GREAT SAVING CHANCE! A LARGE LINE OF UNDER WEAR. lluy where your money will gtl" farthest t h a I' the iden. When it comes to Cloth ing we know, and you ought to know, tlint we offer you renter opportunity for making ench dol lar go further thnn nny other store in the county- We have them in all styles and at all prices. A full line of Chin chillas, Heavers, blue and black, and Kerseys. $( oo Overcoats now sold for 53 fS.oo Overcoats now sold for $4 $to.oo Overcoats now sold for $ $i 3 Overcoats now sold for $ SO 16.00 Overcoats now sold for $Q Wc have the finest line of Boys' Suits ever shown in this town. An inspection is invited. Remember the place. THE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER, Levi Refowich, 10 and 12 South Main St. EVENING HERALD Vi:i)NKSDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 19(15. THE CONTROLLER ACT AGAIN. County Solicitor t'lrlcli MhIcim Application lo Oust Mr. Svturin No sooner bus Mr. Severn been installed into the office of County Controller, to which be was appointed by Governor Hastings and subsequently elected by the voters of the county, when an effort is made to get the courts to declare tho act creating tho office unconstitutional. County Solicitor John O. Ulrich wis at Harrisburg yesterday and applied for a rule of ouslor against the Coutrollor-olect. Mr. Ulrich is preparing an elaborate argument on the law's defects, and says there is no doubt in his mind as to the unconstitutionality of the act. Mr. Severn's interests aro looked after by Hon. Charles N. Itrumm and S. Bind Edwards, l'.i., and they dixigreo with the C ounty Solicitor's opinion. In tho interct of a suffering people it is to be hoped the question will be definitely settled at an early date. The only remedy in tho world that will at onco stop itchiness of the sk'in in any part of tho body, that is absolutely safe and never failing, is Doan's Ointment. Get it from your dealer. Tin Heading Clastdi. At the annual meeting of the Schuylkill classis of the Iteformed church, held at Sha mokin several weeks ago, it was decided to meet again at Pottsville and form two classis, the churches south of the Blue mountain to constitute tho new classis. At the .meeting yesterday this was accomplished, and l!ev. Robert O'Boylc, of town, and Itev. O. H. strunck, of Schuylkill Haven, were elected president and treasurer respectively of the new Schuylkill classii. Up to Date, for Pains ami Aclies. Everybody pays Red 1'lag Oil, U.rc. At (iruhlcr Bros., drug store. Mr. Worrell's Iteasou for Using Tickets. The combined attractions of Mr. Worrell's work Lecture, distribution of Chocolatoand Botanical Stage Exhibit are such, that were t'uero uo restrictions, Ferguson's theatre on S.ituiday afternoon might bo over-crowded and by a too miscellaneous gathering. In thisciibe those for whom the work isspecially intended would bo kept away. For this reason no porton will bo admitted without a ticket and none but housekeepers can obtain them, free, at Kirlin's drug t-toie. For comfortable, perfect fitting men's, ladies' or children's footwear, you want to go to Winner's, on North Main street, the most popular priced shoo store in town. 'Tlio llro lloss CciiMtretl. Tho Coroner's jury eiupannelcd to inves tigate the cause of the death of Joseph and John Frankenstein, at Bcochwood colliery, in their report place the blame upon Fire Boss Cook, that official being aware of the existence of gas and having allowed the men work. lion's Your Cough? Pan-Tina cures it, U5c. At Gruhlor Bros , drugstore. Mslmnoy Clly Unfitness College. This excellent colloge, at 205 East Centre street, gives Commercial, Shorthand jd Typewriting coursos equal to any in the state at the very lowest rates. Individual in struction. Day and evening claseos. Students constantly entering. Catalogue free. 10-14-tf G. W. Williams, Principal. "Aftor suffering from dyspeiwia for three years I decided to try Burdock Blood Bitters. Two bottles cured mo entirely." Mrs. G. C. White, Tuberg, Oneida County, New York. nought H Gallery. From Mt. C'armel News. Henry E. Woikol, of Shenandoah, this morning bought tho photograph gallery of M, W. Walsh, of Third street, between Oak and Maple. Mr. Weikoi has had contidorahlo experience in this line, and comes well recommended. When you wuut good rooilug, plumbing, gas fitting, or general tinsmithing dono call on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street. Dealer In stoves. 8-1-tf BUY YOUR. "Groceries FLOUR, FEED, HAY AND STRAW, Also Table and Floor 011 Cloths From E. E3. FOLEY, toi. Cuniif mid Aci tu. OAT11ERINO OF THE TEA0HEP.8. Tliv School Dlri-i'tor if Hid County Dlri'olor of tin, County Alrxi Met Tinliiy. Special to Kvi NINO, Potthvim.k, Xiiv. lS.Tho Schuylkill Oounty Tcacheri' Institute ret-on vi-notl lioro at 0:80 this morning by n talk on "A Immou on Corn." lire. John B. DeMottr. If. C. Slioalfrr, E. It. Blmw nnd Arnold Tompkins, and HiiteriiitotiiUnt Henry llouck aUo sioki during the session. They are also on the urogram for this afternoon. The School Directors' Association of Schuylkill county also mcl in anmml session hero this morning. The Shenandoah School Board was represented by Messrs. William T. Trezlse, T. If. Edwards, John T. leo and Hon. Patrick Conry. There wore several important discussions bearing upon public education nnd many interesting papors were read, but thoono that commanded the most attention and approba tion was one read by School Director T. It. Edwards, of Shenandoah. It was one which reflected great roMiareh and gave more whole some fact and advice regarding the educa tional system of this county than any other paper over read beforo an asM?Miblnge of School Directors in this county. The topic was "Educational llesponsibllity of Parent and Director Under Existing Lbwb." Un fortunately space will not admit the publica tion of the entire document. After an elaborate introduction of tho subject Hr. Edvards discussed "Ilcsitlta of Popular Education,'" pointing to tho 11,000,000 pupils who are being educated in this country by 100,000 teachers, Pennsylvania alone hav ing over a million students bent on the im provement of mind or matter. Tho main features of tho history of this country, be said, have no parallel and they may bo justly ascribed to the beneficent efforts of a popular education. No nation cvor rose to such power and dcvoloped.sucli unlimited resources in such a limited time. Mr. Edwards remarks on "Duty as Parents" were among the most striking of tho address, llosaid : "It Is our duty ns pHreuts to Hihmlt to all laws that ore made, and to encourage teachers and scbool officers by complying with -all the re quirement of siieli laws. In our country the will of the majority rules, and if measures are lmsscil which prove obnoxious, the best woy to kill them Is to enforce them. As Genera! Grant once said "If you want to get rid of a bad law, enforce it." Wc are in the van of progressive stiltes and to retain our position we must be prompt to aequnint ours-lveTT witli innova tion ami adopt them if beneficial. In Un friendly rivalry of states for the perfection of school systems we must be ever nlert, nnd ready to grasp all opportunities for educational superiority, and just as ready to discard any idea that has been pi oven unlit for tlic result intended. As parents we should begin to train the minds of our children as soon as they arc capable of receiving nnd retaining impressions. Vhcn we place them in schools wo sbould teach tllein to love their teachers, their school nnd their country. We should instill in tin ir hearts that love of school and learning which begets patriotism. Later we should emle.ivorto impress upon them the fact that under our glorious system of jrovcriiinciit and education it is pbsglhlo for the lowliest to niniint to tile pinnacle of fame. Wc should bold f'jrlli and encourage them with tho stories of the early struggles and final successes of our hUtori.-nl characters, our Soldiers, statesmen, authors, scholars nnd inven tors. Wc should give lliein to understand that the brilliant record of onr aclileemeuts in the aits and sciences stands unrivalled In the history if the world, and that il is possible under our )Ian of intellectual progress, for them to share n glories to come. Most of us send our children to school with the secret hope that the future may resound witli their deeds; that posihly a Washington, a Lincoln, a Grant, n lllaine, or an Iidison may lie liniUen in tlie little form that is now bendimr over a child's arithmetic. Tills is the proper feeling of a parent, and while be possesses u ne snouio oiso impart toinecnuu the hopes lie nurses for its future. In this man ner the youth is uiado to understand the use and value of knowledge and will naturally strive to gain such success that will entitle him to the emoluments that follow a gi.ixl common school education. You and I can nrnlmbly remember tlie oft-repeated expression m ,nr school days, when struggling through wbi.t I lien seemed an Intricate and uusolvahle problem, that wc could not "see what all this stlldvinir is trood for." All ! my friends, that Is tlie moment when soino kind advisor should have come lo our assistance witli words or encouraKeineut, ami comfort, and cheer, some friend who would point out the object of all study and subsequent knowledge. It is for this reason that I would emphasize the importance of explaining to our eliildreu tlie drift of all learnint:. In this errand country which we so fondly love I wim'il teach the child the patriotism that attaches to national successes. 1 would tell him how the United States stands bead and shoulder above all nations in the march of improvement in the arts, sciences and inventions. I would tell I dm in tho language of u iMiragraph that went the rounds or the papers someycais ago that Brother Jonathan com menced hiisiness in ,,( with i: stales nnd Hln,M)0 square miles of territory which was occupied by a.lifxyxio of civilized huin.m beings; he has now, after a little more than WO years of growth, a family of 70,000,000 wli- occupy 13 states ami 5 territories which embrace over y.oiiO.OOi) square miles. He bus 17i!,000 miles of railroad, or more than suOlcient to thrice girdle tin-eaith. and wortli 10.000,(100,000. Tho value of his agricultiial production isSt,000,mo,000,and his gold mines are capable of producing $SQ,()00, 00) a jear. lie ha nunc than 1,000 cotton factories, 1100 dally newspapers, UOOwccklyand 2,000 monthly publications These are the facts that we should bring lo the knowledge of our children at the fireside. Let tbeni be talked about, sung about and boasted about in our homes. Tell the children, in their homes, that the United States issue. more uewsnaners in number and aggregate circulation than all the r'st of tho world combined. That America out numbers the press of Great Britain 7 to 1, nnd lias nearly a dozen lwpers which print mote copies every issue than does the renowned London Times. Thai we have more cattle and other live stock, that we are fourth in the list of shccp-raising nations, h.i nor raised LriOU.OOO last year, ami that in foot! producing animals our country leans tn worm, mat nature licreeu, "by the physical features with which she has blessed our country," has marked it out asa brood field for development on the grandest scale. Tell our little boys and girls that we have the largest lakes, the longest rivers, the mightiest cataracts, the deepest caves, the broadest and most ferlile prairies and the richest gold, sliver, iron, copper and coal mines on the globe. All such knowledge may be imparted to Iho child at home and will serve to add zeal to Ills pursuits of knowledge, broaden his mind, and imbue him with it love and respect of country that will lie our protection in coming ages. Endeavor to fluff out the bent of the child's inclinations. If he is of an artistic turn of mind, tell him of our artists, who liavo won fame abroad. If he displays mechanical genius, toll him the history of Ameriean railroads. If he is fond of construction, tell him of tho Erie Canal, the Brooklyn Bridge and a hundred other great feat ol engineering. It lie is toiu, determined, nnd lias a commanding spirit, spur lti in on witli the talcs of the deed of our military and naval heroes Grant, Sheridan, Sherman. If he admires great projects tell him of tho Atlantic Cable and Cyrus Field. If his talent runs to electrical themes. Post him of tlie suc cesses of Morse, 1-Misou, Hell nnd the fruits of their works, the teleirriinh. tlie telephone, tho phonograph. Incalculable good done t(J UIU tilllll IHIl'll IMIUllim U-if it ,MJ aid to tlie toucher iuthus enlightening the minds of the children at home cannot be estimated. You know, especially those who have been trctflier. that. It is u slmnle matter to rccoLrnize the child who has hud the benefits of homo instructions, fedeh eliildreu. all else bsing uqual, aro imlcker to grasp tint subject matter of their lessons ond ore generally In tho lead (if their school mates. Unfortunately we have a large class of people In all communities who seem to think the school Is a largo kindergarten where they may soim incirlinureii loruiwruun tAortlit, nf ttllPl! in.nr4i. t,. tiitond in domestic or other duties. 1 (lily, M Jllio Miu.t tttu mnt t.v The idea of aiding and encouraging tlie teacher is foreign to their thought. They believe the teacher is upiHilnteil to relieve them of their parental and natural task of Instructing their offspring-. They unreservedly .throw all the responsibility of the child's education on tlio patient teacher, who often utters a silent prayer that parents would' ajwlst them 111 their arduous work Iiy training and drilling tlie minds of eliildreu to study. There Is another class of people who, I firmly believe, send (heircllildriWi to school simply because there are schools and that It is the fashion to do so. I doubt If such people, If plttetsl In u wilderness, v. ould succeed In keeping In oil vain- of tlie savr go. It is this clusauf parent who never sec the inlde of mliool moms; they never visit tlioin- ln luinlly inilrr ,f the child wlin Its tehciicr m, mill If Informed would forget the name tun lav Tlie only redeeming feature of tbelr ncul' lt and cnri'lcin-Hi i tin- implicit confidence Hit v exnioii in iiene iok mm me iiiIiIIpvk'1ioo1 Kkhi Kioii oi pinci in which to children." bring up A Chance to Snvo .Money. There is not the slightest reason why yuii should not feel well and strong. That great oiler of Dr. Greene's is proving the best friend that weak and delicate people cer had. ' A letter sent to him at his office, 33 West llth St., Now York City, telling the symptoms you are sullbring from, will he immediately answered by the doctor, describ ing your complaint minutely, and making you understand perfectly just what alls yon. And all this costs you nothing. You don't have to leave your home and you don't have to pay any doctor's fee to learn exactly what your complaint is, and how to get well and strong, from Dr. Greene, the greatest living specialist in curing nervous nnd chronic dis eases. The doctor makes n specialty of curing patients through his great system of iciicr eorresponuenco, ana is Having wonder ful success. Thousands of weak. deliiMte men and women aro writing him about their complaints, and aro belngpermanentlycurcd. It was he who discovered that world-renowned curative. Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and norvo remedy. Write tho doctor at once and see what ho says about your complaint. It will prolwbly lie the means of your getting lm'ck yeur health. CHIEF TOSH" WINS He nnd l'ollrcin.'iu Wulnltl Acquitted of a Charge, of Larceny. Chief of Police Tosh and Policeman Gcorgo Walaitis wore boforo the Court at Pottsville yesterday on a cbargo of larceny preferred by one Charles Fulkerson. Tho jury ren dered a verdict of "not guilty" and put the costs on tho county. This caso aroso out ol tho mid mado upon the house owned by Mrs. Lizr.iu Yodkois when the police arrested sonio men and women on a charge of assignation. Mrs Yodkois is to bo tried this week for leasing tho bouse for tho purposes of assijnation Aftor tho raid one of the women arrested said tiiero wore pictures in tho house that be longed to her and sho would pay Tpsh and Walaitis if they would go and get them Tho officers did so, but as tho woman failed to pay them for the service they hold the pictures as security. Fulkerson came for ward and claimed tho property, but Chief Tosh refused to givo it up mi til the fees were paid. The suit for larceny wis then brought with the result above stated. Schcllly House. Boston Baited Beans to-night. Finest lobsters in town. Chicken souit. Little neck clams. Itappahaunock oysters. Ham. Sardines. Swiss cheese. Fish cakes. Oysters in every style. A Car Inspector's Kscnpe. Wliilo climbing under box cars near Delano yesterday, a car inspector named Wollin eaino within an ace of meeting his fate. Ho was preparing to rerair a brake and getting un derneath a car and displayed the danger sig nal near the rear end of the trip, which was blown down by tho wind. An engine camo along and began to push the train just as the inspector was fairly in position to work. His only hope of escape was to hold on to some part of tho car underneath, as it was impos sible for him to warn tho engineer of his pre dicament. To the brake beam be clung for a distanco of 203 feet when tho train came to a stop and lie crawled out from underneath the cars uninjured. His coat and shirt were torn almost to shreds at the back from catching in Die ties along tho road. .T. 1'. Uradley's Mcnt Market For your clioico fresh and smoked meats, lard and all kinds of sausages. Largest stock in town at popular prices. 27 ISast Centre street, Shenandoah, Pa. 10-30-tt Tavorably Iteceivcd. Correspondence to Mahanoy City liccord. "Measles aro catching" is an old saying, and now that your people arc talking of erecting a new opera house, it has bet those of Shenandoah who aro interested in en gaging in the samo talk. Wo liopo it won't be all talk, as wo certainly need ono. If those who own the two present halls won't keep them in respectable condition, then they should have competition. Tho latest is to buy the old Merchants Hotel property, at tho corner of Main aud Coal street, and raze it to the ground, then build a bandsomo brick structure, to bo composed of a theatre and hotel building combined. Consumption in its advanced stages is boyond powers of man to cure. It can bo proYontcd, though, by timely uso of Dr, Wood's Norway Pino Syrup, nature's own remedy for coughs and colds. Notice to Water Consumers. Notice is hereby given by tlie Water Committeo of the Borough Council that be ginning with Thursday, tho 7th inst.. the water supply will bo curtailed, and con sumers of the public wator works will be Oirnislied with water only between the hours f 5;00 and 0:00 a. in. and 3:00 and 7:00 p. m nntil farther notice. By order of tho com- wittee. A. D. Gaiile, 11-7-tf Chairman, Go and try Womer's shoo store, on North Main street, for footwear. Tlio clioapost and best placo in town. 11-7-tf A Sure Cure for Coughs and Colds. That's what Pan-Tina is, 25c At Gruhlor Bros., drug store. A Costly Hunt. Miles Richards and John Kleckner, of Mahanoy City, woro arraigned befsro Justice May at that plffco this morning, charged by William Hosier with shooting rabbits on Sunday In Locust Valley. They were dis charged after paying $87.50 each as line and costs. . Good advlco: Never leave home on jsurnoy without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera aud Diarriitm llomcdy. For sale by Gruhlor Bros., Druggists. Marriage. The marriage of Miss Soplje Gotchall, of MaUovillc, and John JlerakUr, ot Mauauoy City, was celebrated yesterday at tho home of tho bride's jurentt. Thoy will reside at tho latter town. Aro von BiiiuiriniF irom mcuuuiueiu i tviectrin oil has cured thousands of thnworet on sos- ol Ibis tornuio uijouso. ji only costs SWeonts'to try it. Coming Events. Vm. es. Annual turkey supper, under auspices, ofAl) pints' P". JJ. Church, in Rob bins' oppri oiue. RitWfWinu truarantoed by Bell, the plumber. PITHY POINTS. I llnppciihigs Throughout tile ltcglon Clilon- 1 - Iclcd lor llHsty l'i'rtisal. Andrew Stem, of Tamaqtia, has been granted a pension. Tlie City Council of Heading Is objecting. to the unnecessary blowing of lobomotlvo w hlstles at night in that city nnd hare taken tho matter up With tlie railroad oillcials. In Berks county the prison warden has lieen Instructed to recognise no discharge of prisoners from aldermen ur justices until the board for prisoners is paid. They do those things better than wo do. A tetal scllpse of tho inoOn will occur Sun day night. Mrs. Prank Gildner, of Alleiltown, smothered hor three-weeks-old baby boy. Tlie Excelsior Social club will hold their private weekly dance in Itynkewloz's hall to night, Tlie dances of tho club aro a sucCois. Itobert Allison was eluded to tho vlco presidency of tho Pennsylvania National Bank, of Pottsvillo, to fill tho vacancy caused by tho death of John O. Lee. Cashier David U. Seibert mi reelected. Preston colliery No. a resumed work yoster- day. The merchants of Pottsvillo have organized for mutual protection. Cnpt. K. C. Wagner and bride, after an oxtended Southorn tour, returned to thoir liomo at Girardvillo yesterday. Martin Delanoy, of Middleport, is prospect ing Ibr coal in Tumbling ltun valloy. Buy your perfect fitting gloros at Max Levit's, 15 East Centre strcot. 2t TuUeti Vrom' tlio .lory. Special to KvKMtsu liKUArxi. ForrsviLLK, Nov. 13. The trial of tho case of one Baronofski against Thomas Tosh and Auumdus Womer, of Shouandoah,iternii naled this morning by the court taking tho case frrtui tlio jury and ordering (hat the de fendants be acquitted. Tlio abovo caso arose from a Constable's seizure mado by Tesh for Amandus Woinor. Tho officer stopped the plaintiff, while ho was driving over tho mountain to Brnudonville, for payment of a claim for a wagon. Tlio plaintiff refused to pay the bill and the officer and Womer brought the wagon back to town aftor unloading if, putting Baronofski oil', and unhitching the liorse. The plaintiff then prosecuted them for assault and luittery and larceny. El). A Mighty "leo Thing for Coughs. What? Pan-Tina, 25c. At Grubler Bros., drug store. Maley, the jowelor, for silverware, watches and iewelry. 10 North Main street. Best gas fitting is dono by P. W Bell. MISCELLANEOUS. OUIU SALE. Cheap, one bay mare, 7 years old and sound. Without a blemish. Works single, or double, anil Is nfrald of nothing; weighs ll.'iu pounil. l'. l-.. magargic, ll j'-nst Centre street, Shenandoah. 11-13-IW TWANT fine samples handed your friends or neighbors. Send Albert Wood, Perfumer, Wood Ave., Detroit, Mich., lOets for Ave trial bottles Satin-Scent Perfumes, receive oilers to you. jo-iB-diw'-iin OB SALE. One of the finest and bct located ImlcluT fclions iti town, will bo Hold chenn. The owner will lcavo town, tlio reason for scll- IiiK', For further information call on ornuuress Shennmloah Heef Company. ICKJl-tf "ANTED. 10 trlrlH at once, to work on lints mm wins on mowing mac nines, uoou wafjew paid to experienced hands. Apply at tho Keystone ;u i r. uo., iau mm us norm nowert Mreet, Shenandoah, Pa. 11-13-St JOTICE OF EMCCTION. Thonnnunl ineetinR 1 of the stockholders of tho Mutual Huilding and Loan Association of Shenandoah will he held on the third Thursday of iSovembcr, 189.1, between the hours of 5 and 8 p. m., for tho pur pose of electing four ollicersnnd eight direc tors to serve for tho ensuing year. KKHKH-onw Jons Gnuitl,KR, Secretary, TOH SALIC. A valunhlo property. 231 West Jj Lloyd street, Shenandoal mil with all modern conveniences. Tho lot Is 30x140. two liouos fronting on Lloyd street and two In the rear. "Will bo sold at reasonable figures. Apply cm the premises. Ileasons for selling, party leaving town. 11-8-lw TyANTED. An honest, active gentleman or 1 lady to travel for reliable established house. Salary $780, payable $15 weekly, and expenses. Situation permanent. Iteferences, Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, 31G Omaha Ihiilding, Chicago. lMl-2Ct WHAT BO YOU WANT? TO BUY A HANDSOME CHE NILLE TABLE COVER. 4-4 for 49 Cents. 6-4 for 87, Cents. 8-4 for $1.95. No finer quality to be had. Tin vnn w-itit frn T-iinr CHILDREN'S EX- TRA HEAVY BLACK A WOOL HOSE at Never sold for less than 25c. a pair. Our next hnro-nin la n ten pair of MINERS'! GRAY HALF HOSE I 5 for Above prices are for a short time only. riQMtn mm, No. 9 WEST CENTRE STREET. Tickets free to Housekeepers only. FERGUSON'S THEATRE, Saturday'Afternoon, November 1GU1, '95. Doors open 2 o'clock. Commence 2.30 o'clock (Standard Time,) MR. E. B. WORRELL, of Boston, tho. well-known publlo tanonenol t j- FOOD SUBJECTS will address the housekeepers ot tliln city. Tickets can be obtained free at Kirllu'H Vri)i Store. A j.otll'Oilil'liaci.-ac'eoSireof Channlntn nnd booklet of receipts ecjltetl by Mis l'urloa win uo given eacn iiuiy present, The staco exhibit of I'ooc Vlants and Haw Food l'rodtwts is from the HotakioAi. MlWKUM, JIAKVAKll UNlVKItSlTY, UAMURIDOE, JHAbH. No person will bo admlttsd wlthqut a ticket. ' The entire. expense Is borne by . , WALTER BAKER Ic CO., tne emi nent Chocolate manufacturers, . . . Dorcnester, mass. 5 '5 t That's thi Flonr;that JMakes the Best Bread. You can buy it of any grocer at $2.50 Per na'f barrel sack Thos. E. Samuels & Co., Wholesale Grocers, 105 South Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa. CHARLIE SING, - Chinese Laundry, NO. G SOUTH JARDIN STREET. First-class Work at Low Prices. All Work done In first-class manner, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shirts washed and ironed, 10c; shirts Ironed, 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c; undershirts, ?c; underdrawers, 7c; handkerchiefs, 2c. CHARLEY SING. Manager. : l Z-l. Garden's ART WALL PAPER Store. Wo liavo jiut received a lino lino of tlio most lionutlfiil and nrtistic papers in tlio market, which wo will sell at very reasonable prices. Wo have also in stock a great deal of last year's patterns which wo aro selling at a sacrifice Come and see our lino of goods. Wo liavo tho mo3t beautiful and artistic papors. Largest Paper Store in Town. Finest Stock and Lowest Prices. J. R. GARDEN No. SAM LEE, - Chinese Laundry, 10 North IVIoln Street. Clothes of all description neatly done up in first-class manner. I can refer to scores of amilios in this town as to my caro in washing aud superior neatness in doing np clothing. I do my work bottor and quicker than any other laundry in the city. i CHARLES LEE, Manager. Engagement Extraordinary ! REMENYI Grand Concert ! Farewell Tour of Edouard Remenyi THE GREATEST VIOLINIST OF THE AGE. Before returning to liis native laud he has consented to my a visit to Shenan doah and will give a Grand Concert at Ferguson's Theatre, -ON- Thursday, Nov. I4th, 1895, Under the auspices of nnd for tlie liencftt of tho PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHURCH, MR. REMENYI will be assisted iu the Concert by MISS rAVIJNE STEIN, Soprano. MZZE. LOUISE ROMAN, Solo Pianist. MR. EUGENE E. DAVIS, Baritone anil .Accompanist. Don't fail to read the press notices. POPULAR PRICES : Reserved Seats, 50 Cents Admission. 35 Cents Gallery, 35 Cents Edouard Remenyi has charmed the music-loving world. Chart is now open nt Kirlin's druc store. BEER IS FOOD. Good beer builds up both bone ' and brawn. It is Mrengtbcning, nourish lnp lnuhclc-makliiir. You will feel that. Head ing Brewing Company, beer is pure ond wholesome, specially acUilftcd for family use. tVl. C. WATSON,' Agent. South Msln street;- Shenandoah. Liquors, Wines and Cigars at Wholesale ana tieiau. REMOVAL SALE ! R R E E All goods must be sold by Jnnu ary 1st, regardless of cost. Our prices will prove to you that this Is a genuine closing out salo. Como early boforo tho assortment is gone. 25 to 40 per cent, saved. Store to rent and fixtures for salo after January lBt. M 1YL 0 O V A -A L L S S A Lightest and Best Located Store In Town. A L L E E 29 N. MAIN STREET, AIRS. Q. W. HYDE. GORMAN'S CAFE ! Cor. Coal and Main Sts. Hot lunch dally from 9 to 12 a. m. Eating bar fluaciiou wun jui me cieucacies 01 tne Bcason. Best of Cigars, Wines and Liquors. Prompt attention and polite waiters. Evan J. Davies, L1VERV AND Undertaking ! 13 N. Jardin Street. g AB LBS, WASHBURN CROSByCffS, 3 mil n urn r i House, Sign anil. Decorative Painting. 224 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, e OPEN EVERY DAY Go to tho Shenandoah Dental Eooms for painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver fillings. If your artifical teeth do not suit you call to sco us. AH examinations free. We make all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown and Bridge work and all operations that per tain to Dental Surgery. No charges for extracting when plates are ordered. Wo lire tho only usors of vitalizod air for tho painless extraction of teeth, i. SHENANDOAH Dental : Rooms, (Tltman's Mock) East Centre Street. Ofllco Hours: 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. FALL and WINTER STYLES. Call and sco tho brightest, breeziest, snappiest lot ot tan nuu winter suitings Shenan doah has over hud. We're experts on fit. We're dealers In new Ideas. We're leaders of reasonable prices. If you are a hard man to suit we want you to call. PORTZ & BRO., 24 North Main St. Fall and Winter MILLINERY. Cheapest place in town. A. MORRISON, No. 8 East Centre Street. "HE WAY TO GET RICH Is to save in buvintr. It's extra vnpance to puy turco dollars lor uuorticlowhen yon can buy ust aa good a one for one or two. vhen 3 it's a nouny oi ours 10 pen Fall : and : Winter Millinery For the least possible money, At 41.1a kinrn f I TI I Tl If R V U For instance : At tins store UlilLDKll.VM OATS can ryt bought at 25 cents and upwards, SAILOR HATS, SO cents and upwards and TIUMMlk) IIATS at $1.00 and upwards. Vooxpoctto win your trade by moklngltan advantage to you to buy at STANK'S, 1 South Main Street. - - Shenandoah. A genuine welcome' awaits you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. flriln. and Coal Stj, Pool room ottached. Finest whiskeys,! norterand'alo constantly on tap. Choice perance drinks ond cigars. , For the latest" Styles ond Lowest rrlccs In . . . Fall and Millinery ! Winter Call at SALLsIE SENIOR No. ill North , Main St., Shehai1 1