The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 31, 1895, Image 2

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iwTAiu.iHiinu m:o.
Published every levelling, lixcrpt Sunday, nt
8 Bourn Jaiuiin Stiikkt, Nkah Chnthk.
' Irtio Herald U drllvcird In Shenandoah mill tho
surrounding towns for six cents week, pay
Bblo to tlie carriers, lly mull KIO0 a year, or 25
cents a month, payable In mlvnncc. Advertise
nienta charged according to space mul iionltlon.
The iiubllsliers reserve the rliclit to change the
position of advertisements whenever the pill
Mention of news denmnds It. Tlie rltslit Is
reservcl to reject liny advertisement, whether
lld for or not, that the publishers may deem
Improper, Advertising rntes made known
upon application.
Untered lit the postofllce nt Shenandoah, Pa., ns
second class mnll matter.
Evening Herald
Benjamin J. Haywood, of Mercer.
Jam i A. Ukavkk, of Centre
E. W. WiM.Aitn, of Lackawanna.
Chaiimm E. Hick, of Luzerne.
Geohcie 11. Oklady, of Huntingdon.
John J. Wickham, of Beaver.
Howard Rkkdek, of Northampton.
THOMAS H. B. LYON, of Mahanoy City.
BENJ. II. SEVERN, of Shenandoah.
CHAS. E. BREOKONS, of St. Clair.
Dit. S. J. SEYl'ERT, of Pincgrovc.
S. K. MIDDLETON, of Gilberton.
JOSEPH W. GEARY, Jr., of Pottsvilio.
Tlio issue in tho present campaign is met
fairly and squarely by the Republican party
in this county, a plank in the platform of
which proclaims:
"Wo condemn tho uniform Incompetency of
tho Democratic county officials nnd especially
denounco tho present flagrant mismanagement
it tho District Attorney's ofllco of pigeon-holing
Indictments against political heelers who openly
defy tho election laws; nnd call upon nil good
citizens, Irrespective of party, to assist us In
electing to that nffleo n lawyer of such lcgnl
attainments and personal Integrity nswlll en
snre a proper administration of its duties nnd
tho punishment of nil offenders, regardless
party or political influence."
This is a Republican year.
As a matter of justico tho Republicans
should have a representative upon tlio bench
Judgo Lyon deserves to bo elected.
Ones reputation as a true and sincere
Republican is won after rainy battles. It
can bo thrown away with little effort.
The Commissioners of Accounts of New
York city, who aro probing into tho doings oi
tho lato Tammany Dock Hoard, aro unearth
ing a great deal of peculiar business. One
member of the board mado statements which
woro amazing. Piers wcro leased to favorites
at u low rental and sublet by them to others
without a "pull" at big profits; applicants for
places, under tho board wero asked what
"pull" they had beforo their qualifications
wero inquired into. Altogether tho proceed
ings of tho Commissioners is very interesting
reading and exposes the rottenness of Turn
many Hall methods very clearly.
Steve MiDDLirroN is pursuing tho oven
tenor of his way, while tho other fellow
doing tho guessing. This means ho will bo
tho noxt Poor Director.
Our Democratic friends aro not saying as
much as they wcro two weeks ago. Tlio tide
of public opinion lias turned strongly in favor
of tho Republican nomineos, and will reach
its ebb on November 5th.
R. H. Koch, Esq., of Pottsvilio, is conduct'
Ing a dignified and honorable campaign for
Judge, in Berks county, quito different from
tho manner his opponent is carrying on his.
Tho latter endeavored to catch the ne
voters of Reading witli a fow kegs of beor,
but they wero not that kind of "coons," and
tho meeting called to endorse Ermontrout
reversed (ho program and endorsed Knelt
Benjamin Si:vj:rn carried Shenandoah
when ho first ran for Controller. Thore is no
good reason why ho shouldn't do tho sumo
thing this time.
On Tiiosjlay night next tho political
canvas for 18115 will cud. Twenty-four
hours later it will bo known whethor or not
tho Republicans have repeated thclrtriumphs
of 18(8 and 1801, or whether they must j
content themselves with a temporary reverse
until they can rocuperato for the gruat Presl- j
dentlal struggle of lSufl.
It b with tlio supreiiiest confidence that the
county chairman and his lieutenants at tho
Republican headquarters enter upon tho final
wind up of tho canvass. Report from every
district In thu county havo boen received,
which fully warrant tho prediction that the
entire Republican ticket will bo succoanful.
If the figures furnished the county chairman
by careful observers in tholr respectivo pre
cincts are not awry, the Republicans will
win with a majority equally as large as that
received last year.
The Democratic manager, of course, darido
those figures. Ilut it will be remomberod
that tlicy played tho samo game of lilnir last
year. They hail tho cntlro Democratic
ticket ulcctctl on tho night preceding thu
election hy from 1,000 to 3,000 majority. Hut
It is a matter of history how near their
prophoslos were fulfilled.
Thin It will ho on Tuesday. With a full
voto tho Itupuhlican majorities this year will
exceed thuso of 1801. That should ho tho
object and nim of every member of tho
party. Votooarly, nnd seo that your neigh
bors do likewise, and tho election judges will
do tho rest.
The Democrats aro on tlio run.
Onk of tho Republican papers at tho county
sent is supporting tho ticket loyally and
doing yocman service, while tho other is as
muto as n clam, although tho ticket is a good
ono. Thcro is hut ono reason generally given
when tho question is asked, why is this
Our comment on the Senatorial question
in tho 20th district has been very favorably
received, especially on the part of tho Phila
delphia Press. But to a Republican ovening
ontcmporary at Pottsvilio it does not nppcar
very palatable, judging from tho following
comment : "Tho following from a newspaper
published in the adjoining XXXth Sena
torial District will bo read with Interest by
the pcoplo in this district, for whom It is
proposed to make a Kepublican candidate for
next year." Probably a personal item ap
pearing in the samo issue of that paper may
have somo unseen connection with tho fling
at Col. Kickort, which says : "Senator Kecfer
was circulating amongst town friends to-day."
The beauty show is still on. After Novem
ber 5th it will go into winter quarters.
The Democratic candidate for Coroner
hopes to win through complimentary votes
by Republicans. If you aro in tho "busi
ness," compliment Dr. Seyfert by giving him
your vote. Ho is a loyal Republican.
Every Republican in Schuylkill county,
who cares for the principles of his party and
the party's success, ought to turn out on
Tuesday, November 5th, and voto tho entire
ticket. We have an execptiouably good
stato and county ticket. Every man on tho
ticket is not only a bound and true Republi
can but a reputable man as well. Wo have
no need to mako apologies for tho personnel
of tho ticket. Hundreds of dissatisfied Demo
crats will vote against their party this year.
Let every Republican vote bo polled and tho
result will rejoice every tmo Republican heart
in tho county.
Not satisfied with Hooding tho public
places witli their "personal loveliness," the
Democratic candidates aro just now being ex
hibited in all their beauty in tho party organs.
Thomas H. B. Lyon was endorsed by
three-fourths of the members of tho bar as
being in every way qualified for tho position
of Orphans' Court Judgo when that ollice
was created, and as they aro best qualified to
judgo of tlio legal qualifications of a man for
such a position the voters of the county can
safely bo guided by their opinion in such a
case. His unanimous nomination by tlio
Republican party will bo endorsed on Novem
ber Bth by tho voters of tho county, who do
not want P. M. Dunn in that position.
A vote for Bcchtcl is a voto to continue
tho present maladministration of tho District
Attorney's ollice. A voto for Breckons is a
voto for reforms in that ollice. Which do you
favor ? Your ballot will answer the question
next Tuesday.
We nro your shoo makcrsand money savers.
Factory Shoe Store.
Dropped Dead In Court.
Lynchburg, Vn., Oct. HI. Mr. John
Kelly, n well known and prominent oltl-
Eon nnd contractor, died suddenly at tho
poltco court. Ho was defendant in n small
caso buforo tho court, and dropped dead
probably of heart iliscaso during tho pro
ceedings or tho trial.
Fatally Rtnbbeil hy a Naval Veteran.
Milwaukee, Oct. !!!. Patrick Coughlin,
a veteran of tho Second Now York heavy
artillery, is lying nt tho point of death at
tho National Soldiers' Homo with seven
teen knlfo wounds, which woro inflicted
hy Thomas Kelly, a naval veteran. Tho
latter Is undor arrest.
On tlio
Solid Basis
Of Tutc, Rich,
Hod Blood,
Is real nnd lasting.
Opinto Comuouuds, Narcotics
And Nervo Stimulants nro
Temporary und Dangerous.
i Builds permanent
Good Health
Because it
Piirifloe, Vitalizes
And Enriches tlio Blood.
Curos Scrofula, Catarrh,
Norvousnogs, AVcaknoss,
Dyspepsia. Try it.
Prepared by C. I. Hood A. Co., Lowell, Man.
.i.i- ri!ll the after-dinner pill and
HOOd S PlIIS fainllr cathartic. 85c.
Opronrlnnnlv Cherrml by New York Ihnno.
rr.its Whou Head by Senator Hill,
Albany, Oct. 31. Thoro was nn. Inter
esting; fenturo of tho Democratic muss
meeting; hero last, night that wnsnot down
upon tho bills. Tho fenturo of tho meet
ing was to bo tho prcsonco of United States
Senator David H. Hill who was to mako a
lengthy address, The meotlnp; was pro
Bided over by Congressman Charles Trnccy,
n personal friend of Prcshlont Cleveland.
While tho secretary was rending tho usual
number of regrets Senntor Hill caused n
sensation by rending this telegram, dated
Washington, nnd addressed to General
"I liavo your letter nnd leg you to con
Toy to my Albany friends and former
neighbors at tho Domocrntlo ratification
mooting this ovonlng my cordial congrat
ulations on tho vrlso nnd patriotic declara
tions In tholr stato platform concerning
tho leading questions beforo tho American
pcoplo, null tho assuraneo of my earnest
wish for tho success of our oxcollent, stnto
ticket. Ghoveu Cleveland."
Whon tho Tost nudlcnco of over 3.00C
people hail recovered from tho surprise
tlmt tho telegram seemed to cause there
was a chcor that very nearly ront the
building In twain, anil this continued foi
somo minutes. Senntor Hill smiled nnd
joined In tho npplnuso with n hearty good
will, and this seemed to encourago the
audlcuco to renew It again nnd again.
A llnd Wrock
of tho constitution may follow In tho track
of a disordered system, duo to impure blood
or inactive liver. Don't run tho risk 1 Tlio
proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery take all tho chances. They make
a straightforward offer to return your money
if their remedy fails to benefit or euro in nil
disorders and affections duo to impure blood
or inactive liver. Tho germs of diseae
circulate through tho blood : tho liver is the
filter whicli permits the germs to enter or
not. Tho liver active, and tlio hlood pure,
and you cscapo disease.
When you run down, debilitated, weak,
and your weight below a healthy standard,
you regain health, strength, und wholesome
flesh, by using tlio "Discovery." It builds
up tho body faster than nauseating Cod liver
oil or emulsions.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure coustipation, piles,
biliousness, indigestion, or dyspepsia, and
France Annexes PacIiIo Islnmls.
PARIS, Oct. 31. Tho two islands ol
Huahlno and Borabora, also known ns
Bolabola, belonging to the Tahltlan group,
In tlio South Pacific, have boon annexed
to France, by consont of tho native chiefs.
Tho Islands are situated northwest of Tii
hitl, and tho former has a population esti
mated to number 2,000. Tho latter Is
nearly thirty miles In circumference. Doth
form part of tho Socloty Islands proper,
otherwise tho Leeward Islands, and have
hitherto been considered distinct from tho
Tnhltinn, or Windwanl group, which have
been under nr ronchprotcctornte.altliough.
nominally governed by Queen Pomaro, a
nativo ruler.
The Head of the Cubnn Party.
New York, Oct. 31. Thomas Estradn
Palma, delegate of tho Cuban revolution
nry party, yesterday received advlco ihat
tho Cuban assembly, or deputies, hnvo ap
pointed him minister plenipotentiary. Tho
election took place In Jimagunyu nnd was
unanimous. Tho oluco of minister pleni
potentiary mnkos Senor Palma tho head
of the entire Cubnn party, with power to
act on its behalf as ho sees fit. Senor
Pnlmn said today that tho most Important
duty ho will hnvo to perform 03 minister
Is to ask tho government of the United
States for recognition of tho Cuban Insur
gents as belligerents.
IX Troubled 'Willi Khciiiniitlsm Head This.
Annapolis, Md., Apr. 10, 1891. I have
used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheuma
tism and found it to bo all that is claimed for
it. I believe It to bo tho best preparation
for rheumatism and deep seated muscular
pains on tho market and cheerfully recom
mend it to the public. Jno. G. Brooks,
dealer in boots, shoes, etc., No. 18 Main St.
also read this.
Mkciianicsvim.k, St. Mary County, Md.
I sold a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm
to a man who had been suffering with rheu
matism for soveral years. It mado him a well
man. A. J. McGill. For sale at 50 cents per
bottlo by Gruhlcr Bros. Druggists.
Mnokay Settle with Stokes.
New Yokk. Oct. 31. Edward S. Stokes
received yesterday a check for $103,701 from
John W. Mnckay In settlement of tho liti
gation about tho old United. Lanes Tele
graph company, W. E. D, Stokes Is in
terested, and tho caso is tno Dusts of one ol
tho financial disputes between the two
Italinn Aristocrats Charged with Forgery.
Rome, Oct. 31. A groat scandal has oc
curred at Palermo, aud warrants have
been Issued for tho arrest of several aris
tocratic persoungos charged with the for
gory of a will. Two nephows of Cardinal
Hampolla havo already decamped.
Arrrsted on n Charge of Anion.
AVilmamspokt, Pa., Oct. 81. A. N. Gll
roy, ono of tho bust known young men In
tho city, has been arrosted on tho charge
)f nrson. It Is thought he Is responsible
!or tho several lumber llres wlileli occurred
aero onrly yesterday morning.
Tho Darlington, Wis., Journal says editor
ially of a popular patent medicine : "We
know from experience tliat Chamberlain's
Colic, Cliolora and Diarrhoea Itemedy is all
that is claimed for It, as on two occasions it
stopped oxcruniatlng pains and possibly saved
us from an untimely grave. We would
not rest eayy over night without it in the
houe.'' This remedy undoubtedly saves
more pain and suffering than any other
medicino in the world. Kvcry family should
keep It In tho house, for it Is sure to be
neoded sooner or later. For sale by G rubier
tiros.. Druggists.
Kpeedr Juntlcn to Virginia.
Alkxanouia, Vn., Oct. 111. Albert
Hawkins, the negro assailant of Sadie
Shorrlor, tho daughter of a neighboring
farmer, and who narrowly oscnped lynch
ing nt tho hands of an Infuriated mob on
Monday night, was found guilty by the
jury yesterday afternoon. Ho was im
mediately sentonoed by Judgo Chlehostor
to be hanged Deo. (!.
I.oat n Million in t-pemilntlon.
London, Oct. HI. The liunncinl nrtlcle
In Tho Dally Telegraph sny: "Tho Stool;
Exchange failures yesterday lucludod
Nicholas Vermis, who by speculation a
fow years ago ryiiwaewi a fortune of isoo,.
000 and has loat It all slnoe, mostly in
Aniorloan railroad and South African
shares "
Has No Use For Deadly Drugs.
Gently Acting Remcdlos Mako Positive
Cures Where Dangerous Dosing Falls.
Mr. David J. Buckley, &13 East Forty-fifth
street, New York city, says: "1 have
suffered agonies with Inlliunmatory rheuma-
iism oi ino wrisis, nanus ami iron. Tho sore
ness and swolling wero M great I was almost
helpless. Thanks to Munyon's grcnt dis
covery I am now free from this dreod
disease. A fow small bottles of Munyon's
Rheumatism Curu banished ovcrv trace ol
pain, swelling nnd soreness."
Facts About Rheumatism.
The usual treatment for rheumatism con
sists of poisonous doses of potash, salicylic
acid, cofchlcuin nnd morphine, which destroy
tno stomach, irritate tho Kiuncys, prostrate
tho norrous system nnd ruin tlio health
Professor Munyon's Rheumatism Curo is
guaranteed to bo absolutely harmless nnd a
strong tonic in building up tho weak and
debilitated. It cures acute or muscular
rheumatism in from one to II vo days. Sharp,
shooting pains in any part of the body
stopped by a few doses. A prompt, complete
and permanent cure for lameness, stiff backs
and nil pains in hips nnd loins. Chronic
rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago or pain in the
back aro speedily cured.
The Munyon Remedies act promptly and
ture tho most obstinate diseases. A separate
cure for each disease. At all druggists. 25
cents a bottle.
Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 150.1
Arch street. Philadelphia, Pa., answered
with free medical tidvho for any disease.
The County Institute Course !
The Finest Course of Evening Entertainments
of the Season,
Monday, November 11.
Eugene W'eluer, Director, I'lute; Pnul Mcntlc,
Viola; Carl Krill, Violoncello; I-ouls d. Kopp,
Violin; Apolph Stmler, Violin; Henry Lehman,
Double I lass; Miss InezCircnnclll, Prima Donnu,
Tuesday, November 12.
Prof. JOHN II. DkMOTTH, A. M., I'll. 1)., or
Cambridge, Mnss. Magnificently Illustrated
lecture: " Electricity, its Nature and Possibili
ties." Wednesday, November 13.
Oeneral JOHN II. GOKDON, of Atlanta, Gil.,
"Tho Irfist Days of the Confederacy."
Thursday, November 14.
PANY. Original Swedish Quartet In National
Costume. Charles A. Skoog, First Tenor; Geo.
Leuniln. Second Tenon A. Emll Skooir. Baritone:
W. K. McPherson, Ilnsso. Miss ltertha Webb,
one of America's Greatest Iidy Violinists. Miss
Jennie D. Shoemaker, Singing, Heading and
Railway Arrangements.
TltAINS: Arrangements hnvo been mode to
hold the trains for St. Clair, Frackvillc, Gilber
ton, Shenandonh, Mahanoy City, Morca, Delano.
iscck's, cnuyiKiu iiaven nnu rort i'nrion.
Ticket Arrangements.
Season Tickets, securing reserved seats: Par
quet anil Circle, $2.00; Dress Circle, first row,
31.73; Dress uircie, ex. nrsi row, i.ou.
The chart for sale of reserved seat tickets will
open at the box ofllec of tho Academy of Music,
!,..... .tn.. u.iii..,li... o ,n',n.. ...
for teachers only to secure seats In one half of
the Acndeniy,and at 2 p. in., for citizens to secure
seats in the other half of the Academy. Before
opening the chart, parties dcsiriiifr to purchase
tickets will draw numbers for position in line.
Each teacher in lino may purchnso any number
of tickets not exceeding twenty, and each citizen
in lino may purciiaso any nuniucr noi execeu
int? ten.
C hart opens at Miller s nook More after iso-
vemuers. a. w. vn-.iss,
County Superintendent.
The Backus Water Motoi
Is the Most Economical Power Known,
and the Best In the World for Driving
Light Machinery.
It takes but little room.
It never gets out of repair.
It can not blow up.
It requires no fuel.
It needs no engineer.
There Is no delay; no firing up; no ashca to
clean away; no extra Insurance to pay; no re
pairing neit'ssary; no coal bills to pay, and K 1
alwavs ready for use. It Is Invali'sMe foi
blowing Church UrKann, for running PrlntlnR
Presses. Hewimr Machines. Tilrnlin- lAtliCH.
Scroll Saws, Grind Stones, Coffee Mills, 8ausnc;e
Machines, Feed Cutters, Corn MilN, Klevators,
Etc, Four-horso power at -10 pounds pressure ol
water. It Is noiseless, neat, compact, steady.
unci iiuovo an
Price, $15 to $300
Send for circular to the llncktis "Water Moto
Kio., jNcwarK, is. j., stating paper you saw
advertisement in.
we also manufacture Patent Rotating
and Exhaust Fans.
Send for Special Catalogue on
21 Chlcbetcr' LnglUh Diamond II rand,
Original and Only Genuine.
safe, always relUtU. laoics fcik
Drogglit for Chlcketttrt Enaluh Via-.
.fNimtfirranJ in Itt4 and tuetaUio
it-aied uu blue rtl.bon TokC
no othrr. Rifutt darwtrout tuhMtitu
fiai and imitation: At Oruggttti.orteQtMc
In lUmpl or particular!, toitiruonUU tui
"lltllef fur IjulleV inlttert bj return
- Ainii j"miti "Hiiriuuini. name jMpir,
Cblneter Cuemlcul Cu.jMutt Won Siuhi
nillions of Dollars
Go up In smoko every year. Tate no
risks hut get your houses, slock, fur
niture, etc., insured in first-class ro.
name companies as represented by
ftAVTh FATKT durance Agent
un.yiu rauai, iro south MahTst.
Also Life and Accidental Companies.
Chas. E. Breckons
For District Attorney.
oatM WSafe anu aunt, ssndac.fus-womams safe
jToatsai buarc" wi-k apEsinccoPHu.A,PA
r if
The War Agaist tho Insurgents
from Spanish Reports.
right nt Gnlnon Lasting Nearly Three
Hours, In Which thn Insurgent Were
Fired Upon ISffectlvely nt Vivo Hundred
Yards with the M inner fluni,
HAVANA, Oct. 31. Anothor band of In
surgents has boon raised at tlio plantation
of ht Luz, near "Vioja Bcrnoja, provlnco
of fllantanzas. Tho leaders aro Aurello
Hovla, a lawyer of this city; ManuolTomo
anil lulwnnlo Garcia, manager of tho plan
tation. Tho band, whloh number about
200 mou, was recently attacked by fifteen
civic guards, whoso shots frightened tho
horses of tho Insurgents and caused n run
away panic nmong them. They roturned
Inter, howover, and tho guards then
charged tho oncmy with fixed bayonets,
putting tho latter to flight with ono man
killed and one wounded.
Tho column of troops commanded by
Major Mijnres, consisting of seventy-six
Infantry of the Barcelona battallons,twon-ty-flvo
guerrilla cavalry nnd tho Alfonso
XII regiment, has cneountored and dis
persed tho band of Insurgents led by Fran
cisco Perez, nnd numbering nbout 600 well
armed men. Tho engagomont took place
at Galeon. Ciencga Lapata, near tho Ha-
uaiin river, and lasted thrco hours. Tho
enemy, although outnumbering tho gov
ernment troops, did not vouturo from tho
strongholds tho former occupied, and tho
troops wero exposed In the open field to
tho Insurgent's flro. Tho loss of tho en
emy, howover, was heavy, as tho Insur
gents wero flird upon effectively nt 600
ynrds with tho Mauser rifles in tho bauds
of tho troops.
Twelve (lend Insurgents wcro found upon
tho field, Including the Insurgent stand
ard bearer, a brother of 'Puerto, but tho
greater number of tho Insurgents killed
and their wounded wcro carried away.
Fifty rlderloss and bloodstained horses
woro captured upon tho field after tho
light, aud many bloody tracks about tho
scene of tho conflict showed how sovero
hall been tho flro of tho Spanish soldiers.
On tlio government sido only ono soldier
was killed and two guides wcro wounded.
Tho troops, after receiving suppllcsof pro
visions and ammunition, will continue in
pursuit of the lleelng Insurgents.
Tho insurgent band commanded by Ko-
glno Alfonso, it Is announced, has plun
dered and burned a storo nt La Carolina,
near Cardenas.
In n skirmish between somo Spanish
soldiers and Insurgents at tho farm of
Maria, near Colon, tho troops killed one
Insurgent nnd captured fourteen riderless
horses, ns well as a quantity of ammuni
tion. Nino insurgents havo surrendered to tho
authorities at Nouva Paz.
Soveral plantations near Princlpo Al-
fouso, provlnco of Mnntanzas, havo sus
pended preparations for grinding sugar
cano owing to tho nttitudo of the insur
gents. Seven polical prisoners hnvo been taken
to tho jail at Cayababos.
ZSnirlnnd Charged with Double Dealing,
LONDON, Oct. 31. Tho "Vionnn corre
spondent of Tho Dally Telegraph admits
that u solzuro of Port Arthur, even with
China's consent, would constitute a liroach
of International engagements, butsho con
siders thnt tho railway concessions In
Manchuria concern only herself mul China.
A Vienna dispatch to Tho Chronicle refers
to tho excitement caused thero hy tho nrtl
cle In tho St. Petersburg Official Jlcssen
ger, accusing Euglnnd of nnibiguity und
douhlo dealing in tho Armenian question.
Mlaaing with Ten Thousand Dollars.
LeiianoX, Pa., Oct. 81. Major B. Frank
Hean, ex-prothonotury nnd present deputy
prothonotury and chairman of tho Ropul
llcan county committee, is missing with
$10,000. Mnjor Hean is a veteran of tho
war, and for many years was confidential
clerk to Robert Colomnn, tho millionaire.
The Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania, Now Jersey
and Delaware: Fair, hut with Increased
cloudiness; ensterly winds; conditions
favorablo for rain tomorrow. For District
of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia:
Conditions favorablo for rain tonight;
easterly winds.
Closing Quotations of the New York and
riilludelptiin- Kxehangeg.
Nkw YoltK, Oct. 30. Tho Block market to
day was subjected to both heavy bear pres
sure and to liquidation hy actual holders and
owners of shares. Tho volume of tho busi
ness was the largest recorded for somo time
past, and the course of prices was steadily
downward, except when relieved by the cov
ering operations of the bears. Closing bids;
Del. & Hudson -.130
V.. U Ac W 161
Erie 12
Lake Erie & W... 83
Lehigh Nav 47
Lehlgli Valley 41
New Jersey Cen..lUU
N. Y. Central 100
N. Y. & N. E B1JS
Pennsylvania MJa
Reudlng 14s
SI. Paul 7656
W. N. Y. & Pa ay,
West Shore 100i
General Markets.
Philadelphia, Oct. ). Flour firm; win
ter superfine, St.M&iM; do. extras, S2.C
2.85; Pennsylvania roller, clear, $3361.36; do.
do.,8tralBhi, S8.393.40; wontern winter, clear,
f;j.lua3.J3. YVhent lower, dull, with M)c
bid and fSOMio- asked for Ootober. Corn quiet,
steady, with 3go. bid and Wo. askud
for October. Oats quiet, steady, withiJIAio.
bid and JSklc. asked for Ootobsr. Hay llrm.
good demand; choice timothy, S15.W)lil. Heet
steady; family, $US1S: extra mess, (808.50;
packet, SftKtfUI. Pork quiet; new mess, SS.7&&
10.25: family. 811.35ail. 75; short clear. SI 1.50
(13.35. Lard (Inner, active; western steam,
$5.1)0. liutlur steady; western dairy, 1015o.;
creamery, 1533o.; factory, uailu.; Klgins,
23o.; imitation creamery, lH17c.; Newport
dairy, 15Klo.; creamery, 3U23c,; Pennsyl
vania and western creamery prints, fauoy,
25o.; do, choice, 3to.; do. fair to good, -leSlc;
prints Jobbing at iiliasaio. Cheese stoutly; New
York large, 7&10Hc., small, fancy, 7Hllo.:
part skims, 3J4&7J-ao.; full skims, 3H$io. Eggs
steady; New York and Pennsylvania. DSJixo.;
Ice house, 10(ftl7o.; western fresh, lUOo.
Live (Stock Markets.
NEW Youie, Oct. 30. Ucevca slow; steers
lightly lower; oxen and dry cows, steady;
bulls luo. lower: poor to choice native steers
sold at $3.304.80; stags and oxen, $2.30
(St; bulls, &3OS.50; dry cows. SMj3.
Calves fairly active; higher for grassers;
poor to choice veuls, $7.50. Sheep
and Iambs slow, closing easier all around;
poor to prime Bheep sold at
common to choice lambs, 1 3.37Hi1.87Hj. Hogs
firm at $&t.30.
East Liiiekty, Pa., Oct. 30. Cattle steady;
good butchers, $3.80! I bulls, cows and slugs,
tl.Uim: feeders. Sl,5t)&3.tl5. Hogs slow,
Phlladelplilas, $3.90a.l; best Yorkers. J3.b5
ft3U0; roughs, S33.50. Sheep steady; extra.
:. 81133. 10; good, fi.vatyl.W; common, 50a. Jl;
ambs, 2.35(1.85. Veal calves, $530.33.
The Symptoms of Sick Kidneys aud the
Diseases That Sick Kidneys Will Cause;
A Sure Cure For the Kidneys and
For These Diseases.
There area grout many pcoplo who don't
know tlmt tho kidneys are simply filters.
All tho hlood made hy tho food wo eat
passes through our kldnoys.
Tlio kldnoys separate what is had from
what is good, what is unhealthy from what
Is healthy, throw out tho had nnd let tho
good pass on to nourish our hody.
And this is going on every minute of our
Somo folks overwork their kidneys.
They have to suffer the coasequcnccs.
Hut tho consequences would not bo so hail
If they would take Dr. Ilobh's Sparaguv
Kidney Pills.
Tho kidneys get overworked from worry,
hard work of the hody or mind, excesses,
overeating, etc.
Worry is probably tho most common nf
these causes.
uverworK oi uio Kiuncys ninKcs them sick,
When tlio kidneys nro sick tho hlood
sutlers. It gets poor, thin, unhealthy.
When our kidneys are sick wo may have
Rright's Disease, Diabetes, Nephritis aud
other dangerous kidney troubles.
Or wo may hav.e Klieumntism, Gout,
Neuralgia, General Muscular Weakness, etc.;
or Anrcmia, Pale and Sallow complexion.
Chlorosis or Green Sickness, Dizziness, etc.;
or Skin Diseases, Pimples, lilotchcs, Erup
tions, etc.
It may seem wonderful that one medicino
should bo able to curo all these diseases, but
when wo remember that they are all caused
hy Impure blood, and that the impure blood
is caused by the kidneys, it becomes a ques
tion of simple common sense.
Tlie kidneys make pure blood.
I'uro uioou means health.
Therefore, when you have diseases or
impure blood, cure your kidneys with Dr.
Ilobh's Sparagus Kidney Pills.
This will nmko you well and strong and
Dr. Ilobh's Sparagus Kidney PillsV contain,
in concentrated form, special vegetalllo rlrugs
which cure and renew the kidneys. i
Tho combination from which they are made.,
is found in no other medicine or prescription.
It was first used by Dr. II nub in his private
practice many years ago, and was so unfail
ingly successful that his original prescription
was finally mado up into Dr. Hobb's Sparagus.
Kidney Pills. The concentrated extract of
Asparagus, which is tlio principal ingredient,
is prepared exclusively by tho Hobb'u
Medicine Co., under n special process.
Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills will curu
you when you are sick.
They will put new blood and new life Into
you. They will glvo you new ambition, new
looks and new brightness of eyes and skin.
A few doses will relieve. A few boxes will
Of all druggists, or mailed prepaid to any
address for 50 cents a box.
Write for interesting pamphlet on thu
subject, freo on application, to Hobb's Medi
cine Co., Chicago or San Francisco.
General and Nervous Debility.
"Weakness of Body and
Mind, Effects of Errors
or Excesses In Old or
Young. Kobust, Noblo
Manhood fully Restored.
How to Enlargo and
Strengthen Weak, Un
developed Portions of
Hody. Absolutely un
failing nome Treatment.
lienoflts In a day.
50 States and Foreicn
Countries. Send for Descrlptlvo Book, ex
planation and proofs, mailed (sealed) free.
Of ii head-splitting headache immediately re
lieved hy the use of
Anti-Headache Powders.
They nro a positive and speedy cure and are
guaranteed absolutely hnrmless. Their great
success Is ample proof that they are nn eflectlTr
article, which can be always used with t io best
of results. Procure them, from CJruhler Ilros.
iim T flrcll ST.rilIIa,!?'f,,,!l1'
S?Thoonly fienulno Specialist la ralladc.;
W i.iila.nutwi.hiianillna what others oover-
tlso. Nervous llchllltyaiid tho results or lndi -cretlon.
O years' i:uroiieniiHospltiil ncda.I
yenrs' Prnct leal Experience, tepeclm ur
eases nnd Stricture Permanently Cured
in 1 to at) Bays. Relief at once.
entirely ncwmelhodSuio'udny
bend live So. stamps for hoolc "Ti n th," uenetlciul i.
youngand old. single and married) only linnkci -iioslnc
quacks. Jleurs.0-1; iv ', t- . ' ; W.-Uiut
f ut. i'VTgs.o-.i 30; Hnn..O-li If others robbed nad
deceived ymidon'tJudgBalliiiil.e. I will cure,
you and mako you vlsrorom aad Htroliu. kowesi
Charcot) for tho best treatment. II rite or call.
Tntb Yer.
1710 (J best nut St.,
and all the
H-rll.r.lrwlir.. TIll'.O. W. 1 ALMS, l-n.t.
Co you DESIRE to Make
Make your money enrn you :
mllPo0 and more made dailv by . .11
.;,,nfln l'luo of Operation "i small l
In irraln and stock speculation.
All we nsk Is t Investigate i
oriirlual methods. Pt work ings
litghei-t references luriusneu
"l-oinis am..., ...-. x-r
oinvr iu, - -- - - - -
. - ltn,,kr rrf nil
7 . l.....ull(.t, i in i.
Open Hoard of Trade Hit
Book keeping;
a month