The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 28, 1895, Image 2

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if. f,r far
KSTAllMSIIl:!) 1870.
Published every Krenlnjr, Kiccpt Sunday, ni
8 Sotrrit Jarmn Strbkt, Kkar CimTnR.
'The llrruld Is dcllveifd lnKhetmmlonli nml the
surrounding towns for six cent a week, pay
able) to the carriers, lly lnnll S3.00 a yenr.or 23
cents n month, payable In ndvnucc. Advcrtlse
ments charced iiceonling to space nnd MsHion.
The publisher reserve tho rl(iht to chnr.Re the
f OBltlon of advertisements whenever tho puln
icntlon of new ricmnmls it, Tlio right la
reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether
paid for or not, that the publishers may deem
Improper. Advertising rates mode- known
uto!i application.
3tntered nt tite po.tofllco at Shenandoah, Pa., as
second class mall matter.
Evening Herald
Malianoy City has a Hoard of Health, mid
since its organization lias been a bono of much
contention among local politicians. In fact,
the appointments of that body, although the
two officers only command a Hilary of $25
and $12 respectively, have figured tjuito
prominently In the legislative halls at Harris
burg in the, Executive chamber and the
Usually interest in appointments of this
nature materially diminishes after the suc
cessful applicants have been installed into
office, but tho people of our sister borough
are an exception to the general rule. If an
appointee doesn't "walk tho chalk line" tiie
powers that bo either forco him to wear the
boss' collar, or accept tho only alternative
left to resign.
"Things aro different now," and instead of
using tho usual moaus of persuasion they now
appeal to tho palato by inviting tho obstreper
ous office-holder to a sumptuous repast at
Charley Brownmillcr'scafc. Wo can imagino
tho sc cno, with Senator Coylo's representative
and the diplomatic Comrey, (ho of tho niili
1ary cognomen) drinking from tho same
brown jug and masticating turkey and cran
berry sauce. Turkey is seasonable, far moro
than crow, although many at the festive board
on this particular occasion have a great rel
ish for tho lattor. This good fellowship'atnong
the Republicans across tho hill is gratifying
to their brethren here, and although wo have
not yet hoard of any resignations leing for
warded to the Governor as a sign of truce to
the opposition, it will bo productive of somo
A'ood. Charley Ilrownmillor's till has now no
"deficiency," and tho editors of that town re
ceived a square meal.
Although "sealed packages" aro objec
tionable, it might bo a good way to transport
homo of tho would-bo national delegates.
Prepare for Christmas by putting your
holiday advertisement into shape.
The Jury Commissioners havo again filled
tho wheel, and drawn therefrom many who
aro dead and others who have moved out of
tho county. Shenandoah's quota is reduced
onsi(lcmbly in this manner.
Are wo truly thankful for tho foreign
policy of the present administration ?
Wo know of no class of artisans where
practical and theoretical knowledgo is com
bined to greater advantage than that of the
man who works in tho bowels of tho earth
digging tho "dusty diamonds." This fact
will be admitted by all, and in reading an
article upon tho subject in the Mack Diamond
It was brought forcibly to bur attention. The
latest development in the preparation as well
sis the mo-.t improved methods of mining and
bringing tho ores to the surface is not the
outcomo of practical experience only, says
tho writer; they aro tho outcomoof techni
cal know'-.igo applied by practical men
Thero is no reason why a thoroughly practi'
cai Knowledge ot mining should not lo ac
companied by considerable scientific attain
ments, and tho mining engineer will find it
iidvantageous to have somo acquaintance
with nearly all the exact and physical
It is true thatno amount of purely Mdentific
or theoretical knowledgo will lit a man to
manago even o small mine in tho absence
practical experience, but tlio capability
the practical man is greatly increased
hcicntiflc knowledge. A technical education
consists not only of knowledge of the natural
and mechanical forcos, but it consists of a
knowledgo of how to apply them. If the
miner depends on his own aptitudo only, he
will work in a comparatively narrow groove.
We would, therefore, urge all young men
studying mining to endeavor to obtain
scientific knowledgo as well as practical train
ing. Apart from tho material advantago to
be derived from scientific knowledge, it
trains the intellect, and often develops a
taste for some special branch, the study of
which instead of being a task, becomes a
source of absorbing Interest.
Piiiladkli'IUA contractors nro hewing
clomr to tho lino, and tlio Senato investigat
ing committee has just begun its work. Tho
coincidence U quite marked.
There are several Democratic politicians
in town who would givo greater thanks to
day if tho Inspectorship plum would drop
In their back yard.
An Affiible Man, With n Military Manner
and n Distinguished Air.
In person M. Gemmo la n wiry, medium
sized molt, with n lino lirosoncu nml very
soldlurllko in ills erect etirringu. His facu
is strung nnd full of uliarnoter, his simp
plug eyes nro searulililu; unit stum, unit his
lino bond of gray hair and military urns
tncho give iiliu qtilto tlio nppenrnnco of n
cavalry olllcor. Courteous iimnnurs, great
nITulilllty nml n most distinguished air
mako him nn Ideal typo of gentleman. At
n most obs'irdly early hour, whon only
milkmen, bakers and laborers nro stirring,
ho may bo seen in tho Hols do Boulogne,
or on tho Champs Elysees, nstrido of it
Iiandsoino horse, tailing his morning exer
cise, but long boforo tho gay world of
i'arls is Idling over its morning cup of
coffee tho artist has returned mid is busily
engaged boforo his easel or with his model
ing tools.
Twice eaoli week lio gives his foronoou
to Ills pupils nt tho Government School of
Flnu Arts on tho Huo Hounpnrto. His
presunco lsj eagerly awaited, nnil bis nr
rival is tlio signal for absolute silence. On
his entrance mid nftor his lint nml coat
have been taken by ono of tho scholars,
without Joss of time ho nt onco goes at tho
work of criticism, in which ho is a model
of brovity nnd conciseness. His unerring
eye nt onco detects tho faults and wrong
tendencies of each student, nnd nothing
whatsoever escapes him. A pupil may do-
celvu himself, but not tho master. Kindly
ndvico to tho sorlous, stinging rebukes to
trltlers, pleasant encouragement to hard
workers nnd usoful counsel to progressive
men such nro tho results of his visits.
Ho is very liberal in his ideas nnd gladly
welcomes nny stylo of work so long ns It Is
healthy, honest and sincore. Ho takes
great prldo In tho efforts of tho pupils un
dor him nnd does not hesitate to climb
many pairs of stairs to tho most huniblo
littlo studio to correct nnd advlso somo
poor, struggling chap at work on n ploture,
nnd Geromo will sit nnd chat with him
nnd give him tho benefit of his years of ex
perience, ills kindness nnd consideration
to Americans in his studio aro proverbial.
"A Famous French Painter," by Arthur
Hoebor, in St. Nicholas.
A Girted People Who Have. I'layeil n Con.
slderable l'urt In History.
Tho Armenians nro n civilized people, a
peoplo of great natural gifts, and a people
who havo played n considerable part in
history. Since their ancient monarchy,
which had sufforod severely In tlio long
and desolating wars between tho Roman
nnd Persian empires from tlio third to tho
sovontli contury of our orn, was finally de
stroyed by tho Soljnklan Turks, a largo
part of tho raco has beon forced to mlgrato
from its ancient seats at tlio headwaters of
tho Euphrates, Tigris and Arns. Somo of
thorn wont southwest to tho mountain
fastnesses of Cilicla, whoro another Ar
menian kingdom grew up In the twelfth
contury. Others drifted into Porsla.
Others moved northeastward nml now
form a large, industrious and prosperous
population in Russian Transcaucasia,
whoro many havo entered tho military or
civil sorvlco of tho czar and risen, as tho
Armenians used to rise long ago in tho
nyznntino ompiro, to posts of distinction
nnd power. Hussia's thrco host gcnornls
In her last Asiatlo campaigns against tho
Turks wcro Arinoninns,
Others again havo scattorod thomsolves
over tlio cities of Asia Minor nud south
eastern Kuropo, whero much of tlio local
trado Is In their hands. Hut a largo num
ber, roughly estimated at from 1,300,000
to 1,700,000, remain In tho old fnthorland
round tho great lake of Van, and on tho
plateaus and clovaled valleys which stretch
westward from Mount Ararat to Erzenim
nnd Krzlnghian. Hero thoy nro on agri
cultural and, to a less extent, a pastoral
population, leading a simple, primitive
life and desiring nothing moro than to bo
permitted to loud It in pcacu and In fidel
ity to that ancient church which has bcon
to thorn tho symbol of nationality as woll
ns tho guido of life for Hiconturlos. Hon.
James Hryce, M. I'., In Century.
Choosing n Sweetheart.
A lady who has tho credit of bolng
versed in matters of tho heart gives thoso
few hints for tho uovlco In lovo thoy nro
applicable to both soxes:
iJo not, If you havo always admlrod fair
peoplo more than dark, fall in lovo with n,
dark person. Tlio fact that you havo al
ways preferred fair people shows that your
best cliauco of happiness would Lis with n
fair life partner.
For instance, tho man who has nlwnys
admired small, slim girls should not
chooso for his wife a tall nnd well tlovcl
oped girl. Neither should tho girl who
thinks that a man should bo tall and
broad bo persuaded to accept a man who
possesses neither of qualitlos.
Pooplo of dlfforont comploxlona and
physiques will net in totally different ways
under identically tho snmo olrcumstnnccs,
and it Is easy to bellovo that every man
nnd every woman knows lnstlnctivoiy
with what style of holi'miato ho or sho Is
most likely to live in happiness.
Happy marriages havo undoubtedly bcon
known when these rules havo not bcon
followed; but, genorally speaking, it isun
wise for any ono, In such a serious matter
ns marriage, to disregard in a moment of
passion the fixed ideas and instincts of n
lifetime. Edinburgh Scotsman.
Are inseparably connected. The for
mer depend simply, solely, solidly
upon the latter. If it Is pure they are
properly fed and there is no "nervous
ness." If It is impure they are fed on
refuse, therefore cannot be Btrong and
healthy, and the horrors of nervous
prostration result. The only sensible
way to .cure is: Feed tho nerves on
pure blood. Make pure rich, red
blood and keep it pure, by taking
The One True Blood Purifier, fl; 6 for f5.
Prepared only by C. I, Ifood A Co., Lowell, Matt,
UA'n DHlr ur blllou;nei and
riUUU O rillo ueaaacne, eenu.
instanllr Rolletos
A warm bath with
Cutlcura Soap,
, a single application of
Cutlcura (ointment),
! great skin cure, followed by mild
doses of Cuticura Resolvent (the
new blood purifier), will afford instant
relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to
a speedy cure In every form of torturing,
disfiguring skin humours.
Sold throughout Hit world. tlrlll.h dti Nswinsr,
lodon. 1'oTTtB l)suoaCHn.Coar..Uoton.U.8.A
Mechanlcnl Accuracy.
It is woll known, of course, that great
accuracy has becomo nn important factor
in cortnln kinds of workmanship, nn illus
tration of this fact bolng thus glvon by a
mechanical journal: Not long ago, in a
Philadelphia iiinclilno shop, tho head man
remarked concerning a devlco consisting
of n short steel rod fitting into u hollow
cylinder, tho rod bolng threo-'iuarters oi
nn inch in diameter. Now, tho lit was so
porioct tnat it would slide ireely in ana
out, but it was found that, If tlio rod woro
taken out and hold In tho hand but a few
seconds, tho slight oxpanslon caused by
tho warmth of tho hand was enough to
render it lmposslblo to insert tlio rod until
It had been allowed by gradual cooling to
regain Us uormul slzo.
On tlio Street.
Kindly Old Gont Ah, littlo girl, aro
ou going somewhere?
Littlo Girl (with amazing superiority)
Of course I .im. You don't MippoMi I could
go nowhere, do you? Detroit l'Veo Press.
To llcnntlfy tho Complexion
do not tako tho cosmetics, paints nnd
powders which injure tlio skin, hut take the
easiest way to gain a beautiful color and n
wholesome skin. Health is the greatest
lieautifler. Tho means to beauty, comfort,
and health for women is Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. Dull eyes, sallow or wrinkled
face, and those "feelings of weakness." have
their rise in the derangements peculiar to
"Favorite Prescription" will build up,
drencthen, and invigorate, every "run
down" or delicate woman by regulating and
assisting all the natural functions.
To euro constipation, biliousness, indiges
tion, sick headache, tako Dr. Pierce's Pellets.
Ono a dose.
A Fine Skin.
A flno skin is ono of tlio most wonderful
nnd lovely things in nature It really con
sists of six layers of nctworkllko loco of
tho most exqulslto texture, tho filaments
various in slzo and Irregular In arrange
ment, lustrous as gossamers. Tho upper
most layer is n series of tiny facets form
ing a grain, which, whon In perfection,
shines not ouly with tho refloctcd bril
liancy of tho under layers, but with a light
of Its own, producing that oxqulslto white
ness which would bo destroyed by any
thing like rough friction. Ami people aro so
idlotio as to lay on creams and unguents,
ointments and other mysterious prep
arations of whoso ingrodlonts they know
nothing. In a enso that cropped up not
long slnco It was proved in court that
somo stuff sold in a bottle at bnlf n guinea
cost exactly U farthings to make. Or was
It 1 farthing? Somo fraction of a penny.
Loudon Truth.
ltelief In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "Now Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
cxeeedinir nromntness in relieving nain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
ot tlio urinary passages m male or iemaio.
It relieves retention of water and vain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and euro this is your remedy.
Sold by Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 South
Mail' street.
Why "Timothy" Grass Is So Called.
Tho forago grass known to tlio farmers
of th United Statesas timothy Is so called
bocauso first introduced and extensively
cultivated in this country by ono Timothy
Hanson, a fanner of Maryland. This
species of grass is well known In England
nnd all over western continental Europo,
whoro it is grown oxtunslvoly by most
farmers between tho Mediterranean nnd
tho North scu. Tho botaulcul namo of this
grass is Pliloum prntense. Timothy is
known in tho British Isles ns cat's tall
grass nnd In several of our eastern states
as hord, or hord's, grass. It was grown
in largo quantities in Mnrylundnnd Penn
sylvniiln long before n spear of it had over
been scon in England, tlio first seed of it
over seen In tlio last named country being
imported from America. St. Louis Ho
The Discovery Saved Ills Lift).
Mr. O. Cuillouette, Druggist, lleavcrsville,
111,, says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery 1
nwo mv life. Was taken witli La Grippo and
tried all the physicians for miles about, but
of no avail nnd was clvon un nnd told I could
not live. Having Dr. King's Now Discovery
in my store I sent for a bottlo and began its
uso and from tlio first doso began to get bettor,
and after using tlireo bottles was up and about
again. It is worth its weight in gold. WO
won't keen store or houso without it."
a free trial nt A. Wasloy's Drug Store.
Tho Claims of I.oug Descent.
In n nbtlcoof a recent wedding tho brido
was described us "a lineal .descendant of
Edward III." A poetical friend, sending
his caugratulations, wrote:
From my Burliest days I waa led to Uelluvu
That wo nil wero descended from Adam and
But poor Mrs. Brown-Jones 'tis very absurd
Was only aesccnuta Jrom ixlwaru tlio Tlilrd,
Ilridegroom (who is recolvlng his bride's
dowry) Ton dollars aro still wanting.
Fnther-ln-lnw Whatf Oh, my daughter
swallowed that f 10 when sho was a child.
Fllogondo Hluttor.
Cure for Headnr.ho,
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric Hitters has proved to ho tho very
best. It efl'ects n permanent curo and tho
most dreaded habitual siok headaches yield
to its influence Wo urgo all who nroalllictcd
to procuro a bottlo, nnd givo this remedy a
fair trial. In enso of habitual coiiitlpatlon
Klertrin Hitters euros by giving tile needed
tono to tho bowels, and fow cases long resist
the uso of this medicine. Try it once. Ijirgo
bottles only 50 cents at A. Wasloy's Drug
M the
Cold and Cough Cures.
Promptly Effectual In Curing Orip, Colds
and Coughs, and a Sure Preventive of
Pneumonia and All Lung Diseases.
Munyon's Cold Curo will positively break
up tlio grip or a cold in a few hours If taken
ns oon as tiie cold appears. When tho cold
roaches tlio lungs and there is cough nnd
oppressed breathing Munyon's Cough Cure,
used in alternation with tho Cold Cure every
half hour, will effect an immediate curo.
When there Is pain in tlio chest Munyon's
Dusters will givo great relief and act as a
protection. Tlicso remodlcs nro a stiro pre
ventive of piicumonin and lung troubles.
Why Poison Your System
witli dangerous drugs? Why not try Mun
yon's New and Improved Homoeopathic
Homo Remedies? A separate specific for
each disease. Absolutely harmless. Positive
and permanent cures. At druggists, 25 cctits
a bottle.
Personal letters to Professor Munyoii, 1505
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., nnswered with
fee medical ndvico for any disease.
Quite u Difference.
"What's tho matter, William?" snid tho
wealthy householder. "Anything gone
"Not exactly cono wrong, sir: but X
want n now understanding."
"What about?"
"My pay, sir."
"Why, you got very good wages for rt
"Yob, sir. Thoy does vory woll for n
cook, sir. Hut I overheard you when you
wcro talking to your friends, sir. You
called mo your chef."
"Woll, you ought to bo complimented."
"Yes, sir. I'm complimented. Hut busi
ness is business. I can't bo a chef for less
than $3,000 a year. Wages is all right for
a cook, but a chef lias to have u salary."
Washington Star.
How to Prevent Cjwip.
Croup is a terror to young mothers nnd to
post them conccraing the cause, first symp
toms nnd treatment is tho object of this item.
Tho origin of croup is a common cold.
Children who aro subject to it take cold very
easily and croup is almost suro to follow.
Tho first symptom is hoarseness ; this is
soon followed by n peculiar rough cough,
which is easily recognized and will never bo
forgotten by ono who has heard it. Tho time
to act is when the child first becomes hoarse.
If Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy is freely
given all tendency to croup will soon disap
pear. Kvcn after the croupy cough has de
veloped it will prevent tho attack. There is
no danger in giving this remedy for it con
tains nothing injurious. For sale by Gruhler
Bros., Druggists.
A Gentle Hint.
Whistler, the nrtlst, once sat at thothwv
ter next to n lady who was going in and
out of her scat constantly, not only as soon
ns each net was finished, but also while
tho play was going on. Tho spneo botwecn
tho rows of seats was vory narrow, nnd
tho nrtlst was subjected to much annoy
unco as she passed him. "Madam," be
said at length in bis sweotest tones, "I
trust I do not incommode you by keeping
my seat?"
The Chlcncoan Abroad.
Old Friend What did you seo In Eng
land that most amused your
Unturned Traveler (promptly) Eng
lishmen. Chicago Itecord.
Tho wife ot Mr. Leonard Wells, of East
llrimfield, Mass., had been suffering from
neuralgia for two dnys, not being nblo to
sleep or hardly keep still, when Mr. Holdcn,
tho merchant there, sent her a bottlo of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, and asked that sho givo
It a thorough trial. On meeting Mr. Wells
tho next day he was told that sho was nil
right, tho pain had left her within two
horn's, and that the bottle of Pain Balm was
worth fo.OO if it could not bo had for less.
For sale at 50 cents per bottlo by Gruhler
Bros., Druggists.
Her Mistake.
"It was very pluoky of you, ma'am, to
havo set upon tho burglar and so ably cap
tured him," said tho polico inspector, "but
need you havo injured him so badlyt"
"How did I know it was n burglar!"
asked tho woman. "I'd been up throe
hours waiting fur my husband. I thought
It was him. Liverpool Mercury.
Iliicklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
Ul.. !,.,,,,. l,.,.1o ,.l,iU,l.,l,,a o n,l
nil skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to givo
perfect satisfaction or many refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For snlo by A. Wnslcy.
Specialist in diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
207 Woet Market St., POTT8VILLK
Hours 8:30 a. m. to 12 m.; 1 to 4 p. in., to
8 u. rn. Sundays H a, in. to 12 m.
Justice of the Peace,
Insurance and
Real Estate Agent,
123 East Centre St.
Properties For Sale.
TWO-STORY Frame Building, 8045 fee on
South Chestnut 'street. Itcnta for $18 per
month i will bo sold cheap.
HALF IX)T and TWO HOUSES, situated
on Wet Centre street. Will pay 12 per
cent, on Investment, and can be bought on easy
1 FAItM OF .83 ACltl'-S within three
iV miles of good market. Twenty-nine
acres under cultivation, and four acres of
good timber. Frame farm house, six rooms,
good barn and all In Rood condition. Will be
sold for J1.200 cash,
HALF LOT and two houses on South Main
street. $1,800.
mWO LOTS nnd six houses, Including tbfee
X story frume hotel and store room, on Kat
Centre street. Property in gooa condition
Aggregate rent, J110.00 per month.
A Cnnoo Journey of J'.lglit Hundred SI lies
With Many Hardships Tlio Daring Ki
plorcr's Search Alono nnd the 1 toward
Illi Conrngo Drought.
John Mulr, nftor whom tho largest
glacier in tlio world is named, wrlfos a
paper for Tho Century on "Tho Discovery
of Glnoior Hay." Mr. Mulr says:
My first visit to tho now famous Glnclor
bay of Alaska was mado toward tlio end
nt October, 1870, whon young lco was bo-
glunliig to form In tho branch Inlets occu
pied by tho glaciers, nnd tho mountains
wcro mantled with fresh snow' all tho way
iown from tho highest peaks anil ridges of
tlio Fnlrwcathcr range nearly to tho lovol
of tho soa.
I had spontmostof tho season exploring
the canyon of tho Stlakeon river and its
glaciers and n small portion of tho interior
region beyond tho const mountains, on tho
tllvldo of somo of tho southerly tributaries
of tho Yukon and Mackonzlo rivers. When
1 got back to my headquarters nt Fort
Wrangol, about tho beginning of October
it seemed too Into for new undertakings in
this icy northlaiid. Tho days woro grow
ing short, and winter, with Its heavy
storms, was drawing nigh, whon avn
lnnches would bo booming down tho long
whltn slopes of tho peaks, nnd nil tho land
would bo burled.
But, on tho other hand, though this
white wilderness was now to mo, I was
familiar with storms, had enjoyed them,
knowing well that In right rotations with
thom thoy nro ovor kindly. Tho main in
land channels, extending in overy direc
tion along tho coast, remain open nil win
ter, nnd tliolr shores being well forested It
would bo easy to keep warm In camp,
whllo in n largo cnnoo abundance of pro
visions could bo carried. I determined,
therefore, to go ahead ns far north ns pos
sible, with or without companions, to see
nnd learn what I could, especially with
roforonco to futuro work. When I mado
known my plans to Mr. Youug, tho Wran
gol missionary, ho offered to go with mo,
nnd with his asslstnnco I procured a good
cnnoo and n crow of Indians, gnthorcd a
largo stock of provisions, blnnkots, etc.,
nnd on Oct. 14 set forth, eager to welcome
whatever wlldncss might offer, so long ns
food nnd flrowood should Inst. Wo mado a
journey moro than 800 mllos long, and
though hardships woro encountered and a
fow dangers tho wild wonderland mado
compensation beyond our most extrava
gant hopos.
Tho first stngoa of our Journey woro
mostly enjoyment. Tho weather was about
half bright, and wo glided along tho green
and yellow shores in comfort, tho lovely
islands passing In harmonious succession,
llko Ideas in n Una poem. Tho rain did not
hinder us, but when tho wind was too
wild wo staid hi camp, tho Indians usually
improving such storm times in deer hunt
ing, whllo I examined tho rocks and
woods. Most of our camps woro mado In
nooks that wero charmingly embowered
and fringed with bushes nnd Into flowers.
About noon wo discovered tho lirst of tho
great glaclors tho ono I afterward named
for Gciklo, tho noted Scotch geologist. Its
lofty bluo cliffs, looming up through tho
draggled skirts of tho clouds, gavo a tre
mendous Impression of savngo powor,
whllo the roar of tho newborn icebergs
thickened nnd emphasized tho general roar
of tho storm. An hour and a half boyond
tho Goikle glacier wo ran into a slight har
bor whoro tho 6horo is low, dragged tho
cauoo boyond tho rcaclLof drifting Icebergs,
nnd, much ngalnst my desiro to push
ahead, oncamped, tho gultlo Insisting that
tho big ico mountain at tho head of tho bay
could not bo roachod boforo dark, that tlio
landing tliero was dangerous oven In day
light, nnd that tills was tho only safe har
bor on tho way to It. While camp was be
ing mado I strolled along tho shore to ex
amine tho rooks nnd tho fossil timber that
abound hero. All tlio rocks nro freshly
glaciated oven bolow tho sea lovol, nor
havo tho waves as yet worn off tlio surface
polish, much less tho heavy scratches nnd
grooves nnd linos of glacial contour.
Tho noxt day bolng Sunday, tho minis
ter wished to stay in camp, and so, on ac
count of tho weather, did tho Indians. I
theroforo set out on nn excursion, nnd
spent tho day alono on tho mountain
slopes abovo tho camp nnd to tho north of
it, to seo what I might learn. Pushing on
through rain and mud nnd sludgy snow,
crossing many brown, bowlder choked tor
rents, wading, jumping, wallowing in
snow to my shoulders, I had a dosporutoly
hard nnd dangerous tlmo. After crouch
ing, cramped nnd benumbed, in tho canoe,
poulticed In wet clothes and blankets night
and day, my limbs had bcon long nslcop.
This day thoy wero awako, and in tho hour
of trlnl provod that they had not lost tho
cunning learned on many a mountain
peak of tho high Siorra.
1 roachod a height of 1,600 fcot on the
ridgo that bounds tho second of tho great
glaclors on tho south. All tho landscape
was smothered in clouds, nml I began to
fear that I hud ollmbed In vain as far as
wldo vlows wero conccrnod. Hut nt length
tho clouds lifted a littlo, and boneuth their
gray fringes I saw tho borg filled ex pun so
of tho bay, and tho foot of tho mountains
that stand nbout it, and tho imposing
fronts of fivo of tho bugo glaciers, tlio
nearest being Immediately beneath mo.
Tins was my urst general vlow of Glacier
bay, a solitude of ico and snow nnd now-
born rocks, dim, dreary, mysterious. I
held tho ground 1 had so doarly won for on
hour or two, sholtoring myself as host I
could from tho blast, whllo with benumbed
fingers I skotohed what I could seo of tho
landscapo and wroto n fow linos In my
notebook. Thon I breasted tlio snow
again, crossed tho mufllod, shifting avn-
lanclio tall, lorded tho torronts in safety
nnd reached camp nbout dark, wot and
weary, but rloh in a notablo experience.
The Whole.
Two gentlemen worp talking together,
whon a third frlond camo up nnd joined
"My first," one of tho two gentlemen
was saying to tho other ,"is crosseyed, my
second is dyspeptic nnd my third is rheu
matic." "Woll," enld tho gentleman who had
Just come up, "how can wo guess it un
loss you toll us what your wholo is?"
"Guess whatf"
"Why, your charatlo."
"Chnradef I wasn't giving a charade,
sir. I was talking about my thrco chil
dren!" London Tlt-Blts.
Faint Heart.
Miss Sweety Vesi I can't get mnrrlcd
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Her Friend How terrible!
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