The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 01, 1895, Image 2

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Ii i
lisT.vni.isiiHi) imii.
Published every livening, Except Sunday, at
8 HolTTtl Jaiidin SnUSKT, Nbau Ckxthk.
'Tho Herald In ilellveii'il in Shenandoah mill tlio
surrounding towns for nix cents n week, pay
nlilo to tlio enrricrs. Hy iimll 88.00 a year, or S55
cent n month, tnyahlc In advance. Advertise
ments charged according to space and position.
Tlio publishers repervc tlio rlnlit to change tlio
position of advertisement whenever tlio pul
llcntinn of news demands It. Tlio right Is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not, that the publishers may deem
Improper. Advertising rates mado known
upon application,
Entered at the poetofficc at Shenandoah, I'll., as
second class mall matter.
Evening Herald
Benjamin J. Haywood, of Morecr.
Jambs A. Hhavkii, of Centro.
E. W. Willard, of I.ickavranna.
CnAitt.ns E. Kick, of Luzorno.
Gkouok II. OnhAiiY, of Huntingdon,
John J. Wickham, of Beaver.
Howaud Reeduk, of Northampton,
THOMAS H. 15. LYON, of Mahanoy City.
BEN.T. It. SEVERN, of Shenandoah.
CHAS. K. 1IRECKONS, of St. Clair.
Dn. S. J. SEYFERT, of Pincgrovc.
i)iiti:cTou ok thi: roon,
S. R. MIDDLETOX, of Gilborton.
JOSEI'H W. GEARY, Jit., of Pottsvillc.
The issue in tho present campaign is met
fairly and squarely by tho Republican party
in this county, a plank in the platform of
which proclaims:
"Wo condemn the uniform Incompetency of
the Democratic county officials mid especially
denounce tho present flagrant mismanagement
f tho District Attorney's ofllccof pigeon-holing
indictments against political heelers who openly
defy tho election laws; nnd call upon nil good
citizens, irrespective of party, to assist us In
electing to that ofllco n lawyer of such legal
attainments and personal integrity as will en
snro a proper administration of its duties and
the punishment of all offenders, regardless of
party or political influence."
And still they run.
Tin: Democrats are depending upon the use
if "boodle" to elect their ticket.
There is a mysterious quietude about
Democratic headquarters just now. There is
always a calm before the storm.
Tub Republican majorities of tho past two
years can only bo reduced hy tho voters of
that party staying at homo on election day.
James B. ItniLLY and his friends arc not
i-nying much in the present campaign, and
wo know of none who have reasons to say
Tin: loading Democratic paper of tho
county says Mr. llreckons "will institute
many reforms in the District Attoruey'i
office." It is needed.
In Kansas they elect women as mayors and
members of city council. They do not limit
their choice, however, to old women, as do
Mmo towns in this county.
Talk of a third terra is on the wane. An
other administration by Orovcr would
preferable to a second doso of mismanage
ment in tho District Attorney's olllec.
Tub noxt District Attorney, Charles
Breckons, Esq., was in town last evening.
and tho cordial reception he received at the
hands of our people of all political faitlis
bodes no good to tho Democratic nominee.
Tin: min of yesterday was doubly welcome
Inasmuch us it in a measure breaks tl
drought, and at tho sumo timo quenches tli
forost firos winch havo wrought such serious
damage in the mountain regions duriug tli
past few weeks.
Philadelphia may ho slow in some
things, hut she rail give pointers to many
of hor municipal sistorsiu cortain particulars.
This year sho receives from street car, tele
graph, telephone, gas and water franchises
more than f 11,000,000, days an exchange.
TllR Democrats are playing a big game of
bluff In tho present campaign. Tho party
iwpers are devoting considerable tpace trying
to prove that no dissatisfaction exists in their
ranks, But, like Bundle's ghost, ill fooling
continue to crop out and will not down.
TilK man whose coukciouee will not permit
him to wll whiskey, but will permit him to
lease a room to another to do mo, is like tho
girl who "got relluiou" and "wouldn't allow
hor jewelry to drag hor Mini down to perdi
tion, but took it oil' and gave it to hor Uter."
Wr. liave received a copy of tho Village
lieeord, a weokly paper published at West
Chester by 11. C. Ikiyer, formerly publisher
of the 11krai.Ii. It U a neat paper typi
prajililelly, and 1'Mitor lloyer ubutemplatcs
many improved changes. We wish him
mueti M10CCS in his new venture.
Dr. Sjcyfkkt, in his rteent tour through
the upter end of the county, met with con
siderable encouragement. He created a very
favorable Impression ami his vote on Tuesday
next will show It. He Is In every way quali
fied to fulfill tlio duties of Coroner and should
get the full Republican vote. Voto for
Tub election of Controller Sevorn appears
now to ho certain, notwithstanding n county
seat Republican paper is doing its utmost to
defeat him. Tlio peoplo thoroughly under
stand the milk in tho coconnut, and will voto
to retain him in tho position for which ho
has been nppolnted hy Governor Hastings
and unanimously nominated by tho Ropubll
cans. Tub conduct and hearing of Judge Lyon
on tho bench has hcou highly commended by
members of tho legal fraternity, and a large
majority of them will voto to return him
thoro for the full torm of ten years. His
rulings so far have been sound In law and in
justice, which at times is qui to dilferont from
law. Voto for Lyon for Judgo of tho Orphans'
l'UULic Interest in tho Holmes murder
trial overshadows nearly everything else,
not merely because of tho fearful category
of criino charged against tho prisoner, but
because of tho consummate skill with which
10 conducted his own defense, ho playing,
for a time at least, tho part of lawyer and
client, and performing tho douhlo role in a
tylo that fairly challenged wonder nnd ad
miration for his coolness and ability.
I'litLAW.Li'inA'H pollco department is
experiencing ono of those qualms ol eon
science which occur spasmodically in large
cities, and tlio officers have received In
structions to makca crusado on policy shops,
peak-casies and disoiderly houses. What
causes this quickening of tho official con
science at this timo has not yet transpired,
but there appears to be a general impression
that the long dolayed Lexowing of tho city
government has something to do with it.
A lively llury in speculative stocks, or
'Kaffirs," as such arc now called on account
of their similarity to south Alrlean com
panies' stocks now absorbing attention of
speculators in England, with tho result that
somo stocks fell off $10 to $17 a share in two
hours. Fortunately tho loss fell upon com.
parativcly few, and they professional traders,
so that for once the lambs outside wcro not
fleeced. It was a ease of squeezing brokers
).v the banks lor heavier margins on tneso
speculative stocks which were hold as col
lateral security for loans.
There are a great many Republicans who
hold Judgo Oliver 1. Hechtel in very higl
obteom, and would havo been pleased had the
Supremo Court decided that each voter had
a right to voto for seven members of tho
Superior Court, thus permitting them to voto
for him without cutting their ticket. There
may bo many who will veto for him anyhow
Yet it docs not follow that they will also voto
for hhs nephew for District Attorney. Voting
for two members of the family at tho samo
timo is asking too much. Besides, young
Bcchtcl has been connected with tho District
Attorney's oflieo during three years of mis
management to the disgust of all law-abiding
citizens. In the person of Charles
Breckons the Republicans havo an excellent
candidate, who is admitedly his opponent
superior in legal ability and whose integrity
has never been questioned. Wo still think
the nephew of his uncle is beaten.
Ilucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores.
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures plies,
or no rav reouired. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mouy refunded. Trice
25 cents per box. For sale by A. Waslcy.
Dynamite at a Itevlvnl Service.
Tunkhannook, Pa., Nov. 1. Whllo re
vival services wcro In progress Wednesday
night at Uardwell, about three nillos from
hero, a dynnmlto bomb was oxploded un
dor tho windows outside. Tho windows
wcro brokon, tho plastering shaken off,
and a panic ensued among tho cougrcgiw
tlon. After somo timo the minister suc
ceeded In quieting the peoplo and a search
was mado for tlio miscreants, but without
avail. Thoro has boon nn intonsoly blttor
feeling In tlio neighborhood sincotho split
in tho Evangelical church and tho no-
nulremcnt of tho church property by th
Dubs faction, una this outrage is probably
tho outgrowth of tho trouble
Barsaparilla has over and over again
proved itself the best blood purifier medi
cal science has over produced. It possesses
such positive merit to purity, Utallzo
Enrich the blood, that it accomplishes
remarkable cures where other prepara
tions utterly fall. Its record of oures, not
of Scrofula, 'Salt Ithoum, Catarrh, Rheu
matism, but of Nervous Prostration,
Weakness and Debility, is unequalled.
Barsaparilla is the OnoTruo Blood Purifier.
Prepared by C. I, Hood & Co., Lowell, Man, SI.
U--i-l'o DIIlc5cur0 habitual conntlpa
rlOOa O rl lib tlon. Price US cents.
Crnsillmial Fesne In the Mnrquls de Nyv
Murder liUl.
HouimES, France, Nov. 1. A Beusotloual
feature yesterday of tho trial of the Mar
quis do Nnyve for tho murder of his step
Bon was tho appearance In tho Witness hoi
of tho mnrqulso, hla wlfo. Tho victim of
tho alleged murder was her natural son,
born boforo hor marriage to tho mnrquls.
Kho tostllled to numerous Instance of
murderous brutality on tho part of tho
prisoner towards her children, and she as
iiertcd that hor consequent fears of a violent
death prompted hor to bring tho charge of
murder ngainat her husband. Tho counsel
for tho defonso read tut affectionate letter
Written by tho marqulso to tho prisoner a
fortulght after sho had lodged against him
(he chargo of murder. Tho reading of tho
lettor caused nrovulslonof feollngln favor
of tho accused.
A Had Wreck
nf tho eons! 1 1 lit Ion limv 'fnlhm In llio 1 rarlr
of a disordered system, due to impure Wood
or inactlvo liver. Don't run the risk I The
proprietors of Dr. Tierce's Goldoh Medical
Discovery take nil the chances. They make i
straightforward offer to return your money I
their remedy tans to uenclll or euro In all
disorders and affections due to impure blood
or inactlvo liver. The germs of discino
circulate through tho blood j tho liver is the
filter which permits the germs to enter or
not. Tho liver active, ahd tho Wood pure.
and you cscapo disease.
lien you run down, debilitated, weak,
and your weight below a healthy standard,
you regain health, strength, and wholesome
llesh, by using the "Discovery." It builds
up tho body faster than nauseating Cod liver
oil or emulsions.
Dr. Picrco's Pellets euro constipation, piles.
biliousness, Indigestion, or dyspepsia, and
Thorn May bo a Itnyal Cup Challenger.
Glasgow, Nov. 1. A rumor which had
its origin at Patrick, tho oxtonsive ship
building town two miles from this city,
whoro many big ynchts havo been built, is
current hero today, and In substnuco it is
that the I'rlnco of Wales Is seriously con
templating building n yacht with which
to challenge for tho Amorica's cup, Mr.
George Ii. Watson, tho designer of tho
I'rlnco of Britannia and Lord Duuraven's
Valkyrie, has boon to Putrlck sovernl times
recently, and this muy havo given riso to
rumor. Mr. Watson was questioned re
garding this report, but ho was not dis
posed to glvaany information on the sub
ject, refusing to nflliu or deny it.
I'rlenU Kxpelled from tho Diocese.
LlSOOLN, Neb., Nov. 1. The lone drawn
out light botween Bishop Bonaoum and
ms priests, which lias resulted In that pre
late being in court for criminal libel and
tho removal of many priests, was renewed
yesterday when n dlocosan court convicted
1 athcrs Fitzgerald and Murnhv for defy
ing the bishop, oxpollod them from the
diocese, ordorcd them to tho retreat of St.
Joseph Bonolt, near Montreal, and to nav
a flue of $09 for costs of courts. Tho bishop
presided, and tho convicted men assert
that they are the victims of a packed jury.
t he uoienuaniH aid not put In nn nnnear-
nneo when tho trial was called. Thoy say
they will ignore the sentence.
How- tti Prevent Croup.
Croup is a terror to young mothers and to
post thorn concerning tho cause, first symp
toms and treatment is the object of this Item.
The origin of croup is a common cold.
Children who are sultjcct to it take cold very
easily and croup is almost sure to follow.
Tlio first symptom is hoarseness : this is
soon followed by a peculiar rough coiif-h
which is easily recognized and will never be
forKotten by one who has heard it. The time
to act is when tlio child first becomes hoarse.
If Chamberlain's Cough Keniedy is freely
given nil tendency to croup will soon disap
pear. Even after tho croupy cough has de
veloped it will provont tho attack. There is
no danger in giving this remedy for it con
tains nothing injurious. Tor sale by Gruhler
Iiros., Druggists.
mi' curia's l'roinler lteslgns.
Sofia, Nov. 1. In tho speech from tho
throno last evening, nt tho openlug.of tho
sobranjo, Princo Ferdinand did not refer
to tho baptism of his son, Boris, in tho Or
thodox Greek faith. As a result Premier
Storloff has resigned. Princo Boris, who
will bo 2 yours old in January next, has
been n Cathollo up to tho presont, but It is
reported that his father, in order to win
tho support of Russia, proposed to havo
I'rlnco Boris baptized In tho Ureok laltli,
Tho coremony of baptizing tho princo was
to havo taken place last Monday, although
rumor had It that Emporor Francis Joseph,
of Austria, was much offended at tho prop
osition to change tho child's religion in or
der to fuithor political intrigues,
Did People.
Old pcoplo who require medicine to regulate
tho bowels ami kidneys will find the true
remedy in Klectrio Kitten. Tills medicine
does not stimulate and contains no whiskey
nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and
alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach
and bowels, adding strength and giving tone
to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the
performance of the functions. Kioctric
Hitters is un excellent appetizer and kids
digestion. Old people find it just exactly
what thoy ncod. l'lioo fifty cento per bottle
at A. Wasley's drug store.
Clenrlnc tin a Murder Mystery.
JAMESTOWN, N. Y., Nov. '1. Charing
Douglass wiw arrested yesterday ami
charged with the brutal murder of Mrs.
Whitlow Shearmau andherdaughter.Mrg.
Cynthia Davis. In December last. Tho'two
women were killed In the day time while
they were alouu at the Sbeanuau house,
tho remainder of the family having gone
to attend a funeral. Their heads wero
crushed with some blunt instrument.
There was no evldonco of a robbery, and
tho motive of the erlmo was a mystery.
Charles Douglass was a neighbor of the
Shearmans. His peculiar conduct since
the milnlor caused him to 1m plaoutl under
surveillance. A smirch of bis premises re
sulted in tho discovery of a coupling pin
which miglir have been used to commit
tho crime nnd other evidence of an In
criminating nature. g
Tlio wife of Mr. l.onard Wells, of liist
Krimfleld, Mass., had bwl 'HlflWng from
neuralgia for two dy, not being able to
sleep or lutrdly keep still, when Mr. Holdcn,
the merchant there, sent hera buttle of Cham
berlain's Pain Kalm, and asked that she KiVl.
it a thorough trial. On meeting Mr. Wells
tho next day he was told that sho was .ill
right, tho pain had left her within m
hours, nnd that tho bottle of Pain Halm v,.is
worth $5.00 if it eould not be lid for U
For salo nt 50 cente per bottle by firul.Ier
Kros., Druggists.
When complicated &
prescriptions and 4$.
rare drugs are una-
ble to do more than
f relieve.
paragus f
i? (made from the well-
known garden veg
etable) will perman
ently cure the worst
cases of Bright's
Disease. Rheuma
tism, Gout, Neural- lf
gia, Anaemia ana
T Blood Troubles.
A tovr doecs will rolievA. A
few boxes will enre.
All druggists, or by mall
prepaid, for fiOc. per box.
Vrlle for Pamphlet.
CMcaeo. San Franclaca.
The County Institute Course !
The Finest Course of Evening Entertainments
of the Season.
Monday, November 11.
KuKcne M'clncr, Director, l'lute; Paul Memlc,
Vloln; Carl Krlll, Violoncello; I.ouIh G. Kopp,
Violin; Apolpli Stuilcr, Violin; Henry Lehman,
Double Itnss; JIIbs Inez Orcnnclll, Prima Donna,
Tuesday, November 12.
Prof. JOHN H. DnMOTTK, A, M., I'll, 1)., of
CambrlilKc, .Mass. Mngiilflcciitly Illustrated
lecture: "Klcctrlclty, Its Xnture nnd Possibili
ties." Wednesday, November 13.
flcncral JOHN' II. OOItDON, of Atlanta, Oa.,
"The Lust Days of the Confederacy."
Thursday, November U.
ANY. Orlulnal Swedish Quartet in National
Costume. Clmrles A. Hkoor, Hirst Tenor; Oco.
Leamiu, Second Tenor; A. Slcoog, Imritouc;
V. K. MelMicrson, llnsso. Mis llcrtlia AVebb,
one of America's Orcatcht Ijidy VIolinlHts. Miss
Jennie i. MiocmtiKer, ninging, Kcaninf? aim
Railway Arrangements.
TltAINS: Arrantremcnts havo been madR to
hold tho trains for St. Clair, Krackvillc, Ullbcr
ton, Shenandoah, Jlabanoy City, Moren, Delano,
Heck's, Schuylkill liavcn aim 1'ort unruon.
Ticket Arrangements.
Season TlcVcts. sccurimr Tcscrvcd scati: Par-
ouet and Circle, $2.00. Dress Circle, first row.
31.73; Dress Circle, ox. first row, 81.50.
Tlio chart lor salo or reserved seat tickets will
open at the box oflieo of the Academy of Music,
l'onsviue, fcaiuruay, r,ovemcr ni n. in.,
for teachers only to secure seats in one half of
tlio Acadcmy,and at 2 p. m., for citizens to secure
seats In tlic other half of the Academy. Ilefore
opening the chart, parties desirlnir to purchase
tlckcUwiU draw numbers for position Inline.
ICach teacher in lino may purchaso any number
of t eketsnot exceed nirtwcnt v. and each citizen
in line may iiurcuaso any nunioer noi excecu-
loir ten.
Cluirt opens at tinier s hook htorc ancr iso-
venibcr. w. w. wisi,
County Superintendent.
ChthcRter' KnglUh Diamond IlroiKf.
Orlffhial and (Inly Genuine A
safe. &)wtb relUble. ladies nk i
1lmrHt far nirhritt9 m TinhlK IHn. Afk
mnd Brand la lied and Hold meUlhoVvW
boies, icued with blue ribbon, l ako W
Items and imitation: A t Hrugglitt, or send 4c
In stamps tor r-artlculari, tritlmonUla and
" iteilcr lor i.rtie(" 11 tecr, oj return
Mall. Itt.OOO Ti sLimonfnla. Kamt Paver.
Ciilli(trL'l.emlulCu..Mad1on qubch
Of a head-splittinp; bcadncho Immediately re
lieved by the use of
Anti-Headache Powders.
They are a posltivo and speedy cure and are
iruaranteed absolutely harmless. Their great
success is ample proof that they are an effective
article, which can bo always ued with tnc best
of results, l'rocurc them from Gruhler llros.
iniTllrnhSt rhUadelpUIa,
ZjfSTboonly Ocnulna Specialist la PMIalel
"J" PbU.nutwhli.i indlni what others naver-
tlftS. Kflri lulu llnliilitv mul Dim rueuiit nf Indi
cretlon. II jcurs; IhiriipciiitKospltnl ncl.'ij
years' Prncilcnl lxpericuco. tMieclni Hl-s.
pase nnd Mrlctnrrs Pcrniniiciuly Cured
iii'itolUDajs, Kciiernt once.
Rl flfin D fl I Q fl H Pi'.iy orbeconuary. cured by
ULUUU rUldllil entln lyrn.wmelbil!iuio)ilay
bend five 5c, stamps for bocH "Trn lb," benellfllal to
younganl oll.Blaaloand married; only book er,
Iioklncfiuncks. Hours, 0-1; cv'pi,o- .a : Wm.end
Fat. ty-ga u- 30; tsiin.,.Ii Ifothcrs robbed and
deceived jnudon'tjurignalluliue. I will cure
younnd mane you vleortms and hu oiik. .owest
cbaigeg for the tint Ifatmenl. n'rlteorraU.
ISOtjkUet plug,
Vv uniHuslim.
oinl ull ttlB
(if mint ti-lal
PAMIS I TepthTetr.
fikl i i'f-i I Individual
Br..h. I rhlMelphta. finTtohea:
rim niuiiiimm of kuou ledge at the minimum of cost
H'nleonirclaM, TllfcO. W. I'AI.VIS Prt.t.
Op you DESIRE to Make
your money earn you a monthly
$10 00 and inOrt! mado ilally by our now sys
teniatlu Plan of Operation on small Investments
in miuiii una mock speculation.
All we nsk U to Investigate our now and
priidnal methods. Past workinns of plan ami
..IP'. r?',re" furnished. Our Booklet
""" i inns now to make money and
other information sent FRISK
Giimorc A. Co., Hanger and Brokers.
Open Hoard of TrtiUc llhljf., ChleflK", 111
0-23-8 iikUw
Celebrated Female
Powders nevor fall.
' t fi'Jk i rtZll kVtlMtUr'u" t tituu
a fa and aura fifter faillnir
Kith Ttniy nd PranTroyil Mill n'l o!t'r,"k
reluedlMl. Ali. luiv thu heat and aVTOid dlp-
PplntaKiit. . UuarautoeU auperlor to all otheri. 5"'ly
wt bfit In tha market, A Ku 1. l'lrtlculatl, 4 CM. lr.a,T
W, Hack liar, Ilotlon, Mall.
(sUtu ul
District attorney linrncn' Dltter Denim
clntlon of Tliroiliiro Dtirrnnt.
SAN Khakcisco, Nov. 1. District At
tortioy Barnes did not finish his speeoh in
tho Tlwidoro Durraut trial yesterday, as
ho htulMnilolliiced that ho would do. Ho
spoko until time for court to adjourn, and 1
then aiiiioiiuc-d that bo would not finish
until tills morning. As .Tudgo Murphy's
charge is understood to bo vory long, It Is
bolleved the jury will not retire beforo this
afternoon. i
As tho district attorney, In his address
to tho Jury, dwelt upon tho ghoulish na
ture of a man who could steal tho rings
from tho body of an innocent girl that ho
find murdered, his denunciation of the de
fendant became so blttor that Mrs. Dur
raut was unable to retain hor composure.
Sho burst Into tears and flung her arms
about tho neck of her son as if to shlold
him from tho torrent of invectives of which
ho was being mado tho object. Durrant
remained measurably calm,buthls mother,
although sho made sovcral efforts, could
not control hor emotion for Boveral mln-
"Theodoro Durrant," said Mr. Barnes, 1
stands forth In Aniorican Jurisprudence
toaay ns me most urutai criminal oi mo
iiko. Hols a creature beside whom Holmes,
the multi-murderer, who is now on trial In
Philadelphia, is a perfect n;entloman inula
scholar, bosldowhoin Professor Webster,
the Harvard Instructor killed Dr. Park
man many yeiyrs ago, was a king, nnd
compared with whom Cain waa a Georgo
1 hi Appeal In the Wininn Caae.
Alii any, Nov. 1. Tho court of nnncals
Is hearlnir nrmimcnts today In tho caso of
Erastus Wlman, charged by bis late part-
nors In the mercantile ajjoncy of R. G.
Dun & Co. with forgery. Tho conviction
of Mr. Wlman under Judgo Ingraham n.
year ago last summer, when ho was sen-
tonccd to Sing Sing for flvo and a half
years, whs reversed by tho supremo court
ntits general term last February, and It
was against this decision that tho district 1
nttornoy of Now York appealed. Iuas-
much as tho pointB involved relate mainly
to what constitutes a partnership by par
ticipation of profits, and ns there are thou
sands of business establishments who havo
employes thus compensated, tho caso is
likely to excite wide nttontlon asldo from
tho promlncuco and publlo service of Mr.
lrby Attacks the Tlllninu Plnn.
Columbia, S. C, Nov. 1. Tho great
fight botween Senator lrby and Senator
Tillman on tho suffrage question wns
opened yestorday by a speech from Sena
tor lrby attacking tho report of the com
mittee. Ho said ho would stultify him
self nnd tho cause of tho peoplo of South
Carolina If ho would vote for any discrim
ination against poor and Illiterate men.
lrby said that ho would voto with tho'no
grocs ngalnst tho Tillman plan ns long ns
it had nn educational and property quali
fication. Ho denouneod tho plan as a po
litical iniquity, and declared ho never
would betray the peoplo who gavo him of
fice. While denouncing tho Tillman plan,
ho offered no substitute
Mohammedans Defeating the Chinese.
St. PKTKi'.siiuna, Nov. 1. The Novoo
Vromya says that according to advices re
ceived by that paper tho Japanoso nro bo
ing rapidly withdrawn from tho. Lino
Tung peninsula. It Is ndded that tho
Mohammedan Insurgents havo captured
Lan Teheou Fu, capital of tho provlnco of
Kan Soo, on to Yellow river; that thoy
are defeating tho Chlneso troops In every di
rection, nnd that thoy Intend to form nn In
dependent kingdom. Tho secret societies
of central Ghlntt nro reported to bo prepar
ing to join issuo with tho Mohammedans.
Now Jerney's Prosperity.
Trenton, Nov. 1. Tho following dis
patch was sent to Governor Werts, at
Jersey City, last evening by Stuto Comp
troller Hancock: "Tlio stnto fund lmlanco
at tho closo of business today is $893,747.83,
nfter payments during tho fiscal year for
tho building of armories, enlargement of
stato Institutions costing $3.10,012.IH, and
the payment practically of all current ob
ligations, iv condition of stato finances
which Is certainly very gratifying."
Postage Stamp Forger Recaptured.
CINCINNATI, Nov. 1. Captain Porter, of
Chicago, nnd William . Burns, of Colum
bus, both of tho secret 6orvlco, and under
orders from Chief Hazel, last night er
rostod Charles O. Jones, loader of tho f or
gors of postngo stamps. Tho gang was
caught in Chicago, whero W. T. Thomp
son is still hold. Chief Hazel caughtMrs.
Tlnsoy McMillen, In Toronto, Jones
jumped 5,000 ball in Chicago. Chief
IIuzcl tracked Jones hero.
ftlurdered by Her Ron.
PnoviDENCK, Nov. Mrs. Mary MeDolo,
50 years old, of tho town of Johnston, wns
nnd killed lust night at her homo., by her
son, Thomas Moljaughlln, aged SO. Tho
woman was lying sick In bed, and was
terribly kicked nnd beaton beforo a bullet
through her right temple put an end to her
suuerlugs. Tho nnmlorer w'as captured.
The dead woman was married two weeks
ago to James MeDolo, a blacksmith. For
this her son murdered her.
Goaded to Sulci''- hy Her Husband.
iNWANAroLls, Nov. 1. Mrs. Harry K.
Branch, of tho Clilomro Lyoeum theater,
Is dead at the English hotel here, with a
bullet hole through hor breast. At her
foot a 5-yenr-old boy was .found screaming,
trying to awakon bis mother. Branch mid
his wlfo wore getting up an entertain
ment. Mrs. 11 much killed herself, her
husband says, because ho goaded her to It.
No Wutrr to right the Plre.
IIazlktok, Pa., Nor. 1. Fire at Beaver
Meadow destroyed the homes of Daniel
Drogau. .Tolm'lteese, Daniel Davis, James
llrady, John Cole, Con Gallagher, Peter
Gillespie, Mrs. Hsnry, Patrick Dougherty,
ThoniM Pettltt, Michael Llvlnko uml
John Ilarkln. Thoro was no water, and
tho flames spread rapidly.
Tho Gorman relcbstng will roconvoue on
Tuesday. Deo. 8.
James MoLaughlin was electrocuted at
Wilinlngtiui, Del., by stepping on a Hvo
electric wire.
A heavy snow storm raged last night
throughout the Saratoga foot hills and
other part of New York state.
The Duke of Marlborough and his cousin,
Hon. Ivor Guest, were entertained nt din
ner hist nigh', by Silr Julian Paunoefotg
and the members of the KnglUh legation
nt SVashlngton.
William Hnbonnan, aged 48 years, and
Jnoob Vogcl. ivgod 87 yours, woro killed at
Kllzabtrth, N. J., while crossing tho rail
row! In a baek. John Hughes, tho driver;
Was fatally hurt.
Conlrnctor Dnkln of Syi-acuso Tolls
of tho Plnnl Success of ft Klg
(from (he Syracuse A. 1'. Post.)
Mr. Gcorgo Daktu is u well-known con
tractor anil resident of Syracuse, and a
representative business man of that city.
Our representative found him oversee
ing tho sower work at the Arsenal, and In
tho following Intcrviow ho describes how
ho has finally completed tlio biggest con
tract ho has ever undertaken.
"Mr. Dakln, doesn't your business ex
pose you to iriany unhealthy conditions?"
" cs, I am continually catclilng'cokl."
" Dots H affect your general health? "
" It lias brought On kidney disorders."
"Havo you becti troubled from that
source jury lcngtlrof timo?"
"I think It started during tho war. In
which I took nn active Dart, nnd cverr
cold I catcll lias nccravatcd It "
'' AVlmt wcro thp symptoms?"
' Laitto back and trouble with tho kld-
ncy organism. I lid vo doctored for years
nnd used all kinds of remedies I heard of,
without roltoi. ily case is as follows :
oome utile timo ngo i wns in n very
bad condition, hardly able to hobble
arpund; I had been In Madison County
looking after a contract there for the Stale":
I got very wet, aud, as usual, wns laid up.
I was simply twisted wny around nitu
doubled up on ono side; when I attempted
to stand up It seemed ns though I would
tear out ono of my kidneys; while In this
condition I saw Doan's Kidney Pills ad
veitised. Being almost desperate, I wiu,
wlllliiir to trv anvthinc for relief.
1 bc-
gan using them, and tlio result waa truly
wonderful. I feel as young us u boy, and
H Is tho first timo In many years that I
havo been perfectly free from pain In the
small of my back. All urinary troubles
gone. I am perfectly well, and no traces
of iny former troublo remain. I gladly
recommend Doan's Kidney Pills.''
Price, 50 cents per box ; for sale by all
dealers or mulled by Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y., solo agents for the U.
For salo at Kirlin's Pharmacy.
Forever Cured.
Four out of flvo who
suffer nervousness,
mental worry, attockis
of " tho blues," are but
paying tho penalty or
early excesses. Vic
tims, reclaim your
manhood, regain your
vigor. Don't despair, fiend for book with
explanation and proofs. Mailed (sealed) free.
ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N. Y.
In Effect Marco 24, 1895.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah lor
Penn Haven Junction, Maiieh Chunk, Le-
higbton, Slatington, White Hnll.CntnRnuqua,
Allontown,llothlehein,hn8ton and weatnefly
at fi (14, 7 38. 15 a m., 12 4X 2 .S7, 5 27 p m.
For New York and Philadelphia, 6 04,
7 3H, 0 15 a. m., 2 43, 2 57. p. m. For Qua
kako, Switciiback, Gerhards and Hudsondale,
II 15 a. in. and 2 57 p. in.
For Wilkes-liarrc. White Haven, Pittston,
baccvvillp, Tuwanda, Siayre, Wavcrly and
Elmira. (5 04, 9 15 a m, 2 57. 5 27 p in.
Knr Itohnster, Uufi'alo, Niagara Falls and
tho West, tf 15 n. m. and 2 57, 1' 27 p. m.
For llelviilere, Dcm'va'c Water Gnp and
Strouilsbure. R 04 a. m, 2 57 .
For bambertvillo and 'Irenton, 9 15 a in.
For Tankbannock, (104,9 15 a m.,257,5 27
p. in.
For Ithaca and Genova, 04, 9 15 a ni,
5 27 p m.
For Auburn, .9 15 a in, 5 27 p ni.
For Jeatiesvllle, Levistnn and Beaver
Meailoy, 7 38 n. in., 12 43 p. m.
For BtncUlmi snd bumber Yard, fi 04, 7 SB,
4 15 a m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08 p. m.
For Silver Brook Junction, Audenried and
llazleton, (11,7 3H, 9 15 u in, 12 43, 2 57, 527
md S 08 hi.
For Scrantnn, fi 04, 9 15 a m, 2 57 and 5 27
p ni.
For Hazlehrook, Jeddo, Drifton and Free
land, 0 04, 7 3S, 915 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27
p. in.
Forshlaml, Girardvilie and Lost Creek,
1 40, fi 15, 7 3ft, 9 13, 10 20 a. m., 12 35, 1 40,
1 10, 6 35, 8 22 p. m.
For Raven Run, Centralia, Mount Carmel
andShamokin,0 13, 11 14 a m, 1 32, 120,
3 22,9 15 p. m.
For Yalesviile, Park Place, Mabanoy City
slid Delano, 5 50, fi 04, 7 38, 9 15, II 05 a. m.,
12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08, 9 23. 10 53 p. m.
Trains-will leave Sliamokin at 6 15,8 15,
1145 a. ru., 1 55, 4 30, 9 30 p. m., and arrive
Shenandoah at (1 til, 9 16 a m , 12 43, 2 57,
'7, II 15 p m
boavo Shoiiandoan for Pnttsville, fl 04,
7 38,9 08, II 05,11 30 a. in., 12 43, 2 57, 4 10,
27, 8H8 p. in. , ,
Iiive Potteville for Shenandoah, 6 00,
7 40, 9 05, 10 15, 11 48 a. to , 12 S2, 3 00, 4 40
5 20, 7 15, 7 55, 9 40 p. m.
Leave Shsnnudooh lor uazieuin, n , i -
9 15, a. in., 12 4S, 2 67, 5 27. 8 08 u in.
Leave llazleton for Shenandoah, 7 5,
10 05, 1 1 06 a. m., 12 15,2 58, 5 SO, 7 25, 7. 58,
Trains leave far Raven Run, Centralia,
lit. Carmel and 8hamokin, fi 45 a. m.,2 4ti p.
in, and arrive at 81ismnkin t 7 40 a. m. una,
3 '45 p. in.
Trains leave Sliamokin for Shenandoah st
7,55 a. m, and 4 00 p. in., and arrive at Shen
andoah at 8 49 a. m and 4 58 p m. "
Trains leave for Ashland, Girardvilie and
Loot Creek, 9 40 a. m., 12 36 p. m.
For llazleton, Biaok Creak Junction, reoo
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allantown,
Bethlehem, Ba.tou aud New York, 8 4
a. m., 12 So, 2 ftfi p. in,'
For Philadelphia, 12 30, 2 5S n. ro.
For Yateavillo.l'ark Place, Mabanoy City
and Delano, 8 40, ll 35 a, in., 12 SO, 2 6(1,4 58,
03 p.m. , , .
Leave llazleton for Shenandoah, i SB'
11 30 a. m., 1 05, 5 30 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottaville, 5 55,
8 49,9 32 a. m.,2 40 p. in.
Leave Potteville for Shenandoah, 8 30,
10 10 a. in., 1 35, 5 16 p. m.
South tieiuienem, l a.
rtuioiiniii a a.
a. Agt,, 1
st.G. P. A.
I.H.I.l n
UHAlUjfcb o. Aims, ueni. i b. ngi,,
South Bethlehin. Pa
Chas. E. BreckJ
For District AttornJ