"VOL. X.-NO. 290. SHENANDOAH, PA., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, J 895.. ONE CENT. HERALD" IS REAP FROM THE FIRST LINE TO THE LAST EVERY EVENING. I THE! "EVENING " 9 invoices of these goods and shall to keep the stock up to the high opening. We handle Butterlck's paper patterns. Monthly style sheet given away free. P J jtA. QUICK To see artistic features, the ladies never fail to admire our stock of fancy goods. The latest that we have added to our stock is a lot of Satin-Face, All-Silk Ribbons, in three widths at the one price of S3 CENTS PER YARD, 3 3"8 3 3"4 aud AXA inches wide, in several shadings. No more to be had at this figure. The low prices at which we offered, the past few days, CHE NILLE TABLE COVERS caused our stock to be sold out. We re ceived this morning another stock of the same goods which we will sell at a reduced price from our former. , 4-4for36c. 6-4for75c. 8-4 for $1.73. Call quick, as we will not have any more at these prices. MORCAN'S BAZAR, 9 W. Centre St. fhTOLD RELIABLE Dry Goods and Carpet Store, 113 North Main Street. Latest Styles and Materials in Ladies', -Misses' and Children's COATS and CAPES All New Novelties In Dress Goods. v Elegant line of Blankets and Comforts, at price's unheard of before. coffee: Our Fancy Java, or W In regard to Tea, we occupy a front rank, all our leas being very carefully selected by competent judges, and a trial order will convince you that we can please the most fastidjous customers. fe offer nothing but good Nor and flavor, and they are THE NEW ENGLAND PIANO Embraces nil the desirable qualities in an instrument, at the lowest price consistent with the best grade. Sold on easy terms by J. R. WILLIAMS & SON, Shenandoah. LADIES' BEAVER, BOUGLE and CHEVIOT COATS. LADIES' FUR CAPES. LADIES' CLOTH CAPES. LADIES' PLUSH CAPES. MISSES' BOUCLE, CHEVIOT and BEAVER COATS. CHILDREN'S LONG and SHORT COATS. We have them all, every gar ment the latest, best fitting and best made in the market. No where else will you get equal qualities at prices as low as ours. A look through our Coat Room will convince you of this fact. We are daily receiving new continue until the close of the season standard it has maintained since the No. 27 N. Main St. and tea Man, supplied with reasoning and dis cerning powers, may improve his con- dition by the exercise of these faculties. This can be applied with very good effect in the purchase of Coffees and Teas. A good cup of Coffee depends not only on the making but the brand of Coffee, the grade, the roasting and preparation are very important factors. We feel confident that we can meet all those requirements. A delicious cup of Coffee is a certainty if you use our Fancy Blended Coffee. grades that are noted for quality, sold at popular prices At KEITER'S. Altitude of Our Constantinople. Minister at TO PROTECT LADY MISSIONARIES. If Thoy Aro Harmed he Will Demand and Obtain tlio Governor's Head-Details of the Recent Raids by Kurds Near Kharput. Constantinople.Nov. 25. No nows win fecolvod from tha lutorloron Saturday, except from Mnrsovnn, where nil wns quiet, though apprehension was felt for tlio snfety of tho Amorlcnn missionaries nt Mnrsovmi, niul tlio housos wore carefully protected. Tlio sultnu on Saturday Bint n messniro to Minister Terrell to tin off. tlmt no disturbances hurt boon reported iuiu mu jvimtoiui peninsula on urmny and Saturday. A report recently becamo current that tlio governor of Hadjlm hart tlireateuort to burn tlio convent of tho town and tho barley Ilelds surrounding. Minister Tcrrr-ll thereupon Informed tho sublime porto that If any of thro.- Ameri can lady missionaries resident at II idjlm wore Injured In any way lie would demand and obtain tho governor's lioart. Tho lady missionaries wero safe up to noon today. A hatch of oiHcInl dispatched has been published representing tliat order has been completely restored almost everywhere, except at Slvas, owing to tlio measures which to govemniont lias adopted. It is olllclnlly minounoed that several of tho notables and porsons In authority at Kr.eroum havu apologized to Shaklr I'aslia for tho disorders provoked at that town by Armenian revolutionists. Tho Christian bishops at Ourfn havo tolegraphod tho grand vl.ior thac thoir safety Is now assured. Tlio sultan hns ordered that tho corn col lected In tho form of tithes shall bo dis tributed among tho needy Inhabitants of Slvan and Kharput. Tho opinion prevails In diplomatic circles that a European conference Is indlspen sablo for tho settlement of tho Turkish question, for, although tho powers havo agreed, this agreement cannot bo changed Into action for fear of drawing Europo Into n dangerous eastern situation. Tho winter snows will keep tho Asiatic prov inces quiet, but something must bo dono beforo spring time rovlves tho oxcltomont and Macedonia Is brought Into tho move ment. Consuls estimate tho loss to property ns n result of tlio Dlnrboklr riots alone nt fj.000,000. General alarm still continues here, des pite reassuring reports from tho provinces, and tho wealthy Armenians sleep at tho hotels In preforonco to romainlng nt their own housos. Tho kernel of tho present situation Is found in tho fact that tho government is without monoy. Tlio sultan is anxious to stop disorders, but lacks funds with which to pay tho troops. - Till: MUIUMCKOUS KUKDS. Declared They Wero Authorized by tho Sultan to Kill Christians. London, Nov. 25. Tho Daily News this morning publishes nlcttcr from a Kuropenn residing nt Kharput dated Nov. 4. This correspondent describes tlio wholo city of Kharput ns being In a state of terror, tho result of the recent upheaval. Ho says: "For over a week tho Kurds havo been attacking tho villages In this vicinity, and thoy havo looted six on this side of tho river. Kcfugecs nre constantly nrrlvlng in this city, nnd sonio of our frlouds from Oortok, In describing tho looting, snldthnt tho Kurds oven enmo with their women nnd children for tho purpose of carrying off tho plundor. Tlio Turks from tho vil lages nround joined thoni. In consoquenco of tho rncinl troublos in tho vicinity of Oortok tlireo Christians woro killed in one houso and two porlshed in another. Ono womnn who wns enclonto was ripped open. Wo daily appealed to tho authorities, but nothing was dono. Tho Kurds meantime threatened to plunder Kharput. Aglin, ono of tho ofllolals, when appealed to and asked to defend tlio city, said: " 'Why should wo protect tho giaoursf Let them bo killed!' "Tlio government was formerly vory prompt nnd plilqlont, but now tho olllolnls teem slnck. It Was known that tho acting governor imu wmu iuusmuuriupio lor in structions, but he was unablo to get nny reply, People snld: 'This Is the work of government muleteers from Dinrbekr.' Thoy told us how tho Mussulninns had marched from tho mosquos doolnring that thoy had tho flrmnn of tho sultan In thoir Vigorous possession, allowing tliom to kill tlio Chris tians. Thoy proceeded with tho killing, at nny rnto." Tho letter describes the burning of Ar gaua nnd Madeu, and continues: "Everywhere, without exception, the Kurds claim that thoy havo tho authority of tho governmont for everything thoy do. I think tho worst Is over. Tho Kurds hnvo boen driven across tho rivor, In obedience to tho receipt of n telegram from tho au thorities at Constantinople requesting tho local ofllolals to prcsorvo ordor. If this had been dono at first all tho disorders could hnvo been avoided. Tho terror and distress nro terrible, and tho winter prospect Is ap palling. Whorothe Kurds alono worocon corned tho loss of llfo was not great, thoy evidently contenting thenisolves with tho plundor." Deadly Fight on the Inland of Crete. Athens, Nov. 25. Heportfl of tho col lision botweon tho Turkish troops and tho Christians of tho Island of Creto hnvo been fully confirmed. It Is ostlmnted that thirty persons hnvo been killed and wounded. Cloak News From Our Iluslest Depart ment. Coats rrro selling vory rapidly and stylish garments woro never lower In price. Every day briugs new nddjtlous to the cloak stock ; competent judges say wo carry the largest and fluent stock In the county. L. J. Wilkinson-. Host gas lilting If dono by 1". Y Bell. Arrested for the (Ionium Murder. Yesterday two tnunps were arrested nt Frackvillc for the murder of Mrs. Oitliarino Gorman, who wus strangled to death in her homo at Mill Creek. Thoy gave their names as Jatnosnnd Chillies Ryan, aged 33 and 14 years respectively. They were given hear ing beforo 'Squiro McGinnis, and were sub sequently placed in jail nt Pottsvllle. James has thiilk curly red hair and freckled faco. They tell two dill'erent stories, and tho youngest says two years ago ho lived with Sirs. John Murphy at Lanixan's patch. Ground coffee was found on the door 6tcps of Mrs. Gorman's hoiiRo and tlio same kind of coffee was found in the shanty in which tho tramps were captured. Their description, liowovor, does not correspond with tlio ono sent out as tho supposed murderer, which is that of a tramp, 5 feet 0 Inchos, weight about 150 pounds, a heavy set man with dark hairj about 33 or 40 years old, wearing a heavy overcoat witii cloth buttons; wears n hie black slouch hat, and supposed to be traveling with a tall man. At Hreeus Cafe. Ilean oup for free lunch during and bo tween the acts to-night. Plenty for evory body, i Tree hbt lunch ovory morning. Meals iorvedat all hours. All Actress of Orcllt Ahllity. Miss 'flicker and her clever company pro duced the talented lady's favorite play, Qucona"at the Academy of Music last night Interest, of course, coiitercd in Miss Tucker's masterly portrayal of the title role. Tho finesse with which slio treated tho grave and gay pliaes of this interesting character mark lieif as an actress of more than usual ability. The mad scene in Act 3 was painful in its intensity. Tho thrilling climax at the close woi her an enthusiastic double curtain call. bcninton Republican. Tlio above play will lie produced at Ferguson's theatre this evening, ind each lady accompanied by a gentleman or lady with a paid reserved seat coupon tifket will bo admitted free. Prices 10, SO audi 30 cents. Aiti: iimiiielllas usi:rui,t If so, ptirchaso ono of our steel rod, gloria silk umbrellas, at $1.73. At MAX LEVIT'S, 13 East Centre street. .Smith Dies. George Smith, tlio man who had his arms mangled and was otherwise injured by tho explosion of a shot at Colorado, Saturday morning, died at tho Miners' Hospital yester day. I lie remains wero removed to tlio family residence at Wm. Peim. Tlio de ceased was 42 years of age." Ho left a widow and tVo (Mdren. Ono of tlio latter is down with -typhoid fever. The deceased lost two children recently by tho same disease. Found Ileud on the Itallroad. The body of an unknown man was found near tho tracks of tlio Littlo Schuvlkill division of the P. & R. road, near Drohcrs ville, yesterday afternoon. His body bore quite a number of bruises as if from a fall, and in his pockets was a letter bearing tlio address of John Wessner, Silver Iirook, Pa. It is supposed lie fell from a moving train. Carload oC Pianos. O'Neill Bros., tho furniture dealers, will receive next week a carload of upright Malcolm Love Pianos, which they will sell at reasonable prices during tlio hoiidavs. These pianos are rich in tone, elegantly finished and would be a joy to every house hold. If you wish to buy a good piano, call on us first before going elsewhere. O'Neill Ilros., 100 South Main street. 11-23-tf Fined tor lighting. The police record for Saturday and last night shows three arrests. Tlio offenders were Frank Bcrombo, Anthony Tobinski and Peter Sorako, all accused of being drunk and creating a disturbance at different times on South Main street. Tlio arrosts were made by Policemen Kerwin and Hand and Special Officer Jones. Chief Burgess Hums imposed tho usual linos.. 1'nlr Ilvchnnge is nut robbery. Wo do not claim to givo gold dollars with every purchase, but what wo do claim to givo you is full valuo at lowest possible cash prices in Iluo jowolry and silver ware. Call and bo convinced. At M. F. Maley's, 10 North Main street. Lodge Kutcrtuiiimcnt. The following aro among tho selections that will ho introduced after tho routiuo order of business at the regular meeting of Washing ton Camp No. 200, P. O. B. of A., next Thursday evening : Iteeitation, John Dunks; comic raiding, William Richards, Jr, ; address on the rebollion, Edward Mason. There will also bo vocal and instrumental music. Kundrlck House Free Lunch. Vegetable soup to-night. Attempted ICohhery. Tlio houso of Web Clemens, train dis patcbf r at Delano, wns entered by robbers Friday night, but their visit proved fruitless. His little daughter awoke and frightened the robbers off. Linens Tor tie Thanksgiving Table, Wo oiler this week a new linoof aronm and bleached table linens, 5U inches wlilo, ut 'iSe per yard. Thoro's lots of bargains n our linen stock it will pay to sco. L. J. Wilkinson. Centralla Colliery Accidents. lly a fall of coal at Centralis colliery An thony Bauseabago was instantly killed. In terment was made at Centralla this morning. James J. Ilgiloy, a well-known resident of Centralia, had three of his ribs broken by a full of coal, Thanksgiving Kto Hall, Tlio Soionca Social Club, of town, will hold a grand ball on November 27th, (Thanks giving Kvo), ill Eobbins' opera houo. A first-class orchestra will furnish tnusio for the occasion, and a gcod time is In store for all who attend. H-83-3t SERVICES HI HE CRIS The Evangelical Lutheran St. Church Re-Dedicated. John YIS1TIHG CLERGYMEN OFFICIATE I Kovs. Haussmann, of Philadelphia, and Umbenhen, of Pottsvllle, Preach to the Congregation Revs. Bock and Leopold Assist. Tho F.vangelical Lutheran St. John con gregation devoted yesterday to a re-dedication of its remodelled and greatly Improved placo of worship on West Cherry street. Three services woro held, in the mornitig, afternoon and evening. Tlio afternoon ser vice was devoted to the benefit of thoSunday school. The morning service was opened at ten o'clock by the choir's rendition of tlio beautiful anthem, "Itejoico in the Lord." hev. John Gruhler, tlio pastor, then per formed tho act or dedication nccurdlng to tlio prescribed formula of tlio church, after which tlio congregation snug an old mid cvor cherished hymn, "O, Vater allor dings gruud." Rev. C. F. Huussniann, of Philadelphia, then took tlio pulpit and preached tlio dedi catory sermon from Psalm 81:1 "How ami able aro thy tabernacles, oh, Lord of Hosts 1" He prefaced his sermon by stating that 30 years ago six young men arrived at tlio shores of Palestluo to engage in missionary work-in tlio iiist. Ho was one of them and tlioro are only two surviving members of tho party. Ho met there another missionary who had preceded him in Palestine by about five years to whom lie soon becamo very much attached, and it all'orded him a great deal of pleasure to meet at tho service Rev. John Gruhler, who was ono of that party of mis sionaries and whom ho had not seen for nearly a quarter of a contury. Having con gratulated tlio congregation on its beautiful edifice, l!ev. Haussmann proceeded to repre sent the beauty and profit of meeting in tho tabernacle of tlio Lord and in his church. Upon tho close of tlio sermon Ilev. Gruhler made a short address in which ho thanked tlio congregation and many friends for their interest and encouragement in the work of beautifying the church. Whilst the col lection was being taken tie choir rendered 'How Holy is this Placo." The service closed with tlio old Reformation hymn. "A Mighty Fortress is our Lord." At tho Sunday school in tho afternoon, after tlio usual opening, Rev. S. M. Hock, of Mahanoy City, made an address, taking for his subject, "lie Faithful." Afteraliymn by tlio school Iicv. E. O. Leopold, of Girardville, nade a brief and very appropriate address. The evening session opened at 0:30. The altarservice was read by the pastor and l!ev. J. II. Umbehen, of Pottsvllle, preached the sermon, taking ids text from Ziichaiiah IV, 1-3, which dwells upon a vision that was given unto the prophet Zachariah after the return of the children of Israel from tho Babylonian captivity and which was to serve as an inspiration to the faint hearted Jews in the work of ro-ostablish-ing the kingdom and rebuilding of tho temple. In this vision tlio church is represented under the imago of the golden caudle stick, tho church, from which imago tho speaker drew tho following thoughts : 1) The church is a candlestick, because it is the light bearer of tlio light; of life and truth to tho world; (2) it is tlio golden candlestick, because it is precious in its doctrines and durable in its principles; (3) it recoives its nourishment, or material, from tlio Lord Jesus, tho great head of tho church, who is represented in tlio vision under the figure of an olive tree. After another brief address of gratitude to tlio congregation and friends by Uev. Gruhler the collection was announced and whilst it was being taken tlio choir rendered the anthem, "How beautiful upon tho mountain aro the feet of tlieni that bring good tidings." The closing of tho servico followed. All tho services wero largely attended and tho collections mado amounted to more than either tlio pastor, or tho congregation, an ticipated. FOU SAUK. A uico lino of mackintoshes, regular su, from 31 to 42, which ivo close out at manu facturer's prices. At MAX LKVIT'S, 13 Knst Centre street. Sermon tit tho Jr. (. U. A. M. ' About sixty members of Major Jennings Council No. 307, Jr. O. U. A. M., attended Thanksgiving service at tho Calvary Baptist church, on Soutli Jardiu street, last evening, und listened to a sermon by tlio now pastor, Bev. David L. Kvaus. Tho service was arranged upon request of tlio Council, the organization making a practice of attending special service at one of tho local churches on tlio Sunday preceding Thanksgiving Day of each year. Tho text was taken from .David's exhortation to all nations to piuUu God fur his mercy nud truth, found in Psalm UXV1I, 1-2. Tlio sermon was a vory" Interesting one. ltev. Evans took ocoa'sioin to commend tho Jr. O. U. A. M. on its objects and the success witii which the organization, has accomplished them. Ho said that tyjaretho young men of tho nation tuoxlJbjttbr4aj.ue zoul as that manifested, by tht organ&iHbn a grout work could be accomplished'njr cjirhitlanity and humanity. Tho oxcollout cnolr of tho church rendered a number of vory beautiful hymns and anthems during the survifo. Use Hurt's Ooeoa-Argoline, for tale at Kirlin's drug store. Watson House Free Lunch. Hot lunch served to-nivhtuui to-morrow morning. PE BUSY STORE 116 nnd 118 North Main Street. Our- I1UU91. I III lllBlllllg Department" .... hns proved a great success. This is due to nothing else than re markable break in all prices heretofore known. CHINA and GLASSWARE, fine selections for Christinas trade. SOME PRICES THIS WEEK I ALL RED UNDERWEAR, worth f Si.oo, Si. 25, $1.35, at our fol IP counter, now GINGHAM APRONS now 12c (-tiii.uKiiiN a tuiviB it you come m time you may )et jjetj some Aueorn fur trimmed nt An excellent line of all-wool - 1 Gents' Half Hose, well worth 21 cents, for RUTTERMILK SOAP 4 Cents. We4 give you one box, 3 pieces, for CALICOES. SIMPSON'S 11LACK nnd GREY 5c INDIGO I1LUES - - 5C 1SLUE GOLD, BLUE RED - 5c HEAVER FUR COAT TRIM- MINGS, 4 inches wide, per yard J , Heniinway Silk for Christinas Art Work. MAX SCHMIDT. Ohltuiiry. John A. Douehertv died vw.tnnl.av from miners' asthma; at bis residence, 4U Soutli Main street. Ho u:ih r,." viuitm iif ntnl ix veteran of the rebellion, and a member of Wntkin Waters Part No. 110. a. A. It. He s survived bv bis wife iinil nine eliililreti. Georgo F. and James II. Dougherty, of Montana; Mary, Michael, Maggie, William, Thomas, Frank and l!oso, of town. Tho funeral will take place on Wednesday morn ing. Get This. We offer for sale a fine Arlington porcelain lined batli tub of full length and width. Hard wood trimmings, tlio latest improved nickel plate supply and waste attachments. A rare bargain in price and quality for tho first applicant. Apply to 12. F. Gallagher, 18 and L'O West Centre street. ll-2o-3t A Powerful Sermon. Itev. It. M. Liehtenwaluer, pastor of the United Evangelical church, last night de livered one of tho most powerful sermons he has favored tlio congregation with during his pastorate. Thanksgiving was the theme and ho brielly, yet effectively, reviewed the history of the American nation to impress upon tho minds of the congregation the many blessings for which the people should bo thankful. For fashionable hats, MAX LUVIT'S. New Church Dedicated, Tho handsome new United Evangelical church, at Pottsville, was dedicated yester day with appropriate ceremonies. Bishop Dubbs, of Chicago, delivered the dedicatory sermon in tlio morning, and at the evening services lie also presided and turned over to tlio trustees tho keys of tho edifice. Tho building is a handsome one and tho members, of tho congregation are' justly proud of it, the cost being $15,000. Of this amount $7,000 was raised yesterday. Scheitly House. Oysters on toast to-night. Finest lobsters in town. Chicken soup. Littlo neck clams. Rappahannock oysters. Ham, Sardines. Swiss cheese. Fish oakos. Oysters in every stylo. , . . Llihken Itelnstllteil. Henry IV Lubken, lwymastor for tlio Lehigh and Wilkesbarro Coal Company, at Audenried, has been reinstated after tho auditors investigated tho charge ofshortuio in his accounts. Cohuuhla Hrewing Company. The best in the world. Ho Came Hack. George Masstiras, a Pole, who was held by Justice Tooiuoy several weeks a'o for the theft of $10 and jumped his bail, was brought liack to this town on Saturday by Constubl Troscott, of Hazlctou. Massaras was taken to tile Pottsville jail, where ho will be ion fined until his trial comes up. It i: 1 me To Thinl Ot buckwheat cakes and mush You will ' find at our place some Benton Buckwheat flour, the best in the land. Also Hecker's and Superlative self-raising. 10, 15 and 18c. Wm. Lea's celebrated corn meal will gjive satisfaction every time. Cheaper than ever in. 25 pound lots. Grafs, 122 North Jarlln St., Shenandoah. 'I