The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 06, 1895, Image 2

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faallaW trwj llTealng, Kxceat
t Savra Jiuii STBintr, Niub Obotkh.
'XBfc Herald la dellvned InSheaandoak ana the
nrreuadlai- towni for ill eenta a week, aay
le U the curriers, lly mall $3.00 a year, or 33
aO a maata. payable l advance. Advertlee
aaeta charged according to apace and poaltlou.
'1T tmbllaheni reaerve the right to change the
Tawaition at aavertlsementa whenever the pub
Itortlon of newt demanda It. The right la
Harivtd ta reject any ndvertlaemcnt, whether
Mid lor r not, that the publishers may deem
haproper. .Aclverllalng rate Made known
mttia annltcAftlan.
TJtWterrd at the poetefooe at Baeaandoah, Ti., m
eaond ciaea rattll natter,
Evening Herald
Tun Democratic Presidential nomination is
seeking tho man, and tho mnn is trying to
Onb advantngo of advertising is that it
saves time. It is tho quickest way to tell the
public what you wish to have known.
Tub cold weathor in tho West must havo
driven tho army f tramps to tho Hist,
Shenandoah has its share, of both the
weathor and the tramps.
The rresidont asks for arbitration in tho
Venezuela dispute If it is of tho Schuylkill
eaunty brand wo would adviso tho govern
ment to go slow. England would surely win
The President frays the rctiremcutof green
backs will cure our financial ills. Thcro nro
wiany people who believe all that is necessary
in this respect is tho retirement of tho present
The Andrews Investigating Committee will
attend to Pittsburg after Philadelphia. Judg
lag from sorno recent disclosures pertaining
to tho City Attorney's office it needs
thorough overhauling.
A mabbiaob has just taken placo in
ladianapohs, tho proposal of winch was
aide over a long-distance telephone. This
sennda very pretty nnd romantic, but it must
kavo been awfully trying on the poor girl at
Speaker Heed says no ono knows what ho
will do in reference to tho committees to bo
named early next week. Nevertheless tho
Washington correspondents will continue to
srind out "slated chairmen" in their usual
It appears tho battle ship Texas is crippled
again, this time her steering gear giving way
Tho Texas was built by tho government from
plans purchased in England. It logins to
look as if the English did not sell Secretary
Whitney thoir best plans.
The Republican State Central Committee
of Iowa has formally placed Senator William
II. Allison, of that state, in tho field for tho
Eepublican nomination for tho Presidency
The Senator is a thorough American, broad
tanged and lovel-hcadcd statesman, and as
President would never givo his countrymen
occasion to apologize fur him.
An exchange says tho papers of this county
are booming Congressman Charles N. Brumm
as tho successor to United States Senator
Cameron. We havo failed to note tho afore
said boom, or even his name mentioned in
this connection. However, wo beliovo tl
present Congressman from tills district could
draw the salary as well as Senator Cameron
Postmabteh Genekai. Wilson, in hi
report, suggests an increaso of postago on
newspapers. If the increased rate will resu
in handling tho papers with moro caro, tho
Miircestioa is a good one. Numerous com
plaints reach this office from subscribers wli
fail to reccivo their favorite paper, although
tho papers leavo tholocal postoffico regularly
Advices from . England show that Lord
Salisbury will not submit to arbitration in tho
Venezuela dispute, as suggested by President
Cleveland If this ho truo tho Chief Execu
tive has a chanco to show himself to bo an
Amoricnn, nnd he would havo the people of
this country solidly back of liim. It is to bo
hoped he will prove equal to the emergency.
The action of Coustablo Giblin, of tho
First ward, in refusing to allow "wheels of
fortune" to ho operated in that part of tho
town is a commondablo ono. It is setting
a good oxample, and ono which, if followed
by the othor constables, will bo approved by
tho pcoplo. These places were quite numer
ous last year, and especially in tho First
and Third wnrds.
Recent statistics go to show that tho
tenure of office in the railroad servico is
about as uncertain ns it is in politics. During
tho last three months 1070 changes wero
mado among tho 7035 officials of that sort in
tho country, which indicates an average term
of less than two years. Of course, a good
many of theso changes wero promotions, but
the fact remains that railway officials loso
their places with romnrkahlo frequonoy, and
are never secure against sudden removal, no
matter how well they perform their duties.
Some inventive genius, who was, no doubt,
left at homo to mind tho baby whilo tho
partner of his Joys nnd sorrows nttonded a
Meeting of the sowing circlo, and who
doubtless wanted to enjoy a French novel in
pcaco wliito in cliargo f tlio cherub, has In
vented n baby alarm which is quite an ingen
ious affair and is said to fltl a long-felt want.
its aid tho baby can bo placed in its
cradle in an adjoining room and a scutltlvo
disk or microphone is placed near it, tho
Utter being connected with an electric bell
wliorovcr Ueslrablo to placo it. When tho
child cries the hiicrophono sets up an unduU
tory current in tho eireult causing tho magnet
to deflect a dclicato steel balanco and ring
tho bell, and there you aro. The inventor
ill have tho thanks of every man who has
to net in the capacity of nurse.
llncklen'a Arnlcn Salve.
The, beat salve in tho world for cut.
bruises, sores, ulcers, mlt rheum, fever sores,
tn -Imnuil S.nntla IKIn tt, rA m U mart
IVllVl. V. 1 1 1. , ' l .1,1 11 1 1. 1, tii.ii't I w
nil akin eruntlnng. and Dosltlvely cults vlles.
or no pay required. It is guaramtee te give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
25 ccnte per box. For salo by A. Tfaaley.
Tnickec' Proposed leo Palace.
TrttJCKEK, Oil., Dec. 0. Truckeo is nro-
paring to hnvo un lco palace to illustrate
tlio diversity or California climate. Tho
business moa of tho town hare formed
thcmsolvos into a stock company, and nro
now erecting; buildings whloh vrill form
tho basis of tho palace. Streams of water
sprayed on tho buildings will coat them
with lco. An cnclosod lco skating rink 800
foot lontr, with a roof of solid lco, will b9
one or tho features of tho Ice carnival.
lie llet on Blow Horacs.
Washington, Deo. 0. Aloxander Proc
tor, assistant sccrotnry of tho Potomao In
surnnco company, is accused of tho defal
cation or about f3,500. Tho money coin
prised pnrtlnl payments on loans of tho
company nnd Interest pai 1 in from timo
to timo. Proctor Is nbout 37 years of ago
nml stands well in tho community. It is
developed thnt ho hnd a lovo for fast horses
nnd tho race track.
Mgr. SatolU'a Itcd lint.
WASHINGTON, Deo. 6. Tho dato of tho
olovntlon of Mgr. Sntolli to tho cardinalato
has been postponed from tho 15th Inst.
to Jan. o, 18SK3. This was modo necessary
os result of n cnblo information from
Kome that Marquis Sacrlpantl, bearing
tho berctta, sailed yesterday from Genoa
on tho steamship Fuldn, which is not duo
until tho 10th, nnd may be delayed beyond
that date.
Itev. Prank Hyatt Smith Violently Inanne.
Washington, Deo. 6. Rev. Frank Hy-
ntt Smith, the Cambridge, Mass., olergy-
man, who was tried Tor sending scurri
lous postal cards through the malls to
mombcrs of his congregation, and was ad
judged insane, was confined in St. Eliza
beth's asylum yesterday. It is said that
ho has became violent and neods constant
Steamer Hunk In Mlrt-Ocenn.
London, Dec. 0. A telegram has been
received from Captain Patterson, of tho
British iron steamer Madura, stating that
tho Madura foundered In mid-ocean on
Nov. 28. One of tho Mndurn's crew was
lost. The captain nnd tho remainder of
tho crew wero rescued by tho Spanish
steamer Antonio Lopoz.
"For three years I suffered from Salt
Rheum. It covored my hands to such an
extent that I could not wash them. Two
bottles of Burdock Blood Rittcrs cured mo."
Libbio Young, Pope Mills, St. Lawrence
County, N. Y.
To be "ltaron lliivemeyer.
New York, Dec. 6. Theodore A. Hnvo
meycr.thosugarkiug, is about to bo created
n baron. Tho imperial cmissnry from tho
court of Austria, bearing patents of no
bility nnd Insignia of tho Order of Leo
pold, is expected to arrlvo in New York
next week. Ho is Franz Itittorvon Stock
ingor, and will succeed tlio sugar king in
tho olllco of consul general, which Mr.
Havemeycr intends to vacate as soon as
possible In accepting nn order of nobility
Ilnvomeyer will renounce oil political am
bition lie may havo so fur ns this country
Is concerned. Tho tltlo is horoditary.
Striking llouscsmlths Determined.
New Yoni;, Dec. (I. Tlio demand for n
recognition of tho union and a uniform
scalo of wages by tho striking housesmiths
is being vigorously pushed, nnd tho hostil
ities waged sixteen dnyn ago ngninst tho
Iron Lenguo in an endeavor to seeuro thnt
result Is ronowed with now vigor on tho
part of tho strlko lenders. Clarendon Hall,
tho headquarters of tho strikers, was 1)0-
slegcd last night with nu urmy ot over 000
of tlio striking hoiiKosmlths who pledged
thomsolvos to President Lnry to stand by
him in the present fight.
Poothall Vigorously Denounced.
GALESHUlto, Ills., Deo. C President
Kvnns, of Iledding college, publishes an
article donouiicing football, nnd declaring
thnt ho lias prohibited tho gnmo at lied
ding. Ho tonus tho gnmo a disgraco to
college llfo nnd Christian civilization, and
compares it to prizo ring contests and bull
lights. Ho claims that in this country
and England during the last fow years a
hundred young men. hnvo been killed in
football giim s. and he di'flnos those kill
ings in murders
Scrofula Broke Out
On our boy when a baby. Wo gavo him
much treatment without avail. Noticing
In tho papers Hood's Sarsaparllla was rec
ommended for scrofula and blood diseases
wo gave it a trial. Wo soon saw a chaago
for tho better. He has taken four bottles
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Is now entirely well, hesrty and free
from all scrofulous symptoms. I havo
also taken three bottles for nervous head
ache and catarrh. It gave mo great relief."
MM. T. J.i. BMrrn, itutner men, va,
Hood's Pills ss ..rr
TUny Wilt Fight for the Puglll.tlc Oliatn
plonahlu on Feb. 14,
Nhw Yoke, Deo. 0. Arrangements hnvo
boon pcrfocted for a finish light bjtweon
11 ob Fltzslmmom nnd Peter Muher. Tho
fight will tnko plnco ou Feb. H, 181KJ.
The amount of tlio purse will prob
ably bo $10,000, but It Is understood thnt
Qulnu, Matter's manager, wishes to have
it $1S,000. When tho nrtlolos nro signed
tho prlnoipala will put up (3,500 enoh (is n
guarantee of good faith. It Is propoiud to
pull tho fight off in Mexico, just across the
lUo Grnndo from El I'aso, Tex. It is
planned to orcet thcro n tent capable: of
affording seats for 8,000 people. Dan Stuart
Is empowered by Fitzslmmons with full
authority to mako tho match with Mnhcr,
but Fitzslmmous hnd stipulated thnt ho
must first mako a formal request for Cor
bctt to moot the Australian In Mexico.
Mil Yon Kver
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your
troubles? If not, net a bottlo now and get
rcliel. This mcillcino lias been tound to he
peculiarly adapted to tho relief nnd euro of
all Female Complaints, exerting n wonderful
direct influence in giving strength nnd tono
to tho organs. If you havo Loss of Appetite,
Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, tor
aro Nervous, Sleepless, Excltablo, Melancholy
or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Hitters
is tho mcdicino you need. Health nnd
strength aro guaranteed by its use. Large
bottles only fifty cents at A. Waslcy's drug
To Iaveatlgate Philadelphia Franchise.
Philadelphia, Deo. (5 Tho Academy
of Music last night was filled to ovorllow
lng nt a meeting called to protest against
tho action of tho Union Traction company
in doing away with tho frco transfer sys
tem. Tho meeting was nddressed by n
number of woll known citizens, and reso
tlons wero adopted calling on tho railway
company to return to tho freo transfer sys
tem In use before consolidation. At thu
meeting of councils yesterday an ordi
nance wns introduced providing for tho
appointment of a committee of seven cit
izens to Inquire into tho methods by which
franchises hnvo been granted by tho city
to railway companion nnd othor corpora
tions. A Household Treasure.
D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y., says
that ho always keeps Dr. King's New Dis
covery in tho houso and his family has
always found tho very best results follow its
use; that he would not bo without it, if pro
curable. G. A. Dykcman Druggists, Cats
kill, N. Y., says that Dr. King's New
Discovery is undoubtedly tho best cough
remedy; that ho has used it in his family for
eight years, and it has nevor failed to do all
that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy
so long tried nnd tested. Trial bottles free at
A. Wasley's drug storo. Regular size 50c
and $1.00
Amesbnry Women Terror Stricken.
Amesbury, Muss., Dec. 0. Miss Annie
Boothroyd, of this city, who was knocked
down and Injured by un unknown man on
Powow street Wednesday night, is in a
critical condition, and constant medical
attention is necessary. Sho is suffering
from the effects of a blow on lior head
which was inflicted by a stone. Tho object
or the assnult was robbery, as tho man Tit
tempted to snatch tho young woman's
pockctbook. The womou of Amesbury aro
In a state of terror nnd ref use to venture
out after dark alone, as it is tho fourth
enso of the kind in n month.
Tho wifo of Mr. D. Robinson, a prominent
lumberman of Hartwick, N. Y., was sick
with rheumatism for five months. In speak
ing of it, Mr.Robinson says : "Chamborlain's
Pain Halm is the only thing that gavo her
any rest from pain. For the relief of pain
it cannot bo beat." Many very bad cases of
rheumatism havo been cured by it. For salo
at 50 cents per bottle by Gruhler Bros., drug
Car Itobhcra Indicted.
Noi'.IHSTOWN, Pa., Dec. 0. The grand
jury has returned thirteen bills of Indict
ment for robbery ugainst Joseph Buzzard,
alius Joseph Frnzor, ono of tlio two men
arrested at Souderton for wholesalo rob
beries nlong tho North Penn railroad. Buz
zard is a brother of Abo Buzzard, the no
torious long timo lender of tho Welsh
mountain organization of thieves. Buz
znrd's partner in tho robberies, D. II
Brant, will havo to answer' nino bills of
indictment. Tho wives of tho two men
havo been Indicted for receiving stolen
Dixon Palls to Knock Out Krno.
HKff x oiiK, uec. u. There was a voiy
largo iittcndauco of club members and
guests at tho now Miiuhattau Athletic
club Inst night to seo tho ten round bout
for a decision between Georgo Dixon, of
Boston, tho featherweight champion of tho
world, and Frank Krno, of Buffalo, who
aspires to tlio championship. Eruo held
his own throughout tho contest, nnd tho
contestants wero so evenly matched that
nt tho ond of tho bout tlio referee declared
it a draw. Tho spectators wero well satis,
lied witli tho decision.
It's Dangerous (iround
that you stand on with a cough or a cold
and your blood impure. Out of just theso
conditions comes Cuusuuintlon.
You must do something. In the earlier
statics of Consumption, and in all tho coudl
tions that lend to it. Doctor Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery is a certain remedy. This
scrofulous affection of the lungs, like every
other form of Scrofula, can bo cured by it
In severe, lingering Coughs, all Bronchial
Throat, and l.ung Allcctions, nun every
disease that can be reached through the
blood, it is tho only mcdicino so ellectlvo
that, onco used, is always in favor. Pamphlet
free. Address World's Dispensary Medical
Association, Buffalo. N. l .
Pool Seller Sent to Prison.
Covington, Ky., Deo. 0. Last month
nil tho pool sollors hero wero Indicted,
This has been a frequent occurrence for
yours, but tho indictments have heretofore
been quashed. Tills timo tho men wero
forced to trial. Tho first caso, that of Sol
Sharp, resulted In tho circuit court yestcr-
uuy in conviction. Shorp was fined J600
nnd sontenced to thirty days in Jail. T,'ho
casosoi jonn A. Payne. Mark Slinonton,
Georgo C. Bennett, Charles Bollinger and
doiin Tnpp aro yet to bo heard.
Uajor C. T. I'icton is manager of the
State Hotel, at Denton, Texas, which tlio
traveling men say is one of the beat hotels
in that section. In speaking of Chamber
Iain's Colic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy
Uajor Picton aayi : "I have used it myself
and in my family for several years, and take
pleasure in saying that I consider it an in
fallible cure for diarrha and dysentery, I
alwsyi recommend it, and have frequently
administered it to my guests lu the hotel, and
in every case it has proven itself warthy of
unqualified endorsement. For sale by
rubier Bros., druggists,
now bioe
It Is as hard work fur somo pcoplo to digest
their dinucr as it is for a normal man to walk
ten miles.
"After dinner rest a while." This lsnn
old saying. It means that if after eating
heavy meal you try to do hard work you will
exhaust all your energy. There will be none
left for your stomach. Your stomach needs
energy to work just as your leg or arm does.
Sick pcoplo want energy. They seldom
havo enough for their stomach. Their di
gestion is out of order and they want to
know tho reason. It's simplo epough as we
havo told it.
What thoy ought to do- Is to aavo their
stomnchs from hard work until it is capablo
of doing it, just as they rest their tired hacks
by lying down.
This they can do by using artificially di
gested food. Shaker Dlgestivo Cordial con
tains such font ; not only this, but it is
capablo of dlgosting other foods in tho
stoma ch.
Shaker Direstlvo Cordial affords nourish
ment and creates new energy as soon as it is
swallowed. Ordinary food first has to be
digested. Shaker Digestive Cordial whlU
creating new energy does not expend nny.
It gives the stomach no work to do. It will
mako thin pcoplo fat. Sick pcoplo are
naturally thin. Getting thin is a sign of
sickness. A person may be born thin, and
naturally remain so. Such a one is not
ncccisarily sick. All Druggists keep it nnd
a 10 cont sample bottlo may first be tried.
Tlio Illght Name In the Klrjht Plnee.
Pan-Tina for coughs nnd colds, 25c. At
Gruhler Bros., drug storo.
TJih PrvHldont Uoes n-llunttnir.
Washinuton, Doc. 0 Tho president
let t Yt aiahigtoti lint night on tho llght
houso tender Mnplo, to recuporato from
tho strain ho has Ikhju under In tho pre
paration of his mosmgo to congress, on a
hunting trip through tho North Carolina
sounds. v ith him were Dr. O'llcllly,
Commander George F. F. Wildo, navnl
secretary of tho lighthouse board, nnd
Commander Benjamin. P. Lnmberton, In
chargo of tho lighthouse, district compris
ing tho sounds. If tho weather is fair the
president will probably not return to
Washington bcroro tho lath or liitn or mo
Ilellel in Six Jlour.
Distressintr kidney nnd bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account or its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male or fcmalo.
It relieves retention or water ana pain in
Dassine it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and cure this is your remedy.
Sold by Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 South
Main street.
A Jawelry Agent's Trunk Looted.
Wilkubarrr, Pa., Doc. 0. Burglars
broke Into tho Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western railrond station nt Wyoming dur
ing the Bight and looted a trunk belonging
to J. "W. Honey, agent for a Syracuse
jowclry house. Honey asserts thnt goods
to tho value of $10,000 wore stolen.
After Indian Murderers.
Soloiionvillk, Ariz., Dec. 6. Sheriff
Wight and poaao of eighteen aro hot on
tho trail of tho Indians who murdered
Merrill and daughter near Ash Springs
Tuesday evening. Tho trail is of two In
dians on horseback and four on foot.
When most needed it is not "unusual for
your family physician to bo away from home.
Such was the experience of Mr. J. Y.
Sehenck, editor of the Caddo, Ind. Ter.,
Banner, when his little girl, two years of age,
was threatened with a severe attack of croup.
He says: "My wife insisted that I so for
the doctor, hut as our family physician was
out of town I purchased a bottlo of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy, which relieved her
immediately. I will not be without it in tho
future." 2S and 50 cent bottles for sale by
Gruhler Bros., druggists.
NovBunr.n 17, 1605.
Trnlns will leave Shenandoah niter the nhova
date lor WicKans, Gllberton. Frockville, D.irk
wntcr, ot. Clair, J'tittsvllle, Hamburg, Itenillng,
Pottstown. 1'hoi'iiixTille. Norrlstmvn nnil Phil.
ndelphl.i (llrnail street station) nt COS nnd 1145
a. m. ami i la p. m. on wceK days. For l'otta-
viuo nml intermediate stations 9 10 n. m.
For Wleirans. (iilberton. Frnekville. TlnrV
Water, St. Clair, Pottsville, nt 0 OS, 9 40 a. m. and
3 10 p. in. For Hamburg, Mending, Pottstown,
rnueiiiiviiie. ixornsiown, riuiaueipuia ntQOO,
9 40 a. m., 310 p. m.
Trains leave I'niekvlllo lor Hnenandoali -at
10 10 n. in. nml 1214, 5 01, 742 mid 10 27 p. m.
Sunday, 11 13 n. m. and 5 40 p. m.
Leave Pottsvlllo (or Shrimudonli nt 10 15, 11 48
n. m. nnd 4 40, 715 and 1000 p. in. Sunday nt
10 40 a. in.. 5 15 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia, (Proad street station), for
Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 r.. in., 4 10 and 7 11
i). in. week dnvs. Stindavs leave at 6 50 n. in.
Lenve lirond street station, Philadelphia, for
Sen Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean drove, Long
llrnnch, nnd intermediate stations, C.50, 8.25,
11.39 n. in., 3.30, 4.0011. in. week-days. Sundays
isiop ui jnicriHKen ior jsnury rnrKj, B.n.
Lcnvo lirond Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week (lays, 3 20, 4 05, 4 60, 5 15, 6 50,
7 33, 8 20, 9 20, 9 50, 10 30 ( Dining Cur), 1 1 00, 1 1 14 a.
in., 12 noon, 1235 (Limited 100 nnd 4 22 p. m.
Dining Cnra), 1 10,2 30 (Dining Car), 320, 4 00,
5 00, 5 50 (Dining Car), 0 00, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. m.,
12 01 iilk'lit. Sundays, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 513, 813,
9 20, 9 50, 1030 (Dining Car), 11 03 a. m., 1235. 2 80
mining win, 4uu (Limited 4 22j,B20, aoo (Din
ing Car), 0 35, n 50. 8 12, 10 00 p. in., 12 01 night.
Express for llostou, without change, 1100 a,
in. week days, and 6 50 p. in. daily.
For Baltimore nnd Washington, 3 50, 7 20, 8 81.
9 12,10 20,1123 a. m., 12 09 (1231 Limited Din
ing Car), 112, 3 18, 4 41 (819 Concessional
Limited, Dining Car), 017, 855 (Dining Car),
7 40(DinineCAr) p. ni., anil 12 03 nlcht week
days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23 n. m 12 09
112.4 41,(515 Cnngreaalonal Limited, Dining
uari, ooa mining urj, 7 i p. m. (iniilnu
Cariandl2 05iilirht.
Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia,
Express, 8 CO n. ni., 310,4 00, and 5 00 p. in,
week days. Sundays, I 43 and S 43 . la.
For Cap llay, Anglessea, Wlldwaad and
Holly Peach. Express, 9 00 a. m., aad 4 00 p. m.
week days. Sundays, 9 00 a. m.
For Sea IsU City, Ocean City d Avalon,
Express, 9 00 a. m., nnd 4 00 p. m. week days.
Sundays, 9 00 a. m.
For Bomera Point. Express, 8 80 a. m., and
4 00 p. m, week days. Sundays. 8 43 a. m.
8. M. Prkvost, J. It. Wood,
Qen'l Manager, Qen'l ParaVr Aet,
raw v
& It It a mitttr of vast Importune to motht ri.
t Tho manufictunra of tht GAIL UORDRN
iji LiueapimphM. entitled "INFANT HEALTH." K
iK which ihouUb In tvtry home. Addreu.NEW tfi
ffi YORK CONDE'HSED MILK CO., 71 Hudson W.
Street, New York.
Failure of Her Suit for Divorce Against
J. ICdwnrd Addleks.
Wilmington, Dol., Dec. 0. Commis
sioner Aloxander B. Coopor yesterday af
ternoon mado a rcturu recommending to
tho superior court that tho potltlon of Mrs.
Hoealle B. Addloks for au absolute dlvorco
from her husband, J. ICdwnrd Addloks,
the gat man and politician, be dismissed
nt the cost of tho potltlouor. Mrs. Ad
dicks' lawyer will attempt to open tho
case on the question of costs, but It U not
thougfit thut they will tako oxcoptlon to
the finding. Mr. Addloks stated to n rep
resentative of the Associated Press that ho
intcuds to have u number of tho witnesses
arrested for porjury, and declared that ho
can provo a conspiracy against h'm.
It Is stated that Mr. Addicks contem
plates bringing dlvorco proceedings him
self. After the commlRssonur's declslou
had bocome known Addloks held nu Im
promptu lovoo at tho office nt tho Bay
Stato Gas company, whore ho sent awny
mony telegrams to different parts of tho
country announcing tho result. Ho was
also in receipt of many congratulatory dis
patches. Mrs. Addloks' petition was filed, during
the fierce political campaign In Dolawuro
In Novcmbor, 1894, when Addicks was in
volved In tho throes of a bitter contest for
United Statos senator against Anthony
Hlgglus a contest which resulted In tho
selection of neither, Henry A. Dupont got
tlng the coveted place. Tho ground laid
for tho dlvorco was adultery, Mrs. Ida
Curr Wilson, in whoso housoat Clnymout,
Del., Addicks had lived for somo time, bo
ing named as co-respondent. The dofenso
was a general denial of the charges.
The petition was filed secretly, nnd Ad
dicks himself discovered it and gave it
out. Tho hearings beforo Commissioner
Cooper have been private, and occupied n
hundred days. Tho taking of testimony
was begnn last January and finished two
wcoks ago. It took up 5,000 pages of typo
written copy. There were about eighty
witnesses, almost cqunlly divided on tho
two sides of tho caso. During tho hear
ings Jnno Wright Guy, a servant of Mrs.
Addicks, confessed that sho had glvon
wrong testimony for Mrs. Addicks.
Charges Against Healy's Accusers.
SAN FIIANCISCO, Dec. 6. Tlio wifo of
Lieutenant Chester White, of the revenue
cutter Bear, yesterday commenced dlvorco
proceedings against her husband, whom
sho alleges notified her ho had deserted to
go oast with an actress. In return for tlio
charges preferred against Captnin Hcaly,
commander of tho Bear, by Lieutenants
White, Daniels and Dorrey thirty of tho
petty officers and crew of the Bear have
filed charges against tho three Ucutennnts
who accused Healy. The crew have taken
a decided stand on tho side of their sus
pended commander, and the charges for
wnrded to Washington accuse White, Dor
rey nnd Daniels of various nets punish
able under the rules of tho service.
Mrs. Howrll'a Defense.
WELlflBOHO, Pn., Dec. 6. Tho Howell
trial doveloped several surprise yesterday.
Major Merrick, of counsel for the defense,
withdrew the motion made on Wednesday
to discharge Mrs, Howell on the ground
that no case had boen mado out against
her. Then he opened for tho dofonse, and
occupied three hours in his address. The
defense, ho declared, would bo able to
show that William Klghtinlrc, the former
lover of Libbio Knnpp, was the poisoner,
and not Mrs. Howell. They would also
provo that many of tho profane and threat
ening notes alleged to havo been written
by her had been thrown into her yard
when sho was in bed.
Gcrmnny's Designs on Sninnit.
London, Dec, 0. Tho Berlin correspond
ent of Tho Times writes to that paper n
suggestion that Germany's auxioty to so
curo solo control in Samoa may stimulate
her desire to avoid a tariff war with Amer
ica. Tlio correspondent adds: "Tho tono
of tho moro rcspouslblo nowspnpers with
referenco to President Cleveland's com
plaint (of German restrictions on Amorl
cun food products and American Insurance
companies) is sufficiently moderate and
conciliatory, and, although tho American
grievances aro regarded as ill founded,
thcro is littlo disposition to resent tho
form in which tho president utters them."
To llulld Ten Steel Vessels.
Clf.velam), Dec. 0. Tlio Marino says
that contructs havo boon closed for ten
steel steumers and tow barges, two of
which aro for tho Minnesota Steamship
company and eight for John D. Hocke
feller. Tho vessels will cacii bo of 4,000
gross tons capacity on 14 foot 6 inches
draft of water, and will bo of the best
modern construction in every way. The
steamers will bo 400 to 418 feet over all,
and tho tow barges 359 to 372 feet over all.
Teach the Children to Swim.
NEW YoitK, Dec. 0. Tho volunteer life
savers of Now York havo sent a request to
tho board of education asking thnt swim
ming bo taught as n part of tlio school cur
riculum. Colonel J. Wesley Jones says
thot tlio reports for the past year shows
that n great number of children's lives
havo been lost from inability to swim, nnd
suggests that swimming lie taught regu
larly in tho public baths or in largo tanks
provided in tho basement of schools.
Ills Unliii'Uy Number.
Trenton, Deo. 0. Lafayette Garrison,
nged 21 years, un omployo of tho Pennsyl
vania Railroad company, foil from a loco-
motlvo last night whilo going to work and
was killed. Ho was No. 13 of tho naval
rosorvos, and had several tlmos wanted
his number chnngod on account of his be
lief In Its bod luck.
Determined to bo a Soldier.
CIHOAQO, Deo. 0. Chnrlos W. Deorlng,
tho 18-year-old grandson of tho millionaire
plow manufacturer, William Deoring, has
joined tho regular army as n private. Tlio
young man failed to got into Wost Point.
aud without tho knowledge of hisrolntlvos
decided to enlist. He is now a trooper at
Fort Itiloy, Kan.
Georgo Augustus Sala, tho dis tinguished
novelist, is lying critically ill at Brighton,
A terrific galo is raging in tho English
Channel and In Belgium. No fatalities
yet reported,
Tho Georgia house of representatives de
feated tho Bush bill, which was practically
a prohibition measure.
Ilov. William O'Connell, of Boston, has
been confirmed by tho pope as rector of tho
American college in Home.
Dr. S. B. Murray, a leading physician of
Toledo, O., deliberately starved himself to
death. Ho hud fasted forty-sovon days.
At Clarksvllle, Tex., the body of a negro
woman named Julia Rogan was found In
tho llreplaco of her cabin burned to a crisn.
Her body had beau covered with coal oil.
All Her Life Happy Kolcaso nt Last
of Misa Alloo Young, who Resides
at 802 Aloxander Strcot,
Boehestor, N. Y.
(From Rochuter Democrat and Chroniclt.)
Our representative was received very
pleasantly at 892 Alexander Street, by
Miss Alice Young, who told how since
childhood sha had been held in tlio bond
age of pain from her back, never re
membering tho time thnt alio hnd not suf
fered pain or aches in tlio region of tlio
kidneys. Many wero tho incana she used
to find relief, but there seemed no remedy
for her caso and sho still remained a cap
tive; then along comes these littlo enemies
to backache, Doan's Kidney Tills, and a
half box releases tlio bonds, as ono by ono
the aches and pains disappear, sho finds
herself a slavo to pain no more, by their
continued use. Sho says: "I was entirely
relieved of all my suffering and now I am
perfectly strong, healthy and well."
"How did you tako this remedy ?" Jlisa
Young was asked by our representative,
sho replied that sho followed directions
explicitly. Miss Young then told how the
malady affected her, saying her symptoms
were: "Btooping, bending over, walking
or standing nny length of time always
favc inc a pain in the Bmall of my ba'clr.
hnd a pain in tlio kidneys all the time,
and if 1 caught cold it would always
settle there; the pain I suffered was of
a' very exhausting nature; at night I
could only lio lint on my back any other
position causing pain and suffering; the
nerves passing up my back, were allccteu
and tills brought with itsevcro headaches,
but as I said before, Doan s Kidney Tills
have removed all pain and suffering en
tirely nnd I never felt better and healthier
In my life."
Doan's Kidney Tills are for sale by all
dealers, price CO cents, mailed by Fostcr
Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., Solo Agents
for tho United States.
For rale at Kirlln's Pharmacy.
No. 7 North Jardia Stress.
Omcc, Honrs: From 8 to MM a. m.; LM toSktO
p. m.; dju 10 i;uu p. jb.
p F. BURKE, M. J.
80 E. Lloyd atraet, Bkeuiidmh.
Office boura r7 to e a. m., 1 to SaadTt
p. m.
Bhamradtaii, Tm.
Omoe Roan hulldlntr. oarner of Ifala and!
Centre etrceta, Bhaunndonk.
Lock Box U, Vakenay Clay, V.
Having atudltd under some ! the taai
maetcra w Landon and Pnrla, will fir laaaana
on the tIoIIb, guitar and vaaal otiUura. Taruj
reaaan&ble. Addroas la. amra ( Biroaea, thrr
Jeweler BaaaaadaAb.
Specialist in diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
207 West Market St., rOTTSYILLE.
Honrs 8:30 a. m. to 12 m.: 1 to 4 p. m., to-
8 i). m. Rundavs n a. m. t 12 m.
Teams to Hlr.
If you want to hire a aafa and reliable
team for driving or for worklnr purposes
pny Shields' livery stable a vlalt. Team
constantly an hand at reasonable ratcv.
N. 410 Esict Cantre street.
Opposite Rending railroad staUa'in
TJIcers In Month, n tar-Kail! net Write COO KB
uSIMIiUT (JO. a UT Alu sonic Umpie;
SrhlancrtB. III., for trroofi of lurM, Cal-I
nl, maom3o. worst cases cun-a in
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.
West Coal Street.
A genuine welcome awaits you at
Cor. nain nnd Coal Sts.
Tool room attached. Flneet whlakeya, beeaa.
porter and ale oonatantly on tap. Choice tea
perftnea drlnka and cljrare.
When It comes ta
Our stock spealca for Itself, If yen ie't .0110
to town eend your orders. Tkay will a aces
rotely and proiaptly illta.
19 East Centre Strtef