EVENING HERALD KSTAUI.ISIIUn 1870. Published every livening, K-cept Sunday, ot 8 South Jakmn SntKBT. Ni:An Crntbk. The llrnilil Is dcllveted in Shenandoah and the surrounding towns for six cents a week, pay able to the carriers, lly mail SI. 00 n your, or 25 cant i month, payable 111 advance Advcrtlsc mcnta charged according to space and position. The publishers reserve tho right to change the position of advertisements whenever the pub lication of news demands It. Tlio right is reserved to reject any advertisement, whether bold for or not, that tho publishers limy deem Improper. Advertising rntes miido known upon application. .Entered nt the po-tofilee nt Shenandoah, la., as second class mall mntter. TKLKl'HONK CONNKCTION. Evening Herald WKONlSDAY, NOVEMHER "0, 1895. Much in tercet is being taken in tlio local toachcrs' institnto, and their regular meet ings lire well attonded. The effort to secure r. Hyron W. King, of 1'ittRhurg, to give ono of his excellent entertainments here In the near future, if successful, will be productive f much good. Till: shifting nature of some of tho rivers in this country of ours is apparent in tho case of the Kio Orando, which, according to tho annual rsport of General Bliss, commanding tho Department f Texas, is encroaching upon the city of Brownsville and tho military reservation adjacent thorelo. Tho adminis tration building on tho reservation, a very fine one, is now within four feet of the river and it is foared a rise will cause it to fall into tho water. READING'S REORGANIZATION. Tho proposed plan for tho reorganization of the Philadelphia & Iteading Kailroad Com pany was mado known in New York Monday and is likely to meet with considerable op position from the security holders, tho stock holders appearing to think tho assessment of 20 per cent, on tho stock excessive. It is re ported, too, that an assessment of 20 per cent, is also to bo paid by holdors of tho f 11,000,000 general mortgage bonds and tho $50,000,000 tirbt. second and third preference bonds, which aro to bo wiped out and two classes of preferred stock issued for them. The despatches state that the plan may be modified, and as srao of tho leading bankers of New York have already indicated their opposition to it, this will probably have to bo dono before it can bo adopted. Tho expecta tion that reorganization can be effected with out assessing somebody cannot bo realized, and it is more than likely the shrieks of the opposing faction un intended only to scaie the committco into giving them better terms. It is generally conceded that $25,000,000 will be needed to carry any reorganization scheme to a successful issue, and an assess ment of 20 per cent, on the stock will produce nly $3,000,000, or about one-third of tho amount needed, leaving the balance of $17,000,000 to bo raised among the holders of the bonds. It is a question whether tho payment of those assessments will not he advantageous to all the security helders in tho greatly increased value of their holdings, which, it ia stated, will likely bo groater than tho present valuo of tho securities with tho amount of tho assessments added. However it is accomplished, it is to bo hoped it will not bo a temporary expedient like the reorganization of 18S7, but will put the company on such a footing that it will havo no difficulty In paying iU way and making at least a fair return upon its capital ization. Such a consummation is devoutly wished for by the pcoplo of Schuylkill county, the interests of which aro so closely identified with thosoof tho Heading company. THE CRAWFORD SYSTEM. Now that tho political campaign of 1803 is past, tlio time seems opportune to consider whether it would not he advisable to chango tho present system of nominating county officers. A discussion of the subject by tho party papers can do harm, and may he the means of muck good. Everyone who has had anything to do with political matters in this county of late years knows that a groat deal of money is used and as u rosult a camiKiign for an election to office is a vory expensive thing. It is also well known that many porsons who seek tho honor of representing their districts in the county convention as delugiitos do so for tho purpose of having their "espouses" to Potts villo raid. If half tho talos told aro true, tho candidate who pays tho uiokt "expense" Hiho ono that generally gots tho votes, no matter what tho delegates' Instructions may havo been. It is mora than hinted, too, that tho ex pectation of making a "striko" is tho prin ciple reason why many men go into the cou test; otherwise, those who can illy afford to lose n day's work would not ho so willing to servo. This is truo of both partios, and is not confined to our own ranks. Tho good of the arty is a secondary con sldoration in the minds of such dolegatcs, and honco we think tha tlmo is ripe for tho adoption of tho Crawford county systom. By that system each vetor casts his ballot .direct for whoever he would llko t seo the nominee of his party, instead of for dele gate who may be "Induced" to disregard the instructions givon hint. It Is truo Shenan doah has vory few of this class, hut it is woil to avoid any contingencies that may arise in the future. It is to be expected, of course, that the "strikers" will shout vigorously against tho proposition, but it has worked o satisfactor ily In IuiBistcr county that wo Imvo no doubt that it would bo tlio sumo In Schuyl kill. Tlio fact that Shenandoah, Mahanoy City ami now Ashland havo adopted tlio system In tholr local elections, shows con clusively that the people of tho nppor part of tho county are partial to it. Wo bollovo If tho qiicstitn wcro submitted by tho next Itopublicnn convention to a vote of tlio party tho sentiment would bo strongly in Its favor. How to Prevent Croup. SOM1J llKAIHNO THAT WILL PROVE I NT Ml I1ST1NO TO YOU.NO MOTllIIltS. HOW TO UUAltll AOAINSTTHD DISISAPi:. Croup is n terror to young mothers and to post them concerning tho cause, first symp toms and treatment is tho object of this item. Tho origin of croup is a common cold. Children who aro subject to it tako cold very easily mid croup is almost suro to follow. The first symptom Is hoarseness ; this is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough, which is easily recognized and will never bo forgotten by ouo who has heard it. The timo to act is when tho child first becomes hoarse. If Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy is freely given all tendency to croup will soon disnp' pear. Even after tho croupy cough has d& vclopcd it will prevent the attack. There is no danger in giving this remedy for it con tains nothing injurious. For sale by Gruhler Uros., Druggists. DISTINGUISHEDREPUBLICANS. An Unusual Gathering of Party Leaders In New York. New YoitK, Nov. 20. Politicians from all parts of tho country aro registered nt tho Fiftli Avenue hotel. Most of them claim that their visit has no political sig nificance, and yet conferences between prominent leaders wero not infrequent yesterday. Conspicuous In tho lobby were ex-President Harrison, Senator Sherman of Ohio, Senator Julius C. Burrows of Michigan, Congressman Guluslm A. Grow ol Pennsylvania, Gonoral James S. Clark son of Iowa, Congressman J. (J. Cannon of Illinois, ex-Senator Warner Miller of Now York, Joseph II. Stanley of Maino, Charles AV. Hackctt of Utica, Senntor elcct Hobart Krunt of New York and ox Muyor Oliver of Pittsburg. Senator Burrows, when asked his opin ion in regard to Republican presidential ciydldatos, said: '-'Tho woods aro full of ablo Republican candidates. I only wish It was so wo could elect fifteen presidents nt cyice, In order to gratify tho ambition of every one. A four years' term will not permit every ono to servo as president." Tho senator then, referring to tho Demo cratic party, said that ho thought Presi dent Cleveland would bo renominated. "What about the recognition of tho bel ligerents In Cuba? Will it lie dono by congress?" "It may bo done, nnd it so it will give tho struggling Cubans soma advantage. But, on tho other hand, It will make this government responsible to Spain for all damago dono to Spanish commerce by ves sels fitted out hero. Resolutions of sym pathy mny bo passed. But ono thing I bellevo will bo done, and that is a declara tion by congress upholding tho Monroe doctrine Tho Monroo doetrino lias never been acted upon by congress, but it Is not too late." Congressman Galusha A. Grow was de cidedly in favor of recognizing tho strug gling Cubans ns soon ns possible. Ho said he would not bo surprised to t,co a joint resolution passed soon after congress met expressing sympathy for Cuba.und asking that tho patriots there bo recognized as belligerents. Senator Sherman said that such as Cuba, ATcnczueluund the Waller caso wero too gravo to bo discussed at this tlmo. The IlUcnvery Saved Ills Life. Mr. G. Caillouette, Druggist, Beaversville, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physicians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first doso began to get better, and afterusing threo bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. Wo won't keep store or house without it." Get free trial at A. Waslcy's Drug Storo. Fatal Sweat Shop Flro In Xw York. New Youk, Nov. 20. Flro brokoout yes terday in tho bascmont of thu six story factory building at No. 08 Clinton street, in which about 2Q0 persons wero employed, most of thorn in tailoring sweat shops. Ono man, thus far unidentified, perished by suffocation. Tho firemen helped many of tho inmates out of tho building, nnd tho others made their way to tho ground by means of flro oscapes. MoyorLIpschutz, an employing tailor, jumped from a fourth story window to tho pavement, and ho suf forcd internal injurios from which he will dlo. His brother, Louis LIpschutz, leaped to tho roof of a three story building ad joining and received sovoro contusions of tho back and serious internal injuries. Mary Belzingor wus run down by a flro chief's wagon, and may die from hor wounds. Tho wifo ol Mr. Leonard Wells, of East Brimficld, Mass., had been suffering from neuralgia for two days, not bomg ablo to sleep or hardly kcop still, when Mr. Iloldcn, the merchant thoro, sent hora bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Balm, and asked that sho givo it a thorough trial. On meeting Mr. Wells the next day ho was told that sho was all right, tho pain had loft hor within two hours, and that tho bottle of Pain Balm wus worth $6.00 if it could not be had for loss. For sale at 50 cents por bottle by Gruhlor Iiros., Druggists. Fatal Collision on llrooklyn llririge. Nkw Youk, Nov. 20. A serious accident, duo to the dense fog, ocourred on Brook lyn bridge yesterday. AVhilo on tho way to Brooklyn a train wns forced to stop about 800 yards from tlio Brooklyn sta tion. A train behind camo along, and tho brnkuinan on tho roar train, thinking all was clour, wont nhead at full speed. A serious collision was tho rosult. Soveral cars woro Uloscopod, and tho conductor nnd sovaral passongors wero sovorely hurt. Thomas Cooper, tho conductor, 28 years old, had both legs cut oil, and George Gninnlt, u pharmaceutical studont, 27 years old, had his left foot out off and ro colvod Internal Injuries. Both inqii died nftor l)olng takon to the hospital. ' , Good advices Never lcavo home on a Journey without a bottlo of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrha-a Itemedy. For sale by Ortllilor Bros., Druggists. San rrnnelsco May Oct It, Columhus, Nov. SO. Thostntomont thnt Hon, .T. S. Clnrkson had writtoutonfrlond In 1'lttslntrtt tolliiiK him to rent rooms for tho national Repuhllcim convention, there beliiR no roRcrviition In tho lottor, hns not boon confirmed. Ami now comes another story. During; n rccont mooting horo, nt which wore present qttito iv number of Ohio politicians, friendly to Governor TSc Kinloy, It was given out "confidentially" that twenty-ouo members of tho national committco had pledged thomsolvca to San Francisco. If this is truo, Sun Francisco has only flvo nioro members to got to so cur .ho convention. ltov. Hyiitt Smith Probably Insane. UoSTON, Nov. 20. Tho enso ponding In tho United Stntos circuit court against Uov. Frank Hyatt Smith, of Cambridgo, charged with' sending scurrilous postal cards through tho malls, hns taken n now turn. His counsel now assort that ho is mentally deranged, nnd support tho claim by tho nflldnvlt of Smith's family physi cian. Tho fccllug Is that tho caso will never como to trial, nnd thnt Mr. Smith will finally be dcclnrcd insane. Ctiro for Headache. As a remedy for all form's of Headache Electric Hitters has proved to bo the very best. It effects a permanent euro and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. Wcurgoall who areafilicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In ease of habitual constipation Electric Hitters cures by giving thu needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist tho use of this medicine. Try it onco. Large bottles only 50 cents at A. Waslcy's Drug Store. Chnrgcs Agnlust New York's Sheriff. Aliianv, Nov. 20. Henry Grasso, of Now York, hns filed charges of mnl feas ance In office against Sheriff Edward Tarn sen, of Now York county, nnd nsks for his removal from office The petition charges that tho sheriff was guilty of negllgenco nnd mismanagement In having incompe tent men about Ludlow street jail, which resulted in tho cscapo of tho threo post offico robbers; thnt ho unlawfully received $15 a week from theso prisoners, for which they rocolvcd tho liberty of tho jail; that ho wrongfully employed James P. Archi bald as wordon, who was arrested for In toxication whllo ho hold that position, nnd that tho sheriff extorted oxcessivo fees over what Is allowed by law. Stamp Counterfeiter nit Trial. AUBUItX, N. Y., Nov. 20. In tho United States district court, before Judgo COxo, Mary T. McMUlon, nllns Mary Mack, is on trial for counterfeiting United States postage stamps to tho faco valuo of $30,000. Nathan Horzog, of Chicago, a tobacco dealer, and Edward Massouth, a stamp dealer, of Chicago, both testified that thoy ordered stamps from tho Novelty Supply company, but refused to accept them ho causo of tho counterfeits. Georgo E. Law rence nnd Homer H. Drow, clerks In tho olllco of tho AVclls-Fargo Express company nt Buffalo, Identified tho woman ns the ono who oxprcssed tho stamps to Chicago. Keller In Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by tho "New Great Soutli American Kidney Cure." This now . , t ft P remeuy ii a greab surprise ou account in us exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain., in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relict and cure this is your remedy, Sold by Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 South Main street. The 110116811111118 Strike In fer York New Youk, Nov. 20. Tlio strike of tho Housesmlths' nnd Bridgemon'snnloncon tlnues, and work Is at a standstill on most of tho now buildings under way in tho city. Tlio Iron League issues a statemont declaring that while tho strike is osten sibly for higher wngos it is really to forco tho members to employ only union men. It has always refused to discriminate ngainst non union men, tho lenguo do clures, and It assorts that moit of tho men aro not in sympathy with tho strike, and nro acting under coercion. Tlio Knplitlin Fire nt Wlilllng, lud. AVlHTINO, Ind Nov. 20. Tho flro nt the Standard Oil compauy's works horo was brought undor control yesterday. No Uvea woro lost, according to tho company's re ports, and tho damage amounts to $50,000. Tho tank In which It started contained about' 80,000 barrels of naphtha. By at taching three pumps to tho tank and utll lzlng every nvallablo hoso tho omployes wero ablo to get out a largo portion of tho naphtha. Itiicklen's Arnica. Salvo. Tho best salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tctlcr, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cm ts piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salo by A. Wasley. Threatened Lynching in ICnnsas. Empouia, Kan., Nov. 20. David Hen dorsou.tho Duulap township colored school teacher who on Monduy night ran amuck, gave hlmsolf up to tho officers In this city yostordny. Ho was takon back to Duulnp and jailed. Great exoltomout exists, and there Is talk of lynching tho negro. Mrs. Tom Stnrkus nn.l Mrs. Ray, two of Hon dorson's victims, cannot live, whilo Tom Stnrkus' wounds aro considered daugor ous. . 111 Health and Suicide. New Youk, Nov. 20. John M. Gano, n city mnrshal attached to tho Eighth dis trict civil court, shot hlmsolf dead yostor day afternoon in his room in tho court house at Twonty-thlrd street nnd Eighth avenue. Tho reason for the suioldo Is sup posed to huvo been sickness, ho beiug a sufferer from chronic dyspepsia. Police Raid the Atlanta -Midway. Atlanta.Kov.SO, Tho city pollco closed four shows on tho Midway because they wero giving tho coochoo coochoo dunco or Immodest exhibitions by women. Tho shows closed woro the Trocmlero, Living Pictures, the Donuty Show nnd the Gypsy Village. Death of Cardinal llonnpurte, Romk, Nov. SO. Cardlnul Bonnparto died ns tho result of npoploxy yostordny, Cardlnul Luclen Itonupnrto wns a cnrdl nnl priest, tho second In order of preco douce. Ho was born lu Rome, Nov, 16, 1828, nnd wus oroiilcd n cardinal March 18, 1808. .Young llereslivlm Indicted for Murder. New Youk, Nov. 30. Jacob Ilcreshcim, the H-ycar-olil boy who confossed to the killing of tho rostaurunt keeper Kraucr ou tho night of Nov. 0, was yesterday ln dieted for murder In tho first degree. Rich Red Blood Is tho Foundation ol tho 'Wonderful Cures by Itood's Sarsaparllln. Thnt Is Wliy tho cures by Hood's Sar saparilla are Cures. That Is AVhy Hood's Sarsaparllln cures tho sovcrcst cases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum and other blood diseases. That Is "Why it overcomes That Tired Feeling, strengthens tho nerves, gives energy In placo of exhaustion. That Is AVhy the sales of Hood's Sar saparilla have Increased year after year, until now it requires tho largest Labora tory in tho world. That Is AVhy 'Hood s Sarsaparilla la tho Only Truo Blood Purifier promi nently In tho public eye todny. Prepared by C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Man. 81. H,ii r!l1 nct harmoniously with tlOOU S FlllS Hood's Sarsaparilla. 26c. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SCHUYKItL DIVISION. N'ovEMiirn 17, 1805. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above date for Wluenns, (illhertoii, Fruekvllle, Dark Water, St. flair, l'ottsvllle, Itamburc, lieiwlInK, Fottstown, 1'lioenlxTllle, KorrlKtown nnd Phil adelphia (liroad street station) at 0 03 and 1115 a. m. anil 1 15 p. in. on week days. For Potto villo and intermediate stations 0 10 a. m. SUNDAY. For AViggnns, Clllherton, Fruekvllle, Dark Water, St. C'lnlr, l'ottsvllle, at 0 08, 0 40 a. m. anil 310 p.m. For Hamburg, Rending, l'ottptown, I'hocnlxvllle, Norrlitown, Philadelphia ntOOO, 9 10 n. m.,.1 10 p. in. Trains lcavo Fruekvllle for Shenandoah nt 10J0n. m. and 1214, 5 01, 7 42 nnd 10 27 p. in. Sunday, 11 13 a. in. and 5 40 p. m. Leave l'ottsvllle for Shenandoah at 1015, 11 48 a. in. and 4 40, 7 15 nnd 10 00 p. in. Sunday at 10 10 a. m., 5 15 p. 111. Lcavo Philadelphia, (Broad street station), for Shenandoah at n 57 and 8 35 a. m., 4 10 nnd 711 p. m. week dnys. Sundays leave at 0 fiO a. m. Leave Hroaif street station, Philadelphia, for Sea Girt, Asbiiry Park, Ocean Grove, Long Branch, nnd intermediate stations, 0.50, 8.25, 11.89 a. m., 3.50, 4.00 p. in. week-days. Sundays (stop at Interlaken for Asbtiry Park), 8.25 o. in, Lenvo Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, FOR NEW YORK. Kxpress, week days, 3 20, 1 05, 150, 0 15, 0 50, 7 33, 8 20,9 20, 9 50, 10 30 (Dining Car), 11 00, 11 11 n. in., 12 noon, 12 35 (Limited 100 nnd 4 22 p. m. tii. i m n'm mmi...v r.. a m inn. 5 00, 5 50 (Dining Car), 0 00, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. m., 12 01 night Sundays, 3 20, 4 Or,, 1 50, 5 15, 8 12, 9 20, 9 50, 10 30 (DinliiK Car), 11 Ol a. m., 12 85. 2 30 (Dining Car), 4 ou (Limited 4 SZ), a 20, o do lum iwr Car), 0 85, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. m., 12 01 night. Kxpress for Boston, without change, 11 00 a. m. week days, and 0 50 p. in. dally. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH For Baltimore and Washington, 8 50, 7 20, 8 31, 912,10 20,1123 a. m., 12 09 (12 31 Limited Din ing uir;, 1 U lO, '1 '11 ij iv vuukii-ssiuuui Limited, Dining Car), 0 17, 0 65 (Dining Cor), 7 40 (Dining Car) p. in., nnd 12 05 night week ciavs. sununys, u ixi, 7 -'u, 'J ii'M a. m., iirj 1 12, 4 11,(5 15 Congreslonnl Limited, Dining Car), 0 55 (Dining Car), 7 40 p. m. (Dining Car) and 12 05 night Lcavo Jlorkct Street Ferry, Philadelphia, FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Express, 8 50 a. in., 2 10, 4 00, and 5 00 p. tn. week davs. Sundavs. 8 45 and 9 45 a. 111. For Cnpe May, Anglessca, Wildwood and Holly Beach. Express, 9 00 o. m., and -1 00 p. ni. week days. Suuduys, 9 00 a. m. For Sen Isle City, Ocean City and Avnlon. Express, 9 00 a. in., and 4 00 p. in. week days, Sundays. 9 00 a. ni. For Soniers Point Express, 8 50 n. m., and 4 00 p. in. week uays. bunuays, o 4. a. in. S. M. PhcVost, J. It. Wood, Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Pass'g'r Agt, ChlchrAtcr EncUih Diamond IlrAnd. ENNYROYAL FILLS Orlff innl and Only Genuine A safe, 1wbj reliable, ladies aik iv Draggtst for Chtehcster$ EnqlUh (a-r .mondSran.1 In I ted am! Gobi mtMliK' boxrs, scaled with blue ribbon. ThUq 7 no other. Refute dangerout Muhttttw V ttoni and imitation: M HraUti. or tend 4c. Id tt imp! for particular!, testlmoolaU anJ " ueucr lor i-omciv tn truer, vj rvinru Mull. 1 0.OOO T- timonlala. Kami raver Chl(-lflrCliciulcalCo..Ma(1Unn'4ouar. lold bf ail t-wi ' 1 riuoim. JL'hll-. - ! LilAUE Vr.ll Bore Tnroat, Timplcs, Copper! .Willi L IUU Colored Spots, Aches, Old bonjs.y ulL-ersi In Month, HalivKalllngl Write COOK -juiuuuiro, Aii., xor prooia 01 cures, cupi- liui, iTiuuuuip. worst coses curea in x 4to US days. IOO-porci book free. millions of Dollars Go up in smoko ever)- year. Take no risks hut get your houses, slock, fur niture, etc., insured in first-class re liahlo companies as represented by TAAVm RATTQT InsFa?c? .Affent, un. i iu x "J i f 130 south Slain St Also Life and Accidental Companies. DR. A. A. SEIBERT, Specialist in diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 207 Wost Market St., TOTTSVILLE Hours 8:30 a. m. to 12 m.; 1 to 4 p. m ti 8 1). m. Sundavs flu in. to IS in Celebrated Female l'ovrdors never fall. i uffeandlureraflarfolluur with Tamy and 1'ennyroysl P1U and olher like ipmpdieil. Alwavs buy the best and avoid dldap rolntrocnt. Ouartntoed uwrlor to al others. PpiHIvalv the beit tn the market, A Ko. 1. Particulars, . Dr.S.X VJLX, nock liar, Boston, anus. M. J. LAW LOR, Justice of the Peace, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, 123 East Centre St. Properties For Sale. rnWO-STOnY Frame Dulldtner, 80x45 feet on JL Houth Cliestnut street. Itcnts or 118 ue month ; will be sold cheap. TTAW' IXJT and TWO HOUSES, alttiated XL on West Centre street, WJ1J pay 1? pel. cent, on invesinjom, nn en oe wtujjiiv uii easj terms, AFAltM OF IB AU11KH within three mile of pood market. Twenty-nine acres under cnltlvotion, ruu lour ocres p cood timber. Frame farm house, nix rooms, good barn and oil in good condltibri. Will be sold for S1.300 cash. - TTALF LOT anil two houses on South Main II street. 31,800. mWO LOTS and six houses, including three I story frame hotel and store room, on Rout iTentre street- rrujieny in wjiumun Aggregate rent. $110.00 per month. A CAMPAIGN TRICK. Gr-HInc the Kent of an AhiiMvo Adversary In Kentucky. Tho following story Is told by Edward J. MoTlonuott In nn nrtlolo untitled "Kim on the Stump," in Tho Conttiry: A few years ngo a plain oouutry doctor nntl n Mr. May, who wns fond of Jowelry nnd woro n vnhmlilo diamond stud In his ulilrt bosom, wero running for tho legisla ture In ono of our counties. Tlio race wns oloso and hot. At ouo pponkingtho doctor Hindu tho following llcreo nnd dangerous thrust at his opponent; "Follow citizens, don't you want an honest man in tho legislature? Of eounso yon do. Now what sort of jnan Is my opponent? Why, gontlo mon, look nt thnt magnificent diamond ho wears I It Is almost ns big and bright ns tho headlight on a locomotive. Your eyes can hardly stnnd Its glnro. It Is worth hundreds innybo thousands of dollars. At what valuation do you supposo ho hns put It for taxation In his return to tho statu assessor? Why, at tho pitiful sum of $201" Tho orowd yelled for tho doctor. Threo days later tho two met ngaln In joint debuto. Again tho doctor took up his tolling themo and hold forth eloquently and passionately in denunciation of dis honesty and diamonds and false assess ments, nnd then ho again told of May's fnlso return to tho nsscssor, "Look nt that gorgeous pin, gentlemen I My eyes can hardly enduro Its dazzling rays. Solomon in nil his glory" "Hold onthero, dootorl" said May. "Do you moan to sny this pin is worth moro than P20?" "Yos, I do 20 times or GO times $801" "Would you give $20 for it, dootor?" "Of course I would." "Well, you can havo It for thnt." "All rlghtl" said tho doctor, and ho hurriedly counted out tho monoy and took tho pin. Then Mny roso to speak, and tho crowd oheorud him. Ho wns undoubtedly "gr.mo" nnd honest. Ho was willing to tnko what ho said the plq wns worth. Ho was elected. A wook after tho election ho called on tlio doctor and said: "Dootor, I don't want to rob you of your monoy. Hero's your ?20. That pin you bought was pasto. I got It in Louisville nftor your first speech. Ilcro Is my real diamond. If I can ever servo you, let mo know." ENTERTAINING ROYALTY. Some of the Curious Utiles That Aro Ob served at the Dinner Table. Jinny pcoplo nro not nwaro what a busi ness enturtnluliiR royalty Is, how thoy nro hedged off by n hundred llttlo observances from ordinary mortals nnd treated ns If they wero a different order of bolngs en tirely. If nny ono, forlnstnnco, is honored by being allowed toontortnln n prince nnd princess nt dinner, nil tho other guests In vited to meet tholr royal highnesses nro asked for a qunrtor of nn hour hoforo tho tlmo, so that thcro mny bo no chanco of tho Illustrious guests waiting. Ono vory curious rulo Is thnt nt dessert none but tho roj-al guests must havo linger glnsse's put beforo thorn, Tho origin' of this rather uncomfortable restriction Is interesting. At a tlmo when .Tncobltos wero moro common than they nro now, nnd when tho chnncos of rising in favor of tho Stuart .pretenders to tho tlirono woro not altogether remote, cortnin highborn robols wero ncoustomcd to drink to tho king, holding tholr glasses over tho water In tho finger glasses. And so, whllo apparently drinking n loyal toast, thoy wcro really drinking to "tho king ovor tho wntor." When tho ladles havo loft tho dining room, a cigarette at tho dinner tahlo is tho Invariable custom. The prince, whoovcr ho may he, must not ho nsked to light his oigarotto with nn ordinary match, but has a little spirit lighter handed him for his solo use Upon ono occasion, when tho Prlnco of Wales wns dining In tho hall of Trinity college, Cambridgo, in which It is consid ered by tho dons 11 sort of sacrilege to Eiuoko, ho wns not offered tho customary cigarette. Tho prlnco had been an under graduate nt the college and may havo folt some hesitation In defying tho well known custom. Hut nature provnlled, nnd his royal high ness pulled out his cigar caso and lit up, an example which was gratefully followed by many of tho other guests. Now York Journal. Two Negroes Shot by a Mob. Hendekson, Ky Nov. 20. Lucy Glbbs, an 18-year-old colored girl in the employ of Furmor Roland, near Wh(to Bridge, while returning trom a church meeting, was assaulted by two negro tramps. Do splto her struggles sho was knocked down with a club and choked into unconscious ness. After tho assault tho perpetrators fled. TKey were overtaken by a posse, and on refusing to surrender wero shot dead. Ufo Sentence for llandlt lirndy. Makysville, Cnl., Nov. 20. llandlt Jack Brady has been found guilty of mur der and sentonced to Imprisonment for life. Ho nud a companion named Brown ing rodo on their bicycles from San Fran cisco and hold up tho Oregon express near Wheatland. Browning was robbing tho passengers when- Sheriff Bogard, of To hama county, shot him dead. Track Laying Stopped by nn Injunction. Buhlinqton, N. J Nov. SO, An in junction restraining tho Pennsylvania Railroad enmpnuy from laying an addi tional track through Broad street was served yesterday, having been procured by tho city nttornoy. Two hundred foot of tho track had already boon put down. Work was Immediately stopped. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Tho wifo of J. K. Emmott, tho actor, has brought suit for dlvorco nt Son Francisco. It Is understood In London that Sir Philip Currlo will beconio British ambas sador, to Franco when tho Turkish troubles are settled. Cholera has roapponred In St. Peters burg and othor parts of Russia. Sinco Nov. 6 nineteen fatal casos woro reported lu the capital, Sonntornoar, of Massachusetts, has can celled ull his eugagomonts to appear In public boforo tho oponlng of congress, on, tho advlco of his physician. A dispatch from Lowell, Mass., says: Fearful conflagration in, business district threatened. Kxplosion and possible loss of life. Probable loss, 1260,000. Largo oxportatlons of oranges Is going on from the stato of Jalisco, Mexico, to tho United States and the crop haa been bought by Amorlcan milt dealers. Tho commission appointed by tho Choc taw and Chickasaw Indian councils to consider the propositions of tho Dawes commission report against accepting tho laua in aovoralty. James Goldman, an nttornoy of Macon, Go., arid Mason Stevenson, the 0-year-old son of Rev. Jl. M. Stevenson, of Bethany, S. O., woro adinlttod to tho Pasteur Insti tute nt New York'yestorday. r When complicated 4 prescriptions and rare drugs are una & ble to do more than gr relieve. 3U FIR VI DWobh's (made from the well- Known garden veg- f etable) will perman- f ently cure the worst cases of Bright's Disease. Rhenmn- tism, Gout, Neural gia, Anaemia and other Kidney and A, 1 IVItl V J I T Blood Troubles. A few (loans will rellavA. A few boxes will enro. All . druggists, or by mall prepaid, for TOc. per box, ( Vrilf tnr PntnnhUt. unnnip iirniniiir rr 1WUU 0 "I CUIwlilti Wis Chicago. San Francisco, - m The Backus Water Motor Is Hie Most Economical Power Known, and the Best In the World foir Driving Light Machinery. It takes but little room. It never gets out of repair. It can not blow up. It requires no fuel. It needs no engineer. There is no delay; no firing up; no ashes- to clean away; no extra Insurance to pay; no re pairing necessary; no eoal bills to pay, and I 1 always ready for use. It is Invalusble for blowing Church Organs, for running Printing Presses, Sewing Machines, Turning Lathes, Scroll Saws, Grind Stones, Coffco ill lis. Sausage Machines, I' ced Cutters, Corn Mllls Klcvators. Ktc. FoUr-horse power at 40 pounds pressure of water. It is uolselest, neat, compact, steady. and nbovo all IT IS VERY CHEAP. Price, $15 to $300 Send for circular to the Ilnckus M'acr Motot Co., Newark, N. J., stating paper you saw advertiscment In. We also manufacture Patent notating and Exhaust Fans. Send for Special Catalogue on Ventilating. IN 1 riT-CT NOVKMI1KU 17, 1895. Vassenirer trains leave Shenandoah for l'enn Haven Junctlt.ii, Maueh (.'hunk, Lehighton, Slatlugton, White Hall, C'atusauniiu, Allentown, Ilethlehcni, 1'astou mid Wcutherly, nt 0 01, 7 .'18, J 15 n. in., Vi 13, I 05, 5 27 p. in. 1'or New York and Philadelphia, 6 01, 7 US, 015 a. in., 12 13, 4 05 p. in, lror (uaKtiKe, mvuciiuacK, itcrunrusnnu jiuu sondnlc, 0 15 a. in. and 4 05 p. in. For Wilkesharre, White Haven. I'ittston. Laceyville, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly and El intra, 0 01, 0 15 n. m., 2 57, 5 27 p. in. For Ilochebter. llu"alo, Niagara rails and tne West. 0 15 a. 111., 2 57, 5 27 P. 111. For Helvidere, Delaware Water Gup and StroiuNhurg, 0 01 a. nt., 4 05 p. in. For Ijimbeitvllle nnd Trenton, a 11 a. m. ForTunkhannoek, 0 01, 915 n. in., 2 57, 5 27 p. in. For Ithnca and Geneva, 0 01, 015 a. m., 5 27 p. in. For Auburn, 9 15 a. in., 5 27 p. m. For Jcanesvlllc, Levlstoiiand Heaver Meadow, 738 a. in., 12 13 p. lu. For Stockton and Lumber Yard. 001, , 3S, 9 15 a. 111., 12 13, 2 57, 0 27, 8 08 p. 111. For silver llrooK juuciioii, jiuueiineu wi Hazleton, 0 01, 7 39, 915 a. in., 12 13, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08 i. in. For Scmnton, 6 01, 9 15 n. ni., 2 57, 5 27 p. m. For Hazl. brook, Jeddo, Drlfton and Free land 0 Ol, 7 88. 9 15 a. ni.. 12 13, 2 57, 5 27 p. in. For Ashland, Glrnrdville and Lo&t Creek, 4 10, 0 15,7 30.9 13,10 20 a. in., 12 35, 1 10, 110, 0 35, 8 22 )i. in. ForltaVHii Hun. Ontrnlln. Mount Cormel and nuaiuoKiu, y lii, nil a. in., i.k, iw,oa,-w !' ' ...... ... Kur Vntnuv irt In-L- llrn -1 n MfillOV 1 '11V UIH llaln.in K Tl ft ft I tfW f . , K 1 I fVC n ... !9J!t 'I S7 .'vjt.i.u, u ij, uil, J0, ill, ft, w ... -TkU ' ' 44 & 4 fifl;iP5Sk 4 W WIMHIW W JL JIDHW t vi, u.i, nuo, -JM, IUiM II. III. " Trains will leave Shiiniokln ot 5 15, 8 15, 11 4S a. in., 1 55, I 30, 9 30 p. in., and arrive at Shenan doah nt 0 01, 9 15 a. in., 12 13, 2 57, 5 27, 11 15 p. Leavo Shenandoah for l'ottsvllle, 0 01, 7 3S, 9 08, 1105, 1130 u. in., 1 13, 257, 110, 527!OS p. in. Iave l'ottuville for Shenandoah, 0 00, 7 40, 9 01, 10 15, 11 48 a. in., 12 32, 0 00, 140, 5 20, 7 15, 8 55, 9 10 p. in. Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, 0 01, 7 38, 9 15 ft. ill., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27. 8 08 p. In. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 735, 10 05, 11 00 a. in., 12 15, 2 58, 5 30, 7 25, 7 HI p. in. SUNDAY' TKA1NS. W "s- H Trains leave for Itayeji Jtun, Centralla, iMt. Carmel and Shainoklii, C 45 a. 111., 2 40 p. in., Find arrive lit Shainoklii at 7 40 a. in., ahd 3 45 p. n. Trains leavo Shamokln for SlieiiandoahVnt 7 55 a. m., and 4 00 p. ni., ond arrive at Shcian doah at 8 49 a, in., ami 4 58 p. m. I Trains leave for Ashland, Girurdvlllo nml l.ost Creek, 9 40 a. in., and 12 30 p. m. Jf For Ilnzleton. lllack Creek Junction. Penti Huvcn Junction, Munch Chunk, Allentfawn, Ilethlchem, Kastou and New York, 8 49 if. m., 1230, 2 30 p. in. For j'liiiaucipinn, i. iw, iwip, m. For Yotesvllle, l'ark Flace, Mahanoy City j'eiano, h 411, uiu, in., i uo, . wj, 1 00 , o uj I-ave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 830, a. 111., 1 05. 0 80 p. in. , Iave Shenandoah for I'otsville. 5 55 a. 111., ii,oia p. in. nn, IIU ir Mitf iii-ti it... .iuiii.ui ft.. ,, ftft.llt. ... Weill, nil South llethlchcn CHAHL1M 8. LKH, C4e.1l. Pass Ai 1 1, 1 T ,.. 1 ..1 . A. W. NONNHMACHEIt, Asst (i 1' . noiuu ilctniehcin