EVENING HERALD IWTA11I.1SII1 l 1ST0. Published every Evening. Except Sunday, nt 8 Hotrrn J audit; Htbrht, Ni:au Cimtrh. The Herald Is delivered In Shenandoah nml tlio surrounding towns fnr lx cents n week, pay able to the carrier, lly mill J3.00 a yenr, or 25 cents n month, payable In advance. Advcrtlsc ments charired mi'ordlnp; to space nnd position. Tho publishers reserve the rltiht to chmiKe the position of advertisements whenever tho pul llcntinti of news demands It. Tho rlpjit Is reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether paid for or not, that the publishers may deem fmproier. Advertising rates made known upon application. Entered at the potofllco at Shenandoah, l'u., ns second class mall matter. TELEI'l IONIC CONNECTION. Evening Herald rillDAY, NOVEMUEU IS, 1805. Tut! way to get rich in Philadelphia is to K'curo a city contract. It never fails. Siihnaxdoah is figuring quito extensively at tlio county court during tlie present term. Tin: : County Institute is over for another year, ami tho school-marms will now get down to work again until the Christmas holidays roll around. Julian Haktsch, formerly Superintendent of tho Shenandoah schools, is now one of tho judges of the Supremo Court of tho stato of Utah, having been chosen at tho recent election. Tub local polico realize tlio difference be tween raiding hoiihos and hunting down murderers. It is more dillicult and requires greater skill. The ltasimas case is an excel lent example. SciilNTlfeTS say that tho savage has a more acuto sense of smell than civilized people. If this bo truo the Republican party has a num ber of the former in its ranks in this county. Thoy can smell an ollico almost before it is created. "Sl'EAKINCi of tho national dclcgatcship from this .county, let us give credit whero credit is due. Shenandoah lias never yet had that honor, and we thinkHho gentleman who is being groomed by local politicians willdistanco tho field on tho homo stretch. Ambassadoii Uayaud has boon presented with tho "freedom of the city" of Dundee. His fellow countrymen have no objection to his taking it, but to the freedom witli which ho handled the political ideas of the majority of his countrymen, as expressed at the polls, they do make serious objection. Ho should como homo and have more patriotic ideas instilled into him. A lot of warm-hearted Irishmen in Sun Francisco aro volunteering to assist tho Cuban patriots to fight for liberty. If tho rights of belligerents were accorded the surgents many thousand, volunteers would soon flock to their standard and "Cuba Libra" would soon tako her place among the nations of the world. Tin; report of tho committeo in charge of tho charity concert held last March, under tho leadership of Prof. Zeitz, is published in another column and shows that tho com mitteo has performed well tho trust imposed upon them. The secretary's report shows the total amount derived from tho proceeds of tho concert to bo H00.15, and of that amount $221.15 yet remains to bo distributed among the needy poor in town. So version's Knights of Labor aro in session in Washington. Time was, and not very long ago, cither, when tho annual Missions of this body were looked forward to and their probable action was discussed in all tho lead ing newspapers, but times have changed and this onco popular order has changed with the times, but not for the better. It's downward tendoncy increased when tho demagogue Sovereign was chosen as Its chiof executive Under Judge Hare's decision, a city has no authority to imprison a defendant for failuro to iiy a fine imposed under a city ordinance. The case at iseuo was brought by John Fay. on habeas eorpus proceedings, for release from tho county prison. Fay was lined $10 by Magistrate; Slovin on September 23 last for peddling charcoal in the streets without a license and committed to prison in default of tho fine. Tho judgo holds that if tho city wanted to collect tho money they should Hie him. Twhntv years ago A. 11. Shepherd was drlvou out of Washington as dictator, a thief and a man who had injured tho city beyond all measure. Ho had simply paved tlio fctrecU,' cleaned the town, laid out boulevards and made other improvements at tho expense of property wner. After he liad gono the peoplo found that in making the Improve ment; he had increased tlio vuluo of their property. Shepherd returned this week and ho was given a reception and otherwise honored. Ho found Washington a mud holo and made It the most beautiful capital in the world. The Luzorno and Lackawanna capitalists, who are investing in coal mines below tho mountain, are antagonizing public sentiment with their compauy stores and avoidanco of the two-weeks pay law. Thoir employe will havo the public with them in their attempts to do away with the former and compel obedience to tho law . The latter is now in tho csiirts and will ho passed upon by the Supreme Court in duo courso, but the former is a etirso which tho peofilo of this region have had little experience witli and theso gentlemen will soon learn how odious it is. They are already feeling this in their inability to obtain miners and nro complain ing of the scarcity of this class of labor. If they would io away with this form of op pression and pay their men in cash every two weeks they would havo no more trouble than other companies havo. Tho wife ot .Mr. Leonard Wells, of East Ilrimficld, JIaas., had been suirering from neuralgia for two days, not being ablo to sleep or hardly keep still, when Mr. lloldcn, tho merchant there, sent hera bottlo of Cham berlain's I'ain Halm, and asked that she give it a thorough trial. On meeting Mr. Wells tho next day he was told that sho was all right, tho pain had left her within two hours, and that thu bottlo of l'ain llalm was worth fTi.OO If it could not bo had for less. For sale at 50 cents per bottlo by Qruhlcr ltros., Druggists. Ilowguto Must Serve Ills Time, Washington, Nov. 15. Tho district court of nppcnls, hi mi opinion delivered by Justice Morris, sustained tho verdict of tho criminal court in tho cast) of Captain H. W. Itowgutc, thu former disbursing of ficer of tho signal service, whoso term of Imprisonment was fixed at eight years. Colonel "Worthlngtou, counsel for Captain Howgnto, says tho last act has been per formed, so fnr ns tho courts nro concerned, and nothing can lntorvono but oxocutivo clemency to prevent Howgnto serving his tlmo in tlio Albany penitentiary. Nothing- Stands nu High, as a remedy for every womanly ailment, as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is an invigorating, rcstorativo tonic, a soothine and strengthening nervine, and a completo cure for all the derangements, painful dis orders and chronic weaknesses peculiar to the sex. For young cirls entering womanhood : for women at the critical "change of life" : for women approaching confinement; nursing mothers; and every woman who is "run down," tired, or overworked it is a special, safe, and certain help. Send for free pamphlet or remit 10 cts. (stamps) for a book of ICS ;ages, on "Woman and Her Diseases" ami low to cure them with homo treatment. Ad dress World's Dispensary Medical Association, liullalo, N. Y. Dr. Piorco's Pellets cure constipation, piles. biliousness, indigestion, or dyspepsia, and headaches. A Sinn Hunt In Virginia. Ciiarlottesvillk, Vn., Nov. 15. Yen- torday u negro mado a murderous assault upon Mrs. L. B. Kniloy nt her residence just beyond tho city limits. Tho negro entered tho dining room, nnd solzlng her struck her over tho head three times with sorao instrument making sovcro wounds. Tho negro escaped to the woods, but is being hunted uy sevoral hundred armed nnd infuriated citizens. Captain Woods, tho commonwealth's attorney, had issued n warning to those in pursuit not to resort to vlolonco if tho negro Is caught. It is believed that tho negro purposed rape and was frightened avruy by Mrs. Itnlley's screams. Five Killed by n Maniac. Marseilles, Nov. 15. A wino merchant named Domerguo, of Montpolior, capital of tho department of Hcrault, who sud denly became insane, shot his wifo and mother nnd tlien opened flro upon peoplo in the street, killing threo of thorn and wounding sovcrnl others. Tho madman thon barricaded himself in his house nnd fired upon tho gendarmes who surrounded tho building. The flro department was finally called upon to subdue Domergue, nnd by playing a stream of wntor upon him they succeeded in doing so, nnd ho Was seized and secured. Good advice : Novcr leavo homo on a journoy without a bottlo of Chamborlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea IJemcdy. For salo by Gruhler Bros., Druggists. Looks Like Murder. Detroit, Nov. 15. The body of Luther II. Beechcr, n mombor of n very promi nent fnmily of this city, was found on a railroad track near Lapeer, having been run over nudmangledbyntrnln. Beocher's boots wero missing, but were subsequently seen on tho Jfoct of n tramp. His pocket book was empty. Two tramps havo been arrested near Suginnw on suspicion. Kentucky I'ostmuster Arrested. Lexington, Nov. 15. Postmaster Jnmes A. Scott, of Tompklnvlllo, Monroe county, Ky., Is under arrest charged with ombez zlcmont, false swearing, nnd burning tho postofllco in ordor to cover up his crooked ness. Scott was a deacon in a Presby terian church and a Sunday school super intendent. Ho was released on bail. fiullerlnp; on tho Colorado Desert. Los Axoeles, Col., Nov. 15. It is re ported that twenty-flvo immigrants on thoir way to California from Oklahoma nro in a tearful condition on tho Colorado dosort. They have abandoned their worn out horses and their food is almost ex hausted. A Southorn I'nclllo train stopped and gave them a barrel of water. Scrofula Broke Out On our boy when a baby. We gave him much treatment without avail. Noticing In the papers Uood'i Sarsaparilla was rec ommended for scrofula and blood diseases we gave it a trial. We soon taw a change for the better. He has taken four bottlei Hood's Sarsaparilla and is now entirely well, hearty and free from all scrofulous symptoms. I have also taken three bottles for nervous head ache and catarrh. It gave ne great relief." Mrs. T. M. Buna, Ituthar Olen, Va. rlOOQ S rlllS tic. rrUtUMiu. Drowned Himself In n Cistern, CLINTON, N. Y., Nov. 15. Kjc.Surroirnt,n Joseph S. Avery, ngud CO years, committed stllcldo yosterday by drowning himself in his cistern, llo was sttrrogato of Oncldn county for fourleon yonrs. Mr. Avery has been suffering from molnncholln. fur snv. ernl weeks, Ho leaves, besides n wifo, one daughter, Mrs. Theodora' H. Allen, of Mcndota, Ills. Governor Matthews' Diinicstlo Allllctliin. Indianapolis, Nov. 15. Govurnor Mnt- thows rocolved word yesterday that his only son, Seymour, who has charge of tho government exhibit nt Atlanta, was dying. Tho governor left nt onco, and an hour after his doparturo tho death of Seymour Matthews was nnnounced. Thcro are two dnughtors living. Mrs. Matthews was at her son's bedsido when ho died. Tlio Weather. For eastern Now York, eastern Pennsyl vania nnd New Jersey: Threatening weather and rain; easterly winds, proba bly dangerous off tho const. How to Prevent Croup. POME READING THAT WILL PBOVE INTER ESTING TO YOUNG MOTHERS. HOW TO GUARD AGAINST Tim DISEASE. Croup is a terror to young mothers and to post them concerning tho causo, first symp toms and treatmont is tlio object of this item. Tlio origin of croup is n common cold. Children who aro subject to it tako cold very easily and croup is almost sure to follow. Tho first symptom is hoarseness ; this is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough, which is easily recognized and will never be forgotten by one who has heard it. Tho time to act is when tho child first becomes hoarse If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely given all tendency to croup will 6oon disap pear. Even after tlio croupy cough has de veloped it will prevent tho attack. There is no danger in giving tills remedy for it con tains nothing injurious. For salo by Gruhler Bros., Druggists. .Indemnity fur Stokes Execution, Brussels, Nov. 15. It is reported that tho Congo Froo State has paid 0,000 in demnity for tho irregular execution of the British trador Mr. Charles Stokes, hanged last summer at Lindl by orders of Captain Lothaire, a young Belgian officer, tho claim being mado that Stokes, who was an cx-misslonnry, had been guilty of sell ing arms to the natives, without warrant of military or civil law. No Free Speech In Germany. Breslau, Nov. 15. Horr Llebknccht, tho Socialist leader nnd editor, was sen tenced yesterday to four mouths' imprison ment, having been convioted of "lose ma jesto" for remarks which he made in his speech nt the opening of the socialist con gress hero on Oct. 7, when he predicted the collapse of the German empire and tho triumph of socialism. Electric Hitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally needed in tho spring, when tho languid exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and tho need of a tonic and altera tive is felt. A prompt use of this medicine lias often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing tho sys tem from the malarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Hitters. Only fifty cents per bottlo at A. Waslcy's drug store. Two Killed In n Sower Trench. Woonsocket, R. I., Nov. 15. Two mon were killed by tho caving in of a sower trench on Clinton street. Their names aro: Aloxander Aubin, aged S3; Joseph Lavnlleo, aged about 45. Tho mon wore members of a gang of flfty-threo men at work on tho main city sower under direc tion of City Engineor Sweot. A section of the bank tumbled Into tho trench, burying tho two men. Aubin was dciul when taken out, and Lavnlleo lived only n few min utes after being removed. A Life Coin let Pardoned. Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 15. Governor Brown yesterday pardoned a female life convict, on condition that sho go direct from tho prison doors to tho nltnr of hy men. Tho woman, Renio Beck, colored, hud while in prison promised to marry Sanford Young, an old colored prisoner, on condition that ho secure her roleaso, When Young gained his freedom ho set to work to win pardon for his dusky sweat heart. Tho wedding occurred last night. Marvelous Itesults. From a letter written by Rev. J. Gunder man, of Ditnondalo, Mich., wo aro permitted to make this extract : "I havo no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery. as tho results wero almost marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Hives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Terriblo paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if sho could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's low Discovery: it wns quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at A. Waslcy s dr drug store, ltegular size sue and Jl.uo. A Desperate Sailor Overpowered. Tolkdo, 0.,Kov. 15, While tho schoonor Ruth Ann was lying off tho Mnrblehead const a Norwoglnn sailor known by tho namo of Peto attacked ono of tho crow with u rovolver. A sculllo ensued, in which tho entlro crow took part, and overpowered tho frenzied man. Ho stepped back nnd oponcd flro Into the crew, nnd tho first mnn to fall was tho captain, Adam Konnn. Tho next shot took effect In tho leg of Joo IConna, n son of the oaptnln. Peto was In turn shot by another son of the oaptnln, but wns not sorlously Injured. He was bound to tho mast, nnd tho marshal of Sandnsky summoned, who took him in charge. Tho captain nnd Injured mombers of tho crew nro at tho Mnrlno hospital nt Sandusky. Itcllef in Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relioving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of tho urinary passagos in male or female. It reliovos retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 South Main street. Buy Keystone flour. Bo sure that the ame Lessio & JUkb, Ashland, Pa., is printed on every sock. tf llncklen's Arnica Solve, The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, totter, chapped liands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cuits piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Prico 25 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasley. A LOSS OF $80,000,000 ! ! ! Labor-saving Inventions or discoveries have ofton been violently opposed on tho ground that thoy take workinginon's broad out of their mouths. Although experionco has Shown tlio fallncy of that theory tho feeling, or fear, was natural. But it is not so much the lack of work as the inability to work that anises poverty and suffering. In England and Wales overy worklngman nveniges ten days of sickness every year, with a total loss of wages for all of about $80,000,000 perycar. In this country tho loss is much greater. In all countries the prevailing disease Is indigestion and dyspepsia and its consequences such as rheumatism, and othor ailments resulting from impure blood ; n result of dyspepsia. No thorough, rapid and trustworthy cure for this universal and obstinate malady ex isted until tho Mt. Lebanon (N. Y.) Com munity of Shakers placed upon the market their now famous remedy called tho Shaker Dlgostivo Cordial. It is prepared from roots and herbs cultivated solely by them. Noth ing more certain, salo and naiatnmo can no Imagined. It expels tho impurities from tho body by means of tlio bowels, kidneys and skin, nnd imparts vigor and tone to tlio stomach upon whoso proper action nil our strength, activity and endurance depends. For many years tho Shakers have given earnest attention to this subject, and their final succoss is thankfully admitted by tho multitudes who have boon cured by tlio Cordial after all other means havo failed. Their high reputation for skill ns herbalists, for honesty and religious sincerity guarantees whatever they recommend. No invention can ever take your work from you if you aro able to work. Health and strength are tho vital considerations. Wholesale Liquors. AGENT FOR YUENGLINQ'S LAGER BEER AND PORTER. STOCK ALE A SPECIALTY. Welter's, Berliner and Weiss Beer. 22-24 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. The Backus Water Motor Is the Most Economical Power Known, and the Best In the World for DrlYlng Light Machinery, It takes but little room. It never gets out of repair. It can not blow up. It requires no fuel. It needs no engineer. There Is no dclnv: no Oritur un: no ashes to clean away: no extra insurance to pay; no re- palrinjr necessary: no coal bills to pay, nnd P I. always ready for use. It is invaluable for blowing Church Organs, lor rumiir.i? Printing Presses. Scwlmr Mnchincs. Turnhur loathes. Scroll Saws. Grind Stones, Coffee Mills, Sausage Etc. Pou'r-horso power at 40 pounds pressure o 1 water. It is noiseless, neat, compact, steady, anu auovo an IT IS VERY CHEAP. Price, $15 to $300 Send for circular to tho Backus Water Motai Co., Newark. N. J., statim: paper you saw advertisement in. We also manufacture Patent Rotating and Exhaust Fans. Send for Special Catalogue on Ventilating:. JOHN F. CLEARY, Temperance Drinks. Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottler of the tlncst lager beers. 7 and 1 9 Peach Alley, Shenandoah. riillions of Dollars Go up in smoke every year. Tako no risks but get your houses, stock, fur niture, etc., insured in first-class re liable companies as representee: uy rAVTr PATTCT suraiic Agem, nxjsoutn juamst. Also Life nnd Accidental Companies. cHAS DERR, Tonsorial Artist. 12 West Centre street. Stylish hair cutting a specialty. Clean towel with every shave. Teams to Hire. If you want to hire n snfo nnd reliable team for driving or for working purinwes liy Shields' livery stable a visit. Teams constantly on hand nt reasonable rates. JAMES SHIELDS, No. 410 Itust Centre street. Opposlto Rending railroad station. Hooks & Brown, Ac deliver the EVENING HERALD and all the PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK tar,'d poTTSVILLE cfaily papers. Agents for all periodicals, &c. 4 N. Main Street A genuine welcome awaits you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. nain and Coal Sts. t'nnl room attached. Finest whiskeys, b porter and ale constantly on tap. Choice t perauce drinks and cigars. MRS. MENN'S ROMANCE. Fdrtlicr Details of tho Double Murder nml Suicide nt I.areihi, Tex. ST. Louis, Nov. 15. There Is more than tho ordinary story back of tho advonturos of Mrs. Caroline Monn and her murdor nt Lurcdo.Tox., by William Kuntz, or O'Hnr rohl, ns ho Is known hero, hor lover. Her husband was proprietor of a hotel in Knst St. Louis, Ills. Thirteen months ago Mrs. Monn left hor husband and eloped with lluntz, toklng hor Btopdaughtor's child, Clnrn Flsohor, who was nlso murdored. Ten weoks ago her rightful husband, Fred Mcnn, who continued tho manage ment of tho East St. Louis hotel after her elopement, died. Some say tho causo was heart dlscnso, others nscrlbo it to whisky, which ho is said to hAvo takon in oxcessivo quantities for tho purposo of killing him solfbccauso of the conduct of his wife. Quo of his last acts was to change his will, having $3,000 to threo daughters by his first wife. Ho also left his interest In the hotel and saloon to Mrs. Fischer, ono of tho daughters. Tho Menus had boon married about twclvo years. Ho had threo daughters by his first wifo. His second marrlago was not blessed In this wny. Tho couple bognn to drift apart three years ago, when Mrs. Menu fell in lovo with her husband's bar tender, Michael O'Hnrrold, aged 88. Sho was 55 yeurs of ago, but looked bnroly 00, nnd her uctlons caused a split in tho family. But her husband, who was nearly 60 years old, blamed O'Hnrrold more thnn nny ono clso. About n year nnd n half ago Mcnn forced O'Hnrrold to leave tho hotel. Tho feeling in East St. Louis wns vory strong ngalnst O'Hnrrold, nnd he came to St. Louis, whoro Mrs. Monn lived with him most of the timo, sho paying tho ex penses. Ono day sho disappeared nlto gothor. Tho date was Oct. la of last year. Before leaving sho sold nronertv in which sho nnd her husband wore jointly Inter ested for 1,000. Ho got only S1.000 out of tho salo. Mrs. Fischer loft Inst night for Larodo to tako chargo of the bodies. Sho says sho only let Mrs. Menn tnko her daughter south on a visit. Tho Murdered Woman's Itomnnce. Fokt Woutii, Tex., Nov. 15. Tho son of Cnrolino Menn, who wns found mur dored at Laredo, Tex., Is n citizen of Fort Worth, In good circumstances, named M. Arko Horold. His story, gunrdedly told ns it wns, is highly romantic. Ho Is tho Illegitimate son of a Gormnn nobleman. Ho took his father's nnmo. His mother caino to this country when ho was n child, nnd when he was grown up ho followed in search of her. Thoy met In St. Louis, sho recognizing him by n mark on his car. 'luis was beforo hor marringo to Mcnn. Itrnzlllan Monarchists Kxccntcd. Rio Janeiro, Nov. 15. Persons who havo recently arrived hero from Ncchteroy announce tho Bhootlng thcro of twonty- soven political prisoners on Sunday morn ing, nmongst whom wero two colonols. This has caused great excitement in nil circles, and nothing clso Is talked of. The oxecuted are known to have been in sym pathy with tho monnrchial causo, which is dally gaining ground. It is stated that many of tho officers of tho nrmy and navy have sworn to join tho movemont, nnd many officers now operating in tho south ngalns tho rebellion nlso fnvor it. It Is nlso stated that both England and Germany will favor tho movement, and tho plan is to placo a Gorman prlnco on tho throno of Brazil, probably Prlnco Honry of Prussia. Ynlo College Harshly Denounced. New Haven, Nov. 15. On tho last day of tho Christian workers' convention Mrs. Potent, wifo of tho Rov. E. M. Potent, pastor of tho Calvary Baptist church, whero tho convention is bolng held, dur ing nn address said: "I would ns soon send n sou of mine to hell ns to Ynlo col- lego. I mnko this statement beforo tho nowspnper reporters, und I would mako It to President Dwight himself." Sho said sho had seen many Christian young mon ruined nt Yalo Tho first year thoy wero good, tho second thoy had pipes in their mouths, nnd tho third they had disap peared. Other speakers followed, but did not Indorse Airs. Potent s romarks. The Critical Situation in Syria. Rome, Nov. 15. A dispatch from Boy routh says thnt nil nro anxious becnuso of the critical situation in Syria. At Lob- anon oonfllcts between tho Druses, Kurds nnd Circassians nre fenred. Tho Inhabi tants of Damascus nro nlso greatly frlght- enod, and the authorities nre reported to bo poworloss In tho faco of the contradic tory orders which havo boon lssuod. Tho French squadron Is oxpected at Boyrouth in tlio near luturo. Corliett Surrenders the licit. Dallas, Tox., Nov. 14. Wllliiim A Brady has telegraphed to Dan A. Stuart for J. J. Corbett, saying: "Corbott sur renders championship and belt to Mahor. and will back Mnher for $10,000 ngalnst Fltzslmmous." Stuart sent tho follow lntrronlv: "Toll Bradv that Corbett hmi bettor win that belt beforo hu disposes of IV." Senator Sherman III, Washinoton, Nov. 15. Sonator John Shorman, of Ohio, is suffcrinc from n se vere cold and intermittent fever. Although thcro Is said to bo nothing serious in his condition, ho domes himself to cullers. NUGGETS OF NEWS. In n riot in tho Prussian town of Wlr- ges, Duchy of Nassau, forty porsons wero wountieu, uvo rntnlly. At Gloversvillo, N. Y., n family of six persons were poisoned by eating head clieoso. Throe may dlo. A largo white sloop capsized off Itockn wny bench yesterday, nnd four mon wero drowned. The mimo of tho vessol wns not learned. At Hockport, Ind., Mrs. Snrnh Davis shot and fatally wounded Mrs. Isabel Good man, her neighbor. Thoy quarreled about tnoir cmcKcns. Mrs. Dnvls is In jail. Comto do Costellano, who recontlv mar. rled Miss Anna, daughter of tho late Jav Gould, was ono of tho heavy losers in re cent transactions on tho I'aris bourse. Between Oct. 13 and Oct, 28 there wero 1,490 casos of cholera and 010 deaths In tho provinco of Volhpynda nnd 88 coses and 13 deaths in tho provinco of Kloff, Hussla. Tho Choctnw and Chickasaw Indians positively declined to nccedo to tho pro posal of tho Dawes commission to allot their lands and abandon trlnl relations, Mr. ChurlosD. Iloso, whoreoontly lssuod a chnllcngo for tho Amorlca's cup andtheu withdrew it, broko his collar bono by faiv from his horso while hunting In Franco, Noar Owensound, Ont Mies Helen Flndlay, educated and wealthy, la under arrest charged with murdering 17-yonr-old George E. Green, a waif whom sho Una lakon from an asylum. Did You Sleep Well Last Night? Sleeplessness is one of the principal symptoms of Kidney Troubles. Don't take opiates, but cure your kidneys with m m m m m A few doses will relieve, A few boxes will cure. AtalldruReists for 60c. per box, or mailed postpaid on receipt of price. Vfritefor interetting pamphtet. HOBB'S MEDICINE CO.. Chleigo. San Frineltco. lulckIy,T!ioroushty, Forever Cured. Four out of Uvo who suffer nervousness, mental worry, attacks, of ' tho blues," are hut paying tho penalty of early excesses. Vic tims, reclaim your manhood, retrain vour vigor. Don't despair. Send for book with explanation and proofs. Mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL GO., Buffalo, N.Y. &HE NEVER FAILS& OLD DR.THEEL 13l7ArcIiSt.r,,I,i?ria' Tho only Genuine Specialist In Philadel pula, notwithstanding what others adver- enscs rind Strictures l'ermnneutlj- Cured ln tolODajs. Keller nt once, nifinn PriKnU rrjraary or Secondary, cured by DI.UUU rUluUli cntirolvnewmetbnrtr.ntn3niinv Bend Ave 2c. BUimp3 for boot "Tru th," beneficial t young and old, single and married i only bnnk ux- ilncaiinrlts. jiours.u.j; eves, tKi.: WcO.and . ev'gs.tMl so; Bnn.,9-12. If others robbed nnd reived Ton don'tludceallntilfR. I will inm you and malie you vlnorous and franc. Xowest charges for the best treatment, ll'rffe or caU, Chlolic.tcr's Engll.h Diamond Itrand. ENNYR0YAL PIU.S uriginai ana uniy ucnuine 6 A re, liirays rclUble. ladies ik i Druggist for CfttcAetter Knglith Jia-f mond Brand In lErd &nd Gold mrtaWaA Iboxei, KtiM with biao ribbon. TaLo tlona and imitation. AtIrnggUtt,crietil4. In lUmps or partlcnUri, testimonial! aal "iteiior lor i-ooivh" inencr, uj reinrri MbIL 1O.00O Tretl mon lull. A'm twr. chetrvucinicaiuua(itpn;uitf 'TuxfJaU. l'liHtU-i 1, READING R. R. SYSTEM :parasus i zzMX 7 unl oLlhralllAoi IN EFFECT OCTOUElt t, 1893. Trains leavo Shenandoah as follows : For New York via Philadelphia, week days, 10.5 25. 7 20 a. m., 12 88, 2 55 and 5 55 p. m W Sundays, 2 10 a. m. For New York via Mmich Chunk, week days. 5 25, 7 20 a. m., 12 58 nnd 2 55 p. m. I'or Heading and riinndcipiiia, wcck oays, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 u. m., 12 58, 2 55 and 5 55 p. m. Sun days, z iu a. in. For I'ottsvllle. week days. 2 10, 7 20 a. m., and 12 58, 2 55 and 5 55 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a. in. For Tamoqua and JIahanoy City, week days, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a. 111., 12 58, 2 55 and 5 53 p. 111. Sundays, 2 10 a. m. For Wllllamsport, Sunuury nnd I.cwisburR, week days, 3 25, 11 SO a. m., 100 nnd 7 20 p. m. Sundays, 3 25 a. m. ieor Mananoy nane, wees finys, a iu, j so, i 7 20, 11 80 n. in., 1258, 150,255, 555, 720 and935 p. in. Sundays, 2 10, B 23 n. m. For Ashland aud Shainokin, week days, 3 33, , 7 20, lino u. m., 150, 7 20 and 9 85 p. m. Sun- uays, J - a. in. For Baltimore, 'Washington and the West via 1, f. r l, 1, 4l...,..,,l, .W.I.... lnn..A l?,.,.il!nti. Terminal, 'Philadelphia, (P. Ac H. It. It.) at 3 20, 755,1126 a. m., 3 -Hi nnd 7 27 p. m. Sundays, a U, t W. 11 U II. 111., o IU UIIU t 1. MI. Awwr tllionni trains iroiil iwcniyiourui uuu uqic nut streets station, week days, 1 50, 5 11, 8 23 p. in. Sundays, 135, 8 23 p. m. TKA1NS FOR SHENANDOAH. Ieave New York via Philadelphia, week: days. 8 00 a. m., 130, 4 00, 7 30 p. m, and 1215 nlKlit, Sundays, 0 00 p. ui. Iave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 4 SO, 9 10 n. in.. 1 10 nnd -1 30 p. m. lx;avo riillaueipiua, iieauuiR icrminai, weeit days, 4 20, 8 85, 10 00 a. m. and 4 00, 6 02, 1130 p.m. Sundays, 11 30 p.m. Leave lteiulliifr.' week days. 135. 7 10. 10 06, 11 50 a, m., 5 55 and 7 57 p. in. Sundays, 1 35 a. hi. J Leave I'ottsvllle, ween uays, aao, vm a.m., 12 30 and 0 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 85 a. m. Irfave Tamaqua, wecu days, a i, 8 do, h a a my 1 20, 7 15 and 9 52 p. m. Bununys, a i a. in, I-cavo JIahanoy City, week days, 2 45, 9 21, 11 47 a. in., 1 51, 7 39 nnd 951 p. m. Sundays, 8 45 a. m. Leave JIahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 1 00, 630,9 37, 11 59 a. in., 12 58, 2 00, 5 20, 0 26, 7 53 and IU IU p, m. oimuays, iu. w a. ill. i.eavo ivilliamyjpori, wcck. nays, iu, wju i. m., S 85 and 11 41 p. m. Sundays, ll 15 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and S juth street wharf for Atlantic City. Weekdays isxpress, uuu a. in., sou, i uu, ouu p. m. Accommodation, SOOn. m., 4 30, 0 30 p.m. Sunday Express, 9 00. 10 00 a. in, Accommo dation 8 00 a. m., 4 45 p. iu. iteturiunir leave Atlantic illy lueuot.i weeic uays, oxpress, i, uuu a. m., uuu, ouu p. Ar.ntnrwtnltn,i. f. KO H 1.1 1, n,wl A !W f. lion, V in a. in., 4 i p. m. i'arior curs on an express trains. I. A. HWEIGAItD, G. U. HANCOCK Gen'l Superintendent. lien 1 l'oss. M. J. LAW LOR, Justice of the Peace, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, 123 East Centre St? Properties For Sale. TWO-STOItY Frame Building, 80x45 fett ea South Chestnut street. Hents for tl8 per month will be sold cheap. HALF LOT and TWO HOUSES, situated on West Centre street. Will pay 13er cent, on Investment, and can be bought oc easy I FAItM OF 83 ACRES within XV lauea ui kui uiurKeT, Twe Hinil timber. Frame farm lin..BaJ sold lor ti,HAJ casn. .-it. r em .. -. .1 . i J.1. street. 11,800. i Biory imme iioiei and dtm Centre Mreet. Property in ko AgKTCgato rent, $110.00 ier month. 1 U