J ( EVENING HERALD liSTAltl.lNUICIl 1870. Published every Kvt'hliiR, Hxcept Sunday, at 8 Sourn .Iahiii.n Strkrt, Nbar Cbntiih. Tha llnriilil Is delivered InSheimiidoiih nml the surroundltiK towns for sir cent n week, pay able to the enrrleM. Ily mail S3.00 it ycnr,or 'Jft cents n month, pnynhU-In mlvaiico. Advertise ments cluirKcd noeordiiiKtospaeoiiiiil Ixwltlon. The publishers n-scrve the rlitht to cIihuku the position of advertisements whenever the ptil llcntloii nf news demands it. The right is reserved to re jet t liny advertisement, whether nUl for or not, thst the ptililfahers mey deem proper. Advertising rates inmle known npon application. Entered ut the pnktnftlee (it Hliennndcmh, t'a., iw second claw mail matter. TKLKl'ilONl! CONNECTION. Evening Herald MONDAY, OOTOliEIt 38, 1893. STATE TICKET. STATE TREASURER, Benjamin J. Haywood, of Alereer. supwtion couht junaiie, .Jambs A. Hkavkk, of Cuntro. E, V. WlLIAKU, of IjK'knWtttlUU. ClIAKLKH K. Kick, of Luzerne. GeOUOK J. OKI.ADY, of Huntingdon. .John J. Wickiiam, of Beaver. JIOWAKO RUMIER, of NorllMUiptoO. COUNTY TICKET. JUDtlB OF ORPHANS' COUUT, UUOMASII. 11. LYON, of Jlalmnoy City. CONTItOLLKlt, ilEN.1. R. SEVERN, of Shenandoah. 1UKTP.I0T ATTORNEY, CHAS. E. BUECKONS, of St. Clair. conoNint, ton. S. J. SEYl'EUT, of PincgroTc. DIUKCTOll OP T1IH TOOK, B. 11. MIDULETON, of Gilhcrton. COUNTY feUUVKYOH, JOSEPH W. OEAKY, Jit., of Pottsvllle. A vote onco lost is lost forever, lion occurs November 5th. Tlio clcc- Tmsisno longer a campaign of bilenco. Danl. Shepp's bar'I has been tipped at the bung. Ik tlio number of weddings constantly taking place is any indication, times ought to be becoming very prosperous horearouuds. It is all right for railroad managers to smash tho record in speed of trains, provided they smash nothing elso in trying it. The Cuban insurgents who were arrested In this country, and tried and acquitted at Wilmington, Del., have gotten into trouble again, falling into the clutches of John Bull in Jim Bahama Inlands this time, and will Jiardly get off so easily. Poor Turkey, like somo other countries, is suffering from what is described as "the progressive clement." If they will only succeed iu driving tho Sultan and his court to tho deserts of Arabia wo will Incline to believe them capable of real progress. Tun truo friends of Democracy will volo to rcmovo tho present incompetent adminstra- tion of tlio District Attorney's ollice. Tho official was elected to prosecute, not shield, offenders of tho law. We still belicvo young Bochtcl, tho nephew of his uncle, is beaten The Chairman of tho Republican Stato Committco seems to bo a rather prominent pcrsonago in tho National Committee, and his opinions and sayings appear to bo of considerable importanco to metropolitan journals just now. Ho was described by Lord Sackvillo as "ono Quay." IN tho person of Dr. S. J. Seyfort, of Pine grove, tho Republicans placo heforo tho voters of tlio county a candidate for Coroner of irrc proachablo character ; a physician prominent among tho medical profession and of many years' practice, and an upright and honorable citizen. Ho is a consistent and aggressive Republican, and is in every way tlio peer of his opponent. Tlio Democratic nominco for this ollice is a perfect gentleman and a pliysl cian of acknowledged ability, but this fact does not justify any Republican in giving him a complimentary vote. Itisby tliismeans ho hopes to bo elected, and to avoid that it is the duty of Republicans to vote their ticket from top to bottom. It is tho boast of tho Demo cratic candidate that ho never scratch his ticket even in borough elections, and the Re publicans of this section of tho county should follow Ills oxumplo in that rospect at this time. Jt is, perhaps, rather early to discuss the Scnatorship in tho 20th district, but as tlio uly bird is said to be tho ono that gota tho meat for breakfiwt, it is not too early to look around for good candidates, and among those mentioned in connection with tho nomina tion is Col. Thomas H. Rickort, of Pottsvllle. Tlio colonel is well known throughout tlio county and numbors his friends by tho thou sand, aud it is to be hoped ho will accedo to tho request) made by many of them to enter tho contest. Ho has been active In the councils of tho party, and always roady to render assistance when needed. His success ful career as a business man renders him eminently fit for tho office which ho would fill with erodlt to himself ami his constituents, and as Senator Kcofor has had about as much of the good things, politically speak ing, as any ono man is entitled to, in the pinion of a largo number of voters of tho district, no bettor successor could be found than Col. Rickort. It Is tho opinion of many, -'too, that boruo ono who is moro closely in touch with the voters of tlio ilistrict should bo chosen, mid no one is more so tlmn cental Tom Rickort. lie should liavo no opposition. GOOD CITIZENSHIP. Iu mi address before tlio Nntloual Reform Association, at Meeliauieehiirg, Rev. CliarlcH Roads, win of ox-Chief of l'olico A. II. Roads, of town, spoke upon what constitutes good citizenship. His remarks arc very appropri ate t tiiis time, on the ovu of an important election. Among other things tlio rovorend gentle man said : "Tlio fundamental principles of good citizenship must he based upon Christian ethics as applied to good government, and our civil llfo must lmrmouizo with our Christian life. Our right to vote Is a royal privilege; a grand prerogative, and wo should exercise that right with a Btilf hack hone. In order to o.vorclso the right of true citizenship we should scrupulously and jealously inquire into tlio character and merits of the men who are placed before us for olllces of great responsibility, and wo should especially give the sc! l ining politician and ward heeler j a wide litrih. Time hu hien a great and grand reform in our elections; fraud and repeating are being gradually, but surely, stumped out." If Troubled With lthctimatlsm ltcnd Tilts. Annapolis, Md., Apr. 10, 1804. I have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheuma tism and found it to bo all that is claimed for it. I belicvo it to bo tlio best preparation for rheumatism and deep seated muscular pains on the market and cheerfully recom mend it to tlio public. Jno, O. Brooks, dealer in boots, shoes, etc., No. 18 Main St. AUO READ THIS. JIixiianicsvillk, St. Mary County, Md. I sold a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm to a man who had been suffering with rheu matism for several years. It made him a well man. A. J. Mclitll. lor sale at 50 cents per bottle by Gruhler Bros. Druggists. NOTED BOTANIST DEAD. Robert llrown. Who Hud Traveled All Over the World. London, Oct. 28. Dr. Robert Ilrown Is dead. Dr. Brown was born at Campstcr, Caithness, March 23, 1813. Ho was edu cated at tho University of Edinburgh and In tho European universities. Between 1803, 1800 and 1807 he traveled for scientific purposes in many of tho least known parts or America and somoof tho Pacific islands, tbo West Indies and Venezuela, Alaska and ISohriuir sea coast and Greenland, Ho was honorary or ordinary member of many learned societies in England, in Amorlca and on the continent, of many of which ho was an officer. His name has been attached to various Bnecies of plants, Ho wrote wholly orconjointly aboutthirty volumes and a largo number or Bclcutllio memoirs, and nearly 1,000 articles In re views In various languages. Tho Darlington, Wis., Journal says editor ially of a popular patent medicine: "Wo know from experienco that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy is all that is claimed for it, as on two occasions it stopped excruciating pains and possibly saved us from an untimely grave. Wo would not rest easy over night without it in tho house." This remedy undoubtedly saves moro pain and suffering than any other medicine iu tho world. Every family should keep it in tho house, for it is sure to bo needed sooner or later. For sale by Gruhler Bros., Druggists. Bost gas fitting is dono by P. W. Bell. Ilr. Tnlinngo at Waililnctnn. Washington, Oct. 23. Rov. T. Do Witt Talmago preached his initial sormon as co-pastor of tho First Presbyterian church last night. Tlio crowd was an Immense- ono, and it is safo to say that hud Conven tion hull, tho largest public plaeo of gath ering In tho city, boon used for tho pur poso it would not havo been largo enough to accommodate tho number that wont to hear tho noted Brooklyn dlvlno. Seven policemen wero on hand to keep tho peo ple In order, and two ladles who wero iu tho church fainted and had, to bo carried out. Dr. Talmago occupied tlio pulpit alone, and Rov. Byron Sunderland, tho regular pastor of tho church, took a Beat in tbo nudlenco. Fainted In the Pulpit. GREENVIM.K, O., Oct. 28. Rev. O. W. Iloeffcr, tho Republican candidate for tbo leglslaturo.charged with offering tho Dem ocratic cxeoutlvo to voto for a Democrat for senator if thoy would glvo him $1,500 ror election purposes, appeared in tho pul pit to preach yesterday. After announc ing that ho had taken n powdor which a boy brought him nt midnight, supposing It to bo from his family physician, ho fell back fainting into a chair, creating tho greatest confusion. To nil questions ho responded: "My Hps aro glued." Ho was taken to his homo, where admission is de nied all eller. Worn Out Women Should read this letter. It shows tb wonderful building-up powers of Hood's Saraapurllla, the great blood purifier, "I wish I eonld stand In some pub lio place and cry to all ailing humanity 'Hear, this, ye peo pie, what wonder ful things Hood'i Bnrsaparilla ha done for me aud my family.' I cannot express what I But fered. Only one of my sex nowa what woman can suffer In my condition. I was prostrate with nervousness and weakness, The least noise would drive me frantic, I decided to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1 am overjoyed to say that I am now well hearty, rosy and plump. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best medicine tor those suffering- as I havo suffered." Mrs. 0. 0. Kirkpatrick, Pine Grove, Penn. f 1; sir for J5 Hond'fi PJIls ear t buy, easy to take. 1M Bravo Dofnnso of a Prisoner by a Sheriff and Hia Guard, TWO WOULD-BE LYNCHERS KILLED. The Detrrtnlnod Attltnite of the Officials Overawed tho Hlotous Mob, nml tile Pris oner Was Spirited Away Governor Mc Klnley Orders Out Troops, Tiffin, O., Oct. 28. Tho city has boon shocked from center toclrcumforonco over tho attempt to lynch Marshal Schultz's slayer. Tho mob that nttackod. tho jail early yesterday morning was composed of tho worst specimens of law doflurs that any community could produce. Whisky had boon Indulged. In to the oxtont that they wero moro Uko bloodthirsty wolves than human beings. To reason with them meant danger, If not death, to the peacemaker. Tho mou emtio from nn entirely unexpected source Tho report was current that n crowd of farmers from Hopewell township was congregating aud organizing on tho outskirts of tho town, and tho attack was oxpcctctl to bo matte by thorn. But lnsteud it was dono by fel lows, who bud been circulating In tho vi cinity of tho jail all ovenlng. It was hardly supposed tnnt they would dnro to do such a thing, and tho police made no effort to quiet them. ThiiB matters went on until about i:iu m. Six nion gathorcd on tho lawn, about fifty foot from tho jail, and In a moment about thirty others joined thorn. Then a iharn whistle was hoard, and out or an alley on tho opposite sldo of tho street rushed fully 300 moro, the leaders carry ing a ropo and several slcdgo hammers with which to accomplish their work. Tlio sledges wero procured at a stono quarry, and tho ropo was thick enough to hang a dozen men. As tho mob mado tho rush towards tho jail they emitted yells that wero blood curdling, eclipsing any savugo yell ever uttered, A sound of policemen wnonaustaiioncu thomsclvcs on tho stops wero whisked to ono sldo as though thoy wero so many straws. Officer Kelffcr, who mado a bravo and flcrco resistance, was struck on tho head with a slcdgo and klokod brutally. Ho was carried homo unconscious, and Is now hovering between llfo and death, ur flcor Fischer was thrown against a brick wall and partially stunned, and Officer Hennessy was tumbled over in tno grass and kept thcro by a ruffian, who hold a murderous looking ciuo over mm ami threatened death if ho did not lio still. Tho other officers wore treated in tho samo way. Tho mob went direct to thosidocntranco and commenced tho onslaught on tho door with their sledges. They wero without any reason whntever, and mado no demand for tho koys. Michael Sohmldutz, a pow erful teamster, wielded tho sledge, and tho door was broken In splinters in a short time. With each blow tho fury of tho crowd increased, When tho entrance was gained thcro was a wild rush and the hall ways was filled with excited men. Sheriff Vnnnest and three men stood in tho oppo site cud. Ho appealed to them most bravely and strongly soveral times, ask ing them to disperse. It did no good, for tho men only grow fiercer. Tho entrance to tho corridor is nrst pro tected by a heavy sheet Iron door. Tho lock was broken off with a fow blows and then there remained tho heavy grating. Then it was that tho guards, who wero In that portion, began to flro. At first they shot over tho rioters' heads. Ono of tho guards declares tho men sworp to kill every person Insldo, and to show their purpose they began to flro.at them. Tho guards said no shot was fired by thorn until tlio attacking party nati nreu tnrougn tho grating first. Henry Mutchlcr, tho first man killed, was tho ono who carried tho ropo. Ho was shot through tho left templo, tho ball coming out on tno rigtit side, nnd ho died Instantly. Then Christ Matz received a bullet through his heart. Ho was nlso picked up dead. This work and tho determination or tho ouards awed tho would bo lynchers, nnd they left tho pluco cursing and wilder than over. Vio Vludono, a young Italian la borer, left with tho Intention of getting dynamlto to blow up tho building, but ho never put in appearanco afterward. While In tho midst of tho attack Vlndono rushed nnon a daughtor of tho sheriff and threat ened to kill hor. Another fellow hold a revolver close to tho heart of Andrew Greer, a ono armed son-in-law of tho sher iff, aud pulled tho trigger, but it missed fire, and tho next instant tho ono list of Greer felled tho would be assassin to tno floor. Tho sheriff's family was up stnlrs, and ono of tho mob soel ng them nt tho head of tho stairs, rushed viciously nt them, but I somo ono throw hlin headlong to thoM bottom. Botweon 3 and 4 o'clock In tho morning, after tho mob hotl moved further down tho street, tho prisoner was handcuffed, taken through a sldo door and then to a sldo alloy, whero a carriage was in wntlng. Police Captain Falknor and Officer Sweeney took him to r-andusky county as I fast as tho horses could carry tliom. Jinny neonlo refused to bellovo that tho prisoner had been taken away, and at 10 o'clock a crowd numbering hundreds started to make another attack, but wisor oounsol prevailed. Finally, to pacify them, ono of thoir number who knew tlio murderer,, was allowed to search tho building. Ho did not llnd tho prisoner, ami so informed tho crowd, but thoy refused to believe him. Then Company K, of tho Second regiment of militia of this city, wns called to guard the building. In the afternoon the crowd again sur rounded tlio placo. Thoy became so de termined that a committco of six well, known citizens again sourcliMl the build ing from collar to garrett. Among the party wns Mayor Fox, and whon they had finished tho search ho appeared on tho front steps of tho building, and in bohnlf of tho committee said tho miiu could not bo found. Captain Fnlknor, who had just returned from Sandusky oounty,spoke to tho crowd also. Thoy could not holp but bo satisfied, and tho greater part dis persed. In rosponso to tho governor's orders, Company I, of tho Sixteenth regiment, thlrtly-llvo men; Company I), Sixteenth regiment, forty-flvo men, and Companion G and I, of Kenton, arrived last evening, and a strict guard will bo kept for soveral days. Over 200 guardsman nre hero. Tho orlmo for wblclt nn attempt was mado to lynch Ijoo Martin was committed last Weduosday. Martin was a farmer, living a short distance from Tiffin. A warrant had been Issued for Ills arrest on theehnrgo of having throntwied to kill ICzra Smith, a nulglibof. City Mursiiftl August Schultzaud Policeman Sweeny, of Tlflln, wont to his liotiso to arrest him Martin swore that lie would never bo taken alive. Tho officers sat down aud tried to reason with hi in, but to no purpose. When Martin's attention was attracted for an instant by a noise ouUlde, tho marshal sprang upon Mm and grasped tho rlilo. Martin, growing desperate, disengaged ono hand and pulled his revolver, aud fired thrco times, all tlioshotstakiiigeflect In tho marshal's body. Schultz died in twenty minutes. Abtuham Slieldler, Ezra Smith's fathor-ln-law, struck Martin with ft stono, nnd held hint until Officer Sweeny secured him with handcuffs. READING RJi. SYSTEM IN KKI'ECT OerOIlKIl I, 1805. Trninn leave Shennnuonh ns follows : Kor New York via l'ldladclpliln, week clays, 210,5 25, 7 20 n. m., 12 58, 2 55 nnd 5 55 p. m yuiulnyo, 2 10 a. in. For New York via Mnucli Chunk, week dnye, 5 25, 7 20 ii. in., 12 58 nnd 2 55 p. in. Vor Heading nnd 1'lillnclelpliln, week days, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 n. in., 12 58, 2 55 and 5 55 p. in. Bun ilnvx, 2 10 n. in. Vor Pottsvllle, week lny, 2 10, 7 20 n. in., anil 12 58, 2 55 and 5 55 p. ni. Htindnyn, 2 10 n. ni. For Tnmiupia and Mnhnnoy City, week days, 210,5 25, 7 20 n. m., 12 6s, 2 55 nnd 555 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 n. in. For Wlllliimsport, Sunliury nnd Lewlsburg, week days, 3 25, 11 30 a. in., 150 nnd 7 20 p. in. Sundays, 3 25 a. in. For Mnlmiioy Plane, week days, 2 10, 3 25, 5 25. 7 20, 11 30 . in , 12 158, 1 50, 2 85, 6 55, 7 20 nnd 9 35 i. in. Hiindays, 2 10, II 25 a. m. For AMilnnd and Hlinmnklii, week days, 3 23, 7 20, 1180 n. in., 1 50, 7 20 nnd 1)85 p. in. Sun tlnVM, 3 25 n. in. For HaUlniore, Washington nnd tlio West via H. Si O. It. It., through trnlni lenve Heading Terminal, Philadelphia, (1. & It. It. It.) nt 3 20, 755,11 26n. m, 3 45 mm 7 27 p. in. Holidays, 3 20,7 00, 1120 n. m., 310 nml 7 27 p. in. Addl titlounl trains from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest nut streets ctntlon, week ilnys, 1 50, 0 41, 8 23 p. m. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. ni. TRAINS FOlt SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days, 8 00 a. in., 130, 4 00, 730 p. in. and 12 IS night. Sundays, C 00 p. in. i.eavc in ew I orK via .Mitucn iiiuiik, weeK days, 4 80, 9 10 n. in., 1 10 nnd 4 30 p. in. Leave l'hilndeliilila. Iteadinir Terminal, week days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 00 it. in. and 4 00, G02, 1180 p. iu. .-Sundays, uuup. in. Lenvo Jteailinc, week doys, 135, 7 10, 10 08, 11 50 n. in., 5 55 nnd 7 57 p. m. Sundnys, 1 35 n. in. Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2 33, 7 40 n. ni., 12 30 nnd 6 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 35 a. ni. Leave Tiunaqua. week dn, 8 18, 8 60, 11 23 a in., 1 20, 7 15 and 9 52 p. in. Sundays, 8 18 a. m. Leave Mnhnnoy City, week days, 2 45, 9 21, 11 47 n. in., 1 51, 7 39 nnd 9 51 p. in. Sundnys, 3 43 a. ni. Lenve Mnhnnoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 OS, 630. 9 37, 11 59 a. in , 1258, 2 05, 5 20, 0 20, 7 53 and 10 10 p. m. Sundnys, 2 40, 4 CO . in. Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 1010 n. in., 3 35 nnd 11 41 p. ra. Sundays, 11 15 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Lenve Philadelphia Chestnut street wnrf nmd South street whnrf for Atlnntlo City. Weekdays Express, 9 00 n.m., 2 00, -4 00, BOO p. in. Accommodation, 8 00 n. in., 4 30, 0 80 p. m. Sunday Express, 900. 1000 a. m. Accommo dation 8 00 n. m., 4-45 p. m, ItcturnliiB leave Atlantic. City (depot.) week days, express, 7 Si, 9 00 n. m., 3 00, 5 80 p. m. Accommodation, 6 60, 8 15 n. m., nml 4 82 p. m. Sundays Express, 4 00, 7 30 p. m. Accommoda tion, 7 15 n. in., 4 15 p. m. Pnrlor Cars on nil express trnlns. I. A. SWEIGAKD. G. O. HANCOCK. Gen'l Superintendent. Oen'l Pnss. A(rt. , Easily, Qulckly,.Pefmanently Restored. Watkneii, Nervousness, leninty, una all tho tram of avtli f rnm e&rlr errors at 1 ! VI .....14. i overwork, elckness, worry. oto. c um ttircuKiu, ucvci cpment and tone given to geveryorKan ana poriioa of the body. Simple, nt tinl methods. Immedt ute Improvement seen. CaiinrA (innnsilhle. 2.000 references. TJook. explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, H.Y, Eagle BRAND Condensed Milk HAS NO EQUAL nookketpinc, Arithint'tir, Penmanship, and all tho Commercial Tenth Yenr, IMJMIMXS 1710 OhNtnnt Kt., Philadelphia. Thoronch. Individual Infetructiun. Situations Hraiuhei, furtmlifd. The maximum of knowledge at the mini mom ufctmt. Vntifyr circular $, T1IKO. . 1ALMS. Irel Ulcers In Mouth, llalr-Falllngt Write CUOKl ifiir.i.ea in., lor urooia 01 cures. Tiiiii-f ami ij.iuwwyu. vvoitc caseacurea in z j.uopirx3 uooi tree Tea ma to Hire.1" , . It you want to hire a sufu ami reliable team for tlriviniror forworkliiKpiirposcB pay Shields' livery sralilo n visit. Teams constantly on lianil nt reasonable rates. JAMES SHIELDS, No. 410 Kust Centre street. Opposite Heading railroad station. Hillions of Dollars Go up in smoke every year, Tnko no risks but get your houses, slock, fur. niture, etc., insured in first-class re liable companies as represuiitod by DAVTft PATIST Insurance Agent, rilUOlf isoBoiitli Main St AIm T.lte ami AeciilentHl Companies. Hooks & Brown, Cloth Bound Books Autocmt of tho Breakfast Talilo. IIouso of Sovcn Gables. ThadueiiB of Warsaw. Scottish Chiufs, Children of the Abbey. Iist of tho MohicniiB. And 100 other good titles, 25 cents each, worth 50 cents. Agents for all Dally Papers, q. N. Main Street 'V genuine welcome h waits you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. flaln and Coal Sts. . Pool room nttiujliwl Hlwwt whiskeys, limn, ,.H.r unil ula cuimtitntlv nn tmi. Cliolcn tciu. I pemnco drinks nl t'lnr. VIGOR 0F MEN sjszn iu. 1 THE SHERIFF LAID IN WAIT Anil 1'revoiitMl Wlmlxotla Munler t.J Killing tlio V,nl.l-l,o Mnrilercr. Vmknix, Ariz., Oct. 28. Ij. TJ. Onno. Blnuiff of tills county, yoatonliiy nftornoon shot Dr. lloso nt Mono, l.itom nillos cost of IMiooiitx, Willi ii shotgun, UIIHiik him Instn tit ly. Hoso, with two confedorntiw, liiul attempted to munler tho Williams family, consisting of tho doctor, hU youuir wlfo nnd dnughtor. Tlio hitter wn for merly tho wlfo of Dr. Hoso In Knnsns. Tho confederates, Hurt nnd Cooloy, wero cnpturrtl nnd placed In jail. Hurt pre viously kiivo tlio plot ivwny to the shorllT, hut wns nfrald to refuse to help oxoeute tho plans of tho murd r for fear Hiho Would kill him. Sheriff Ormo was In Dr. Williams' bedroom awaiting the assns Blns, whllo United States Deputy Marshal Standard remained outsldo to watch. At 0:110 Hurt enmo out and cut the screons and unlocked tho door. At 11 o'clock ho returned with Hoso and cntored tho houso. Hoso had a blacksmith's hammer In Ills right hand, n wagon spoko in tho other, and n pistol In his pocket. Two dummies had been placo In Dr. Williams' bed. Hoso struck ono with tho hammer. Sheriff Ormo said: "Hold up your haiuR I am sheriff of this county, and have you cov ered with n doublo bnrrelod sh.itstuil." After waiting n few seconds ho again Bald: "I will surely shoot If you don't throw up your linnds." Koso failed to do so, and tho sheriff fired both barrels, killing him. Hoso wus wan! i-d by tho government for holding up muiK and also in Kansas for bank robbery. He had $TO0 and seven doses of arsenlo sewed In the waistband of his trousers. Fntnl Frleht from Hazing. LodAKsroitT, Iud., Oct. 28. Fright over an attempted hazing at Michael's univer sity may prove tho death of MUs Mary Jennings. A. M. Glfford, coach of tho foot ball team, and two students, attempted to hazo Thcodoro Vera, son of Colonel Vera, of Custer, Pa. Disguised and masked they came upon Vera, with pistols presented. Tho young man ran Into tho college terror stricken, screaming munler. Miss Jen nings, of tho collego, became so frightened at his cries that slio fell unconscious to tho floor. Sho has not yet recovered con sciousness, and her recovery Is doubtful. No Cuba Day at Atlanta. ATLANTA, Oct. 23. At ycstcnlny's meet ing of tho exposition directors many directors who wero not present when a day was set uslilo for Cuba brought tho matter up again, and insisted that tho exposition company Bhould not tako part In matters of International concern. After discussion tho day was postponed from Now. 0 to 17. This is regarded as virtually an Indefinite postponement, for tho day is so near tho closo of tho exposition that it is not likely it will bo further considered. A Mary'ntul Murder Sensation. Cumberland, Md., Oct. 28. A sensation has been caused horo by an indictment of murder brought by tho grand jury ngolnst Klchard D. Johnson, formerly prominent in society, charged with tho death of Grant W. Kufall. Zufnll camo from Moyersdalo last Christmas eve, nnd was last scon en tering tho saloon of John Yasto. Two months later Zufnll's body was found un der tho Ice of tho Chesapeake nnd Ohio canal. Investigation showed ho had been murdered. Next Year' Kinlriivor IMeetlnr. "VVasiiinotoV, Oct. 28. Tho committco in chargo of tho arrangements for tho fif teenth international convention of tho So cieties of Christian Endeavor has received a letter from General Secretary John Wil lis Bner to tho offect that tho committco of trustees has named July 8-1H, 180(5, as tho tlmo for tho next convention, which timo had been recommended by tho Wash ington committco of arrangoments. Jnpnnrse Ex-Mlnlstcr Arrested. T0KI0, Oct. 28. General Jllunvi tho do- posed minister at Korea, whoso name has figured In tho accusation regarding tho munler ot tno queen, wns arrested on Ills arrival In Japan. Ho had previously been dismissed from tho imperial service. For mosa has been completely subdued. Five thousand captives havo been brought north. Turkey's Sultan In Frll. London, Oct. 25. A special dispatch re ceived hero from Constantinople says that n plot has been discovered among tho of ficials of tho sultan's palnce. In conse quence, It Is added, numerous arrests havo been mndo, and tho nsldeneo of tho min isters nro now gunrded by troops. A Youthful Denpermlo. ReADINO, Pa., Oct. 28. John Under, aged 15 years, who was recently released from tlio house of roiugo, shot William Swartz, aged 15, with a revolver, Satur day night. Swnrtz is in n critical condi tion. Tho shooting was without provoca tion. Ruder was arrested. Killed by a Itunaway. YOItK. Pa.. Oct. 28. A Bonn of hnrsr-s driven by Daniel Hnlllngor ran away near Dallas on Saturday night, throwing him out ngalnst a rock and crushing his skull. llo was found shortly afterward, nnd died from his Injuries. Only Armenians Mint Co Unarmed. London, Oct. 28. A Dally Nows dls pateh from Constantinople says that tho proclamation summoning overybody to yield their arms is to bo onforced ngainst the Armenians, .,atnot against the Turks. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Ninety fishermen from Gloucoster,Mass,, wero lost during the yonr ondlng Oct. 1. After failure to abscond with city taxes, Cullon Seals, olork In the Tampa (Via.) colloutor's office, was jailed. For aldlngin tho wrecklAgof the Indian n polls bank Francis A. Collin, the ox-pres-ldont, was glvouielght yonrs iu tho peni tentiary. For injuries received In tho Vnndalla train wreck, near Coalsvlllo, Ind., Mrs. Zolda Seguln Wallaces sues for f50,000 daiiingB. On a claim for compensation for pro curing affidavits for Mrs. John W. Maokoy, Suslo Dunphy suos her aud Mr. Maokay for ?0,000. Rollers of tho tug Morford exploded In tho river at Chicago, killing Firomau John KricKson ana (Japtnin Johu Forgiv son. Tho tug O. B. Green was also wrecked, Tho greater part of tho town of Laso- cln, Prussian Poland, has boon dostroyed by Incendiary lire, rendering 1,500 persons horneloss. Five persons nro bellovcd to havo been cremated. Samuel Jo$opha,ox-membor of tho Penn lylvanla legislature, wholn 1893 gained latlonal famo by his song of "Four Years iloro for Grovor," died at his Philadelphia esldcnca ou Saturday, aged 03. RESCUED. On Lnko Erlo's Shores. Tho Cnptnln'a Wlfo Tolls tho Story. It Will Interest Jinny People (FVohi the Buffalo Evening Xcwi.) If you wero to call nt 27 Front Avcnuo you would find n pleasant elderly lady, Sirs. Captain Hcnesy by name. Her kindly smile nnd joyous manner aro to no small oxtcnt due to tho escape she has had. Her own vonl3 can better describo her rescue and ono can easily understand her present happy condition when they realize what sho has gone through. She snyaj " About flvo months ngo I had nn attack of sickness which lasted for a week nnd since that tlmo I havo been subject nt In tervals to similar attacks, somo of which, wero longer In duration. It ii hard for mo to describo how I suffered. Tho pain would commenco in my head, after which it would seem to pass down my body nnd scttlo In my back, my sides ached, my back ached, nnd I had n feeling of great distress in tho bowels. The increased pain which seemed to come from lying down, would bo almost unbearable, my face and stomach would bloat up and I, could hardly stand on my fct t, ilkidncas made it almost impossible ; thin feeling as always u itu me oven al'U r I'm vi ) no.- Of the attavk puod over. The last attack I had was tho worst, and wns so bad I would not havo been nblo to toll this story but for Doan's Kidney Pills. As soon as I commenced their uso I found immediate ILUUl. X 11U III.IU 111 111V UUUtl Ullll HIIltfM ll!l mo and tho dizziness wpnt. with it flin bloating in my faco and body disappeared anu an uistrcss m my ooweis was gone. I havo great faith in Doan's Kidney Pills; in a short tlmo they did a great deal more for me than all the plasters and medicines which I had resorted to in seeking relief and cure. I hope always to bo able to pro cure them." For salo by all dealers price, CO cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo agents for tho U. 8. For salo'at Kirlin's Pharmacy. II In Ki'pkct MAncn 24, 1895. ' PnsKenger trains lenve HhenHtnlmh lor Penn Huven .Innctinn, Mnucli ChunkY- Le hlghton, Slnlinpton. White IIull.CutaBBtrqnfl Allorjtowii,l!otlilplieni,Kiisl(Ui and Weatherly at It 04, 7 ZH, (115 a in., 12 4:1. 2 A7, 6 27 p m. Fur New York nnd Philadelphia, 0 04, 7 38, 9 15 a. in., 2 4.1. 2 57 p. in. For Qua knke, Switchback, Gerhants ami IludsnmlaJe, 9 15 a. in. and 2 57 i. ru. For Wilkes-liurre. Whitu Haven, I'ittston, Laceyville, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly ami Elmlra. 6 01, 9 15 a m, 2 57. 5 27 pm. Fnr Rochester, Builuln, Niagara Falls and the West, 9 15 a. ni. and 2 57, 5 27 p. m. For Belvidero, Dei.t'vare Waier Gop and Stroiulaburg. (5 1'4 a. m, 2 57 p. !i!. For Lambertville nnd 'Irenton, 9 15 am. For Tankhnnnnck, 6 04,9 15 a m.,257,5 27 p. m. For Ithaca and Geneva, 6 04, 9 15 a m, 5 27 p in. For Auburn, 9 15 a m, 5 27 p ni. For Jeancavllle, Leviston and Beavor Meadow, 7 38 a. m., 12 43 p. ni. For Stockton and' Lumber Yard, 6 04, 7 38, 15 a m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08 p, in. -m Fnr Silver Brook Junction, Audenried aud llazleton, B 04, 7 38, 9 15 anf," 12 43, 2 57, 527" ind 8 08 p in. For Rcranton, fi 04, 9 15 a in, 2 57 and 5 2T p m. For Hazlebronk, Jeddo, Drifton and Free land, 04, 7 3, 915 a. m., 12 43, 2 57. 5 27 p. m. For Ashlauil, Girnrdville aud Lost Creek, 4 40, B 15, 7 30, U 13, 10 20 a. in., 12 35, 1 40, 1 10, B 35, 8 22 p in Fjr Raven Run, Centralln, Mount Carmol andShamokin.O 13, 11 14 a iu, 1 32, 120, H 22,9 15 p iu. For Yatesville, Park Place, Mahnnov City and Delnno, 5 ti(l, fi 04, 7 38, 9 15, II 05 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, s OS, V 23, 10 53 p. ni. Trains will leave oliaiuokin at 5 15, o 1.1, II 45 a. in., I 55, 4 30, 9 30 p. ni., and ftrrivo RlieliniMln.il: at R (14, 9 15 a in , 12 43, 2 57, '7. II 15 p. in Leave Hlieuandonn fnr Pottsvllle, B 04, 7 38, 9 08, 1 1 0., 1 1 30 a. ill., 12 43, 2 57, 4 10, 5 27, 8 US p. in. Lenve Pottsvllle tor Shciiamlnnli, n OU, 7 40. 9 05, 10 15, II 48 a in , 12 o2, 3 00, 4 40 SO, 7 15, 7 55, 40 p. lit. Leave Slieiiandoah fnr Hazietnn, B 04, 7 38 15, a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27. 8 n8 o m. Leave llazleton lor hlienananali, 7 So, 10 05, 11 (1ft u. in., 12 15, 2 58, 5 30, 7 25, 7. 5B, p in. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave lor Raven Run, Centralla, Ml. Carniel unit Slinmnkln, 6 45 a. m., 2 40 p. ni, and arrive at Shamokin nt 7 40 a. m. and 3 45 p. in. Trains leave Shamokin for"Slienuiicionh at 7,55 b. m. and 4 HO p. in., and arrive at 8hen- iiiiilnfili at a 411 n. lit ami I 3H p. in. Trains leave fnr Ashland, Giraruville anil Lost Creek. 40 a. m 12 30 p. m. For llazleton, Black Creek Junction, Penn Havfti Junction, Maueh Chunk, Allentnwn, Bethlehem, Euston and New York, 8 4 a. in , 12 30,2 55 p. in. For Philadelphia, 12 30, 2 55 p. m. For Yatesville, Park Place, Mahanoy City and Delano, 8 49, II 35' u. m , 12 30, 2 55,4 58, 03 p.m. Leave Huzlclnii l'r Shenandnuli, S 30 It 30 a. 111., 1 05, 5 30 p. ni. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5 56, 8 4,9 32 a. ni.,2 40 p. ni. Leave Potteville for Shenandoah, 8 30, 10 40 a. in., I 35, 5 15 p. in. UOLLIN II. WILDUR, Genl. Siipt., South Bethlehem, Pa. OHARLLS S. LEE, Genl. Pass. Act., , Philadelphia' A. w.NOK VrMACIIEn, Asst. G. V. A.. South Bethlehem, Ta Get Our Prices on GASOLINE All CL nnd Headlight J Our delivery wagon does the rest. Oils, Gasoline, Candles, Lamp Wicks, Burners. Eclipse Oil Com'y, tii smith .Tardln Street. Mall orders promptly attended to. s. m.ti.htAtcr's lnallb llbunend jlrmnd. ENNYROYAL PILLS UNgiDKi unit unif wrnuinn Arc, ftlwftft relUbU, ladik uk DrogsUt tor CklcktHor W(j Vi-, mtrndSrand la lUd Mid UUd meUlliV boxu. letiM wttn blue ntttxiQ. Take toother Rtfut dnarot miff Uu (imi ana tmuaiMm. Atmigtuu,rMii4 4e a lurapi At pwtieulri, lettiakobltta tad ItrUcf fjr l-adte," U Utfr, hr rvitrn ClilfbcttrCkeulcalCoUdUsiNU1ir( xm ' VriOiiiu. I'UU I'm.