The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 06, 1895, Image 4

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K ready for anybody, from a
child to a. man, who will take
the trouble to enter our
store. This is our second
successful sale of
Wc have lUSt tlllS lot from 'of
J t
Hammcrslough & Co., which
we arc selling on commission
arid which can be bought at
big inducements. We can
show the people sights of
Overcoats which will make
them Overcoat hungry, in
Chinchillas, Beavers, blue and
black, and Kerseys.
, , . , I
K6IOW I C M , j
10 and 12 South Main St.
fcfTeeted lletwecn PltUlmrK District Jlln
or anil Their Umployers.
Pitts BUBO, Dec. 6. The joint miners'
and opemtors' courention. with nut three
dissenting voices, adopted the following
r.-Holutiom The prioe for mining In the
thin veins shall be sixty-four cents from
Tan. 1 to March 31, and seventy conts from
April to D.v. SI, lira. All company More
shall bp nbolishcd; sixty foot screens, wirt
1 j ineh bars, slmll b.) uso.l; minors shrill
sidi-cl tluiir 9ra cliyck weighinan; pr:y- j
in' tit 4hAlt"h. ln.idc in cash on the J
nd 2r,th of cioii month, and tiny compimy j
d '.ln-tiuH wfls.'. in tha interest of com
pany Htmv mu.iII pay twenty osnt cxtrr. I
pir ton. A ouiuiicUx! of flvu operator.
vuil minora was appointed, to whom nil
lifT.Ti'iicB under the contoKjfc shall be re-
TJii.s ommittei will moct batween Jon.
1 arid 10 to canvahH tlic bituatlon. If thay
hlmll ilutl that tin; provisions are bin
mistionily cotnpllol with, and the Now
Yorklftid Cleveland Gas Coal company U
paying 'tho district price of slsty-rour
eentq, then the committee shalUleclare tho
contract in effect. If, however, tho s.iiil
company Is not paying tlie prioe, the 00m-
l.r nnB i,n th. ,in,. f,
llnrr Alilwnrdt Arrive 111 Nut York.
Nkw Your. Dkc. 0. Dr. Herman Alil
wnrtlt, of HtIIu, the colohrnted antl-1
Semitic ntrjtncor, nrrived yesterday on the
North fifrman Lloyd steamship Sprue. !
Horr Ahhvardt pxpocbf to prlvo several lec- I
turesin till country under tho auspices j
of a Ni'v York anti-senilte club. It is
said H"rr Ahlvrardt'tt misiion to America j
is to start n campaign against tho He- j
brevs, hU doctrluo boin that thoy are on-1
crouching upon tho wealth of tho world, j
ami n a iir.'naco to the prosperity of otlier
rtKsea of th s earth. Ho doe not bellow
thoy should h-dd oific-L', enjoy tha riRlit-. of
cti7.3n-.hip or liavo any shara in ptibli'
a Hairs.
Victory for Chicago' Oa Trtnt.'i, U-c. 5. "I cannot aoo any-1
tiling to provuut thojo oompanloi from ,
coiiMilldutliiir. I cannot see that it is con- j
trary to the slatutes of this state," said '
Judge Showaltor in thy Uuitad Stiitas cir-;
ruit oonrt yaoterday afternoon in rufusln
the injunction iignlnst tho ga3 trust. The J
court's nnnounoeim'iih followiivR immcdi-,
ntoly upon thu ooncltislon of the attorney j
KJiirral's aptyoal for tin injunction, was a
surprise. No one had expected an in-.tant
declnion. Thj decision of tho court was
upon tho quotlon of the propor interprc
tallou of tlie act of 183!), amending the act
of March, 187'J, roferrlnij to oorpi).-ations.
Ttio ltiIVre Not Kofpnusihle.
Omaha, I)?c. ). S. G. V. Grinwold,
sporting editor of Tho U.-mj, antl tho recog
nized authority on atiortiiiK affairs in the
wont, W(W oxonorrtted yoslorday, at I'latts- I
mouth, of complicity In the dath of Ar
thur Kohhins, who diod thero a year ago
after engaging iu a prizo flight with Jaines
Iiindnay, in which Grlswnld was referee.
The jury declared him In 110 wis respon
sible for til j fatal termination of thonltair.
A firnvo lEohliur's Delayed Cnnfvtiiioii.
Vintox, la., Dec. 0. John Cummlugs, 11
painter, yoBterday confessed to grave rob
bery, tho body being1 that o a young lady
relative of J. It. Christie, the foremost
citizen of Marion. Ouinmliigt; implicated
Ave highly respected citizen? of Vinton.
Tha voblMtry was oouimlttod twenty-twe
years ago. II promisor more startling de
velopment. Satisfaction guaranteed by Hell, the 1
plumher. j
A I'nutor Iteslgn.
Itv.. II. C. William, who h been pator j
of the Anhland and JIahanoy tlty liaptiit I
churehas, h fHcncd liitt ohargoat Ashland,
and will hereafter devote hi whole time to
the church at Mahanoy City.
JU.t sa iittiug U done by P. YVBell.
Itolibed the Dummy.
A coat was stolen fopm a dummy in front
of Wolf Lovino' clothing store lait night.
A vest was left iu place.
When you want good' roofing, plumbing,
gag fitting, or general tinsmithing douo call
on 1J, F. Oallaghor 18 West Centro street.
Dealer lr stoves M-tf
XJ.VJjB I . , --- "
Also Table and Floor 011 Cloths From
E. e. FOLEY,
l o( 11 i.tre and YVt la.
Happening Thronftliout the Region Chron
icled for lla.ty IVnwnl.
&kt Apple alley h been graded from
Bowers to Hayrick rtreeU.
ttvc collieries at Shsmokitt were com polled
lo tntpond operation on account of scarcity
of tw.
Mahanor City Republicans have adopted a
modified form of the Crawford county ojrstem
of rating at primaries.
Secretary Curtlu. of the Board of Health,
is preparing the annual report to be for
warded to the State Board.
Card are ont annonneln the marriage of
Mim Jennie Ftaher and Samnel 1'ewell, both
Ashtaml.on theSUtinst. "..v,f
rrx. cti....iu
The Citizen Standing Cemmtttdhas de
cided to meet next Monday . veningrto beiin
preparing far the spring elections. ;
Seme of the tenants of the Girard' Estate, i
notwithstanding notices to the contrary, have,
applied for a renewal of their licenses:
There have been 305 applications for liquor ,
license Aled up to noon yesterday. This is j
01 1 ww tlian at the same time last year.
The crossing at Centre street and Plum
alley, on the south sMe, has been raised to
make it more in conformity with the new
TheGirard Estate officiate have staked off
their greunds between the Kehlcy Run col
liery and the Lehigk Valley railroad, to show
the limit.
Jaok Frost has put a stop to much of the
street digging and there will bo less trtnohes
for pedestrians and wagons to avoid between
now and spring.
A cocking main of three battles between
Mahanoy City and Gllbcrton birds was fought
at the latter place on Wednesday, JIahanoy
City winning two out of three.
The boroughs of Sunbury and. East Snn
bury will vote for or against cousolidation at
a special election in the near future. Greater
Sunbury will then have about 10,000 popula
tion. James Lobtitr, of JIahanoy City, while
hunting lost his way and wandered about the
woods all night. When found by friends he
was fonr miles the other side of the Potts
ville dams.
Mrs,. Grif. Williams died at her home in
Girardville, abont 85 years of age. In Sep
tember she was knocked down by a carriage
from the effects of which she never recovered,
and which caused her death.
Don't Let An) body Interfere, Hut
Take Pan-Tina for coughs and colds, 26c.
At Gruhler Bros., drug store.
First Journey of the Liberty Roll.
We have received from Wanamaker &
Brown, 0th and Market streets, Philadelphia,
a large photograph of a painting in oil, 13
feet -by 0 feet, representing "The First
Journey of the Liberty Hell." It has been
painted expressly for them and will he un
veiled for public view in : few days. Their
purpose is to place it on the tith street front
of their building, and present to all who
apply by letter or in person an excellent half
tone copy of the picture with historical
pamphlet. Tho etory of the journey is
familiar to our readen,. After tho battle of
while the British were ap-
1 preaching the city, the hell was lowered and
placed on a wagon and hurried away ; out
the old York road to Trenton,, through
Bethlehem, then lo Allvntown and hid in a
cellar. After tho success of Washington at
tlie battle of Jlonmout'i, in 1778, it was taken
back to Philadelphia and placed "in its
Put an cud to mi.cry. Dunn's Ointment
will cure the worst case of Itching Piles there
ever was, and do it almost instantly. Years
of suffering relieved in a singlo night. Get
Doan's' Ointment from your dealer.
Discharged from tlin Almshouse.
Last night's Pottsville Chronicle says :
"Joseph MuMonnglc, claiming to bo from
Shenandoah and a resident of this ionnty for
10 years, was in town to-day and'feld ho had
been discharged from the almshouse for
refusing to work when he wa physically
incapacitated. Steward IIartinr.11 said that
McMonaglc, like all other inmates of tho
almshouse who can work, was expected to do
his share, lie has been an inmate of the
institution for some time and did only very
light work. When Contractor SIcAdams was
paying men ft. 25 pur day 011 the Pottsvillo
cemetery contract, MoMonagle considered
himself strong enough to hire himself out.
lie wag told at the almshouse that ho must
perform his usual light duties -or leave, and
ho left."
Have tho leaks in your gas and wator mains
I ropaired by P. W. Hell, the plumber.
Mabanoy City Husiness College.
Thie excellent college, at 20j Hut ''cntrc
street, gives Commercial, Shorthand .id
Uj-pewriting courses equal to any in the stato
at tho very lowet rates. Individual in
struction. Day and evening classes. Students
ejrastantly entering. Catalogue free.
10-H-tf G. W. Wilmams, Principal.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup soems set
as a special providence to little folks. Pleasant
to take, perfectly harmless, absolutely sure
to give instant rolief in nil ease of cold or
lung trouble.
Buy Keystone flour. Bo sure that tho
oamo Lnssio & lUur., Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack. 1 tf
FOIt SALIC A corner lot, with a brick dwell
inK, seven roomtt aul nttcant lot, in St.
t'lalr, l'a. Centrally located and will lie hold
cheap. Apply to Mrs. Tlioma I'ounell, St.,
Clair, Pa. 14-S-tf-
TVJR 8AI.K. A Mihmulc property t Jfos. 213
I; and SIS South Jarflin street, etoro and
dwelling in tho front and two dwellings on tho
rear. All modern Improvements.
Apply, to
harle"i Hooks, on tlio premise.
Jit Mw
"I1TANTKD. An honest,
active centleman or
.11 iany
travel for reliable established
S7M, payable, SIS weoKiy, nnu
expenses. Situation pernranoni. Jieicrcnees.
jsncjose seu-aaureeseu siampcu rnvciupe, 1 110
Dominion Company, 31S Omaha Hulldins;,
Chieat'o. lHI-Mt
TjlOH SALrWOhe of the most desirable prbp
' erties on Main street. Apply at
IC. V. Siiokmakeu's,
Office : f'orjier Centre and Market streets.
1 3-2-1 m
DO YOU WANT A .IOjn--There are nmny kinds
of jolw to bo had; some are lad, somp are
Koodysomereqiilrfc brains while others do not.
We refer' Ut neither of these It's Job work we're
lookhitf for, and coupled with this information is
the fact the Ukiiaid job rooms turn out the
netest"Work in the county Competent work
men, new material iii( no waits lo the work.
JtrlciK imyoui .,,.1 r- you'll nerr regret It. A
postal card Is -ulli. ut
Best Little Purgative
I ever need," writes one lady, In regard to
Hood's Pills. "They are so mild and do
their worktvith-
out any jripir-g,
I recommend
tivencss. They
will certainly
bring your habits
regular. VTe nee
no other cathar
tic." Hood's
Pills are rapidly Increasing In favor. 25c
ACopyrthe retltlon Ha, neen Served
on Judgc-cleet r. .H. Dunn.
A copy of the petition in the Lyon-Dunn
contest has been served upon Judge-olcct P.
jr. Dunn, and the latter accepted service.
The question will be argued before the
Attorney General nest Wednesday, and his
decision is awaited with much interest. There j
is much difference of opinion as to whether!
or not the Attorney General will giant the
prayer of the petitioners to direct the process
to iue.
The petition sets forth that thero were
ballots in each and every polling place in the
connty deposited for P. M. Dunn that were
improperly marked ; that the ballots of
illegal and fraudulent electors wero counted
contrary to law j that persons whose names
were not upon the registry of voters were re
ceived and counted for P. M. Dunn for the
office of Orphans Court Judge.
It further sets forth that at the election
Thomas H. U. Lyon was duly elected, having
received more legal votes than P. II. Dunn,
the candidate wlio was returned as elected,
and is therefore entitled to the office. Tho
petitioners pray that a process may issue to i
the end that the complaint set forth may lie i
heard and determined.
The petition has sixty-nine signatures,
which it sworn to by seventeen of this num
lr, namely: James Clifford, Lloj-d Dennis,
J. W. Snyder, John Wyatt, C. O. Smith, W.
G. IJrec'kong, Joseph H. Kleindinst, William
Iludge, George W. Geigcr, W. T. Clifford,
Joseph A. Welter, William Smith, II. E.
Smith, J. A. Wagner, Slorris J. Lock and C.
F. Kleindinst.
For earache, put a couple of drop? of
Thomas Kclectric Oil on a bit of cotton and ,
place it iu the ear. The pain will stop in ai
fotr moment. Simple enough, isn't it T '
3Iia Maggie Jacoby
is circulating among
friends in Latrobe. ' j
II. Boyer, of Mabanoy City, transacted j
business in town to-day. '
Fred. Bennor left town yesterday for'West '
Chester, where he will locate !
Tabez Powell, of East Coal street, is con- !
fined to his home w ith an attack of illness. 1
H. A. Acker, of Reading.formerly manager
of the Grand Union Ton store, spent yester-
day in town. '
Justice Mellon, of Tremout, was looking
after the interests of some legal business in '
town to,-day. I
Miss I.izzio Hasslor, of Pnttsvillc, is tho
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bobbins, on 1
East Coal street. '
Dr.'Breilor, wife and son, Ira, and Miss '
Burleigh Kitto, of Girardville, were visitors j
to town yesterday. '
Ashland's Water riant. j
Tho Rorough Council of Ashland has dc-1
cided to ask for an increase of $20,000, to ho
voted lor at the February election, for the
purposo of building an additional reservoir.
Tho town's assessed valuation is $1,452,000,
and tho present Indebtedness is $71,103. Plans
for the new reservoir will be drawn up im
mediately. JIark Rownian, of JIahanoy City,
and A. Potter, of New York, made applica
tion to'superintend the work, hut no appoint
ment wa? made. Tlicru is outstanding
$1,0S0.00 of unpaid water rents.
Itid Yourself nf Ithcutnatlam
Buy Eed Flag Oil, 25c At Gruhler Bros.,
drug store,
An Kiijoyahlu Kveut,
The fiftieth anniversary of tlie Temple of
Ilonor was celebrated by Hope Section Xo.
10, Junior Templars of Ilonor and Temper
ance, last night, by a public entertainment in
tho Section's rooms. There was a largo at
tendance and tho program was a very inter
esting and pleasing one. Among the ladies
and gentlemen who took part In tho enter
tainment were Misses Slay I. Seltzer, Sallle
lieddall, Bella Brown, May1 Dusto and Ida
Kchler ; and Messrs. I. Griffiths, Thomas
D.iWMin, James Patterson and Dr. Conwcll.
The lllack mid White.
A marriage license has been issued to Ben
jamin Walker, colored, by occupation a musi
cian, lwrn 21 years ago at Washington, D. C,
and now a resident of Pottsvillo, and Miss
Aunio Dinsmoro, white, born in August,
1B72, now a reideut of Orier City, Itush
Installation of Olllcci-s.
Tho following officers of Lydia Lodge Xo.
112, Daughters of Rehokuh, I. O. O. F., were
installed last evening by Grand Master's
Deputy, Mrs. Lizzie Jt. Williams : Noble
Grand, Jano Moye-r; Vice Grand, Susanna
Hughes; ssi.taut Seeretnry, Mary Mador;
Chaplain, Samantha Davis ; Warden, Kmraa
Davis i Conductor, Jane Mctcalf; O. G.,
Antify Klfnoi'l. 'G., Jennie Lathloan; 11, S.
N. G Maty T. Uvans ; L. S. U. G., Annie
Oihnt'R. S. V. G., Sallie Bmin; L. S. V. G.,
gallic BiSugbey : 1. S. S., Mary Ward ; L. S.
S., Phills Williams.
There's .Ipst What You Want.
Pan-Tina (23c.) for coughs and colds.
Q rubier Bros., drug store.
Coming Event.
Dec. 30. Cantata, "Tho Jolly Farmer?,"
in tlie P. M. chureh, under tho auspices of
tho Y. P. A.
Pull line-of solid icold riuscH. all styles, dia
monds, watthc, clocks and jewelry. 11 karat
solid gold nnditold tilled watches, warranted 15
yearsV Uliiln or Waltlram movement, nt tit and
umi'nnl for lndieft or fronts Tjldlos' solid frnld
silver and gold filled wnlchea and chains
Ins at 1
moderate price. Full atock of 18k rings,
Complete Hue of sulphur diamond novelties, '
optical goods and musical Instruments. Call and
examine our s'oek. At
e:. duelus,
206 S. Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
- i ,
Made of Glass.
Is one of the striking inven
tions of the age.
Not much , less striking: is
our variety of Glass Tree
When you want to Clothe your
X-mas Trees, don't forget
j that we buy early from .
Importers, hence get
the cream of the
China Tea Sets 5c
China Tea Sets . 10c
Large Tea Sets 25c. and up
Large Tea Sets, 24 pieces, Si
Brittania Sets - 25c
Beautiful Glass Sets 25c
Including C'renm.Sugar, Spoon and Butter Dish.
Celery Trays id and 15c
Preserves, square or oblong, 5c
Preserves, large, 10c
Candy Trays S and 10c
Pepper and Salts 4c. each
Berry Dishes, large, 10c
Cake Stands 10c
Banana Dishes, 35c. to 50c
Nut Bowls 25c
Albums in Brocade Plush for 75
cents. You 11 never get them
again at this price.
paney petal flovelties
Pin Trays 10c
Ink stands and Pen Racks 25c
Chair Pin Cushions 15c
Figures, silver, 25c
Hair Pin Boxes 25c
Cup and Saucer Easels 5 & 10c
Plate Easels 5 & 10c
Match Safes 10 and 15c
Paper Weights all prices.
and BOLLS.
Is full of Novelties such as
Horses and Carts, Iron Trains,
Engines, Hose Reels, Buckboards,
Drums, Toole Chests, Games,
Pianos, Stoves, Iron and Tin
Horns, Musical Instruments,
Blocks, Magic Lanterns, Moss,
Animals ior yards, Black Boards,
Pop Guns, Harmonicas, Ten Pins,
Rocking Horses, Cradles, Dolls,
Beds and Wardrobes, Chime Toys.
Look at our Mechanical
Trolley Cars for 10 cents. ,
Box Nut Picks 25c
Nickle Banks 10c. up,
In China, Silver, Cut Glass,
Plush, Celluloid and Wood.
Shaving Sets in wood case 75c
Big run on Finger
Rings at 25c. and
50c, warranted 3
Chamber Sets in great variety
from a 4-piece set up
to 12 pieces.
our5HoUse Furnishine
Department you get
"good value, never un
worthy trash.
Q S, Main Street.
Go .
Happy Housewives
All housewives are happy when
they receive a second supply of
"QOLD riEDAL" Flour, for they
know it "makes the best brend."
You can get it of any grocer at
$2.50 per half-barrel sack.
Thos. E. Samuels & Co.,
105 South Main Street,
CHARLIE SING, - Chinese Laundry,
First-class Work at Low Prices.
All Work done In first-class manner, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shirts wasted
and Ironed, 10c; shirts Ironed, 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c; undershirts, fc;
underdrawers, 7c; handkerchiefs, 2c.
Holiday Gifts.
OUR store has been crowded
the past few days br people
to see our line of Holiday Gifts.
We have surprised them by the
variety and completeness of our
stock. Have you seen it ? If not,
be sure you do before buying else
where. We can save you time and
Gold ; ens, Pencils, Glove Hooks, &c, were
never so cheap before, 75 cents and up.
Hand painted, 3 new styles, 50,65,75c
Dressing Cases .
Shaving Cases .
Necktie Holders .
Glove Holders .
Work Boxes . . .
Jewel Cases . . .
At lowest possible price.
One hundred styles to select from. .
Our i Book for Boys cannot be beat
Toy Books for Children for Sc. and up
Oxford Bibles, $2; Indexed, $3 . . .
Tho largeht assortment in town.
The New Chevy Chase
Base Ball Game
Hide and Seek
Parchesi and numerous others . . .
Brownie Rubber Stamps
Air Rifles
Magic Lanterns
Black Boards. . . ,
Doll .Carriages. .
Dolls of every description
Trumpets, &c, &c
' Clocks
100 Styles of. Tree Ornaments . . .
Celluloid Picture Frames, &c, &c. .
Keirember the place,
Wholesale and Retail
6 Liquor Dealer.
Cigars, Tobacco, &c. Agent for Heading
Brewing Co.'a Beer and Porter.
11S and 11S S. Man St.
Goto tho Shenandoah Dental Rooms for
painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver
fillings. If your artiflcal teeth do not suit
you call to see us. All examinations free.
Wo make all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns. Crown
and Briuge'work and all operations that per
tain to Dental Surgery.
No charges, for extracting when plates are
ordered. We are the only users of vitalized
air for tho painless extraction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
(Tltraan'g Block)
r 1 1 f
East Centre Street.
Qfllee llurs: 7 ft. m, to 8 p. m.
' ' : rUItli SELTZEIt WATKIt
Kill II HIV : A cure for headache and
stomach trouble.
OF . . ,
7 and 1 9 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa.
At Wiu. Xclawentcr's Private Sole of
now (roIiiB on nt his stnhlrs, corner foal
and Main streets, Shenandoah.
T Fine Plated Teams.
2 Jet Black Teams.
6 Fine Roadsters.
And the balance of the car
load are good workers and
drivers. Our two black teams
are fine specimens of horse
flesh for undertakers. Ever'
horse sold guaranteed.
Jly entire stock and fixtures for sale.
Inventory taken at cost and a satisfactory
discount made. Never such a chanco to get
an established business for so little money.
Lightest and best located store in town
everything going at cost and less. Four
weeks' left to get tho Big Bargains. Don't
pay J moro elsewhere. We have the bar
gains; como before they are gone.
riany wise people
are'doing their
now. You will be saved
weariness if you do like
wise. Stock is complete
now and prices as low as
they possibly can be.
R. H.
Call and sco tho brightest, broeriot, snappiest
lot of Fall and Winter Suitings Shenan
doah has ever had.
We're experts 011 fit.
We're dealers Jn new ideas.
We're leaders of reasonable prices.
If you are a hard man to suit we want
you to call.
24 North Main St.
For tho Latest Styles and
Lowest Prices In . . .
Fall and
Millinery !
' Call at-
!No. Ill North Main St., Shenandoah.
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
natter" fl, fc"" 'very
falty. (Jood. called for a, XYoi"11'?
A trial