The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 26, 1895, Image 2

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KSTAlH.I.SIIlUt 1870.
Published every Evening, Except Sunday, nt
8 Bocnt JARDtN Stiibht. Nbau Ckhthk.'
Sthe lleruld dellvried lnShennndonh nml tlio
surreundlng towinforslx cents a week, pay
able to the carriers, lty mnll 13.00 n yenr, or 23
cents a month, payable In advance. Advertise
ments cluirged according to upaco and position.
The publishers reserve the right to chnngo the
position of advertisements whenever tho pul
lcatlon of news demands It. Tho right Is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not, that tho publishers may deem
lmprojer. Advertising rates made known
upon application.
Entered at the postofllco at Shenandoah, Pn., as
second class mall matter.
Ivening Herald
Tun quantity of poultry now pouring into
town on nil sides should bring tho prico
within tho reach of all.
TUB nows is what the people want, and
that is tho reason they swear hythollKltALD.
Our subscription list is steadily moving
At tlio rato tho police are raiding speak
easies in riiiladclphia it will soon be necessary
to speak pretty loud for n glass of beer on
A love-loiiK maiden tried to commit
kiilcido at the door of a wealthy resident of
Brooklyn. Sho could have achieved more
notoriety and had more satisfaction in a
broach of promise suit.
After many postponements tho Peanut
ballot caso is under consideration by the
courts. The matter should bo definitely
settled, as tho people have had about enough
of that "fishy" transaction.
Till: Qirard Estate Trustees have notified
their tenants that they must not sell liquor
after the expiration of tho current licenso
year. This raises tho question, will tho
speak-oasies obey tho notice ?
Among the things for which tho people of
Schuylkill county should be thankful is the
heavy fall of rain during last night and to
day. It was badly needed both for manufac
turing and domestic purposes.
The war against the increased car faro is
being felt by tho Traction Company in Pliila
delphia, whicli has had to materially reduce
its forces. When the press and the peoplo
-eombine they can make themselves felt.
It now looks as if tho silver Democrats
will nominate Sibley for President. What
tho silver Republicans are to do is not stated,
but wo presume they are expected to endorse
their Democratic brethren's selection.
12x-PltEsn)ENT Harhison, in his intro
ductory paper of a scries of articles on "This
f 'ountryof Ours" in December Ladies' Home
Journal, writes vigorously of the great
necessity of the people insisting upon the
strict enforcement of tlio laws. Directly
upon this point ho says : "Wo need general
assemblies of the peoplo in tlio smaller civil
subdivisions, to be held regularly once or
twice a year, town meetings in which two
questions only shall bo considered : First, are
the public officers faithfully and honestly
transacting tlio public business? Second, arc
the laws not this law nor that, but all laws
enforced and oboyed? Tho enforcement of
tho law. whother wo opposed or aided the
making of it j tho strict accountability
public officers, whether wo opposed or aided
their election, should bo tho objects and tho
limits of these meetings. There should be no
distinction of persons. Our law and order
movements are loo -apt to bo confined to
what we, not tuo .accurately, call 'influential
ireople. Every man and woman ought to
fiiave a chanco to chose his side, without te
sard to station ur wealth or raco or color.
There will be none too many."
There is enc fact firmly settled in the
minds of tho Republican members of the
Houso of Representatives, which meets next
Monday, tliat tho Hon. Thomas II. Reed
will preside over tho deliberations of that
body. No other name is mentioned for the
position, and none could fill it with groator
ability and to greater advantage to tlio Re
publican party. The only uncertainty that
does exist is as to tho assignment of tlio com
mittee members. It is not probable, how
ever, tiiat anything definite in the matter
will be known before the official announce
ment is mud after Mr. Reed has been form
ally elected Spoakor.
Thero is one marked feature about the
goip in reference to tho President's forth
coming message. It is loss than a week
ieforo tho meeting of Congress, and thcro
was seldom such absolute indifference us to
what recommendations tho President will
make as now exists throughout tho country
and among the members of Congress. Thisap
parent indlfiorcnce is not confined to either
party. Once In a while a cuckoo editor will
flap his wings and utter a little shriek, but
that is all. Everybody seems to havo arrived
at the conclusion tiiat it makes no difference
what Mr. Cleveland may say or leavo un
said. It is to the wisdom of the Republicans
in Congress that tho peoplo depend upon, and
not Mr. Cleveland's message.
Congress will take ono very important
stop, and ouo In which thopcoplo have shown
considerable intorost, and that is tlio enforce
ment of tho Monroo doctrine. Tho people
have enthusiastically supported that docu
ment and want to see it applied and main
tained, A resolution of that kind, it is be
Moved, will pass by an almost unanimous
lteiiieniber If yon Have n Cough or Cold,
Pun-Tina always cures, 25c. At Qruhlcr
llros., drug storo.
A Lopcr In New York.
Nkw Youk, Nov. 28. A leper, in whom
tho iliseaso was well advanced, wns found
In tho street yesterday. Ha was taken to
tho offices of tho health board and exam
ined by Dr. C. K. Benedict, of the bureau
of contagious diseases. Dr. Benedict or
dered tho man scut to tho reception hospi
tal. Tho man said he was Fllb Dclbo, and
that ho cnino hero several months ago.
Lately ho has been living In a Cherry
street tenement.
Killed by Her Worthless Husband.
Cleveland, Nov. 20. Bushrod Kclch
for soveral years has done little but loiter
about Saloons, A fow weeks ago his wife
obtained a divorce from blni. Last even
ing ho wont to the houso where his wlfo
had been living and meeting her a short
distance from the houso shot her in tho
right temple. Ho then shot himself in tho
head. Mrs. Kelch died almost immedi
ately. The murderer will probably recover.
To lleuntlfy tho Complexion
do not take tho cosmetics, paints and
powders which injur o tlio skin, but tako the
easiest way to gain a beautiful celoranda
wholesome skin. Health is the greatest
beautifier. Tho means to beauty, comfort,
and health for women is Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. Dull eyes, sallow or wrinkled
face, and those "feelings of weakness," have
their rise in tho derangements peculiar to
Tavonto Prescription" will build up.
strengthen, and invigorate, every "run
down" or delicate woman by regulating and
assisting all the natural functions.
TV. mint nnncltlvitinn
biliousness, indigos-
Hon. sick headache, take ur.
Pierce s Pellets
Ono a dose.
Fought with Knife nlltl Poker.
West Nkwtok, Pa., Nov. 20. John
O'Grady and .Iain.'.. Berger took refuge
from tho storm in tho West Nowton Elec
trio Light company's plant. An alterca
tion nroso and they engaged in a furidui-
battle. O'Grady mado vigorous Uso of an
iron poker, while Berger savagely wielded
a knife. O'Grady received a probably fatal
stab iu tho groin. Berger is under arrest.
Two Tramps Scalded to Death.
Wasihkoton, Ind.. Nov. 20. Whllo six
tramps wero sleeping by the boiler at the
oleotric power houso tho wind valvo blow
out, scalding thorn badly. Two of the
men havo died. One is named Dan Evans,
Of Denver.
ltellet' in .Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "New Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
oxeccding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of tho urinary passages in male or female.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and euro this is your remedy.
Sold by Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 South
Main street.
Jubilation In Jlethlehcm.
BETOI.E1IEM, Pa., Nov. 20. A cablegram
was received yesterday by President Lin
dcrmnn, of tho licthlehom Iron compan
Informing him of tlio award to tho co
pany by tho Russian government of u cjr
tract for tho manufacture of nearly ijJC
tons of Harveyizcd armor plato. Tlio p"
Is to bo used on the now battleship K.Via
slav. This Is ono of tho largest contr;. ',
for armor plato awarded by any nation '
rocont years. Tlio work Is to bo completi
by tho closo of next fall. This will ki ,
tho 2,200 employes of tho ordnnnco depart
ment steadily nt work. When tho now
was received tho flags nt tho orduauci
works wcro run up and all whistles blown.
There is genoral rejoicing throughout tho
Tlio Discovery Saved Ills Life.
Mr. (i. Caillouctte, Druggist, Beavcrsville,
111., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I
owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and
tried all tho physicians for miles about, hut
of no avail and was given up and told I could
not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery
in my storo I sent for a bottlo and began its
uso and irom tho first dose began to get better.
and after using three bottles was up and about
again. It is wortli its weight iu gold. Wo
won't keep store or houso without it." (let
a freo trial at A. Waslry's Drug Storo.
Would ltntliar Din Tlinn Work.
New Yoke, Nov. 20. Ignntz Pandllch,
living in an nttio on Avenuo C, who had
just finished a debauch, said he would "die
beforo ho would work." and swallowed a
spoonful of Paris green. A patrolman was
summoned, and tho fellow was removed
to tho hospital writhing with pain. He
will dio, it is said. :
Watt h Member of the Commune.
I'Aitis, Nov. 20. M. Arthur Arnould,
tho French litterateur, and formerly a
member of tho cominuno, is dead, aged 03.
Ho was the author of a ntimlur of works,
including ouo outltlod "Tho French Itovo
lutiou." Merit wins, and Merit has not
only placed Hood's Sarsapa
rllla at the head of all medi
cines but has practically given
It, as a blood purifier, pos
session of the whole field.
Wins because It Cures. It
Cures because It purifies, vi
talizes and enriches the blood.
Disease cannot resist Its potent
powers. Health comes at
Its persuasive bidding. If you
need a good medicine, get
Hood's and only Hood's.
Prepared by C. I. Hood fc Co., Lowell, Mail, gl.
LI-.-.'-. 13:11-. cure all Hvr ills. JJeit
HOOCI S rlllS uttWHUnocr plIL lie.
All physicians admit this. Yet here tho
difficulty begins. How ran wo build tip-tho
consumptive's body as fust as tho disease tear
it down? Let us consider.
Cough mixtures must bo avoided because
they frequently contain opiates which arrest
tlio digestion. Their only effect on tho rough
is by stupefying1 tho nerves'. Lot them
All foods that aro hard to digest must bo
avoided, especially fats and oils. Only those
foods that are easily digested iiu4 assimilated
should ho eaten. Foods not.thus accepted by
nature do no good ; they do harm. Not
what Is merely eaten but what is digested
and assimilated glvos flesh and strength.
Consumption is starvation, slow or rapid,
as may bo. Tho first symptom Is, not
necessarily a cough, but a tendency to loso
flesh, to grow thin. Stop this tendency now.
Don't wait for obvious lung trouble That's
only a later development only a minor
Stop tho wasting and you master the dis
ease, oven though it may liavo made sonio
slight inroads already. Increase tho tlcsh
ami tlio danger is past.
What is needed is an especially-prepared
food, a nutriment in itself and a digester of
other foods.
Such an article is .tho Shaker Digestive
Cordial, mado by tho Shaker Community, of
Mt. Lebanon. N. Y. It creates a natural
appetite and insures tho digestion of what is
eaten witii it. ti overcomes the wasting
which is fatal in tlio consumptive process.
A man may loso mouoy and not die a
bankrupt. Ono may have consumption and
not die of it. This is science and sense. The
success of this new remedy proves it.
A'Nortli Carolina Sheriff (ids tlio Drop on
a Desperado.
GoldshoRO, N. C, Nov. 20. At tho Sep
tember term of Wayno county court Jcsso
W. Bunn. a notorious white man, widely
known and feared throughout tho county,
was convicted of a criminal offense of an
incestuous nature and sentenced to twelvo
months' imprisonment. Soon afterwords
his son visited him In jull and conveyed to
him a file, and within a few days there
after, and when only about ton days of his
sontenco had been served, Bunn filed his
way out and mado his escape, carrying an
other prisoner with him. Sheriff Scott
mado sovoral attompts to surround Bunn
with a posse, but without effect.
Bunn swore that ho would kill any of
fleer who should try to arrest him, On
Sunday tho sheriff drove out near Bunn's
home and soon saw his man driving along
the road with his wlfo and son. Shoriff
Scott called to btm to surrender, but his
only reply was a persistent effort to get
his gun lovclcd on tho officer, who, from
his buggy, calmly watched tho gun of
Bunn as it came to a deadly aim, and then
tho sheriff flred.
Bunn returned tho Are, and then, drop
ping his gun, grabbed his pistol, but fell
back dead before he could use it. Bunn's
feet in falling cot caught In tho springs on
the road cart, and his body hung dangling
heart downward. Tho shoriff was fully ex
onerated by tlie coroner's jury.
How to Prevent Croup.
Croup is a terror to young mothers and to
post them concerning the cause, first symp
toms and treatment is tho object of this item.
Tho origin of croup is a common cold.
Children who are subject to it take cold very
easily and croup is almost sure to follow.
Tho first symptom is hoarseness : this is
soon followed by a peculiar rough cough,
which is easily recognized and will never be
forgotten by ono who has heard it. Tlio timo
to act is when the child first becomes hoarse
If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely
given all tendency to croup will soon disap
pear. Even after the croupy cough lias de
veloped it will prevent tho attack. Thero is
no danger in giving this remedy for it con
tains nothing injurious. For salo by Gruhler
Hros., Druggists.
The. DefenHe of Hymn.
ToitoNTO, Out., Nov. 20. In tho Hyams
trial yesterday tho defonso considerably
strengthened its case by evidence tondiug
to provo an alibi on tho part of Harry Hy
ams. M. H. Hamage testified that ho was
with Harry Hyams at the timo It is claimed
Wells was killed. A J. Snrdipoy, a bar
ber, sworo that on tbo morning of Wells'
death Harry Hyams came into his shop
and was shnved, soveral minutes after
Wells is supposed to havo boon killed
Hyams was perfectly composed, and noth
ing in HIS appearance would indicate th
ho had been in any wuy excited. John
Noil, Joseph Jesslmine, M. Collins and H.
Westcott also gave testimony positively
asserting tnat ilurry Hyams was not at
the warehouse at the time whefl tho crown
alleges Wells was killed.
Tho wife ol Mr. Leonard Wells, of East
Urimfield, Mass., had been suffering from
neuralgia for- two days, not liciiig able to
sleep or hardly keep still, when Mr. Holdeu,
tho merchant thorc, sent bora bottle of Cham
bcrlain's Pain Balm, and asked that she givo
it a thorough trial. On meeting Mr. Wells
tho next day ho was told that she was all
right, tho pain bad loft her within two
hours, and that tho bottlo of Pain Balm was
wortli $5.00 if it could not bo had for less
For salo at 50 cents per bottlo by Gruhler
Bros., Druggists.
In Memory of Justlee .Tackson.
"Washington, Nov. 20. Attorney Gen
eral Harmon yesterday presented to tho
sunremo court tho resolutions to tlio mem
ory of Justice. Howell K. Juckson, of Ten
nessee, adopted oy tno oar or the court.
Tho nttornoy gonoral paid an eloquout
tribute to tho dead jurist. Chief Justice
Fuller rosponded in behalf of tho court,
and tho resolutions wore ordered spread on
the minutes.
Tarred and Feathered and ltodfi on a Kail.
McAliTHUIt, O., Nov. 20. At tho fiir
grounds hero Sunday night H. H. Rogers
was ridden on a rail and afterwards
tarred and feathered. Tlio sheriff arrived
and prevented furthbr maltreatment, but
advised tho victim to taKo to tno woods at
once, which he did. Rogers offense wns
speaking disrespectfully 'of a lady school
teacher at this place
Care far Headache.
As remedy for all forms of Hcadacho
Electrio Hitters lias proved to bo the very
best. It ellects a permanent cure aim me
most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield
to its influence. Wc urge all who are nfllktcd
to procure a bottle, and givo this remedy a
lair trial, in case oi juiuuuu, ixmaupution
Electric Hitters cures by giving the needed
tono to the bowels, and few cases long resist
the uso of this medicine. Try it once. Largo
bottles only 50 cents at A. Wnsicy" Drug
Stories of Munp's Work,
Eminent Divines Olve Positive Proof of the
Prompt andjfrnanent Curative Effect of
Muuyon's rfomoeopathlc Remedies.
Ifcv. A. T. Sager, Tionosta, Pa says:
"Half a bottlo of Muuyon's Rheumatisni
Cure cured mo of a very painful attack of
Itheumatlsm. The other half of tho pellets
I gavo to Ifcv. J. P. Drennan, of Tionosta,
for his wife, who had sufiWed for years. Ho
says it gavo instant relief."
Rev. H. Gyr, Parkville, Md., says: "1 have
suttcrcd very greatly from rheumatisni, and
have lieen cured by Muuyon's Improved
llomu-pathlc Remedies. I am a minister and
frequently tako occasion to recommend Mun
vou's Rheumatism Cure to tho alllicted as I
know it will effect a perfect euro in a mar
vclously short time." ,
Muuyon's Itheumatlsm Cure never falls to
relievo in 1 to 3 hours and cures in a few
days. Price 25 cents.
Munyon's Kidney Curo speedily cures pains
in the back, loins or groins and all forms of
kidney disease. Prico Hoc.
Muuyon's Dyspepsia Curo is guaranteed to
curo all forms of indigestion and ktomacb
troubles. Price Hoc.
Munyon's Headache Curo stops licadachcsln
three minutes, Price, 25 cents.
Podtlvo Cures for Asthma. Catarrh. Piles,
Female Troubles and all special form of
lllood and Nervous Discasas.
Muuyon s Vitalizpr restores lost powers to
weak men. Price, f 1.00.
A scparato curo for each disease At all
druggists, 25 cents a bottle. k
Personal letters to Professor Munyon, 1505
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered witli
full medical advice' for any disease without
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
After All Others Fail
329 N. 15th St.
Iielow OiUowhill
To secure n positive and permanent cure of
Errors of Youth ami Loss of Manhood find of
all diseases of tho blood, Kidneys. Bladder,
Skin and nervous System consult at once Dr.
r.obb. Ho guarantees in all cases caused by
Kxcessea. Imprudence or Inheritance to restore
to Health and Strength by building up tho
shattered nervous sysiem and adding new life
and energy to the broken down constitution.
Consultation and examinations free and strictly
confidential. Office hours, dally and Sunday,
from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M, and 0 to 9 evenings.
Head his book on errors of Youth and obscure
diseases of both sexes. Sent free.
i Tho only Ocnnlae Specialist In Philadol-
fthla. nutwlthKlandlnir what ntlipra unvfir.
tlse. Nervous DeMllty ami tlisresulu ot lndli
cretlon. U yenra lSuropeanlloapltnl acl 33
ycurs Practical lixperiencc. Bpecinl Dig
raxes nml (strictures Pevmnnentlf Cured
In-lloJO J)ajH. ltellcf nt once.
HI finn DfllCnU rilmary orbecondary.curedby
DLUUU rUloUH cDtlrelynewmelbod30Io90(layc
bend live Sc. stumps for book "Truth," beneuetal to
young and old, single and married; only book ex-
foslnc quacks. Hours, tW: cv'gs, Pi.3ii; Witl.tuid
at. cvTg9,U-U.30; Hnn.,0-12. Ifntliers robbed mid
necctveu youaon'tjuugfitmuuKe. awiii euro
you ana mauo you vieornilH ana xtrone. J.
charges for the best treatment.
Write or caU.
Do you DESIRE to Make
Make your money earn you a monthly
10.00 nnd more made dally by our hew sys
tematic l'lau of Operation on small Investments
in grain and stock speculation.
All we ask Is to Investigate our new and
original methods. lnat workings of plnn and
bigliefit references furnished. Our ltooklet
"l'ulnts & Hints" bow to make money anil
other Information sent l'KKH.
GiLMORt 4. Co., Bankcra nnd Brokers.
Open Hoard of Trade llldg., Chicago, 111.
When it comes to
Our Block speaks for itself,
to town send your orders,
rately and promptly filled.
If you don't come
Tbey will be neon-
29 East Centre Street
Celebrated Vemala
lowdera never fU.
Ufa add tunfafter.ftlllQff
with Tny rut rcnnyrojal i'illt ind oUitrUko
btt and avoid dLutw
and mveUl ol
tck. llr, n?Mn.
Tonsorial Artist.
12 West Centra street,
StvlMi hair cutting a specialty. Clean towel
i wllli t "fltv shave.
Tho Battle of Taguasoo tho Largest
Yet Fought. '
For Tlilrtynlx Hours tho (iovernmcnt
Troops Were Held In Check, mill AVero
Finally Ilrlvcn Hack by t)io Arrival of
Itclnforcem'eii( Under (Irnciiil Macro.
New York, Nov. 20. A Cuban ntesscn
ger, who nrrlvccl at tlio Cuban junta last
night direct from tho Bent of the revolu
tion, reported thnt on Nov. 19 ono of tho
largest battles that has been fought slnco
the beginning of the present trouble with
Spain took place. Tho nows has been
withhold strictly, tho correspondent of El
lloraldo, a Madrid pnpor, not being nl
lowetl to send H out oven.
Tho battle ocourred at Tngunsoo, a town
In tho interior' of tho Island. Tho Spanish
forces consisted of 10,000 men, whllo tho
Cubans had but about 4,000. The Span
lnnls woro led by Goncrals Vnldez. Luquo
and Aldnvo, and Gonoral Maximo Gomez
was nt the head of tho Cubans. Tho Cu
bans had n most favorable position at the
bottom of tho hill.
For thlrty-slx hours tho opposing forces
fought, but the Spaniards were unablo to
drlvo the Cubans back. The latter, how
over, could do no 'more than hold their
own. Finally just nt o' critical moment,
Genoral Antonio Maroeo, of the Cuban
army, camo rushing In with a force of
3,600 men. With the aid of this reinforce
ment tho Spaniards were quickly routed.
Tho Cubans ndvanced then toward Trlnl-
dan nnd Cionfuegos.
General Aldave is reported to havo been
killed In tho battle, nnd tho total irumber
of killed and wounded is placed at GOO.
General Gomez' secured TOO rlucs and a
largo amount of ammunition.
This Is believed to be tho largest battlo
of tho revolution, larger than that of I3ay-amo,-several
months ago, In whioh'Gon
oral Campos was wounded.
Report That tlio President Will Urge tbo
Insurgents Recognition.
Washington, Nov. 20. President Clove
land's friends In Washington nnd else
where, with whom ho discusses public
questions, continue to assert that the
forthcoming messago to congress will conJ
tain a chapter on tho foreign policy of tho
administration that will bo a grcut sur
prlso to the public. The leading topics to
be discussed, In this chapter will be the
Venezuelan boundary dlsputo and the
Cuban revolution.
Tho surprise, It Is said, will bo occasioned
by tho president's announcement that with
regard to these questions tho administra
tion has taken such advanced ground in
tho direction of a .vigorous assertion, of
American rights as to amount to a com
pleto reversal of Its foreign policy up to
tho time that Mr. Oluey beenmo Secretary
of state. All that.Is dcflnitely known with
regard to tho administration's attitude to
wards the Venezuelan question is that
sonio time during tho past summer Secre
tary Olnoy nddresscd a communication to
tho liritlsh government containing nn cm
phatlo notification that tho United States
would oxpect to see tho Monroe doctrlno
respected, and would, Indeed, Insist upon
Its application to tho controversy between
England nnd Venezuela with regard to
tho existing boundary dispute.
As to Cuba, the ndmlstration has taken
no steps in addition to tho ill advised let'
ter of Attornoy General Harmon giving It
as his unollicial opinion that tho Ainerl
can people would bo doing an unfriendly
act to a friondly power In taking part In
public meetings called for tho purpose of
expressing sympathy with tho cause or tho
Cuban revolutionists. Judgo Hnrman has
slnco admitted that his letter was written
without sufllcient thought, and that In it
ho took ground that he is now willing to
It is now asserted that the surprise pre
pared for the public Is nothing less thitu
an expression of the president's hearty
sympathy with tho efforts of tho Cubans
to obtain freedom, and a further intima
tion that, in tho opinion of the adminis
tration, thoy should bp recognized as bel
Train Wrecker Lynched.
Paducah, Ivy., Nov. 20. A negro tramp
wns cnught trying to wreck n train near
Calvert City and pursued Into tho woods,
where ho was overtaken and riddled with
bullets, nnd thou hanged to a tree. The
locality is surrounded by a wilderness.
Tho name of tho victim is unknown.
Closing Quotntlons of the New York and
l'lilladeliilua Kxchunges.
New Yohk, Kov. 25.' The stock market to
day was an Industrial market, the total trans
actions In that class of securities footing up
l,uuu snares out oi a total or ac.sou recorded.
The Industrials also scored the only Inipor
tant net losses in prices, uiosing oms:
Del. & Hudson ....1285g N. Y. Central 100
D L. & W 105 N, Y. & N. E
Erie 12)4 Pennsylvania 5.1X
ijaKc r.rie u tt ... i
Lehigh Nav- - 46
Lehigh Valley.. .. 33
New Jersey Cen..lOO
Reading 10
St. Paul 751
V. N. Y. & Pa ... UJ4
West Shore 107
Geuernl Murket.
PlllLAnELfUlA, Nov. 25. Flour weak! win
ter super, $3.35162.50; do. extras, 8J.503.6Jj
Pennsylvania roller, clear, $3ft;i.2o; do. do.,
stralsht, $3.25'&3.30: western winter, clear,
J33.25. Wheat quiet, easier, with OSJo. bid
and 05io. asked for November. Corn firm,
quiet, with 3to. bid and Htc. asked for No
vember. Oats dull, unchanged, with 2JHo,
bid and tlHc- asked for November. Hay firm;
choice timothy, J15.60. Ileef steady. Pork
quiet. Lard steady; western steam, $5.35. But
tersteady; western dalry,10Ji15o.; do.cream
ery, 1523o.; do. factory, 8Hc; Elglns,
23o.j Imitation creamery, liai8a; New York
dairy, 15lc; do. creamery, 172i!o.; Penn
sylvania and western creamery prints, fanoy,
atZoc.; do. choice, Hie; do. fair to good, 21
23c.) prints Jobbing at 2629c. Chef se quiet;
New York large. 7U10o.; Bmall. 710Jio. ;
part skims, 3K37Kc. ( full skims, SHSWo. Eggs
steady; New York and Pennsylvania, 223Mo.;
ice house, lflato.; western fresh, 21jac.
Live Stock Slarhet.
New Yohk, Nov, 25. Steer4 slow, but prices
steady to firms oxen 10c. lower, bulls 10c.
higher, dry cows steady: native steers, poor to
prime. 13.254.55; half breeds, (3.75; oxen, 13
04.20;' bulls, tl&Mb dry cows, 1.0532.63.
Calves steady; poor to prime veals, JJ&.8;
graMers. Si.753.2V. Sheep and lambs slow,
lower, except for choice lambs; poor to prime
sheep. $303. U; lambs, Sl.pO, Hogs steady
at S3.90i3t.25.
Eabt l.msiiTY, Pa., Nov. 25 Cattle receipt
tair; prime, .oian.i)u; gooa uutcners, J.sw&t
roughs, fat, $2.503.50. Hogs slow; prime
tight, KJ.7Ptf.75; medium weight, SJ.Uft3.7u;
heavy grades, $; common to fair
Ybrkera, f 4.50; roughs, f2.75Q.25. tiheep slow
ind lower; extra, $2.6033.90; good, $3.2532.50;
.'lr, 11.60.10; Common. 50c ttf SI; lambs, 2
v veai caivts, j6o.75,
Diseases Caused by Tog Much Hard Work
and Worry.
Why Americans arc More Nervous.
Anaemic, and Suffer More From
Brlpht's Disease Than Other
' Nationalities. 1 I '
The Kidneys and Their Clogging Caused
by Overwork and Worry.
Wo aro an overworked nation.
Wo get through a groat deal of work-r 'Vtn
do moro and ,??rk harder, nndf iastcr than
any other natlon'on earth.'
And that'll itti tr'ouWe.
Wc wtitk'tootfastf think' too fast, eat too
fast. ' ' 1
Wc don't tako enough rest.
Nemesis overtakes us and disorders our
kidneys. Nemesis, tho goddess of vengeance.
Natnro revenges herself if you overtax
Why do wc get sick in our kidneys ?
It'svsimple enough to explain and to
'Odr kidneys wcro mado to Illtcr our blood.
rhiit Is tho first thing.
Every drop of blood that nasscs through
pur body has to go through theso filters anil
bo purified.
All work uses tip blood. That is the next
lllood is fuel. If wo work ono organ
(brain, stomach, arm, leg,) more tint- an
other, blood rushes to tho hard-worked organ,
to nourish it and strengthen it.
Too much work of any kind uses too much
blood and (.trains tho kidneys so much that
it hurts them. That is tho next thing.
Strained kidneys aro sick kidne.vs. Sick
kidneys don't filter tho blood. And this is.
tho end ol it.
To be well we must live naturally to get
well when wck tako Dr. Hobb's Sparagus.
Kidney Tills.
Living naturally doesn't mean doing with
out comfort, but not overdoing any tiling not
over-working, not over-thinking, iot over
worrying, not over-eating not over-straining:
our kidneys.
It is so simplo to remember that if our blood
is kept puro wo can keep almost perfectly
well ; so easy to tako caro of ourselves if we
Want to.
IJut when wo aro sick It is well to know of
something that will make us well.
The cure of all kidney and blood troubles
is Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills.
They aro a simplo and perfect curo for
Bright'S disease, diabetes, nephritis, cold in
tho Kidneys, for tlio symptoms of sleepless
ncsSjbackaeho, sldeacho, ncrvousnes.s,frequent
thirst, chilly sensations, evil forebodings,
pulliness and swelling of tho eyelids, feet and
Ily nourishing and gently toning up the
kidncys-and curing them of all that would
clog them and prevent them from filtering,
Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills will curo
all disorders of impure and poisonous blood,
such its rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, antemia,
thinness of tlio blood, muscular weakness,
tiredness, depression of spirits, shortness of
breath, etc.
A few doses will relieve. A few boxes will
Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills aro
mado principally from the root of the aspara
gus by a special process which extracts all
tlio virtue in tlio root. They aro porfectly
harmless, purely vegetable, and aro strongly
recommended by physicians of high stauding
as well as by all who have used them.
Sold by all druggists or mailed prepaid for
50 cents a box.
A freo book about tho kidney, "A Filter
for Your lllood," illustrated, mailed on
rccmost. Hobb's Jlcdicino Co., Chicago or
San Francisco. .
Victims ol Lost Manhood should send at
onco tor a uook
that explains how
full manly vigor
is easily, quickly
and permanently
restored. No man
sultoring from
weakness can af
ford to Ignore this
tlmelv advice.
Book tolls how
full stremith. de
velopment and tone are Imparted to every
portion of the body. Sent with positive
proofs (sealed) free to any man on application.
Of a head-splitting Headache Immediately re
lieved by the uso of
Anti-Headache PbWders.
Thev are n nosltive and sneedv cure Pud are
guaranteed absolutely harmless. Their great
Buccess la ample proof that they aro nn cffectiV
results. Procure them from Gruhler Iiroi.
Pennyroyal pills
ei-4.l-.1 n Onlv CnntnA.
Arc -Jw;a rdUblt. utDiia tak
ltpa.l-ft for CkleXuttr't SnolUX Ala..
nuM,f jfr-flftJ in lt4 tod GoLt nMkllW
MKCfl, leuw wiw Dia liuiKJu, bub
'rtn ami AodKUiotu. AlDrugBlni, tr Mod i
la tUmp lor ptrueuluf, UtUnoaUU ittl
irMf taw I -fed !" ill Utter, fa Miurn
nUHpns of Dollars
Go un In .smoke every vear.
, f i ' i . - . Tl
riKD uub kv. luur unubfu. &io
niture, etc., insured In first)'
n.iuiu companies as representor.
" Also Life and Accidental Companies
V;. r.
-7 W