The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 16, 1895, Image 3

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Where It Is Felt, How It Is Felt and
How It Can be Cured.
Overworked KidneysTheir Symptoms
and How to Help Them.
Overwork does more than tire you.
It exhausts you.
Enough work is good, Imt overwork is not
Work makes your blood circulate nnd
perspiration flow. It clears out your, bioed
vessels and tlio pores of your skin, t liolps. to
throw off wasto matter, brings fresh tilood to
ncak places, and renews your ensrgy and
Overwork makes your organs work too
hard, cats up your vitality, exhausts your
Tho organ that works tho most feels it the
' siiost.
l$lLtho kidnoys feel it always, whatever
orgairciay bo overworked.
Andhis is because your kidneys filter
your blooll.
All tho blood to .nourish your different
organs has to pass through your kidnoys. If
any organ is overworKca ami nccus more
blood than usual, your kidneys havojuslso
much moro work to do.
After a certain limit of strain is reached,
or after tho kidneys have been so much
overworked that they fall sick, they let tho
blood pass without filtering it; or sometimes
they even filter out tho good matter and leave
in tho bad."
So tliat tho worst of overwork is, that it
hurts your kidnoys.
This applies to mental overwork, bodily
overwork, overeating, dissipation, youthful
excesses, etc., etc.
Tho way to euro tho effects of overwork is,
not to take stimulants, but to cure your
kidneys with Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney
As soon as your kidneys aro well, they will
supply pure, fresh, strengthening blood or
nourishment to your overworked organs, and
tlioy will get well, too. .
You niav bo broken down in ncaltk from
overwork or excesses. You may feel that
you aro losing your mental or nervous power
ana pnysicai capacity lor wort.
It is'bccauso your kidneys need looking to,
that they shall filter your blood and give you
fresh life and enercv.
Or you may sufl'or from some of tho
symptoms of kidney diseases, such as uacK
ache. .Sideache. Headache. Nervousness,
Frequent Thirst, Sleeplessness, Swelling of
tho 1' cct and Ankles.
Of these too, Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney
Pills will euro you. They are tonleaud
strengthening to tlio kidneys, ana cure an
their diseases and iniurics.
Blood diseases, naturally, are caused by
sick kidneys. That is, diseases which aro
caused uy impure, poisonous, oauiy nuereu
Of theso may bo mentioned Rheumatism,
Gout, Anaemia, Chlorosis, I'alo and Sallow
Complexion, Lack, ol Ambition, Dizziness,
llvsteria. Neuralgia, etc.
Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills will euro
theso by curing tlio kidneys.
Pure blood means lioalth. Healthy kidnoys
mako nuro blood.
Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills aro for
sale by all druggists, or will bo sent prepaiu
to any address lor bu cents per dox.
Write for valuable medical pamphlet, "A
Filter For Your Blood," free on request.
Hobb's Medicine Co., Chicago or San
Kellef In Six Hour.
Digressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "New Great
' South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great; surpnso on account of its nromntne-ss in relieving nam in
tho bladder, kiduoys, 'back and every part
ol tlio urinary passages in maio or lemale.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and euro this Js your remedy.
Sold by Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 Soutli
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
-All work guaranteed to be first-class, In every
particular.., Silk tics and,lace curtains a spe-
lauy. moous caneu xor nnu uenrereu. Ainai
order solicited
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest anil
Chris; Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
Tonsorial Artist.
12 West Centre street.
Stylish hair cutting a specialty. Clean towel
with every sliave.
A genuino welcome awaits you at
Cor. rialn and Coal Sts.
jd ale constantly- on tap, imoice rem
VYlnkaand clears.
.fnmt a ivm cr f A CC I
iviyuuii l w a - .
Cor. Coal and Main Sts.
lunch dally from 0 to 13 a. m. Eating bar
ed with all tho delicacies of tlio season.
nf f:ifrnr- Wlna nnil l imtnm.
rompt attention and polito waiters,
Eussia'B Ozarina Presents the Kuler
with a Daughter.
Sketch of the Charming Itoynllst for Whoao
Sake Unprecedented Concessions Wero
Mudo by tho Orthodox Greek Church.
Her Influence Over the Cznr.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 10. Tho ac
couchement of tho cznrlnn occurred last
ovonlnff. At 9 o'clock a daughter was
born to tho czar and cznrlnn. Court .phy
sicians iu attendance at tho accouchement
of tho cznrlnn report tho child to bo n
handsomo girl, and thoy add that tho
mother is rapidly recovering. Services
connected with tlio birth of tho infant
wcro held In accordance with tho rltoa of
tho Orthodox Greek church. Tlio baby
has boon named Olgn.
Tho cznrlnn (Grand Duchess Alexandra
Veodorovna) was born nt Darmstadt.Uosso,
Juno 0, 1872. Sho was tho Princess Alls
Victoria Helen Louise Dentrlco of Hesse,
and was mnrricd to Czar Nicholas II on
Nov. 20, 1801. In nccordnnco with the laws
of Russia, and by manifesto issued by Czar
Nicholas on Oct. 31 (old stylo), 1891, sho
was renamed Alexandra Feodorovna, and
received tho tltlo of grand duchess and im
perial highness.
Princess Allx was tho daughter of Grand
Duko Louis IV, of Hcsso, and of Alice,
princess of Great Britain and Ireland,
third child and second daughter of Queen
Victoria. Her brother is tho present grand
duko of Hessq; hor sister Ireno is tho wife
of Prlnco Henry of Prussia; another sister,
Princess Elizabeth, Is the wifo of Grand
Duko Scrglus of Russia, and her oldest
Bister Is tho wifo of Prlnco Louis of Batten
burg. When Princess Alls was but 12 years of
ago, and while in nttendanco at tho wed
ding of hor sister Elizabeth, she met Nich
olas, then grand duko, who was in his 10th
year. Tho children beenmo attached to
each other, but tho czarowitz's affection
for tho princess was diverted for some
tlmo. Six years later hor father mndo a
visit to tho Russian court, accompanied
by Princess Allx, and hor preseuco In tho
Russian capltol was tho means of renew
ing their liking for each other, but ns tho
princess was then an ardent Lutheran the
question of having to becomo a member
of tho Orthodox Greok church liad to be
Owing to tho ill health and subsequent
deatii of tho czar, Alexander III. tho mar
riage of Princess Allx and Nicholas was
hastened. Concessions, such as were
never boforo secured in embracing tlio 6r
thodox fnlth, woro obtained from tho Holy
Synod. Tho princess was not required, to
declare her former religion to bo accursed,
nor that her conversion was duq to tho
conviction that tho truth lies not with her
own, but with tho Russian church. Tho
Holy Synod was satisfied with tho simple
declaration that tho princess joined tho
Greek church in ordor to boof tho samo re
ligion as her husband.
The czarina has artistic tastes, laves
music, and is fond of outdoor sports. Sho
Is, of a sweet disposition, sympathetlo nud
kind, and has many friends. It was
thought that sho would oxorciso a strong
influence over tho ozar, and this was en
couraged by tho issuunco of a ukaso by
tho czar on tho subject of establishing a
central council of administration for work
houses and reformatories, which was de
signed to proyidq tho poor with honorable
means of employment, in which tho czar
ina proposes to tnko tho institution nnder
her immediate patronage It is said that
hor majesty drew up tho statutes In ques
tion herself.
Cltliens Massacred in Hugotu.
San Antokio, Tox Nov. 10. A special
from Bogota, dated. Nov. 13, says: Heavy
firing early this morning In tho barracks
drew an immense crowd, which was or
dered to disperse. Tho crowd was so great
that it was impossible to movo quickly
and tho Impatient officers ordorcd tho
troops to charge bayonets, which thoy did,
but meeting with roslstnnco, and flvo shots
bolng fired from tho crowd, the troops be
gun llring upon tlio people. A regular but
tlo onsued and tho crowd, bolng unarmed,
wero obliged to fly, leaving twonty-thrco
killed and wounded on tho Hold. The
causo of tho llring in tho barracks was that
part of the guard had attempted to desert
and resisted arrest when subjugated.
Fourteen woro shot.
Would Turn Cuba Over to England.
Citt of Mexico, Nov. 10. A prominent
Spaniard hero, who Is In oloso touch with
tho Spanish govornmont, says that before
Spain will concede Quban Independence,
or permit tho Island to conio undor a
United States prqtocoratu or rule, sho
will throw Cuba into tho hands of Eng
land, conceding to England ostensible pos
session for a number of years until En
gland collects tho siini of monoy which la
duo hor from Spain for advances mudo to
carry on tho war with Cuba,
j i i 1
The New Foundlauil ltauk Scandals.
St. John's, N.F., Nov. 10. Messrs. Har
vey, GlSPli Donnelly and Thurborn, tho
Union bank directors, woro yesterday com
rnittod far trial by Juilgo Conroy. Eight
charges wero found against them for pub
lishing f also am fraudulent annual state
ments of (ho bank and declaring dividends
to tho shareholders when nrj fronts wero
earned. Tho preliminary stage of tho cose
lasted three months.
Fire Panic in u College
.Auousta, Jy-. Nov. lO.-Augnsta ool
lego, the most historic building In tho city,
was yesterday dostroyqd by lire. Jt caught
at noun, with 400 children In tho building.
Thero was n mad rush, and tho greatest
difficulty In rescuing them, All wero saved.
Sheriff Howe Cured of Rheumatism
by Dr. Greene's Nervura.
One Need Longer Suffer Frbm
Rheumatism or Neuralgia. Dr.
Greene's Nervura Blood and
Nerve Remedy Always Cures.
Hulf the world suiters from pains and
n'ches when thero is not the slightest reason
for so doing. Hcadacho is alarmingly fre
quent and leads to serious results. Hack
acho is most common and keeps thousands in
misery. Neuralgic pains of sido or chest
torment myriads of victims. All this suffer
ing is caused by weakness, irritation or
diseased condition of the nerves and blood,
is entirely unnecessary, and can easily bo
Slierill' E. V. Howe, tf Northfield, Vt.,
advises you In all such cases to uso Dr.
Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy.
Ho tells tho great good this remarkable med
icine did him, and to show tho high esteem
in which ho is hold by his townspeople and
that you can trust implicitly in every word
ho says, it is only necessary to stato that
Sheriff nowe has been Sheriff and Deputy
Sheriff of Northfield for 23 years; is Town
Trustee, Street Commissioner of Xorthfiold,
Chief Engineer of tho Flro Department,
Town Grand Juror and School Committee,
besides being a prominent business man well
known throughout the statu of Vermont,
The word of a man so highly trusted and
hqnored should bo taken and his advice fol
lowed by all,
"I was sick flvo inouths which left me
with asthma and rheumatism. The asthma
would take me most any time, especially
nights, when I was obliged to get up apd
open windows and doors to breathe. It took
After AH Others Fail
329 N. 15th St.
Below Callowlilll
To secure" a positive and permanent cure ot
Errors of Youth and Loss of Manhood and of
all diseases of tho blood, Kidneys. Bladder,
Skin and nervous System consult at once Dr.
Lobb. He guatantces in all canes caused by
Excesses, imprudence or Inheritance to restore
to Health and Strength by building up the
shattered nervous system and adding new life
and energy to the broken down constitution.
Consultation and examinations free and strictly
confidential. Ofllco hours, dally and Sunday,
from 0 A, M. to 3 1', M, aud 6 to 9 overlings.
Head his book on errors of Youth aud obscure
diseases of both sexes. Sent freo.
Do you DESIRE to Make
Make your munev earn vou a monthly I
10,00 nml.inoro uiado dally by our new
teinatio l'lun of Operation on small investments
In Jiruhi and stock speculation,
All we ask is to investigate our new and
original methods. 1'ust working!) of plan and
hlKheat references furnished. Our Booklet
"Points & III tits" how to make money and
other Information sent l-'HKE.
GILMonc a. Co., Hankers ana lirokcrs.
Open Board of Trade Bldir., Chicago, 111.
IHIVF Yflll &KJMS.V.. ?i5EiVErl
Ulcen Itfilootb.-HHr-Falllnffl Write tJOOlil
IUCUUUK CUH OUT Almonte M'etnpiej
iJhlcnvo. for nroofa of curefl. CuiiM
Itul, H500JOO. Wont aae cured la ISl
Rio ua day. lOO'iiaare boon ivee.
E. Mb Vif Ufa Celouratod Feraalo
8 IBM Iomler Dover fall.
'IlllwlA U UAn Lwliea decUre ilium
- - ufi nl lurtf tsta tWUog
M with Tanty and ronnyroyarriUa aod oiher Uko
remedlM). Alwajibuy the beat and awld dUan.
DOlntrorat. Ouaraateed uplort2ial( othjra. lVUlvely
thot.tluUinnrk.t, ANu 1. taitlcultn, 4 cu. IW.U.X
VU, Bk Uay, Bortoa, Mua.
Dr. Lobb, ' H ONE Y ?
I mo once on my way home so bad that I was
obliged to have help to get hunie. I suffered
j greatly with tho trouble. Jly rheumatism at
this time was very bad, being so that for six
weeks I did not leavo the room aud for five
I months I did not do a day's work.
I "I saw Dr. Greene's Nervura blood aud
nerve remedy advertised aud, tho cures ef
fected by its use, and thought it might hit
my case, and it did. Tho asthma is greatly
improved, in fact, it is nearly cured, aud the
rheumatism is greatly helped. I think very
highly of this remedy for it is good. I would
recommend anybody to uso Dr. Greene's
Nervura blood and nerve remedy for asthmu
or rheumatism, for it is a good medicine. I
deem it simple justice to a groat remedy to
write this letter. I never expected to do
any moro work when I was sick, but the
Nervura did mo a great deal of good and I
am now able to work again."
It is not a patent medicine, but the pre
scription of tlio most successful living spec
ialist in curing nervous and chronic dis
eases, Dr. G reene, of 35 West Uth St., New
York Citv. llo has tlio larirest nmetiffi in
I tho world, and this grand medical discovery
j Is the result of his vast experience. The
j great reputation of Dr. Greene is a guarantee
that his medicine will cure, and tho fact that
ho can bo consulted by any one at any time,
free of cliarce. nersonallv or bv letter, snves
absolute assurance of tho betiellclal action of
this wonderful medicine.
Our Plan9 of Operation
Absolute Safety of Investment
Dividends Payablo Monthly.
Principles of LIFE INSUKAKCEanti BUILD
$10 to
Can bo invested villi lalttii. Wilt
convmcofin? reaucmattle perbontbul.
thin ss a vrulbf ui statement.
The loon Ici'Le'l for 6an3 ,-. : ' al
It&lkund l?verr truhcu(in la mo world nvhrv. an Brivunor
ID vaues. Prior u Miy 1 price of
everyllujtQ neie at nr below laecon
of production. Will jou Join me
proutsion. and reap Ibo bcneiitu ot
lul buJui ?
Will cMiblUti Hum ltu bf refer
ring vo om or the leading i.'uilu
' Responsible.
d inu GKMipuntu ot our city
natt SUCCs luHtltlsa n. In
latin? that we feol fuunriM nf
it ii ourablllty to por n
oer Month. lIs,!d of a our 00111
I' J oil inveatruenti. ,
ourablllty to por a monthly Olvl
or more on
If you want lo viakt money, all we
TIPATr 1 nnd ortotnnl tntitbotl
w our nsu
VIIL guaran
I lUrt I Hi ) tt to convince the met sbepticat.
Full parti b clora ent ree a Applies-
nun. inuiuioMidnnn irunuHl,
Co-opcittlye Trading ha'a,
15 Dearborn St., Chlcico, l;i
2 a a 1 niuiiuu i u.
JSThikfmW nunnlnA nrw4lnl(t fn Phfliulol.
., phla.uutwlilwtandlng what others adve
use. rtervouaDclillltyand tiiareaulls or IndU.
ctotlon. u years Kuroponn Ilospltnl ncil ua
Tears' rrncllcnl Luperlnuce. tipeelal Dla-
fae nud tsirlcturex l'cruianeutly Cured
u4tolUOua, Itcllcfnt oucc,
Rl nnn DniCntl rrlmary orfaceondary.curedby
DLUUU rUloUtl entirely new meiboj 601000118)
Bend live to. stamps tor book "Truth," beneficial to
young and old. elnglo and roamed i only book et.
lioaliiBiiuueltB.liours.M; ev'ga, iwtiVi; Wiki.and
hau eyTga,(Hi SO; bnn..9-ri II other robbed und
deceived you don't judtrn all alike. lTlllcuro
ypu and make you vlcoraus and Ktrons. J-owcst
chargea for the best treatment, 1 1 Vita or caU,
1 jMWoo you OESIfiE to Make
! mi. T j j... p m..i.!i. C1-1.1J
iuu x uiuuiiy ui luiiubii ouiutuia
Further Confirmed.
All the !. 1 11 Dune by Soldiers lit tile
Coiiiiimiul if Their Oflleers Ileported
Notice to tlio Sul 1 11 11 of 11 Joint Nnlal
DemoiHtrutloii by tho lk(iver.
Coxstanti.VOI'LE, Nov, 10. A letter
from Erzerouin, nearly four columns lu
length, dntotl Xov. 3, fully confirms tlio
accounts pruvlously published concerning
tlio limssacro tliero. Tho writer snys that
It Is lniposslblo yot to nsccrtutn tho num
ber of tho killed. Some persons nssert thnt
It will ronch fully 2,000. Perhaps n thou
sutiil li not far short ot tho total. Cont in
ulntf tlio writer says:
"o liavonot dared to go to tho quarters
of tho city whero tho Turks nro too num
erous. It might bo wild of tho tithes of
Christians who hnvo boon victims thus
fnr, and I liuvo not tho opportunity of In
vestigating more than n tenth of tho casos,
Ihnvo yet to hear of a single dead Turk lu
this strugglo. This, I think, disproves of
tho charges of tho aggressions brought up
against tlio Armenians. Tho baro, bold
fiict Is that It was purely u massacre of tho
Innocent tnhnbltnnts by the enraged
Turks, and but for tho presence of foreign
consuls things would hnvo been fnr wprse.
With tho coming of winter tho misery In
storo for tho rcinnlnlng Armenians will
bo terrible."
Tho correspondent quoted, who was
staying at tho American missions, says
that ho has heard testimony in various
quarters that tho government ordered the
massacre, which was to lio executed tic
cording to preconcerted signals, As a
proof of tho suddenness he says that an
American missionary named Chambers
had just gono to the postollleo in order to
telegraph to Ultlis that everything was
quiet. Jieforo ho got back to tho mission
tho firing had begun In deadly earnest.
Bullets were whizzing close by him.
Sir. Chambers told tho correspondent
that Shaklr Pasha had promised lu tho
event of riot3 to place soldiers at each cud
of tho street in tho locality of tho foreign
consulates and of tho American mission,
and whether from this reason, or because
they feared wnnn reception, tho rioters
avoided this part of tho city. All tho loot
lug, it was claimed, was dono by regular
soldiers, at tho, command of tho officers.
Many women hung nrouud tho soldiers for
tho purpose of carrying off the plunder.
Mr. Chambers attended to tho wounded
refugees, and during tho night tho mis
sion house was crowded andns foul smell
ing as a menagerie or nn opium den.
Sleep was impossible Tho English eon
sel was Shaklr Pasha, who said ho was
angry when ho heard that tho soldiers had
been looting tho residences nnil shops of
tho Armenians. Tho correspondent gives
numerous nud detailed stories from Ar
menians anil others, amply confirming
tho previous account of tho butcheries nnil
horrors. Tlio correspondent says that 3,000
soldiers wero ordered out, but that Bkaklr
Pasha was powerless to control them.
Tho ministers wero in session nlmosttho
ontlro day yesterday, tho sultan awaken
ing to tho serious nature of tho position
which ho occupies at tho present time, but
ho Is so Impruislonnblo thnt nil that would
bo required would bo for some palace spy
to dlvulgo somo imaginary plot and turn
all his majesty's thoughts into another
A rropiised NiimiI Demonstration.
Vienna, Nov. 10. A Constantinople dis
patch received hero reports that tho am
bassadors will today givo notice to tho
sultan of their intention to arrange for a
joint naval demonstration.
liable Crushed 'Neat 1 1 a Wagon.
Savanxah, Nov. 10. A baby carriage
containing Eviliua Moultrie und Sadie
Proctor, two colored infants, was thrown
on its side, plunging tho children under
tho wheels of a passing wagon. Tho head
of tho Moultrlo child was smashed, killing
It Instantly, nud the wagon ran over tho
chest of tho other child, inflicting fatal in
juries. Spnnlsli Defense of Cuba.
liAVAXA, Nov. 10. A squadron consist
ing of tho cruisers Esannndn, Cortcz, Piz
zarro and Vasco has left Palnui, tho trans
port Legazpl carrying material which will
bo utilized in putting tho forts and tho
waters of tho harbors of tho Island of
Cuba In u stato'of defense.
Closing OiintutliuH of the Now York und
l'lillHdeliihht Kiclmne;eH.
New Yohk, Nov. 15. The stock market to
day was unfavorably affected by a variety of
Influences, none of which were unexpected,
and whose effect might therefore havo been
regarded as discounted. The closing was slug
gish, nt sllKht recoveries generally from tho
low points. Closing bids:
Uel. & Hudson 1SJ4 N. V. Central 09JJ
V., U A; W- 108 N. Y. & N. E
Krio 10H Pennsylvania 63)6
Lake Erie & W... lloading I0J
Lehigh Nav til St. Paul 75W
Lehigh Valley.. .. 4ujtf W. N. Y. & Pa 3J4
New Jertoy Cen..l07i(j West Shore 107
General Murhets.
l'nu.AiiEi.i'iuA, Nov. 15. Flour firm; wla
ter superfine, SU.r.&i'.M; do. extras, $2.G0
3.85; Pennsylvania roller, clear, S33.35; do,
do. stralKht, $J.2n3.35; western winter, elear,
?33.IH. Wheat dull, lower, with 00c. bid and
G0J4C. asked for November. Corn weak, lower,
with 35o. bid and 3Co. usked for November.
Oats quiet, steady, with i!lo. bid and 3IMo.
asked for November. Hay llrm; choice tim
othy, $15.50. Heef steady! family, $11.50; ex
tra mess, 5808.60; packet, $0ail. Pork steady;
new mess, $9.7510.35; family, $H.nO13; short
clear, $11(813. Lard easy, $o.835.00. Hutter
quiet, steady; western creamery, 15(&2(3c.; do.
factory, SSHc; Elgins, SJc.; Imitation cream
ery, 1317Kc.; New York dairy. 1521c; do.
creamery, 17!iJtio.j Pennsylvania and west
ern creamery prints, fancy, 35o.; do. choice,
SIo.; do, fair to good, 2133o.; prints Jobbing
at 2C20o, Cheese steady; New York large,
7M10o.; small, 7?i811o.; part skims, 3H&
7Ho.; full skims, !2H3o. Eggs steady; New
York and Pennsylvania, 2BSSo.; ice house,
l&asOo ; western fresh. SJla23Hc.
l.lve Stock Markets.
New York,Nov.I5. Steers and oxen steady,
higher; bulls and dry oows steady; native
stpers, poqr, to good. $J.5fc3.75. oxen, .$1.774
4; bulls, f2Q.75: dry cows. $112.70. Calves
steady; poor to prlmo veals, $S8; grassers,
$3.7518.1.25; yearlings, $3.av2.50; 376 pound
western calves. t3.f,0. Sheepand lambs-Closed
steady on sheep and lower on lambs; poor to
prime shoep.$S2 35; lambs, $3.50I.W); choice
$t.25, Hogs weak at $3t 30.
KastLiiikutv, Pa., Nov. 15. Cattle steady;
Srime, $ 30ttl.&0; good butchers, $3.80(34;
ulls. cows and stags, $1 5)1. Hogs very
low; prime light, $3.80 iJ3.0; mtxliuni grades.
$3 75it3.8ri hevy hogs. $3.703.75; coniinrm to
fair orkers $3.05(1,3 70; roughs. 25.
Bheep strong unchanged prices.
In Curing
Skin Diseases
Works Wonders
Bold lhrcrahotit th world. Brltlah dpoti F- N";
Star 8o. I. Klint.Ed.rd-.t. Injlun. ottm
Diiyo u CnalcL corp.. Sole I'rort . lloMon, I B. A.
SPECIFICS are scientifically
prepared Remedies; have
been used for half a century
with entlro success.
sprcitic ron
1 Feyr, Congestions, Inflammations.
2 Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic...
3 Teething, CollcCrylng, Wakefulness
1 Diarrhea, ot Children or Adults
7 Cousin, Colds, Bronchitis
8 Aeitrnlgla, Toothache, Faccaclic.....
!) HcailacheH, Sick lleadaehe. Vertigo.
IU Di pepla, UIIIousuoss, Constipation
11 Suppressed or Painful l'erlods....
12 WhIlcs, Too Profuse I'erlodi
13 Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness
11-Bnlt IWiriim, Erysipelas, Eruptions.
18 Ithcttmntlsm, orllheumatto rains,.
10 Malaria, Chills, Fever and ague..,..
10 Catarrh. Influenza, Cold in tlie Head
SO Whooping Cough,
!!7 Klilncv Illsenacs,
28-.crious llelilllty
30 Urinary Weakness,
31- Soro Thront, QuInsy.Dlphtherla.,..
"77" for GRIP.
SoU fcy Dm., or sent r-r.pIJ on rr, Ipt of price,
Ms., or B Tor II . 11 ay bo aanrti iK i. ept S, tl. alionnlj.
Da.lti.-MriiasTa' lUNUAL(LLlargeti&Ki'vlsrd, HAilBDrasa
Umrilll tl s' UED. CO., 1 1 1 A 1 1 1 Tl Ullao H!,3ew York,
Victims of Lost Manhood should Bend at
onco lor a nooK
that .explains how
lull manly vizor
is easily, quickly
and permanently
restored. Ho man
Buttering from
weakness can af
ford to ignoro this
timely advice.
Book tolls how
full fitrpTiirrh. ftrt-
velopment and tone aro imparted to every
portion of tho body. Sent with positive
proofs (sealed) free to any man on application.
Of a hciul-pplitting headnehe immediately re
lieved by the use of
Anti-Headache Powders.
They are n positive nnd sifly cure mid are
Kuarantcinl alHolutely Imrnilt?-- Their Rrent
success is ample proof that they are an effective
article, wliit--li uin be always used with trie bet
of result. Procure them from Gruhler liros,
Clilchttttcr'ii lnctIH IXamuml II rand.
Orlirlnul and (Unlr Genuine. A
EAFE, klWftJS nllftblfi. LAOIC8 kit &
Druggist for CA tch titer Xnglith
monil urana 10 Ilea &aa vow mf tinav
boxfi. ieled with blue ribbon. TuLo
no other Utfutt dangeroui tubnuu- V
Horn and imitation: Al I'rugjfieti, or arad 4
t$ Itflkl Tor rallc," in Utter, by rttnrn
If Mall. 10.000 TtTHmonliiU. A'oms I'uptr.
I ChlchcterClicnilculCo.tMuilUnii Sjuuir,
SnrrKHBKitSO, 1895.
Trains will leavo Shenandoah after the above
dato for AVIgKims, Ollherton, Frnckvllle, Dark
Water, St. Clair, l'ottsvlllc, llomburg, Reading,
PotUtown, l'hoenlxTille, NorrUtown and rhil
adclphhi Ulroad street ntntlon) at CUH and 1143
a. in. and 1 15 p. in. on week days. For l'otts
ville and intermediate ntations 9 10 a. m.
For AVIggans, Qllbcrton, Frackvllle. Dark
Water, St. flair, Pottsville, at 0 OS, 0 40 a. in and
3 10 p. in. For Hamburg, Heading, I'otUtown,
l'lioenlxvllle, Xurrlatown, l'liihulclplilu at 0 00,
9 40 a. m., 3 10 p. to.
Trains leave Frnekvllle for Shenandoah at
10 40 a. m. and 1211, 5 01, 7 42 and 10 27 p. lu.
Sunday, 11 13 . in. and 5 40 . m.
Leave 1'ottnvllle for Sheiiuniloah at 10 15, 11 48
a. in, and 1 40, 7 15 and 10 0X1 p. in. Siiuday at
10 40 a. in., 513 p. in.
Leave I'lilladelphla, (llroad street station), for
Shenandoah at 5 37 and 8 85 a. in., I 10 and 711
p. in. week days. Sundays leave at 0 50 a. in.
Leave Ilroail street i-tation, Philadelphia, for
Sea flirt, Aslmry l'nrk, Ocean Grove, Lone;
llrancli, nnd Intermediate stations, 0.50, 8.2ft,
11.30 a. in.,3.!0, t.OOi). in. week-days. Snndavs
(stop at Iuterluken for Asliury l'ark). H.25a m.
Leave llioiul Street Station, I'lilladelphla,
Kxpreas, week day, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 3 15, 6 50,
733, 820, 950, 1030 (Dining Car), 1100, 1111 a.
in., 12 noon, 1235 (.Limited 100 ami 122 n. in.
Dining Cars), 1 10, 2 30 (Dining Car), 3 20, 4 00,
5 00, 5 50 (Dining Car), 0 00, 0 50, 8 12, 1000 u. in..
12 01 night. Sundays, 3 20, 4 05, ISO, 515, 812,
9 50, 10 5) (Dining Can, 11 03 n. in., 12 35,
(Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited 4 22), 5 20, 5 56 (Dm
lug Vat), 0 35, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. in., 12 01 night
Kxpreiw for Uoston, without change, 11 00 a.
m. week days, nud 0 50 p. m. daily.
For llaltimoro aud Washington, 3 50, 7 20, 8 31,
9 10, 10 20, 1118, 11 US n. m., (1231 Limited Din
ing Car), 1 12, 3 411, 4 41 (5 10 Congressional
Limited, Dining Car), 6 17, 0 55 (Dining Car),
7 40 (Dining Car) p. in., ami 12 05 night week
days. Sundays, a 60, 7 20,9 10, 11 18, 1138 a. in.,
1 12,4 11.055 (Dining Car), 740 p. ni. (Dining
Car) and 1205 night.
I-eavo SInrkct Street Ferry, Philadelphia,
Express, 8 50 a. m., 2 10,4 00, and 5 00 p. m.
week days. Sundays, 8 43 and 9 43 a. m.
For Capo May, Anglessea, Wlldwood aud
Holly lleach. Express, 9 00 a, m., and 4 00 u. iu.
week days. Sundays, 9 00 a. in.
For Sea Isle City, Ocean City nnd Avulou.
Express, 9 00 n. m., ond 4 00 p. in. week days.
Sundays, 9 00 a. in.
For Somers Point. Express, 8 60 a, in., and
4 CO p. m. week days. Sundays, 8 43 a. in.
S. M. Pkevost, J. It. Wood,
O en' 1 Manager. Oen'l Pasa'g'r Ajtt.
When it comes to
Our stock speaks for lUelf. 1( you don't coma
to town send your orders. They will bo accu
rately and promptly tilled.
29 East Centre Street