The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 29, 1895, Image 2

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1TA111,I.S!IHI 1RT0.
Published every livening, Kief pt Sunday, at
8 Savra JAmn SritKirr, Xkar Ohxtbh
Tho Herald is drllTcinI InSliennndonh nnl tho
surrounding townn for nix cent week, pny
blo to tlie carriers. Ily mall $1.00 a jcat, or 25
conta n month, pnynble iti advance. Advertle
nif ntn clinrKeil according to space mid position.
The publlslirrs reserve tho rixht to change the
position of advertisements whenever the pub
UcAtion of nens demands It. The right is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not, that the publishers may deem
improper. Advertising rates made known
upon application,
'.Entered at tho postofllce nt Shenandoah, l'o., as
ocand claim mail matter.
Evening Herald
Bkxjamin J. Haywood, of iforccr.
Jxu ics A. Hkavkh, of Centre.
B. W. WlM.AltD, of Lackawanna.
Chaiiles E. Rick, of Luzonis.
Gkohqe It. Oulady, of Huntingdon.
John J. Wickiiam, of Heaver.
Howakd Rkedkk, of Nortliampton.
THOMAS II. 15. LYON, of Mhanoy City.
BEKJ. R. SEVERN, of Shenandoah.
OHAS. E. RRECKONS, of St. Clair.
Du. S. J. SEYEERT, of rincgrove.
S. R. MIDDIjETON, of Gilbortou.
JOSEPH V. GEARY, Jlt of Pottwillo.
Uk. Bkchtel is beaten.
Wh still think young Uechtel is beaten out
f his patent-leathers.
Oub Democratic friends aro tumbling over
ch other to get in under cover.
John Sherman's book is receiving con
niiorablo freo advertising just at prosent.
A kkqui.ak Kilkenny fight is on among
tho Democrats. They aro on tho run, and
their defeat is certain.
So I'AU tho Republican office-holders appear
t think they havo no interest in tho present
centcst. Their interest may come later on.
Will tho Chronicle kindly inform a suffer
ing public what the furnishing of tho execu
tive chamber at Harrisburg has to do with
tho olection of a surveyor for this county 1
Thk facts presented by our Pottsvillo cor
respondent yesterday have caused tho Demo
cratic voters to think and to think loud.
They will do moro than that on election day.
THE indications aro that tho beauty show
will wind up the campaign amid much sorrow.
With tho slashing right and left that is going
n in their ranks tho probabilities are their
irauty will bo greatly marred.
AnvEKTisiNO is simply business news. Its
bject is to tell people where to get some
Jrsircd article. Advertisers should keep this
fact in mind when writing their ads. and the
results will take care of themselves.
Onk of tho most significantfactsof the time
is tho increasing frequency witli which
jiolilical addrooses aro heard from church
platforms and political leaders aro invited to
peak beforo church societies on political
Youno Beciitel's friends at the county
feat and in the farming districts are. working
xclusivcly in tho interest of the nephew of
his unclo. Thero is nothing like looking out
for No. 1. The other fellows are doing tho
wimo thing.
Robt. Fitzsi sr.MONS, Esj., declares that ho
will follow James Corbett, Esq., to tho end of
tho world and smash his jaw. If he would
nly do this and then jump off tho cud,
thero would bo an end to all the palavor
about fighting.
Thhri: is anothor "warscaro" in tho East.
Tho "East" this time doos not moan Turkey,
hat China, and Russia is believed to bo getting
ready to annex it. The Russian boar is
likely to stir up a bigger rumpus in tills
China shop than the traditional bull is
credited with.
Tun pros of the Schuylkill Haven Cttll,
whose political course is directed by labor's
groat champion, Hon. Elias Davis, are pound
ing awny night and day at the election
ticket for this county. Wo aro authorized
to say, however, that the firm is making con
Mdemblc less than 800 per cent., the favorite
figure, and that they aro doing the work in
nler tliat the county may he protected from
jobliory and combiuos. All hail to labor's
ehampion !
Shnatok Quay's tariff ideas of increasing
tho duty on woolen goods, sugar and pottery
in order to raise revenue enough to pay for
kadly needed internal improvement, and
incidentally afford protection to industries
that have been seriously Injured by the
prosent tariff, are baaed on good business
prinelples, but it is expecting too much to see
them adopted while there Is a Democratic
president in tho White House. Tlio Demo
cratic party cry lias been a tariff for revenue,
but, when that party is entrusted with
power, it enacts a tariff law that falls to
provido enough revenue by $-10,000,000 an
nually, which is approved by tho President.
Although tho injury to American Industrlos
by tho present law aro patent to ovoryono,
and English newspapers aro gloating over
tho great improvement It has wrought in tho
tnulo of Great Britain with this country,
little or no improvement caia bo looked fur
until tho executive as well as legislative
branches of tho government aro in tho hands
of tho Republican party the party whoso
watchword is America for Americans hot
for British or other foreign manufacturers to
dump their cheap products into, while our
own factories and workmen aro idle.
In advocating tho nomination of Con
troller Sovorn wo stated that ho was justly
entitled to tho office, from the fact that ho
was removed through no fault of his. His
endorsement by Governor Hastings by ap
pointment aiuf the Republican voters through
their nominating convention ought to bo
sufficient to convince the most skeptical of
his competency. Ho is tho nominco of tho
party, and sis such should receive tho vote of
every member of that organization.
To Tet tlm Chinese Inflation Act.
"WASUIXOTON, Oct. 29. Tho solicitor
general submitted it motion to tho su
premo court yesterday to ndvanco a tost
caso of Chon Yuen Sing, Involving tho
constitutionality of tho prohibition net.
Ho nlso submitted n motion for tho Is
suance of a mnndnto in tho caso of tho
Flourney Llvo Stock nnd Real Kstuto com
pany vs. W. H. Beck.
Talk of a Quadrnp'o Lynching.
PEItlSY, O. T., Oct. 29. Jim Grayson,
Leo 1'osson, Jim Honson and BUI Petty
were arrested for tho murder of J. W.
Swilling, a laborer in tho Seminole Indian
country, somo days ago. After tho arrest
Grayson confessed. Cousldcrablo excite
ment prevails, and there is somo talk of
If Troubled With IthcumutlMU Wend Tills.
Annapolis, Md., Apr. 18, 1894. I havo
used Chamberlain's Pain JJalm for rheuma
tism and found it to bo all that is claimed for
it. I bcliovo it to bo tho best preparation
for rheumatism and deep Boated muscular
pains on tho market and cheerfully recom
mend it to tho public. Jn'o. G. Brooks,
dealer in boots, shoes, etc., No. 18 Main St.
Mkchanicbvilli:, St. Mary County, Md.
I sold a bottlo of Chamberlain's Pain Balm
to a man who had been suffering with rheu
matism for several years. It made him a well
man. A. J. McGill. For sale at 50 cents per
bottlo by Gruhler Bros. Druggists.
Crazed by Jealousy.
OwEXSHORo, Ky., Oct. 29. John Snyder,
colored, suddenly becnino mued with
Jealousy and cut his wife's throat. 'Ho was
then shot by Will Hnll, his broibpr-in-law,
und roamed for several hours with a largo
bullet holo In his sido. Both will die.
Tlliv Wratlwr.
For eastern New York, eastern Pennsyl
vania nnd New Jersey: Colder; fair;
lorthcrly wtndM.
The Darlington, Wis., Journal says editor
ially of a popular patent medicino : "Wo
know from experience that Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is all
that is claimed for it, as on two occasions it
stopped excruciating pains and possibly saved
us from an untimely grave. Wo would
not rest easy over night without it in the
house.'' Tills remedy undoubtedly saves
moro pain and suffering than any other
medicine in the world. Every family should
keep it in tho house, for it is suro to bo
needed sooner or later. For sale by Gruhler
Bros., Druggists.
Best gas fitting is dono by P. W. Bell.
Itoinbs in Vlnconnlnfl Capitol Yard.
Madison, Wis., Oct. 29. Madison is ox
cited over tho discovery of two bombs in
tho capitol yard, near tho ontranco most
used by tho public, and ono In tho yard of
II. J. Veerhuscn, of tho tailoring Ann of
Olsen & Veerhusen, whoso employes went
on strike recently. Tho police claim to
havo gained information which leads them
to bollef that tho uoniu3 wero manufac
tured and luft In tho places whoro thoy
wero found by friends of tho strikers.
Strikers l)ul Not Ush Force,
Boise, Idaho, Oct. 29. Advices from tho
north nro that tho striking miners did not
carry out their threat to romovo men by
force from tho Hunter mine at Mullen.
Nothing has been done by tho authorities
of tho state further than to proceed with
tho organization of a militia company at
Governor Klowor'a Hrotlier-lii-LRwSulrldeB
Gouvehneui:, N. Y., Oct. 29. Dr. Car
penter, brother-in-law of ox-Governor
Flower, and ono of the wealthiest and
iiost prominent citizens of tills place, com
nltted suicide yostcrday.
You want of a medicine is that It shall do
you good purify and enrich your blood,
throw oil that tired feeling, and give you
health, strength, courage and ambition.
Sarsaparilla la the only true blood purifier
prominently in the public eye toaey, ana
it meets these requirements perfectly.
This Is proved by the testimony of thou
sands of people. Hood's
Builds up the norves by feeding them on
pure blood, creates an appetite by toning
the digestive organs, overcomes That Tired
Feeling by giving vitality to the blood,
and gives sweet refreshing sleep. Yon
tcsy realize that nood's Sarsaparilla
this by glvinc it a fair trial, Insist upon
Hood's and only Hood'a. f 1; six for $5.
Hood's Pills TrA C
Public Praise From Eminent Citizens,
References to Complete and Permanent
Cures In Thousands of Cases Where Physi
cians Havo Failed Get' a Free Copy of
Munyon's Guldo to Health, Ask Your Drug
gist for a 2D Cent Bottle of Munyon's
Remedies and Cure Yourself,
Mr. II. C. Smith, No. 010 Perry street,
Newark, N. J., says: "After several physi
cians eavo up my caso as beyond their still, I
wroto to Prof. Munyon. I had dyspepsia ami
constant distress In tho stomach, chronic
diarrhoea, catarrh, with continual dropping
of mucus in the throat and stoppago of tho
nose. I suffered so much from rheumatism
in tho shoulder that I could scarcely movo
my arm. 1 also Had kidney trouble, with
buckai'lio and swelling of tho feet and ankles.
In fact, it would bo hard to find a moro
obstinate and complicated case, and I could
scarcely bellovo Prof. Munyon's statement
that iiis remedies would euro mo. Hut l con
fess freely that I was completely cured by a
short course of Munyon's Remedies. I Wish
to particularly recommend his new catarrh
treatment as tho mildost and yet tho most
promptly curative of any I havo used."
The Munyon Remedies effect prompt and
positive cures in tho most obstinate caes.
A separate cuio for each disease. At all
druggists, mostly 25 cents each.
Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 1503
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered
with free medical advice for any disease.
Attracting Visitor to France from AH
Farts of Europe.
BouitOKS, France, Oct. 29. Tho trial of
tho Marquis do Nnyvo upon tho ohnrgo of
murdering tho Illegitimate son of his wlfo
began hero in tho chcr nsslzos yesterday.
The caso is a sensational one, nnd is at
tracting widespread attention. Tho court
room was crowded, tho gathering Includ
ing visitors from every country In Europe
and a number from America. Tho wife
declares that tho murder occurred In tho
Bay of Nnples in 1885. Sho mndo 'tho
churgo fifteen months ago, and sinco then
ho has beou kept In solitary confinement
most of tho'timo.
Tho marquis was wild In hlsyoungdays,
dlssipatod a largo fortune and then mar
ried a rich hoires9, MUo, Mario do Baut
reuil, who had an illegitimate son. This
boy tho marquis Is charged with murder
Ing by throwing him from tho cliffs along
the Sorrento rood into tho Bay of Nnplos
after having previously stunned tho boy
by hitting him over tho head with a heavy
Instrument. Tho marquis' friends assert
that tho lad, who was of a despondent na
ture, committed suicide by jumping from
tho cliffs, nnd that tho marquise had con
cocted tho story to rid herself of her hus
band, In order that sho might marry a
priest. who had been tho boy's tutor, if not
his father.
Tho city is full of strangers from cvpry
country in Europo, and also present aro
somo persons from Amorica, who havo
come to witness tho trial.
A Had Wreck
of the constitution may follow in tho track
of a disordered system, duo to impure blood
or inactive liver. Don't run tho risk 1 Tho
proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery tauoall tlio chances, tncy maKo
a straightforward offer to return your money
it their remedy lulls to benelit or euro m all
disorders and affections duo to impnro blood
or inactive liver. Tho germs of disease
circulate through tho blood ; the liver is tho
filter which permits tho germs to enter or
not. The liver active, ana tlio uiooa pure,
ind you cscapo disease.
When you run down, dobilltatcd, weak,
ind your weight below a healthy standard,
you regain health, strength, and wholesome
llesh, by using tho "Discovery." It builds
up the body faster than nauscatiug Cod liver
oil or emulsions.
Dr. Tierco's Pellets cure constipation, piles,
biliousness, indigestion, or dyspepsia, and
And Arltannug' Attorney General Don't
Know How to Prevent It.
Little Roan, Oct. 29. Mutters pugil
istic took a sensational turn yesterday
when Attorney General Klnsworthy filed
Information on tho second division of flio
Pulaski county court asking for a wurrrint
for tho arrest of Robert Fitzslmmons and
Martin Julian,
It develops that whllo arrangements
havo boon proceeding quietly at Hot
Springs for a fight to u finish between
Corbett nnd Fitzslmmons, to tnko place
despito the supreme court's decision, GOV'
ernor Clarke has not been idle, but has
himself being doing a littlo preparing "on
tho quiet." It doveiops that tho governor
has had a detective, or confidential ageht,
nt Hot Springs all tho time, and has been
thoroughly posted on the every movement
mado by tho promoters of tho light. SuU'
day night this detoctivo advised tho cot
crnor that arrangements had been com
pleted to bring tlio light off, and as a re
sult J udgo James W. Martin issued war
rants for Fitzslmmons and Julian, which
wero placed in tho hands of Shoriff Booker,
Deputy Sheriff Heard was given charge of
tho matter and at onco started for Toxar-
kana, whoro Fltzsiinmons nnd Julian aro
expected to enter tho stato.
Tlio Hot Springs Athletic club has S(tnt
programs to ovory sporting olttb in the
United States notifying them of tho ar
rangements for the fight Tho Iron
Mountain railroad yesterday put a large
lorco of men at work in North hlttleltock
building temporary side tracks. Tho rail
road folks said that they oxpected a large
numnor oi speoiai trains in a few days.
Attorney General Klnsworthy returned
from Hot Springs last night. When asked
by a friend what he thought of tho situa
tion nt Hot Springs ho replied that he be
Ueycd thoro is goinir to bo a flttht. Askwl
if Governor Clarke would stop it, tlio, nt-
mmc gBuunu wim ne um not seo now lio
Antl-Fnrrlsn fouling In China.
JiODON, uct. 29. The news received
noroiroiu Hong Kong thnt nu outbreak
against foreigners is expected at Canton
seems to indicate that thero has boon a ro.
nowal of the widespread anti-forolcn feel
Ing. Tho British consul at Hankow, it is
now known, was warntd that un outbreak
would occur at Wuoheng on Sept. 12, when
the soldiers wero to mutiny and attack tho
roroigners. It appears that tho Chlnesn
braves who wero ordered to disband after
tho wur objected to doing so, and arranged
to attack the foreigners, although none of
tho lattur were to be killed. Therefore the
governor of Wuoheng thought it best not
to curry out tho disbanding decree, and
tuus uio serious sitimiiuu wag tided cjy;r.
Havo tho leaks in your gas and water main:
repaired by P. W. Boll, the plumber. f
Uncle Sum Vrim Itnll Telephone.
Washington, Oct 28. A inotlou nan
mndo In tho United States supremo court
yesterday on b.-half of tho company to dis
miss tho cuisu of tho United States vs. tin)
Boll Tolephonn coilipnny nnd Kmllo lief
llnor, Tho uo Involves tho validity ot
tho Berliner patents for tho speaking mi
crophone. Tho United States nsked that
tho patont for tho mlerophono bo cancelled,
on the ground that Berliner was not tho
orlglnnl inventor of tho mlerophono. No
notion was taken by tho court.
Murder In tho Becond Degre.
.TEllsKY ClTT. Oct. 20 Tho Jury In tho
caso of Jennie Iioblnsou, a young mulatto
woman, who has been on trial beforo
Justlco Lipplncott charged with killing
Chnrlos W. Vopper, Into Inst night brought
In n verdict of guilty of murder In the
second degree Pepper was it Pullman car
ptrter. Ho lived for n time with tho
woman, nnd after thny separated sho bo
enmo enrag.'d nt him nnd on Sept. 4 shot
him dead In his room in Camden.
OrliTii Ho ds inn Own with Dixon.
Nnw Yohk, Oct. 29. George Dixon never
had a harder light than that put up
ngalnsr Mm last night by Young Griffo,
before tho Manhattan Athletlo club.
Though tho bout was declared n draw at
tho end of tho tenth round, by previous
agreement, both men wcro in good con
dition at the end, and Griffo was anxious
to fight five moro rounds for a decision.
Lltinulmlnnl to Mva In Itnly.
VlltnsA,0i;t.29. Ex-Queen Llllouknlnni
of Hawaii has purchased a site between
Torbolo and Malcesine, on Lnko Gar
Italy, for tho purpose of eroctlng a v
for a winter residence, and has also p
chased tho Castcl dl Planolll, In tho Itnli
provluco of Udlno, for a summer resldonco.
Tho ex-queen will nrrlvo In Austria in tho
autumn of 189(5, uf tor making a protracted
stay in London, J
Necl of New Dry Docks.
Washington, Oct. 29. Now it appears
that oven tho Texas, a second class battle
ship, cannot bo docket! at Now York with
out waiting for n big tide. Sho drew too
much water to bo docked nt Norfolk. This
has caused somo speculation among naval
officers as to what would occur If tho ship
met with an accident at sea nnd came into
port in a sinking condition,
Fnr for n Ml-slng Kllilng Tut.
Cleveland, Oct. 29. Gravo fenrs are
entertained for the safety of tho fishing
tug Florence M., which put out from Lo
rain during the gale yesterday morning.
After sho left tho port nothing wns seen or
heard of her at Ixiraln, nnd it was thought
sho had foundered. Cnptaln Murphy was
In charge. The crow was made up of flvo
Shot by Ilftr DNcanleil Husband.
Chicago, Oct. 29. James Bell, a printer,
shot and probably fatally wounded his
wife last night nnd then fired a bullet into
his own brain, dying almost instantly. Tho
shooting was the refusal of Mrs. Bell to
longer live with her husband.
Mis. Carver frnes for Divorce.
NEW HAVEN, Oct. 29. Mrs. Carrie J.
Carver has filed a suit for divorce from
her husband, Dr. William J. Carver, the
champion shot. It is on statutory grounds.
rhey were married in this city in 1878.
"If a man discovers a valuable medicine,"
said Horace Greeley, "it is his duty to
iidvertiso it." "Ves, and at once: forsiiflermg
demands tho speediest relief possible. But
let tho man first bo suro. Suffering had better
wait than uo deluded by lalso Hopes. Jlcui-
cine, like surgery, must often seem cruel in
order to bo really Kind, un tins principle
tlio Shakers, ot Sit. Lebanon. IN, v., witli
held their great indigestion and dyspepsia
remedy from tlio public lor several years.
Witli tnem rigiit-uoing is cverytnmg,
money, comparatively notiiing, ticnce tne
popularity anil success ot whatever tney
offer for sale. Having satisfied themselves of
the merit or their medicine by employing it
in the worst cases of digestive disorders in
their own vicinity for years, they did their
duty they advertised it, under the namo of
tlio Shaker Digestive cordial, in all cases
where there is distress alter eating, pam in
tho stomach, chest and back; aversion to food
with the resulting symptoms, such as head
ache furred tongue, eructation of gas, with
weakness and loss ot ilesli, etc., the Cordial
has a most happy cllect. Being Itsclt a
digested food with power to digest other
foods, it relieves tlio weak and possibly in
flamed stomach of tlio labor it is in no
condition to perform, gives new strength to
tlio body and presently restores to the diges
tive organs their normal vigor. Taken
immediately after eating this remedy insures
tlio digestion of tlio meal and prevents tho
termentation ot the lood, winch Is tho source
of most of the afflictive symptoms which
accompany dyspepsia. It is also as agreeable
to tlio taste as it is potent as a medicine, in
bhow their own confidence In it. and to
hasten its universal adoption, tho Shakers
autliorizo druggists to sell trial bottles at tho
nominal price ot ten cents.
The County Institute Course !
The Finest Course of Evening Entertainments
of the Season.
Monday, November 11.
Eugene Welner. Director, l'lute; Paul Monde,
Viola; Curl Krlll, Violoncello; Louis O. Kopp,
Violin; Apolpb Studer, Violin; Henry Lehman,
Double Bass; Miss Iuoz CI rcnuclli, Prima Donna,
Tuesday, November 12.
Prof. JOHN B. DnSIOTTK, A. M I'll. D., of
CuuibrUlge, Mans. MiiHullloeutly illustrated
lecture: "Klectrleity, Its Nature and l'ocfeiblli
tleg." Wednesday, November 13,
General JOHN it. OOItDON, of Atlanta, tia.,
"The 1 jut ltays of the Confederacy."
Thursday, November 14.
PANY. Original Hwwllsli Quartet in National
Coxtume. Clinrles A. Bkoou;, First Tenor; Geo.
Leumln, Second Tenor; A. Kinll Skoojt, Baritone;
W. U McPheroon, Hatwo. Miss Bertha Webb,
oneof America's Orcuti'kt Lady Violluinlii. Mitri
.Iconic D. Shoemaker, HhiKinK, Beading and
Railway Arrangements,
TRAINS: Arrunurementa have been made to
hold the traina for St. Clair, I'riiokvllle, llllhcr
ton, HlieniiiKlouli, Mnliauny City, Morea, Delano.
Hock's, Schuylkill Haven and Port Carbon,
Ticket Arrangements,
Season Ticlictg, Recurinu; reserved seats: Par
quet nnd Circle, $2.00, Dress iHo, first row,
tl.7B; Dress Circle, ex. find row. f .50.
The chart for sale of reserved Mxit tickets will
open nt the box ollleo of the Academy of Music,
Pnttsville, Saturday, Novemlier 2, at 9.30 a. ni.,
for tcachera only to wttire out in one half of
the Academy, ami at 1 p. in., for cltlicnalo aecure
Heats In the other lwlf of tho Academy. Before
opeuimr the eliart, parties deairing to purchase
tickets will draw number forpnaltion inline.
Kncli teacher In Una may puroUaiio any number
of tloketa not excM-dlng twenty, and eitoli citizen
III Una may pureliiwe any number not uxoeed
Inii tea.
Chart opena nt Mlller'a Bonk flture after No
vember 2. O W. WKISS,
County (Superintendent.
Cnptlvcn llurncit nt the SlnVo by tlio
Illoodtblr.ty Turks.
COXSTANTlNoi'Lfi.Oct. 29. Another mas
FnCrtj of Armenians, accompanied by tho
outraging of women, is reported to havo
occurred recently at Balbut, between Er
znrum and Treblzond. According to tho
report received hero a mob of about 000
Mussulmans and Lazes, tho great majority
of whom wero nrmod with rllles, mndo An
attack upon tho Armenians inhabiting
sovoral vlllagos of that vicinity nnd set flro
to their houses nnd schools.
When tho Armenians fled from their
dwellings thoy wcro shot down as they ran
nnd a number of men and women who
wero enpturod by tho rioters woro fastened
to stakes nnd burned nllvo. Tho Armenian
women who fell Into tho hands of tho
mob woro outraged and mutilated. Tho
churches woro dosecrated and tho villages
attacked wero pillaged, tho cattlo and' all
tho portablo property of any vnluo belong
ing to the Armenians being carried off by
the rioters. During tho disturbance 150
Armenians nro said to have been killed.
Tho surviving villagers applied to tho
governor of Balbut for protection, and ho,
after hearing their complaint, sont throo
policemen to tho scene of tho mnssacro,
after tho slaughter was ended. Tho Turk
ish officials, It is claimed, know tho ring
leaders of tho outbreak, but no steps havo
boon taken to arrost them.
Tho Turks, It is stated, havo also at
tacked tho Armenians in the district of
Gumushdngh, near Treblzond, and killed
mnny of them.
The number of Armenians massacred at
Erzengan is now said to bo sovoral hun
dred. A Lynching Prevented.
Washington, Oct, 29. Sadlo Shorrier,
tho 12-ycar-old daughter of a wealthy Ger
mnu farmor living near Falls Church, Va.,
was surprised In a dense woods yesterday
by Albert Hawkins, a 10-year-old Wash
ington colored boy. Tho girl's cries at
tracted, tho attention of several of her
schoolmates, nnd tho negro escapcd.though
it Is not known whether ho assaulted her.
no was subsequently captured and identb
fled as tho girl's assailant, and the father
of tho girl threatened to shoot him, but
was prevented by tho Interference of his
his son-in-law. Subsequently a mob of
white people gnthorcd and threatened to
lynch him. Tho cqlorcd people in tho
neighboring settlement of Lincolnville,
however, armed themselves and promised
for n time to mnko things lively. But tho
negro was spirited away, and presumably
is on his way to tho jail at Alexandria.
Leavenworth's Apple Carnival,
Leavenwobth, Knn., Oct. 29. This city
Is today experiencing its first whirl at tho
apple carnival celebration. Every build
ing nnd storo front down town is gor
geously decorntcd with apples of all sizes
and colors, and the carnival colors red,
yellow and green aro consplouous every
where. There nro thousands of visitors
hero, and more are arriving on every train.
Business is suspended, nnd everybody is
celebrating. Thousands of bushels of ap
ples are being used. A street parado nearly
a mile long wns tho feature yesterday af
ternoon. Last" night tho city was gor
goously illuminated.
Canaeil by a Mliplncoil Switch.
EASTON, Pa., Oct. 29. A head on col
lision between two fast freight trains
caused a serious wreck on tlio Lehigh Val
ley railroad at South Easton last night,
Ono engine crashed into a wall on ono
side of tho track, and Briikonian Henry
Goglcr, of South Bethlehem, who wns
riding between tho ongino and tank, was
caught in tho wreck and hud both legs
crushed so badly that ho died nt tlio City
hospital an hour afterwards. Tho acci
dent was caused by a misplaced switch.
William Fegley, tlio swltclimau, has dis
appeared. Official Appeal for Strlklnc Miner.
TOPKKA, Oct. 29. Stoto Labor Commis
sioner Bird has Issued tho following state
ment regarding tho strlko of tho coal
miners nt Leavenworth: ."I find that in
stead of $2.05 per day being paid tho
miners, tho very best nvorago is 93)4 cents
a day. I ask if It is not a fair business
proposition to assist tho miners In retain
ing tho eighty cent rate, so they at least
may barely llvo, rather than suffer a cut,
thereby bringing them down to Mow liv
ing wages and tho peoplo mako up tho
difference by supporting them by public
Cyclists Itnbbetl by IIIgliWHymen.
South Ambit, N. J., Oct. 29. Ardcn
Post, son of Rev. Georgo Post, of Ho
boken, and another wheelman, who wero
riding from Asbury Park to New York,
woro held up and robbed by highwaymen
near Applegnto's hotel, at Morgan. Threo
men jumped from tho bushes, and, placing
revolvers at the heads of tho bicyclists, or
dered them to hold up their hands. Thon
tho footpads took tho younc men's cold
watches and monoy. The robbers secured
$53 in cash and two vnluablo watches.
To Vot on the Kigltt Hour Day.
PlTTsnuno, Oct, 29. Momhors of trades
unions ufflllnteil with tho Fedorated Metal
Trades nro discussing tho question of mak
ing n demand on liny 1, 1803, for an eight
hour work day. All over tho United States
during tho next thirty days a voto will bo
taken In every union of mnchlnlstn, mold
crs, boiler makers nnd Iron ship builders,
tin nnd sheet Iron workers, brass workers
and blacksmiths us to whether tho recom
mendation of tho Fedorated Motnl Trodoa
shall bo carried luto effect.
Jumped Three Ntnriet tu l)ath,
CniCAao, Oct. 29. Hundreds of shoppers
and clerks witnessed a stritngo suicide Inst
everting. Mrs. Herbert AVitlsli, weighing
BOO pounds, jumped from the third story
balcony of ono of the big department
stores, and won dashed to death on tho
floor of tho rotunda. .
LleuiciiHut G illegiM Acquitted,
HAVANA, Oct. 90. The trial by court
martial of Lieutenant Gnllegns, the com
mander of the small SpanUh guurdboat
Dos do Mayo, which wus captured by in
surgents tioar Santiago de Cuba on Oct. 12,
has resulted In Ills acquittal by a voto of
four to threo.
Two Year fr Moallnf? a Illcycle.
BnipaETON, N. J., Oct. 9U. Judge Hong
land yesterday sentenced Charle Shep
pnrd to two years' hard labor in' tho state
prison for stealing a bloyolo. Sheppard
tried to break jull a few nights ago.
Tho ovoulng Press, of Detroit, booms
Mayor Pintfrw for prmsldout In 1930.
At Mnniafr-e. Mloh.,two children of John
Couley, agud 6 and tl yeai,'werQ smoth
sred to deuth by smoke. Thy had gotten
me muteUes and set tho bedding ou lire.
EASES. They Get Out
Cure Them
What Happens When
of Order. How to
Most diseases' are caused by poison is tlio
Tho poison should bo kept out,
Tho kidneys aro supposed to do this. That
Is what thoy aro thero for.
And they generally dp. But whed they
aro sick they can't ; and then wo get sick.
Tho kidneys may get sick from overwork,
worry, excess, high living, etc.
The reason so many of our great men die'
from Brlght's disease i3 that to many over
work themselves.
Brlght's disease is only ono of tlio many
diseases the root of which lies In the kidneys.
Other folks sutler from diabetes, rheuma
tism, gout, gravel, sleeplessness, anaemia,
nervousness, headache, neuralgia, etc.
All these diseases would go if the poison
could bo got out of your blood. If the;
kidneys would only do their work. If you
would only take Dr. Holm's Sparagus Kidney
Pills to make your kidneys, do their work.
It is notyour Kidneys' fault.
You should bo trying to help them.
You can do it by taking Dr. Hobb's Siar
agus Kidney Pills.
It is such an easy piece of knowledge ti
Your kidneys are simply filters. They
need looking to now and then like other
filters. If they aro kept clean and healthy,
they will keep your blood clean and healthy,
and you will bo strong and healthy.
Asparagus is a hAiling and strengthening;
tonic for tlio kidneys.
Dr, Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills give
fresh life and power to the kidneys. They
cause the kidneys to purify tlio blood, to-
maKo it redder and Healthier and more
nourishing. They put new life into your
body, new color into your blood, new ambi
tion into your mind, new youth into votir
joints and muscles. .
They do not work miracles. 1.
But they cure diseases.
Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills have,
cured so many people that they can be bafely
relied on to cure you.
They will cure you, not because they havo
cured others, hut because they are mado from
herbs which havo never failed to cure the
kidneys when taken in tlio proper doses.
They wero prepared ly a physician whi
knows how to cure tho kidneys.
A few doses will relieve. A few boxes will
Sold by all druggists for 50 cents per box,
or sent postpaid on receipt of price.
Write for interesting pamphlet mi tho
subject to Hobb's Medicino Co., Chicago or
San Francisco.
, Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored.
"IVcalcixcns, NervousnesGj
enimj, and all tho train
ol evils from early errors or
later excesses, ths results o
overwork, sickness, worry,
etc i all strength, dovel
jopmentandtooo given to
every organ uua portion,
athebodv. Slmule. nut
ural methods, fmmedi.
ate Improvement seen.
PnilnrH Imnnsalble. ,2.000 references. Book.
explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free.
ERIE MEDICAL GO.. Buffalo, fU.
Of a heail-gpHHinx headache immediately re
lieved by thf use of
Anti-Headache Powders.
They aro a positive and speedy cure nnd iuc
guaranteed absolutely harmless. Their groat
success is ample proof that thoy nre an effective
article, which can be nhvays used with t-ie bet
ol results. Procure tlicni from Gruhler Bros.
Chlelif ter' Knffli.U Diamond Brand.
yroyal pills
(IrlfHnnl and ftnT CpntilnC
safe, alwtfs reliable, ladies ux i
1'ruggMl ror CAleftefilfff Jtnqltm -I'li'V A
.numtlHraniln lied and Uold nieullloVV'
boxes, ecilal with blue rlblion. TttLo
noothcr. yeuldanp.rouil'trlu- V
tiont atui imitatloni. At nruggl.ti, or Rend 4c.
If;. "IlflUr Tor!leV!iIr. bj return
V Jj Mull. 10,000 T nlinonlnL. Nameraptr.
v- 7 ChlchctrClicuiIcult'.IMttdl"oii'juofc,
Sold to U t-ro. ' 'truuliti 1'b.lhv- l a.
i.r.-HH E Tw-tnxw.
TOOT luibviSual
171U CheHtnnt ht., I HltnatioDs
Phllii'lelnhui I Kumlnhetl
and nil tli
i'h inn x 1 umra of know led ire at tho minimum .t ej-.t
ifraiM ti
irmor uwilari. TUMI, H . PALMN I're.t.
Ill CUr Yflll To',""'- I'lmples, Copper
I'lcers in Mouth, llalr-Jalling! Writo COOKS
Itnrr.IlV Oil.. HOT Mn.nnln IVmnleJl
El'iilciieo, 111., for proofs ot eureu. Cupl-a
(ill. KRUOaIUO. Wottcaa-cured In l"fl
II(o lis ilayn. lOO-puEC booU ivee
Teams to H Ire.
If you want to hire a Mifc nnd reliable
team for driViiiK or for working purpose
pay Shields' livery Btnblo avislt. Tenuis
ennatiintly on hand ot reasonable ratfw.
No. 110 Boat Centre street.
Opposite, Heading railroad station.
I.U rn.nm end PeilUVloTul J'lUi
aille. AIriJuyV"' Snfl J
VilxjBM 11. Dw"i Main.
fill . ISI 7 fti 11 --- eati and Hire i