The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 08, 1895, Image 2

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Published every livening, Kxeept Sunday, nt
8 South Jxnnix SrnKKT, Khar C'mRK.
The Hi' rnld is dellvcied In Shenandoah nnd the
surrounding towns for six eenti a week, pay
able to tlio carriers. Uy mnll $1.00 a year, or '
cents h month, payable in advance. Advertise
ments charged accordliiKtospaccand position.
The publishers reserve the right to chaugo tho
position of advertisements whenever tho pub
lication of news demands It. Tho right is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not, that tho publishers may deem
fmproper. Advertising rates mado known
upon application.
Entered at tho postofllce at Shenandoah, !., as
second class mall matter.
Evening Herald
The latest news from Kentucky indicates
that tho Star-Eyed Goddess of Iteform lias
planted hor banner tlioro permanently.
Now that young Marlborough has made p.
Duchess of Miss Vamlcrbilt it is to bo hoped
ho will not make ducks and drakes of tho
money tho doar girl gave him.
The United States Senate in 1897 will ho
Republican. Tho election on Tuesday settled
that question. Tho placos of Senators Gib
son, of Maryland ; Hill, of New York, and
llrico, of Ohio, will bo filled by Republicans.
There are no probabilities that tho Democrats
will niako any gains, whilo on tho other
hand it is very likely that they will lose
other seats, and he in u decided minority
when tho Republican President takes his
The "political cauldron" having boiled
itself out for tho time being, political matters
will now subside for awhile until the muni
cipal elections draw near, when the free and
independent American citizen will again let
himself loose and dilate upon tho superior
merits and claims of Smith, Jones and Robin
son for constable, assessor or councilman, and
tho said S., .1. and R. will spend more money
to secure the privilege of being execrated
after election than would suffice to buy him
a houso and lot. Hut ho will assert his
rights if it docs cost his wife a sealskin coat
or a silk dress.
The troublo in Turkey appears to bo in
creasing instead of diminishing and tho
disaffection is spreading to tho army nnd
navy. Another change of ministers has oc
curred and tho Sultan is in great fear of
assassination, whilo arrests of Armenian and
Turkish suspects continue daily, and alto
gether affairs in tho dominions of the "Sick
Man," are from a Mohammedan point of view,
in a deplorable condition. Eooking at it
from a Christian standpoint, however, it
indicates an advance in civilization which
will soon causo the intervention of European
powers which can only bo beneficial to civili
zation. The uncertainties of politics are brought
out conspicuously in tho election of Tuesday
last. On Tuesday evening tho Democrats
wero shouting paeaus of joy over tho apparent
success of their ticket in tho comity, while
Republicans wero correspondingly depressed
and tho croakers wero shaking their heads
and saying "I told you so." Tho day follow
ing the tide turned and tho Republicans'
courago revived while their opponents'
buoyant spirits were downcast and their
visages wero expressive of woo. Thursday
another turn of tho wheel gavo Dunn the
judgeship, thus dividing tho honsrs evenly as
to number of ollices, but favoring the Demo
crats in tho more important ones. Truly,
doubtful things are mighty uncertain.
Tho question of water has become an iiu-
portant ono in almost every county in this
stato. An insufficient supply has not only
caused a great loss to the farming districts.
but mining and industrial establishments
have been more or less atlected.
Hy reference to our news columns it will
be found that the Borough Council of Ash
land has taken definite steps to iucreaso their
supply hy tho erection of additional storage
reservoirs and the driving of tunnels and
boring holos. The rosorvolr idea is no new
one, but tho present condition of things sug
gests that it might bo greatly extended.
It would pay coal operators and manufac
turers, and also agriculturalists, if a great
re-,eroir systom wore provided which would
be equal to tho demands of the lougeht
drouth. Sufficient rain foil in tho early
part of this year to liave provided all the
water required by minus, factories and farms
throughout tho year, if only tho surplus
that is allowed to run to waste had been re
tained within reservoirs to bo lued as needed.
The denudation of our forests and the con
stantly increasing damage from long drouths
is hound to hriiithU reservoir question to
the front. Tho saving to tho groat interests
affected, agricultural, mining and industrial,
would fcoon pay for many hugo reservoirs and
the necessary irrigating ditches and piping.
The member of Shenandoah's Horougli
( ouncil have had the qunstien of additional
storage reservoirs under advUemont for some
tune, and it appears to ho tho universal
opinion that such a system is the ouly prec
ecal remedy to oercomo tho present difli
t ulties. We are of the opinion that work in
tins direction cannot he inaugurated too
curly. It will not only ho a profitable in
vestment for tho borough, hut would relievo
tho curtailment of tho supply to consumors
during the extreme dry season.
llazleton, Mahanoy City and other towns
will erect additional storngo reservoirs, and
within a few years wo would not bo surprised
to see tho system become universal.
It 3luy do us 3tncU l'or You.
Mr. Krai Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that
ho had a sovero Kidney trouble for many
years, with severe pains in his hack and nlso
that his bladder was atlected. Ho tried many
so-called Kidney cures but without any good
result. About a year ago ho began use of
Electric Hitters and found relief at onco.
Electric Hitters is especially adapted to euro
of all Kidney and Elver troubles and often
gives almost instant relief. One trial will
prove our statement. 1'rico only 50c. for
large bottlo. At A. Wasley's drug store.
Iloth l'rlends nnd Opponents of tho Meas
ure Satisfied with Massachusetts' Vote.
Boston, Nov. 8. Tho majority glvon on
Tuesday nsaiust municipal suffrago for
women In Massachusetts was 77,000. Tho
suffragists, represented by Dr. Henry B.
Blnekwell, say that thoy nro much encour
aged by this rosult, considering tho small
nmount of money which they could uso
and tho short time for work. Tho "yes"
voto of 107,000 reveals to thorn thousands of
now friends, thoy say, and they will begin
nt onco tho organization of now clubs to
carry on tho agitation and to secure mu
nicipal suffrago from tho legislature
On tho other hand, tho managers of the
Man Suffrago association nro particularly
pleased with tho majority of 77,000. They
estimate that nt least 15,000 votes wero
cast by women for tho suTfrngo. This
would leave an adverso masculine major
ity of over 90,000, besides tho demonstra
tion that about P0 per cent, of the women,
tnklng tho stnto through, do not caro for
tho voto at all.
It is recalled that tho prohibitory con
stitutional amendment was defeated In
1880 at a special election by about 40,000,
and tho effect has been to prevent any fur
ther agitation on thnt lino.
Children who Suffer
from scrofulous, skip, or scalp diseases, ought
to bo given Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covcry, for purifying tho blood. For children
wlioare puny, pale or weak, the Discovery"
is a tonic which builds up both flesh and
strength. What is said of it for children
applies equally to adults. As an appetizing,
restorative tonic, it sets at work all the pro
cesses of digestion and nuitrition, rouses
every organ into natural action, and brings
back health and strength. In recovering
from "grippe," or in convalescence from
pneumonia, fevcrs.and other wasting diseases,
it speedily and surely invigorates and builds
up the whole system.
For all diseases caused by a torpid liver or
impure blood, as Dyspepsia, Biliousness,
Blotches and Eruption, it gives most perfect
A Mammoth Money Order ltusluess.
Chicago, Nov. 8. The money order de
partment of tho Chicago postolllce yester
day paid out more money In cashing
money orders than ever before was paid
out by any similar office on any one day,
the totul payments for tho day aggregat
ing over $103,000. This is tho ilrst tlmo in
tho history of tho money order department
that tho daily payments at ono office havo'
reached a sum over $100,000. In addition
to the $105,000, which represents the
amount that went through tho clearing
house, there was about $15,000 paid out by
tho clerks at tho window in tho postofficG
The Ideal I'anneen.
James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago, says:
"I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as an
Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds and Lung
Complaints, having used it in mv family for
tho last flvo years, to the exclusion of
physician's prescriptions or other prepara
tions." Rev. John Hurgus. Keokuk. Iowa, writes :
"I havo been a Minister of tho Methodist
Episcopal church for 50 years or more, and
havo never found anything so beneficial, or
that gavo mo such speedy relief as Dr.'Klng's
Mow Discovery.' Try tins Ideal ;Cougli
Remedy now. Trial bottles free at A.
Wasley's drug store.
Another "Illegal I,nw."
Trenton, Nov. 8. Tho supremo court
yesterday dcclured invalid tho hotel licenso
granted by tho Warren county court to ono
Hoover, in Washington borough, and in
so doing decided that tho legislative act of
189i, which gavo courts of common pleas
In certain borotighsfconcurront power with
tho common councils of such boroughs to
grant licenses, is unconstitutional. Somo
seven or eight boroughs in tho stato are
affected by tho decision. This act of 1SSH
is tho one Senators Bradley and Bogors
tried to havo repealed by tho legislature
last winter.
How Pennsylvania Was Swindled.
HAlllllsiiUliQ, Nov. 8. John Mine, ren
resentativo of tho New York firm which
furnished tho motnlllo furniture this sum
mer to tho departments on Capitol Hill,
was hold in $500 bail lust night on a charge
of conspiracy. Eridonco was produced
snowing unit s?u,0U0 liatl been divided
among agents of several metallic furniture
compnnios in tho interest of tho successful
blddor, and thnt tho state had paid about
J.30,000 for motulllo casos which could have
been supplied nt iv reasonable profit for
Appears in a hundred different
forms, such as Running Sores,
White Swellings, Eruptions,
Boils, Pimples. Salt Rheum,
Scald Head, etc. Tho only
cure is in malting Tore, Rich
Hood's Sarsaparllla makes
pure blood and has never been
equalled as a cure for Scrofula.
Cases considered incurable,
and given up by physicians,
yield to its wonderful purify
ing, vitalizing powers. In fact,
Is the One True Blood Purifier. f 1 i 0 for ffi.
Prepared only by O, I. Hood 4 Co., Lowell, Mais.
WooH'c Dille"8 s?". '
iwwviw i nig nye,
All druggllU. 25C,
"I have no appetite," you say, "and the
littlo 1 do eat does me no good. At first it
feels cold and dead in my stonmeh and by
and by I havo aches and pains that some
times go to my chest and back. I feel weak,
low spirited oud out of sorts nil over. 1
fancy the demon of dyspepsia has got me."
That's tho way you talk, and no wonder.
Hut wait n moment. Ect us reason together.
Perhaps thus far your stomach is merely
tired. You havo been eating too much, eating
tho wrong things, and irregularly. You
have given it too much to do, and like nil
it.i. - , t. . . .
nviiiK uiiiign, wnuu ovorworKcu, n stops at i
length from sheer exhaustion. There may i
not bo an actually diseased condition as yet.
Still it is nature's warning, and you must
heed it or worse will follow. "Hut I must
cat or starve," you say. Truo enough, but
safety usually lies in middle courses. Hero
is ono for you, You don't need drastic
purees or exciting stimulants. Your condi
tion is ono easily relieved if wo go about it
gently and sensibly. The tired stomach
won't work under whip nnd spur. It lias
probably bad too much .f that already.
What you require is something thnt Is at onco
a food and a digester of food. Such an
article is tho Shaker Digestive Cordial, dis
covered nnd prepared by tho Shaker Com
munity of Mt. Eebanon. N. Y. Taken right
after eating, so ns to mix with
docs tho stomach's work for it, gives it the
advantago of further rest, strengthens you in
a natural way, and soon enables tho stomach
to do full duty. Thero is nothing else like
tills simple, safe, certain and palatable
remedy. Yet tho Shakers respect your
doubts, and nuthorizo druggists to sell a trial ,
bottlo lor ten cents.
Thnt Philadelphia Investigation.
Philadelphia, Nov. 8. Stnto Senator
Androws, chairman of tho committee np-.
pointed to investigate municipal affairs in
Philadelphia, tirrlved in town yesterday,
and will remain until tho investigation la
at least under way. Tho senator says there
will bo no delay this tlmo no further post
ponement. "If tho lawyers nro rendy," ho
snys, "tho committeemen nro, nnd they are
prepared to go on Monday, and sit, if neces
sary, continuously."
New Pouiidland Fishermen Starving.
St. John's, N. F., Nov. 8. Incoming
mail Btenmers bring reports of dlro desti
tution along certnln sections of tho New
Foundlnnd coast, owing to tho bad fishery,
poor prices for tho catch and tho retrench
ment policy of tho government. Tho re
ports represent thoso Impoverished people
as in despernto circumstances, nnd It is
fenred thnt numbers will starve during
tho next six months.
Itellef In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours hy tho "New Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male or female.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and cure this is your remedy.
Sold by Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 South
Main street.
Polish KvcrulU for Cuba.
Cleveland, Nov. 8. Tho Poles of this
city havo started a movement looking to
ward the sending of about 800 recruits to
join tho Cuban urmy. Tho force will bo
composed entirely of Poles, mostly from
Cloveland, Chicago and Buffalo. A meet
lug will bo held here Nov. 14, when It la
proposed to formulate plnns for getting
tho moti to Cuba.
Ktquihlienn Pluralities Growing.
Lntcst returns from soveral states show
Increased Republican pluralities, ns fol
lows: Kentucky, 17,000; Ohio, 115,318;
Utah, 2,800; Now York, 01,000; Iowa, 70,
W0; Kunsas, 76.000.
The wife of Mr. Eoonard Wells, of East
Hrimfield, Mass., had been suffering from
neuralgia for two days, not being ablo to
sleep or hardly keep still, when Mr. Holden,
tho merchant there, sent hera bottlo of Cham
berlain's Pain Halm, and asked that sho givo
it a thorough trial. On meeting Mr. Wells
tho next day he was told that she was all
right, tho pain had left her within two
hours, and that tho bottlo of Pain lialin was
worth $5.00 if it could not bo had for less.
For sale at 50 cents per bottlo hy Gruhler
Bros., Druggists.
Two llrotlters Assassinated.
Birmingham, Nov. 8. Near Iloxanna,
Leo county, J. H. Hayes, ono of tho most
prominent farmers in tho stato, shot and
killed Michael nnd Henry Harper, broth
ers, nud tenants on his plantation. Hayes
and the Harpers had quarreled nbout tho
payment of tho rent, which fell duo a
month ago, and had not been paid. Twice
beforowhen Hayes attempted to collect
tho rent ho was driven from his field by
tho Harpers with shotguns, thoy claiming
that ho had not lived up to his contract.
Yesterday ho visited thorn n third tlmo
nnd demanded tho ovcrduo reut, nnd when
they attempted to again drive him of ho
pulled his pistol and shot Henry through
tho head and Michaol In tho breast. Hayes
claims self defense.
How to Prevent Croup.
Croup is a terror to young mothers and to
post them concerning tlio cause, first symp
toms and treatment is tlio object of this item.
The origin of croup is a common cold.
Children who aro subject to it take cold very
easily and croup is almost sure to follow.
Tho first symptom Is hoarseness ; this i
soon followed hy a peculiar rough cough,
which is easily recognized and will never bo
forgotten by one who has hoard it. The tiino
to act is when tho child first becomes hoarse.
If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely
given all tendency to croup will soon disapV
pear. Even after the croupy cough lias de
veloped it will prevent the attack. Tlioro is
no dnnger In giving this remedy for it con
tains nothing injurious. For sale hy Gruhler
Bros., Druggists.
Written raaranteo to atao.
lutely cure all kludnof Itupture
witftoutoperatlon ordttentio business. . Kxniulna
tl on Vree. We refer you to
dodo Patients. Call or write for
See our Doctor, every Tuesday, nt
UNION HOUSE, Ashland, Pa,
He will furnish you with names ot persons cured by
uilnynurown town.
nt EBKTk S-JBn
Hut IJnglHiid Defeated America in tho
1'our-Oiircd Honing Knee.
Austin, Tox., Nov. 8.--Jnko Gntidaur.of
Canada, Is still champion of tho nquatlo
world. Tho contest was over n threo
mllo course, and tho trophies wero tho
championship Klchard K. Fox chnllongo
cup nnd a purse of $1,000". Tho starters
wero Bulbar nnd Hhlucs of England, nnd
I nko tjratulaur and Has Rogers of America.
Gnudnur won with live boat lengths lend; '
tlmo, 20.5!).
Tho grent four onrcd rn'co followed tho
sluglo scull rnco. This wns over n. mllo
nnd a hnlf course, with turn, threo miles
in nil, for tho championship of tho world i
aim n purso ot $1,500. Tho starters wero:
Bubcar, Barry, Hnlncs nnd Wingnto for
England, nnd Teemor, Rogers, Chnrlcy
Gnudnur nnd Jnko Gnudnur for America,
Tho English crow gained tho lead in tho
first ten boat lengths nnd kept it on up
tho courso by nbout three bout longths,
though tho American crow closed tho gap
some when near tho milo nnd n, half flag.
Tho English team turned first, nDd on tho
return course, nt tho threo-qunrtcrs ling,
they wero leading by flvo boat lengths.
Tho Americans spurtod nt tho linlf flags
for nbout flvo lengths only when they
gnvo out. From thero to tho finish lino
tho English crew hnd threo lengths load,
and tho two boats passed over tho lino In
that position. Tlmo of race, 17,204.
To Defeat the A. H. U. Strike on tlio
Grrnt Northern ltoail.
Chicago, Nov. 8. All railroads havo
positively assured President Hill, of tho
Great Northern, that as far ns lies In their
power they will co-opornto with him in
defeating tho American Hallway union
strlko now threatened upon his rond. This
information comes from officials of the
Chicago, Mllwnukeo nnd St. Paul, tho
Burlington, tho Illinois Central and tho
Chicago nnd Enstern Illinois systems, This
support of tho Grent Northern is nn out
growth of tho plnn pursued by tho gonornl
mnnagcrs of tho different rnllronds of Chi
cngo when thoy wero denling with tho
striko of last yenr.
Mr. Hill hns engnged n dotcctivo agency
to furnish him armed gunrds, nndndvlsed
tho Chicngo rnllrond managers that his
road would employ nny railroad man out
of work who hnd not committed nn net of
vlolenco In Chicngo or elsewhere during
tho striko df 1891.
Thero nro somo 2,000 of theso men in
Chicngo nt the present tlmo whoso nnmcs
wero on tho pny rolls of tho rnllronds up
to July 1, 1801. They lucludo cngiineers,
firemen, brukomcn and flagmen. While
they havo been "blacklisted" for nearly
eighteen mouths, no chnrge hns rested
ngniust them, but of hnving simply quit
work when tho striko began. Theso men
aro being engnged nnd furnished trnnspor
tntion to St. Paul.
A Veteran Murdered and Kobbed.
Burav, Va., Nov. 8.-Mr. Willis D. Kib
ler, 71 years old, was murdered and rob
bed at his home, about flvo miles from
this place, by an unknown nssassln. Mr.
Kibler's household consisted of himself
and nn 18-ycar-old nephew. The latter was
plowing somo distance from tho house.
when suddenly two reports of a gun was
heard. Hurrying to tho houso ho found
his uncle, with his pockets rilled. Ho had
been shot in tho left sido of tho face, the
loud ranging upward and entering tho
brain. Tho back part of tho head was
crushed in with n blunt instrument, prob
ably an ax, nud tho victim's throat was
cut, tho windpipo being severed. Tho de
ceased was u Confederate veteran, nud
generally respected.
Discussing tlio Dispensary T.iiiv.
Columbia, S. C, Nov. 8. Tlio dlspen
snry lnw for tho first tlmo was made nn
lssuo in tho debato in tho constitutional
convention yesterday on tho proposition to
givo tho stnto tho same right to chnngo the
venue ns Is accorded n defendant. This
wns introduced solely to secure dispensary
convictions when It was found impossible
to do so in cities llko Charleston and Co
lumbia. The convention, by a voto of 71 to
D7, refused to adopt that provision, but by
a voto of 72 to 50 it gavo tho legislature
permission to allow tho state to ask a
chnngo in cases to bo prescribed by it,
which means thnt It will bo allowed In dls
pensnry cases.
A Treacherous Duelist.
New York, Nov. 8. Last night Salvn
tors Morelo and Frank Forettn, both bar
bers, went to Jersey City to light n duel.
Tho two men wero in lovo with tho samo
woman, and Intended to iightitout. When
they left this city it wns their intention $o
light with bare lists, But when tho ploco
of meeting was reached Forctta drew n re
volver nnd fired threo shots nt Morelo.
Two of tlio bullets took effect in Morelo's
abdomen nnd tho third in tho groin. Tho
wounded man was taken to tho city hos
pital In a dying condition, whilo Florctta
lied to this city, whero he was arrested.
Cheap Labor from the Northwest.
Providence, Nov. 8. A hundred und
fifty operatives from Michigan and Wis
consin have arrived nt Olneyvlllo to tnko
the placos of strikers dropped in tho At
luutio mills. Tho now arrivals aro camped
in tlio big corporation building and fed by
n public caterer. All nro green hands, nnd
havo been distributed through tho mills
for Instruction by tho old hands. Thero is
great discontent among the latter, ns thoy
beliovo this movement is attempt to intro
duce cheap foreign labor.
French llmbezzler Must Go Ilack.
Washington, Nov. 8. Tlio prosldont
has issued a warrant for tho surrondor to
tho French authorities of Joseph Mnn
guria, who was hold by iv United States
oommlisioner in New York for entbozzlo
nient of railroad funds in Frauce.
Dr. Donaldson Smith, of Philadelphia,
tho African explorer, has arrived at Adon,
Tlio Now South Walos nssomhly has
passed tho federal enabling bill by n voto
of 03 to C.
It rained and snowed throughout Ne
braska Wednesday night nnd yesterdny,
hut crops nro not damaged.
In a collision between frolght trains nt
Windsor Junction, N. S., several trainman
wero Injured, Fireman Butehor perhaps
Slnco Oct. 11 thero have been 581 cases 6f
choloni rennrtfiil In fl, .rn..i .n-i..,.
throughout Egypt, and 413 deaths from tho
I ho Greek vessel Mnhdhv has been struck
by n waterspout near Tunis, and sunk.
Seven persons on bonrd of her wore
Tho Irish National Loaguo of GreatBrit
am has removed tho nanio.of Timothy
Healy from their oieoutlvo committee,
lubstltutlng Michael Davltt's thorefor.
What is
Cosloria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance, it is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guaranteo is thirty years' uso by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria, is tho Children's Panacea
tho Mother's Friend.
"Ciutorlalsio well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." II. A. Archer, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
The uso of 'Oastorla' Is ro unlrercnl and
ita merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse It. few are tho
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy retch."
Carlo ILhrtth, q, d.,
New York Ctty.
Ths CcirrAvn
A. Mmu2r HSSJuiJVl
ft .
10 CENTS- "
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
SIoaiSliSGUAfic:' Wiix Specific cotPmufn.
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and prometen U.
Without injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommeuaMI
'Castoria,' and shall always coullnne Jo t
so, as It has Invariably produced bentxfcfaif
Edwin K. Pardee, M. D
125th Street and 7th Ave., New York Citjt,
Company, 77 Mbhrat Street, New York Cm,
nillions of Dollars
Go up in smoho ovoryyonr, Take no
risks hut get your housoe, stoek, fur
niture, etc., insured in first-class re
liahlo companion as roprosonted hy
nAVm PATT?T Insunice Agent,
UAVllJ rAUOl, 130 South Main St.
Also Llfo anil Accidental Companies.
Specialist in diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
207 Wort Market St., rQTTSVILLE.
Hours 8:30 a. in. to 12 n,i 1 to 4 ji. m., to
8 li. in. Sundays 0 a. m. to 12 m.
Tonsorial Artist.
12 AVest Centre street.
Stymii Unlr cutting a specialty. Clean towel
with every shave.
Teams to Hire.
If you want to hire a safe and reliaulc
team for driving or for worfcliiB purpose
pay Shields' livury slnblo n visit. Teams)
constantly on hand at reasonable rates
No. 110 Kast Centre street.
Opposite Heading railroad station.
Celebrated Female M
l'owders never fail,
wlttt mny ana x-rnujroyi run nu
ttnAHioHi. AIwbvi Ituvthe beat and ai
nointmcrt. Ouimnteed uperlof to oil othen.
the belt In tho market, A No. 1. l'llrtlcuitrl, i ctl
JUC Back Bay, Boiton, Mill.