The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 11, 1895, Image 1

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VOL. X.-N0. 278.
J ' "
P GJtittn Main
invoices of these goods and shall continue until the close of the season
to keep the stock up to the high standard it has maintained since the
We handle Butterlck's paper patterns. Monthly
style sheet given away free.
Tfe I P k ITfH A IT
y entire stock is half sold and the balance in MEN'S,
you an opportunity to buy at half prices as I will posi
tively retire from business on January i. i8q6. In
. ,
addition we have
75 Pair of Men's Shoes at $1.00.
35 Pair of Ladies' Shoes at 95c, worth $1.50
and $2.00.
50 Pair of Children's
at a sacrifice.
S3 South (Via in
113 North Main Street,
Latest Styles and Materials in:
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
All New Novelties In
F-lcr.-t-it line of Blankets and Comforts, at
prices unheard
Our Fancy Java, or
regard to Tea, we occupy a
tv carefully selected by competent judges, and a trial order will
nvinceyouthatwe can please the most fastidious customers.
'e offer nothing but good
lor and flavor, and they are
Embraces all the desirable qualities
in an instrument, at the lowest price
consistent with the best grade.
Sold on easy terms by
J. P.
We have them all, every gar
ment the latest, best fitting and
best made in the market. No
where else will you get equal
qualities at prices as low as ours.
A look through our Coat Room
will convince you of this fact.
We are daily receiving new
No. 27
11 N. Main St.
Shoes which we will sell out
Goods and Carpet Store,
Dress Goods.
of before.
Man, supplied with reasoning and dis
cerning powers, may improve his con
dition by the exercise of these faculties.
This can be applied with very good
effect in the purchase of Coffees and
Teas. A good cup of Coffee depends
not only on the making but the brand
of Coffee, the grade, the roasting and
preparation are very important factors.
We feel confident that we can meet all
those requirements. A delicious cup
of Coffee is a certainty if you use
our Fancy Blended Coffee,
r . 11 Mr T,nt Voirr VAI-V
irout mas., iUBUV,ui
grades that are noted for quality,
sold at popular prices
Preparations Are Being Made for the
Event at Atlanta.
A Distinguished Party Will Attend, Com
posed of Governor Hastings, Members
of Mb Cabinet, Legislators and
IlAltillSDUlio, Nov. 11. Governor Hust
ings will pay a visit this week to tho Cot
ton States exposition. Ho will bo ac
companied by monibors of his cabinet,
representatives of tho legislature and ju
dicial branches of tho slato government
and other distinguished Pcnusylvnnlnns.
Tho party goes to Atlanta as tho guosts ol
tho Pennsylvania exposition commission
to participate In tho exercises next Thurs
day, which has been designated as "Penn
sylvania day." Tho Pennsylvania rail
road has placed at the disposal of tho
commission tho finest train in Its servioe.
Thursday noon special exercises will take
placo at tho Pennsylvania building.
Governor Atkinson, of Goorgia, will de
liver tho address of wolcomo, to which
Governor Hastings will rosnond. Ad
dresses will also bo mado by JIayor King
of Atlanta, Ju'dgo Henry William, of the
Pennsylvania supremo court; Lieutenant
Governor Walter Lyoa and 0. A. Collier,
president of tho oxposltlon.
How a Sllne Hoss Quelled a Riot.
Birmingham, Nov. 11. A threatened
riot at Ishkoota mines, near this city, was
quelled by lerry watklns, tho mino boss,
who killed two men and mortally wounded
tho third. Watklns was assaulted by
Louis Smith, Jr., Louis Smith, Sr., and
Columbus Madden with missiles. When
they had Watklns down, and thought to
bo knocked senseless, ho emptied Ills re
volver, killing Louis Smith, Jr., and Co
lumbus Maddon, and mortally wounding
Louis Smith, Sr. The other disaffected
miners then threatened Vv'atklns, when
they were quelled by Watklns starting tho
same vigorous defense
Suffocated In a 31 Inc.
Siiamokin, Pa., Nov. 11. Kdward Kelly,
85 years old, a minor at the Pennsylvania
mine, was imprisoned by a full of coal on
Friday, which closed tho only outlet lead
ing to tho gangway. A big gang was put
to work and another heading was driven
through the pillar of coal to reach his
placo of rofugo, but it was not until yos-
terday morning, after forry-lhreo hours
labor, that tho work was accomplished.
Kelly had suocumbod to the deadly mine
gas some hours previous. His death was
duo to suffocation. He lcavos a wife and
three children nt Rldgovlllo.
Stabbed Himself at tho Dinner Table.
SIIAMOKIN, Pa., Nov. 11. Enoch Seo
bino, of Green Rldgo, whilo eating dinner
with his family made a dotermined effort
to commit suicide by stabbing himself
With a butcher knife. Tho blndo piorced
his abdomon twice and was forced into his
neck bofore the horrified membors of his
family could Interfere and disarm him.
Although each of tho wounds Is largo and
doep, ho did not strike a vital spot, but his
recovery is baroly possible. Seoblno has
been a great sufferer from the grip.
A Noted Canadian Scientist Dead.
Halifax, N. S., Nov. 11. Professor
George Lawson died here lost night from
a stroke of paralysis, aged 67. Ho was
secretary of agriculture for Nova Scotia,
and profossor of chemistry and botany in
Dnlhouslo college. Ho was ono of tho most
distinguished scientists in Canada, nud
was tho author of numerous pamphlets
and works on botany and chemistry. Ho
was a fellow of the Koyal Soeioty of Eng
land and tho Itoynl Society of Canada,
Charged with Killing His Uncle.
LuitAY, Vn., Nov. 11. Nowton D. Kib
lor was arrested hero on Saturday for the
murder of his undo, Willis D. Kiblcr, latt
Wednesday. Mrs. Fnnnlo I. Kearnos, nn
old friend of tho dead man, now residing
in Baltimore, was arrested as an accessory
in tho crimo. Kibler and Mrs. Kcarnswero
both about to tako a train for Baltimore.
Tho ovidenco is ciroumstantlal, but vory
strong against both.
School Closed by Disease.
AliDMOltE, Pa., Nov. 11. Asa precau
tionary measure, after consulting with
soveral physicians, the school board of
Lower Merlon township has ordered tho
Ardmoro public school closod for ono
week. There has been quite a number ol
cases of diphtheria, soro throat and sim
ilar diseases, but very few fatal onos,ln tho
neighborhood within tho past few weeks.
Three Slnrderers Captured.
Shamokih, Fa., Nov. 11. Potor Shopoi
klo and two companions were nrrestcd yes
torday for having crushed In tho skull and
face of the former's brothor, Frank Shop
oikie, after he had refused to drink with
them. After committing the orlmo they
threw th body on the platform of a Bend
ing passenger train ns it pulled out from
the station.
The Dnkn and Duchess nt Church.
New York, Nov, 11. The newly wed
ded Duke and Duchess of Marlborough
attended service at St. Mark's Episcopal
church In Isllp, L. I., yosterdoy. Tho
church was crowded in exportation of
their oomintr. and they were much stared
at. Mr. "W. K. Yanderbllt visited his
daughter and lon-ln-law at hli country
X Deadly Mine, -for the Thomas Family,
PoTTSVlLLE.Pa., Nov.ll. John Thomas,
of Branchdlo. was killed at tho otto col'
Mory Saturday. About four years ago tho
fathor. Thomas Thomas, sustained nn In
jury la tho same mines, from the effects ol
which ho dlod a fow days afterward. Two
yearn later tho youngest son was. Instantly
killed at tho same mUe.
Watson House Free lunch.
Nice oy6tor plo to-night.
Calf s livor and onions to-morrow morning,
Opening of tho Thirty-Third Annual Ses
sion at lotttllle.
Special to KvfcNINO IIl.itAl.1).
1'otthville, Nov. 11. Tho Thirty-third
annual Teachers' Institute of Schuylkill
county opened in tho Acadoiny here at 1:30
o'clock tliis afternoon with an increased en
rollment of teachers from all parts of tho
county. Tho address of welcome was de
livered by Major Levi Ilulicr and was re
sponded to by Superintendent 51. 1'. Whit
akdr, of Shenandoah. County Superintendent
0. V. Weiss followed with general remarks
and tho Institute then proceeded with tho
regular course, Dr. A. E. Maltby opening it
with a talk on "Tho Educational Idea."
Superintendent Henry Houck closed the ses
sion with an addross. The New York Phil
harmonic Club will open the course of enter
tainments tliis evening. To-morrow tho
Institute will bo addressed by Dr. E. O. Lyto,
Dr. :Georgo II. Ilanchor and Dr. John 11.
Doifotto. ,
Kcndrlck House l'rco Lunch.
Vegetable soup to-night. 1'lcnty for all.
Death of Frank Scott.
Three weeks ago Frank Scott, of Brandon
ville, omployed as machinist at Ilazlo Mines,
whilo ongagod in oiling somo of tho ma
chinery foil into tho same and was badly in
jured. Ho was removed to the hospital, and
it was thought ho would rccovor. A little
ovor a week ago his condition changed and
ho grew worse daily, suffering intense pain,
until deatli relieved him Saturday evening.
Ho loaves a wife and four children. The de
ceased was until recently employed as en
gineer at the pumping station of tho borough
water works. Tho funeral will take placo
to-morrow afternoon at Brandonvillo.
At llreen's Cafe.
Gmnd Army bean sou) will ho served frco
to-night. A big dish for everybody.
Hot lunch served every morning.
Meals served at all hours.
William G. Parker died very suddenly
last night of heart disease. Ho retired Sat
urday night feeling unwell hut his family
had littlo fear of tho trouble proving fatal.
Tho deceased was well known, and was 43
years old. Ho leaves a widow and seven
children, tho oldest about 18 years of age.
Tho funeral will tako place from the lato
rcsidenco, 223 Raspberry alley, on Wednes
day afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, interment in
Odd Fellows' cemetery.
Sclieltly House.
Oysters on toast to-night.
Fit , lobsters in town.
Chicken soup. Little neck clams.
Rappahannock oysters.
Ham. Sardines. Swiss cheese.
Fishcakes. Oysters in every stylo.
Cause of tho llesigiiatious.
Tho recent frequent resignations by people
holding positions at tho collieries which aro
indirectly oporatcd by tho Pennsylvania
Railroad Company has created somo specula
tion as to tho causo. It is stated by people
who aro in a position to know that they aro
caused by a retrenchment policy adopted by
tho company, by which salaries aro being ro'
ducod. In some instances tho salaries of
mine officials have been cut as much as fifty
per cent.
Go and try Womer's shoe store, on Nortli
Main street, for footwear. Tho cheapest and
best placo in town. 11-7-tf
Criminal Court This Week.
This morning a two weeks' term of crim
inal court opened. Judge Iiechtel will bo
assisted in tho trial of cases by Judgo Savage
of Northumberland county, during tho first
week, and if it is seen the criminal calendar
cannot bo cleared up the following week with
two courts, nn cil'ort will bo mado to run
tiireo courts. Up to Saturday 1915 new cases
had been returned to District Attorney Ryan,
and tills number, with quite a list left over,
will furnish plenty of work. This will bo the
last criminal court for District Attorney IJyau.
For comfortable, perfect fitting men's,
ladies' or children's footwear, you want t6 go
to Womer's, on North Slain street, tho most
popular priced shoo btoro in town.
The Coylu Llliel Suit.
An amicable settlement has keen arranged
In tho libel suit of Senator John J. Coylo
against Editor I'arkcr, of tho Mahanoy City
Daily Record. Mr. Parker appeared before
Justice W. F. Dochney, at Mahanoy City,
Saturday afternoon and ofTered to mako a full
retraction, lie agreed to mako such retrac
tion as might bo satisfactory to Senator Coylo
and publish it in this evening's issuo of his
paier. He also agreed to pay tho costs of
tho suit, whereupon tho case was withdrawn.
Get n Hand In It
And buy a pair of Max Levit's ct
fitting gloves, Big bargains in gents' Wi."lon
underwear. At 15 East Centre street.
In Darkness
Tho town of Ashland presented a deserted
condition last evening, owing to a break in
tho main water pipe of the borough. Tho
town was without gas or electric light and
people woro compelled to us lanterns.
Religious services were disponsed with in
most of tho churches,
Its Popularity Increasing,
Tho Columbia Brewing Company is still
supplying their customors witli tho host pro
duct in tho world which is becoming more
popular every day. It is made of tho bebt
hops and malt and everybody likoa it because
it leads them all.
"Vuit Our Store To-day.
We just received a big lot of handsome
coats for young ladies. Our prlco is 1.50.
Thoy were mado to boll at $7.00. Buying and
selling for spot cash makes tho difference.
L, J. Wilkinson.
Have tho leaks in your gas and water mains
repaired. by, P-, W. Bell, the plumber.
Several Influential Townsmen
Become Interested In It.
It is Proposed to Combine a Hotel With a
Theatre Tho Site on Which the
Commercial Hotel Stands the
Desired Point.
Tliero have been rumors from time to time
of projects to orect an additional opora houso
in town, but each report has died out after
considerable discussion without any sub
stantial development making its appearance.
Another project is now heralded and it seems
to bo bettor founded and shows more color of
success than its predecessors.
Tho latest project is in tho hands of half
a dozen of tho most prominent and well-to
do residents, and ono of them is so cntliu.
siastic over it that ho is ready to mako an in
dividual contribution sullicicut to cover at
least 25 per cent, of the cost.
The project was thoroughly discussed Sat
urday night and it was decided to organize a
syndicate and push tho matter along so as t&
have tho new opera house ready for nest
fall. It is proposod to build on tho site at
present occupied by tho Commercial Hotel,
at the northwest corner of Main and Coal
streets. Tho plans in view aro to orect a
substantial brick structure which will con
tain both a tlicatro and a hotel. Tho latter
will have twenty-five rooms and tho base
ment will be fitted up as a billiard and pool
room, making a sweep from Main street to
Pear alley.
There has been somo hesitancy about es
tablishing a second tlicatro in town for tho
reason that the majority of the peoplo hao
feared that the two would not pay, but since
it has been learned that Mahanoy City is to
have another opera houso and C. D. Kaier,
who owns the old one, will help the erection
of the second, tho opinion bore is changed
and there is no doubt that this town will also
have two theatres.
During tho deliberations Saturday even
ing the Commercial Hotel property was ob
jected to as a site, but it was argued that its
location is not near as much out of the way
as appears at first glance. Whilo at tho
northern end of the town, it is only two
squares away from the central point and only
ono square further away from tho Lakeside
Railway terminus than the old theatre is.
IScsidcs this the property is located on Main
street aud tho Schuylkill Traction lino passes
tho door. Another meeting is to bo held by
tlio projectors before tho closo of the week.
Dress Stall" New To-Day.
New plaids at 12c, wortli 18c; all wool
yard wide cloth at 83c, formerly 40c ; bleached
oxtra-wido table linen, for ono week only,
25u per yd ; lace curtains, extra wide, superbly
finished, six yards to tho pair, this week only
at 79o per pair formerly $1.50. Ready-made
sheets and pillowcases, ladies' muslin under
wear for less money than the cost of ma
terial alono. L. J. Wilkinson.
The Senatorial Investigation Itegaii This
Special to Evening IIkiiald.
Philadelphia, Nov. 11. Tho State
Senate's committee, which is to investigate
tho municipal affairs of this city, met at tho
Metropolo Hotel at 1 o'clock this afternoon.
Chairman Andrews and State Senator Pen
rose were in New York Saturday consulting
witli Recorder Gofr about tho methods of pro
cedure in the Lcxow investigation.
All members of the committee were present
excepting Senator Thomas, who is at the
Atlauta Exposition. The chairman says the
investigation will bo through, and that
witnesses will lie protected as far as possible.
Tho greater part ot to-day was taken up in
organizing the committee for tho work in
hand. Witnesses will not bo allowed counsel.
Visiting: Clergymen.
Threo visiting clergymon ofliciatod at
church services in town yesterday. Rev
Frank H. Moyor, of Lancaster, filled tho
pulpit at tho Trinity Reformed church; Rev.
William R. Evans, of Shawnee, Ohio, at tho
Welsh Congregational, and Rev. David L.
Evans at tho Olivary Baptist church.
A Gangway Closes.
One of tho gangways at the Lawrenco col
liery closed aud about 20 men who were
working in it at the time narrowly escaped
death. It took about threo hours to recover
tho men. This is tho second gangway that
has closed at this colliery within two weeks.
John Shcafor lost his life in the last cloiie-in.
A Teachers' Kvening.
The B. F. C. Club, a social organization
composed of the school teachers of towu, met
Saturday evening at tho rcsiili uo of Miss
Idaho P. Kolb, ou North Jardi street, and
indulged In a program of literary and vocal
and instrumental musical exercises which
was supplemented with refreshments.
Toole's House Sold.
F. L. Shisslor, of Pottsvillo, bought tho
Jiandsomo homo built in l'ottbvillo by ex
Clerk of tho Courts John J. Toole, for f 1,500
and sold it tho day after to W. II. Fcgloy for
Wire Crossed.
The bell of tho firo alarm system was
tapped twice Saturday night by the storm
caublng a crossing of wlroa.
Library Not li e.
Hereafter tho public library will be open
on Thursdays from 4:15 to 5:30 p. m., and on
Saturdays fronV0:30 to 8 p. m. Also on Tues
days from 2 to4 p. m. U-0-2t
Beet gas fitting Is'p. y. Bell.
116 and 118 North Main Street.
A present for you this week !
Every lady needs a hair curler I
We have on sale a lot of
polished steel hair curlers.
With every hair curler you
buy we give you free of
charge one piece of Butter
milk Soap.
Price of hair curler and
Get your curlers and soap.
grey wool with red
toes and heels, at our
counter now
Vests and Drawers. A
new line all sizes at
bought at a sale in New York,
different patterns and colorings.
3-4. for SSc
S-J. for $1.93.
Ususl Price Much Higher.
Boys' Black Mixed Wool Hose.
This is an Extra Value
never sold under 25c.
Heavier and stronger
than two other pair
combined, now on
sale at
P. N. Corsets Best in FiF and Wear J
Now Voot Hall Toam.
Tho Emmon Social Club on Saturday even
ing formed a foot ball team with the follow
ing players : F. Maluy, center ; George l'ortz,
right guard ; I). Hopler, left guard ; E.
Lockett, right tackle ; C. Fricke, left tackle ;
J. Leckio, right cud; E. I!. Iirunim, left end;
Joseph Bcddall, right halfback ; Charles.
Bcddall, left halfback; F. l'ortz, quarter
back ; Jenes, captain and fullback; Daddow,
Bedford, Lewis, Wasley, Keitor and .Iiicoby,
substitutes. This team is open to challenges
from all clubs over 100 pounds. Communica
tions should bo addressed to S. Longsdorf,
manager, Lost Creek, I'm
,1. V. llnulley's Meat Market
For your choice fresh and smoked meats, lard
aud all kinds of sausages. Largest stock in
town at popular prices. 227 East Centre
street, Shenandoah, Pa. 10-30-tt
Changes Among Officials.
John Conway, recently im-ido foreman at
Mid Valley No. 2 colliery, has been promoted
to tho position of insido foreman at tho Mt.
Carmcl colliery. Tho vacancy occurred by
the promotion of Charles Jasper to the
superiiLteiulency of the Mid Valley colliery.
W. A. Richardson, paymaster for tho
Mineral Railroad and Mining Co., has re
signed, and on December 1st ho will becomo
Assistant Cashier of the First National Bank,
of Shamokir..
Who Said They Iluru a Cough i
Advice Tako Pan-Tina, 23c. At Gruhlcr
Bros., drug store.
Hon. James 1'ochi Dead.
Tho deatli of Hon. James Focht, of Potts
villo, occurred Saturday night, at tho age of
"7 years. Somo tlmo ago he contracted a
cold which proved fatal. The deceased was
cx-Associato Judgo o this county, and j-i
well and favorably known. Ho leaves a
widow and five children, David, a retired
merchant of Mahanoy City; Clara, Charles
a civil engineer; Jlattio aud Henry, llis
funeral will tako via'- to-morrow aftornoon
at 2 o'clock.
Best plumbing is dono by P. W. Boll.
lUoku Ills Wrist.
This morning as a young son of Jamos
Tobin, tlio saloonkeeper, was trying to secure
a foot ball which was lodged in a treo, tho
limb upon which he was standing broke,
precipitating him to the ground aud breaking
liis right wrist. Ho was attended by Dr.
G. M. Hamilton.
Hack I'rum New York.
Wo purchased last week our fourth big lot
of stylish coats. Wo couldn't boll so many it"
our prices weren't right. Wo show oxclusivo
styles in rich, woll-mado cloaks, wraps and
furs at prices that will interest you.
h. J. Wilkinson.
4 ri
I --
It is Time
To Think:
Ot buckwheat cakes and muslw
You will find at our place some
Benton Buckwheat flour, the best
in the land. Also Hecker's and.
Superlative self-raising. 10, 15
and 1 8c. Wra, Idea's celebrated,
corn meal will give satisfaction,
every time. Cheaper than ever in.
25 pound lots.
122 North Jar Jin
Sty. Shenandoah.