is a Sure Precursor of Apoplexy aud Dr. Agrlew's Cure for the Heart' Should at Once lie Taken. N6 ono can read tho daily papers wlthoht being seriously iinprcsfod with tho fact that a largo number of peoplo in the present ao havo within their system tlio evidence of apoplexy. Tlis is seen and felt often in a trembling and uncertainty of tlio limbs, and frequently in an unpleasant dizziness and lightness of tho head. Hois a veiy unwlso man who, knowing these symptoms to exist, does not proniply take measurcsto have them removed. We know of no remedy that has been so remarkably successful iu this iiartie ular as Dr. Agnew's Curo for tho Heart. Primarily it is a Heart Cure, hut it is equally oll'ectivo in what is to some extent a parallel disease, apoplectic symptoms. In a bedson when unusual heat excitcmont often' runs high, wo aro doing a kindness to men and women by letting them know of this re markable medicine. Sold bys. P. Kirlin. Hud tin llopern Arretted. Huron, S.' 1)., Doc. 7. Richard Ram sell's -tolfo went to her former homo at Cedar Itaplds, la., for a visit sAme two mouths' 'rigo, taking hor young s6n with her. 'ATiout a ntontli ago Jambs K. Wall, of Cedar Hapids, loft 'his tflfo aad 'child aud'el6pod with Mrs! Ramsell. LnstSatur oay sbo telbgruplied from'Nash'rillo.Teiiu., to "h'or'fatlier, John Halter, f6r money, Bafccr'gaveltho'telrgram"to'Ra'mBoll"who started early1 Monday mdrn'tng;' and Vlrbi ..i l...f I.o l.novKjk.l"tUVi VM-IM..irir. kUUH; ...... U u ... -.- "--- '.'.I. -1 1 fl, Ramsell arrested. ,ifs'ltfahsJerous idi'otmd thatyat i?ten4,,onto Sh or a eqVJ, nd vottr. uloi mpttop bIriL'. 1 In in"the"'eVHei; Wl',the,,c6rfdl- stageAf ' Cnsam' jtibn Vtid1 iri Wiethe tions'tliat! lead Wit; Doftor riOrfeeVGoiaen Medical Disco very it a! certain' remedy. This scrofulous affection of the' lungs, like etery other form of Scrofula, can be cured by it. Irt severe, lingering. Coughs,, al Bronchial, Timit and I.une Afiections. and every distflsa that "cAa be 'readied through: thfr lilopd, it, Is, the only mfd.(cipe a,? elective that, once usad. U ktywJRJST- iAmIt free. UOTWss World's' DlBiSSnaaryMedtcal AMacUtldni' Buffalo. ' ti , V . FIRE IN THE ASSAY OFFICE Firemen Had Uiffloiilty in Gaining Aoocaa to 'the Uiilldlng. NEW YoitK,Dco.7. Thero was great com motion In tho assay oHlcc lu 'Wail strc6l yeitorday. Tho journal of 'tin englnoln the melting room, whero $2,400,000 In gold bars was being arranged for shipmout, bo caino ovorhoatcd and the oil Ignited. Tho Hatno followod tho oil trnln along tho 'point of'tho machlnory to tho colling, nnd jrrent volumes of -block smoko quickly 'MIod'all'tKe rbottis or tho building. 5buiM, on'tlAj Wall strecfsldo, cftmb a l'fttVltlcltimS'Ht'tBo'Vlonra. 'IfWis npo 'llcoman tiring to get In. Anassny officlnl openeu tno aoor nuout an inou ami wh-u Blnmmc'd the door in the'p'dllcetttrtbN face. Tho policeman "rim tto 't 'iTro 'bdx ttnd turned' In anWarth, atulltiaMfrmomfihts two'cmrlhesrattted un tb'thb'co'fh'er, The flrdmcn.'axosin Wand, In'n'do'Hn onslaught I on tho Iron dctors.'but tho'y -weM refused admlsslob. TheylnslstcAllntl iltnittly rtf tcei wero allowed to ciiter. Mr. Crosn cblef olcrk,JH;lfdth'nt tho only ilabger vvas that tho flro 'rrtlgllt 'have ex tended'to tho assay room 'ffv'cV the deposit, i melting room. Tho building tivf vjlU and timbors vory'dry, nudcOttsiheiHlbl'gliIy lnunmniamo. Tho damngo will n6t"rtmolWt to brdr ldo: ilbst oflt was dorfoUo'tWo' beltlfig and wood work. fTherets"aMlm"ftm6Wiitr lng to nearly' 20,fjrj0,000 'In 'ttfo iWllfs In tho assay ofllce, ' lOO.dbO t "tyhltWls'ln, silver. Tho shipment of2,,4Tjd,ttM'1WiU not bo delayed. The assay ofllci' Is ln"a build ing tlitit was erected in 1825. Brutnl Capialn'Churge'd with Murder. CAMMtlfraE, -Md., 'Dec. 7. (Charles II. Parker, commander of tho oyster sloop LyiKa Jcffdrgoti, -whs arrested hero yester day on tho charge of having murdered John H. He'n'klb, -a l?-yi!arold boy, who 'was formerly employed on Parker's sloop, llonkle, who formerly lived at Mt. Car mcl. Pa., was brtiught Tibro last Siindny and died In the Maryland hospital on Thursday. A pbst -inorteih examination showed that his death was the result of Maltreatment an'd 'dlsehs'e'.broiight on by Insufficient nourishment. Parker will bo taken to Baltimore for trlal'in tho United States court, arid tho details as given by eyo'wltncsscs'lndlciitotbat a story of al most incredlblo cruelty will bo told at the bearing. Yale's Oratorical Tletory. Princeton, N, J., Dec, 7. rho repre sentatives of 'tbo Ytilo university 'were awaftlcd tbb'tldclslori In thOlr second an hual debato with Princeton, held In Alex ander" Sail last1" night. 'Tbo'questi6n'under cllscdssien'WA's: MIt6s"olved, that it would be wUo to establish In respect of all statcf loglslatlolh ofa golie'rhrcnitf hct'er'a sy'stem of referendum" similar to' that established In Switzerland." Thp Princeton men up held' t!he fifflrmajtlvo sMo of ' th'o qufcs'tion. It Was botitSddetl by tbo nnU6rgraduates present that the Yale speakers prosontcd tHe'm6fo'T6,gl6aP'rlrgaiuo'rits,''-vliich ifi'oro than outweighed tho eloquence of the set ipeechos of the Princeton representatives. To Raise Ialie "'Erie's xIvel, Clkveeakd, Dec. 7. Colonel Jared A. Smith, the Unltbd States engineer sta tioned at Clevolandsaid today concernliig tho'nrrmosltlon' of Sctfator Brico that tile lovol'tf Lak'o'.firle boalsodby mea'bs of a. UUIU U J. ....." ............. . .J ....... ...j practicable, and I have thought for some tlirWthaf It oughf to be carried Into effect. I havo not studied tho matter, but thero aro no engineering 'difficulties in tho way. This country and Canada would havo to reach an agreement In tho mattor. Tho exponso would bo very small as compared with the widespread results, nnd tho level oould bo raised thrco feet or llf teen feet, as desired." Frightened tlio French Deputies. PARIS, Dec. 7. A decided sonsatlon was caused In tho chamber of deputies yester day. At tho conclusion of tho debato on tho budget of tho ministry of justico n stranger in' tho 'gallery fired two shots from a revolver In tno direction of tho diplomatic gallery. Thoretipon tho elec tric bells, which wero placed all over tho building 'after the uomu outrage com mitted by Valiant, tho anarchist, were rung, nnd tho doors were instantly closed and guarded. Tho stranger was arrcstod, and gavd tho naiho'of Gilbert' Lenoir. "No body was hurt. Chicago's Rid for the Convention. Chicago, Dec. 7. Chicago bas raised up to this time f jO,000 as up oiler for, tho Ko- publlcan national convention. This sum, will bo guaranteed by n committee which 'left for Washington this aftornoon, and Vlir'firesent Chlfcrtn'o's advantages -before the national committee next' Tuesday. It Is more than likely tho amount of 150,000 -will bo pressed up tcrroo.OOtVbr oven' $75,- 000. as the Intimation comes from tho cap Mtal that the hatlohal conllhltteo is" not averse to the idea of ono ndinl3al6n'tlokot for each $50 subscribed. Mortally Wounded by a Footpad. KAXSAS CITY. Dec. 7. Frank C. El- llott.'Stato organlzbr for the Populist or ganization In Missouri, was attacked by a robber last nignc in tno postoliico build ing, in the heart of tho city, and mortally woutided. The footpad lay In wait lu tho storm vestlbulo at tho main -vestibule to tho building. Tlio wounded man clung to his wntcn, nut was rouued o( f 15 in coin His Prison Life ltegun. Jefferson City, Mo Deo. 7. Elmer C, Snttloy, ox-oashlor of tho Kansas City Safo Deposit and savings bank, whoso poulton tlary sentenco of four yoars' lias just boeu upheld by tno state supremo court, ar rived hero yosto'rdny to tako up his' prison llfo. Lynch Admitted to Hall WiiAftvriTON. Del.. Doc. 7. l'hn nnnrt has ddcldtd to 'adtnlt iliohael Lynch, one Df the accused liarnburst asylum atten dants, to a,uuu nan, unaer naucas corpus brocoedlngs brpuuht by his counsel. Tlio 'other accused attendants are still In jail. NUGGETS OF NEWS. The resignation of Baron von Kocllcr as r Prussian mTn If ter'bf-thd interior- -has been Stato Labor Commissioner W, G. Bird, of Kansas, charged with extortion la oflico, Was acquitted at Topcka aftor a trial of two-flays. J White mountain Apaches wore caught 1 klllliig' sftttleW cattle flfteen'-'Jnlles' wefct XHMt Apache, and a fight occurred. One lnaianmiiM. ' I . '"i i ABMwcll at Wlndom, Just beyond the cttfllniitt of Buffalo; has "been h'otwitht nUro-glycVine, and the volume of gas is iAld to be;),000 feet a day. The treasCy department has been ad Tised of ;thejijuhdrawa, f 3 400 000 , B 222a tre.saoisn. DEADLY SNAKES. SEVEN DIFFERENT DEADLY P0IS0NS--A SURE AND CERTAIN ANTID0TB. The poison ot the rattle-snake U no more, deadly and vAi"oirn"ouB MSiM 'time 'that we make in oir todies. Ptomaines arc tho poisons gener ated in tho body itself and their deadly ilWatltles re lik those if W'dftlllllVc 'etc. 11 The lctMls 'of f W1WiftlV'namitiir trials wml Wxt bO'Olfs Xxi Tdxi tMtfirv Uach 'tts thtfWvTals Then there ttto the'lTOiSAtis'tliat restiltf'frotu irit (tct-fett 1(1186415011 lOf'Wrr1 ty. lV( A'fti'ortly'ilal'tlal WifMMa r-of ' the tided eltTrtcnls. rHftrft'tho'WRtViTiVl'hMtA'itiWi'llo'Svti Wftfnir 'ni'riSrlfH.llinnifs.flrii'ittnlAVilltttts. fryKris, PUhm, FBcitrl6t Wrer, 'Otlfpe, Small'Pox. Malaria Diphtheria nnd tho like. Tlio vary oir wo breathe is full of these gqnus. The Water Tre dnnkaccms witli myraids ot thorn. Wo aro beset from within nnd without, and as if not contt'ilVwlth all this, we ourselves add nicotine anllWcdiol'to-lho deadly list. What isltUBenHhiOtf rcvents our sickening: and dyingf ir(m'lalPtIibsc'''rOisons ? uur Kidneys. They Af&-'tlid'seav6n'Rer8 and sewers of oar body. God gavo tis fwo, So that if ono kidney was injured the other could still carry on tho worK. On perfect action of'our kidneys depends. not only tho pifrlty'Of our blood, but tho healthy and fretf'littibu'of every other organ in the body. OifscttEtf thcmr falter lit' tllelr Wftrk. let thn pofi'6fi3'ttmVJtfipdritlfes'"c&lIe'ct''fl'iiUtho'M;ed otwuiOOTatia tiis,prjnginto'ftcuvo-'growih. "Mlarcniterent IotTi6r 'Henlfir. 1ms a. rettiBJfor'-evdry' ill to 'Which IttniVIs' heir. '''flflget'rrf)rn''tho bosom 'of tlio earth, 'hold tWd Wtrof'pfcfject Tidiiey fHcftltli 'looked Vrb itfTtrbtits'fttldbcrries. 'llSreltes'thogreatest of all te-medles'for tlio "kidilGys "when "weak, sluggish 'orcais- cifsed. . , rn'Dr. lIbbbifSriarai!as "Kldnev Pills this active" relflddy'la' found in nil Its conccntra- ppirandTierlectlon. rheirtrsif-menns : HcaltHyKldneys. Ulood fred'fro'm'Poisons' nnd Impurities. No soiriifwhleh Dlseaso G6rms can grow. No Rheniftatiimb'dSansono'''TrIoAcid. Fifty cents"p6r bdirrBm "all druggists, or cnc!oso'50cts, jn,stamp3 or silver direct to tho ,-itntrti'a S MEDICINE CO., Chicago. lS;m Francisco. Interdstine and In- tmDille structivo Book on Kid ItJVf'lIlO ne Health and Blood Filtering Free. Coining Events. Dec. 30. Cantata, "Tho Jolly Farmers," In the' P.M. clnlrch, undtr'the auspices of thoT. P. A. Wien moat needed it is not unusual for your'family physician to be away from- home. Such was the experieftce "of Mr. J. T. Sehcnck, editor of the Caddo, Ind. Ter., Banner, when his little girl, twrt years of age, was threatened with a severe attack of croup. Ho says: My wifa insisted that I go for tho doctor, but as our family physician was out of town I purchased a bottlo of Chamber lain's Cough Itcmedy, which relieved her immediately. I will not be without it in the future." 25 nnd CO cent bottles for sale by Gruhler Bros., irnggists. When you want good roofing, plumbing. gas, fitting, or general tinsmithing dono call on E.'F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street. Dealer ir stoves. 8-1-tf Tho wife of Mr. D. Robinson, a. prominent lumberman of Hartwick, N. X. was sick with' rheumatism 'Tor-five months. In speda? ing of it, Mr. Robinson bays : "Chamberlain's Pain IS.ilm is tho (inly thing that gavo her any rest from pain. For the relief of pain it cannot bo beat." Many very bad cases of rheumatism havo been cured by It. For sale at 50 cents per bottlo by Gruhler Bros., drug gists. r Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris;Schmidt,Agt., 207 1 West-Coal Street. A genuine welcome awaits you at JOEYATt'S SALOON, "Cbr7rioln nnd Coal Sta. Pool rporn attached. Finest whiskeys, beers. tw.MerandlWefilstanUy oiftop. 'Chbteeterii peronc drinks and cigars. When it coiaes ta sr'oce:re:s Our'stock speaks for Itself. Il'yaui.a'l eonj tn inwi, unit iomt orders. Tfcay will be aocu- frately and pVdroptly illed. flUSSER & BEDDALL, 29 East Centre Street I Vi'f-rBBBBBBBBBBBVT7VasaslasssssssssssWJssssssssl