The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 20, 1895, Image 3

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    OF A
Bold throughout tho world, llrttlih depot! P. Nnr.
star Sons, 1, Klne Iadon. l'OTTIS
Ylmjo axu Cum. Cokp. Sola l'ropi., Hoiton.U. . A.
SPECIFICS are scientifically
prepared Remedies; have
been used for half a century
with entire success.
o. BrnciFic ron
1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.
E Worms, Worm Fever, worm Colla...
fc-Trctliing, CoIle,Crylng, wakefulness
4 "Inrrhcn, of Children or Adults
7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis
8 iVWirnlglo, Toothache, Facencho.....
0-lIcfl4aclies, Sick Headache, Vertigo.
JO Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation
tl Suppressed or Painful Periods....
IB Whiten, Too Profuse- PertodJ
13-Crotip, Laryngitis, noarscnesa
1-1-Snlt Itliditn, Erysipelas, Eruptions.
15-HliciiiuntIsiti, orlthcumatlc I'-alns..
1C Malaria, Chills, Fercr and Aguo
11) Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In tho Head
20-Whnoplng Cough,
27 Kidney Illscnscs
28 Nervous DclillU V
30 Urlnnry Weakness
31- Soro Throat, Qulnsy.Dlphtherla....
"77" for GRIP.
Soli! tr Prnggtitii, or nnt jwpaM on receipt of pile,
or ft for It,, (tnayteMiuMtedi, eierpt 28,11. ltnDly,
B.llfWPiinitTii( Manual (Enlarged It Uavlietlj mailed fkkb
UC3irilUM 8 UEU. CO., 1 11 & 1 13 William St., Xew York
t -
mwm uMiiM MA m
Forever Cured.
Four out of II vo who
suffer nervousness,
montal worry, attacks
of " tho blues," are but
tinvlnrr the nenoltr of
pjirlv nipessea. Vic-
tlms. reclaim your
manhooil, regain your
rigor. Don't despair. Send for book with
explanation and proofs. Mailed (sealed) free.
- -
r ,1 -5i ;
Of n bead-splitting headache immediately rc
' lleved by the use of
Anti-Headache Powders.
Hinla til
t They are a positive- ami spcciiy euro mm are
guaranteed absolutely harmless. Their great
success is ample proof that they aro an effective
article, which can bo always used with tuo host
of results. Procure them from Qruhlcr llros.
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
All work cuorontced to ,be first-class in every
particular. Silk ties and lace curtains a spec
ialty, uoous caueu lor aim ueuverpu. a trim
order solicited
piJFTON ItOllHINS, jr. D
No. 7 North Jnrdln Street.
Oulce Hours: From 8 to 9.30 a, m.; 1:30 to 2:80
.. -;, . r..rvi n T.fin tin.
p F. nUHKK, M. D.
30 1!. Lloyd street, Shenandoah. '
Office hours : 7 to 0 a. in., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9
p. m.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Office Kgnn building, corner of Main and
Vutro streets, Mlicnnnuonh.
Ofllcoi Mellet's llulldlng, corner Centre and
Market streets.
Lock Boi65, Mabanoy City, Pa.
Having s cAA1 under some of the best
moSSajOTon anl Paris, will give lesson.
on UrfTlSUn, gu tar and vocal culture, uerms
SSgSMblo! . Address in ,care of Strouse, the
feweler, Stienaiiuoan.
Do pi DESIRE to' Make
our money earn you a monthly
mora iiutut, uwir uy wm.
stock speculation,
erences mnuBuvu. uui "
i Hoard of Trode Olds., Chicago, III,
By Youthful Fiends Who Wanted
to Rob tho Passengers.
Three of the Clung Who Coiiiniltted the
Crime Under Arrest One r Thrm Con
fessed Ills Complicity to His Sweetheart,
Who Testified Agnliut Illm.
SrrtACUSK, N. Y., Nov. 20. Train No. 0,
tho fast mull oxpress on tho Now York
Central road, was wrecked about n mllo
west of Homo. Tho disaster whs tho work
of train wreckors. Tho engine and nil of
tho enrs on tho train wero ditched anil
completely wrecked. Tho engineer of tho
train, Nathan Hngor, of Albany, anil a
tramp uanieir William Boud, of this city,
wcro killed. Bond's companion, John
Mncey, hail his left foot cut off, niul six
others received in juries mora or loss serious.
No passengers wcro hurt.
The wreckers had broken open tho com
pany's tool houso near by and obtained a
wrench and a crowbar, with which all tho
spikes nnd fish plates from two opposite
rails on tho southerly track had been re
moved. The two released rails wero left
lu their places on tho track.
When tho crash camo tho englno was
thrown from tho track Into the ditch nnd
completely submerged In tho mlro, only
tho driving wheels on tho left side being
nbovo tho earth. Tiio forward mall car
was thrown two car lengths ahead of tho
onglno and rolled down tho bank so that
It lay lengthwise towards tho rails. Tho
second car, In which tho mall clerks wcro
working, was thrown on tho tender of tho
onglno and badly demolished.
Tho third nnd fourth cars woro also
ditched, tho ends of each being broken.
Tho first ono of tho sleepors was thrown
from tho rails, completely rolling over, so
that tho trucks wcro a dlstailco from tho
rails. Tho second car was simply turned
on its sides, whllo tho rear sleeper did riot
leavo tho tracks at all.
Engineer linger wont down with his
onglno, nnd must havo been Instantly
killed. The fireman, Chris Wagner, was
luvillv In I nrnil nlirmf. flin lipnil. mid It. is
iciircu unit, no is lnicrumiy miru m.uu iwu
tramps wcro stealing a rldo on tho forward
end of tho first mail car, directly In tho
rear of tho englno.
This was tho second attempt within
threo weeks to wreck this train near tho
samo spot, which is an ideal ono for tho
commission of such a crime. It is on a
heavy down grade, and trains usually run
down It at tho rate of sixty miles an hour.
This train, not stopping at Rorao, gen
erally goes down tho grado at a greater
rate of speed, and It is believed hero that
yesterday it must havo been running close
to sovonty-flvo milos an hour In order to
innko up a fow minutos' lost tlmo. There
Is not a houso within half a mile of tho
Three young follows, aged 18 to 19 years,
havo been nrrestod for wrecking tho train.
They aro J. Watson HlWrcth of Now York
nnd Fred Bristol and Herbert Plato of
Homo. Hlldroth has jnado u confession
Implicating tho other two, and Theodore
Hibbard, who has not been apprehended.
Their object was robbory.
Tho Inquest over tho bodies of Hagor
and Bond was commenced last night. Tho
principal witness was Miss Cclia Perryn,
with whom Hildrcth kept company. Sho
testified that Hildrcth camo to her homo
on Cottngo street uud told her all, ac
knowledging that ho took part In wreck
ing tho train. When they parted ho told
her she would probably not sco him again,
for ho expected to bo arrested, as ho had
lost his hat containing his name. Ho asked
her to tolograph to his fntlicr, J. Homer
Hildrcth, New York, and tell him ho was
lu troublo and to como Immediately, and
sho said sho did as directed.
When Hildrcth loft her ho said ho was
going to sco tho wreck, and told her sho
ought to go, for it was a sight. He told
her also tlmt thoy did It to rob tho passcn-
gors. He said all ho did was to lead the
boys to tho place.
Tho city hall, in which tho pollco station
is located, Is surrouuded by a largo crowd,
who express freely tho opinion that tho
train wreckers should bo lynched. Tho
night nnd day pollco forco Is on duty to
prevent trouble.
Two Killed In nil Alabama I'c'Hl.
BU'.minciham, Ala., Nov. if). As a re
sult of a feud between tho Hntidley, Jones
and Ktlgoro families Joe Kilgoro and
John Jones aro dead and John Handloy Is
fatally Injured. Yesterday Jolm Handloy,
accompanied by Frank Kilgoro, a relative,
went to Oak nun to transact some busi
ness. Both men carried their rifles. Jones
and Joseph Kilgoro, a cousin of Frank,
followed and overtook them near Mar-
riotta. A pitched battlo followed, each
man firing until his vv eapon was exhausted.
Fully two dozen shots wero oxchauged,
Frank Kllgore, who was unhurt, has lied.
Only Four Wcro Saved.
San Francisco, Nov. 20. Particulars of
tho loss of tho Italian btirk Brom Carlo off
tho Horn havo reached this city. Tho bark
collided with tho British ship Condor, and
it is now known that not only was tho
Brom Carlo sunk, but that only four of
hor nlueteen mon wore saved. Three men
wero rescued from tho sinking bark when
tho nccldout occurred, and a fourth was
picked up by a passing ship. All tho ofll
cors and fifteen sailors wont down with
tho vossel.
Wcmplo "of Unsound 311ml."
Amsterdam, N. Y., Nov. 20. Ex-Comp-trollor
Edward Wemplo, who is charged
with arson, was oxumlned as to his sanity
last evening by a commission of doctors.
The physicians reported that Mr. Wemplo
was of unsound mind, and n person fit to
bo cared for at an Insane asylum, but In
tboir report thoy crossed out tho words "Is
lnsano." On this account Judge Woudell
refused to sign tho commitment papers.
Collegians as ISurelars.
Schenectady, N.Y., Nov. 20. Tho mys
tery of tho burglarlos that have boon baf
fling tho pollco for threo weeks' jjdst was
solved yesterday by the arrest of C, C.
Humphry, of Unndllla, nnd 0. O. Miller,
of Batnvln, two Union college students,
the former a Bophomoro and tho latter a
freshman. A wagon load" of stolon prop
erty was found' in the' prlsiners'- room at
North college
irunlon Wins the First Heat.
Galveston, Tex., Nov. 20, Tho first
heat of flvo to bo rdwdd during tho pros-'
cnt wook on Dickinson river between tho
professional oarsmen, Bubearandllunlon,
for tho clumiplonshlb of England and n
tl.OOQ purso, tho winner of threo heats to
bo tho victor, was won yesterday by Han
loil by a boot length.
Mr. V'ru. Thornton or 127 W. Market
Street Lxjilnliui Iloir auil
Why Uo ltl It.
(From (he lulmtrn C!atettc.)
Old ngo has many iufirniltii's, nono of
which arc nioru prevalent than kidney Hs
orilurs. Have jou eve;' notlred how tho
old pcoplo complain of backache, laino
back, and general listlcssncss? And there
nre ninny other symptoms of which they
do not spunk, such ns bloating of tho
limbs, painful nnd Infrequent urination
or cxccs8lvone(i of urinary discharge.
Most pcoplo think they uro too old to
find relief nnd cure, but this U not
so. No better evidence than the follow
ing, viileh conies from an Elmlrti citizen,
wlio has been cured ol a very severe case
nt 77 years of ago. Mr. AVm. Thornton of
127 West Market Street, speaks of his wise
In this way: "lam 77 years old. I have
been nflilctcd with that dreaded complaint
(kidnoy disease) for over ten years, mak
ing my old ago a burden. I was so bad
ns to bo forced to carry a belt at nil times,
and, when my Buffering became beyond
endurance, I would put on tho belt draw
lug It tightly around mo and bucklo it,
thus bringing an oxtromc pressure over tho
kidneys; this, undoubtedly, forced the
urine out, a function which tho kidneys
themselves had become too diseased to per
forin. My condition I put down to u
strain I received. I began taking Doan's
Kidney Pills. After two or threo days I
noticed their effect. I was much surprised,
as tho ailment was 0 severe and so long
standing, while I had tried many remedies
without any relief whatever. The pain I
have experienced nt times from straining
in my efforts to discharge the urine was
simply awful. I have done away with
the use of my leather belt, nnd the pain
has nil gone, and I recommend Doan's
Kidney Pills lo all uiillcted with kidney
r.H urinary disorders."
i'or s:de by all dealers, or sent by mall
on receipt of price by Foster-Milbum Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y., solo agents for tho U. S.
For sale at Kirllu's Pharmacy.
The only Genuine Specialist In PKIadct"
ttlifft. tmtnltlinfiinrflntr uhnt nfli'on.
tlse. Nervous UcbilityanU the results of indl i
crellon. U yenrs' liurnpennllosiiltiil nnd :W
ycnrs'Prncticnl Experience. Ispoclal Dis
eases nnd Stricture I'ermnnentlj- Cured
llll tn 111 llnvn. ltrllnf nt unrn.
Dinnh DfllCfl'l Frtiaaryorbccomiary. cured by
DLUUU rUloUil entirely new method sotn'klriiiv-
bend flvo 2c. stamps for tooiC'Tnitli," beneficial to
young and old, single nnd married ; only hnnk cx
posinc 'Hindis. Hours, M: cv'gs, .; Wel.and
fat. cv'gs.lM) so; Htin.,9-12. Irotliors robbed mill
deeplreil vnu don't ludcrn all alike. I will rurn
youandmalcoyou vlsorousand Rtronir. Lowest
charges for tho best treattnent. WrlteorcalL
Take IJo Substitute..
1 .Coil ifcnrpn !
UdglC Bidlm J
I Ha3 always stood FIRST in the estima- 1
tnn rf tho Amrrlpan IWiriV. No other Is
i tton of the American People. No othtr Is a
L"justasood." Best Infant Food. S
IN EFFECT OCTOllElt 4, 1893.
Trains lenvo Shenandoah as follows :
For New York via Fhilndelnlila. week days.
210, 5 'a, 7 20 a. m., 12 88, 2 53 and 5 05 p. in
suiiunys, - lu n. m.
rar Isuw irk via Jlauch Chunk, week days.
5 23, 7 20 n. ni., 12 09 nnd 2 55 p. m.
j'or iccnmiiK ana I'liuatieipma, weeic uays,
2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a. in., 12 5S, 2 55 and 5 55 p. m. Sun-
uays, iu a. m.
For Pottsvitle, week days, 2 10, 7 20 n. in., and
12 tii, 2 55 and 5 55 p. m. .Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Tamtiiua and Mnlmnoy City, week days,
2 10,5 25, 7 20 a. in., 12 58, 2 53 and 5 55 p. III.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For W illlamsport, Sunbury nnd Lewlsburtr,
week days, 3 25, 11 SO n. in., 150 nnd 7 20 p. m.
Stiiidavs, 3 25 a. m.
For lluhanoy Plane, week days, 2 10, 3 25, 523,
7 20, 1130 a. in., 12 58, 1 50, 2 55, 5 55, 7 20 and 0 33
p. m. Sundays, 2 10, 3 25 n. m,
For Ashland and fahamokln, week days, 8 23,
7 20,1130 a. in., 150. 7 20 and 9 35 p. in. Sun
days, 3 25 n. in.
For Haltimore, Washinuton ond the West via
11. li O. It. it., through trains leavo Heading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. i It. It. K.) ut 3 20,
7 55,1125 a. in., 3 40 and 7 27 p. m. Sundays,
3 20, 7 00, U 20 a. in., 3 10 and 7 27 p. in. Add!
tltlonnl trolns from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest
nut streets station, week days, 1 50, 5 41, 8 23 p.
in. Sundays, 1 33, 8 23 p. m.
Lenva New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 8 00 a. m., 130, 4 00, 7 30 p. m. and 1215
night, sunuays, u uu p. m.
Leave New York via Jlaueh Chunk, week
days, 4 30, 9 10 n. m.. 1 10 nnd 4 30 p. m.
r.inv PhlliLilolnlitn. HeiuliiiL' Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 S3, 10 00 a. m. and 4 00, 0 02, 11 30
p. m. piinuays, uiHjp. in.
Leave Reading, week days, 135, 710, 10 00,
11 50 u. in., 5 53 and 7 57 p. in. Sundays, 1 35 u. ra.
Leave Pottsvillc, weekdays, 2 35, 7 10 a.m.,
12 80 and 012 p.m. Sundays, 2 83 a. m.
Leave Tamnnua, weekday, 8 18, 8 50, 11 33 a
in., 1 20, 7 15 nnd 9 52 p. jn. Sundays, 3 18 n, in.
Leave Mahnnoy City, week days, 2 43, 9 21,
11 47 tl. in., 1 51, 7 39 nnd 9 51 p. in. Sundays, 3 45
"'Lenvo JIahanoy Piano, wcok days, 2 10, 4 00,
030, 9 37, 11 59 a. m., 12 58, 2 05, 5 20, 0 20, 7 53 nnd
10 10 p. m. Sundays, 2 40. 1 00 . m.
Leave Wllllainyiort, week days, 7 12, 10 10 a.
m., 3 33 and 11 41 p. m. Sundays, ll 15 p. in.
Leavo Philadelphia Chestnut street warf und
South street wharf for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, 4 00, 0 00
p.m. Accommodation, 8 00 a. in., 1 30, 0 80 p. in,
Sunday Express, 9 00. 1000 a. m. Accommo
dation 8 00 n. m., I 45 p. m.
Returning lenvo Atlantic City (depots) week
days, express, 7 35, 9 00 a. in., 3 30, 5 30 p. m.
Accommodation, 0 50, 8 IS a. in., nnd 4 32 p. in.
Sundays Express, 100, 7 30 p. m. Accommoda
tion, 7 15 n. m., 4 15 p. in.
Parlor Curs on all express trains,
Gen'l Superintendent. Oeti'l Pass. Agt.
PAY. Written gusrsntee to abso
lutely pure, all kinds of Rupture
without operation ordrtcntto.
from business. Kxauilnn
ilnn Free. We refer you to
MOO Patients. Call or write for
See our Doctor, every Tuesday, at
ONION HOUSE, Ashland, Pa.
rtowlll furnish you with naraeof persons cured by
u In your own town,
Tonsorial Artist.
12 West Centre street.
Stylish holrouttlng o specialty. Clean towel
with every shave.
for Years Turkey 's Representative
at tho Oourt of St, James,
But n Fow Hours ltcfore tho Distinguished
Turk's Ilenlh the llrltlsh Premier Paid
Tribute to Ills Genius A Pniilo Among
Armenians In Constantinople.
London, Nov. 20. Hustem Pasha, for
years tho roprcsentatlvo of Turkey at tho
court of St. Jamos, died last night. Hus
tem Pashn has boon In falling health for a
long time, nnd his rotlromont on n'pen
slon on this account was discussed ns long
ago as last February.
In a speech beforo tho National Union
of Conservative associations at Brighton
yesterday Premier Salisbury referred at
length to Hustem, whom ho fcariid would
not recover from his illness. Tho prlmo
minister spoko especially of tho former ad
ministration of Hustem Pasha at Leba
non, and said ho was convinced If mon
like him had been placed In charge of tho
districts whero all theso Turkish horrors
havo occurred tho cousclcnco of Europo
would never havo been racked by all thoso
talcs of suffering and terror. If thero had
been mon round tho sultan llko Rustcm
Pasha present conditions would not oxlst.
Lord Salisbury added: "I do not sco
who tho men aro -who aro to stand ns rep
resentatives of tho Hustem Pasha typo of
officials at tho sublime porto, I exhort
you to consider that tho terrible Armenian
problem is quito as much ono of compe
tent men as ono of adequato law; that tho
mere writing of now provisions upon fresh
decrees cannot supply tho places of gover
nors who know how, and what is equally
important, who havo tho courago and in
tegrity to do their duty.
"I have no doubt but th powers will do
their best. But do not imagine that deep
seated diseases in an eniplro can bo cured
by tho wave of a magician's wand. Tho
result of long years of error will havo to
bo paid for, and cruel and tnexorablo is tho
law that those will pay who wcro not orig
inally guilty of tho oflonso4."
In speaking of Great Britain's efforts to
restore order In Turkey Lord Salisbury
"Groat Britain forms part of a concerted
Europe, which has resolved, so far as It
acts, to act with unanimity. Some persons
scorn to imagine that wo, tho people of
Great Britain, can dispose of all of tho de
cisions of all tho European powers. This
Is crediting us with more influenco than
wo possess. Whatever Is done must be
dono with una- lmity, and wo can only
speak In behalf of one of tho powers which
will concur, if the powers do concur in any
action which may bo taken.
"I will not admit that tho responsibility
of any of tho decisions taken rests entirely
or mainly on this country, Tho responsi
bility Is upon us and upon all tho powers
In common. All thoso who have this re
sponsibility must act together, so that if
thero aro others who cannot agree to act
with tho powers, thoso others cannot have
their own way. But I am in no wiso de
sirous of Intimating that tho slightest
shade of disagreement up to this moment
has tirlscn between tho powers.
A dispatch to Tho Times from Constan
tinople notes tho commencement of a
panic among tho Armenian tradesmen of
that city. Theso Armenian traders havo
declared their intention of closing their
shops. They assert that Constantinople Is
now unsafe for them.
Another dispatch announces tho arrival
at Smyrna of the French squadron.
Terrorized by Wild 1 ten its.
Delaware, O., Nov. 20. Citizens of
Thompson township, this county, aro be
ing terrorized by a lioness and two leop
ards which escaped from a circus soino
timo ago, and travoled from Marion
county. Many sheep and calves havo been
killed. Farmers go to thoir field work
heavily armed, and travel after night has
been entirely stopped. A neighborhood
hunting party will bo organized to 6luy
tho beasts.
Motorninn lingers Out on Hall.
CLEVELAND, Nov. 20. Lata yesterday
nfternoon Myron T. Herrlck nnd S. S.
Warner signed at $15,000 ball bond, nud
August Rogors, tho motorman on tho car
that plunged through tho Central Viaduct
draw last Saturday night, was given his
Druthers Killed by Falling; Itock.
OAKLAND, Md., Nov. 20. Charles and
Henry Shaffer, brothers, wero killed near
hero yesterday by a fall of rock In a Btono
quarry whero they wero employed. Both
men leavo families.
Closing Quotations of tho New York and
Philadelphia Kxelmuges. '
New Yokk, Nov. 19. A varietyof Influences
depressed the stock market today, though it
was more active than on Monday, with the
bulk of the dealings distributed In halt a
dozen stocks, exceptional activity being noted
In Western Union. Closing bids:
Del. & Hudson N. Y. Central 89J$
D , L. & W 107 N. Y. & N. E
Erie W6 Pennsylvania MM,
Lake Erie & W... ZSH Heading W,i
Lehigh Nav 48 St. Paul 74Ji
Lehl'xli Valley 40 W. N. Y. & Pa 334
New Jersey Cen..l074 West Shore
General Markets.
PniT.AnHi.vut A, Nov. 19. Flour weak; win
ter superfine, $g.33.50; do. extras, S2.C0
2.83; Pennsylvania roller, clear, $3(813.30; do.
do. straight, $3.!jJ3.35; western winter, clear, Wheat quiet, steady, with G0V4e. bid
and COHo. asked for November. Corn dull,
unchanged, with 3to. bid and 33J4c asked for
November. Onta quiet, Bteady.wlth 244o. bid
and iljjo. asked for November. Hay llrra;
choice timothy, 15.50. Ileaf steady. Pork
dull, eusy; old iness, $9.S0i310. Lard steady;
western steam, $3.80, llutter steady; cream
ery, 1523c.; factory, 914o.; Elgins, 23q,; iini
tatlon creamery, 1318o.; New York dairy, 15
21c. t creamery, l"22iic.; Pennsylvania and
western creamery prints, fancy, at 33o.; do.
choice, 21c; do. fair to good, 21333a.; prints
jobbing at 20&29O, Cheese dull; New York
large, "M10o.; small fancy, 510fo.; part
skims, 3HS.7UO.; full skims, 2&34c. Eggs
dull; New York and Pennsylvania, 22020a.;
Ice house, 10320c.; western fresh, 213c.
Live Stock Markets.
New Yohk, Nov. 19, European cables quote
American steers at BlOllc, dressed weight)
refrigerator beef, "MS'JHc. Calves steady;
poor to prime veals, $.538; grassers, $2."0
3.25; yearlings, $2.2o,75. Sheep nnd lambs
quiet and a trifle weakt poor to good sheep,
$2133.35; common to choice lambs, S3.fi0i3il.G0.
Hogs dull, with general sales at 3.80S1.2U.
East Lidehtv, Pa , Nov. 19. Cattle steady;
prime, Si 3031. TO: good butchers, $3.WB1;
bull, cows and stags, SI -Wat Hogs steady;
prime light, $3 703. 73- me lum grades. $3.03
SW.7U; common, to fair Yorkers, $5.505 115,
SueepsUady: extra. $290, !i 1); fair, $170
2.33; common, 60o , lambs, $'.' 23iM.23, Veal
oalves, $030.75,
IF 4u$bvmh
S mnl
way I
For frvine. Cottolene
cret liot enough to smoke or
1J -
I it is hot euoutrb. throw into
When at just the right heat, the water will pop. I
Oennlne has trade marks "ColtoUnt" and Hrer't head In cotlon-plant tcriM-cn svery tin.
I THIS N. K. FAHHUMi COMIUXT, CHICAGO anil 102 S. Ptlannro Are., Philadelphia. I
v x VI . 'II
QOBTobacco Sold For
1 KEft Jrr
1 vimliK
and aches of an annoying nntunvi toiturous nature, a dangerous nnture.can
be quickly and surely cured with Pniu-Killer. As no oue is proof against
pain, no one should be without Paiu-Killcr. This eood old remedy kept
at hand, will save much suffering
summer complaints of crown folks or children it has stood without on
equal for over half a century. No
Sold everywhere. The quantity has been doubled but tho prlco remains
the same, 2oe. Look out for worthless Imitations. Huy only tho genuine,
earing ine namo itrkv ua vis k
Sometimes nee Is a reliable,
the pnrett drugs
tUtx IB Era n U Q W
Thoy aro prompt, sale ami certain In result. T ; tannine (Dr. Peal's) never disap
point, ISent anywhere, 1.00. Address Peai. .Medicise Co., Cleveland, O.
For sale by P. P. U. KIIJLIN. Shenandoah, Pa.
After All Others Fail
Dr. Lobb,
329 N. 15th St.
Below Callowhlll
To secure a positive and permanent cure of
Errors of Youth and Loss of Manhood und of
all diseases of the blood, Kidneys, lllndder.
Skin ami nervous System consult at once Dr.
Lobb. He guarantees In all cases caused by
i ......... i .... T..l.l. .
to Health nud Strength by building up the
slinuereu nervous system aim auuing new me
and energy to tho broken down constitution,
Dnnsultutlon and examinations freo and strirtly
confidential. Ofllce hours, daily and Sunday,
from 9 A M. to 3 1 M. and 0 to 9 evenings.
Head his book on errors of Youth mid obscure
diseases of both sexes. Sent free.
Rift 1 qnart floor, 1 amrwontol salt, 1 saltspoon.
fnl pround nuttnt-g or ciiiutuion, 2 rounding tea
spoonfuls baking powdtr, tosrothfr. P-sat a cgirs;
add 1 rnp augar, 1 cup milk, tnupwnfal malted
('(itloleiie. Stir thrm Into tho l'mir, toil and cnt
InM sliapi. Ilaro kittle aj lull jf 'ittnleiir-at
jaatthr right heat and fry the duugbnats In It fur
3 uitnuti-8.
must be hot. but dmi't let it 1
it will burn. Tn finr! if 1
. . ...... w J
it a sinp-le dron of w.iter. I
n 6
m m 1 jp a
nud many calls on the doctor. For all
time like the present to get a bottle of
monthly, re--
; nrdicins. Only haraleca and
It ruu want the best, get
should be use.i.
When tt comed to
Our stock speaks for itself,
to town send your orders,
rately and promptly tilled.
If you don't couie
They will beaceu.
29 East Centre Street
Teams to H I re.
If you want to hire a safe and reliable
team for driving or for working purples
pay Shields' livery stable a visit. Tuaws
constantly on hand at reasonable rates,
No. 410 East Centre street.
Opposite Reading railroad station.
DRU3 EJKafe two sunp spun nr.. loavdnutu i nacr
SlQEtSffil GUARD." Wu-4x Specific Co-PhilamPaI