The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 11, 1895, Image 3

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    tQ X B O oi
Prevented by
when all
CutICura Soap purifies and beautifies
the skin, scalp, and hair by restoring to
healthy activity the Clogged, Inflamed,
Irritated, Sluggish, or Overworked
Sold throughout the world. Britten dpotl F. Kltr.
bibt h Hons, 1, Klnr Kdwird-ctn London. 1'ntTKB
Duo ft Cum. Cot p., SoUl'ropi., notion, U. 8. A.
7 S51il Jardln Street.
ttfllco llo
Hours: From 8 to 9;30 a. m.j 1:30 to 2:30
p. m.: 0:00 to 7:30 p. m.
p P. IIUltKK, M. I).
BO IS. Lloyd street, Shenandoah.
'Offlco lioura : 7 to 9 n. in., 1 to 0 and 7 to 9
p. m.
Shenandoah, Pa.
' Ofllcc Egon building, corner ol Mnln und
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
dlrtce. Mellct's Building, corner Centre and
Market streets.
Lock Box 05, Mahanoy City, Po.
Having studied under some of the best
masters h London and Parte, will (rive lessoru
on tho violin, guitar and voenl culture. Terms
reasonable. Address In caro of Strousc, tbo
jewoler. Shenandoah.
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with Humphreys'
"Witcb. Hasol Oil as a curative and
healing application. It has been
used 40 years and always affords relief
and always gives satisfaction.
It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and
Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas.
Relief immediate cure certain.
It Cures Burns, Scald3 and Ulceration and
Contraction from Burns. Relief Instant
It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated
Wounds and Bruises.
It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old
Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald
Head. It is Infallible.
It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts
and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable.
It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00.
Sold by Druggists, or eont post-paid on receiptor pries.
ml'IIHEVS-aiED. CO., Ill AllJWIltUmSt.NeirYort.
Ell HUP Yflll Bor8 Tnr,oat runplM. Copper
Sincere in Moutn. nair-raiiingi write uuui
SIC j:IJ:ix iu hut junnonic Teroine
schloiitm. Til., for nroofs of cures. Ctnl
Stnl, ISoOOJOO. Worst cases cured In IBM
Eto :JIi days. lOO-pnge booK lree
Lager and
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, A.,
West Coal Street.
Teams to Hire.
If you wdtt to hire ft' safe and reliable
team flrVlrivliigorforworklngimrposes
payii1elds' livery stable ft visit. 'learns
ccjfihntly on liand at reasonable rates.
fivipe; SHIELDS.
No. 410 East Centre street.
Rending railroad station.
Condensed Milk
v- -
'OUARCJ1 Wik-ax Specipic Co,PHim..PA.
It Results in Death to Four of the
Tito of the llnrcirtmmto Men Wcro Killed
Instniitly, While Two Others Died from
Their Injuries Soon After Tntnl Wreck
In Tennessee.
Wakwick, N. Y., Nov. 11. Englno No.
13 of tho Lehigh nnd Hudson rullrond
blow up yesterday eight mllos from this
plnco. Two mon wero instantly killed nnd
two others died later from their Injuries.
Tho englno was drawing a train between
Maybrook nnd Phllllpsburg.
Conductor Mnrtln O'Neill, of Belvldero,
nnd his bond brnkomnn. Jumos L. Sloan,
of Phllllpsburg, wero In tho cnb with tho
engineer, William Cooper, of Phllllps
burg, nnd his flromnn, Herbert Ueotnor, of
Eiiston, 1'n. Tho train of thirty curs had
reached tho top of tho grado near tho stono
bridge, and ns tho train started down cold
water was doubtless run Into tho boiler.
Brakcmnn Morris Hell saw tho explo
sion that followed. Tho hoavy boiler went
fifty feet In tho air and fell tweuty-flvo
foot from tho tracks, leaving tho ongluo
trucks uninjured. Hell throw himself
full length on a car and clung there. Ho
recovered, himself, nnd ho and Kingman
Adams began setting brakes. Tho train
ran a mllo nnd a half before It could bo
stopped. Hell ran six miles to Warwick
nnd gavo tho alarm, and Adams went
back to flag tho eastern express.
Superintendent Bailey, with a gang of
men, wont In an engine to tho sccno. A
torrlblo sight met tho rescuers. Conductor
O'Neill was crushed und mutilated almost
boyond recognition, tho train having
passed over him. Sloan hung unconscious
on a barbed wire fence, nnd Engineer
Cooper lay dead under tho boiler. All wcro
nearly naked, parts of their clothing hang
ing In tho trees near by. A Httlo later
Fireman Beotnor was seen walking along
tho tracks, his trousers being his only ap
parel. Ho was dazed nnd said ho romom
bcrSd going through tho nhy and found
himself in a field fifty feet from tho tracks. ;
Ho soon relapsed Into unconsciousness,
nnd was taken to Easton, where ho died a i
fow hours after tho accident. Brnkomau
Sloan died soon aftor being brought to
this place.
Fatal Wreck lu Tennessee.
Nashville, Nov. 11. Tho Louisville
nnd Nashvillo offlcors In this city say that
there was a collision between a freight
and passenger train at Franklin about 10
o'clock last night, and that no passengers
wcro killed, but Engineer Ed Corbott and
his fireman were hurt badly. Prlvtito In
formation says Corbett died from tho In
juries received, but this Is not known to
bo true, nor Is it known whether passen
gers wore hurt or killed.
Distressing Stories of Starvntlon.
Halifax, N. S., Nov. 11. Distressing
stories of deprivation and starvation wcro
brought by thomall steamer from Jnmalcn
last night. Tho district of St. Elizabeth,
comprising 0,000 persons, Is in a most de
plorablo condition, brought about by tho
failure of early crops by drought and by
devastation of tho second crops by a visit
ation of caterpillars. Two deaths havo al
ready been reported, an old woman nnd a
girl. Mnny of tho poorer pcoplo nro abso
lutely nude, and whole families havo been
living for weeks on n llttlo flour nnd sugar.
Others aro subsisting on cactus and other
plants, nnd unless oxtonslvo rellof comes
soon many pcoplo, old and young, must
dlo from starvation and want of even tho
barest necessities. In many lnstaneos
mothors are offering to glvo their llttlo
children away to strangers to save their
Postnlllco Statistics.
Washington, Nov. 11. First Assistant
Postmnstor General Frank H. Jones hns
mado Ills annual report for the year oud
ing Juno SO, 1893. Mr. Jones shows that
tho divisions under his supervision havo
saved during tho year $1,395,577, tho prin
cipal items being in tho saving of tho car
rier scrvlco by stopping overtime and re
duction of tho force, amounting to $1,300,
000. The salarios to all presidential post
masters amounted to $3,897,200, and tho
gross receipts of postofllces to $00,538,097.
The number of presidential postmnstors
aro 3,191, of which 159 aro first class, 700
second class nnd 2,033 third class. An es
timate of $17,000,000 for all postmasters is
mado for tho year 1890, nn incrcaso over
tho present year of $1,000,000.
Our New Minister to Switzerland.
Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 11. The Star
announces that President Cleveland hns
tendered to John Ii. Peako, a Kansas City-
lawyer, thij appointment ns United States
minister to Switzerland to succeed Juntos
O. Broadhend, of St. Louis, who reoently
tendered his resignation to tho preslilont.
Tills information Is supposed to como
through Congressman Tarsiroy. It Is
stated also that tho appointment may bo
withheld until after tho assembling of
congress uoxt mouth.
Wealthy Parmer Charged with Murder.
Sioux City, In., Nov. 11. A sensation
hns boon caused in Cherokee county by the
nrrest of Georgo Montaguo, a wealthy Ger
man farmer, on tho charge of killing Mr.
and Mrs. Sohultz, nn old couplo, two year
ngo. Tho murder wns a most brutal af
fair, tho heads of tho victims being beaten
to a Jelly. Montaguo is a brother of tho
murdered woman. Ho was arrested at the
Instnnoo of a neighbor, who says ho eon
tomyX the orime.
Ueiinunoliii; City Ollleluls.
SAVANNAH, Ga., Nqy. U. Hev. A. H.
William's, a loading Methodist clergyman,
delivered a sensational sermon here today,
denouncing Mayor ' Myers and othor city
oilloliils as foes of good government and
nbottors of law brenklng. Hov. Williams
Is fighting the city goyemjient, and a re
fusal to allow him to oxamlno tho court
records to soouru dntns, was made the
basis of Ids attacks.
i Two Men Pntally Injured.
Pottsvillb, Po., Nov. Jl.-i-Fmiik Mo
Multy, of Malmuoy Pla'uo, aud William
MoMulty, of Fraokvillo, wpro fatally in
jured by tho promaturooxploilou of a blast
in Ohamborlaln colliery. Frank MoMulty
had his faoo dlsllgured boyond reoognt
tlou, Ills nose being blown nwny and his
faoo silt from the forehead to (ho lips.
Judge Tliurinnu's Condition Improving,
CoLUMJlUS, O., Nov. 11. There is a
continued improvement lu Judge Thur
jnan's condition, and tliero are hopeB now
that the worst is ovor. It will take homo
time, howovor, to relieve thonuxioty of his
On Lnko Eric's Shores. Tho Captain's
Wlfo Tolls tho Story. It Will
Interest Many People.
(.From the Buffalo Evening Aeics.)
If you wcro to call at 27 Front Avcnuo
you would find a pleasant elderly lady,
Mrs. Captain Ilencsy by name. Her
kindly smilo nnd joyous manner nro to no
small extent duo to tho cscapo she has lintL
Her own words can better describe her
rescue and ono cau easily understand her
present happy condition when they realize
what she has gono through. Slio says:
"About fivo months ago I had an attack
of sickness which lasted for a week and
since that time I liavo been subject at In
tervals to similar attacks, somo of which
wero longer in duration. It is ham for
mo to describo how I suffered. Tho pain
would commence In my head, after which
it would seem to pass down my body and
settle in my back, my sides ached, my
back ached, and I had a feeling of great
distress in tho bowels. The increased
pain which seemed to come from lying
down, would bo almost unbearable, my
face and stomach would bloat up and I
could hardly stand on my feet, dizziness
made it almost impossible; this feeling was
always with me even af ter the violence of
tho attack passed over. The last attack I
had was tho worst, and was so bad I would
not liavo been able to tell tins story but
for Doan's Kidney Pills. As soon as I
commenced their uso I found immediate
relief. Tho pain in my back and sides left
me and tho dizziness went with it; tho
bloating in my face and body disappeared
and all distress in my bowels was gono.
I have great faitli in Doan's Kidney Pills;
in a short time they did a great deal more
for me than all tho plasters and medicines
which I had resorted to in seeking relief
and cure. I hope always to bo able to pro
euro them."
For sale by all dealers price, CO cents.
Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y., solo agents for tho U. S.
For sale at Kirlin's Pharmacy.
Forever Cured.
Four out of flvo who
suffer nervousness,
mental worry, attacks
of " tho blues," ore but
paying tho penalty of
early excesses. Vic
tims, reclaim your
manhood, regain your
vigor. Don't despair. Send for book with
explanation and proofs. Mailed (sealed) f roo.
ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N. Y.
ScFTF.MnEuM, 1805.
Trains will lenvo Shenandoah after tbo above
dato for WlKKans, Ollberton, Praekville, Dark
Water, St. Ulalr, t'ottsvme, Hamburg, Jteaiitnc;,
Pottstown, PhoenlxYillc. Norrlstown and Phil.
adclphla (llroad street station) at 0 OS and 11 13
n. m. and 1 lo p. in. on wccK uays. ror t'otts
villo and intermediate stations 0 lo a. m.
For WlKJtnns, Qllberton, Frackvillo, Dark
Water. St. Clair, Pottsvillc, nt 0 OS, 9 40 a. in. nnd
3 10 . m. For Hamburg, Heading, Pottstown,
Phocnixvllle, Norristown, Philadelphia at GOO,
9 40 a. in., !1 10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackvillo for Shennndoah at
10 40 n. in. and 1211, 5 01, 74'i and 10 27 p. in.
Sunday, 111:! a. in. and 5 10 p. m.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah at 10 15, 11 4$
a. m. and 1 40, 7 15 mid 10 00 p. m. Sunday at
iu tu a. in., u lO p. 111.
Leave Philadelphia, (Ilrond street station), for
snenaimonu acoo aim a. in., l iu nnu ill
n. m. week davs. Suudavs leave at 6 50 n. ill.
Leave Hroad street t,tatlou, Philadelphia, for
Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Long
liranch, and intermediate stations, CM, 8.25,
11.39 u. in., 3.30, 4.00 ii. in. week-days. Sundnys
(gtopnt liitennKcn lorAHiiury I'arK), rv-a. in
Leave llroad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week days, 3 20, 4 OT, 1 50, 5 15, 0 50,
733, H20, 900, luuu (uining car), iiuu, mi a.
m., 12 noon, 12 35 (Limited 100 nnd 4 22 p. m.
Dining Cars), 1 10.2 30 (Dining Car), 3 20, 100,
5 00, 5 50 (Dining Car), 0 00, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. in.,
mm., i i. u,..,,!,...,. n on 4 ktx n IK all
9 50, 10 U0 (Dining Car), HOT a. in., 12 35, 2 30
(Dining Car), 100 (Limited I 22), 5 20, 5 50 (Din
lug Car), 0 35, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. m., 12 01 night.
Express for Hoston, without change, 1100 ft.
in. week days, and 050 p. in. dally.
For Iialtlmore nnd Washington, 3 50, 7 20, 8 31,
910,10 20,H18,1138n. in., (12 31 Limited Din
ing Car), 1 12, 3 40, I II (5 10 Congressional
Limited, Dining Cur), 017, 055 (Dining Car),
7 40 (Dining Cur) p. in., nnd 12 05 night week
dnys. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18, 11 38 a. in.,
112,4 11, 0&5 (Dining Car), 7 10 p. m. (Dining
Car) and 12 0.5 night.
Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia,
Express, 850 a. in., 2 10,4 00, and 5 00 p. in.
week days. Sundays, 8 45 and 9 15 a. in.
For Cnnc May. Anglessen. Wildwood nnd
li. Ul lliLZlll. OUIIUUB.(lU. - UV, U i'J. O Aw.
Holly Beach. Express, 9 00 a. in., und 1 00 p. in.
week days. Sundays, 9 00 a. in.
For Sea Isle City, Ocean City nnd Avnlon.
Express, 9 00 a. m., and 4 00 p. in. week days.
Sundays, 9 00 a. in.
For Somers Point. Express, 8 50 n. m., nnd
4 00 i: m. week days. Sundays, 8 15 a. m.
S. SI. Pkevost, J. It. Woon,
Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Pass'g'r Agt.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Tonsorial Artist.
12 Wot Centre street.
StyJ'sh hair cutting a specialty. Clean towel
with tverv shave.
Tbo Disappointed English Yaolits
man and His Serious Charges.
lie Declares That If the Latest Statement
Attributed to the Hrltlih "Sport" Is
True Ills Lordship Is "it Liar and a
New Yoiik, Nov. 11. hard Dunrnvcn's
published statement in tho London Field
is causing great Indignation nmongynohts
men hero. In that statement Lord Dun
raven contends that tho Defender's victory
was duo to the fact that she did not sail in
tho racos ou her mensurcd load water lino.
This, of course, means nothing if it does
not show that Lord Dttnrnvcn was dishon
estly defeated in tho races, and that ho was
cheated out of his victory.
In corroboration of this accusation Lord
Dunravcn cites tho fact that no ono lived
on board tho Defender or on her tender,
tho tug Hattio Palmer, but that much
material was frequently transferred from
the yacht to tho tender or from tho latter
to tho yacht. Defender went to tho Erio
basin to bo measured, Lord Dunrnven
ndds, and then it was apparent to overy
ono on tho City of Bridgeport, tho Val
kyrie's tender, that sho floated much
higher than previously.
Tho Hattio Palmer was bcsldo tho Do
fender all that night, hor crow was at work
from dark until 1 o'clock in the morning,
and when Lord Dunrnven put Mr. Hen
derson aboard tho yacht in tho morning
he says ho was perfectly certain that sho
was four Inches deepor than she was when
sho was measured. Ho adds that ho was
reluctant to formally complain, as it was
imposslblo for him to vorlfy his belief.
Hut when Air. Fish went nboard tho
Vnlkyrlo III Lord Dunrnven says ho told
him tho whole case, asserting his belief
that tho Defender wns sailing fully a foot
boyond her proper length. Tills wns just
boforo the race, and ho asked Mr. Fish to
imluco tho committee to send a member
aboard each yacht after tho race aud hnve
them measured nt once, or to havo tho
committeemen stay in chargo until tho
measurements had been made. Ho also
asked that tho load water lino of encli
yacht bo marked on It externally, so It
might bo visible nt all times.
Tho only answer ho says ho received was
an order that the boats should bo ro
measured tho following day. Then comes
tho serious chargo. Ho says that no com
mitteeman wns in chargo of either boat,
and the Defender lay all night with the
Hattio Palmer alongside of her, and so
Sunday's romeasurement afforded no
proof that either yacht bad not exceeded
her measured lengtli iu tho previous day's
Tho plnln inforenco is that Lord Dun
rnven bellovcs that during tho night
enough material wns taken from tho Do
fender to lighten her, aud thus make her
load water lino as it was ou tiio previous
Lord Duuravon's charges woro received
with amazement aud Indignation by all
tho gontlomcn wlicso names aro identified
with yachting, and evorywlioro surpriso
was oxprossed that Lord Dunravon could
havo folt Impelled to charge with such low
conduct gontlomcn who could not bo sus
pected of stooping to such dishonorable
Mr. C. Oliver Iselln was seen by a re
porter nt his homo at Now Itochelle, and
in reply to questions said that ho would
wait until ho read tho four column state
ment in London Field, nnd then, if satis
fied that it was authontic, nnd that Lord
Dunravon's statement Is as published, ho
would certainly nnswor it. In rosponso to
further questioning Mr. Isoliu said:
"Any man" aud ho omphasized the
"any" "who would chargo mo with such
conduct Is a d d liar aud a blackguard.
And in saying that I want it to bo under
stood that I am fully responsible for what
I say."
Commodore Jnmos D. Smith, chairman
of tho Amorlca's cup committee, said: "To
my mind that charge of Lord Dunravon's
la the most outrageous that I havo ever
heard. That It is falso every member of
tho club and ovor)- yachtsman in America
knows. I oannot conceive how ho can
havo mado such allegations. They are
shameful. To Impute dishonest to the
Defender nyndloate seems to me to lo tho
culmination of Dtiuraven'g chagrin tit not
being able to win the cup."
Ills I.oi'iUhlp to he Horsewhipped.
' SAX FKANCIBOO. Nov. 11. A local paper
gays Lord Sholto Douglass, the son of the
Marquis of Queeukborry, who married a
variety actress a few months ago, is to be
horsewhipped by Mrs. A dills, his mother-in-law.
Mrs. Addis has announced that
she will start for Los Angeles this week
for the purposo of touching her son-in-law
somo American miuinems. The disagree
ment U said to have resulted from the in
terference of Mrs. Addis in, flit manage
ment of the Douglass household. Lord
Sholto took exception to the notion Of his
inother-lu-htw, and In a letter luformed'
hor that when lie married Mlas Addis lie
did uot marry tho whole family, and that
he would bo pleased it his mother-in-law
would permit him to manage ids own do
mitetlo affairs.
Pustor Chubb Seeks n New Trial.
NoiUlliTOWN, Pa., Nov- 11. There woro
lntenntilig features in the argument for a
new trial In the ease of Uev. S. H. Chubb,
pastor of the Plymouth United Evangeli
cal church. Ho was recently convicted of
undue intimacy with Min Mury Hiltner,
nmamliurof his flock Ono of tho rea
sons advaured for a new trial is tho alle
gation that William H Neall, of Lower
Merlon township, one of the jurors, had
been liilluein ed by a w.mian with whom,
it is alleged, he held a cimvi rsation at tun
dinnor table at tho Hani bo Hous.
" lafSestuKew
good tobacco
Sometimes needs a reliable,
tho purest drugs
& T-V. Tk....nlnan. TIMn.HFill....
wlnt. gont any where, $1.00. Addresj Peai. Medicihu Co., Cleveland, O.
For sale by 1'. I. 1). Klltl.lX, Shenandoah, Pa.
Justice of the Peace,
Insurance and
Real Estate Agent,
123 Hast Centre St.
Properties For Sale.
mWO-STOUV Frame IlulldInK, 30xS feet on
J. South Cliehtuut street, ltuut fur J 18 pet
month i will be sold cheap.
HALF LOT and TWO HOl'SES, situated
on West Centre street. Will jy 12 per
cent, on investment, aud can be bought ou eney
i FAltM OF 38 AC'HEf within three
iv mllee of good market. Twenty-nine
acres under cultivation, and four acres ol
1 good tinnier, rrame larm uouse, six rooms,
, good barn mid all in good condition. Will be
sold for 1,200 cash.
HALF LOT ami two houses on South Main
street. 1,S00.
mW'ti LOTS mid six houses, Including throe
1 fUn frame hotel and store room, ou 15t
Centre street. Property In good condition.
Aggregate lent. ?110.00 per month.
John A. Reilly,
Wholesale Liquors.
Wolter's, Iterliuer aud Weiss Iioer.
22-24 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Celebrated Fomnln
Powders never full.
l ..if lil.iin. Inftrrfrilllllf
with Tatuy tnd Pennyroyal Pill, and utlur like
ri-modii. . Alvnv. Iiuv tliu IhhI and Avoid di.ur-
fttlntrocnt. (iuiirmtrca aurx-nur to all other. IHaivvl
lVrtlculari.lcti, Vi,
Uiwlc lliy, Do.kra, Nui.
For shortening
never use more than
K two-thirds as much Colto
, 'pup na vmi xi-nnln rtf lnt
l When iryiiH' with Cottolcnc nV
' ways put it in n cold pon.licnlinij
;it with the pan. Cottolcnc pro
Uduccsthc best results when very
:Ct hot, but as it reaches the cooking
Eir point much sooner than leid, care
Jd. should bo taken not to let it burn
(tszty when hot cnouuli. it will dc'.i-
catcly brown a bit of broad in half
vffzji a miuulc. 1 ollow these ilu ectiom,
: T)iu usiuii Cottolcnc and lmd will
never ngain be permitted in your
Kliuicu urin yuur iuuu. ui-uuiuu
Cottolcfle iseold everywhere in tins
with trade-marks "'Collolcne' 'aud
steer's head in cotton-plant wreath
a every tin.
anil i2 iicinmirc Aie., PIilln.
monthly, regulating medicine. Otily harmless and
should be uuki. if you want the best, get
The Backus Water Motor
Is the Most Economical Power Known,"
and the Best In Ihe World for Driving:
Light Machinery.
It takes but little room.
It never gets out of repair.
It can not blow up.
It requires no fuel.
It needs no engineer.
There Is no delay; no nriug up; no ashes to
clean away; no extra Insurance to !ay; no re
pairing neeessHry; no coal bills to iiay, and it Lj
always ready for use. It Is luvalvable for
blowing Church Organs, for riiiiulr.ic Printing
lfi ooi. os, newiug Jiaciunes, ruruiiis; i-atnes,
Scroll Saws, Grind Stonee, Coffen Mills, Sausage
Muchluea, Feed Cutters, Corn Mills, Elevaton,
Ete. Four-horse power at 10 pounds pressure of
water. It is noiseless, neat, compact, steady,
and above all
Price, $15 to $300
Send forolroiilarto the Hackus Water Motor
i Co., Newark, N. J., stating luqier you saw
advertisement lu.
We also manufacture Patent Rotating;
and Exhaust Fans.
Send for Special Catalogue on