The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 25, 1895, Image 4

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Is ready for anybody, from a
child to a man, who will take
the trouble
store.' This
successful sa
to cuter our
is our second
e of
We have just this lot from
Hammerslough & Co., which
we are selling on commission
and which can be bought at
big inducements. We can
show the people siehts of
Overcoats which will make
them Overcoat hungry, in
Chinchillas, Beavers, blue and
bl.ick, and Kerseys.
UKMK.MltKlt Till! PLACli
Levi Refowich,
10 and 12 South Main St.
Tlio Kx-Siioiiker SurprNni Hit friend liy
lilt Altered Appearance.
"Washington, Nov. 28. Kx-Sponkor '
Hood arrived In the city yostorday, ami
took up his old qiiurtors at tlio Slinrolmiii.
Mrs. Hi'ud will not join him until later.
Mr. Heed had shaved olT his moustache,
nud his altered appearance was quite a
surprise to "the numerous friends who
thronged the hotel last evening to pay
their respects. Mr. Ital declined to be
Interviewed. ".It would he manifestly Im
proper for mo to say anything about the
critleal situations that confront the state
nnd treasury departments," said he wlthn
slight touch of sarcasm in his tone, "until
we hear from the president. Mr. Cleve
land has been mi eminently successful in
the past two years that we members of
congress cannot do better than to await
with becoming modesty, awe and resigna
tion until he tells us what to do. Then it
will bo,tlmo for us to act, and, perhaps,
speak a bit also."
Iltirglur noil .Tall llrenkor SenU'iicod.
KlHE, Pa., Nov, 25. John Coursoy, a
persistent jail breaker, was llnally brought
tip for sentence yesterday. Coursey is a
burglar and hiH partner Is doing time for
a job committed a year ago. "oui'sey
feigned insanity and escaped from u
padded cell In the police station. Ho was
recaptured, and being very bad was kept
In tlio dungeon, most of tho time, at the
county jail. He spent! his time In tho dun
geon digging out and escaped just beforo
court. When recaptured Coursoy said ho
would plead guilty and get at his term of
servitude. Judge Gunnison gave him two
years and six months in the penitentiary
Ilnngcil Herself to tlio Door K110I1.
Homk, N. Y., Nov. 25. George Payne,
while pas-dug through tho dining room
yesterday morning, noticed a ropo tied to
the door knob of his mother's room, and
tho fingers of a hand ehuplng tho edge of,
the door. He opened tho door wltU Ullll
culty. and there found. his mother, aged
05 years, dead. She had hanged herself to
the door knob, and wa's thus compelled to
hold her knees oil the lloor. Mrs. Payne's
husband committed suieido on April 211
last by cutting his throat with 11 razor.
Tills, imd her ill health, It is believed, led
the woman to suieido.
Cure for Headache.
s a remedy for all forms of Headache I
1- teetric Hitters has proved to he the very j
lust. It oljlvts a permanent cure and the!
most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield
to its iniluonee. We, urge all who arcaillicted 1
to procure a bottle, and give tins remedy a
fair trial. In case of habitual constipation
Eleciiii; Uitlei-s cures by giving the needed
tono bowels, and few cases long resist
tho use of tills medium'. Try it onco. Large
hnttles only 50 cents at A. Wasley's Drug
Two Siirnlny .Skaters Drowned.
P.UHLINUTO)!, Vt., Nov. 9G. While skct
Ing yestbnlay on Hound pond, two boys,
George Knit, aged 18, nnd .Iiii Heaupro,
aged 11, were drowned. Gpirgo llesllsle,
ag. d 13, had a narrow escape, mil was ros
aed. The boys ventured near tho middle,
when the Ico g.ivo way. Tho bodies liavo
been recovered.
Three Drowned In tho Ciiiulieiiand.
NasIIVILI.K, Nov. 21. At Pout Crook,
on the Cumberland river, In this (David
son) county, tw.i young men, Thomas
Davis and David Galium, and a youug
lady, Miss Onv Work, wore drowned whllo
crossing the river In a canoe.
The Weather.
For oftsturn New York, onstern Penn
sylvania and New Jersey: Haln or snow;
winds shlftingto e.isturly; colder In north
ern Now York.
llucklen'H Arnlou Sulve.
The beet salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fover sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, coins, and
all skin eruptions, and positively oims piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
S3 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasley.
When you want good roofing, plumbing,
?as fitting, or genoral tingmithiiig dono call
on B, F. Gallaghor 18 West Centre street.
Dealer in stoves. 8-Mf
Also Table and Floor 011 Cloths From
El. E3. FOLEY,
(01. I'cntic and West SU.
Happenings Thromcliimt the KKhm Chcon
icled lor llnty l'uriinul,
Congress meets next Monday.
Oontmlia wants u fire alarm system.
llnxlctnn will purchase a chemical engine.
Another lift will he sunk at SI. Js'icllolns
The Mimvood and Tunnel Itldgc collieries
will he connected hy a long timnol.
Amandtisllcckorniid Miss Lizzie (irroll,
both of (Jiinknko, will ho married on Thiirs
day. The Catawlfwa railroad ban declared n
dividend of 31 per cent, on tlio preferred
An eisteddfod will be hold at Mt. Cnrmol
on Thanksgiving Day, afternoon and even
ing sessions. N-
The two-yonr-old twin son of William
HenaiiiRcr, of Mahanoy City, died of whoop
ing cough Saturday.
'Squiro John H. Foster, of l'ottavillo, and
Mis Annie K. Snyder, of Wllkesbarre, will
be married noxt Thursday.
Tlio St. Nicholas wanhcry will bo changed
into a jig hoiiK', to increase tho ship;nent of
coal. Work commenced to-day.
A new series of thirty year bonds, bearing
4 per cent, interest, will be issued by. tlio
Pottsvllle School Hoard on December 2d.
While at work at Toiiiliicken colliery, near
Hazlcton, Isaac Applegsto was run down by
a mliio locomotive and instantly killed,
Tho Dickinson mid Hu:kncl foot ball teams
will play at Suubury on Thursday. Quito a
number from town will witness the contest.
The Wife of Lewis K. Cecbran, proprietor
of the Mountain Spring Hotel, on the
CreSKona road, has skipped with tho bar
tender. A special meeting of tho local branch of
the National Ifeform Institute will he held in
tlio Primitive Methodist church this even
ing, at 7:80 o'clock.
The Horough Council of Olrardvillo has
fixed tho tax rule at 5 mills for borough pur
poses and :i for water, an increase of 2 mills
over last year's rate.
Delegates representing the 1. O. S. of A.
of the lower end of tho county held a meet
ing at PottsvillO on Saturday to discuss the
advisability of dividing corlain distticts.
The indictment against liichard I'lynn,
Michael Conroy and Michael Iiutler, charged
with violating the election laws by raising
disturbance at the pulls, lias been nol. pressed.
William Stretcher, a 17-year-pld boy of
Muhauoy City, is under liail for throwing
two coupling pins into the rollers at North
Mahanoy colliery, doing considerable dam
age. Farmer Wagner put $(500 in a bag and
placed it in his bam for "sale" keoping.
Saturday night thieves 'relieved him of his
money. Wagnur lives at l'inegrove. Enongh
.loukin Orilliths, of Mahanoy City, says he
will raco Woodward or Day, of Ashland ;
Miloy, of Summit Hill, or Short, of Gilhor
ton, 100 yards for a st.iko of $100 a shlo or
more. lie will also take three yards start
from Salmon, of Mahanoy City.
Iteineuiher If jotl l!ao a Cough or Cold,
l'an-Tiua always cures, '.Joe. At Grulrlor
Hros., drug stoic.
. . j
Tho rttslllo Water Company Hatt'Ao
(pilred Indian Hon.
The shortago in the water supply, com
pelling1 it to secure water from Tumbling
ltun when the Kisenliiitu dam had becomo
dry, has caused tho l'uiisille Water Com
pany to secure additional sources.
On Saturday they became the owners of
Indian liui) water right, hy seizure, includ
ing about twenty acres. It Hows into the
rest branch 01 the Schuylkill river near
Allison's, a fiag atation on tho Mine Hill
division of tho 1". & I!, liuilroad, about four
miles south of Miaersvillo and about three
miles north of Cressona. The stream has its
source hotwciin Sharp mountain aud Second
mountain, and its length is about three miles.
It is the purpose of tlio company to pipe
the water along tho lovel jas far as West
Woods, and then pump it to a reservoir
which will he erected oil the north side of
Sharp mountain, within easy communication
of Pettbville.
Kezcma of tho soalp or Scald Head, oven in
its most Mivoru form, isnovor-failiimly cured
by Doan's Ointment, tho surest specific for
all itchiness ol the skin.
Musonlu Kalional L'nl wi'nlty.
A national university is to bo established
at lleavur, l'a hy tho Masonic fraternity.
The object of tho iniiveislty will be for tho
education of tho children of Master Masons.
It will not bo sectarian. Thoro siro five bun
died and fifty Masonic llluo lodges in 1'enii'
sylvanla, ami earn one ot mom win nave
one person to officiate as director of tho Uni
versity. Tills institution will have an en
dowunient of about fs,000,000, a portion of
which will ho donated hy W. K. Vanderhilt.
.Each lodgo of Masons will contribute to
wards the establishment of tlio school,
which will not be of n charitable nature. W.
A. Itichurdson, of Sliamokin, has been elected
a director of tho university.
Tor Sale.
A new upright piano for salo cheap. Can
ho bought at a bargain as it must bo sold
within 30 days. Satisfactory reasons for
selling same, which can bo been at 000 Wost
Centre street. 11-13-tf
Shako oil' ltheiuimtlsiii mid Neuralgia.
Hub well with lied Flag Oil, 3Sc. At
Ciruhlor lbxis.drug store. v
Coming Krents.
Nov. 28. Annual turkoy supper, under
auspicesof All Saints' P. B. Church, in Hob
bins' opera house.
Dec. 2. Grand mawpjerado Jll in Kob-
bins' opera house under the auspices of the
Grant Hand.
Dec. 4. 23d annual supper of tho olsh
Itaptlst chiiroh In Bobbins' oponi house.
Havo tho leaks in your gas and water mains
repaired by P. W. Boll, the plumlior.
.Mahanoy City lluslnoss College.
This excellent college, at 205 East Centre
street, gives " Commorcial, Shorthand ad
Typewriting coursas equal to any in tho state
at the very lowest rates, Individual in
structionDay and ovoning classes. Students
constantly-entering. Catalogue free.
10-M-tf G- W. Williams, Principal,
There Never Was a Hotter Cure
Than Pan-Tina for coughs, 30c. AtGrublor
Bros., drug store.
Andrew Meluslsoy visited friends nt l'otts-
vllle to-day.
Superintendent Thomas IWird spent to-day
at I'ottuvhle.
Mrs. Luke Welsh, of West Cherry street, is
seriously ill. '
Christ. Schmidt transacted ImsiijoH at the
county seat to-day. ,''
Lx-Seuator It. J. Monaghan mado a trip to
l'ottvlllo this morning.
Joseph (1 nun m was tho guest of tho Lewis 1
family at Ashland last evening.
Joe Lowenthal, of llRr.leton, a former resi
dent of town, is visiting friends hero.
Conductor John Ueovos, of Delano, cir
culated among town friends yesterday.
Mrs. A. 1). Gablo is still critically ill, but
hears her sufferings with great foitittuloi
Mrs. Thomas Snyder and children, of South
Jardin street, aro visiting relatives at Aubifrn.
Harry Leant, of Sliamokin, was tlio guost
of A. 11. Lamb, on South Jardiu street, yes
terday. Fred. Oruhlor, student at tho Nuremberg
college, spoilt yostorday In town wltii his
Miss Mollip Ferguson and her Iiro'thcr,
Thomas, of Mahanoy City, visited friends it
town yostorday.
Mrs. II. C. Iloyer, of West Chester, is the
guost of her daughter, Mrs. Fred, llonnor, on
South Jardiu street.
J. II. Poineroy, K, W, Shoemaker and S.
O. M. llollopetor, Ksqs., attended court at
tho county scat to-day.
E. Duoll, the South Main street jeweler,
has returned from Now York with u full j
stock of holiday goods.
W. C. llaird, of tho Medlco-Chiriirgioal
College, Philadelphia, is spending Thanks
giving with his parents, at llrownsvillc.
Mr. and Mrs. George I'owiek, who are
guests of the latter' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Honry Shaffer, visited friends at St. Clair
Miss liossio IiahiuuwitK and her brotlier,
Joseph, and Louis Foinborg, of Maltanuy
City, and Mr. and Mis. Harry Martin, of
Mt. Curir.el, wero the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
K. F. Supowitz, yesterday.
Satisfaction guaranteed by Doll, tho
plumber. 1
Lost Creek Locnlettes, J
Owing to a squeeze from tho workings of
Hammond colliery, the people on the upper
road have been notified to vacate their resi-1
deuces. 1
The T. A. 11. society will produce the !
comedy "A Drop too Much," on Thanksgiving
H. M. lieynolds lias resigned as station 1
igcnt at the L. V. dopot, and John, 11. 1
McDonald lias siicicedcd him. Tho latter I
was the night operator.
Miehacl McGratli is dangerously, ill with I
Mrs. M. J. Ilrennan
is recovering from a '
scvero illness.
A Hit for Coughs and Colds.
What? Pan-Tina, 23c. AtGruhler llroi.,
drug store.
I.on er Tax Hates,
Those who have paid their taxes this year
have noticed a great reduction in tlio rate,
although real e-tato assessments havo been
increased from 18 to 18J mills. Tho taxes ac
cording to assessments, now and old, aro as
follows: Old men $1.2:), formerly $1.5.) ;
laborers $1.35, formerly $2.10; .shoemakers,
tailors, etc., $1. hi, formerly $2.10 ; minors,
brakcnien, etc., $1.01), formerly $2.70;
mechanics $1.81, formerly $2.70 ; station
agents, constables, etc., $1.00, formerly $2.70 ;
business and prufei-sional men $3.70, formerly
$3.00; clerks, school teachers, etc., 2.15, for
merly $2.70 ; coal operators, liverymen, etc.,
$2.78, formorly $2.70.
Serious troubles como from tho neglect of a
cough Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup is n
perfect euro for coughs and colds of all sorts.
The l'eanut K.illot Cnso.
The easo of J. Harry .lames and Barren &
Ilartman against tho county, growing ou of
a contract to priut election tickets, will
probably come up for trial this week. The
plaintill's allege that tho contmet to print tho
ballots was awarded to them and. afterward
tho work given to an Alleutown firm.
Even in tho most severe eai-es of sprain or
bruise, cut or burn, Thomas' 1-clectric Oil
gives almost instant relief. It is the iduul
family Jiniuiont. ' 1
Touring tho Sooth. 'i
J.'Aldrieh Lihhy, tho well-known ballad1
singer, and bis wife (nco Miss Kate Tinyur,
of Miaersvillo,) aie now traveling through tho
South and aro winning great receptions, Mr.
Ubby is well known to many peoplo In this
Good advice: Never lcavo home on a
journey without a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrheal Itcmedy. For
salo by Oruhlor Bros., Druggists,
Awarded Damages.
The ease of Arthur Oscar, of Ashland,
against the Schuylkill Traction Company
was beforo J. I.inawoaver, E. W. Shoemaker,
Esq., and CharJoB Jlmbor, as arbitrators, aj.
l'ottevllle, 011 Saturday and an award of $100
was mado for. th plaintiff, who had a lug
broken and wag otherwUo injured hut Maroji
by being run over by one of tho coinpuny's
Buy Keystone Hour. Be snro that the
name IiKBbio & BaeIi, Ashland, Pa is
printed on every sack. tf
Itollef la Six Honrs.
DiaUtmiiig kiduey and bladder diseaaea
relieved In six hours by tho "Now Great
South American Kidnoy Cure." This now
remedy is a great surpnso on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
tho bladder, kidneys, liack and ovory part
of the urinary passages in male or femalo.
It relieves retention of water nnd pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
uuick relief anil euro this is your remedy.
Sold by Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 South
Main street.
For comforUblo, porfont fitting mon's,
ladies' or children's footwear, you want to go
to Wonifir's, on North Slain street, tho most
popular priced shoe store In town.
Grunt Hand Jliiscjocrado Hall.
Grand masquerado ball by tho Grant Band,
Hohbiiia' hall, Dec. Snd. Kvont of the
Go and try Womer's shoo etoro, on North
Main street, for footwear. Tho cheapest and
host place in town. 11-7-tf
Dentil from Slnrtntlnii nnd Kxposure.
Mazati.AS, Mox., Nov. SB. Tlio demt
bodies of Mvu men, two of whom are recog
nized as being Amerloans, have been dis
covered northwwt of hero In n wild section
of tho Sierra Madro mountains. Tho
bodies are supposed to bo thowof mem
bers of n gold prospecting party who laffc
horo several weeks ago. Tho two Ameri
cana wore from California, but their names
nro not known horo. The others wero
Mexicans, It is supposed that tho party
lost their way in tho niounthms, and all
died together from starvation ana o
Uposuro. An Aged 1'roressor Lynched.
Alley, Gil, Nov. 3fs. I'mfossor Pur
duo, rtO years old. was taken from tho jail
In Mount Vernon, Ga., at 1 o'clock in tho
morning ly n mob. Ills throat was cut
from car to car, and many shots wero fired
Into Ills tiody. Ho wnssald to havo becomo
criminally involved with Miss Willlo
Grady, tho daughtor of a citizen of this
county. Sho was an assistant In his
school. Professor Purdue Is snld to have
been a man of great lntollect. Ho had a
wlfo ami several grown daughters, who
are highly rospectcd.
Private lnv.imi Asylum Itnlded.
New YoIik, Xov. 25. The prlvutolusano
asylum maintained for tho last eight yours
I at Amltyvllle, L. I., by John Louden was
' raided on Saturday by tho stato comuils-
1 sion In lunacy. London was arrested and
1 liold to await tho action of tho grand jury
1 upon two charges, for illegally confining
Insane persons and for conducting a prlvato
I ivsylum for the insano without a llccnso.
I Ho was released on $2o0 ball for tho action
at tho grand jury. Louden says ho Is be
ing "hounded" by th6 lunacy commission.
Mgr. PatolH's lactation,
BALTIMOHK, Nov. 2.). Cardinal Gibbons
aiinouncos that the consistory at which tlio
elevation of Mgr. ijatolll to thocardtnalato
Will lo officially promulgated will assem
ble In Homo today. Mgr. has arranged to
havo the ceremonies Incident to hhj eleva
tion tako plnco In tho cathedral In this
. J., T;n llla '', .,, nn '
this occasion. The mass will bo celebrated
by Mgr. Satolll and Cardinal Gibbons will
confer tho berctta.
One Killed nnd Two Injured.
PlTTsnuitu, Nov. 35. ily tho breaking
of a erano at the Ulaclt Diamond Steel
works 0110 man was killed and two others
wero soverely but not fatally Injured. The
dead man Is Harry Hunter, of 01 Fourth
avenue. Ho had his back and chest
crushed, causing internal injuries from
which he died at St. Frnnols' hospital. Tho
Injured nre William Isnooson, crushed
about tho oliest; John Kennedy, logs
broken. All woro mnrrlod and havo fam
ilies. Colt Cnso Settled Finally.
Pl'.ovmusoK. Nov. 21. James M. ltln-
loy, Mrs. Colt's counsel, says tlio Coir cnso
has boon settled, and that ho thinks noth
ing moro will be heard of either Mrs.
Colt's suit or tho suit against Mr. Van
Alen. Francis Colwell, attorney for Col
onel Colt, also says tlio cnso Is settled. It
Is understood Mrs. Colt's alimony will bo
much less than at first demanded.
Host plumbing U douo by P. W. Bell.
DOUClHKItTY. On the 21th Inst., nt hlicnnn
flonh, l'a., John A. Dougherty, aged .10 years.
Funeral will tnkc nlace on Wednesday morn
ing, 27th lost. High muss at the Annunciation
clmreh. Interment nt I'raekvllle. llelntives
and friends respectfully invited to nttcud. 2t
1'. J. FinmcsoN,
One Solid Week, Commencing
Supported hy her own special selected
Monday night; neeuro i-onts oarly.
The Fmious I'nlou" Tlititrc Success,
orginidly played by Mi, s 'roc!.er in all
the principal citlisof A;aeihu,
Toes' Liy evi ninjir. Tit Jfr'nrh Woman
Wedii' s'!.!.-' evening The ltiipslno KUve
Thur-im. , ;Th:ihksxlvhig Day Miitinc-) :
(loltli i Ciant
Tl ivs "n i veninK The Lo' fc Par idlsc
Fii.h.y e.enlnn Cnlle.l liaek
S iio.d.iy nmtluee To ho anii'u:ieed
t- HiiMlny eveninu The Hoop of (.old
PRICES : 10, 20 and 30 CENTS.
MATINEES, 10 and 20c.
Jtei' oil Meats on sale at Khlhi's drugstore.
Tciarns to Hire.
if rou wnnt to hire a sufe nnd rcHnble
U.'.iii Tor driving or for working purposes
Imiv ftliields' llery sinlite a visit. IVnina
i-oitsiuntly on hand at reasonuldo mtcs.
No. 110 JCast Centre street,
Oppofeito Itcndlut; railroad station.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking !
13 N. Jartlin Street.
Tonsorial Artist.
12 Went Centre street.
Ptr'Mi hair cutting n spcclnlty. Clean towol
wit n feirv ..have.
TTIOU SALH. An upriuht plana. In oxeellent
T eonoltlon, will ne ooni lor si.w. Appi
nt this ofllee. U-W-tf
liUSINIIfeH MEN lookhiB for now Ideas In Joh
J printing tun hud them ut tho IIkhai.d
olllco. Wo are loolclng for now eutomern, and
tlio next tlmo you need irll)tljiK oall nround or
drop us n iioeuil. New type, now prcstios nnd
now men do t lio worK.
"irANTHU. An honest, nctlve gentleman or
lady to travel for reliable established
house. Salary tTffl, payable JIS weekly, nnd
Minaiioo permnnijin,
Knelojie sclf-nddrensed
Dominion Company,
stamped envelope, Tlio
310 Ootalin llulliltng,
I"0 YOU WANT A JOII7 Tiiero arc many Kinds
1) of Jolito he had; ouie nro lnul, some aro
good ; wmie roc in j r? brnlna
wo reier lo nenntu" m ai
looking for, nndooupled
eo-lt's job work wo'ro
with this Information Is
the fact the HfcilAUi Job rooms turn out the.
neatent work in tne county, unii iciem wuric
men, new nmterlnl and no waits do tho work.
Urine us your order; you'll never regret it. A
postal card is sulucient.
Happy Housewives
All housewives nre happy when
they receive a second supply of
-GOLD flEDAL" Flour, for they
know it "makes the best bread."
You enn get it of tiny grocer at
$2.50 per half-barrel sack.
Thos. E. Samuels & Co.,
Whol esale
105 South Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa.
CHARLIE SINg7 - Chinese Laundry
First-class Work at Low Prices.
All Work done In first-class manner, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shirts washed
and Ironed, 10c; shirts Ironed, 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c; undershirts, fc;
underdrawers, 7c; handkerchiefs, 2c.
Garden's ART WALL PAPER Store.
Wo havo just received a flno lino of tho most beautiful and artistic papors in tho
market, which we will sell at very reasonable prices. Wo havo also in stock a
great ileal of last year's patterns which we nro selling at a sacrifico. Como and
sco our lino of goods. Wo havo tho most beautiful and artistic papers.
Largest Paper Store In Town.
Finest Stock and Lowest Prices.
J f3 CARDEN xr House, Sign and Decorative Painting. '
' " V "r-VlZ.IN3 No. 224 west Centre Street, Shenandoah, e
Go to tho Shenandoah Dental Hooms for
painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver
llllinga. If your artifical teeth do not suit
you call to see us. All examinations free.
Wo mako all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown
and Bridgo work and nil operations that per
tain to Dental Surgery.
No charges for extracting when plates are
ordered. Wo aro tho only users of vitalized
air for tho painless extraction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
(Tltnum's Block)
ast Centre Street.
OOlce Hours: 7 a. in. to 8 p. in.
Justice of the Peace,
Insurance and
Real Estate Agent,
123 East Centre St.
Properties For Sale.
mWO-STOUY Frame Iluildlng, 30xJ5 feet on
JL Pouth Chestnut street. Kents for S18 per
month ; will bo sold cheap.
HAM' LOT nnd TWO HOUSES, situated
on West Centre street. Will pay 12 per
cent, on investment, ami can no uougiit on cosy
AFAItM OF XI ACItES within three
miles of pood niurkct. Twenty-nino
ncres under cultivation, aud four ncres of
Kood timber. Frame fnrm house, six rooms,
good barn nnd nil In good condition. Will be
sold for $1,200 cash.
HALF LOT rind two homes on South Main
, street., S1.M0.
alWO LOTS nnd six houses, Including three
story frame hotel nnd store room, on ICnst
Centro street. Property In (rood condition.
AKBrcgnto rent, 3110.00 per month.
Yon promised yourself this Fall,
and of course you are anxious to
buy it as cheap as possible.
Best Quality at Lowest Reasonable
Prices in Ladles', Misses'
and Children's
Can he feixi'Run at
7 South Main Street, - - Shenan1oah.
For tho Latest Styles nnd
Lowest Trices in . . .
Fall and
,-Call at-
No. ill North Main St., Shenandoah.
Hooks & Brown,
noiMT omiirw,
Saturday, Nov. 30.
No trouble to show goods.
A N. Main Street
Wait for Win. Neiswenter's 18th
Carload of Western Horses, which
will arrive shortly and will be dis
posed of at private sale at his
stables, cor. Main and Coal streets.
This carload will consist of good
workers, drivers and mated teams.
Every horse sold will be guaran
teed. Watch this space for day of
Call and f.eo tho hrightest, hrecziost, snappiest
lot of Fall and Winter Suitings Shenan
doah has ever had.
We're experts on fit.
We're dealers in new Ideas.
We're leaders of reasonable prices.'
If you aro a hard man to suit wo want
you to call.
24 North tVlaln St.
All goods must bo sold hy Janu
ary 1st, regardless of cost. Our
prices will prove to you that this
is a genuine closing out salo. Como
early before tho assortment is
gono. 25 to 40 por cent, saved.
Store to rent and fixtures for salo
after January 1st.
and Best Located Store
in Town.
MRS. Q. V.
Wholesale and Retail
Liquor Dealer.
Cigars, Tobacco, &c. Agent for Heading
Brewing Co.'s Ileer and Porter.
116 and 11S S. Main
A genuine welcome awaits you at
Cor. flaln and Coal Sts,
Pool room attached, l'lneet whiskeys, bce,
porter and ale constantly on tap. Choice tem
perance drinks aud clears.
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
All work guaranteed to bo flint-class In every
particular. 811k ties and laco curtains a sii.
laity. Goods called for and delivered. A trial
order solicited
Temperance Drim
Mineral wAt01'. WetM beer, Itnttler .1
tlnest lugur beem.
7 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenand?
, 1