The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 05, 1895, Image 2

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- i9 7
rWHW every Rvrnlnft, Except Bdy, t
t (term Jiuih Hrnnrr, Niur Cmu
1 Ke.ra.ld It delivered In Shenandoah and lbs
nmuodlnt towns for six cenU a week, pay
able t the carriers. Uy mall 13.00 a year, or 25
mil a meata. payable in advance. Advertise
HnU ch&rirea according to space and position,
Tao publisher reaerve the rleht to change the.
position at MTt rtlseraenU whenever the pub
lication f news demand! It. The right Is
' referred te reject any advertisement, whether
Eld (or r not, that the publishers may deem
proper. Advertising- rate made known
rpon application. ,
Watered at the postofflce nt Baeaahdooh, Fa., M
aeoaud dnm malt matter.
Evening Herald
SoMBof the Democratic papers are consid
erably excited over the Lyon-Dunn contest.
Tux Senatorial Committee, which isLcxow
ig Philadelphia, will shako up tho favored
entractors of Pittshurg oftcr they ftro
through with the former city.
"Gxntleman" Jim Cobiiett haying
retired from the chin-chopping fistic arena,
aia place has been taken by Peter Mahcr, who
is firing off newspaper interviews at Mr. Bob
A ciiickkk' thiof In Woodstown, N. J.,
"who looted a coop on Saturday night, is a
lather fastidious fellow. Tho fowl evidontly
not being plnmp enough to suit his epicurean
taetoA he left n card behind on which was
written, "Next visit about Christmas; plcaso
kavo fowls fatter."
TnB eicyclo business has grown to immense
proportions, even tho making of the pneu
roatlo tiros being a largo industry. Ono of tho
trms making thceo tires has a private palace
ear on the road, with a corps of experts to
explain the superior merits of their tires to
' Jill comers. This is a rather expensivo way
f advertising, but it doubtless pays as the
prty attracts great attention.
Tll preparation for tho greatest of all
holidays is noticeable on every hand, and in
lenponuo to it tradesmen and merchants of
- all kinds and degrees aro bestirring thera
.mIvos to furnish ample opportunity for tho
gratification of generous impulses, Tho
stores are filled with holiday goods and the
windows are gay with bright colors and at
tractive offerings. Soon the human tide of
exalted and delighted shoppers will erowd
ar thoroughfares, and they will naturally
tarn to tho columns of tho Herald for the
.steet reliable guido to satisfactory results.
-Every announcement in our columns will bo
- productive of much benefit to prospective
In theory arbitration is the most economical
. and fair means of settling disputes between
individuals. There are, it is true, many
reasons to commend such means of arriving
at an amicable adjustment of differences be
tween litigants, but tho faith of many people
in this rcBpcct has uiidorgono a great change.
In the light of recent events tho question
naturally arises, do tho arbitrators perform
their full duty? Do thoy arbitrate? So far
as the people of Shenandoah are concerned,
they can, to their borrow, givo a negative
answor to tho question. Every suit to which
the borongh has been a party, and which has
lon submitted to arbitrators, lias been
.decided against it ; not because of the equity
of the individuals' claim, hurely. Thcro
must be some other reason.
The result of the Stauffer arbitration is a
xood illustration of tho point. The award
-was hardly in accordance with the facts in
the case, and it appears that the conclusions
narrlvcd at by ths arbitrators wcro reached In
the same manner that the average jury of
"twelve good men and true" submit a vcr.
diet place tho costs and damages on tho
nnnicipality ; thoy can well afford to pay,
while the "other follow" can't. This is not
nly true of municipalities, but of private
orporations also. Thoso "soulless bodios" will
never be given tho benefit of a doubt. This
view of tho matter is all wrong, and thcro is
mh room for reform in tho system of arbi
tration as conducted in Schuylkill county.
Another bad feature, and ono that is pro
bative of much injustice, is tho effect that
the award of tho arbitrators has upon the
minds of the jury, in caso of an appeal.
Nine times out of ton a jury will render
their verdict more in accordance with tho
finding of tho arbitrators than they will of
the cvldonco submitted to them.
In connection with this subject, tho ques
tion of discrimination is ono that causes mnch
dissatisfaction outsido of the boundaries of
the county teat and that immediate neighbor
hood. Every board of arbitration appointed is
composed exclusively of men who livo within
the shadow of the court house, and tho. same
namos appear quite frequently too much so
or other sections of tho county, and especially
jkorth of tho mountain. Mr. Stauffer and
'"his draughtsman, one Boycrby name, reside
nearer Shenandoah than PotUvllle; they
4-ould reach their homes in much lees, tlmo;
the expense incurred would be about ono
half wero the arbitrators selected from this or
peme adjoining town. Everything con
venience, economy and expedition would
naturally sugcst the naming of arbitrators
from a locality adjacent to Shenandoah.
This feature of tho present system Is one that
Is objectlonablo to every town In the county,
with tho exception of Fottavillo. Wa have
heard no good reason why the arbitrator!
should bo selected exclusively from tho latter
place. On the othor hand, there is wide
spread dissatisfaction because tho residents
of other towns aro not recognized in tho
personnel of these boards of arbitration.
There may be sufflclemt reason for all this,
but so far we havo failed to hear of any. In
the minds of many thcro is much room for
reform,- and it cannot come too soon for those
who have been personally interested In the
award? granted.
The wife of Mr. D. Robinson, a prominent
lumberman of llartwick, N. Y., was sick
with rhoumatism for fivo months. In speak
ing of it, Mr. Robinson says: "Chamberlain's
Pain Balm Is the only thing that gavu her
any rost from pain. For the relief of pain
it cannot bo boat." Many very bad cases of
rheumatism havo been curod by It. For sale
at BO cents per bottlo by Gruhler Broe., drug
Kail Communication ltablUhcil with the
Yukon lllvcr Gold Fields.
Tacoma, Wash., Deo. 6. Tha Canadian
government has let a contract for tho car
rying of malls from Juneau, in Alaska, to
Forty MUn Crook, which Is also In the ter
ritory' always claimed by the Unltod
States', but which Canada Is nownssertlug
claim to. It Is asserted that for a foreign
country to let a contract for tho transmis
sion of mails Into tho territory of anothor
government Is practically unheard or In
international affairs. It would seem that
It would only moan that tho Dominion of
Canada, Great Britain's dopendoncy, la
hound to uphold at all hazards her claim
to that strip of territory extending from
and, taking In Juneau to the rich gold
Holds of the Yukon river.
The Canadian government thus executes
o ooup d'etat in establishing communica
tion' with the Yukon country, the United
States having no postal service there, and
tho miners now pay prlvato carriers a dol
lar a letter for carrying tho mall. This
move, following tho Canadian govern
ment's sending of a detachment of mounted
police to Forty Mile, is taken as a clear In
dication of that country's determination
to possess tho disputed territory.
rtncklen'i Armlea, Salve.
The best salvo in the world for euts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, Bait rheum, fever seres,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all. skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
85 cents per box. For Bale by A. TTasley.
The Acougcd Asylum Attendants.
Wilmington, Del., Dec. 5. A new move
was made yesterday In the Farnhurst In
sane asylum caso. Counsel for Michael
Lynch, ono of the attendants, tried to have
his client released on ball on tho ground
that tho evidence against him was weak.
Magistrate Sasse refused the application,
and habeas corpus proceedings to sccuro
Lynch's release wero begun. Similar pro
ceedings aro contemplated regarding
Brown and Swnn, tho othor prisoners.
Today tho trustees of tho hospital met tc
Investigate tho cruolty charges.
England Will Decline Arbitration.
LONDON, Deo. 5. Tho roply of tho Mar
quls of Salisbury to tho note of Sooretary
Olney on tho Vcnozuelun question Is ou
board the steamship Hrltannio, due at
New York tomorrow. Tho ossenco of the
document Is that Great Britain refuses tc
submit to arbitration any of the territory
within the Schomburgh line.
Relief In Six Iloiirs.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "Now Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surpriso on account of its
exceeding promptness in relioving pain iu
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
ot tho urinary passages in malo or lemalo.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
qmcK rclier and euro tills is your remedy.
Sold by Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 South
Main street.
Enrolling Clerk of the House.
WASHINGTON, Deo. 5. Charles R. Mc-
Kcnney, of North St. Paul. Minn., has
been appointed enrolling clerk of tho
house of representatives. Mr. McKonney
occupied a similar position in the Fifty-
tlrst congress.
Chicago colored men havo called a na
tional convention of tho raco to meet at
Detroit Deo. 10, 13 and 14.
John Sharp, of New Martinsville, W,
Vo., was found frozen to death two miles
south of Huntington, v. vn.
At tho oponlng of tho German rolchstag
yesterday, Baron Von Buol-Berenbcrg was
ro-oloctcd president of that body.
During a flro In six story sweat shop in
Now York yesterday a dozen persons wero
carried out unconscious by tho llromeu.
Edwin Bookmoyer and Edwin II. Book
moyor, of Lancaster, Pa., wero found guilty
f pension frauds In tho United States dis
irlct court at Philadelphia.
Hip Disease
Results from a Bcrofulous and impure
condition of the blood, and it is cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
the great blood pu
rifier. Tho father
ot a Philadelphia
girl writes this:
"We gave Hood's
Sarsaparilla to our
little girl, who had
symptoms of hip
dlseaso. She could
not put her foot
down on tho floor
when wa com
menced giving her tho medlcino, but in a
short time ,ahe was able to get off tha
couch and to reach her plaything. Since
then she has steadily improved, thank to
Hood's Sarsaparilla, and her general
health Is all that could be desired.
When any of the otber children are not
well we give them
Hood's Sarsaparilla
snd we earnestly recommend It to others,"
E, BlTJBY, 203 Richmond St., Philadelphia.
Hood's Pills rJJtasr,5M,i
Hauls, Will Not Encourage Turkey In Be,
luting the Demand.'
Constantinople Deo. 5. Tho sultan
H along has believed that Russia would
not act In accord with Great Britain, and
that, therefore, Russia, Franco and even
Germany might bo couuted upon, If It
camo to a decisive crisis, to oppose any ac
tive Interference upon tho part of Great
Britain In tho Turkish empire.
It became known yesterday, to tho sur
prise of the skeptics, that Russia really tl
In accord with the powers, and that the
sultan neod not look for sympathy from
tho czar or his advisors In anything in ouy
way tending to thwart tho dolormluatlon
of tho powers to have order restored
throughout tho Turkish emplro and meas
ures takon for the protection of tho lives
and property of all the Christian subjects
of tho sultan. This news has cat a dis
mal spoil over tho Ylldlz Kiosk, and the
ministers havo beon In almost constant at
tendance upon tho sultan ovor since.
When Great Britain threatened to forc
tbopassago of tho Dardanelles If thoflr
mans for tho passing In of tho extra guard
ships wero not granted, tho sultan ap
pealed personally to tho governments ol
Russia, Austria, Germany and Franco,
begging them not to press their demands,
calling their nttentlon to tho efforts his
government was making to restore ordei
and prevent further outbreaks, and dwell
ing strongly upon tho danger of an upris
ing of tho Mussulmans throughout tho em
plro If ho wore subjected to such a slight,
holding that tho more fact of sending ad
ditional warships to tho Bosporus would
bo an intimation that he was considered
by tho powers to bo Incapablo of main
taining order In his own dominions. In
no caso did tho sultan meet with success.
Tho mllltnry police adopted bore has
proved ofllcaclous, since no disturbances
have occurred for olght weeks. Thus the
sultan has a strong argument for opposing
tho entrance of tho guard ships, and cor
talnly tho moral influence of tho combined
European flcots, waiting at tho gates ol
tho emplro, Is Immeasurably greater than
tho more doubling of tho guard Bhlpa.
Reported TJlllmatnm Unconfirmed.
London, Deo. G. Tho Dally Telegraph
has a dispatch from Vienna which reports
that tho powors havo presented an ulti
matum to tho porto threatening to force
tho passage of tho Dardanelles unless fir
mens aro Issued within sevonty-two hours
permitting tho passago of the second guard
ships. No other specials mention tho fact
of an ultimatum, and tho report is prob
ably untrue.
Did Yon Ever
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your
troubles? If not, got a bottlo now and get
relief. This medicino has been found to lie
peculiarly adapted to tho relief ond cure of
all Fcmalo Complaints, exerting a wonderful
direct influence in giving strcugth and. tone
to tho organs. If you havo Losj of Appetite,
Constipation. Headache. Faintinc Snclls. or
are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy
or irouDicu wiw Dizzy spells, isicctnc Hitters
is tho medicino you need. Health and
strength aro guaranteed by Its uso. Largo
bottles only fifty cents at A. Wasloy's drug
To Itcopen tho llljtlin Will Cose.
SAN Francisco, Deo. 5. Henry and
John W. Blytho filed u suit in tho United
States court which sooks to reopen tho
famous Blytho caso. The plaintiffs main
tain that Florence Blytho was tho daughter
of J. J. Ashcroft, who married Florence's
mother, and that sho is not related to
Thomas H. Blytho. A suit was filed In
behalf of Allco Edith Dickinson Blythe,
claiming to bo tho widow of Thomas H.
Blythe, alleging that Florence Blytho Is
tho daughter of nn English soldier still
living. Mrs. Florence Blytho Hiuokley
was placed In actual possession of all
Thomns Blythe's estate In this city yester
day afternoon.
Utah's Ofilclal Count.
Salt Lake City, Dec. 5. The Utah
commission yesterday completed Its can
vosb of tho voto on tho Btato constitution.
Tho entire voto was 41,003; for tho consti
tution, 31,305, and against it, 7,037; not
voting on the constitution, 2,070. Walls
(Rep.) for governor, received 0,833 votes,
and Cnlno (Dem.) 18,519. Allen (Rep.)
for congress, received 20,503 votes and
Roberts (Dem.) 19,000. Tho threo Repub
lican candidates for supremo court judges
received majorities of over 2,000. Tho leg
islature will stand 42 Republicans and 21
A IlonnehoUl Treasnre.
D. W. Fuller, of Cannjoharie, N. Y.. rays
that ho always keeps Dr. lung s flew DiS'
covery in tho house and his family has
always found the very best results follow its
use; that ho would not ho without It, if pro
curable. (5. A. Dykeman Druggists, Cats
kill. N. Y.. says that Dr. Kinc's New
Discovery is undoubtedly tho best cough
remedy; that ho has used it in his family for
eight years, and it has nevor failed to do all
that is claimed for it. Why not try a rcmed v
so long tried and tested. Trial bottles freo at
A. Waslcy s drug store, ltcgular size 50c
ana $1.00
The Accident Unavoidable.
Brewsteiw, N. Y., Dec. 5. Coroner
Penny held nn Inquest yesterday over tho
remains of the ten men who wcro killed
in tho Tilly Foster mine disaster on Friday
last. Tho jury returned a verdict that the
accident was unavoidable. Contractor
Stephens offered men $23, besides their
day's wages, to work In tho pit, so us to
recover three bodies still in tho mine,
Nono of thorn would venture into tho pit,
however, as tho constantly falling rocks
are a munuco to life and limb.
Another Mishap to the Texas.
NEW York, Deo. 5. The unfortunate
battleship Texas has had another break
down. She went out on a full powered
steam trial trip from New York yesterday,
with tho Intention of making sure that
her machinery would work all right, but
was soon brought up at tho powder station
nt Tompklnsvllle, Stntou island, with her
steering gear crippled. It Is estimated that
about llvo days will bo consumed In mak
ing the necessary repairs to lit tho ship for
another trial.
When moat needed it is not unusual for
your family physician to beaway from home,
Such was tho experience of Mr. J, Y.
Sehenck, editor of the Caddo, Ind. Ten,
Banner, when his little girl, two years of age,
was threatened with a sovero attack of croup.
He says: "My wife insisted that I go for
tho doctor, but as our family physician was
out of town I purchased a bottlo of Chamber.
Iain's Cough Remedy, which relievod her
immediately. I will not lie without it in tho
future." t and 50 cent bottles for sale by
Gruhler Bros., druggists.
For caracho, put a couple of drops of
Thomas ucicctno un on a on oi coiion ana
place It In tho oar, The pain will stop In n
lew moments. Simple enougn, isn't it 7
All Hor Life Hnppy Itcloasp .tt Last
of MJs3 Allco Young, who Resides
at 392 Aloxnnitor Street,
Itochcstor, N. Y.
(from llochetter Democrat and Chronicle.)
r,m .nHMMnMt.lH - , 1
vm lufjiuauiiiuuvu wus received very
pleasantly nt 893 Alcxnnilcr Street, by
Miss Alice Young, who told how sltico
childhood she hail been held In tho bond
age of pain from her buck, never re
membering tho time that sho had not siif-
ivivu imiu ui acnes in mo region oi tue
kidneys. Jinny were the means she used
tO Ibid relief, llllt there Rnnmmt nn unult.
for her caso and sho still rcmnlned a cap-
uvu; nicnniong comes ineso little enemies
to backache, Doan's Kidney Pills, nnd a
half box releases tho bonds, as ono by ono
the nchca and pains disappear, sho finds
herself a slave to pain no more, by their
rontlnllnrl llQn Rlin antra. T wnannH.n1..
relieved of all my suffering nnd now I nm
puritxuy strong, neaiuiy ami well.'
"How did you take this remedy?" Miss
YnllMI Wna nl;pil hv nnr .ithm.nnUtltn
o - - .. "..I ...jfivottuaLitt;,
she replied that she followed direction!,
explicitly, jiiss roung men told now the
malady affected her, saying her symptoms
Were! "SLnoilinf. linniHnir nvnr wnlblnn
or standing any length of time always
gave inc. a pain in tho small of my back
I had a nam In thn kldnnvn nil tlm ilmn
ami If I caught cold It would nhvavs
settle there; tho pain I suffered wa3 of
a very cximusuug nature; at night 1
could only lie Hat on my back any other
position causing pain and suffering; tho
ucrves passing up my back, were affected
and this brought with It severe headaches,
but as I said before, Doan'a Kidney Pills
have removed all pain and suffering en
tirely and I never felt better and healthier
In my life."
Doan's Kidney Pills are for sale by all
dealers, price B0 cents, mailed by Foster
Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y Solo Agents
for the United States.
For sale at Kirlin's Pharmy.
Tried "Potty Larceny" on a lllg Scnlo.
GltAND I8LAVU, Nob., Deo. 5. George
H. Shnnk and A. 'W. Italston, of Chicago,
contractors, who wero arrested In July,
chargod with trying to steal $100,000 worth
of rails from tho Union Paclflo, yesterday
plondod guilty to potty larceny and were
fined (50 and sent to jail for ten days. Sev
eral carloads of Union Pacllla rails had
been loaded on cars ready for shipment
when the company discovered what was
bolng done. The men clalmod that thoy
had purchased them from another Chi
cago contractor, whom thoy failed to pro
duce. It's Dangerous Ground
that you stand on with a cough or a cold,
and your blood impure. Oat of just these
conditions comes Consumption.
You must do something. In the earlier
stages of Consumption, and in all the condi
tions that lead to It, Doctor Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery is a certain remedy. This
scrofulous affection of the lungs, liko every
other form of Scrofula, can be cured by it.
In severe, lingering Coughs, all Bronchial,
Throat, and Lung Affections, and every
disease that can be reached through the
blood, it is tho only medicino so effective
that, onco used, is always in favor. Pamphlet
free. Address World's Dispensary Uedical
Association, Buffalo. N. Y.
Two Meu ltlown to lilts.
PittsbubO, Deo. 6. An explosion of
glycerine near Butler resulted In tho death
of Lowry Black and Georgo Bcsler and
tho total destruction of the magazino
owned by tho Humes Torpedo company.
Black and Bcsler had gone to the maga
tilno to thaw out somo glycerine , It Is
supposed that a can was dropped and ex
ploded. Fnliy tO.GGi pounds wore stored
In the mngazlnc, all oi which were dis
charged. Fragments of tho bodios of tho
victims wero found a long distance away.
Tho explosion shook tho houses and brcks
windows in Butler, uoarly two miles dis
tant. Major C. T. I'icton is nuuager of the
State Hotel, at Dcnison, Texas, which the
traveling men say is one of the best hotels
in that section. In speaking of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
Major I'icton says : "I have used it myself
and In my family for several years, and take
pleasure in saying that I consider it an in
fallible cure for diarrheea and dysentery, I
always recommend it, and have frequently
administered it to my guests in the hotel, and
in every case it has proven itself worthy of
unqualified endorsement. For sale by
Gruhler Bros., druggists.
November 17, 1893.
Trains will leave Shenandoah nfter the nbora
date for Wlggnns, Gllberton. Frackville, Dark
Wnter, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, IteadlnK,
I'ottatown, PhocnlxTlllc, Norristown nnd Phil
adelphia (ilrond street station) nt C OS nnd 11 43
a. in. unci is p. m. on weeK days. For 1'otu
vlllo and Intermediate ntntlnns 9 10 ft. m.
For Wlggans, Gllberton, Krnckvlllc, Dork
tVnter, St. Clair, PotUvllle, at 0 OS, 9 40 a. m. ond
8 10 p. m. For Hamburg, Heading, Pottstown,
Plioenlxvlllc, Norristown, Philadelphia lit 0 00,
9 40 a. m.,310p. in.
Trains leave Frackvlllo for Shennndoah nt
1040a. in. nnd 1211, 501, 742 and 10 27 p. m.
Sunday. 1 1 13 a. in. and 5 40 n. m.
Lenve Pottsvillc for Shenandoah at 10 13, 11 48
a.m. nnd 140, 715 and 10 00 p. m. Sunday at
in jn n ik n
Leave Philadelphia, (I)road street station), for
m-niumuuii ni u oi nnu e . a. m., 4 ju nnd 7 11
1. in. week days. Sundavs loavn nt 0 50 a. m.
Leave Ilroad street station, Philadelphia, for
Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Long
iiruneu, iiiui iniernictunio sinuous, o.ou,
11.39 n. in., 3.30, 4.00 p. m. week-days. Sundays
(stop nt Interlnken lor Asbury Park), 8.25 n. m,
Lenvo liroml Street Station, Philadelphia,
Exprens, week days, 3 CO, 4 05, 4 SO, 3 15, o 90,
7 33, 8 20,0 20, 9 60, 10 30 (Dining Car), 11 00,11 Ha!
m., 12 noon, 12 35 (Limited 100 nnd 4 22 p. m.
Dining Care), 1 40.230 (Dining Car), 320, 400,
5 00, 8 50 (Dining Cnr), 8 00, 0 60, 8 12, 10 CO p. m.
tnnl nl.U UnnHiiva TI X J A 1 Kft K,K O.n
9 20, 9 50, 10 30 (Dining Car, 11 03 a. m'., 12 35. 2 80"
(Uliung Lr), uu ti.unueu a), o au, DOS ILMa
(lig Car), 6 35, 6 50. 8 12, 10 00 p. in., 12 01 night.
Kxprcss (or Boston, without change, 11 00 a.
m. week days, nnd 4 50 p. m. dally.
For Baltimore and "Wiwhlngton, 8 50, 7 20, 8 SI,
912,10 20,1123 n. m., 12 09 (12 81 Limited Din
ing Or). 112, 818, 4 41 (519 CongreHloaal
Limited. Dlnlntr Car). S 17. S53 (Dlnlnir W
7 40 (DInlnr Car) p. m., and 12 05 nlghl week
days. Sundays, 8 50, 7 20. 9 12. 11 23 ft. m., 1 09
112.4 41,(513 Congressional Limited, Dining
unri, ooa lignum wr;, iw p. m. imnuc
Car) and It 03 night.
Leave Uflrket Street Ferry, rklladelphla,
Kxprexi, 8S0 a. m., 210, 4 Ot, nnd 8 00 p. m.
week days. Sundays, 8 43 nnd 43 a. n,
For Cape May, Angleuea, VflUw ul
Holly Beach, Biprees, 9 00 a. m., amd 4 00 p. m,
ivrab diva. Sunders. 0 00 n. m.
For 8ea Isle City, Ocean City aad Avalem.
12x press, v ou a. m., anu liuf. iu. wok uy.
fliinrlAVH. y on a. m.
For Bomere Point. Express, 8 50 a. w., a4
4 00 p. m. week days, ounaays, b . m
B. ju. i-rkvost,
J. It. Woon.
Gen'l Manager.
Gen'l rosaVr At.
Ylg-oronily Denounced by Governor O'Ker
rail Iu Ills lllennlnl Message.
UlCHMOHD, Deo. 5. Tho biennial session
of tho Virginia legislature beiran yester
day. The senate organlzod by electing
William Lovensteln president pro tern.,
and the houso by electing John F. Hyau
speaker. Governor O'Forrall devotes a
largo part of his message to recommend
ing legislation for the extermination of
race' traok and gambling ovlls provalent
In Alexandria county, opposite Washing
ton. Gambling on horse races, ho says,
has bocoma a shame and dlsgraco to Vir
ginia. On tho Bubject of lynching Governor
O'Fcrrall says: "With pain and mortifi
cation I bring to your attention tho fre
quent taking of life without duo process of
law within tho borders of our state. In
Virginia lynching cannot be deflnod; it
must bo reprobated. Tho number who
havo suffered death by tho halter without
trials or sentences of tho commonwealth's
tribunals of justice has created a broad
Impression that tho judges and jury can
not bo trusted, or that hor pcoplo are
swayed by passion and uncontrolled by
reason; that her law is dethroned and
lawlessness reigns."
Ho commends tho Walton law as ap
proximating tho object desired, "fair and
honest elections." He also commends tha
good roads movement, and In a strong
argument defends his course In using tha
militia to protect prisoners and property
from violence nt tho hands of cither
strikers or mobs.
Tile Trial of Sheriff Tamsen.
New York, Deo. 5. Tho jury to try
Bhorlff Edward J, II. Tamsen for permit
ting tho notorious postolllce robbers, Kllo
ran, Allen nnd Russol, to oscapo from
Ludlow strcot jail on July 4 last, was com
pleted yesterday, and after denying tho
motion to dlschargo tho prisoner, Judge
Alllslon ordered tho trial to proceed. The
sheriff pleaded "not guilty." Lawyer
Weeks occupied the remainder of tho day
presenting tho caso to the jury for the
prosecution. Mr. Weeks told of tho open
contempt with which tho prisoners re
garded Warden Raabe. Tho warden, he
said, allowed this because tho federal pris
oners were his boarders, nnd paid $1C a
week apiece for their privileges.
Expelled from the Loyal Legion.
New Yoiik, Dec. 6. Major William S.
Andrews', formerly street cleaning com.
mlssloner and excise commissioner, was
expelled from membership In tho. New
York commnndory of tho Loyal Logion
last night. Major Andrews bail been
found guilty by the board of officers of the
commnndory a fow months ago upon five
out of seven charges preferred against him
of conduct unbecoming an officer. The
charges wcro based upon testimony taken
at the time of the sessions of the Lexow
committee reflecting upon Mr. Andrews'
record In tho street cleaning department.
Ilousesinlths' Strike Still On.
New York, Dec. 6. It was understood
yesterday that a committee of tho Iron
league would meet a committee of the
housesmlth strikers yesterday afternoon
and arrange tho details of a compromise
which would bring the strlko to a close.
Tho couferenoe was not held, nnd the
strlko is still on. Concerning the failure
of tho conference President Cornell said:
"The executive committee of tho Iron
league holds Its position formerly taken.
They will seo a commlttco of their em
ployes after the strike has been called off."
Marbury Again Nominated.
Washington, Dec. C Among the nonv
inations sent to tho senate yesterday was
that of William L. Marbury for district
attorney at Baltimore. Tills Is tho fourth
tlmo Mr. Clovelund has made this nomi
nation, and for threo times Senator Gor
man has prevented M r. Marbury's confir
mation, ho being now a recess appoluteo.
It is hardly likely that Mr. Gorman will
allow It to bo confirmed this time, for Mr.
Marbury was ono of tho Clovcland Demo
crats who led In tho revolt against Gor
man In Maryland last fall, which resulted
iu his defeat.
A Pattern for Pennsylvania.
BosTONDec. C Chief James Campbell
and Deputy Milllken of tho Pennsylvania
factory Inspectors, visited Chief Watts ol
tho district police hero yesterday and held
a lengthy conference on how Boston and
the state deals with tho sweating system.
The visitors expressed thenlselves as de
lighted with tho conditions of things ex
isting in this state, and wjll endeavor to
havo the Pennsylvania legislature enact
laws similar to thoso enacted here, as they
think tho present ovils existing In tholt
state can be greatly reduced thereby.
A Compliment to Congressman Phillips.
Washington, Dec. 5. The labor organ
lzatlons of tho country are making a con
certed effort to secure the appointment ol
Representative Phillips, of Pennsylvania,
to tho chairmanship of tho houso commit
tee on labor. Their action is a decidedly
complimentary one, slnco Mr. Phillips Is
not identified with labor organizations,
but on tho contrary is an employer of many
workmen in connection with his oxten
slve oil Interests lu Pennsylvania.
Hull road Property Seized.
LlMA.O., Deo. 5. United States Marshal
Harmon, of Toledo, yesterday solzed the
ticket office of the Lake Erlo and Wostcrn
railway here and seven engines In tho yard
on an execution In favor of Bert Craig,
formerly a hrokeman lu tho employ of the
company. Craig secured a judgment
In tho United States court recontly for
$13,000 for tho loss of both legs In an acci
dent on tho road, but tho judgment was
not paid.
The Next G. A. It. lincampinent.
ST. Paul, Dec. 6. Tho administrative
council of the G. A. R. hns fixed the ditto
for tho next encampment as Sept. 1-4,
1890. On Tuesday, Sopt. 1, will come the
naval parade and opening day; Sept. 2,
the grand porndo, which may bo the last
ever held, and on Thursday and Friday,
thoSd and 4th, tho encampment proper
will be In session,
Clioynskt and Hnll to Fight.
PliILADBLI'IllA, Deo. 6. Parson Davies,
representing Joe ChoynBkl, and Jim Ken
nedy, of the Empire Athletlo club, Mas
peth, L. I., came here from New York
lost night and signed articles with Jim
Holl for a fight of twenty rounds or more
at tho Empire club, on Jan. 18, between
Choynskl and Holl. A forfeit of 600 was
placed by each side.
lllll Favor Justice reckham.
Fortress Monrob, Vn., Dec. 6. Senator
Hill, of New York, arrived hero last even
ing from tho northwest. Upon being ad
vised of Judge Pcckham's nomination to
the United States supremo bench he Im
mediately replied! "The nomination Is an
ntAUiut ono. and will bo couflctsuuS. "
Mrs. Jane Fish, Who Suffered Agony Willi
Rheumatism for Nearly 30 Years,
Throws Away Her Crutches and
States She Is Entirely
Positively Successful Cures for Dyspepsia.
Rheumatism, Catarrh, Kidney and All
Blood and Nerve Dlsoanos-At All Drug
gists, 20 Cents a Bottle.
Mrs. Jane Fish, 008 East Second street,
Kansas (Sty, Mo., Eays: "My rheumatlo
trouble began In 1607 with such nn ssute
attack that I was entirely helpless nnd had to
be fed. Slnco then I have had similar attacks
each spring and fall, growing gradually worse
until I was a complete cripplo all tho time,
having to walk with crutches. In April I
bought my first bottlo of Munyon's Rhema
tlc Cure and found It so much help that I
continued until I had taken four bottles of
the pills. I am now completely cured and
since taking the second bottlo last June I
have not had a symptom of rheumatism. I
walk as well as ever and feci as spry as a
young girl. I say most heartily, God bless
Munyon and his remedies."
Munyon's Khcumatlsm Curo Bcldom fails to.
relieve in 1 to 3 hours ond cures In a few
Jays. Frico 25 cents.
Munyon's Dyspepsia Curo is guaranteed to
cure all forms of indigestion and stomach
troubles. Prlco 25c.
Munyon's Kidney Curo speedily enres pain
In the hack, loins or groins and all forms of
kidney disease. Price 25c.
Munyon's VitaliKcr restores lost powers to
weak men. Price. 11.00.
A separate specific for each disease. Sold
by all druggists, mostly at 25 ccnt3 a bottle.
Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 1605.
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa,, answered
with freo medical advico for any dlseaso.
Specialist In diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
207 West Market St., POTTSVILL.
Hours 8:30 a. m. to 12 m.; 1 te 4 r to
8 n. m. Sundavs n a. m. U 13 m.
When It comes te
Our stock spealta for ltoelf. It yea i't tarn
to town eend your orders. Tky will 1m ntQ
rately and promptly lllerf.
39 Etut Centre S treat
I'assenKer trains leave Shenandoah for Fens
Ilnvcn Junction, Uauch Chunk, Lchlghto,
Slutlneton, White Hall, CataBnuqun, Allentown.
Bethlehem, Kaston ami Wcutherly, nt S 04, 1 SS,
9 15 a. m., 12 43, 4 03, 5 27 p. in.
For New York nnd riiiladelphln, 8 04, IU,
9 15 a. m., 12 43, 4 05 p. in.
For Qunkake, Switchback, (Icrbnrdt and II ud.
sondnlc, 9 15 a. in. and 4 05 p. m.
For Wilkesbarre, Whlto Haven, PltUtom,
Lneeyvllle, Towanua, Sayre, Wanrly nnil Ul
inlra, 6 Ol, 9 15 a. in., 2 57, 5 27 p. in.
For Rochester, Hurialo, Niagara Falls and tbo
West, 9 15 n. in., 2 57, 5 27 1. m.
For llclvidcrc, Delaware Water Gap stnd
Stroudsburi;, 6 04 a. in., 4 05 p. in.
For Iimbertville and Trenton, 9 15 n. m.
For Tunklmnnock, 6 Ol, 9 15 n. m., 2 57, 5 W
p. m.
For Ithaca nnd Geneva, COI, 9 IS a. m., 5 37
p. in.
For Auburn, 9 15 n. m., 5 27 p. in.
For Jeanesville, Lcvlston nnd llcavcr Meadow
7 as a, in., 12 43 p. in.
For Stockton and Lumber Yard, 6 01, 7,
9 15 a. in., 12 43. 2 57, 5 27, 8 03 p. in.
For Silver llrook Junction, Audenricd nmi
Hnzleton, 6 04,7 08, 915 n. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27,
8 08 u. m.
For Hcranton, 6 04, 9 15 n. in., 2 5", 5 27 p. m.
For Ilnzl. brook. Jpddo. ririftoit nnd Pim.
land 0 04. 7 88. 9 15 a. m., 12 iSifSJi 27 p. m.
For Ashland, Glrardvlllc and Lost'&Wik, 4 40.
6 15, 7 30. 9 13, 10 20 a. m., 12 33, 1 40, 4 W,
8 22 n. in.
For Haven Itun, Centralis, Mount Carinel ahd
Shamokln, 9 13, 11 14 a. in., 1 32, 4 20, 8 22, 9 R
p. in.
For Yatcsvllle, Park Place, Mnhnnoy City and
Delano, 5 50, 6 Ol, 7 88, 9 15, 11 03 n. ni., 12 43, 2 07,
4 05,5 27,8 08,9 23,10 63 p.m.
Trains will lenvo Shamokln nt 5 15, 815, 11 4
n. m., 1 55, 4 80, 9 30 p. in., nnd arrive at Slicnali
donh at 6 Ol, 9 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 11 15 p. m.
Leave Sheimndonh for Pottsvillc, 5 01, 70S.
9 08, 1105, 1130 n. in., 12 43, 2 57, 4 10, 5 27, 8 Ot
p. in.
Leave Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah, 8 00, 740,
9 05,1015,1148 a.m., 12 82, 3 00, 4 40, 5 20, 7 1,
8 55, 9 40 p. m,
Leave Shenandoah for Hnzleton, 601, 738, 9 It
a. m., 12 43 2 57, 5 27, 8 08 p. m.
Lenvo Ilazlctou for Shenandoah, 735, 10 06.
11 OS n. m., 12 15, 2 58, 5 SO, 7 25, 7 58 p. m.
Trains leave for Itavcn Itun, Centralin, lit.
Carmcl anil Sliiimokln, 0 45 a. in., 2 40 p. m., nnd
arrive at Shamokln at 7 40 n. in., nnd R 45 p. iu.
Trains leave Shamokln for Shennndoah ai
755 n. in., and 4 00 p. in., and nrrlvo atSbenan
donh nt 8 49 a. in., uml 4 53 p. in.
Traiin leave for Ashland, Qlrardvllle nnd Lot
Creek, 9 40 a. in,, and 12 30 p. in.
For Hnzleton, Black Creek Junction. l'en
Haven Junction, Munch Chunk, Allentown.
Bethlehem, Kaston and Now York, 8 49 a. m.,
12110, 2 80 p. in.
For Philadelphia, 12 30, 2 80 p. m.
For Yatesvlllo, Park Place, Mohnnoy City nnd
Delnno, 8 49, 11 35 n. m., 12 30, 2 30, 4 53, 0 03, 7 40
p. m.
Leave, Hnzleton for Shenandoah, 8 SO, 11 M
ft. m., 105, 5 30 p. m.
lnvo Shenandoah for Pottsville, 5 65, 8 4.
9 82n. m.,2 40p. m.
Leave Pottsvillc for Shenandoah, 8 30, 104
a. in., 185, 5 15 p. m.
F.OLI.IN II. WILBUIt-Oenl. Supt.,
South Bethlehem, Pa,
CHAKLES S. LKU, Genl. Pass. Agt.,
A. W. NONNEMACHKIt, Asst. G. P. A.,
South Bethlehem, l'
A genuine welcome awaits you at
Cor. rialn and Coal Sta.
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys, beeM,
porter and ale constantly on ten. Choice tei
perance drinks end elgere.
, BftlrVnillnxI
QcaoSDuIUffi? WibCi bwoiru Oo-,HKiuMw