The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 14, 1895, Image 2

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Published every Kvcnlns, Kxcept Sundny.nt
8 Sotrrn jAitniN Stkrht, NKAn Centric
The Uonilil Isdellveicd In Shenandoah nnd tlio
surrounding towns for six cents n week, liny
blo to tlio carriers, lly mall pl.00 n year, or 25
cent n month, payable ill advance. Advertise-
ttif iit.a nbnrfrril iiRcnrdlhir to sn.ico and DOsltlou.
The publishers reserve tlio rlclit to cnange tno
Itlonof ndYcrtlseincnu wiicnovcr tno pun-
Mention of news demnnds It. Tho rlrht Is
reserved to reject liny advertisement, whether
paid for or not, thnt tho publishers nuiy uecni
Improper. Advertising rales made known
tmnn nttnllrjltinn.
Entered nt tlio potofllco nt Shenandonh, I'ft., ns
second class mnu mailer.
Evening Herald
A police investigation of tho Rasinias eabo
should bo made.
Unkortunatkia' for tlio Democracy, Shen-
.andoah does not constituto Schuylkill county.
Tub indications point to another contest for
oontrol of tho Lehigh Valley Railroad at tho
annual meeting in January, with tho pros
pecta for the samo rosult as last year. While
tho Dick party has increased its holdinc of
Mock somowhat, tlio Wilbur party still have
tho Packer stock with them, and as long as
thoy can hold that thcro is not much prospect
of a change of management.
There is now a chance for cheap electric
lighting, tho result of tho decision of the
Supreme Court of tko United States in tho
matter of tho Edison vs. the Sawyer-Mann
systems being to throw open both systems to
tho public. The Sawyer-Mann system is
invalid, and tlie fcdlson patent oxpireu jusv
a year ago Tuesday under the operation of
. r. ,. . f
tho decision in the Bate refrigerating patent
Some of our Democratic exchanges are
wasting a great deal of ink and onergy just
jiow in laying out a program for tho Ropul-
licau convention that names the national
delegates from this county. Tho leaders and
county delegates themselves are fully capa
ble of settling tho quostion, and wo think
their selection will occasion some surprise
and disappointment in certain quarters.
Dame Rumor says Shenandoah will get ono
of tho plums.
When the Senato Investigating Committee
was appointed ly tho last Legislature, at tho
urgent request of tho citizens of Philadelphia,
thcro wero many doubting Thomases who
.predicted that tko pooplo behind the move
ment wero merely, playing a game of bluff,
nd that tho committeo would never exercise
its powers.
It has been nn open secret among tho well'
informed that favorito contractors have
grown rich withia an exceedingly short time,
and that tho contract system, while well in-
tended, has been very badly carried into
effect by tho contractors. According to Mr.
Addis' testimony, tho officials of the High
way Department, who had supervision, aro
cuilty of culpable neglect. Other abuses are
haid to exist in the municipal government,
which aro expected to bo brought to light as
tho investigation proceeds.
The proceedings of Mr. Andrews' committeo
furnishes interesting reading, and nolwith-
Guiding the opposition in certain quarters
good results will no doubt follow if tho evils
pointed out are corrected. Tho peqplo await
the result.
This is Pennsylvania day at the interna
tional exposition of the cotton states, and
hundreds of citizens of tho Keystone state,
of high and low degree, aro enjoying the
"hospitality of Atlanta to-day as two sister
states should. In the person uf Governor
Hastings, Pennsylvania offers her sontimonts
of good will, and in a friendly rivalry tho
products of tho two states aro shown promi
nently. Schuylkill county, too, is fairly re
presented by a number of hor prominent
Govornor Hastings' address expressed tho
Mjutiments of tho loyal pooplo of this state
when ho said : "The oarly settlement of both
states was composed largely of the samo
people. Much of your population in oarly
Jays enmo from Pennsylvania, although
many of them, aftor leaving the Cumberland
Valley, may have btoppod for a generation or
two in Virginia, tho Carolinas, or other state,
before reaching Georgiu.
"In tho struggle for freedom Pennsylvania
.and Georgia stood side by side. Gedrgia's
representatives oamo to Philadelphia to take
council with the patriots. Their namos,
with those of ours, aro signed to tho Decla
ration of Independence. With ub they heard
(he first defiant ring of freedom from yonder
liberty Bell. Your Georgia patriots fought
side by side with those of tho Pennsylvania
lino at Saratoga aad at Monmouth, They
stood at Pennsylvania's side and crimsoned
Pennsylvania's soil at Brandywino and Gor
raantown. They went down into tho gloom
of despair with Washington at Valley Forgo,
and thoy wero with the conquering hosts at
"I proclaim to you that tho patriotic heart
of Pennsylvania beats as warmly and as
steadfastly for Georgia and hor sister states
to-day as when thoy flrst united to found a
government, upoi) tl)P rock of freedom,"
doting Quntntlons nt tlio Now York nnd
I'liltiuliilplila llxchnnirrs.
New Yoiik. Nov. 13. Irregularity nnd s.
fcvorlsh tone wero tlio main clinrncterlstlcs
of today's sharo speculation. Tlio cours of
tho market also reflected tlio elimination on
the previous day of n considerable proportion
of the short Interest. Closing bids:
Del. & Hudson.
D h, & W
N. Y. Central WW
N. Y. & N. E - -
Pennsylvania KIM
Heading l-)fl
St. Paul - 75i
V. N. Y. & Pa 3i
West Shore
trio i
imhu v v ... am
LehlKH Nav 4BWi
Lehlish Valley-.. 4i
New Jersey Ccn... 107
General Markets.
Philadelphia, Nov. 13. Flour weak; win
ter superfine, $2.332.60; do. extras, $2.GU
J.85: Pennsylvania rollor, clear, $3553.25; do.
do. straight, $3.253.35j western winter, clear.
J35J3.25. Wheat quiet, llrmer, with OOo. bid
nnd (lOc. asked for November. Corn quiet,
steady, with aic. bid and Sdo. asked for No
vember. Oals quiet, unchanKod.wlthSlc. bid
and 25c. asked for November. Hay steady;
choice tlmothy,815.60. Beef steady; beef hams,
815. Pork linn. Lard flrm; western steam, J5.00.
Butter steady; western dairy, 10M15c.;do.
creamery, 1523c.; do. factory, 9llc. ; Biffins,
23c.; Imitation creamery, 1217Kc: Now York
dairy, 1521Ko.; do. creamery, 2023c,; Penn
sylvania and western oroamery prints, fancy.
25c.; do. cholco, 24c; do, fair to good, 21023c.;
prints Jobbing at 2029c. Cheese steady; New
York large, 7)410o.; small, "JiftUc; part
skims, SHa'Wc; full Bklms, "IWc. Eggs
firmer; Now lorkand Pennsylvania, 222oc;
tee house, ltfi19c. ; western fresh, 20023c.
Live Stock Mnrket.
Nbw Yohk, Nov. 13. Steers active, higher;
rough stock quiet and stoady; native steers.
Inferior to prime, 8t.054.u; oxen, 82Q4.20;
bulls. S2S43.C0; dry cows, $1.102.75. Cnlves
active and firm; somewhat higher on Inferior
grades; poor to choice veals, SV&G; grassers.
$2.7533.25; yearlings, S2.502.76. Sheep and
lambs nctlve, higher; poor to prime sheep.
81.50t33.12H; common to prime lambs, $3 50
Hogs firmer at I4&4.20.
East I.iiikutv, Pa., Nov. 13. Cattle steady;
prime, $4.30 4.50; good butchers, $3.8004:
bulls, cows and stags, 1.500.3. Hogs active on
prime grades, steady on others; prime light.
$3.85513.95; medium grades, $3.80(33.85; heavy
hogs, S3.70js3.80; common to fair lorkers.
$3.603.70; roughs, 83U3.50. Sheep strong at
unchanged prices.
Nothing Stands n High,
ns a remedy for overy womanly ailment, as
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is an
invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing
and strengthening nervine, and a complete
euro for all the derangements, pamlul dis
orders and chronic weaknesses peculiar to tnc
For vounc cms entcrinn womanhood : for
women at tho critical "change of life" ; for
women approacmug couuneinent ; nursing
down, tired, or overworked it is a special.
salo, and certain help, bend lor true pampmct
or remit 10 cts. (stamps) for a book of 108
pages, on Woman and nor Diseases ami
how to cure them with homo treatment. Ad
dress World's Dispensary Medical Association
liutlalo, JS . V
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation, piles,
biliousness, indigestion, or dyspepsia, and
Speaker Crisp's Silver Sentiments.
Atlanta, Nov. H. By special Invita
tion conveyed by joint resolution of both
houses ex-Spcnker Crisp addressed the
Goorglu legislature lost night on tho po
litical issuos of tho day. Mr. Crisp de
clared himself unequivocally In favor of
tho freo, unlimited and Independent coin-
ago of silver, at a ratio of 16 to 1. His
argument was confined to a contradiction
of the statements mado by the advocates
of a gold standard to tho effoct that free
coinage would result In silver monometal
lism, and that values would bo decreased.
Mr. Crisp Is rcgardod ns a probable suc
cessor to Mr. Gordon In tho national sen
ato. Good advico: Never leave homo on a
journey without a bottle ot Chamberlain s
Side by Gruhlcr Bros., Druggists.
The Cleveland Children ut tho Theuter.
Washington, Nov. 14. Mrs. Grover
Cloveland, together with Misses Ruth nnd
Esther Clovolnnd, witnessed tho perform
ance of Palmor Cox's "Brownies" at tho
Lafayotto Square Opera Houso yesterday
afternoon. This was tho llrst appearance
of tho children at any stage performance
given In a theater.
Sherman for McKlnley.
Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 14. In a letter
to H. G. Otes, editor of tho Los Angeles
Times, Senator John Shorman says: "Tho
rocont elections havo cleared the political
sky, and I bellevo fairly opens a way for
tho nomination of Major McKinley for
presldont. He will bo heartily supported
from Ohio, and I trust be nominated and
Cznrlnn Not In Danger.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 14. Tho sensa
tional rumors latoly circulated In refer
ence to tho health of tho czarina and the
reports that an operation might bo re
quired are absolutely without foundation.
Her health is excellont. The czar left horo
yesterday to join tho czarina ntKronstadt,
and ho was in perrcct spirits.
Wants 1'rutccMnu lrom n Swordflsh.
Washington, Nov. 14. A man giving
his nnmo as Herman Hlllyor, nnd his
home ns In Missouri, was tuken In charge
by the police at tho White House yester
day, und his sanity will bo Inquired Into.
Ho said ho was being chased by a sworu-
tUh, und desired the president's protec
Hip Disease
Uesults from a scrofulous and impara
condition of the blood, and it is cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
the great blood pu
rifier. Tho father
of a Philadelphia
girl writes this:
" We gave Hood's
Sarsaparilla to our
little girl, who had
symptoms of hip
disease. Hho could
not put her foot
down on the floor
when we com
mencedglvlng her tho medicine, but in a
short time she was able to get off the
couoh and to reach her playthings. Since
then she has steadily improved, thanks to
Hood's Sarsaparilla, nnd her general
health Is all that could be desired.
When any of tho otber children are not
well wo give them
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and we earnestly recommend it to others."
E. Berry, 203 Richmond St., Philadelphia.
HOOd'S PUIS utJaeWe0.'
Precipitated by tlio Sudden Dentil
of a
Jlnryliiml Slnto Senator.
WESTMtNSTMt, JUL, Nov. 14. Senator
olect 1'lnknoy J. Uennott, of Carroll
county, tiled suddonly Inst night. At tho
into election Air. lionuott was soloctcil lor
n third term ns n Domoorat. Govornor
Browu will bo called upon to ordor a apo
dal election for Carroll county, nnd upon
tho rostilt of thnt election depends tho po
litical eomploxlon of tho next sonnto of
Mnrylnnd. With Mr. Bennett's voto thnt
body stood f ourtocn Democrats nnd twelvo
Ilopubllcnns. Should tho Republicans
elect n, successor to Mr. Bennett tho senato
will bo a tie, with Sonator Bruce, of Balti
more, acting In harmony with tho Repub
licans upon all roform measures and unit
ing with them In confirming tho Republi
can governor's nomination).
Should tho Democrats win the situation
will romaln the samo as prior to Mr. Ben
nett's death. Tho regular Democrats hnd
expected, because of their control of tho
senate, to provont many changes proposed
In tho registration, election, and othor laws
of tho state, as woll ns to offsot many of
tno Kepublican governor's nominations.
Tho special olcotlon In Carroll county will,
therefore, bo a very lively affair. Tho
county gavo Lowndes, Republican, a ma
jority for govornor of 126. Mr. Bennett's
majority was but 47.
How to l'rovent Croup.
Croup is a terror to yonng mothers and to
post them concerning tho cause, first symp
toms and treatment Is tho object of this item.
The origin of croup is a common cold.
Children who are subject to it take cold very
easily and croup is almost sure to follow.
The first symptom is hoarseness ; this is
soon followed by a peculiar rough cough,
which is easily recognized and will never be
forgotten by ono who has heard it. The time
to act is when tho child flrst becomes hoarse.
If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely
given all tendency to croup will soon disap
pear. Even after tho croupy cough has de
veloped it will prevent tho attack. There is
no danger in giving this remedy for it con
tarns nothing injurious. For sale by Gruhlcr
Bros., Druggists.
Alaska's Itlch Gold Mining Field.
Washington, Nov. 14. Benjamin P.
Mooro, collector of customs nt Sitka,
Alaska, has forwardod to tho treasury de
partment a roport from Deputy Collector
McNalr, at Clrclo City, Alaska, which Is
situated on tho Yukon river, about eighty"
miles abovo Jilrcb. Creek, In which ho states
that after talking with almost every miner
who has oomo in from tho Birch Creek
mining district he is of the opinion that
tho nmount of gold dust and nuggets
taken out this summer will reach $400,000,
Tho land, ho says, flows with whisky, and
as many of tho claim owners and most of
the laborers aro aliens, ho thinks a com
pany of United States troops should bo
stationed at Circla City. Tho town now
has 123 dwellings, fifteen saloons, threo
stores, an opera houso, etc.
Kluctrlc Hitters.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any
scasou, hut perhaps moro generally needed in
tlio spring, wlien the langum exnausieu
feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and
.luirL'isli nnd the need ol a tome nnu altera
tive is felt. A prompt uso of this mcdieino
has oltou averted long nnu pcrnnps larai
bilious fevers. No medicino will act more
surely in counteracting and freeing tho sys
tem lrom the malarial poison, iieanacnc,
.Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to
Electric Hitters, unly nity cents per nouio
at A. Wasley's drug store.
A ainnla tor Arson.
Amsterdam, N. Y., Nov. 14. Edward
Wemple, cx-stnte senator, ex-roprescnta-
tlvo and ox-stato comptroller, was arrested
at his homo in Fultonvlllo on tho charge
of attempting to sot flro to tho resldenco of
Hubert H. Fonda In Fultonvlllo on tho
evening of Sunday, Nov. 10. Ho is also
charged with having set flro to tho Womplo
foundry, which was burned a month ngo,
and with causing other lucondlary fires In
i ultonvlllo. Wemplo was a candidate for
tho Democratic nomination for governor
in 1891, and again last year, and his arrest
has caused a sensation. Heavy drinking
seems to havo affected his mind, and led to
a mania for arson.
Marvelous llesiilts.
From a letter written by Kov. J. Gunder-
ninn, ot Uimondale, Midi., we are permitted
to mako this extract ; I havo no hesitation
in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery,
ns tho results wero almost marvelous in tho
caso of my wife. While I was pastor of tho
mptist church at ltlves junction slio was
brought down with Pneumonia succeeding
La Grippe. Terriblo paroxysms of coughing
would last hours with little interruption and
it seemed as if sho could not Mirvivo them.
A friend recommended Dr. King's New
Discovery; it was quick in its work und
highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles
tree at A. Wasley s drug store. Kcgular sizo
50c and 1.00.
Troops Held In ltendlncss,
"Washington, Nov. 14. General Doe,
acting secretary of war, requosted that a
troop of cavalry bo held in readiness to go
to tlio sceno of tho Indian troublo at tho
Southorn Uto agency in Colorado, If neces
sary. General Miles has directed Gonoral
Wheaton to comply with tho recuiost. Gen
eral "Wheaton was ulso Instructed to confer
freely with tho agent for the Southorn
Uteroservation, to send forward any troops
doomed necossary and to call upon tho war
department for moro troops if ho needed
thorn. Ho was to assure tho Indians that
tho troops came among thorn for tho pur
pose of protecting them and to seoure tho
arrest of the persons who murdered tho
two Utes, regardless of color.
Itelier In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "Now Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and evory part
of tho urinary passages in malo or femalo.
It relievos retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and cure this is your remedy.
Sold by Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 South
Main street.
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
namo Lessio & Haeh, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack. tf
Ilncklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt, rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all akin eruntinns. nnd nosltivcly cures piles.
or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony reiunaea. rnco
23 cents per box. For salo by A. Wasley.
guaranteed by Bell, tho
Benefits Mankind
The Doctor no Longer Necessary Sick
People Provided With Remedies to Cure
Themselves A Triumph for the People.
An Honest Woman's Gratitude.
Mrs. Ella Homshur, 775 Howard street,
hiladelpkia, says! "My entire nervous
system was broken down with catarrh. I
was partially deaf, and had all tho disgusting
symptoms of that loathsome disease. It af-
tccted my stomach, and I sullcreil tommy
from dyspepsia. When I applied to Doctor
Munyon for treatment I wii3 completely
prostrated, under tho sKiiitiu treatment i
received I speedily grew better, and nm now
without a trace of my formor troubles. I am
glnd to endorse Munyon's Remedies, for I
feel I owe my life to their uso."
Professor Munyon provides a separate
remedy for nearly every disease. Common
sense and experience show this to bo the truo
method. Thousaads ol peopio nave cured
themselves by the use of a 25 cent bottle of
Munyon s Improved Homicopathic Remedies,
which may bo obtained from any druggist.
Ask your druggist for Munyon's Guide to
Health and euro yourself.
Personal letters to l'rot. Munyon, loua
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered
with freo medical advice for any disease.
Wholesale Liquors.
Wolter's, Berliner and Weiss Beor.
22-24 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
The Backus Water
Is the Most Economical Power Known,
and the Best In the World for Driving:
Light Machinery.
It takes but little room.
It never gets out of repair.
It can not blow up.
It requires no fuel.
It needs no engineer.
There Is no delay; no firing up; no aehea to
clean nwnv: no extra Insurance to pay; no re-
niilrinir necessary: no coal bills to pay. and i l
nlwnj's rendy for use. H is lnvahbIo loj
blowing Church Organs, for runnlr.s Printing
I'resspfl. Sewlnir Mnchlnes. Turnlne Lathes,
Scroll Saws, Orind Stones, Coffee Milla, Sausnge
Machines, Feed Cutters, Com Mills, Elevators,
Etc. Four-horso power nt -10 pounds pressure ol
water. It is noiseless, neat, compact, sieouy,
and above nil
Price, $15 to $300
Send for circular to tho Backus Wnter Moto,
Co., Newark, N. J., stating paper you saw
advertisement In.
We also manufacture Patent Rotating
and Exhaust Fans.
Send fOr Special CatalOgUe Oil
When it comes to
Our stock speaks for itself,
to town send your orders.
If you don't come
Tiiey win be nccu-
raieiy nna promptly linen.
29 East Centre Street
After All Others Fail
329 N. 15th St.
Below Cnllnwhtll
To secure a positive and permanent cure of
Errors of Youth nnd Loss of Manhood nnd of
all diseases of the blood, Kidneys, lllndder,
Skin ami nervous System consult at ouco Dr.
1.0UU. no giinrnntuoa in an coses caused uy
l&xcesscs. imprudence or Inheritance to restore
to Health and Strenuth by biilldlncr un the
shattered nervous system and adding new life
nndenercy to the broken down constitution.
Consultation and examinations freo and strictly
confidential. Ofllce hours, dally and Sunday,
from 9 A. M. to 3 V. M. nnd 6 to 9 evenings,
liead his book on errors of Youth and obscure
uiseases of both sexes, sent free.
Teams to Hire.
If you want to hire n safe nnd reliable
team for driving or for working purposes
pay Shields' livery stable n visit Teams
constantly on Hand at reasonable rates.
No. -110 East Centre street.
Opposite Heading railroad station,
Hooks & Brown,
Ao dellvcrthe
and oil tines
dally papers.
Agents for all periodicals, &c.
N. Main Street
A Slob tn Vienna Surround the l'nlnro nn j
Aro Driven On.
VIENNA, Nov. 14. The municipal coun
cil re-elected to tho ofllco of burgomaster
Dr. Luogor, the nntl-Somlte lender In the
relcbsrnth, whoso recent election to ofllco
tho cmporor rcfusod to sanction.
When tho result of tho voting wns an
nounced Dr. Luogor roso to his feet and
delivered a speech neccptlng his election.
His language wns rensonably modorato at
flrst, but as ho procoedod his language bo
came exceedingly vlolont. "I am tho ser
vant or God," he exclaimed, "ana not ol
tho fatted calf, Tho liberty and honor of
Austria are nt stake."
Tho government ngont, Horr Frelbole,
replied that tho ro-olcctlon of Dr. Lucgcr
was In doflnnce of tho Imperial will. Ho
then declared tho council dissolved, and a
tremendous uproar ensued.
The police had previously cleared tho
square In front of the town hall, but the
Immense crowd which hnd gathered re
mained in tho vicinity and cheered fran
tically tho supporters of Dr. Lucgcr as they
wore on their way to tho town nl.
Alter tno dissolution ot uio oounou uo
orowd divided into largo bands and pa
raded the streets. Ono band of 500, headed
by a member of tho municipal council, en
tered tho courtyard of tho Imperial palace,
crying "Vivo Luegort"
They wero nrevented by tho troops lrom
advancing very fnr, and ultimately tho
troops succeeded In clearlnor tho court.
It Is belloved that tho Kovernmont will
appoint a temporary municipal adminis
tration. A crent deal of excitement pre
vails throughout tho city ns tho result of
tho government s action.
A mob of about 100 men af torwartls pro
ceeded to tho Imperial Hofburg, the palace
ol tho emperor, shouting: "Long JUive
Luogor I" The police stopped tho main
body of tho men oni-accd In this demon
stration, but some of them succeeded in
forcing tholr way Into tho palace grounds,
from which they wero eventually ejected,
A Man Kills Ills Alleged Wife and Chllil
and Then Commits Suicide.
IjARKDO, Tex., Nov. 14. A double mur
der and sulcldo occurred horo yesterday.
A man registered here Monday with o
middle aged woman and an 8-ycar-old girl
as C. Shuler and family, of San Antonio,
Tuesday afternoon tho man procured n
horse nnd buggy, ostensibly to drivo his
wife and child to the depot. Two hours
later he returned alono. Yesterday morn'
ing a Mexican shepherd discovered tho
bodies of tho womnn and girl lying in
some brush about threo miles northeast of
tho city. The chief ot police called at the
hotel where Shuler was stopping, and
asked him over the transom whore his
wlfo and child were. Ho replied that ho
would come to tho door vory shortly, but
after somo delay a pistol shot was heard,
When the door was forced open bliuler
was found doad with a bullet in his heart,
Over Jl.OOO in $100 bills wero found upon
tho man's person, two watches ana
charm with "Kuntz" engraved upon it
Underclothing was found marked
"Kuntz," nnd it appears that Kuntz had
been n stationary engineer In bt. .Louis.
The woman with him said he wns to do
superintendent of some railroad works in
Monterey. Tho Fort "Worth polico wero
wired and her son, named Mark Harrol
is expected horo today. It is supposed tho
murderer wanted to rid himself of his two
companions. Tho woman said tho monoy
they had hod ueou left her by her lather.
Tuslon in Alabama.
Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 14. The Popu
lists and Republicans deqided at n meeting
yesterday afternoon to unite in tho stnto
campaign. Resolutions declaring for free
silver, opposing tho national uankjsystem.
and advocating "honest election" by force
if necessary wero adopted. Kolb withdrew
his opposition to tho fusion. Resolutions
woro adopted requesting the Benato not to
sent Senutor Morgan and asking congress
to investigate Alabama selection mothods
A l'rlnco to Fight In Africa.
LONDON, Nov, 14. Princo Christian Vic
tor of Schleswlg-Holstoin, eldest son of
Princess Helena of SchleswIg-IIolstelu
second daughter of Queen Victoria, is to
I (KWliiJUU,l 111U JJltVlt AUIUW II ill KiJ
start for Coomassle, tho capital of Ash-
anti, tho purposo of which is to coerco tho
king of Ashanti into recognizing tho Brit
ish right to maintain a resident agont In
his country. The princo was born In 1807,
and is a liouteuant In the rule corps.
Drove Off the Authorities.
Detkoit, Nov. 14. xiio township nu
thorlties this afternoon attempted to do
molish a bridgo across tho Rouge river,
southwest of tho city, on tho ground that
it is unsafo. Somo 400 employes of mills
in tho neighborhood woro called out and
resisted the attempt, closing the draw by
forco. Employes of tho Wyandotto and
Detroit Electric railway, whoso tracks
cross tho bridgo, aro guarding tho struc'
Fatally lleaten by Her Husband.
Kalamazoo, Mich., Nov. 14. -Jnmcs
McGurro's wife, of Wnkesbama township,
Is dying as tho result, as nlloged, of nn as
sault made by her husband with a chair.
An officer has gono to arrest McGurro. Ac
cording to tho roport, McGurro attacked
his wlfo with a frying pan, but his 15-year-old
son interfered. "When tlio son left tho
house) for a few mluutos the attack was
F. M. natch, tho Hawaiian minister to
Washington, arrived nt San Francisco yes
terday from Honolulu.
At GloYorsville, N. Y., a family of six
persons woro poisoned Dy eating neau
eheose. Threo may die.
Owing to tlio prolonged drouth it Is ox-
pected that tho wheat yield In Australia
will barely supply tfio local demand.
Marion Crawford, tho novelist, arrived
nt Now York from Genoa today. Mr.
Crawford has no plans for tho immcdlato
Key. Thomas Treodwell Stono, D. D.,
tho oldest gradunto of Bowdoin college,
and ono of tho oldest ministers in the
country, died In Boston, agod 85.
Tho Peruvian senato Is now discussing
the project of allowing tho establishment
of foreign lnsurnuoo agencies, and it Is
probable that tho laws relatlvo to this sub
ject will be modified.
John T. Gray, who was marshal ot the
Baltimore: polico forco during tho late war,
anil win, wfia In nntnmnnH flnrlnirtliArlnf.
Ing at Camden Station in 1801, dlod In
Baltimore last night.
Tho German warships Irene, Prlnoess
Wllholm, Cormorant and Kalsor have an
chored outside Amoy, China, anil it Is re
ported that they intend to occupy the
Island of Quemoy as a coaling station.
II 811 W.
Sparaeus Kidney Pills Perform a Com
plete Cure In a Short Time.
Symptoms of Kidney Diseases, and
Why They Arc Dangerous.
Dr. T. F. Jojce, of Lynn, Mnss., a gradu
ate of N. Y. University, '83, Uses Dr. llokb's
Sparagus Kidney Pills in his practice.
It is unusual for regular physicians to uto
proprietary medicines, but many use Dr.
llobb's Sparagus Kidney Tills.
They do becauso they know that the prin-
ipal ingredient is a special extract maio
from tho root of Asparagus, containing all
its virtues in a concentrated form. They do
because they know that Dr. llobb's Sparagus
Kiuney nils aro nnreiv vccctanin nnu ner-
fcctly harmless.
They do it most of nil because they hue-
found Dr. llobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills will
cure, in cases whero tho drugs of the piianna
copecin havo been uuablo even totilford relief.
Dr. Joyce writes: ' ,
Lynh, "Mask., Aug. 0,"lS95.
llobb's Medicine Co.,
Chicago, 111.
When "my attention was flrbt called to Dr-
Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills, andthcircom
ponent parts mado known to me, I was for
cibly impressed with the combination ns be
ing ono of great value for kidney discascsaud
all other ailments arising therefrom.
l lound in ono particular case, which nan
ballled all my previous efforts, that they per
formed a rcmarkablo and complete euro in a
very short tlmo, and over sinco I havo used
them in my praetlco with tho most pleasing
results in all cases.
Very truly yours,
T. F Jovck, II, D.
Bright's disease is a dancerous disease of
tho kidnevs. It is caused bv overwork, wnrrv.
over-eating, etc., and other excesses. It is
dangerous becauso it has few or no well
known symptoms.
You do not think you aro sick until it is
often too late to cure.
The symptoms of kldntiy disease inigcncral
aro pain in the sides and back, hcadacle, ner
vousness, trcqucnt thirst, evil loreliouings,
shortness of breath on slight exertion, tbllly
sensations, sleeplessness, putfiness of the'oye
llds, swelling of tho feet and ankles, loss of
llcsh, etc.
Any or allot tuoso symptoms may Do tno
roof of kidney disease, but they are seldom
lid to their true cause.
To prevent mistakes, they should bo treated
as soon as they appeir, with Dr. llobb's Spar
agus Kidney Pills.
This will cure tho kidneys and relievo tho
symptoms in a very shart time.
l ho euro mado win uo permanent, anu tno
spmptoms will never come back, unless you
overwork your kidneys,
Your health depends on your kidneys.
They filter your blood.
When they don't, you fall sick as a natural
railing sick is simply the poison in your
blood making iteclf felt.
If yon can take out the poison you will bo
Thii is for tho kidneys to do.
They will do it if they are well.
If they aro sick, yon can euro them with
Dr. llobb's Spuragus Kidnoy Pills.
Tho disases and svmntoms that Dr. llobb's
Sparasus Kidney Pills will cure, by curing
tho kidneys, are: Kucumatisni, uour, Anae
mia, Chlorosis, Depression of Spirits, Lack of
Amhition. Ncuralcia. Palo and Sallow Com
plexion, General Muscular Weakness, and all
skin diseases.
All theso nrc caused by poorness of, or poi
son in, tho blood.
They can only bo permanently cured with
Dr. llobb's Sparagus Kidney Tills.
Dr. llobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills aTO sold
by all druggists, or sent, prepaid, to any ad
dress, for 50 cents per box
Writo for valuable medical pamphlet, "A
Filter for Your Blood," mailed free on re
quest, llobb's Medicine Co., Chicago or San,
General and Nervous Debility.
Weakness of Body and
Mind, Effects of Error3
or Excesses in Old or
Young. Robust, Noblo
fliannoou luuy ucstoreu.
How to Enlarge and
Strengthen Weak, Un
developed Portions of
uociy. Aosoiuieiy un
failing fIonie Treatment.
Benefits In a day.
fy lrom 50 Btatcs anu roreiuu
Countries. Send for Descrlptlvo Book, ex
planation and proofs, mailed (sealed) free.
2d?Tbe only Genuine Specialist In Phllwlel
r Tihla.nolwlihutandlnirwnat others adver
tise. Hervons Debility ana tbniesulls of Indis
cretion. U yenrs' liuropcniillospltnl ni:t .1.J
.. .. !.... . I .... I , ' w. .. i ,. .... III'!' Ill I 1)1..
entics nml strictures l'crmnnently Cured
iod to 111 Days, ltclicfnt oucc.
ninnnnmcnil Primary or feeconuary, cured by
ULUUU rUlSUH entlrelynewraethodSUlo'iUclay
Bend five 2c. stamps for book "Truth," beneilclal to
youngand old. slngleand married; only bookox
poslnc quacks. Hours, 0-3; cv'ps,u-... ; Vi.aiul
Hit. evTg3,(Kl30; Hnn..D-1'i If others robbed nnd
deceived yoituon'tjudgoallnlike. I will euro
you and make you vlBoroimniid Rtrone. lowest
charees for the best treatment, "'rift or cats.
Chichester's KnglUh Diamond UrnnJ.
Orlfflnalttod Only Genuine.
krr . 1 . c rnllatila. LADIES KlI i
Druggist tor ChlcJitttert jMmu
7n.JIn Wt.A rwt f!,d,t TuetftlliOV
nn nt'li w. Ittfu,M danger MubMtUw V
la bUlidm tot TjartlcoUri, twttmonUU tal
Specialist in diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
207 West Market St., TOTTSVILLE.
Hours 8:30 a. m,- to J3 m.; 1 to 4 p. m., t
8 v. m. Bandars " a. ni. to 12 .
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
AH work guaranteed to be firet-clnss in i
particular, euic ties nnu lace curtains
laity, uoous caiieu lor anu delivered
order solicited
Safe ano
Men testl
I 5
i or