The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 13, 1895, Image 2

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1-.STA1JMSIIH1) 1870.
Published every Kvcnlnu, Kxcept Sunday, at
8 South Jarms STnr.OT, Nbah Chhtbb.
iThe Herald Is ilcllreied InShennndoali nntl the
surroundinf; towns fnr kIx cents n week, iay
able to llio earrlcrs. lly mail 81.00 a year, or a5
cent a month, payable In advnnco. Advertise
ments charged iiceordlnirtospnco nnd position.
The publisher reserve the rlRht to change the
position nf advertisements whenever tlic pul
Mention nf news dcnmmls It. Tlie rl?ht is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
naid for or not. mat tno nunusucrs may neeni
Improper. Advertising rates made, known
upon nppllcatioti.
Entered at the poKtotllce at Shenandoah, Pa., as
second class mall matter.
Evening Herald
The now opera house scheme is n good one.
1'tish it along.
Ouit vigorous foreign policy scorns lo havo
missed tho train.
It is now propor to speak of it as tho
formerly Solid South.
Chairman SimwmiiiJ lias porfonned the
Tcmarkablo feat of stepping on his own neck,
politically speaking.
Guoveh CLKVKI.AND will have a real
American Congress "on his hands" soon, and
is now wondering what ho will do with it.
It is easy lo imagine what it will do with
Tin: display of female, beauty at Pottsvillo
is just now creator than over before. Shen
andoah has a full quota of school warms at
tho institute.
Ir tho Hon. W. J. Whltohouse really
believes that tho chief end of political cam-
paigus is to secure tho defeat of Republican
candidates, his skill as a strategist is great
There arc very few, however, who think that
The question of tho Senatorial succession
is bobbing un continually. Lancaster has
one Senator who is strongly anti-Cameron
and it looks as if tho one to be elected next
rear in this county would bo of tho s-amo
We give considerable space in to-day's
issuo to tho report of tho proceedings of the
School Directors, in session at Pottsvillo to
lav. which will be appreciated by our
readers, especially that portion giving
synopsis of tho paper read by our towns
man, T. R. Edwards, on tho "Educational
responsibility of tho parent and tho Director
under existing laws." It is a subject that is
of interest to every parent in Shenandoah.
and it is presented in a manner that reilects
great credit upon tho author.
A peculiar case was recently dunosed of
by a Chicago jury. A man in that metropo
lis of tho wost rented a house for a year, but
moved out in three or four months, becauso
the bed bugs mado life unbearable, where
upon tho landlord sued for tho balance of th
year's rent. When the case canio up for trial
counsel for tho landlord presented his case
and it looked rather blue for tho tenant until
his lawyer presented his side of the case,
which ho did so effectually in a speech oi
half an hour's duration, in which he dealt
with the question of bed bugs so thoroughly
that the jury decided in his favor. It is
now settled that a Chicago landlord cannot
recovor in such a case unless it is specially
provided in tho loaso that the landlord is not
responsible for bed bugs.
Tho momburs of tho Retail Liquor Dealers
Association have had under consideration for
some time tho reduction of tho number of
Kiloous in this town, and any effort on their
part in tills direction will be heartily seconded
by all intelligent and respectable citizens. Tin
kecpors of rcputablo and orderly saloons will
heartily indorse tho project to rid their trado
of a factor which only brings reproach upon
it and tends to doinoralizo tho community
No legitimate interest would culler if tho
present number of saloons in this town wore
i ut down ono-half, whilo tho public would bo
a vast gainer. Tho license question in
.Schuylkill county has come to that stage when
it behooves not only the men engaged in tlie
busiiiDsn, but every parent, to assist in rem
edying tho existing evils.
Such a movement need not bo prompted by
puritanical or bluo law motives, nor a desire
to'infripgo tho principlo of "porsoual lib
erty." A learning of the uumior of saloons
would not prevent persons fram obtaining
malt or spirituous drink if they wished to do
so. Experience has simply demonstrated
that where saloons are in excess of tlie
natural wants of population; competition bo
comes so sharp and close as to tempt their
proprietors to eke out their meager profits by
converting their places into dens of vice and
erime, and, the evil should be stopped. It is
the existence of such low resorts, due to over
crowding of th liquor business, which has
brought drinking places is a class Into dis
repute and nuule- it difficult to awaken public
interest in behalf of their owners. It is to be
hoped that the- ljijuor dialers awtclation will
see the wisdom of lending their assistance in
enforcing the Brooks' high license Jaw, and
tans Btamphig out the JofT resorts,
Stolen Property Amounting to 8170,000
Unearthed by lloston l'ollco.
Boston. Nov. 13. Tho arrost of James
Stevens ChalTco, of this city, by tho pollco
anil the reoovory of ovor $20,000 worth of
stolen plundor was followed last night hy
even more startling discoverlos. In addi
tion to tho proporty recovered on Monday
stocks and bonds to tho T.ihio of $141,000
(par value) were brought to thoinspector's
olllce. An agreement was found signed
by Mrs. William Barrett by which sho
turned over nil her husband's proporty to
Chaffee. Barrett is n notorious criminal
now serving n life sontenco for murder in
this stnto, and Chaffoo claimed that all tho
stuff which wim found on his promises has
been Riven to him by Barrett in return for
his having spent a great deal of money In
Barrett's defense at the tlmo of the mur
der trial. Tho charge against Chaffco Is
recolvlng stolon goods while knowing them
to havo boon stolen.
Tho totnl amount of plunder scourod by
tho police now roaches at least $170,000 in
Mrs. Ames, widow of tho Into Million
aire Frederick Ii. Ames, of this city, called
nt tno Inspector's ollico and identified a
number of articles which wero stolen from
tho Ames resldenco several yoars ngo. Sho
also recognized several articles which woro
stolen from tho North Eastou residence of
the lato ox-Governor Oliver Ames. Sir.
Klddor, of tho Stnto street banking Arm of
Kidder, Pcabody & Co., tho dlscovory of
whoso collection of postngo stamps In
Chaffee's possession led to tho latter's ar
rest, ulso called. Ho, too, recognlzod somo
of tho goods which wore stolen during a
robbery nt his Milton rosldence six yoars
The police do not nlnco much faith In
tho story that Chaffoo is a brother of Will
iam Barrett.
Marvelous lEesults.
From a letter written by liev. .1. Gmuler-
man, of Diniondale, Mich., we are permitted
o luaKo this extract : I liavo no hesitation
n rccommcudimr Dr. Kinir's Xew Discovery.
as the results were almost marvelous in tho
case of my wife. While I was pastor of tho
Jiaptist cliurcli at Jtives junction slie was
nought down with Pneumonia succeeding
m Grippe. Tumble paroxysms of coughing
would last hours with littlo interruption and
t seemed as if she could not survive them.
friend recommended l)r. King's New
Discovery: it was quick in its work and
highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles
I roe at A. Vwisley s drug store. Regular size
50c and $1.00.
Wants to Succeed Senator Gibson
Baltlmouk, Nov. 13. Congressman
Georgo L. 'Wellington, chairman of tho
Republican stato committee, announces
his candidacy for tho United States senate
to succeed Sonator Charles H. Gibson. "I
havo decided to enter tho contest for tho
seuatorship, and I expect to win," said ho.
"There is no necessity for ropoallng the
so called Eastern Shore law before tho
election of the senator. The fact that a
resident of another part of tho state- is
elected will bo a virtual repeal of it, and In
this Instance it will bo ignored. Tho
United States senato, under the constitu
tion, will seat any man who is a resident
of tho stato, and will ignore tho law in
such a case, as it is clearly unconstitu
tional. Later in tho session the statute
will probably be repealed."
Tho wifo of Mr. Leonard Wells, of East
Ilrirufiehl, Mass., had been suffering from
neuralgia for two days, not being able to
sleci or hardly keep still, when Mr. Holden,
tho merchant thero, sent her a bottle of Cham-
licrlain's l'ain Balm, and asked that sho give
it a thorough trial. On meeting Mr. Wells
the next day ho was told that she was all
right, tho pain had loft her within two
hours, and that the bottlo of Pain B.ilm was
worth $5.00 if it could not bo had for less.
For salo at 50 cents per bottlo by Gruhler
Bros., Druggists.
Captain llrewer Must Not Play Pootbnll.
CAJtur.IDOE, Nov. 13. A great commo
tion was caused at Harvard yesterday
afternoon by tho announcement that tho
faculty had requested Captain Brewer, of
tho 'Varsity football eleven, to refrain
from taking part in any football contests
during the remainder of tho season. In
other words, tho faculty has placed him
on what Is termed "athlctio probation"
for neglecting his studies. This Is tho first
tlmo in tho history of Harvard eollego
that such action has been taken by the
faculty. Tho students characterized tho
action ns another blow to football. Cap
tain Brower will still play In pructice, nnd
do all ho can to aid tho team. Edward
Wrightington will be Hold captain.
Keller In Six Hours.
Distressing kidnoy and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New Great
South American Kidnoy Cure." This new
remedy is a groat surpriso on account of its
oxcecding promptness in relieving pain in
tho bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of tho urinary passages in male or female.
It reliovos retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. "If you want
quick relief and cure this is your remedy.
Sold by Isaac Shaplni, druggist, 107 South
Main street.
Mr. YVannmalier Made It Good.
Indianapolis, Nov. 13. Mombors of
the Indiana Republican stato contral com
mittee say that John Wunumnkor has sent
(10,000 to Indiana in settlement of a claim
he Republicans havo urged since 1893.
Tho story is that Mr. Wnnamnkor, pre
sumably speaking for tho national com
mittee, agreed to stand good for tho
amount when the Republicans, under
stress of weather, asked for help. W. T.
Durbln, of Anderson, dopondlng upon the
national committee's promiso, borrowed
the money for the committee, and has been
trying to secure sottloment since.
Cremated In a Chicago Fir.
CHICAGO, Nov. 18. John Baramlskl was
burned to death, his wifo nnd 21-year-old
son Martin fatally injured, and three
other peoplo badly hurt In a fire which de
stroyed two buildings on Noblo street
early in the morning. The fire was dis
covered by a policeman, who endeavored
to arouse the family. This could not be
done, and tho firemen had to break In the
doors. The members of the family were
all unconscious, and the fire had gained
such headway that their rescue was offeoted
with great difiiculty. The fathor'abody
was burned to a crisp.
Tiieklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in tho world for cnte,
raises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all akin eruptions, and positively win a piles,
r no pay required. It is guaranteed toglvo
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
a cent per box. For salo by A. Wasley,
Bay Keystone flour. Bo sure that the
aame Lkmio & Hakb, Ashland, P., is
yrinted on every swk. tt
The Secretary Jlny bo Appointed to Justice
Jackson's Vacant Scat.
"Washington, Nov. 13. Tho Post today
says that Secretary Carllslo mny bo ap
pointed to tho supremo court bouoh to suc
ceed tho late Justico Jackson. Tho Post
says that somo tlmo ngo tho president had
practically ilxed upon Judge Itufus 1'cck
lmm, of tho Now York court of npponls, for
tho place. It continues: "All theso plans
aro snld to hnvo been changed by recent
elections. Had Kentucky elected a Demo
cratic legislature it was expected that
Mr. Carllslo would stop from tho cabinet
Into tho senate This anticipation cannot
now bo rcallzod. Tho political revolution
in Kentucky has also materially affected
Mr. Carlisle's chances for tho presidential
nomination. Should Mr. Carllslo loavo
tho treasury his ploco will undoubtedly bo
filled by rt Now York man, and Chnrlos S.
Fnlrehlid is said to havo been practically
determined upon for the position."
How to Prevent Croup.
Croup is a terror to young mothers and to
post them concerning tho causo, first symp
toms and treatment is the object of this item.
Tho origin of croup is a common cold.
Children who aro subject to it take cold very
easily and croup is almost suro to follow.
The first symptom is hoarseness ; this is
soon followed by n peculiar rough cough,
which is easily recognized and will never bo
forgotten by one who has hoard it. Tho timo
to act is when tho child first becomos hoarse.
If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely
given all tendency to croup will soon disap
pear. Even after tho croupy cough has de
veloped it will prevent tho attack. Thero is
no danger in giving this remedy for it con
tains nothing injurious. For salo by Gruhler
Bros., Druggists.
Killed by a Iturstlng Flywhcol.
Aluanv, Nov. 13. Tho monster twenty
ton llywheel in tho power houso of tho
Albany railwny burst lato yesterday after
noon, and tho hurling fragment inflicted
injuries from which John I'lchl died last
night at tho hospital. Thoothcrs hurtaro:
Charles Meyers, supervisor elect, leg and
anklo bruised; Thuiss, hoad and left
breast lasceratcd, may die; John Faust,
hoad nnd legs Injured. Ono of tho ploces
crashed through Charles Meyers' saloon,
across tho street. In this wero tho dead
man and tho others injured. Another
piece, weighing two tons, flew across n
houso two blocks away and tore oil tho
sido of Ellzuboth Mace's resldonce, but In
jured no one.
Kle trio Hitters.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any
season, but perhaps moro generally needed in
tho spring, when the languid exhausted
feeling prevails, when tho liver is torpid and
sluggish and tho need of a tonic and altera
tive is felt. A prompt use of this mcdicino
has often averted long and perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No medicino will act more
surely in counteracting and freeing tho sys
tem from the malarial poison. Headache,
Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to
Electric Hitters. Only fifty cents per bottlo
at A. Waslcy's drug store.
Many Lives Lost In a School Fire.
Ghana, West Indies, Nov. 13. A school
building hero in which 150 children wero
presont caught fire, and boforo anything
could bo dono tho whole building was
nblazo, .and in splto ot heroic offorts tho
building was destroyed. Tnlrty-ono charred
bodies, including that of tho teacher, havo
so far been taken out. Tho ilro Is believed
to bo of iucondiary origin, nnd two boys
who had been severely punished by the
teacher nnd suspondod from school uro be
lloved to bo tho authors of tho crime. Thoy
havo been arrested, but so far havo not
Nothing Stands as High
as a remedy for every womanly ailment, as
Dr. Pierce's Favonto Prescription, it is au
invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing
and strengthening nervine, and a complete
cure lor all tho UenuiKcniciits. riaiiilul dis
orders and chronic weaknesses peculiar to the
For young girls entering womanhood ; for
women at the critical "change of life" ; for
women approaching confinement ; nursing
mothers: and overy woman who is run
down." tired, or overworked it is a special,
safe, and certain hell). Send for free pamphlet
or remit 10 cts. (stamps) for u book of 1US
pases, on Woman and ller uiscases" aim
how to euro them with homo treatment. Ad
dress World's Dispensary Medical Association,
Buffalo, .N. V.
Dr. Pierce's Pellots cure constipation, pilcx,
biliousness, indigestion, or dyspepsia, nnd
September 30. 18M.
Trains will leave Hhennndoah after the above
ilato for wljrjraiik, Uilberton, r ruckville, Dark
water, St. umir, rnusviuo, iiamnurg, iiemiing,
l'ottstown. 1'hoenlxville. orribtuwn and Phil-
ndulphin (Ilrnnil street station) nt 008 nnd 11 45
n. ni. nntl i lo p. m. on weeK iinys. ror i-oiis-
villc nnd inturtnedinte stations 9 10 n. m.
For Wlggans, Oilberton, Frnckville, Dark
Water, b't. Clair, I'ottsville, at 0 03, 9 10 . m. nnd
a io p. m. i'or naniDurg, Jtenaiug, rotiwown,
1'hoenlxville, Norristown, Philadelphia- ntOOO,
9 JO n. in.. 3 10 n. m.
Trains leave Frnckville for Shenandoah nt
10 10 a. in. nnd 1211, 0 01, 7 -12 and 10 27 p.
Siniduv. 11 V.i a. in. nnd 3 10 n. m.
Leave I'ottsville for Shenandoah at 10 15 11 -IS
a. in. anil 1 40, 7 15 nnd 10 00 p. in. Suiulny nt
10 10 n. in., 5 15 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), for
Shenandoah at 5 57 nnd 8 85 n. in., -1 10 and 7 11
p. in. week days. Sundays leave nt 0 50 n, m.
Leave Ilronil street station, 1'hUmlelphln, for
Sen Girt, Ashury Park, Ocean Uroe, Lonic
IlrnHCh, nnd Intermediate stations, 6.50, 8.2-7,
11.39 n. in., 3.30, 4.00 p. m. week-days. Sundays
(stop nt Interlnkon for Ashury I'Hrk), 8.SS a.m.
Leave Brood Street Station, Philadelphia,
Kxpress, week days, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15, 6 50,
7 33, 8 20, 9 50, 10 30 (Dinlntt Car), 1100, 1114 n.
ra.. 12 noon, 12 83 (Limited 100 nnd 4 22 p. m.
Dlnlnc Cars), 140,2 80 (DlninK Car), 8 20, 4 00,
5 00, 5 58 (Dining Car), 8 00, 6 50, 8 12, 1000 p. ru.,
12 01nlKht. Sundays, 3 20, 4 03, 4 50, 515, 8 12,
9 50, 10U0(Dinlii( Car). 1103 n. m 1285, 2 30
(Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited 4 22), 5 20, 5 68 (Din
ini Car), 6 85, 6 80, 8 12, 10 00 p. in., 12 01 night.
Kxpress for Boston, without chango, 1100 a.
m. week days, nnd 6 50 p, m. dally.
For Baltimore and Washington, 8 60, 7 20, S 1 31,
$10,10 30, 1118, 1188 a. m (12 31 Limited Din
lnir Car), 1 12. 8 48, 4 41 (3 16 Conirredslonol
Limited, blnhiff Car), 6 17, 6 53 (Dlnfn Oar
7 40 (Dinlnr Car) p. m and 12 03 nlghl w
Says. Bun5T.a SO, 7 20, 9 10. U 18. if 88. a. m.,
1 12. 4 41. 8 53 (Dining Car), 7 40 p. ra. (Dining
Car) and 12 05 night. . , . ,,
Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia,
Express, 8 B0 a. m 2 10,4 00, and SCO, j.. m.
week days. Sundays, 8 45 and 1 1 45 a. in,.
For cip May, Anglessea, WIMwocH and
Holly Beaoh. Kxpress, 9 00 a. m.,aud 4 CO p. m.
week days. Sundays, 9 00 a. m.
KorSe Ile City, Ocean City and Avaton.
Kxpris,900a,m;,nd 4 00 p. m. week. days.
Sundays, 9 00 a. in. x ,m , .
trot oomers roini. r tt
8'Mj.n"nar. Oen'J Pa'K
5 indigestion
Yields readily to Hood's Sarsaparllla
becauso it tonoj and strengthens tho
stomach and aids
digestion by sup
plying puro blood.
"I had indiges
tion so badly that
I was all run
down and could
hardly walk. Had
no appetite and
could not sleep.
I began taking
Hood's Sarsapa
rllla, and before I
had taken a fourth of a bottle I was very
much bettor. I also used Hood's Pills and
found them splendid, very mild, yet effec
tive. I cannot say enough in praise for
what they have dono for me. Since uslnj;
two bottles of Hood' Sarsaparllla nnd
Hood's Pills occasionally I feel almost like
a new person. I ha e a splendid appetite,
sleep well and work with ease." Annie
C. Lantz, Belleville, Pennsylvania.
flood's Sarsaparllla
Is tho only True Blood Purlflor promi
nently in the public eye. f 1; six for J5.
Hood's Pills
Do you DESIRE to Make
Make your money earn you n monthly
310.00 and more made dally by our new sys
tematic Finn of Operntlon on small investments
In grain nnd stock speculation.
All wo ask is to investigate our new nnd
original methods. Past workings of plan nnd
highest references furnished. Our llooklct
"Points ife Hints" how to mnke money nnd
tlicr information sent PRISE.
Gilmore & Co., Bankers and Brokers.
Open Board of Trade lllilg.. Chicago, 111.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Wholesale Liquors.
Welter's, Berliner and Weiss Beer.
22-24 S. Alain St., Shenandoah, Pa.
M . J. LAW LO R,
Justice of the Peace,
Insurance and
Real Estate Agent,
123 East Centre St,
Properties For Sale.
mWO-STOKY Frame Building, 80x45 feet on
L South Chestnut street. Itents for $18 per
month t will he sold cheap.
on West Centro street. Will pny 12 per
cent, on Investment, and can he bought on cosy
AFARSI OF 83 ACHES within three
miles of kooiI market. Twonty-nlno
acres under cultivation, nnd four acres ol
good timber. Frnmo farm house, six rooms,
good hnrn nnd nil In good condition. Will be
sold for $1,200 cash.
HALF LOT and two houses on South Main
treet. ?1,800.
mVO LOTS and six houses, including threo
L story frame hotel nnd store room, on
Centro street. Property in good condition.
Aggregate rent. gllO.OO per month.
Specialist in diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
207 West Market St., POTTSVILLK.
Hours 8:30 a. m. to IS m.; 1 to 4 p. in.. i
8o. m, Sundays (I a. m. to 12 m
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
All work guaranteed to be first-class In every
E articular. Silk ties and lace curtains a SBee
dty. Good j called for and delivered. A fSlal
order solicited
Hooks & Brown,
Wo dellverthe
and alt the
d rally papers.
Agents for. all periodicals, tc.
A N. Main Street
At the Dilatory Taotica of tlio Sul
tan of Turkey,
A General Opinion In Constantinople That
Ahilul Ilaiuld Can ho IlroiiRtit to n
Itenllzntlou of Ills Duty Only by a Show
of Force.
Constantinople, Nov. 13. Kach duy
shows tho situation of affairs hero to bo
growing moro threatening. Tho porto yes
terday, replying to tho ldontical notes of
tho ambassadors of Germany, Austria nnd
Ituly, simply snld that Information regard
ing tho schome for reform in Armenia
would bo forwarded to tho roprcsontntlves
of tho powers "without delay."
In other words, tlieso three ambassadors,
at least, have obtained no satisfaction nt
nil. It is not yet known if tho notes of
tho nmbnssadors of Great Britain, Russia
nnd Franco have been replied to, but it is
presumed that they wero also assured that
their requests for Information regarding
tho proposed reforms would be complied
with "without dolny."
The action ot the sultan In sanctioning
tho official noto issued by tho porto on
Monday, assorting that "order lias now
been rostored in alL tho districts," eto.,
causos- much surpriso among tho diplo
mats. This really looks like mocking tho
ambassadors, nnd a second in lviportance
only to tho snub administered by tho sul
tan to Great Britain in decorating Bahri
Pasha and giving him tho command, of tho
troops going to Zoltoun, after ho had, been
romoved from a governorship, at the in
stance of tho British ambassador, Sir
Philip Currlo, for his ill treatment of Ar
menians. As to order being restored In tho dis
turbed districts it need only bo said that
tho mobilization of about 150,000 troops to
be sent to these districts is progressing as
uotivoly as the Turkish government can
push such an undertaking, hampered as it
is by lack of funds and tho incompotoucy
of its officials. Then, again, advices just
received hero nnnounco frosh disturbances
nt Marash, Bltlis and Slvns, with their at
tendant massacres.
It whs stated in Europenn official circles
here that as a result of an additional ex
change of views between tho powers,
through their representatives hero and at
tho different capitals, it is believed that a
joint course of notion, Involving a display
of naval and, possibly, military forco, has
already been decided upon, with a viow of
restoring order in Armenia, recent events
having clearly demonstrated that tho sul
tan has no intention of really carrying out
tho schomo for reform agreed upon somo
time ago after so much delay and nnnoy
nnco. Certain it is that tho sultan will
not bo allowed to trifle with tho ambas
sadors for many days longer.
A prominent momber of tho diplomatic
corps Is quoted as saying that "tlie end of
nil this wretched business is fast approach
ing." It is understood that tho powers
hnvo about decided that further "ldontical
notes" or other such communications uro
useless in tho case of Abdul Humid, and
that only prompt and officiout military ac
tion is likely to hnvo any influence upon
According to official Turkish ndvicos re
ceived by the government tho Armenians
of Zeltoun have, sinco capturing tho bat
talion of Turkish troops and practically
obtaining possession of tho city, attacked
tho vlllngo of Tchoukour HIssar, killed
thirty-flvo Mussulmans, pillaged a houso
nt Duughol and carried off tho arms and
cattle of tho inhabitants of that neighbor
hood. Tho Armenians aro said to havo as
sassinated tho secretary of tho collector of
customs of that part of tho country.
Tho vail of Adana, a town situated somo
distonco from Zcitoun and nearer tho
coast, telegraphs that 200 Armenians, dis
guised ns Circassians, havo attacked and
plundered tho Mussulman villago of Zoi
tunboll and Narl, killing a nunibor of tho
It is bollovcd in somo Armenian quarters
hero that tho ostimato of 10,000 Armenians
killed during tho recent massacres may
turn out to be considerably under tho real
totul, and that tho number may come
nearer 15,000 than 10,000.
Procured Fraudulent Ileglstrntlnn.
Baltimohk, Nov. 13. Assistant United
States District Attornoy H. Snowden Mar
shall caused the arrost of Charlos Schlatter,
of Highlandtown, president of the Oriental
Browing company, ex-member of tho houso
of delegates from Baltimore- county, and
candidate for county commissioner on tho
Domocratio ticket in tho last election, for
violating tho United States naturalization
laws. He was released on $3,000 ball in
his own recognizance. Ho is alleged to
have procured tho fraudulent registration
of a number of Germnns living in the
Twelfth district of Baltimore county.
Knocked Out in Four Itounds.
Cincinnati, Nov. 13. A largo crowd
wa9 present nt tho Olympic club hero last
night to witness Jimmy Bynn and George
Johnson, colored, fight ten rounds for $300.
Johnson was tho taller and heavier; and
for three rounds displayed science. Ia tho
fourth round the colored man swucg his
right, but was countered with a Jab on the
chin that raised him from the floor. Ue
fell heavily and was rendered unconscious.
Ryan wan awarded the prize.
ItlM NethemoU Visits Mrs. Cleveland.
Wabhinqton, Nov. 18. Miss Ola Neth
rsole, tho distinguished English actress,
who is playing in this city, visited Mrs.
Cleveland at the suburban residence at
Woodtcy yesterday by special Inversion,
and spent the afternoon with her. ' Mrs,''
Cleveland hod mot Miss Nethereoleon n
fonnar- occasion,, atu) had' been charmed
with herporBonaUt?';
are made from (lie root of
the Asparagus, recom
mended by eminent phy
sicians for the Kidneys
and the Blood.
Cure all Kidney Troub
les, as well as Rheumatism,
Gout, Anaemia, Lack of
Ambition, Nervousness,
Headache, etc.
A few docs will relieve, gfe
At all druggists, or by
mail prepaid, for 50c. a box.
Send for pamphlet.
Chicago. San Franolsco
kNCB MORE In harmony
' with tho world. Onon
completely cured men aro
glng nappy praises ror
mo greatest, granu
est and most suc
cessful cure for sex
ual weakness and
lost vigor known to
medical science An
I accountof thtsioon
derful discovery, In
book form, with ref
erences and proofs,
will lin.ant in a..f
ferlng men (sealed) free. Full manly vigor
permanently restored. FaUuro impossible.
The only Genuine Specialist In Fblladel-
tthl.i. nntwlthqtAnritnir whnt nthpra nnppr.
tlse. Nervons Debility and thnresulis of Indis
cretion. U yenrs' Kuropcnn Hospital ncH Illi
years' Prnctlcnl Experience hpeclnl DIs
rnses nnd Strictures l'crinnneutly Cured
lui tolODnys. ltclicf ut once.
Dl nfin OniCnt! Primary or beconilary. cured by
DLUUU rUIOUn cntlrelynewmetliod30to90dayj.
Bend five 2c. stamps for boolc "Tru th," beneficial to
youni? andold, slugleond married; onlybnnk ox
rinsing quacks. Hours, Wj ees, !; Wed.and
Fat. evTgs,tHI.30; Unn.,9-12. Il others robbed nnd
deceived you don't Judgn all alike. I will cure
you nnd make you vlaoroim and strong. Lowest
chanres for the best treatment. Tl 'rite or ctiU.
k Chlch enter's English Diamond llronrf.
Original and Only Genuine
9ktz, alwaji reliable, ladies ask ,
ftrnirrial for Chichettttr M FntilUk Dia-J
nuntA Brand in llnil and Geld mtUllloV
iboxu, scaled vita bine ribbon. labo '
tin n(1Aj. fitful AjinttertniM tuhttttw
tiotwand imitation. At Druggist!, or Brad 4c
la ttaiopi or particalun, tcsttmootaU and
Keller for Ijullcm ' I"". j rciom
JHnll MIHVWXt It'itlliiuumii. iiumiiiijifia
told tur all iei "nuutUu. I'blUf l'a
In Effect JIahcii 24, 1895.
Passenger trains leave Bhenandnah for
Penn Haven Junction", Mauch Chunk, Le
bighton, Slntington, White IIall,Cata8nuna,
Allentown,I!ethlehein,Easton and Weatherly
nt f. 04, 7 38, ft 15 a m., 12 43. 2 57, 5 2T p m.
1-W New York and Philadelphia, d 04,
7 38, 9 15 a.m., 2 43, 2 57. p. m. For Qua
knlte, Switchback, Gerhnrda and liudsondale,
9 10 a. in. nnd 2 57 p. m.
For Wilkes-Barrc. White Haven, Pittston,
Laocyville, Townnda, Sayre, Waverly and
Eliniro. f 04, 9 15 u m, 2 57. 5 27 pm.
For Rochester, Buflalo, Niagara Falls and
the West, 9 15 o. m. and 2 57, 5 27 p. ra.
For Bolvidere, Delaware Water Gsp and
Stroudsburg. 0 04 n: m, 2 57 p. m.
For Lanibertville and 'Irenton, 9 15 am.
For Tankhannock, 6 04,9 16 a. m.,257,5 27
p. in.
For Ithaca aud Geneva, 6 04, 9 15 am
J 27 p m.
For Auburn, 9 15 am, 5 27 p m.
For Jeancsville, Leviston and Beaver
Mondow, 7 38 a. m., 12 43 p. m.
For Stockton nnd Lumber Yard, 6 04, 7 38,
J 15 a m 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08 p. m.
For Silver Brook Junction, Audenried and
llnzleton, 6 04, 7 38, 9 15 a m, 12 43, 2 57, 5 27
nnd 8 08 p in.
For Scranton, 6 04, 9 15 a m, 2 57 and 5 27
p ni.
For Hazlehrook, Jeildo, Drlfton and Froe
luud, 0 04, 7 3s, 9 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27
p. in.
For Ashland, Girardville and Lost Creek,
1 40, B 15, 7 30, 9 13, 10 20 a. in., 12 35, 1 40,
4 10, 6 35, 8 22 p. m.
For Raven Run, Centralia, Mount Oarrnel
midShamokin.O 13, 11 14 a in, 1 32, 4.20,
8 22,9 16 p. in.
For Yatesville, Park Place, Mahanoy City
and Delano, 5 50, (1 04, 7 38, 9 15, 11 05 a. m.,
12 43, 2 57, 5 27, H 08, 9 23, 10 53 p. in.
Trains will leave Shamokin at 5 15,815,
1145 a. m., 1 55, 4 30, 9 30 p. in., and arrive
Hheuandoah nt 6 04, 9 15 a. m , 12 43, 2 57,
'7, 11 15 p. m
Leave Shenandoan for Pottsville, 6 04,
7 38,9 08, 11 05, 11 30 a.m., 12 43, 2 57,4 10,
5 27, 8 08 p. m.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, S 00,
7 40, 9 05, 10 15, U 48 a. in , 12 32, 3 00, 4 40
5 20, 7 15, 7 55, 9 40 p. ro.
Leave Shenandoah for Ilazlolon, 8 04, 7 38
9 15, a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08 n. in.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7 35,
10 05, 11 00 a. m., 12 15,2 68, 5 30, 725, 7. 58,
p. m.
Trains leave for Raven Run, Centralia,
Mt. Carmel and 8haniokin, 6 45 a. m., 2 40 p.
m, and arrive at Shamokin at 7 40 a. m. and
3 45 p.m. , ,
Trnlns Wvn Shsmokin for Shenandoah at
,7 55 a. ro. and 4 00 p. m., and arrive at Shen
andoan at o 49 a. m. and o p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland, Girardville and
Lost Creek, 9 40 a. in., 12 30 p. m.
For Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, Penn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentowi,
Bethlehem, Easton and New York, 8
a. m., 12 30,2 55 p. m.
For Philadelphia, 12 30, 2 55 p. .
For Yatesville, Park Place, Habaney Oity
and Delano, 8 49, 11 35 a. m., 13 30, 2 55,4 58,
A 03 p. in.
Leave nazleton for Bhtnand'pah, 8(3'
u ou a. to.. 4 Vi, il U . HI.
Leave' Shenandoah for PotUrill,
D 4V, V iJt B. ia., v u, IU.
w ' Ti . . ' 1 1 1 , c at .
10 40 B. ro-Vr 35, 6 15 p. m.
Deain tie i