The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 05, 1895, Image 3

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For Skin Tortured
And Tired
In One
Application ot
SriKDT Cons Tbeatmint. Warm baths
with CnTicuni Soap, gentle application, of
CtrrtctiRA (ointment), and mild doses of Ctrn
oba Rzsolvint (the new blood purifier).
M4 thrauthoul th. world. Drittth depot! F. Nttr
S.BT k Boss, I, Klnjc Edwtrd-it., London. Pottib
Sftoo Alio Cuui, Coir., Sol Propt Dottoo, U. S. A.
SPECIFICS aro scientifically
ppopnred Remodloa; hnvo
been used for half a century
with ontlro success.
srrnrn roa
1 Pertr. Ooatttoni, InOaauaaUons.
3 Worou, Worm Vrrer, Worm Ooll&,,
8 TeelhUc OoUa.Crrhic.'rrakeXuuieM
4 Diarrhea, of Chlldxta or Adaltt
7 Conahl, Ooldl, Erenehltls
8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Vaouoh.....
D IlaadaahM, Sick flaadaaka, Vartlffo.
10-Drr.ll, Billonaaaaa, OoniUpatloa
Jl Sapf reasci or Painful rorleis..,.
i White., Too Profuse Fattodi
13 Croa, Laryncllts. KoarMoaM.,.,.
14- floll nhenm, ErjilpaUi, Bmptloni.
10-RkeuualUm, er lh.ia.tio Takin.,
10-Malarla, Chills, Xsrsr and Af
10 Catarrh, Influent, Cold In the Head
20 Wh.oplas Conch,
ST KJJa.r Disease., .
SS-rfarroaa D.kllltr
30 Crla.ry Weakness,
M-6or Tkreat, Qouur, Diphtheria.,..
"77" for GRIP,
SOU Vr BrxiUll, r ml r.14 rll f Tre,
si., rtfv ii., ., Wuurisi', rp(n, i. 'nr.
BOtnUUIt' BS9, ., lit M 1 II TTUUa SU,Ii Xuk,
I a head-aplUUag headache Immediately Ee
Moved by tbs use sf
Anti-Headache Powders.
They are a positive and speedy cure and arc
snwrantced absolutely harmless. Tbclr Krent
success Is ample proof that they are an effective
Mrtlcle, which can be alwaya med with tie best
I reams, 1'rocure incin iroin uruuier iiros.
IN I5FFEUT OCTOBItlt 4, 1893.
Trains leave Shenandoah aa follows :
For New York Tin Philadelphia, week days
510, 5 23, 7 20 a. m., 12 58, 2 55 mid 5 55 p. ra
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
1 S, 7 20 a. in., 12 58 and 2 53 p. in.
For IteadhiR and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a. m., 12 58, 2 53 and 5 55 p. in. Bun.
dnvs. 2 10 a. m.
For Pottsvllle, week ilayB, 2 10, 7 20 n. ra., and
1 os, a.) anu o p. m. Hunuays, iu a. in.
For Tainaqua and ilahanoy City, week days.
2 10, S 25, 7 20 n. in., 12 58, 2 55 und 5 53 p. ra
Sundays. 2 10 a, in.
For W illlamsport, Sunhury and Lcwlsburs.
wecK nays, u s, ii au a. in., i ou anu , zu p. m
Sundays. 3 25 n. in.
l,i. in...... .1..,. n ,rt owe (r
7 20, 11 SO a. m., 12 58, i 50, 2 65, 5 53, 7 20 and 9 33
p. m. sunuays, - iu, ii a. in,
For Ashland nnd Shamokln, week days, 3 25,
7 20, 11 30 a, in., 150. 7 20 and 9 85 p. m. Bun.
aavs. 3 25 a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West via
jfj. Jco. V . lCnTj;li trains leave leading
r".-v ntiaucipuin, ii'. o; it. iv. it.l nt a m,
i uj, uuit. iu., a iu anu i -t u. in. ouuunys,
3 20. 7 00. 11 2A a. in.. 3 4U hud 7 27 n. in. Addl
tltloual tniins from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest
nut streets station, weeK uays, 1 ou, ai, azz p.
aa, sunuays, i aa, aai p. in.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 8 00 a. m., 1 30, i 00, 7 30 p. in. and 12 15
liaht. Sundavs. 6 00 n. m.
Ijcavo New York via Mauch Chunk, weak
days, 4 30, 9 10 n. in.. 1 10 and 4 30 p. m.
leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, weak
nays, 4 -v, 33, to oo a. m. ana l uu, u vj, u
n rrt ttii,ii!nva 1t!?nti til.
Leave Iteadlnir. week days. 135. 710. 10 04,
11 60 a. ni., 5 55 nnd 7 57 p. ni. Sundays, 1 33 a. m.
Jeave pottsvllle, week uays, & 3a, 7 4U a. m,
12 30 and 0 12 1). in. Sundays. 2 M n. m.
Leave Tainaqua. week day, 3 13, 8 SO, 11 23 a
a., l M, i 10 anu v a p. in. uuuays, a la a. m
lavo Mahanoy City, week days, 2 45, 0 21
11 47 n. in., 1 51, 7 39 nnd 9 51 p. m. Sundays, 8 45
u. in.
T i . . . T ) 1 .1 ... n lft AM
6 CO. 9 37, 1169 a. m , 12 58, 2 00, 5 20, 0 20, 7 03 and
lump. in. sunuays, i 4U. 4 uu a. tn.
Leave Willlamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 10
m., 3 83 mid 11 41 p. in. Sundays, 11 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wnrf and
South street wharf for Atlantic Cltv.
Weekdays Express, 9 00a. m., 2 00, 4 00, BOO
p. in. Accommodation, 8 00 a. m., 1 30, 6 30 p. m.
Sunday Express. 900. 1000a. m. Accoinmo-
uauon o uu a. in., 4 43 p. m.
Keturnlne; lenve Atlnntio City (depot,) weak-
.1 ni'u nrnwai 1 O M n ... Q Oft K 'M .
J t v ,'i..'u, i uu, a vj i . u ww, uu ji. ui.
Accommodation. 0 60. 8 15 a. in., and 132 n. m.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 7 30 p. iu. Acuoininodj-
tinn, v ia n. m,, 4 is p. m.
i-arior L.ars on an express trains.
Gen'l Superintendent. Ueu'l 1'ass. Agt.
Do you DESIRE to Make
Make your money erm yen a monthly
110.00 nnd more made dally by our new ajrs
tasnatlo Plan of Operation on small InTestmaata
ingrain and stock speculation.
All we aac la to investigate oar new anu
rltrloal methada. Poat wotkiags of plan tad
Maheat references furnished. Our BookleJ
"WnU & IllnU" how to make money and
ther Information aent FREE.
. M ll.nlr.r. nml Qrokirl.
OpeiiKoa'rd'of Trade BldB.,ChlcM-o,Il,
Celebrated lomalp
l'owdera perer wXL
S i - af aad IUM (itorftfitM
vlU. Taar and Wrojal .aad l otW ITia
ntseaMai. UB r w.r .T '
TVTn ikt mirk A Ho. i. rattlralan, 4 cU.'
, naAMDieaa ujonor ta ail warn. .
Ohargea Himself with Oomplicity
in Ton Murders.
Offlcers D.lleTs That the "Confession"
Was Invented for the Purpose of Vent
lng: Enmity Against III. Pal, Who lie
celve a Sentence of Only Four Tears.
Fort Watnb. Deo. 6. John C. Stono,
alias "Vinson," has mnde a confession to
Sheriff Clnnsmler, dotnlllnp; a lira of nor-
rlblo crlnio. Ho wns nrrostetl with John
Duffy and Wllllnm Walrath for killing
Deputy Sheriff Horrod. Stono is under n
ton years' sontenco. Stone states that ho
and Walrath wero members of tho Bill
Dnlton westorn gang of bank and stage
robbers. Ho snys ho, Duffy and Walrath
killed a man at Kansas City In 1833, robbed
him, but later gavo tho money to Henry
Donnelly, a policeman, for protection. Ho
also tells of a murder committed by mm-1
self, a Mrs. Stewart, and hersonClarenco,
In Cleveland, O. The noxt morning Clar-1
once and Stono killed n boy In tho Dig
Four yards In Llnvlllo. i
In Buffalo, Stone, walrath ana ono
Burns, a saloon keener, killed a wealthy
western farmer who was looking for n
good tlmo. The money was divided, anu
Stone and Walrath returned to Chicago, i
and with their shares started a rostaurant.
Here Walrath married Stono's sister. Mrs.
Walrath died nnd Stono and Walrath left
Chicago. Later Stone returned and was
I II... . . . . I
uiipucutuu iu tno murucr ui u iuvuui uuu
son named Prunty. Throe men aro now
serving life sentences at Jollet for tho
crime, but Stone was not arrested.
Ho then tells of a murder at Uunmrk',
N. Y.. whore Duffy stabbed a pal, "Buff
Jack," four times, and burled him In the
woods. Another murder was committed
nt Union City, Pa., the victim being an
old man named Ilorton or Norton. An
other murder was committed by the trio
near Youugstown, O., tho victim being a
resident of Ashtabula. Tho lost murder
committed by Stono. Duffy nnd Walrath
was on April 29, 1803, on a Pennsylvania
freight train.
When tho officers hero learned that
Stono's confession became generally known
ho was hustled out of tho city to tho Mich
igan City penitentiary to serve a term of
ten years. When Stono mode his private
confession two months ago lie implicated
his pal, John Duffy, as the leading spirit
in the bloody highway robbery.
This sensational confession was Kept
concealed till Duffy wns placed on trial on
Tuesday for assault with Intent to kill a
posse of deputy sheriffs. Tho confession
became public too late to have any effect
on Duffy's case, as whon tho jury retired
at night tho wild tale of erlmes had not
reached them. Duffy recolvod only a four
yoars' sentence, six less than his squealing
pal, who was implicated In the same crime.
Somo of tho olflcors aro Inclined to think
that Stono has palntod and embellished a
fow molehills criminally into mountains
of crime for no other purpose than to vent
enmity against Duffy. Since the death of
their pal, William Walrath, from the ef
fects of bullet wounds received In tho
tlo with tho deputy sheriffs here Inst April,
Dully and Stone nave been sucn bitter en-1
omles that they have been kept in differ
ent parts of the jail.
Advices from Mansfield, O., Erie, Pa.,
and Kansas City indicate that Stone was
very familiar with murders committed at
each of these places. Denials have been
received from Chicago, Cleveland and
They Think It a Talry Tale.
Cleveland, Doc. 5. The police of this
city think tho confession of John Stono at
Fort Wayne, Ind. is based largely on iui
maglnatlon. Nothing Is known here of
the crimes which Stono says ho and Wal
rath committed In Cloveland, nnd it is
certain that tho pair wero not arrested
horo and that they did not escape from
jail by feigning Insanity.
Chicago Pollco Don't Want Stone.
Chicago, Dec. 5. The police take no
stock In tho story of Convict Stono In
Fort Wayne to the effect that ho was con
nected with tho Prunty murders in Chi
cago. Throe men woro convicted of these
crimes, and aro now serving life sentences
In Jollot. Tho pollco horo never heard of
Stone, nnd do not want him for murder or
anything else.
Sllchlgnn Physicians Mint Testify.
Battle Cheek, Mich., Dec. G. A mat
ter of great Importance to physicians In
Michigan has been decided In tho circuit
court. Tho question came up over tho ap
plication of a llfo lnsurnnco company,
which had Issued a policy of $30,000 on tho
life of a citizen of Detroit. The company
learned after its lssuo that the applicant
had misrepresented his physical condition,
and began suit to annul tho policy. The
physician who had treated tho policy
holder refused to tcstiry, but the com
pany's lawyer held that physicians could
bo compelled to testify in regard to any
questions relating to publlo matters. Judgo
Smith ruled that tho physician must give
his testimony, nnd Issued an order ac
riio Dead from nn Unknown Disease.
Fleminoton, N. JDcc. 6. In tho house
hold of Gideon Reading, of Cherryvlllo,
Hunterdon county, within tho past five
months, flvo chtldron have died of an un
known disease They nro: William, 17
years old; Fannie, 13 years old; Ethel, 5
yoars old; Hnnnah,10 years old, nnd Maud,
8 years old. The' last one to die, Maud,
whoso llfo ended Tuesday, had diphtheria
In October, but was cured ot It. The treat
ment, however, affected her spine and her
heart failed.
General Uzcta's Tug Departs.
SAN Francieco, Dec. 5. Tho tug Bar
clay Golden, which It is understood is to
be used in tho Interest of General Kzetn,
cleared for Aculpo yesterday. She went
out in charge of Captain Hansen and a
crow of eight men. There were two or
three passengers on board. The vessel
tarried only stores and coal. The customs
house officers offered no objection to the
tlcarance of the vessel.
Fastest Train In the World on Time.
Buffalo, Dec. 6. Tho Empire stato ex
Dress reached Buffalo yesterday afternoon
at 4:40 P.M., five minutes ahead of Its
now schedule time, having made tho run
from New York, 440 miles, In 400 minutes,
or an average of nearly flfty-four miles an
The Weather.
For eastern New York, eastern Pennsyl
vania nnd Now Jersey: Easterly winds;
the temperature will continue near freezing.
Ministers Should Use
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
labors so severely tax tho nervous By s
tem, as that of tho ministry. Tho do
rangemont of tho nerve centers of tho brain
by over work, frequently brings on attacks
of heart troublo, and nervous prostration.
Rov. J. P. Koster, M. D., Tastor U. B.
church, London Mills, Ills., himself a physi
cian, writes Feb. 20, 1895: "Ileart affection
and nervous prostration had becomo so
serious last fall that a llttlo over work in
tho pulpit would so completely prostrate mo
Til Mil PC tllat 11 seemed certain I
Ul. ITlllba must relinqubh tho work
HeErt Clire ot th0 ministry ontlroly.
Heart palpitation became
ReStOreS so bad that my auditors
TIm 1th would ask mo if 1 did not
nCallUl. havo heart disease. Last
November I commenced taking Dr. Miles'
Now Ileart Curo alternately with Dr. Miles'
Nervlno and derlvod tho greatest possible
benefit. I havo just closed revival work of
10 weeks, preaching nearly overy night and
twlco on tho Sabbath. I can speak for hours
without suffering as I formerly did. Hard
working ministers should keep Dr. Mllos'
grand remedies on hand."
Dr. Miles' Heart Curo is sold on guarantee,
first bottlo will benefit or money rotundod.
Rlinrn ne if r v m a r. i r
w.- -w . , ir-iwiiwa
v ituuu oi i.osi niannooa enotua eenu at
once lor a ijook
that explains how
full manly vleor
Is easily, quickly
and permanently
restored. No man
suffering from
weakness can af
ford to Ignore this
1 1 Tn n 1 tt nHvlfin
Book tolls how
-iuu BirenRtn, de
velopment ana tono aro imparted to every
fvibivu ui iua uuuy. muh Willi DOStUVQ
proofs (sealed) free to any man on application.
Tonsorlal Artist.
12 Wast C.ntr stra.t.
Sryl'sh a air cutting a specialty. Clean towal
with er-rr shave.
After All Others Fail
329 N. 15th St.
Below a.UowhUl
To secure a positive and permanent cure of
Errors of Youth nnd Loss of Manhood nnd of
nil diseases of the blood. Kidneys, Bladder,
stem ana nervous system consult at ouco ur.
Irfbu. lie truarantccs in nil cases causeu by
Excesses, imprudence or Inheritance to restore
to Health nnd Strength bv bull dine ud the
shattered nervous system nnd adding new life
nnu cuerfry to tho broken down constitution.
Consultation nnd exnrnl nations free and strictly
confidential. Ofllce hours, dally and Sunday,
rrom y a. ai. to a i iu. anu i to v ovrnines.
Read Ids book on errors of Youth and obscure
diseases of both sexes. Sent free.
VZThe only Genuine Specialist In Pblladol
r tthla. mitTCithntnrilng.vtiat others anvvr.
tbe. Nervous Debility aad tlm results or Indli
cretlon. 11 yonrs European llospitn.1 ncl :)3
years' Prnctlcnl Experience, hpociul Ills,
eases and Strictures I'ernmneutly Cured
ln-i toiuDays, Relief nt once.
Dl Win C.iCll'J Primary orlteconaary.curedby
BLUUU rUlo'Jit entlrelyncwmetbod30to'JOda3.
Bend Uve c. stamps for boolc "Tm tb," beneilclal to
youns and eld, Blnclo and married ; only book cj
Poslncqnncks. llours, 9-3: ev'ES, o-u ': WetUind
at. uv'ES.iVJ 00; Hun.,-12. If others robbed nnd
deceived you don't Juden all alike. I will curo
you and nuke you vigorous aod Mtrnnir. Lowest
cbarges for the best treatment. Write or call.
Cblehcttrra KneUth Diamond It ran J.
Original and Only Genuine. . A
BAFE. aJwuji reUfcbU. ladies atz
Vnggitt for Ciichtttert fnalU Jia
nondranJ la Ked and tfofcJ nruUlc
Iboxei. ae&led wfih blue ribbon. Toko 7
nAAitiuBL ffAiian'dnoa)'aiil ttblfiU V
Hon and imitatiom. A i nrugtlati. or lend 4.
Id itimri t'or partfcuUri, testimonial aaj
Itellcf for fMef in letter, by return
? Mall. 1O.00O TeatlmonUU. Kama ?apt
ItiU ta Ail lci ' ruaAUt. l'lilw l a.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Btill Dovoloping Evidenoo of Dis
honest Fraotioes,
How They Work Together to Get Kxor
bltnnt Prices fur Street Llchtloc The
Inv.stlpitors Decide, In Itespouso to u
Appeal, to Investlirate Pitt.bure,
Pnif.ADKLPniA, Dee. 6. Before tho sen
atorial investigation commltteo went Into
session yesterday they woro waited upon
by a delegation of PlttsburgeM represent
ing tho Citizens' Municipal lcaguo and tho
Vigilance leaguo of that city. Tho dele
gates asked tho commltteo to como to
Pittsburg and Investigate tho government
of that city. The loaguers also presented
a petition signed by 6,000 citizens of Pitts
burgurglng that an Investigation bo made.
Tho commltteo votod unanimously to In
vestigate Pittsburg nffairs, and Chairman
Andrews will namo tho date.
When the commltteo ronowed Its work
of investigating Philadelphia the subject
of awarding contracts for electric lighting
was taken up, and evldonee was presented
snowing that senator Charles Fortor,
David Martin nnd others prominent in
politics wero members of tho nine com
panies, furnishing tho city with clectrio
lights. This ovidenco was given by Ar
thur II. Lao, a publlo spirited citizen and
member of tho Arm of Lea Brothers & Co.
Mr. Lea said he hod modo an Investiga
tion of tho cost ot electric lighting both
hero and elsewhere, and found that this
city paid far moro for Its light than any
other city. Do said there wero about 5,303
lights In this city, or moro than New York,
Chicago and Boston put together.
Ho told of his Inability to learn who
wore tho directors of certain companies,
and said that for tho past threo years there
has been practically no competition In tho
bidding for tho contracts. Instead, thcro
has been every ovidenco of combination
on the part of tho companies, as each one
of the nine companies has boon a success
ful bidder for a certain section ot tho city,
nnd nono of tho companies, In bidding,
has encroached on tho territory of tho
Embeulcr Ward Glad to Get Hack.
New Orleans. Dec. 5. A. K. Ward ar
rived hero at midnight on the city of Dal
las, from Honduras. He says that ha only
had $5,000 along and ho sent that up by
his wife. He praised his captors for the
manner In which ho was treated and said
ho was glad to get back. Ho was tnken to
Memphis this morning. Ward denies that
he committed forgeries or has appropriated
any money to his own use. Ho says ho left
Memphis because tho company of which he
was manager was wrecked, nnd ho could
not bear to remain in tho country.
Tale's Football Captain.
NKW Haven, Deo. B. F. P. Murphy was
unanimously elected captain of tho Yale
football team yesterday. Ho has played at
tackle for two years and during his
collego courso has played both baseball
and football, only recently giving tip base
ball. Before coming to Yule, Murphy was
at Andqver, where no played both games
Murphy's homo is at Junction City, Knu,
Ho Is six feet tall, weighs 103 pounds, nnd
Is S3 years old.
Checks Stolen from Letter Rnxes.
NEW Yop.K, Dec. 5. Tho protective com
mltteo of tho American Bankers' associa
tion has Issued n warning to bankers that
letter boxes in various cities aro being
robbed, and tho checks abstracted from
letters found therpiu aro altered ns to
payees' names and In some cases as to
amounts. Tho work is done by a skllfull
gang of forgers, somo membora of which
aro well known.
Carolina's Now Constitution Adopted.
Columbia, S. C, Dec. C Tho constitu
tional convention adjourned sine dlo last
night. On tho flual adoption of tho con
stitution tho voto stood 118 to 7, all the
negro delegates voting against it, on ac
count of tho suffrage articlo.aud two white
delegates for tho Indefinite reasons that
somo parts of tho constitution they consid
ered unwiso.
Ilrutnlly llcateu by Strikers.
Elizabeth, N. J., Deo. 5. John Mc
Aleer, a molder who had taken tho plnco
of a striker at Moore's factory, was set
upon by two strikers, Charles Hoffmen
and James McClemeus, and terribly
beaten. His assailants wero nrrested.
Closing Quotntlons of tho Now York and
Philadelphia Exchuuges.
New Yobk, Dec. 1. Tho stock market, with
hardly an excaption, worked lower today.
Tho volume ot business was considerable
lighter than on Tuesday. The deallnss In
sugar stock were only about half as large as
yesterday, but constituted about ono-third of
the total. Closing bids:
Baltimore & Ohio SI
New Jersey Cen-1054
Del. & Hudson. .....13
N. X. Central 100
I)., L. & W 100
Pennsylvania Mi
Erio 12 Heading. UJ4
Lake KHe & w... sift at. l'aul lo
Lehigh Nav. 15 W. N. Y & l'a ... 3
Lehigh Valley 1BJ6 West Shore....
General Murkcts.
Philadelphia, Dec. 1. Flour weak: win
ter Buper, $2.3"&2.f0; do. extras $J.00S3.85;
Pennsylvania roller, clear, S1&I.23: do. do.,
straight, Sl.liW.3'); western winter, clear,
83S3.33. Wheat quiet, lower, with 650. bid
and 66c. asked for December. Corn dull,
weaker, with ajjjjc. bid and 33c. asked for De
cember. OatB quiet, steady, with c. bid and
iiiic. asked for Ueoenibor. Hay llrm; choice
timothy, $15.50. Beef steady; cisy extra India
mess, 51(J18; family, $10.50; short clear, $10.75
1-.10. I'orlc dull; new mess, $3(80.50; family,
tl010.50. Lard quiet; western steam, $5.00.
Butter firm; western dairy, lljilsc.; do.
creamery,1525c.; do. factory, 9Uc; Elglns,
25c.; Imitation creamery, 1331Uc; New York
dairy. 15S1; do. creamery. 18021o.; Penn
sylvania and western creamery prints, fancy,
7c.;do, choice, -tic.: do. fair to good, IXJ&Mc,;
prints jobbing at 28S;IU)c. Cheese steady;
large, 7i10c,; small, mWiia.; part skims,
UHQOc-; full skims, $23,3o. Kgga firm; New
York and Pennsylvania, 2!2tlc; Ice house,
1GS20: western fresh, 21l&3o; southern; ii!
Uve Stock Markets.
New York, Deo. 4. Beeves higher; native
steers, poor to good. $J. 7531 50; stags and
oxen, S3U0; bulls, $22.B5; dry cows, $1.10
Q8. Calves Arm for veals, weak for other
calves; poor to choice veals, $; barnyard
calves, ti.75a.'J.55; yearlings. ti.tb3,Z.ti. Sheep
and Iambs aotive and slightly firmer; poor to
good sheep, 3&3.ri; common to prime lambs,
$3.5034.65. Hogs steady at f 3.803t.15.
EAST Liueiity, Pa., Deo. 1. Cattle steady
at unchanged prices. Hogs steady; prime
light hugs, JJ.75&kl go; medium grades, $3.70
8.75: heavy, $3.00!a3.7ii; common to fair, $3.00
3.65; roughs, $2.7."rS3 25. Sheep firm ; extra,
S2.O0i33.2U; fair, $1 B03-'.tO; common, 50o.
11.25; lambs. fc'.Wat.iO-
1 1
strengthen tlio Kidneys.
They proTf nt Rriglits Disca3c,
TJicy euro Diabetes,
They tlissolvo gravel, sand, ami brJelt-tlust deposits.
They llltcr mic ncid and malarial poisons out of the blood,
They curo Cystitis, Gleet, Prostatitis and tlio lilic,
Thov make pure, rich blood.
fA aii druggists, so cents a dox, or
w direct to tne IIobb'S WBDIcinb CO.. cincafro or Han Francisco.
Hook on Kidney Health and Blood Filtering Free.
A Great Big Piece for0
10 Cents- &
Kcsult In 4 weeks.
For gale by P. P. D.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt,
West Coal Street.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking; !
13 N. Jardin Street.
IF your Kidneys nro diseased,
sluggish or weak:
IP your blood Is full of Uric Ac
id nnd Illieiutialism tlireufciist
IF tho germs of JHnlnrirt aro in
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II your blood is clogged vrlth
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II your lllnddcr Is weak, inflam
or dl .cfticd,
You need DSj-Jobb'S
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When la doubt what to uie for Nervous Debility, Lots of Sexual Power (In cltLr
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Sexine Villi. Drains checked and full ijor quickly restored. If neglected, fh
troubles result fatally. Hailed anywhere, seated. for$tot 6 boxes for f 5.00. WtfLt
every $5 00 order we irive a legal guarantee to cure or refund the juonc. Audrma
PEAL i CO.. Clt.claad, Ohio.
KIRLtN, Shenandoah, Pa.
No. 7 North Jnrdln Street.
Onieo Honrs: From 8 to 9.30 a. m.; 1:30 to AM
p. in.; 0:00 to 7:30 p. m.
F. HUItKK, II. I).
30 IS. Lloyd street, Slieunndortli,
Ofllce llours : 7 to 9 n. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to
p. in.
J- II. 1'OMKltOY,
Shenandoah, Pa.
Oniee Egnn liulldlng, corner of Mala aai
Centre streets, Sliuniiudoali.
Lock Rox 63, Mabaaoy City, T.
HnrlnK studied und.r s.n. at tk. kttst
masters h London and Tarls, will five lessee
on the Ylolln, guitar and vomI culture. Terntt
reasonable. Address ia care f Vtreese, lata
jeweler Bhenaadoab.
riillions of Dollars
Go up in emoVe every year. TaVe
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lilture, etc., insured In first-alass k
Uahla companies as represented by
Also Life nnd Aosldental jOompanlem.
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It you want to btre a safe and rllabh
team for drlrlnr orlor worklnrpurneuVa
pay Shields' UrerysUble a visit. TVaan
constantly on baud at reasonable mMt.
No. 410 East Centre street.
Opposite Reading railroad statieu.
M Mil