The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 12, 1895, Image 2

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kstahi.ishkh ih:o.
Published every livening, Kxcrpt Sunday, nt
8 South JAmu.i Stiikkt, Nbau Ciotiik.
rthn llrralil in ilcllvnril InHhcniinilonli nnd tlio
surrounding towns for six cent a week, pay-
able to the enrricn. Ily mail $1.00 n yr, or 2.1
cents n month, payable in advnnco. Advertise
ments charged according to nco and ponltlon.
The publighcrs rcoervo the right to change, the
position of ntlTcrtlaemcnU whenever tlx) pill
Mention of news ilcnmnds It. Tlio right Is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not, that tho puhllshers tuny deem
Improper. Advertising rates made known
upon nppllention.
'JSntcrcd nt the pofttofllec nt Shenandoah, la., as
second clam mall matter.
Evening Herald
In our news columns last owning appeared
an article upon tho contemplated erection of
a new opera house in this town, on tho pres
ent silo of tlio Commercial Hotel. The
movement was favorably received by theatre
goers genorally, who have becomo disgusted
with tho hirn-stormera that havo found
refugo horo, anil hail with delight anything
that gives promise of something better. It
goes without saying that tlio project will
provo a paying investment, and in tho In
terest of all nniusonicnt-loving people, It is to
be hoped that tho men at tho back of tho
movement will push it to a bpecdy comple
tion. While tho site spoken of may not bo tho
best in town, yet it has many features to
commend it. If the proprietors place tho
management in good hands there is no doubt
it will give good returns upon tlio capital
There is no town in tlio county not except
ing Pottsvilio that patronizos theatricals
jind like performances better than Shenan
doah. Hut tho trouble in tlio past lias been
tho inforior class of shows that has caused tho
.small attendance. Every good show that ap
pears horo is greeted with packed houses, and
this fact should givo tho projectors of
tho now play-houso all the encouragement
they desire. Unfortunatoly tho good shows
ato almost s scarce as Hies in January, and.
tho average theatre-goer must, in many cases,
tako them on faith. They havo been so often
-disappointed that their interest has ilagged
and they oftencr stay away than go.
There is still another feature about the
project that will prove advantageous both to
tlio projectors and tho town in general, and
that is tho erection of a new hotel building to
tako tho place of the present one. Shenan
doah is sadly in need of buildings suitable
for first-class hotels and the plans under
consideration, wo are informed, will fully
meet all theso requirement.
In tlio language of tho street, "Push it
along j it's a good .thing."
Tun number of new subscribers to tlio
JIkkald during tho past week was unusually
large, anil tho list continues to grow.
In tho libel suit of Senator Coylo against
Editor Parker, of tho Mahanoy City Daily
Hecord, an amicablo settlement has been
readied whereby a full retraction has been
made by Mr. Parktr in tho columns of his
papor. Tho editor has played well tho part
of Marc Antony, tho brilliant defender of
It is said that James 11. Heilly is no longer
leader of the county Democracy. There is
no longer any Democracy to lead.
Cuauxcky M. Deimsw, of New York, is
now mentioned in connection with tho lie
publican presidential nomination, and Mat
thew Stanloy Quay's name is also being
spoken of in the same connection. Either
would fill tho bill.
Dunkavkn and Sackvillo ! Iioth woredono
up in America and have berated us for it
after putting tho ocean between us nnd them.
Tho only difference is thatSackvillo did it for
"private circulation" and Dunraven didn't.
Tiiii arch-fiend Holmes does not mako a
very pretty picture, but, in studio lingo, he
will not he skied but hung on the line.
Poor Director-elect Middloton, when ho
enters upon the discharge of his duties, will
have the opportunity presented him to shed
lustre upon his name and his party, and it is
to bo hoped lie will be equal to tho ocewlon.
There Is room at the Almshouse for jfreat
reform, ami as the responsibility for the ad
ministration of affair in that branch of
county business is now entirely in the hands
of Republicans, the rank and file of that
party expect a clean, honest transaction of
the lmlnesof tlmt institution.
Experience has shown that little reliance
can lie placed ujion Director Day, who is
aWut as incompetent an otticial as ever was
chosen to office, and tho highest idea which
has ever entered his head lias leeu tho dis
tribution of patronage. I is an open seciet
(bat he either knows nothing of business
methods, or U utterly indifferent to them.
He should, therefore, not be taken into con
MderiUon iu the management of affairs
there, and the county looks to Directors
Dietrich ami Middletou to correct abuses
which liave crept into the management f
the almshouse sinoe thlsiuau lias been con
nected with it.
It has len stated frequently during the
campaign, that Mr. Mlddlcton was closely
identified with tho "Almshouse gang." His
conduct In oflleo will ho closely watched and
he will have tho opportunity to refute tho
charge. Will ho do so? Tho party awaits
his reply.
DiSModtATio newspapers are still trying to
account for tho Republican cyclono of last
Tuesday. Tlio excuses they aro putting for
ward for their defeat nro as preposterous as
the grounds upon which, heforo election,
they urged tho pcoplo to support Demo
cratic candidates nnd prophosled certain
Democratic victory. Tho reason for last
week's political tornado is apparent to every
man of common sense. All tho humbug and
falso pretenses of apologetic Democratic
organs cannot obscuro tho cnuso of their
party's stunning defoat, which, in a few
wools, is general Incompetency.
From the irregularities in tho election re
turns in Philadelphia, in the strong Demo
cratic districts, thoro appears to havo boon a
concerted effort to swell tho voto returned
for Judge Smith. Many discrepcncics are
found between the returns and tho tally
sheets, nnd tho matter is to ho brought to tho
attention of tho court.
How to Prevent Croup.
aoainht Tiin nisKASi:.
Croup is a terror to young mothers anil to
post them concerning tho causo, first symp
toms and treatment is tho object of this item.
Tho origin of croup is a common cold.
Children who aro subject to it tako cold very
easily nnd croup is almost suro to follow.
Tho first symptom is hoarseness ; this is
soon followed by n peculiar rougli cough,
which is easily recognized and will never ho
forgotten by ono who has heard it. Tlio timo
to net is when the child first becomes hoarse.
If Chamberlain's Cough Itcniedy is freely
given all tendency to croup will soon disap
pear. Even after tho croupy cough has de
veloped it will prevent tho attack. Therois
no danger iu giving this remedy for it con
tains nothing injurious. For salo by Qruhlor
Bros., Druggists.
A Dog ITnenrtlis n Murder.
Ckktkai. City, W. Vn., Nov. 12. On
Buffalo creek, Wayne county, n dog on
tcreil tho homo of P. K. Stnnloy, a wealthy
stock rnlser, carrying In Its mouth n dead
child apparently nbout four wcoks old. In
vestigation disclosed tho fact that it luul
been murdered, nud that tho dog hail un
earthed It In the hack yard, where it had
been buried.
Strangled Her In fun t Child.
ALLKNTOWN, Pa., Nov. 13. Mrs. Elins
Glldnock murdered ono of her children, n
child a month old, yesterday, by strangu
lation. Tho woman has not been of sound
mind for nearly n year, but sho had. never
shown violence Sho bociuno vlolont yes
terday, and seizing tho child, which was
in bed with hor, tho woman choked It to
Kiiglnnd Preparing for War.
London, Nov. 12. It is expected that
war against Ashuntl will bo declared at
tho next cabinet council. Tho authorities
at Woolwich arsenal havo received orders
to forward all tho necessary stores tg
For Libeling Ambassador 1'nva.
Washington, Nov. 13. Don Cicsur
Celso do Morono was sentonced to nlnoty
days In jail yesterday for criminally libel
ing Huron Favu, tho Itallun ambassador.
Tho wifo ol Air. Leonard Wells, of East
llrimflcld, Mass., had been suffering from
neuralgia for two days, not being ablo to
sleep or hardly keep still, when Mr. Ilolden,
tho merchant there, sent hor a bottle of Cham
berlain's Pain lialm, and asked that sho givo
it a thorough trial. On meeting Mr. Wells
the next day ho was told that sho was all
right, tho pain had left her within two
hours, and that tho bottle of Pain Balm was
worth Jo.OO if it could not bo had for less.
For sale at 50 cents per bottlo by Gruhler
Bros., Druggists.
Kvltleiico of Double Murder.
Little Hock, Nov. 13. Tho decomposed
body of a girl nged 14 nnd a boy aged 17
Were found In tho woods near Eldorado,
Ark., yesterday. Tho children wero brother
and sister named Perkins. Thoy started
out horseback riding three weeks ngo and
wore novor seen nllvo nftorwards. The
girl's throat was cut nnd tho boy's skull
crushed. Tlio coroner Is making an Inves
tigation. A l"ortuno In Stolen Property,
HOSTON, Nov. 13. Tho Boston pollco re
covered 120,000 worth of stolon property
last night. .Tamos S. Chaffeo, tho man la
whoso possession it was found, claims it
was brought horo from Now York u week
ago, and that it represents tho thioving by
William Barrett, a notorious criminal
now serving u life sentenoe In this state for
What S;iafl 8 Do?
li the earnest, almost agonizing cry of
weak, tired, nervous women, and crowded,
overworked, struggling men. Slight dif
ficulties, ordinary earns, household work
or daily labor, magnify themselves Into
aec-iiingl." impassable mountains.
T.iu U simply because the nervwi are
Weill;, the bodily organs debilitated, and
lacy do not
proper nourishment, foed the norvee,
organs and tissue on rJoh i4A blood, and
how soon the glow of health oomes'to the
!inl cheeks, firmness to the unsteady
uaud, and strength to the faltering limb.
puiifli vitalises find enriches the blood
and ig finis the best ft : 'nd to unfortunate
llUBloiittf. Be su: ' i get Hood's and
only iWl's. AUdiu , - ts. fl; six for J6.
'-,Vc OMI.- 1 " --dinner F1H WW
, lovu sj t. m raI1. .atonic. 3fu
All physicians admit this. Yet hero the
ililllcufty begins. How can we build ip tlio
consumptive's body as fast ns tho disease tears
It down? Let us consider.
Cough mixtures must bo avoided because
thoy frequently contain opiates which nrrcst
tho digestion, Their only effect on tho cough
is by stupefying tlio norves. Let them
All foods that nro hard to dlgost must bo
avoided, especially fats and oils. Only those
foods that nro onslly illgosted nud assimilated
should bo oatou. Foods uot thus accepted by
nature do no good j thoy do harm. Not
what is niorcly oaten hut what is digostcd
and assimilated gives flosh and strength.
Consumption is starvation, slow or rapid,
as may bo. Tho first symptom is, not
necessarily a cough, but n tendency to lose
flesh, to grow thin. Stop this tendency now.
Don't wait for obvious lung trouble. That's
only a later development only n minor
Stop tho wasting nnd you master the dis
ease, oven though it may have made some
slight inroads already. Incronso the flesh
and tlio danger is past.
What is needed is nn especially-prepared
food, a nutriment in itself and a digester of
other foods.
Such an artlclo is tho Shakor Digestlvo
Cordial, made by tho Shaker Community, of
Mt. Lebanon, N. Y. It creates a natural
appetite and insures the digestion of what is
oaten with it. It overcomes tlio wasting
which is fatal in the consumptive process.
A man may loso money anil not die a
bankrupt. Ono may have consumption and
not die of it. Tills is science and senso. The
success of tliis new remedy proves it.
Wants Satisfaction for l'nlso Arrest.
New YoitK, Nov. 13. Christian Itcls,
Jr., of San Francisco, was n passenger on
board tho steamer Nowport, which arrived
from Colon yesterday. Mr. Rels has a
complaint to niako against Captain
O'Brien, tho hend of tho dotcctlvo bureau
of Now York, and tho United States con
sul nt Colon, becnuso.upon tho telegraphed
order of tho first named, ho was arrested
and Imprisoned nt Colon ns.Incob Kcls, an
alleged embezzler from this city. Subse
quently a cablegram from Captain O'Brien
directed his rclcnso, admitting a mistake
in identity. Hols, who was on n tour
around tho world, doclded to como to Now
York nnd demand satisfaction for tho in
dignities to which ho hail boon subjected.
Captain O'Brien declaros that tho mlstaki
was natural under tho circumstances.
Nothing Stands nt High,
as a remedy for every womanly ailment, as
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription. It is an
invigorating, rcbtorative tonic, a soothinc
ami strengthening nervine, and a complete
euro lor an mo ucranireinents. raintiii ills-
orders and chronic weaknesses peculiar to the
ror young girls entering womanhood: for
women at tho critical "change of lifer" ; for
women approaching confinement; nursing
mothers ; ana every woman who is run
down." tired, or overworked it is a Knecinl.
safe, and certain help. Send for frco pamphlet
or remit iu cts. (stamps) lor a book of IBS
pages, on woman anil tier Diseases" and
how to euro them with home treatment. Ad
dress World's Dispensary Medical Association,
Buffalo, N. Y,
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation, piles,
biliousness, indigestion, or dyspepsia, and
Those Insolent Spaniards.
NEW YoitK, Nov. 13. Captain Frank L
Miller, of tho American brig Harriet G.
which on leaving tho Cuban port of No
vutns on Oct. 3 wns searched by Spaniard!
who claimed to bo looking for arms, said
to n reporter: "I was llylng tho Stars nnd
stripes when the search was mado. My
protests wero unavailing. Tho American
consul witnessed part of tho search, and
joined In tlio protest. It was usoloss, how'
over. Tho Spaniards don't caro n conti
nental for American rights, and would In
suit our Hag whenever opportunity offered.
Had my vessel llown tho British Hag not a
Spaniard would havo dared attompt a
Tho Ideal l'mincou.
James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago, says:
"I regard Dr. King's Now Discovery as an
Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds and Lung
Complaints, having used it in mv familv for
tho last five years, to tho exclusion of
physician's proscriptions or other nrepanv
Itov. John Buretis. Keokuk. Town, writes:
"I havo been a Minister of tho Methodist
Episcopal church for 50 years or more, and
havo nover'i'ou nil anything so beneficial, or
that gavo mo such speedy relief as Dr. King's
New Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough
jiemcuy now. iriai potties ireo at A.
Wasley's drug storo.
Tho Need for Coast Defenses.
Washington, Nov, 13. Gonerul Miles,
In his annual report on tho condition of
tho nrmy, shows that tho personnel Is in
excellent condition. General Miles states
that tho condition of coast defenses Is such
as to require decided nud Immediato action
for their Improvement. Tho unguarded
condition of our coast is known by ovory
first class power and our pooplo should
not bo led Into falso security. Ho nrguos
that tho bust guarantee of peace Is a con
dltlon of readiness for war.
Potter Want Protection.
Thexton, Nov. 13. Dale & Davis, man
ufacturing potters, mado an asslgnmont
to Albanus O. worthlngton, of this city.
Tho liabilities of tho firm nro 02,000, and
tho assets $113,000. Trado depression is
given as tho cause of tho fnlluro. Unloss
the tariff Is increased by the Incoming
congress, Mr. Dale says, thoro will be more
pottery failures this winter. The. business
of the Trenton potters Is almost nt a stand'
Murderer Ilamilgnu Insane.
NEW York, Nov. 13. Dr. Korlies Wins
low, thecelobrnted English expert on meti'
tal diseases, wm a witness yesterday In tho
trial of David K. Ilnnnlgan for tlio mur
der of his sister's betrayer, SolomanManu.
Dr. Wliislow testified that nn examination
of ilnnnlgan in the Tombs prison luul con
vlnaed hint that tho prisoner was insane.
IIb described the man's ooudltlon us mel
onohollu caused by shock and grief.
Killed by n I'uwder Uxiiliwlmi.
MAltQUKTTli, Mich., Nov. IS. Tho mix
ing house of tho Lake Superior Powder
null, located about three miles from hero,
blew tip, killing Andrew Krioson, mar
ried, nnd Injuring John Gylllug, unmar
ried. It is thought Gylllng will rocovor.
It Is supposed the explosion was caused by
tho heating of the bearings of the mixing
wheel. Tho building wits wrooKotl.
It May do us Mucli I'or You.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes thst
ho luul a severe Kidney trouble for many
years, with severe painsin his back and also
that me maimer wu unecieu. .
.... irt.l..n lltlfr Wl 1 1 1(111 1 All V UftfU I
result. About a year ago ho began use of
Klectrio JJIUcra aim iumm "
Eleetrlo Hitters is especially ailaptod to eure
... -11 iri.i.... .....l IIva. trntiiilmi unit nffAil
gives almost instant relief. Ono trial will
provo our statement. Price only 50c. for
He Olves the People tho Means of Curing
the Most Stubborn Diseases Without the
Expense of a Doctor.
One Remedy for Each Disease.
Professor Muhyon's system of curing dis
eases is now recognized everywhere.
Catarrh, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Nervous
ness, Female Complaints, Debility and every
form of disease cured promptly nnd per
manently by Munyon's Improved Homoeo
pathic Kcmcdios, mostly 25 cents a bottlo, to
bo had from any druggist, who will givo you
a copy of Munyon's Uiildo to Health frco.
rersonal letters to l'rot. Munyon, 1005
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered
with free medical advice for any disease.
Do you DESIRE to Make
Jinko your money cam you n monthly
$10.00 nnd more ninilo dally by our new sys
tematic Plan of Operation on small investmcits
n grain nnu stocK speculation.
All wo nsk is to Investlirnto our new nnd
original methods. Past workings of plnn nnd
lilgliet references furnished. Our Hooklet
"Points fc Hints" how to make money and
amcx lnionnniion sent i kiwj.
GILMorc & Co., Hankers and Brokers.
Open Hoard of Trndo Hlilg., Chicago, 111.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Wholesale Liquors.
Welter's, Berliner nud Weiss Itecr.
22-24 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Celebrated Fcmalo
l'mydcra never fall.
safa and lure rafter fallinz
with Tansy and rcnnyroyal TilU and other like
ranediefl. Always bur the beet and avoid disap
pointment, t.uarantecd auperior to all others. Positively
(he best in Die market, A No. 1. Particulars , 4 ct.' IJr.B. T.
XllX, Hack Bay, Boston, Mala.
The Backus Water Motoi
Is the Most Economical Power Known,
and the Best in the World for Driving:
Light Machinery.
It takes but little room.
It never gets out of repair.
It can not blow up.
It requires no fuel.
It needs no engineer.
Thero Is no delay; no flrhiT up; no asbes to
clean away; no extra insurance to pAy; no re
pairing necessary; no coal bills to pay, and l ti
always ready for use. It la Invaluoble tor
blowlr.K Church Oricaiw, for running Printing
Presses, Sewing Machines, Turning Uitlieu,
Scroll Haws, Grind Stones, OoHee Mills. Sausage
Machines, M Cutters, Corn Mills, Elevators,
Itto. Pour-horse power at 40 pounds pressure of
water. It Is noiseless, neat, compact, steady,
and above all
Price, $15 to $300
Send for circular to the Itackus Water Motot
Co., Newark, N. J., stating paper you saw
advertisement In.
We also manufacture Patent Rotating
and Exhaust Fans.
Send for Special Catalogue on
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
All work guaranteed to be flmt-olaos ln'overy
particular. Silk ties and lace curtains a spec
ialty, floods called for unU delivered. A trial
order Nollcitvd
Caught Whllo Trying to Work n l'orp;ed
Trust Deed,
CmcAao, Nov. 12. An lnoffonslvo look
ing machinist tinkered nt tho steam ra
diator In Colonol It. S. Thompson's olllco
In tho Chamber of Comincrco building
yesterday whllo six men discussed mi ul
luring real cstato deal with tho attorney.
Hut when ono of tho men ilcclnrcd hlm
solf tho lnwfttl owner of Droxclbottlovnril
lots worth J30.000, anil Blgncil nn assumed
tintiio to fraudulent trust deed, tho pro
tended machinist jumped forward nnd
displaying n police star plnccd tho sup
posed property owner under nrrcst. Ills
flvo companions rushed for tho door, but
woro confronted with revolvers In tho
hnnds of four determined men, so thoy hail
no cholco but to surrender.
Tho llvo detectives, who enmo from In
spector Hunt's Hydo I'nrk district, then
took their hnlf dozen prisoners to tho sta
tion. Tho names of tlio men nrrostcd aro
said to bo: Samuel J. Chrlstlcy, of tho law
firm of Jlooro & Chrlstloy; D. D. Godfroy,
William Orth, Oscar Cnutaul, E. II.
Chrlstensen and Georgo Randolph. Tho
lntter Is said to bo tho chief promotor of
tho swludlo.
Tho mon hnd attempted to ropo a client
of Colonel Thompson's into it schemo for
manufacturing a enr heater, ho to products
f3,000, which wns to bo secured by tho
forged trust deed. All of tho criminals
nro Chicago men.
William Purvis, Who Wns Snveil from I
!nl llanglnp; by u Mlrnclc.
Pokvis, Miss., Nov. 12. Tho Jail hero
wns broken open by a mob shortly after
midnight, nnd Wllllnm Purvis, nn nllegod
murdorer uud whltecnpper, wns liberated.
Tho crowd gnthorcdsllently,but quickly,
around tho jail, overpowered tho guards,
and a llttlo whllo later broko Into tho
prison. PurvlB was nt onco set nt liberty,
nnd ho lost no tlmo In speeding away.
Though jnnny persons In this section bo
llevo tlint Purvis should hnvo gono to tho
gnllows, thero is n feeling of rolief over his
l'urvls was ono of tho whltccaps who
committed so many outrages bomo years
ago, and wns tried for tho murder of ono
of tlio men connected with tto whitecap
ism. Ho was found guilty nnd sentenced
to bo hanged. Upon tho day fixed for his
execution tho ropo was placed around his
neck nnd tho trap sprung, but ho slipped
through nnd fell to tho ground. Tho pco
plo believed It a mlrnclo, nnd would not
let tho sheriff proceed with tho hanging.
Tho caso wns taken to tho supremo court,
nnd that body nfllrmed tho verdict of tho
jury. Ho wns condemned to bo hnnged
on Dec. 12. It wns thought that tho gov
ernor would commute his sentence, but
his escnpo probably puts an cud to further
Our Corn Production.
Washington, Nov. 12. Tho November
returns to tho agricultural department
made tho corn crop tho largest In volume
on record with a rate of yield however
somewhat less thnn that Indicated by tho
returns for October, being 20.3 bushols per
aero. This must bo regarded ns proliml
nnry, nnd not final estimate of tho yield.
Tho rates of yield of tho principal corn
states nro ns follows: Now York, 33.0;
Pennsylvania, D3.5; Ohio, 32.0; Michigan,
83.8; Indiana, 33.8; Illinois, 37.4; Wiscon
sin, 31.8; Minnesota, 31.2; Iowa, 35.1; Mis
souri, 80; Kansas, 24.3; Nebraska, 10.1.
In tho Atlantic States except thoso nbout
mlddlo Intltudo the yield appears to bo
largest nud of high quality.
Fatally Wounded by a Stray linlUt.
Foist Wouth.Tox., Nov. 12. At Whites
boron shooting nffray occurred between a
negro nnd a Mexican, in which tho latter
was killed. Michael A. Carter, a telo
graph operator, who enmo from Chlcngo
nbout two mouths ago, wns struck by a
stray bullet, receiving a wound which is
belloved to bo fatal.
Double Bcull Jtuco Declared On.
Austin, Tox Nov. 12. Tho doublo scull
rnco between Bubenr and Unities nnd Gun
daur and Rogers, for tho championship of
tho world, hns been ilcclnrcd off. Tlio
owner of tho lako whero tho raco was to
havo been rowed objected to tho exhibition
on Sunday, nnd tho raco was accordingly
Japan Still Weeding China.
Washington, Nov. 12. Tho Jnpnnoso
minister hns rucolved a telegram to tho ef
fect that a convention has boon signed nt
Pekin providing for tho payment of nn ad
ditional indemnity by China for tho ovne
uation of tho Liao Tung peninsula. Tho
amount Is 30,000,000 tools, and Is to bo paid
Nov. 10, 1895.
Decided Against Dell Telephone.
Washington, Nov. 12. Chief Justico
Puller handed down tho court opinion on
tho motion of tho Boll Telephone company
to dismiss tho suit of tho United States
npainst thnt company nnd Kinllo Herllnor,
Involving tho lnvontlon of tho speaking
microphone. Tho motion to dismiss was
The Russian Cznrlna's Condition.
IlEliLIN, Nov. 12. Tho Cologno Gazette
announces that It hns authority for tho
statement that tho advorse reports regard
ing the condition of tho cznrinn are abso
lutely uufounded.
Glaus Sprcokles proposes to establish
three now beet stigar factories In different
part of Cnlifornln.
Tlio foundering of tho steamer Missoula
In Lake Michigan was cruised by the break
ing of the shaft. The crew was saved.
Fire damp caused uu explosion at tho
Winning colliery nt Blnokwell, KugJnnd.
Boven persons nro reported to have been
Tho bankers of Paris have formed n
guarantee fund of 800,000,000 francs for tho
purpose of facilitating liquidation on the
At tho memorial exercises fpr Chlcngo's
oxeouted nnarchUts Mrs. Pnrsons became
bo vlolont In hor language that sho was
stopped by the police. There wore no red
Hags displayed.
Venezuelan Minister Andnido is about
to publish a aoo-pngo pamphlet giving ox
hnustlvo information on tho British-Vou-ezulan
boundary contention, In which the
United States has takon a hand.
It is rumored that tho Chilean minister
to Peru has notified tho Peruvian govern
ment thnt tho only question open for dis
cussion in the Tacna-Arlca traublo Is the
amount to be paid for tho cosslou.
Whllo an oluoer was taking n prisoner
out of jail at Winston, Jf. 0-. for prelimi
nary trial boforo a magistrate six other
prisoners, all negroes, assaulted tho of
ficer, knocking' him down. Thoy then
mado their escapo.
If They Don't, They Know at Least When
They Are Sick, and They Know,
When They Arc Cured, What
Has Cured Them.
See If the Following Applies to You-
Do you know what your kidneys aro
They arc for filtering and purifying your
Do you stiller from pains in your back and
sides, sleeplessness, nervousness, pufliness of
your eyelids, swelling of your fect anil
If you do, It is because your kidneys are
not purifying your blood.
Had blood is like bad wator. It is poison
ous. But it Is mado in your body every minute.
It is mado from tlio wasto that goes on in
your body.
Whenever you movo or think, you wear
out some part of the matter which mil
your body or brain. - '
This wasto matter is of no further nsn. H
is liko kitchen garbage. It must be thrown
Your blood puts new matter In its place
nnd carries tho waste to your kidneys.
Your kidneys filter it out of your blood and
throw it out of your body.
This is what your kidneys nro for.
This is why Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney
Pills will euro Blood Troubles and .Kidney
Troubles. Bccauso they mako tlio kidneys
filter the blood.
Hero is a letter from a prominent gentle
man of Boston. Ho says :
Boston, August 0th, '05.
Hobb's Medicine Co.,
Chicago, 111.
Gentlemen :
It is with great pleasure that I recommend:
the wonderful medicinal properties of your
excellent remedy. I havo for years been a
great sufl'erer from acute kidney troubles,
and havo tried ovory known medlcino with
out any beneficial results.
Through the advanco of a physician I was.
induced to try Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills.,
and after using the first box I was convinced
I had at last found a permanent euro. J
I am now perfectly well, and two boxes of
Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills is what did it.
It would bo impobsiblo for mo to say to
much in their praise.
Very truly yours,
James II . Lynch,
No. 20 Irving St.
Blood troubles don't mean skin diseases:
They may mean Rheumatism, Gout, Amae
mia. Chlorosis Pale, Bloodless Complexion,
Lack of Ambition, Headache, Dizziness.
Hysteria, Neuralgia, etc.
These diseases aro not generally called
blood diseases, but they aro blood diseases all
tho same.
Thcy aro because they are caused by a.
poison in tlio blood which tho kidneys don't
properly filter.
The proof of it is that as soon as the
kidneys begin to filter tho blood all these
diseases disappear.
And tho best way to euro tho kidneys and
mako them do their work of filtering tho
blood is to tako Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney
Pills. Thero is nothing harmful about Dr. Hobb's
Sparagus Kidney Pills. Nothing but pure,
vcgetablo f aling and tonic herbs and roots.
Tlicy aro recommended by physicians and
specialists who have tested them and found
out their great curative powers, and thou
sands of people who have been cured by Dr.
Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills, after they hail
given up all hope, will always contiuuo to
sing their praises.
Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills are for
sale by all druggists, or will bo sent prepaid
to any address for 50 cents per box.
A'aluablo pamphlet, "A Filter For Your
Blood," free on request. Hobb's Jfcdicini
Co., Chicago or San Francisco.
Victims of Lost Manhood should send at
onco lor a booK
that explains how
full manly vigor
Is easily, quickly
and permanently
restored. No man
suffering from
weakness can af
ford to Ignore this
timely advice.
Book tolls how
if nil Rrronrrtii- En
velopment and tone are imparted to every
portion of tho body. Sent with positive
proofs (sealed)ree toanymanonappllcation.
Z5Tha only Ocnulno Specialist In FliSladet-
V Tihl.i. tuittvlrlwlnndlncr wll.1t others nrtvpr-
tlsa. NervonsDulillltyaua tlinrcsulls of lndii
cretlon. IS years' Kuropenn Hosnltnl net
years' l'rnclienl Kxpcriciicc. bpeclni J)K.
rnscH nnd r-uictimw Permanently Cured
iudtoJODnys. ltclicfat once.
PI nnn DniCflU rmwiy orfreconilnry.cureabsr
0LUUU rUloUll entin lyncwmeibod30touuduy
bend live Sc. stamps for booli "Truth," beneficial to
young and old. slnt-lo and married; only bonk ci -ioliic'imrks.
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deceived ynu don'tjudgoall alike. 1 will euro
youund moke you vifforons and Ntrnite. l.owebt
charges for the bt"t tri-attnunU With oren'l.
Chichester KnelUli Diamond llrand.
SArE, ftlwav n liable, ladies ak ,
TW..-..t, fnf ft,,. k.,f. m r.,,,hlh )!,!
iboiea, eld witb bluo rit.lwii. TaLo
Hon ana xnutaiUMii. ai nruggim, r
lu untpi tor narticulri, tutttmonUU
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nillions of Dollars
Go up in smoke every year. Take no
risks hut get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., Insured in first-class re
liable companies as represented by
TirTT -cattot Insurance Agent,
DAVID FAUS1, 130 South Mali? St.
Also I.lfo nnd Accidental Companies.
When It cornea to
Our tok spooks for Itself. If you don't come
..... uwl vrtiir rtrdera. Thev will .p ... . ...
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noun MIC... ...KBliar F.UFIA. r....u....t
Cold tr &u I '