The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 28, 1895, Image 4

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    ft WfllW REGEPTIOJi
Is ready for anybody, from a
child to a man, who will take
' the trouble to enter our
store. This is our second
successful sale of
We have just this lot from
I lainmcrslough & Co., which
we are selling on commission
and which can be bousrht at
big inducements. We can
show the people sights of
Overcoats which will make
them Overcoat hungry, in
Chinchillas, Beavers, blue and
black, and Kerseys.
Levi Refowich,
10 and 12 South Main St.
Tlmiiknsltlni; mill Hi llcniing on runners
mid Oimimers.
To-day (TlmiikuRlvitiR Day) being legal
holiday tho banks niul ninny otlior places of
businow wore closed. Many more people
were upon tlio street tlian thore lime been
fur nmo time, certainly since tlie eolllerlos
commenced working full thno. Hut while It
Is a holiday and ii observed by the great
Majority of tlio people, it la not such n ono as
arouse a gcnoral obhervnnco othor thau a
wholesale attack upon turkey.
If Turkey, tho Mohammedan, evor sliders
what turkey, the fowl, was subjected to in
Shenandoah to-day sho will nover again be
able to treat her Christian Armenian as she
has In tho past, More turkeys fell toslaughtcr
during tho past few days than tho market
has ever recorded before Hut this has not
been solely duo to tho coming of Thanks
giving Day, but was due in a great measure
to a slash In prices that created the demand
for tho "bird of tho day."
Tho slash nWo had victims lit the farmers,
who for yeirg have had a comer in the fowl.
Note the engagement in which the turkey
trust fell. Last yonr the farmers brought
their turkeys into the town and held them at
prices ranging from 1U tu 22 cunts a pound.
They had no real competition, as home
dealers were too slow. This year, howovor,
many local dealers Hooded the town with
livo fowl brought from Western Pennsyl
vania and other distant points. When tho
farmers arrived with their loads thoy wore
staggered by tho pyramids of coops on side
walks and in stores, and found that local
dealers wore selling the fowl at from 10 to 15
cents a pound. That is why tho people are
to-day giving thanks that the fanners do not
I rule the roo.t.
Bf7 ''"
at and
8 S. Main Street.
cninn gluotme.
Bohemian Vases 25c. each
It's yucer How Quirk
Pan-Tina cures coughs and colds, !
iriihlor Hros., drugstore.
11111 l rue Mntlin of The ifKi
grin Kin Inspector,
Wherever John .1. Itcilly, the
acuvo young uomoemtic polltlclnTCSuiilo his
appearanco tbis morning he wftf warmly
Brasped by tho hand and congmftila'tiontnf
unmistakable heartinoss woro whispered! 11
his ear by bis fellow Democrats. jvTifl had
heard that tho object of. their arccUngsJiad
I...., ... . , 'L
i.vvn io succeed 1110 jato J. ,1. , . . i.i ....1.
Monaglian as Inspector of Immigration nt , "Oliemian vums., su ucvuyw iac
Philadelphia. for 50c., at 39c.
Hut It was all a mistake, nt leasfproma- IHSqUC l'lgures 25c. eacll
turo. Mr. Kcllly Is still plain trtJo!inny" ! HiS(l"e Figures.worth 1 each at 75c
and ho has not yet authority ttf'prlS, ''in- Hand Painted Placque at 25c each
spector" to his namo. Tho report 33ap- Filbigree Toilet Bottles 25c. each
pointmcnt undoubtedly arose from aiJgaTher-1 China Brush VaSCS 35C each
ing of politicians at Pottsvillo lalt'.nl'gTitt nt 1 Genuine Royal Wooster Cups and
which It seems to havo bccnnio prcttlwell Saucers SOC
understood that ox-Congressman JaWes II. rrp...h r1lill Cur)(, nndSnicers
lleilly will have more to say In regjrythe I,rcllch Uuna L-UPS niw Sa UC
appointment than anyone else in tliRjOTMty, . . 3
and that if a Schuvlklii rnnnh'fSoSn.t After Dinner Coffees, worth 25c.
gets it John J. Itcilly will bo tho niaiiVH at 1 5c
A number of tho young Democratic leaders 1 Bohemian Glass LailUle buck 50c
Carlsbad China Fruit Plates 10c.
Carlsbad China Fruit Saucers 10c.
Carlsbad China Bone Dishes, worth
$2.50, at $1.75 doz.
1 Tnnnnpsp Travs I5C
Sugar and Cream, on Tray, 50c. set
Cracker Jars 50c
Olive Travs 25c
China Smoking Sets $1 .00
China Syrup Jugs 50c
Indv. Bread and Butter 10c. each
Berry bets, lancy China, 1.29 up
Child's Cup, Saucer and Plate 10c
Japanese Sugar and Cream 90c
China Brush and Comb Tray 50c
! Lemonade Set, consisting of Pitcher,
Happy Housewives
All housewives are happy when
they receive 11 second supply of
"GOLD riEDAL" Flour, for they
know it "makes the best bread."
You can get it of any grocer at
$2.50 per half-barrel sack.
of the county woro applicants for tho posi
tion, but during tho past few days It settled
down to a battlo betweou Johnny Itcilly and
ex-Clerk of tho Courts John J. Toole, so far
as tho Schuylkill countians wore concerned.
The conference of last night, how
ever, seems to havo knocked out Toole's '
chances. It is intimated that Toole . will
be cared t for in some othor manner,
probably getting the ollico of County
Detective, which it is expected will bo made
active again. For several years the ofllco has
existed only on tho statute books, but' it is
said tho county authorities believo there is
now sullicient necessity to put it in forco
It Hits the Spot That's Itlglil. ' ,
What? Pan-Tina for coughs and colds.
Oruhlor Bros., drug store.
Thos. E. Samuels & Co.,
Wholesale Grocers.
105 South Main Street, - Shenandoah,' Pa.
NOVKMBKIt as, 1803.
Happenings Throughout the Keghm Chron
icled lor Hasty Perusal.
Pulpites, or United Kvangellcnls, have at
last been legally ousted from the Evan
gelical Church at Tower City.
Heading's traction companies will merge ns
1 N- I'nitcd Traction Company with a new
. barter 011 a $100,000 basis.
Mahanoy City is troubled with chicken
tlneves. j
Miss Wolf is lying dangerously ill at
tier home in Mahanoy City.
The public schools were closed yesterday
and will not open until Monday morning.
Prank llutler. of (iirardville, has accepted
a position in the public schools of Wilkos
lurre. A marriage license has been issued to John
O'Donnell and Annie Orady, both of Butler
A new parish will be formed at Prackvillo
and a Catholic rector appointed, after many
years agitation.
"Bed" Connelly, of Wilkesbanc and John
tarney, of Philadelphia, will contest for
points in 15 rounds at Tumbling Bun this
t veiling.
The T. A. 1!. Society will give ail excellent
entertainment at Lost Creek this evening,
fsoinc of the best talent in tlio county will
take part.
James (ioodiuan it Co., the produce dealers,
have put an attractive new delivery wagon
hi the road to supply the wants of their
many patrons.
John D.ivie.. a farmer living near Bran
(i.nnillr, v bile watering his near tho
burn, received a kick ill the face from ono of
tin- animals, which fractured his jaw and
i.iadr a i iit about lour incites long. The kick
vndered him unconscious, in which stito he
ii iiiained for about eight hours.
1 Some lime Much, Others Hmc Utile for
I Which In (live Thanks.
I Grover Cleveland. llecauso he will soon
. 1 have a Bcpulilican Congress to throw the
blame of his failures 011.
Tom lteed llecauso his biking oxcreises
have put him in good shape for tho Presi
dential race. j
M. S. Quay. That he can still run a cam
paign, resulting in the usual majorities, in
spite of Sain l.och and Zerby.
Jolin Sherman That he has bad his little
Say about ltepublican wire pulling, and still
Secretary Olney. That he has such a com
fortable berth, even if poc.r Waller is dying in
a trench prison. ,
Hoke Smith. That he has 1.1 months moro
before he has to go back to t belaud of crackers.
Don Gimeron. That be didn't havo his
fight for re-election to the Senate this year.
D. II. Hill. That be is Mill in tho Senate,
although not finite so proud of being a Demo
A. P. Gorman. Doesn't think be has any
thing this year.
Wm. McKinley. That he is not responsi
ble for the Wilson tarilfbill.
P. M. (ieu'l Wilson. That Grover did not
forgot his services in tho object lesson the
country has been given.
Gcn'l. Miles. That his time for lighting
Indians is over.
Dr. Chauncey Dcpcw. That his digestion
is still good enough for the winter's cam
paign. Richard Croker. That 1 e got homo in time
to lead Tammany from the general wreck.
Gov. Hastings. That he has no more fights
like that of last summer 011 hand.
Mnlianoy City llusluess College.' Tray aild SlX GiaSSCS, OOC
This excellent college, at 05 East Cpntro I Lemonade Set, Fancy Imported,
street, givos Commercial, Shorthand ,id I worth $2.50 at $1 .75
Typewriting courses equal to any in thcastatc I China Clocks $2.50
at tho very lowest ratos. Individual in-. -,,r.' c.. uh1 .,j n.1n 'r
Milk Sets, Bottle and 2 Glasses 50c
Princess Banquet Lamps i.95
CHARLIE SING, - Chinese Laundry,
First-class Work at Low' Prices.
AU yn?,SrstlcMsmaneran(, satisfaction guaranteed. Shirts washed
and Ironed, 10c; shirts Ironed, 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c: undershirts, tc
underdrawers, 7c; handkerchiefs, 2c. uimcrsmns, ?c,
Carden's ART WALL PAPER Store.
U 0 have just received a fino lino of tho most beautiful and artistic papers in tho
market, which wo will sell at very reasonable prices. Wo havo also in stock a
groat deal of last year's patterns which wo are selling at a sacrWce. Como and
seo our lino of goods. Wo havo tho most beautiful and artistic papers.
Largest Paper Store in Town.
Finest Stock and Lowest Prices.
struction. Day and evening classes. Students
constantly entering. Catalogue freo.
10-U-tf G. W. WH.MA5IS, Principal.
Marriages. '
S. II. Vainliurcii and .Miss May Keiper,
of Ashland, woro married at that placQ.this
afternoon. it
John Cotollo and Miss Mary A. Wtilsh,
both of Colorado, were married yestorday at
Two weddings will soon take place at
There! Tills Is .lust tlio Thing,
lied Flag Oil for sprains and bruises.
Gruhlcr Rros., drug store.
1 Night Lamps with Decorated
Shade 25c.
I A Decorated Toilet Set, six pieces,
1 Ten Pieces - - $2.50
l'r.ickville, the contracting parties' being Ten Pieces, filled colors and gold
I rcilcnck H. Wagner and Miss Maud I..
Copeland, and Charles G. Hummel and Miss
Gwctmio Miller.
The marriago of Dr. Lorenzo I!. Zimmer
man, of Mt. Oirmcl, and Mis.s DaUy 6,. John,
of llloomsburg, took place yesterday at, the
latter town. , ,
M. Stahl and Miss Curry, both of Mahanoy
Plane, were united in marriage yestorday by
liev. .1. 1.. Lauuhlin.
William C. ll.irker, tho shoe man of Potts
villo, and Miss Margaret lievan, of Ashland;
were married .this afternoon at the latter
place. Mr. Barker was formerly a resident
of this town, and many witnessed' tho
On a New footing.
We are now in tlio field with a completo
lino of Xew Fall Shoos. At Werner's, tho
place to buy, to secure best shoo rallies, tf
Satisfaction guaranteed by Bell, the
JMlct Against Secret Societies.
The Congregation of Cardinals, in session
' at itomo, has issued 11 new decree, couched in
1 strong terms, against secret societies in the
I'nitcd States.
i n1nJ'S0VSis"1nml Dorornttvo Painting.
No. 221 West Centre Street, Shenanaoan, e
Have the leaks in your gas and water mains
repaired by P. W. Bell, tho plumber.
The Vunli Assembly.
November assembly of
Fred. W. Hooks visited friends at
Social Club, at Armory hall, Girardvillo, last
night, wasa brilliant ccntnnd wits attended
U prominent people from all parts of the
rc gion. The dancing music was furnished
by the Schoppe orchestra of this tun 11 and
was exceptionally fine. Among the residents
of this place who attended the assembly were
Misses Mary A. Stack, Laura Itobinson, M.
Dclcauip, Tillie Kuse. (iweunie, Sadie, Lizzie I Mrs. It
and Gertie Ileose, StauU, Liasie Ilellls. tended
Nettie and Geitie l.evinc, and Messrs. L'rvin
Meyer. Harry Hafiier, Hubert Hammer,
ll.uiy lieese, Joseph (iruinin, M. J. Kelley,
.t.niirs l.eckic, F ('. Port.aud H.J. Muldoon.
Joseph Iteddall. f Win. Peiin, and William
1-1m1111 and Ma. Mayor were, also in
.il U ndauce.
Philadelphia yesterday.
( John Cathcr, of Bluefiehl, West Virginia.
ITarda 1 is a guest of town friends.
Best gas fitting is dono by P. W Bell.
"Tho Kiissitui Mine."
The military drama, "Tho Kalian Slave," produced by Mim Kthol Tucker and her
c vi-i llent company last night. With each
ippcaranco Miss Tucker adds new laurels as
.in ai tre-w of great ability, and carried hor
udiem r with her all through tho interesting
lomantii- tory. Mr. Meldon's actiug was
specially strong, and was greeted with
'icarty applause. A detachment from the
Jennings Guards appeared in the battle scene.
The orchestra traveling with tlio company
John G. Davis, of South West street, who
suflereil an attack of Inflammation of the
lungs, is now convalescent.
William N'eiman and Max Mayer canio up
from Philadelphia to witness tho liethle-hcm-Shcuaudoah
foot ball game at the
Trotting park to-day.
Mr. and Mrs. 1!. W. Stout and Mr. and
H. Morgan mid daughter, KUen, at
tho Vanlluren-Keiper nuptials at
Ashland this afternoon.
School Directors T. I!. Edwards and
Patrick Conry went to Kutztnwn this morn
ing to visit their son-, who are attending the
Normal school at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. W. X. Khrhart, Mr. and Mrs.
James May, William Daddow and I,. A.
Bamberger woro among the town people who
attended tho Barker-Bcvan wedding at Ash
land to-day.
Grant Lcssig is spending tlio day at Hazlc
ton. Mrs. John liohcrts is visiting her son, in
Gcorgo Beddall, of Hazleton, is visiting
relatives here.
John Price, of Philadelphia, is spending
Thanksgiving in town.
Miss Agues Andriukiiitis is spending n few
days with frionds in Frecland.
Miss Ida llorring, of llloonisburg, is visit-
lor uuer
k 1.1. HATIn -
, "wVv
of UioGlobofor
NEURALGIA and similar Complaints,
anaprcpareu unaer 1110 airingcm
lAirescilbeclby eminent pbyslclansv
World rpnnnmed I PomnrTrnhlv Riirrieufnl!
Onlvsonntne with Trade Alnrk "Anchor," !
12 Branch Eoases, Own Glassworks,
A: SO ets. in SlwimiHlu.ih for sale uy
I'. 1', U. Klrliu. 0 ri Slum --"t . ' i
iiilian, 7 s M ..11 M .
gViuucii. I'- co
H lln
V ftin
"ATANTHD. A good canvasser. A rareoppor-
tunny lor a competent person. AUilress,
M. V. V., Hr.iiAI.I) otllce.
JiOU SA1.K. An upright piano, hi I'.icdlcnt
? condition, will lie solil for SVSi.CO. Apply
at this ofllee.
TANTKI), An honest
active gentleman or
idded much to the evening's enjoyment. ing Mrs. S. 1). Hose, on West Lloyd strcot.
This afternoon the company preentel at the
matinee "The Uoldeu Giunt," in It excellent
style. The universal verdict among theatre
goers is that Miss Tuckor's company is tho
best that has Iwen seen here this season, and
they should be greeted with packed Iioum's.
To-night they will prosent "Tho Lo.t Para
dise," the great New ork suceew.
School Shoes,
At Werner's. Tho liest service for the least
money, that is why wo shoo about half the
hildren of Shenandoah. 11-27-tf
I'an-Tiiiu! What Is H?
The grefltost euro for roughs and colds. At
(i rubier Bros., drug store.
Best plumbing Is dono by P. W. Bell.
Also Tabic and Floor 011 Cloths Prom
E. E3.
t . OH 1 V I St -Is.
Michael Graham, of West Centre street,
was reported dangerously ill this afternoon.
It. F. Coognu, the genial Lakesido land
lord, is circulating among friends hero to-day.
Harry Wasloy is witnessing tho U. P. and
Cornell foot ball gamo at Philadelphia to-day.
Charles Willuiau has resigned his position
with William Zimmerman, tho butcher, to
accept a similar ono with J. Dalius,
When you wantTgood roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or gcnoral tinsmlthlng dono call
on E. F. Gallagher 18 Wost Centre street.
Dealer In stoves. 8-1-tf
Deaths anil Funerals,
James Mooro, aged 51 years, died at Maha
noy City yesterday.
Tho OlUPIJi) of Mrs. Mcllale will take place
to-inorrew a 0 o'clock, high mass in the An
nunelatlou (jhnreh. Interment will lie made
at MinersviUe.
f 'harlos W. Brrlwniuillor, Jr., aged 35 years,
died at tlie home of his father iu Mahanoy
( ity yesti rdny of lung trouble. Ho had lieon
sick for om 1 1 Tbo deceased Is well
known hen Tin I'uucral will take place on
lailv to trnvel for rcllnhle iwtnhlisbeil
house. Salnrv . S7S0, lmynhle SIS weekly, anil
expenses. Situation permanent. Itefi'ienccs.
Kneloso self-iwhlreMseil stamped envelope, The
Dominion Company, 3h Omaha Building,
Chicago. 11-ll-ait
For the Ijilcst Styles and
Lowest Prices ii . . .
Pall and
-Call at-
No. Ill 'North Maln St., Shenandoah.
Evan J. Davifes,
line $3. 75
Twelve Pieces, blue point $4.50 1
Twelve Pieces, wide gold stipple
Twevle Pieces, one of the hand
somest 011 the market $10.00
Wc keep on hand 75 different s,tylcs
to choose from.
Tea Sets $3.50, $4.50, $6.00, $3.oo
and up
Dinner Sets - $10.00
Dinner Sets - - $12.00
Dinner Sets $13-00
Dinner Sets - $15.00
Dinner Sets made up as you want them.
Glass Sets - - 25c
Ten Cent Pickles at - 5c
Engraved Tumblers at - 4c
Engraved Tumblers at - 5c
Bud Vaces at - - 10c
Rose Bowls, worth 25c. at 10c
Banana Dishes, worth 50c. at 35c
Celery Trays - - 10c
.Large bait ana i'epper - 4c
Nicest Goblet at - 5c
1 Fancy Needle etched Tumblers 10c
Castors - - 25c
Flour Sifters - 4c
Decorated Vinegar - ' 25c
Celluloid flovelties.
Necktie Boxes
Glove Boxes
Handkerchief Boxes
Veil Boxes
Brush and Comb Cases
Photograph Frames
Jewel Cases
Card Receivers
Coin Purses ' . ,
Comb and Mirror Cases '
; Morocca Cigar Cases and Smoking
Sets from 25c. up
Special Sale of Albums Monday to Saturday,
Dec. 2d. to 7th, Photograph Albums
worth $1,25, will go at 75 cents.
Collar and Cuff Boxes, Jewel Boxes,
etc., In Celluloid and White Metal.
is crowded with Novelties.
1 8 inch Washable Doll 15c
20 inch Washable Dolls 25c
Jointed Dressed Dolls 25c
75c. Dressed Dolls for 50c
These Dolls have never been sold for 1 ess
than 75 cents.
Magic Ianterns
Iron Brownie Carts
Toy Wash Stands
$1.00 Horses
Toy Stoves, Iron, 50c, $1.00, $1.75
and $2.75
Musical Instruments
Dolls Beds and Cradles
Dolls Wardrobes
Child's Black Boards
Games, Blocks, Drums, Guns, Tree
Ornaments, Banks, Mechanical
ToyS, Trains, etc.
Our Pine Candles still take the lead.
We have beyond
a doubt the larg
est line of holiday
Come and
for yourself.
At Win. NHswenter's l'rlvnto Salo of
now going on nt his utablci, corner Coal
ami Main Mrccts, Hlienamloah.
R. H.
X Fine Mated Teams.
2 Jet Black Teams.
6 Fine Roadsters.
And the balance of the car
load are good workers and
drivers. Our two black teams
are fine specimens of horse
flesh for undertakers. Every
horse sold guaranteed.
10 and 25c
10 and 25c
Undertaking !
(io to tlio Shenandoah Dental Rooms for
p.iiuloss extraction of teeth. Gold ami Silver
linings. If your artifical teeth do not suit
vou call to see us. All examinations free.
We mako nil kinds of plates. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns. Crown
and Bridge work and all operations that per
tain to Dental Surgery,
No charges for extracting when nlatos are
ordered. Wo aro tho only users of vitalized
air for tho paiuloss extraction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
(Titman's Illock)
East Centre Street.
Odlce Hours: 7 in. to 8 p. in.
You promised yourself this Fall,
and of course you are anxious to
buy it as cheap as possible.
Best Quality at Lowest Reasonable
Prices In Ladies', Misses'
and Children's
Can be sixi itKii at
7 South Main Street. - - Shenanloah.
Hooks & Brown,
hoimt eraiiirc.
Saturday, Nov. 30.
No trouble to show goods.
A rsj. Main Street
When It cornea to
My entire stock and fixtures for salo,
Inventory taken at cost and a wtlsfactory
discount made. Nover such a chance to get
an cstahlishcd business for bo littlo motley.
Lightest and host located store In town
everything going at cost and less. Four
weeks loft to get tho liig1 Hargalns. Don't
pay J moro elsewhere. Wo havo tho bar
gains; come heforo they aro gone.
Our stock speaks (or Itself,
to town sencl your orders,
rately and promptly nllcd.
If you don't come
liioy will boaccu
Call and see tho brightest, breeziest, snappiest
lot of Fall and Winter Suitings Shenan
doah has evor had.
We're experts on fit..
We're dealers In new ideas.
We're leaders of reasonable prices.
If you aro u' hard man to suit wo want
you to call.
2- North Main St.
Wholesale and Retail
Liquor Dealer
cigars, ToIkicco, &e. Agont for Heading
Browing Co.'s Beor and Porter.
11S and 11S S. Main St.
- t f , - - -r- V- -
A genuine wclcomo awaits you
Cor: Main and Coal Sts.
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys, beers,,
porter amt olo constantly on tap. Choice tem
perance dr)nkq nnd cigars.
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
aii woric KU"ramocM iu no ursitiosa m eve
DAiriQuiar, diik lira nuu iiw-e curiaiiui a at
any. uooub uuiw iot im ucuverea. At
13 N. Jardin Street. 8 S. Main Street.
29 East Centre Street
... ' I - n u . .
Mineral waters, wciss lieer f
micsi lager bee,
17 nnd 1 9 Peach Allev.