GREAT SAVING CHANCE! A LARGE LINE OF UNDER WEAR. lluy where your money will go farthest that's the idea. When it conies to Cloth ing we know, nml you ought to know, that we ofTcr you greater opportunity for making ench dol lar go farther than any other store in the county. OVERCOATS ! IRGIS! We have them in all styles and at all prices. A full line of Chin chillas, Beavers, blue and and Kerseys. black, ! $i no Overcoats now SS.oo Overcoats now sold for 954 $10.00 Overcoats now sold for JJ5 $13 Overcoats now sold for G. SO jSih.oo Overcoats now sold for $3 Wc have the finest line of Hoys' Suits ever shown in this town. An inspection is invited. Remember the place. THE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER, Levi Refowich, 10 and 12 South Main St. EVENING HERALD MONDAY. NOVmiSElt 11, 16K5. PERSONAL. Stephen (iolio, of Heading. is a guest of own friends. J. .1. Dougherty, of Philadelphia, is visiting friends in town. Harry Ihifner spent yesterday afternoon nt Mulmnoy City. George Hoover visited friends at Mtihanoy ( ity last evening. W. .1. Morgan went to Philadelphia yester day to visit friends. H. A. Swahn and Clayton Pointer left town tills morning fra hunting trip. Thomas Campbell, of Philadelphia, spent ycs-teiday among friends in town. T. Milnor Morris, of the .Icanesvillo Iron Works, was a visitor to town to-day. Abo Miller, of llazMoii, was tlio guest of his brother, Morrk Miller, yesterday. 5Ir. and Mn. J. .T. Price and daughter, Helen, are visiting friends in Philadelphia. John Scott, of Hazleton, brother of Sberiir Scott, was a visitor to town Saturday even ing. Senator Coyle and wife will leave this week for Atlanta, and will spend some time at the exposition. Mrs. Flower Iteeso, of Xorth Jardin street, lias returned from a week's visit to friends nt Harrisburg. Itev. Itobert O'ISoy'e was in Pottsvillo ovor Sunday in tlio intercut of tlio Theological Seminary at Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. John Curtin and Postmaster Mcllct left for Wilkosb.irre yesterday to at tend the funeral of Thomas Pu'rrington, who was killed in the mines on Friday. J. K. P. Sclioilly, accompanied by his son-in-law, Claude I.. Knight, started from town this morning for a month' trip through South ( arolina, Georgia, Alabama and Plot Ida. Help Comes to Thoio Who Take I ted Flag oil -for sprains, bums, cuts. At Piruhler Pros., drug store. Illuming Carlisle for Defeat. Covington, Ky., Nov. 11. Mayor Rhin cck, thohcadof tlio municipal government of Secretary Carlisle's homo, says: "I bo lievo that 5Ir. Carlislo is responsible in on appreciable ilonroe for tbo ilofent of tbo Democracy of Kentucky. Whon ho canio homo to register, u fow days boforo the election, ho was accosted by a reporter, who asked him If ho Intended to voto tlio Democratic state tickot. Ho Is quoted as Baying: '1 ileelino to ho interviewed. I Will voto for whom I please.' Every Re publican paper in tbo state seized upon those words to prove that the schism In the Democratic ranks was rout enough to detent Hardin. As a consequence, thousands of Democratic votes went to Bradley. I believe that if Carlisle hud re plied in that interview that ho was a Deinociiit, and would voto for the nomin ees of his party, Wat Hardin would huvo been elected ffovornor." s . Nip Diphtheria Scare In lliirlliigton. Hisistoi., l'a , Nov. 11. Tho report sent out by tho United Press to the offect that, owing to tho prevalence of diphtheria In Burlington, N. .1., navigation on tho Doi uware river butwoen Rrlstol and thatpluco lias closed, is without foundation. Forry boats are running as usual, and J. S. Adams, secretary of the Burlington board ( of health, has Issue u notlco that at nu timo huvo thoro been more than Ufteon cases, and only ono has boon reported within the last nlnoty-slx hours. At tho present time there are not more than twelve oasos, nono of thorn serious. Ho adds that there is no reason why people ehopild not visit Burlington as safely to day ns any other town iu Now Jersey. interesting Itellglnus Ceremony. New Oulkans, Nov. 11. Yesterday, at the convent of tho Ursullno nuns, tho Etatuo of "Our Lady of Prompt Succor" was orowned with a diadem of gold and jewols whose lntrlnslo worth is many thousands of dollars, and tho occasion was made ono of groat pomp and ceremony by the prominent Catholics of this city and state. It was very much on tho order of the recent celebration In Mexico, and is really the first ceromony of its kind that has ever taken place in the United States. The statue is about four feet high, and Is a beautiful pleco of wood carving, repre senting tho Virgin Mary holding in hor arms the Infant Jesus. BUY YOUR.- "Groceries FLOUR. FEED, HAY AND STRAW, Also Tabic and Floor 011 Cloths From E. E3. (Ol I. I FOLEY, in and West Hts FITHV POINTS. Happening! Throughout tlx' lloglnn Olimii . IcU'd fur Musty l't'riitiil. Tlio revival services in tlio 51. K. church arc largely attended. , Summit Hill linn formed a Chautauqua circle with 10 inumlien. The 1. A 1!. It. It. Co. will pay from (iordon to TauiHiitia on tlio 83rd inst. A fire lint broken nut in the old tunnel of the Sugar Loaf colliery at Hnidoton. .lames Casoy, a tlpstRlV at tlio court house, died at litfi homo In l'ottsville on SalUrdHy. During October tlio Union Coal Company mined 1()2,0'JS tons of coal, the largest In its lilstory. There is talk of a bicycle race between Seaman, of (llinrdville, and Snylor, of Ash land, in the near future. George tlio 10-yoar-old son of l'hillp Woll, of l'ottsvillo, Is lying at the point of death, 8uM'oring from appendicitis. Owen Coury lias purchased from. John 1!. I'rico the store and dwelling property, on Centre street, Ashlaud, for f.1,000. I Kahlua are attractetl by tlio headlights ot I locomotives on the C'oxe railroad near llazle sold for i ton and several huvo been run down by tbo engines. District President Alfred 11. Garner, of tho P. O. S. f A., Tecoived from the Hon. John Wauamaker a handsomely bound bible, to bo presented to Washington Camp No. -Ill, recently organized at Taylorsville. A house belonging to John Alexander, at Port Carbon, with most of his household goods, was destroyed by tiro this morning. The fire was not gotten under control until the house of a man named Snyder adjoining was partially burned. The only remedy in the world that will at once stop itchiness of the skin in any part of the body, that is absolutely safe and never failing, is Doan's Ointment. Get it from, your dealer. A CONFESSED MURDER. Hut tlio Murderer anil tho Victims Cannot ho Found. Special to Kvkmno llEUAI.ll. JIt. Carmi:i,, Nov. 11. Henry Yargo, a Hungarian, has been missing from his home near Natalie two weeks and the utmost vigi lance of tho polico havo failed to load to his whoreahouts, but one of his friends has just given Justico Amour some startling informa tion and tho case is being worked up with renewed vigor. The informant states that a haggard man on the vorge of nervous prostration caino to him and confessed that ho- and three others had seen Yargo display money and they had waylaid him at a lonely spot on tho mountain road about half way between Gceen llidgo and Natalie, and after taking Yargo's money murdered him in order to prevent his causing their arrest. The men, to hide their crime, carried the remains almost to Hickory Itidgc, where they wcro interred. Efforts are being made to locate tbo place of burial and at tho samo timo tho polico are working on tho description of tho alleged murderers as fur nished by Amour's informant. ltucklen'H Arnica Sale. Tho best salve in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tcttor, chapped hands, chilblains, coins, and all skin eruptions, and positively curt s piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salo by A. Waslcy. A ltotolutlon. A complete and immediate revolution of trausportationmcthods, involving a reduction of freight charges on grain from the West to New York of from ."0 to Ot) per cent., is what is predicted iu tlio November Cosmopolitan. Tho plan, proposes using light and inexpen sive corrugated iron cylinders, hung on a slight rail supported on poles from a cross- arm the whole system involving an expense of not more than fifteen hundred dollars a mile for construction. The rolling stock is equally simple and comparatively inexpen sive. Continuous lines of cylinders, moving with no interval to speak of, would carry moro grain in a day than a quadruple track railway. This would constilutu a sort of grain-pipo line. Tlio Cosmopolitan also points out tlio probable abolition of stroet-eurs boforo the coining horseless carriage, which can be operated by a boy ou asphalt pavements at a total expense for labor, oil and interest, of not more than ono dollar a day. JIaloy, tho joweler, for silverware, watches and iowolry. 1(1 North Main street. Pennsylvania" lluy" at Atlanta Kvposl Hon. For the special benefit of thoso who desire to bo prosont nt the Atlanta Exposition on "Pennsylvania D.iy," Novombor 11, the Pennsylvania Itailroad Company will place on sale excursion tickets to Atlanta and return at tlio rates quoted below. The tickets will be limited for continuous going passngo and for return by continuous passage within ten days from day of sale. Ilarrisburg 817 7fl,Hoiilur.v $19 ! Willlamsport 20 55 Philadelphia 18 00 Wilkoslmrro 21 25 1 Proportionate rates from other points. "After sulferinz from dyspepsia for three years I decided to try liurdock Hlood Hitters. Two bottles cured me entirely." Mrs. G. C. White, Taberg, Oneida County, fiow ork. Tho ltuineiiyi Concert. Edouard Itemenyi, tho violinist who is to appear nt Ferguson's theatro next Thursday evening for tlio bonofit of tho Primitive Methodist church, is completing a triumph ant tour through tho United Statos. Tho New York Commercial Advertiser says of his recent appearanco hi that city : "Tho reception which was accorded to Rcmonyi on his appearance was an ovation which swelled into a tremendous wavo of outhusiasm after his spirited roudoring of the threo movements of tlio Godard concerto. So insistent was the applause that ho wbb compcllod to repeat tho canzonctta movomont, give two moro encore after that, and thou como out and bow his acknowledgment half a dozen time boforo the audience could bo satisfiod." Hoscrvod seats now on salo at Kirlin's drug store Never Tails for Cntighi and Colds. That's what Pan-Tina is, 25c. AtGruhlor Iiros., drug store, Mnlmnoy City Ituslneas College, This excellent college, at 203 East Centre street, gives Commercial, Shorthand id Typewriting courses equal to any In tho stato at the very lowest rates. Individual in struction. Day and classes. Students constantly entering. Catalogue free. 10-H-tf O W. Willi s mr, principal EXODUB TO POTTSVILLE. Tim Teachers' Institute mill (,'oilrl Open lug t'aiisii n ltiish. There was a groat exodus at the lehigh Valley and Pennsylvania depots this morn ing and the agent and clerks wore kept busy handing out tickets and making change for over half an hour before the 0:08 train left for Pottsvillo. At tho Lehigh Vatley depot tho rush for tickets was the greatest. lioth waiting rooms and tho oulsldo platform of tho depot wore crowded with people. When the train arrived it consisted of but two cars. Two moro woro added to it and oven then seats wcro at a premium. A part of tho rush was occasioned by the opening of tho No vember term of criminal court lit Pottsvlllc. Such ovonts always create an exodus from this town, but to-day the crowd was in creased by tho teachers who loft to attend the annual sessions of tho Teachers' Comity In stitute at Pottsvillo, which opened this morning. Some of the teachers wcro equipped with satchels and traveling bags, indicating that they intended remaining at tlio county sent while the instltuto lasts, but thoy were fow I iu number. Nearly all tbo toachors from this town will return every evening. The attendance at court by people from this borough will be Very largo this week, as in addition to tho many new euss on the court calendar there are many that were laid over from tho last term of court. Among the pcoplo who went down this morning wcro Justices Williams, Shoemaker and llicrstein, Constables Phillips and Roland, Policemen Tosh and Lee, M. 51. lhirko, S. G. 51. Hollopetor, Edward W. Shoemaker, J. It. Coyle and J. H. Pomeroy, Esqs., and over a (sir load of people who wont down as principals or witnesses In suits. A close observer will conio across many humorous incidents during rushes at the depot. This morning nu old Irish lady bought a ticket for Pottsvllle. "Can I stop at St. Clair on this?" sho asked after receiving tho tickot. "You must sec the I conductor about that matter," tho agent j answered. "And, sure, ho knows nothing about the matter at all," was the rejoinder, and the agent was obliged to explain that, while the conductor know nothing about the i business she had at St. (.'lair, he know all about tho stopping oil' at that point. j Consumption in its advanced stages is , beyond powers of man to cure. It can ho I prevented, though, by timely tiso of Dr. . Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, nature's own remedy for coughs and colds. I POLITICAL POINTS. i - - I M. P. Walker, father of ox-Deputy Con- trailer George Walker, delivered a largo j Republican voto to tlio Democratic ticket in i tbo South want of Pottsvillo. , Tho llakcr ballot law works against the Democratic party in this county. It is said that Peter P. Smith, tho minority judge on tho Superior Court bench, received tho voto of every Smith in the state. This accounts for his election. Attend tho Republican League meetings, That organization did effective work last spring, and can do tho samo next February if tho ell'ort is made. r There are quite a number of Goo-goos in this county. When you want good roofing, plumbing, gas fitting, or gcnoral- tinsmithiug done call ou E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street. Dealer iu stoves. 8-1-tf Tho Illass Funeral. The funeral of ex-County Treasurer Louis Mass took placo from tho family residence at Girardville yesterday afternoon and was at tended by prominent pcoplo from all parts of the county. Tho remains were interred in the Odd Fellows' cemetery at (lirardvillo with Odd Fellowship and Masonic honors. Among tbo residents of Shenandoah who at tended tho funeral were S. L. Ilrown, O. C, Thomas, William H, Zimmerman, Controller B. It. Severn, Deputy Controller F. C. licose, II. A. Davenport, A. B. Lamb, John W. Morgan, F. J. Portz, Justico T. T. Williams, W. G. Gregory, Christ. Schmidt, Councilma Richard Reese, John M. Schaoffer, Fred. Koithan, Joseph Grumm, James S. Williams, (jcorgoand John Portz, Ervin Moycr, Hurry Yost, E. P. llrunim, Charles Smith, John Raniairo. Edward Dohorty, Georgo H. Will iams, Mine Inspector William Stein, Al. Niliimock, Jo.-eph Wyatt, T. J. ISrouglmll, Samuel Acker and Wolf Levlne. lleglu Hlght "With Coughs mid Colds. Tuko tho suro euro, Paii;Tina, 2oc. At Gruhlor Pros., drug storo. Cost or tho Election. Tho cost of the election in Schuylkill county on Tuesday last aggregates about $7,000. First of all was tlio cost of printing tho Sheriff's proclamation, then came the cost of printing the ballot, which was something over $400. Tho pay of the election olllcors in tho 113 districts of tho county foots up quite a sum. .Tlio judges of election receive $5.00, S3.50 for holding tlio election and $1.50 for making out tho return, and also 10 cents for evory circular mile traveled In bringing hi tho return. Tho two Inspectors each receive $3,50 por day, and tho two qlorks each receive $3.00. Each assessor receives $2.00 for his services on election day and each constable receives a Ilka amount. Added U the above Is $10,00 for room rout for each polling placo, nnd'tho board to compute tho vote recoives $150. Buy Keystone Hour, Be sure that the nnmn l.ESSIQ X JlAlili. Asniauu, a., la ... . 1 T 1- printed on evory sack. tf holler to Water Consumers. Notlco is hereby given by the Water Committee of the Ilorongh Council that bo- einninir with Thurbday, the 7th inst.. the water supply will ho curtailed, nnd con sumers of tho publio wator works will be fjitnishcd with water only between the hours et 5:00 and 0:00 a. m. and 3:00 nnd'7:0O p. m until further notice. By order of tho com mittee. A. D. Gable, Xj-7-tf Chairman. Satisfaction guaranteed by Hell, the plumber. Good advlco: Novor leave home on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colin. Cholora and DiarrhfM Komcdy. For salo by Gruhlor Ilros., Druggists. Coming Kvonts. Nov. 28. Annual turkey supper, under auspices of Ml Saints' 1'. K. Church, in Rob- I bins' upcr i house. Tlio Dcor Benson Too Short, Eon llAnnon Citt, N. J., Nor. 11. During tho doer season of twelve days, which has Just closed In South Jersey, at least thirty-live door woro killed In Atlan tic nnd Capo liny oountios, n greater num ber than has been killed during any pre vious sonson for tho lust twenty yours. Sportsmen doclnro the short season law a failure, nnd declaro they will petition tho loglslaturo fur a grant ot at loust ti mouth in which to chase tho doer. ritinhurg riumhors on Strike, I'rrraimiio, Nov. 11. Tho plumbers' union yesterday passed resolutions do ninndlng of tholr employers nn advance In wagos of 10 por cent., to tako effect at 7 o'clock this morning. Tlio muster plumb ors resist tho demand, and tho men went out. Tho men claim to have mndo sovoral requests for this restoration without nny satisfaction being given them, honco tho determination to strike without furthor notloe. Detroit Anarchists Cooling Down. DllTKOIT, Nov. 11. A meeting held yes terduy afternoon to commemorate what woro termed tho "murdered Chicago an orchlsts," wns sllmly nttonded and not nt all radical In character. Thcro were no red Hags nnd most of the socialists rc- mnlucd awny. KotlischlUls Prevented a Disastrous Panic. London, Nov. 11. Tho Paris correspon dent of Tho Times says that It Is under stood that only tho Intervention of tho Kothschllds ou Saturday prevented tho panlo at Paris from becoming positively disastrous. in i:d. PAltKIilt. At Shenandoah, Pu., on tlio 10th -Inst., William (1. Parker, nged t:i years. Funeral will take nlnco on Wednesday after. noon, at S o'clock, nt the late residence, 223 ,.iinpoerry niicy. interment in Odd renown cemetery. Friends anil relatives invited tc attend. 2t HWI I1 Willi I h . jxjt 7;wcnraig-j.i i m 1lW mlfw Did you ever see one of the famous wntcrprooflntcrliucd Collars or Cuffs? It's very easy to tell, for they arc all marked this way Lf TRADf ov0 " MARK- They are tho only Interlined Collars and Cuffs, and are made of linen, cov ered with waterproof " CELi.ur.oiD." They'll stand right by you day in nnd day out and they arc all marked this way Mark. The lirst cost is the onlv cost, for they keep clean a long time, and when soiled you can clean them in a minute by simply wiping off with a wet cloth, that is the kind marked this way TKADf mark. These collars and cuffs will outlast six linen ones. The wearer escapes laundry trials and laundry bills no chafed neck and no wilting down if you get a collar marked this way TRAD AfARK- Ask your dealer first, and take noth ing that has not above trade mark, if you desire perfect satisfaction. All others are imitations absolutely. If you can't find collars or cuffs marked this way, we will send you a sample postpaid on receipt of price. Collars, 25 cts. each. Cuffs 50 cts. pair. Give your size and say whether stand up or turned-down collar is wanted. THE CELLULOID COMPANY, 427-20 lirondmiy, NEW YORK. MISCELLANEOUS. " VANTIU). At once, 23 KirK nono under 10 yt'iirs of ago and only K'rls willing to work need iinnlv. Call at the Scliuvlkjll Hiit& Can Mnnurui'turiiiK Co., 3W Kast Coal street. Sell' & l.aiitcrsteiu, proprietors. It T WANT line samples banded your friends or I neighbors, fiend Albert Wood, l'eriinner, Wood Ave.. Detroit. Atleh.. Wets fnrflvntrini lottles Satin-Scent rerfumes, rccelvo offers to you. 10-is-u.iw-im IjWK SAI.I5. Ono of tho finest ami boot located ? bnteher shoos In town, will bo sold chcan. Tho owner will leave town, tho reason for sell. itnr. For further information enll on or address ahcuamloah Hcex Company, 10Utf ITIOU SA1.H. A vnluablo property, Sit West ' I.lovd street. Shenandoah, with all modern conveniences. The lot is UOxllO, two houses frnnthiLT mi I.lnvu street and two in tho roar, Will be sold at reasonable figures. Apply on tho premises, lteasons for selling, party leaving town. Jl-S-lW TXrANTKI). An honest, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable established house. Salary 7so, imyable 515 weekly, ami oxneuses. .Situation tiermanent. lteferenees. Knelohe self-addressed stamped envelope, Tho Dominion Company, 31G Omaha Ihiilding, CIIUWKII. ll-ll-.'llt Evan J. Davies, LIVERY AND Undertaking 13 N. Jardin Street. Hooks & Brown, We deliver the EVENING HERALD and all the PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK Snd POTTSVILLE dally papers. Agents for all periodicals, &c. 4 N. Main Street JOHN F. CLEARY, Temperance Drinks Mineral waters. Weiss beer. Bottler of the finest laecr beers, 17 and 1 9 Peach Alley, Shenandoah. KLLULO LLULQ n Mi W LLULQ I LLULQ HI THAT'S IT! That's the Flour that Makes the Best Bread. You can buy grocer at $2.50 Per ia barrel sack. Thos. E. Samuels & Co., Wholesale Grocers, 105 South Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa. CHARLIE SING, - Chinese Laundry, , NO. S SOUTH JARDIN STREET. First-class Work at Low Prices. All Work done In first-class manner, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shirts "washed and Ironed, 10c; shirts Ironed, 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c: undershirts, 7c; underdrawcrs, 7c; handkerchiefs, 2c. , ' CHARLEY SING, Manager. Carden's ART WALL PAPER Store. Wo havo just received a flno lino of tho most hc.iutiful and artistic papers In tho market, which wo will sell nt very roasonahlo prices. Wo havo also In stock a great doal of last year's patterns which wo aro soiling at a sacrifice. Come and sco our lino of goods. Wo have tho most hcautiful and artistic papers. Largest Paper Store in Town. Finest Stock and Lowest Prices. J, ) v 1 N JZT IV I IIouso,&ign nnd Dccoratlvo Painting. - r- UMKUCIM, No. 224 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, e SAM LEE, - Chinese Laundry, 10 North- Main Street. Clothes of all description neatly dono up nmilies in this town as to my care in washing do my work better and quicker than any othor Engagement Extraordinary ! REMENYI Grand Concert ! Farewell Tour of Edouard Remenyi HE GREATEST VIOLINIST OF THE AGE. Before rcturuiug to his native land he has consented to pay a visit to Shenan doah and will give a Grand Concert at Ferguson's Theatre, -ON Thursday, Nov. I4th, 1895, Under the auspices of nnd for the HencM of the RIIYIITIVE METHODIST CHURCH, MR. REMENYI will bo assisted iu the Concert by MISS PAULINE STEIN, Soprano. 311,1,1. LOUISE ROMAN, Solo Pianist. MR. EUGENE E. DAVIS, Ilaritono and Accompanist. Don't fail to read the press notices. POPULAR PRICES : Reserved Seats, 50 Cents Admission. 35 Cents Gallery, 35 Cents Edouard Remenyi has charmed the music-loving world. Chart Is now open at Klrlln'a drujr fctorc. BEER IS ROOD. Good beer builds un both bono and brawn. It Is Btrcngtbenini;, nourishing! milsclfMimklnir. You will feel tlmt llejul. I Ing Ilrewlng Company beer Is pure and wholesome, specially adapted for family uso. tVl. C. WATSON, Agent. South Slain street, Shenandoah, Liquors, Wines and Cigars at Wholesale ana neiau. REMOVAL SALE ! R R E E AH goods must ho sold by Janu ary 1st, regardless of cost. Our prices will prove to you that this is a genuine closing out sale. Como oarly before tho assortment Is gone. 25 to JO por cent, saved. Store to rent and fixtures for salo after January 1st. M O V O V A L S A L E A L S A Lightest and Best Located Store In Town, L E 29 N. MAIN STREET, AIRS. Q. W. HYDE. GORMAN'S CAFE I Cor. Coal and Main Sts. Hot lunch dally from 0 to 12 n. m. Rtflng bar auocneu wun nu me ueucacics oi tlio season. Best of Cigars, Wines and Liquors, Prompt attention and polite waiters. SHENANDOAH' Reliable : Hand : Laundry, Cor. LLOYD AND WHITE BTS. All work guaranteed to be first-class In every particular. 811k ties and Iocs curtains a spec ialty, uoous called for anu delivered. A trial order solicited n ir: VMUM no it 1 XWSTrW it of any A9LES. WASHBURN CKQSBYCffS, Vf G0LOE0AL..-: in first-class manner. I can refer to scorcaof and superior neatness in doing up clothing. laundry hi tho city. ' II COLOEDAL.-o. l& CHARLES LEE, Manager. OPEN EVERY DAY Goto the Shenandoah Dental Rooms for painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver fillings. If your artifical teeth do not suit you call to see us. All examinations free. We make all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown and Bridgo work nnd all operations that per tain to Dental surgery. No charges for extracting when plates are ordered. Wc aro the only users of vitalized air for tho painless extraction of teeth. SHENANDOAH Dental : Rooms, (Tltman's Block) East Centre Street. Ofllce Hours: 7 a. m, to 8 p, m. FALL and WINTER STYLES. Call and see tho hrightest, breeziest, snappiest lot of Fall and Winter Suitings Shenan doah has over had. We're experts on fit. We're dealers In new ideas. We're leaders of reasonable prices. If you aro a hard man to suit wo want you to call. PORTZ & BRO., 24- North Main St. Fall and A inter MILLINERY. Cheapest place in town. MORRISON, No. 8 East Centre Street. "HE WAY TO GET RICH Is to save In buvincr, It's extravagance to pay three dollars for an nrtlclo when you can Inly Just atgoodaono forone or two, li s a nouuy oi ours to sell Fall : and : Winter : Millinery For the least possible money. I'or Instance : At this store CIIII.DJtKN'8 CAPS can bn bought at 25 cents and upwards, SAILOJt 1 1 ATS, 50 cents and upwards and TUIMMEJ) HATS at S1.00 and upwards. Wo expect to win your trado by making it u advantage to you to buy at STANK'S, r South Main Street, - - Shenandoah. A genuine welcome awaits you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, rTnt Mnln nnrl Cnni tft. Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys, btwn, porter and ale constantly on tap. Choice teBi pernnoo drinks and cigars. For tho Latest Styles and Lowest Frlcea In . . . Fall and Winter Millinei IftW -Call Np, IU North Main St., Shenati