The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 02, 1895, Image 4

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'mi? . v
t J
Is ready for anybody, from a
child to a man, who will take
the trouble to enter our
store. This is our second
successful sale of
We have just this lot from
I Iammerslough & Co., which
we are selling on commission
and which can be boueht at
big inducements. We can
show the people sights of
Overcoats which will mak
. i
them uvercoat hungry, in
Chinchillas, Beavers, blue and
black, and Kerseys.
Levi Refowich,
io and 12 South Main St
AVo nro to llavo u Hnrdm" College anil
School ol' Shorthand.
The celebrated Wood Hrothers, famous in
Business College work, will organizoa Collcgo
of Business and Shorthand in our town. The
institution will bo elegantly furnished and
compare favorably with any school in our
large cities. As the above gentlemen havo
n national reputation they will add much to
the financial and educational iutorosts of our
town. ll-2S-tf
Abolishing Days of (irnro.
The law abolishing days of grace in
Pennsylvania will tako ell'cct January 1,
and will apply to all paper made on or after
that date. This change involves a departure
from methods which are as old as tho country
itself. Thero will be considerable annoyance
and confusion incident to the change, until
the public becomes accustomed to tho new
method. On January 1, and for quite a
period thereafter, thero will be two classesof
papar current that made prior to tho new
year, which will bear grace, and that dated
January 1 and after, payablo without grace.
Vutil the old paper disappears entirely and
wo shall bo confronted now and then with n
stragling note of thu old form even for years
to come tho community will need to keep
a closo watch upon all bills receivable.
J'nn-Tlnu! IVIiat Is It?
The greatest cure for coughs and colds. At
liruhlcr Bros., drug btoro.
Taroui'll Appearance.
Another largo audience greeted Miss thel
Tucker at her farewell appcaranco Saturday
evening, when "A Hoop of Gold" was pre
sented. The work of tho star was up to her
standard. Tho universal verdict is that tho
company is tho strongest seen hero for some
time, and a return engagement would pack
the theatre. The attendance during the
week clearly demonstrates tho fact that
Shenandoah is a good show town for first
class companies, but not a very congenial
place for barn-stormere.
It Illlh thu Spot That's ICIght.
What? Pan-Tina for coughs and colds. At
Gruhlcr Bros., drug store.
3loru ChargeH Presented.
Ex-Deputy liovenuo Collector William
Burke, who has bccoino famous iu the
charge against Internal liovenuc Collector
Herring, is said to have again sent a list of
charged to Washington accusing tho collector.
The now charges aro written in a bulky
document and are now in Commissioner
Miller's hands, having boon turned over to
him by Secretary Carlisle.
Muhanoy City Dullness College.
This excellent college, at 0.j East 'Vntro
street, gives Commeiuial, Shorthand ,.,id
Typewriting coursus equal to any in tho state
at tho very lowest rates. Individual in
struction. Day and ovoni.ig classes. Students
constantly entering. Catalogue froe.
10-11-tf G. W. Williams, Principal.
Mine Accidents.
John Umbonhower, of Pinegrove township,
was instantly killed by a fall of top coal at
. he Lincoln colliery.
While Thomas Met Jratr was walking down
manway iu tho liiohards miuo, near Mt.
' armel, he was instantly killed by a large
rock falling on him.
Michael Daley, of Shamokin, was buried
beneath a fall of coal iu the Pennsylvania
mine and instantly killed. Ho was 21 yours
A .Steamship Pool.
The transatlantic sttwmsliin uompauics
1 uvo formed a pool to raise the steerage rates.
I'here will be an increase of $10 over tho
.recent rato. Those wishing to purchaso
. ickets should do so before the now rates go
ito effect. Call on T. T. Williams, steam--.
lip agent, No. 4 South Jardin street.
Plvo l'utut Accidents. '
According to the report of Mine Inspector
iirennau, of tho Sharriokin district, thore
..ore five fatal and twenty-live non-fatal e
identa during tho mouth of November.
Also Table and Floor Oil Cloths From
(oi. f. ntrc and W t Sts.
"rlcniln lti'lli'vi' Tlml Mr. Dunn AVn
Hleclirt Illegally.
There have been ninny minora ti(lont iu
polltiCAl circles during the. mt week of hu
election contest oil the lrt of Judge T. H. It.
Lyon Against 1. it. Dunn, Mu., who was
elected to preside over the Orphans Court by
majority of 70. Sulwqilont oveutu have
shown that tho friends of Jlidgo Lyon nro in
earnest. A telephone meftsago from W. 1'otta
Kainsoy, Esq., of Mahanoy City, to tho Hun-
M,i) this morning confirms the rumors.
Mr. Bamsey is tho legal representative of
the .1ml go, and iu tho conduction of tho
content will havo associated with him Hon.
John V. Kyon. Mr Kamsey stated that the
specific charges upon which tho contest is
based aro tho counting of irregular and
fraudulent votes In tho election districts
of Miuorsvillo and Cass township, and 'that
thuro wero sufficient ballot of tills naturd- io
chance tho result as announced by tho elec
tion board.
Tho three president judges "nearest to tho
court houso of tho county" will composo tho
court conducting tho contest, which will in
clude Harks, Carbon mid Columbia Countios.
Tho prosidont judgos of tlicso counties aro
Judges Erniontrout, Craig and Ikeler, all
The contost must bogln within 30 days
aftor thu election, and tho petition presented
to tho Attorney General must bo signed by
fifty cmalifled electors, upon tho receipt of
which tho Governor designates tho judgos
above to convene without dolay for tho pur
poso of conducting tho contest.
It is also rumored that Charles E. Breck
ons, Esq., will institute a contest, llo was
defeated by Edgar W. Bechtol, Esq., by 189
votes. Ho has not definitely decided to do so.
A contest for tho ollico of District Attomoy,
howovor, must be tried by tho Court of
Quarter Sessions.
Thoso rimtemplatcd contests have caused
quito a commotion in political circles. Should
tho contostantn full to prove their claim thoy
aro liable for tho costs, otherwise tho county
must foot tho bill.
Goliliu, the Clothier, (lives tho People
Clad Tidings. .
Good clothing leads to good health. Bear
this in mind, and at tho samo timo remember
that for overcoats and good, heavy winter
clothing of the best makes latost stylos and
at prices within the reach of ovorybody, L.
Goblin's Mammoth Clothing House, 0 and 11
South Main street, is just the placo you want.
Wo call special attention to our overcoats.
Wo carry tho largost stock in tho county and
defy competition as to prices and quality.
Our store is tho recognized headquarters for
children's clothing. 1.. Gnldin's Mammoth
Clothing'HOusc, 9 and 11 South Main street,
Grant llaml .1l!iMtieralo Hall. .
Extensive preparations have been mado for
tho masquerade ball this evening, .under tho
auspices of tho Grant Baud. It will ho held
in Bobbins' opera house, and tho hall has
been decorated in artistic style. The music
for tho grand march will bo furnished by the
full band, whilo tho dancing music will bo
rendered by tho famous Schoppo orchestra in
their inimitable style. Tho committee has
spared neither timo nor money in their en
deavors to afford tho participants an enjoy
able evening. The attendances will include
pcoplo from many towns throughout tho
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup seems sent
as a bpecial providence to little folks. Pleasant
to take, perfectly harmless, absolutely sure
to give instant relief in all cases of cold or
lung trouble.
Tho Gorman Mystery.
No now developments arc recorded in the
Mill Creek mystery, whereby Mrs. Gorman
was foully murdered in her own home,
although tho authorities aro still sending
broadcast descriptions of tho supposed mur
derer. Charlie Johnson, alias Charles Ryan,
the boy tramp who was hold on suspicion of
being implicated in tho deed, was on Satur
day taken to his home in Middlcton, N- Y
by hU father, who was sent for by District
Attorney liyan. Tho boy is only 14 years
old and left homo last May witli tho tramp
who was arrested with him and is still con
fined in the county jail.
School Shoes.
At Werner's. Tho best service for tho least
money, that is why we shoo about half tho
children of Shenandoah. U-27-tf
guaranteed by Bell, the
SIJIMONS. On the let ili'-t., nt Philadelphia,
rn., ' I'retlerlck Simmons, nea 151 years.
Funeral will take place on "Wednesday, -Jtli
hist., nt 2 n. m., from the family residence.
corner of Chestnut ttrcet and Huckleberry
alley, Shenandoah, Pa. Interment In the Odd
Fellows' cemetery. I.cIntivcH and friends
lospeetfully Invited to attend. 12-2-'Jt
WMTUItS WANTED. Good homo employ.
i mcut. Good wiiKes Write nt once; en
eloso stamp for partlcularH. 11. Prauccg Oonyno,
Milwaukee, Wis. 12-3-lt
FOIt HUNT. Two nicely fiirnlHhod rooms.
Central location. All conveniences. Ai
ply at 38 Hast Centre xtreet. ll-2!Wt
T ANTED. An lament, active Kentlcninn or
1 lady to travel for reliable eatnhllehcd
boiixe. Salary S7M, payablo $15 weekly, and
expeiihos. Situation permanent. Iiefereneos.
Knelohc cli-addre48ed stamped envelope, Tho
Dominion Company, DIG Oinabn lliilldlng,
Chicago. 1M1-9U
FOIt 8AI.IL One of the inct dealmble prop
erties on Main street. Apply at
K. W. HllOUMAKnil'H,
Ollleo : Corner Centre and Market streets.
1 2-2-1 m
DO YOU WANT A J01I7 Theronremnny kinds
of Jobs to ha had; some nro bad, some aro
unod ; noma rniuiro brullia iv'hllo others do not.
We refer to neither of these lt' Job work we're
looklngfor, nnd coupled with this Information Is
tho fact the Hl.ltAI.n Job rooms turn out the
neatest wotlt In 1110 county uomneient worK'
men. new material nnd no wnlts do tho work.
jlrlnir us your orders: you'll never regret It. A
poittil card Is Biifllclcnt.
I'or tho Latest Styles nnd
Low Ob 1 1'rUes In . .
Fall and
Millinery !
-Cull at-
No. ill North Main St.. Shenandoah.
Happening Throughout tholtcgloii Ollfon-
icicii ior misty I'orimni.
A Miuorsvillo editor is dunning his render
for sultfcrlptions, and tho latter refuge to pjy
because thoy my he give thorn nothing1 to I
rend. . I
Andrew Ferguson, outside foreman at
Elmwood colliory, was presented withngflld-
hoadtd cane and handsome chair by tho
outside omployos at that colliery.
Milton Chuiscr, of Minorsvlllo, wnsdofonted
by William Jamos, of Wllliamstown, in a
pigeon match on Saturday for S."0 n sido.
Tho lattor killed 18 out of 23 birds, while j
Clauscr only killed 9, ;
liov. Win. Wctckscl, of Ohio, accompanied
by his wifo and four childion, camo to Sha
mokin two weeks ago on a visit to his father,
who Is also iv minister. Last week ono child
died from scarlet fevor. Yostorday another
oxpircd from tho snmo muse, whilo tho other
children aro critically ill. i,;
Have tho looks in your gas and water mains
repaired by P. W. Boll, tho plumber.
Hlgh-drailo Pianos,
Tho airload of Malcolm Lovo Piaiios
arrived yesterday morning. Thoy aro now
on exhibition in O'Neill Bros', warorooms.
To say that it is a fine lot of pianos is putting
it mildly. It is without doubt tho most
magnificent selection of hlgli-grado pianos
ever shipped into Central Pennsylvania. Our
pcoplo will do well to call and sco thorn.
O'Neill Bros, nro the solo agents for tho Mal
colm Lovo Pianos. Intending purchasers
will confer a favor by consulting tho Mossrs.
O'Neill before buying elsewhere. Their
pianos nro offorcd at tho lowest possiblo prices
consistent with tho quality of tho goods.
It's Queer How Quick
Pan-Tina euros coughs and colds, 2oc. At
Grnhlcr Bros., drug storo.
Almshouse Ktuployc Injured.
On Saturday afternoon whilo soveral alms
house officials wore driving to that institution,
tho horsos plunged down a steep embankment
and landed in an old abandoned canal. The
carriago was turned over and the occupants
thrown to tho ground. Chief Clerk John
Grossang had two ribs broken, Peter Wnchtcr
received an ugly cut about the head mid
would have bled to death had not medical at
tendance arrived promptly. The other two
j occupants wero Wash Ormo and Teamster
llell'ncr. Tho lattor was badly sbakou up,
whilo the formor escaped without injury.
Tho carriage was demolished and ono of the
horses badly cut about tho logs. Mr. Gros
sang had with him tho monthly salaries of
tho almshouse employes. '
Buy Keystone flour. Bo suro that 1 tho
namo liissio & UAEit, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack. tf
A Local Tatlcrsall.
William Nciswenter to-day put a forco of
men at work remodelling his stables on West
Coal street to make them resemble tho
famous Tattersalls, of Philadelphia. The
cellar, first and second floors will bo fitted up
in tho latest livery and sales stable stylo.
They will bo occupied solely by stalls, with
tho exception of a spaco on tho first floor
which will bo used for tho display of horses
at weekly sales. The third story will bo used
for tko .storage of carriages, wagons, hay and
feed. Mr. Nciswenter has established a
lucrative herso dealing trade, his (ales
attracting peoplo not only from all prts of
this region, but from many distant points,
and he is making his headquarters the bost
equipped in that line of tho business outsido
of Philadelphia.
For earache, put a couple of drops of
Thomas Eclcctric Oil on a bit of cotton and
placo it in the car. Tho pain will stop in a
few moments. Simple enough, isn't It?
A New Jlreaher.
A new structure will tako the placo of tho
old Tunnel Bidgo brcakcy, and it will be
equipped with tho latest improved ma
chinery. Work began to-day, and it will bo
erected about fifty yards from tho old site.
Tho Elmwood and Tunnel Kidgo colliorios
will be combined by underground tunnels.
When you want good roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tinsmithing done call
on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street.
Dealer in stoves. 8-1-tf
Coming Kvcnts.
Dec. 2. Grand masquerade ball in Itob
bins' opera houso under tho auspices of tho
Grant Hand.
Dec. 4. 23d annual supper of tho Welsh
Eaptist church in Knbbius' opera house,
l'lvo Drowned in the Mouongnliclfi.
UNl()STOWNlPa.,Deo. 2. Joseph Pickup,
Mrs. Missouri Mcintosh, Mrs. Ethel Ste
phens, Jacob Eaklng and Joseph Mcintosh
wero drowned in tho Mouongiihohi rlvor
below Brownsville- Saturday midnight.
Thoy wero returning in 11 skiff from
Brownsville to their homos nt Woods Kun,
and got too closo to tho steamer Jamos
G. Blaine, which was coming up stream.
Tho' wuvos upset tho skiff, throwing them
nil into deep witter. Nothing could bo
dono to help them lu tho dnrkuoss. Tho
bodies wore recovered.
"I am cured since taking Hood's Sarsa
parilla," is what many thousunds nro saying.
It gives renewed vitality and vigor.
Wholesale and Retail
Liquor Dealer.
Cigars, Tobacco, &c. Agent for Reading
Jirewlng U). s Jlcer and rortor,
11S and 113 S. rvlalm St.
You promised yourself this Fall,
and of course you are anxious to
buy it as cheap as possible.
Dest Quality at Lowest Reasonable
Prices In Ladles', Misses'
and Children's
Can de srxcnEn at
1 1 South Main Street, - - SiienanlQUhi
8 S. Main Street.
cninn s GLnsswnitE.
Bohemian Vnses 25c. each
Bohemian Vases, sold everywhere
for 50c., at 39c.
Bisque Figures 25c. each
Bisque Figures.worth $1 each at 75c
Hand Painted Placque at 25c. each
Filbigree Toilet Bottles 25c. each
China Brush Vases 35c. each
Genuine Royal Wooster Cups and
Saucers 50c.
French China Cups and Saucers
After Dinner Coffees, worth 25c. '
at 15c
Bohemian Glass Candle Stick 50c
Carlsbad China Fruit Plates 10c.
Carlsbad China Fruit Saucers 10c.
Carlsbad China Bone Dishes, worth
S2.50, at $1.75 doz.
Japanese Trays 15c
Sugar and Cream, on Tray, 50c. set
Uracker J ars 50c
Olive Trays 25c
China Smoking Sets $1.00
China Syrup Jugs 50c
Indv. Bread and Butter 10c. each
Berry Sets, Fancy China, $1.29 up
Child's Cup, Saucer and Plate 10c
Japanese Sugar and Cream 90c
China Brush and Comb Tray 50c
Lemonade Set.consisting of Pitcher,
Tray and Six Glasses, 60c
Lemonade Set, Fancy Imported,
worth 2.50 at $1.75
China Clocks $2.50
Water Sets, Bottle and Glass 25c
1 Milk Sets, Bottle and 2 Glasses 50c
I Princess Banquet Lamps $i-95
Night Lamps with Decorated
Shade 25c.
A Decorated Toilet Set, six pieces,
Ten Pieces - - $2.50
Ten Pieces, filled colors and gold
Hue $3.75
Twelve Pieces, blue point $4.50
Twelve Pieces, wide gold stipple
Twevle Pieces, one of the hand
somest on the market $10.00
Wo keep on hand 75 different styles
to choose from.
Tea Sets $3.50, $4.50, $6.00, $8.00
and up
Dinner Sets - v $10.00
Dinner Sets - - $12.00
Dinner Sets $13.00
Dinner Sets - $15.00
Dinner Sets made up as you want tlicm.
Glass Sets
Ten Cent Pickles at
Kugraved Tumblers at
Engraved Tumblers at -Bud
Vaces at
Rose Bowls, worth 25c. at
Banana Dishes, worth
Celery Trays
Large Salt and Pepper
Nicest Goblet at
Fancy Needle etched Tumblers 10c
Flour Sifters
Decorated Vinegar
Gellaloid Novelties.
Necktie Boxes
Glove Boxes
Handkerchief Boxes
Veil Boxes
Brush and Comb Cases
Photograph Frames
Jewel Cases
Card Receivers
Coin Purses
Comb and Mirror Cases
Morocca Cigar Cases and Smoking
bets Irom .25c. up
Special Sale of Albums Monday to Saturday,
Dec. 2d, to 7th. Photograph Albums
worth $1,25, will go at 75 cents.
Collar and Cuff Boxes, Jewel Boxes,
etc., In Celluloid and White Metal.
is crowded with Novelties.
io iiiai WitsnaDieiJOU 15c
20 inch Washable Dolls 25c
Jointed Dressed Dolls 25c
75c, Dressed Dolls for soc
These Dolls have never been sold for less
tunn 75 cents.
Magic Lanterns
Iron Brownie Carts
Toy Wash Stands
Si. 00 Horses
10 and 25c
10 and 25c
Toy Stoves, Iron, 50c, $i, 00, $1.75
and $2.75
Musical Instruments
Dolls Beds and Cradles 1
Dolls Wardrobes
Child's Black Boards
Games, Blocks, Drums, Guns, Tree
Ornaments, Banks, Mechanical
Toys, Trains, etc.
Our Fine Candles still take the lead.
8 S. Main Street.
Happy Housewives
All housewives are happy when
they receive a second supply of
"GOLD HEDAL" Flour, for they
know it "makes the best bread."
You can get it of any grocer at
$2.50 per half-barrel sack.
Thos. E. Samuels & Co.,
10 5 South Main Street,
CHARLIE SING, - Chinese Laundry,
First-class Work at Low Prices.
All Work done In first-class manner, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shirts washed
and Ironed, 10c; shirts irqncd, 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c; undershirts, rc:
underdrawers, 7c; handkerchiefs, 2c.
Garden's ART WALL PAPER Store.
Wo havo just received a fino lino of tlio most beautiful and artistic papers in tho
market, whleh wo will sell at very reasonable prices. We. have also in stock a
great ileal of last year's patterns which wo aro selling nt n sacrifice. Conio and
sco our lino of goods. Wo havo tho most beautiful and artistic papers.
Largest Paper Store In Town.
Finest Stock and Lowest Prices.
J p3 CZ X P? r) CT ISJ House, Sign and Decorative Painting.
- 1 d No. 224 Wet Centre Street, Shenandoah, e
Holiday Gifts.
Toy Books from Sc. up
Linen Books 10, 15, 25, 50c
Illustrated Bound Books, all prices .
A choice selection of Boys' Books $ 1
Cloth Bound Books nt 10c
A better one nt 25 cts.
Oxford Teachers' Bibles . . ... $2
Indexed S3
A. B. C. Blocks .... 1
Nested Blocks
Picture Blocks.
Engine nnd train 25c, 50c. and 1$
Fire Engines
Hose. Carriages
Praiie Wagons, etc
Dressed Dolls. . . . 25c, 50c. and Si
Kid Dolls
Jointed Dolls
Washable Dolls
China Head Dolls at lowest prices. .
Dressing Cases.
A complete stock of Dressing Cases
Shaving Sets
Work Boxes
Jewel Cases
Necktie Holders
Glove Holders
Photograph Holders
At prices to suit everyone.
Cups nnd Saucers . .
After Dinner Cups and Saucers . . .
Shaving Mugs
Children Tea Sets
Bisque Figures
Ornaments, &c
Tho largest assortment In town,
The New Chevy Chase
Base Ball Game
Hide and Seek
Haluia .
Parchesi and numerous others . . .
Brownie Rubber Stamps
Air Rifles
Magic Lanterns
Black Boards
;Doll Carriages
' Banks ;
. Trumpets, &c, &c , . . . . .
100 Styles of Tree Ornaments . . .
Wheelbarrows ,
Celluloid Picture Frames, &c, &c. ,
ItemcmVjer the place,
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
All work guaranteed to ho Mrst-class In every
particular, bine tleB and lace curtains a spoo-
luity. uoouscuueu lor anu. uenvereu. Atrial
order solicited
Go to the Shenandoah Dental Booms for
painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver
fillings. If your artifical teeth do not suit
you call to sea us. All examinations freo.
Wo mako all kinds of platos. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns. Crown
and Bridge work nnd all operations that per.
tain to Dental Surgery.
No charges for extracting when plates aro
ordered. Wo aro tho only users of vitalized
air for the painless extraction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
(Tltman'a Block)
East Centre Street.
Odlco Hours: 7 a. m. to p. in,
- Shenandoah, Pa.
At Vfm. Nclswcntcr's 1'rlvnto Sale of
now KOlnR on nt Ills stables, corner Coal
und Main streets, Shenandoah.
T Fine Mated Teams.
2 Jet Black Teams.
6 Fine Roadsters.
And the balance of the car
load are good workers and
drivers. Our two black teams
are fine specimens of horse
flesh for undertakers. Every
horse sold guaranteed.
rvi I lll NERY
My cntiro stock and fixtures for sale.
Inventory taken nt cost and a satisfactory
discount made. Never such a chance to get
an established business for so littlo monoy.
Lightest and bost located storo in town
everything going at cost and less. Four
weeks left to get tho Big Bargains. Don't
pay J more elsewhere. Wo havo the bar
gains; come beforo they aro gono.
ONYX and GOLD . . .
If you are thinking of
buying either of these
articles it will pay you to
come here and see our
immense assortment.
R. H.
Call and seo tho brightest, Ijreozlest, snappiest
lot of Fall and Wintor Suitings Shenan
doah has over had.
We're experts on lit.
We're dealers in new Ideas.
We're leaders of reasonable prices.
If you aro a hard man to suit wo want
you to call.
2 North Main St
A, genuine welcome awnita j
Cor. flaln and Cofcfi
Pool room attached, Finesr. .
porter and nlo constantly omtcjj
peranco urinK aua cifrnra.