The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 26, 1895, Image 3

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Has a Cure for Every Disease.
Professor Munyon Joes not claim tlmt ho
lias ono remedy tlmt will euro nil complaint,
but that ho lias prepared specific euros fur
nearly nil diseases. Ho does not claim that
his Rheumatism Cure will euro consumption
or dyspepsia, but ho does claim that It will
euro rheumatism. Ills Dyspepsia Cure Is
prepared expressly to euro dyspepsia and nil
stomach troubles; his Cough Cmo to euro
coughs and nil lung complaints; his Catarrh
remedies to euro catarrh. Tho same may bo
said of nil his different remedies.
Munyon's Remedies aro absolutely harm
less and effect positive and permanent cures,
A separate specific for each disease At all
druggists, mostly at 25 cents a bottle.
Tho Hon. W. t). Fnrnham. Jr.. of 82,
ISVjvonshiro street, Boston, Mass., says : "Of
tliti maiiv medicines I have tried to rcliovo
tho torriblo distress of indigestion, I know of
nothing equal to Munyon's Dyspepsia Lure,
I have suffered with this trouble for many
years, and during an unusually bovero at
tack last month n friend cave me a small
bottlo of Munyon's euro to try, from which I
received almost Instant relief. I And that
neso pellets produce no unpleasant effects,
whllo norfonnini! n complete euro."
Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 1505
Arch street. Philadelphia, Pa., answered
with free medical advice for any disease.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
.MIMMIW .11 iri.
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
No. 7 North Jordln Street.
Ofllce Hours: From 8 to 0.30 a. m.j 1:30 to 2:
p. m.; 0:00 to 7:30 p. m.
p F. DURKE, M. D.
30 E. Lloyd street, Shenandoah.
Ofllce hours : 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to
p. m.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Office Einm building, corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Office. Mellct'a Building, corner Centr and
Market streets.
Lock Box 63, Mahonoy City, Pa.
Hnvlnc studied under some of tho best
mrmters in London and Paris, will cive lessona
on the violin, guitar ami vocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Address in caro o( Strouso, the
jewcier Diienanuoun.
Justice of the Peace,
Insurance and
Real Estate Agent,
123 East Centre St.
Properties For Sale.
mWO-STOKY Frame Ituildlntr, 80x43 feet on
1 South Chestnut street, ltonts (or SIS per
month , will bo sold cheap.
HALF LOT nnd TWO HOUSES, situated
on West Centre street. Will pay 12 pel
cent, on uvestuient, and can be bought on easy
I terms.
1 4 FARM OF 38 ACRES within three
s. miles of Rood market. Twenty-nine
aeres under cultivation, and four ncreu ol
BooU timber. Frumo farm bouse, six rooms,
cood barn nnd nil In good condition. Will bf
old for 81,200 cash.
HALF LOT nnd two houses on South Main
street. 81.K00.
mWO LOTS nnd six houses, IncludiiiK threo
1 story frame liotid'aud storo room, on Kant
Centre street. Property in (rood condition.
.Aggregate rent, $110.00 per month.
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
All work guaranteed to be tirst-clnss In every
Urtlculnr, 8lktles and lace curtains a poo
ilty. Goods called for nnd delivered. A trial
Itler solicited
- , r
' ' ' Temperance Drinks.
1nAKnl WJ.. I..... TlMtl- nt the
lineal lager beers.
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
Laughed At by tho High Council
of Britisb Guiana.
Tim Council llefimes to Grant nn Apnrn-
prlntlim for Aim. and Ammunition I"
bo tTfli-,1 Agnlnst Veiiexui-IntiB, but I'ro
vldea for n llnrrnctoi nt Vruati.
WAPHWOTOX, Oct. B0. Tho Btnto (le-
pnrtiiiont Is in possession of tho full text
of tho illxpntohos sent by Joseph Chamber
laln. secretary of Rtnto for tho colonics In
the British cabinet, to Sir Charles Lei's,
governor general of British tiulnnu, con
cerning tho strengthening of tho frontlor,
tho increase of pollco and the purclmso of
Maxim guns In tlio British Gulnna terrl-
ory, Tho tlcimrtmont hns been furnished
nlso with tho detailed action of tho high
council of British Gulnna upon tho recom
mendations of Minister Chamberlain.
Thcso nrocccdlngs olvo tho full resolu
tions offered by tho governor general for
tho purchase of n Jfaxlm gun nnd ammu
nition, uniform, arms and accoutrements.
They nlso make tho surprising dlsclhsuro
that tho high council or untlsu uuinun,
after Its members' had sovorely arraigned
Minister Chamberlain for his proclpltato
ncllon In recommending Maxim guns, de
feated tho resolution for their purchase by
a voto of 10 to 8, thus rojectlug tho policy
laid down by tho British cabinet.
Tho stato department was up In pos
session of this Information on Wednesday
last in an oillnial communication frpni n
high meinbir of tho diplomatic corps, who
regarded tho subject as of such import
ance that Secretary oinoy suouia do tu
possession of tho facts. When tho lilgn
council opened Its soslon two lettor.s from
tho British foreign olllco, signed, uy Aim
lstcr Chuniborlnln, woro read. Tho gov
ernment secretary also announced that
there was nn Important telegram roforrlng
to tho purciiaso of Maxim guns wmcii
would not bo read until the council wont
Into secret session. Mr. 'Chamberlain's
letter referring to tho nrmlng of tho fron
tier, and tho building of iv military road, is
dated Sjpt. 7, 1833, and is in part as fol
lows! "In its trold British Guiana nppenrs to
possess a considerable sourco oi weami,
from 'which It mny bo expected thnt nn In
creasing rovonuo can bo drawn, If incis
ures aro taken to open up tlio country mm
to rendor tho gpld bearing region more ac
cessible to miners than It has hlthurto
been. To this end ono of tho first and
most important steps Is tho construction
of tho proposed rdad for connecting tho
upper reachos of tho Burin nnu uannu
rivers, thenco to bo carried to tho Cuyunl,
at tho mouth of tho Avarablssl creek, and
onward, if necessary, to the junction of
tho Urunn ami Cuyunl rlvors."
Mr. Clianiberlalu then requosts lntorma-
tlou as to whether capitalists cau ba found
who will tnko a concession for tho gold
Held covering tho samo territory us tlio
Venezuelan concussion to a United States
syndicate. Ho adds that Inquiries aro
now being made In London as to tho
possibility of Inducing capitalists thcro to
take tho concession from Great Britain.
His letter proceeds to urge the necessity
for tho purchase of Maxim gum and tho
erection of n b'imicks nt Urunn.
Mr. Chamberlain's propositions wre
nbly supiorkd by tho attorney general
nud tho government secretary, but tlio op
position oxcltmt many sarcnstlo references
to the colonial secretary's letter, although
tho amounts Involved wero only 82,8'lo for
gnus, almiiuuition and extra pollco, nnd
fl.OiX) for a at Urunn. Mr. Duu
can quoted Artomus Ward's reference to
a letter, that it must have ben "wrote
sarcastic." Tho people of British Gulnna,
ho said, wanted their gold Industry devel
oped, but they wero not anxious that It
should bo dono In a foolish way.
Mr. McKlnnon admired Mr. Chamber
laiu's enortry, but thought ho was acting
too hastily. Wr. Webbor declared that
tho peoplo of British Guiana could not of
themselves defend themselves oven against
Vonezuoln. and that Mr. Chamberlain ap
peared to bo laboring under tho Inspiration
of a local uolu niarsliai.
Mr. GUzean said it was porfectly impos
sible that Mr. Chamberlain could know
tho condition of affairs at Uruan. If the
Maxim gun had to bo used tlio Venezue
lans would capture It In short order and
the colonial force would bo annihilated.
Mr. Chamberlain's letter reminded him of
Lord Brassey'a laying down a policy for
tho Wost Indies .after his lordship had
taken a three months' tour around the
West Indies la hls yacht Sunbeam.
After f urthor dobftte the motion was put
by tho government socrctary nnd defeated:
Yes, 8; nays, 10.
The second resolution, appropriating
4,000 for a barracks nt Uruan,was adopted
We Will Not Unite with Her to llully
Hpanisii America.
AVASHIKOTOS, Oct. 20. The United
States will not consldor tho suggestion of
Lord Salisbury for tin alliance for tho
building of tho NIcarngunn canal and tho
direction of South nnd Central American
allaira, It U understood that the sugges
tion did not como In a way to require a
formal reply. It was niailo In a teutntlvo
way, with tho Intimation that It would be
put in tho form of an official proposition
if this country should Indicate a disposi
tion to consider It.
It Is uncertain whether tho suggestion
was iiuulo verbally by Lord Salisbury to
Mr. Huyard and by Mm unofficially com
municated to tlin5eorotry of state. It Is
understood that Sir Julian Pauncefote has
broached tlio subject in tlie way of a casual
suggestion of what ought tobedono.elther
to Mr. Oinoy or to the president himself,
with whom his personal relutlonsare quite
Intimate. No disposition to consider tho
matter was shown by tho representatives
of this government unless, perhaps, Mr.
Hayaril acquiesced to tlio general Idea
that something of tho sort ought to bo con
sidered. It was represented that the governments
of South and Central America ore irre
sponsible and did not afford proper protec
tlon to foreigners and foreign Interests,
and that Groat Brltuln and the United
States should join In compelling proper
respect to tho citizens of subjects nnd the
Interests of the United Stntes and XJreut
Britain, one country or tho'other to main
tain n naval force In tho vicinity to protoct
the interests of citizens of either country.
Three hhllilren ttoasted to Death.
Livingston, Ala., Oct. 20. Throo smnll
children of Granvlllo Lancaster, a fnrmer
living near horo, woro roasted to death
yesterday. They woro locked In the house
, their mother while she called on a
noiuhbor, and the house burned down.
Lawyer am S
Hon. Sam'l B. Page Tells You to Use
Dr. Greene's Nervura to Cure.
New Hampshire's Best Known
Orator and Statesman Says Dr.
Greene's Nervura Will Make
You Well and Strong.
For ten years Hon. Saia'l II. Page, of ' famous and distinguished men as Hon. John
Haverhill, N. H., has been a member and F. Dover, Boston's most popular alderman;
leader in tho New Hampshire Logiilature, I lloiuCJias. J-Noycs, of Boston, ex-Speaker
and for twenty-five years has been that of tho Massachusetts House of Representa
stato's ablest lawyer and foremost citizen , tives; Hon. T. S. McGinnis, of Jericho, Vt.,
being recognized throughout Now England , the people's candidate for Governor of Vcr
as a most brilliant orator and statesman. ; mont, Chairman of Selectmen Donnnn Hridg-
Everyhody knows Mr. 1'agc, and when he ', man, of Hardwick, Vt., Alderman Chas. S.
tells the peoplo everywhere to take I)r i Crouch, of Northampton, Mass., and thous
Qreene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy ! amis upon thousands of others in public and
to regain their health and strength, when j private life have been cured by this grand
he tells the weak, tired and nervous that medicine and earnestly and heartily recom
this wonderful medicino will make them mend all to use it and he cured,
strong and well, all know tlmt ho means just, Heed their advice. Uso Dr. Greene's Ner-
wnai, no says mat wiey win ue cureu n
they follow his adviso and take this rumcdy
"I have used Dr. Greene's Nervura blood
and nerve remedy," says Mr. 1'age, "and
tike pleasure in recommending its use to all
sufferers from any derangement or distur
bance of tho nervous sjrstein. It is peculiarly
valuablo as a nervo tonic, and I can recom
mend it to all as an excellent tonic for tho
Other prominent and well-known people
ondorso and recommend Dr. Greene's Ner
vura blood and nervo remedy as the greatest,
best aud Burest euro ever discovered. Such
Itesult in 4 weeks.
Forsaloby P. P. D.
nnd aches of an annoying nature.n torturous nature, a dangerous natnre.can
j be quickly and surely cured with Pain-Killcr. As no one is proof rgaitist
K pain, no one should be without Pain-Killcr. Tins good old remedy kept
at hand, will save much suffering and manv c ills on the doctor. I'or all
m summer commainis oi irown ioiks
Sold everywhere. Tho quantity
nino Bame, zoc. i.ooic oui lor wonniess
bearing ino imino-i'EiiiiY davis hoN.
Do you DESIRE to Make
Make your money earn you a monthly
$10.00 and more made dally liy our new tys
temntlo Plan of Oeratlou on small Investments
in Kraln and stock speculation.
All we ask Is to InvestlKate our new and
original methods. Puet workings ( plan aud
hlKlieftt references (urnlahed, Our lfooklet
"Points ii Hints" how to make money and
other information sent Fit 1212.
Giimorc i Co., llnkerund Brokers.
Open Hoard of Trade Bldir., Chicago, 111.
11. l'AOE.
1 vuni moou auu nervo remeuy aim get wen.
It is not a patent medicine, but the pre
scription of tho most successful living spec
ialist in curing nervous and chronic dis
eases, Dr. Greene, of 35 West 14th St., New
York City. Ho has tlio largest practice in
tho world, and this grand medical discovery
is tho result of his vast experience. The
ureat reputation of Dr. Greene is a Eiuiranteo
that his medicine will cure, and tho fact that
he can be consulted by any ono at any time,
free of charge, personally or by letter, gives
absolute assurance of tlio beneficial action of
this wonderful medicine.
When In doubt what to uie for Nervous Debility, Loss of Seiuat Tower (In etiW
sex), lmpotency. Atrophy, Varicocele and other weaknesses, from any cause, use
Sexins Fills. Drains checked and full vigor quickly restored, If neglected, tuch
troubles result fatally. Mailed anywhere, aealed, for Jl.oot 6 boxes for J5.00. With
every Is 00 order we cUe a I teal guarantee to cure or refund the mone. Aa4rt
PEAL, MEDICINE CO. Cliveland, Ohio.
KIRLIX. Shenandoah, Pa,
or cmiurcn lmassiuou wnuuui uh
t 4r ar-t r linttlr. nf BS
has been doubled hut tbs price remains j
imiiuiiuun, xtuy uui inu enuiuu,
After All Others Fail
Dr. Lobb,
329 N. 15th St.
Below Callowhlll
To seoure(i positlvo and permanent cure of
Errors of Youth und Loss of Manhood and of
nil diseases of the blood, Kidneys, Bladder,
Skin and nervous System consult at once Dr.
Iobb. Hq guarantees In all casts caused by
Excesses. Imprudence or Inheritance to restore
to Health and Strength by building up the
mttercd nervous system aud adding new life
aud energy to tho broken down constitution.
Consultation and examinations free and strictly
contldentltl, Ofllce hours, dally and Sunday,
from 9 A. M. to 8 1. M. and 6 to 9 evenings.
Kead his look on errors of Youth and obscure
diseases of both sexes. Sunt free.
Over Allosficl Hussion Encroach
ments in Ohiiia.
Shnulil tin. lleport tie True Bnveriil Kuro- '
P'iiii Nntlnii Ini.t ISnter nnd Knlnrce it j
Tlgornn V tliiiitnm Asnlniit the Action
of tlie Cz.uit lovernmnt.
LONDON, Oct. 20. The dlspntoh from
Stinnglial aunouiicing tlio departure of n
fleet of fifteen Huslan wurslilpi from
Vladlvostook for Chemulio nnd Fusnn.
Corca, and Thf Times dispatch from Hong
Kong iiiinnuneing thnt Kusshi lias ob
tained tlie right to anchor her fleet at Port
Arthur, and construct railroads on tho
Liao Tung peninsula both of which were
cabled exclusively to tlio Associated Press
have caused Intense excitement In of
ficial circles hero as well as In thoso hav
ing commercial relations with tho far
east. Thoso mot important statements
aro looked upon generally as being a sud
den ri,oH3iilng in nn unexpected quarter of
tlie fur eastern question In its widest sense.
It is admitted hero that tlie situation
presented Is so grave that, should tho news I
prove true, It would mako war In which i
several nations will tako pnrt more tlinu .
probable. It should be added that there Is
every renson to bellcvo thnt tlio story from
Hong Kong is authentic, and all sources of I
Information agree that tho powers Inter
ested In tho far east will And themselves
confronted by a condition of seriousness
which cunnot bo over estimated.
Since this Important news was circu
lated tho greatest activity has been dis
played in tho government offices hero, par
ticularly ut the foreign olllco and at tlio
admiralty, and the coming nnd going of
messengors were, continuous throughout
the business hours.
At the different clubs the "war scare''
In tho oast Is eagerly discussed, tho grave
situation of affairs in Venezuola having
almost completely dropped out of recollec
tion In tho alarm of tho moment. Nobody
seems to doubt the report that, by the re
cently agreed upon Husso-Chlna treaty,
Russia has obtained rights, to which tho
most favored nation clause is not applica
ble, which may cause n great war, Tlio
correspondent of Tho Times at Hong
Kong, who sent tho sensational news, Is
described by his newspaper ns being In
"close relations with men who aro nblo to
penetrato beneath tho surface of things,"
and It is therefuro concluded that the news
ho has just sent cannot bo disregarded.
Tho Impression is general In the official
world, nud It is re-echoed by tho press, that
neither America nor Germany cau allow
tho Pacillc to become a "Frauco-Itussian
lake," ns The Gloho puts It, nnd It is
generally thought that tho diplomats will
bo sufficiently strong to combine to resist
Husslan aggression.
The Pnll Mall Gazette sums up tho start
ling nows from tlio far east with tho state
ment that "Kusshi hns annexed China,"
and, in tho course of a long artlclo on tho
subject, adds: "If this treaty is to stand,
roll up the nuip of Asia." In conclusion,
Tho Gazetto urges tlio inoccupation of
Port Hamilton by tlio British nud tho im
mediate strengthening of tlie Britisli fleet
In Chlnoso waters, "lest Japan lose her
fleet at tho first blow."
Tlio St. .Turned Gazette says: "Even !
War with would bo less disastrous I
than for her, ithout a blow, to get such
n grip upon L'ulua. She could throttle all
tlio other powers aud choko oil their com
merce. Unless itussla and China give tho
necessary assurances, it is u case for an ul
timatum, and perhaps tho most serious
step our diplomacy lias had since tho
Crimean war."
An editorial in Tlio Chronicle says:
"We think that, thus menaced by llussia,
Japan will refuso to evacuate Port
Arthur. It is not Incouceivnblo that it
Itussla attempts such a step England and
Japan will form an offenslvo nud defen
sive alliance, if Lord Salisbury will ouly
bo able to make up his mind what to do,
and how to do it, ho has a chance to gain
high credit for himself."
Naturally the public mind will bo In a
state of great unrest until some official utr
teranco either denies or conllrms tho Im
portant announcement which would leave
Great Britain with her hands full of
trouble, largo aud small, Including tho
dispute with Brazil regarding Trinidad,
the serious misunderstanding witn Vene
zuela on tho subject of boundary lines, tlio
expedition preparing to reduce tho King
of Asluuitl to submission, tho still serious
stato of affairs in Armenia, tlio unsettled
state of tho Kiyptinn question, and, now,
the most gr.ivj condition of affairs in tho
far east.
lie !-ce No Ilemnn for War In Iluiata'a
Alleged Advantage.
NewYouk, Oct. 20. Henry M. Stanley,
the Britisli member of parliament, speak
ing of the i .ilomatlo situation in tlio east
last night, wild :
"England will not find it necessary to
fight Ruaslu. The Kngllsli nro a quiet,
pence loving peoplo. They nro too com
mercial, ami the government will not rush
Into war because of Russia's notion.
"Bei'juiM! Kusslri has been enterprising
in acquiring commercial rights I do not
sea thnt it In nnything to bo very bitter
about, or to cause violent measures. If
Kusshi has acquired tlio sole right to un
dertake commercial operations In China
any rival may well feel embittered that
tlie privilege was lost to such rival. Still
it is not a oiilhViuiit cause for wur.
"China hud tho right to give It to what
ever powor she oliose. Kussia simply saw
her advantage. As to China's object in
the alleged cession of territory, safety in
the future is the only reason I can seo.
China, having been defeated by Japan,
has been persuaded that by wicrltice she
can secure the uiture."
Drfemlrd Ills Mother.
CllF.sTEli, Pa., Oct. SC. Fred Heard,
aged L'l years, shot nnd probably fatally
Injured his father, David Heard, aged 47
years, at their homo. Tho father nnd
mother had quarrelled and tho sou do
fended his mother. Ills father thou turned
on hliu, and tho sou, drawing a revolver,
shot tho elder Heard four times. Young
Heard wns arrested, and is now held lu
Jail to await the result of his father's in
juries. ArcldeutHlly Shot While linntlng.
ScrtANTO. Pa., Oct. SU. William Van
Heusen and Samuul Ilreese, farmers liv
ing near each other at Alford, Susque
hanna county, went fox hunting together
on Thursday. Whllu going through homo
underbrush Ilrctieo'H gun caught In the
limbs uud was dlsghargvd, the contents
tutoring Van llouseu's body, cai'slug
death yesterday,
"I Was No dooil on Earth."
Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno strengthens
the weak, builds up tho broken
down constitution, and permanently
cures every kind of nervous disease.
"About one. yenrago I teas ttfllMetl
trtth ncrvoutncmi, HlecjilcsHticim,
Crccplna HciiMittlon in my lean,
Sltyht palpitation of my heart,
liintraetina eonfuntonofthctntndf
Serious loss or lapse, of memory.
IVctolitetl tloim trfi cure nt
trorri. I eompleteXy lout appetite
And felt my vitality tecarlny out,
J teas ireah, irritable and tired,
JUy u-etahtiran reduced tolBO Ibn.,
In faet I tri no good, on earth.
A friend brought
me Dr. Miles' book,
"New and Start
ling Facts," and
I finally decided
to try a bottlo of
Dr. Miles' Ko
oratlvo Ncrvlno.
Before I had taken
ono bottlo I could
sleep as well as a
lO-yr.-old boy. My
appetite returned
greatly Increased.
TI'ifh I had taken the. titjcth bottle
31 U cetyht increased to HO bit.,
Tlie sensation In my legs teas gone
Sty nerves steadied completely;
Sly memory teas fully restored.
X felt as goodas any man on earth.
Dr. SItles' Restorative Kerrlne. im
A great medicine, I assure you."
Augusta, Me. Walteu It. UcnnANK.
Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold on a positlvo
guaranteo that tho first bottlo will benefit.
All druggists sell It at $1,6 bottles forts, or
It will bosent, prepaid, on receipt of prlc
by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, InO.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Restores Health
Is Kffect Mahcu 24, 185.
Passenger trams leuve Shennd.uh lor
Pcnn Haven Junction. Munch Chunk, Le
hightnn. Sliitmgtnn. While Hnll,Cntneauqua,
Allentown, Bethlehem, Knaton end Weatkerly
nt fi IM, 7 3K. "IS am, 12 43. 2 d7, 5 27 p m.
For New York und Philadelphia, C 04,
7 :!, V 15 a. in.. 2 43, 2 57 n. in For Qaa
kake. Switchback, Oerlinnls aud Iiudsondale,
U 15 a in. and 2 57 p. in.
For Wilkes-Barro. White Haven, Pittston,
Lacevville, Tuwauda, Sayre, Wuverly and
Elmira. 6 01,9 15 a m, 2 57. S 27 pm.
For Ilj'uesler, Buflulo, Nianura FalU and
the Wost, 9 15 a. in. and 2 57, 5 27 p. m.
For Belvidere, I)einw-e Water Gap and
Stroudsburg, & 04 u. ni, 2 57 r. m.
For Lambertville and 'lrentou, 9 15 a m.
ForTankhannock, 004, 15 a. m.,257,5 27
p. in.
For Ithaca and Geneva, 6 04, 9 15 a m,
5 27 p m.
For Auburn, 9 15 am. 5 27 p m.
For Jeauesville, Leviston and Beaver
Meadow, 7 38 a. m., 12 43 p. in.
For Stockton and Lumber Yard, 6 f!4, 7 38,
i Ift a m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27. 8 OS p. in.
For Silver Brook. Junction, Audenried and, 0 04, 7 38, SI 15 in. 12 43, 2 57, 527
md 8 08 p in.
F..r Rcruuton, fi (14, fl 15 a in, 2 57 nnd 5 27
' in.
For IIu2lehniik, Jedilo. Dullon and Free
In nd, fi 04, 7 X, 'Jij a. in.. 12 43, 2 57, 5 27
p. in.
For Ashland, filrarilvillc and Lost Creek,
4 40, fi 15, 7 30, 9 13, 10 20 a. in., 12 35, 1 40,
4 10, 0 35, 8 22 n III.
For Haven Hun. Centralis, Mount Carinel
and Shanioliin, 0 18, 11 14 a in, 1 32, 4 20,
R22.9 15 p. in.
For Yatesville, Park Place, Mahanoy City
and Delano. SO, 04, 7 3B, 15, 11 05 a. in.,
12 43, 2 57, 5 27, H OS, U 23, 10 53 p. m.
Trains will leave Slmniokin at 5 15, 8 15,
11 45 a. in . I j5, 4 3ll, 9 30 p. in., and arrive nt 01,9 15 a in , 12 43, 2 57,
'7, 11 Ift f Ml
Leave c henandmin for PottFville, 6 04,
7 38,9 OS, 1 1 (U, II 311 a. lu.. 12 43, 2 57,4 10,
5 27, 8118 i in.
Leave I'uttsvilla for Shenandoah, 6 Ut),
7 10 9 05, in 15, 11 48 a. m , 12 2, 3 00, 4 411
j 20, 7 15, 7 55, 40 n. 111.
Leave Shenandoah for Ilazieton, 8 04, 7 33
9 15, a. in., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, s 08 n. m.
Leave Ilozlcton for Shenandoah, 7 35,
10 05, 11 Oft a. m., 12 13. 2 5S, 5 30, 7 25, 7. 56,
p. in.
Trains leave far Raven Run, Centralis,
Ml. Carinel and Slinnn.kin, l 45 a. m.,2 40 p.
in, anil arrive ut l-liamokin m 7 40 a. in. and
3 45 p. in.
Trains leave Sliuuiokin fur Shenandoah at
7 55 n. in. und 4 uO p. in., and arrive at Shea
uurtouh ut 8 49 a. in nnd I 53 p in.
Trains leave for Ashland, Girardville and
Lost Creek. 9 40 a. m., 12 30 p. in.
For Hazluton, Hlack Creek Junction, Penn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentowu,
Bethlehem, Eastnn and New York, 8 49
a. m., 12 30, 2 55 p. in.
For Philadelphia, 12 .10. 2 55 p. in.
For Yatefvilte, Park Place, Mahauoy City
and Delano, h 49, II 35 a. m , 12 30, 2 55,4 58,
4 03 p.m.
Leave Hnzlelwi for Shenandoah, 8 30'
11 30 a. in., 1 05, 5 30 p. in.
Leave Siienuiiiloxh for Pottsville, 5 65,
3 49, 9 32 n. in , 2 40 p in.
Leave I'ottsville for Shenandoah,' 8 30,
10 40 a. in., I 35, 5 15 p. in.
ROLL IN U. WILBUR, Genl. Supt..
South Bethlehem, Pa.
CHAR1.KS S. LEI'., Genl. Pass. Agt.,
A. W.NONN'rMACHER, Asst. G. P. A.
South Hethlelioii..Pa
Get Our Prices on
and Headlight J
Our delivery wagon does the rest.
Oils, Gasoline, Candles,
Lamp Wicks, Burners.
Eclipse Oil Com'y,
213 South Jardln Street.
Mall orders promptly attended to.
k Chlrhi.lrr'a tnelUh Diamond Dread.
Clrlclnal mod Only Ucnuine,
Arc, iiwj rUUblft. ladik tik ,
Drnnrirt for Ckickeiteri EaUk Di'I
nonl Brand la UrU oJ Uo(U BicUllioV
haif i. ii aled with Uut ribbon. TmLa 1
Hunt and imitaHen. At Druiu, or tend 4c
Id tUmpi for particular. tuaU.uoiiUU anJ
"ltcuer tor lalivt -ntttrr, vj murn
MutL 1O.00O TvaiiauoBUU. fim r9r.
Lel.eUrCfn;u.lcal Oo.MuHii 4wim
?SrEVNVHE."to'O,l0H,-OMll se
aGUKRC" Wit-ox Specific Co-.Pnmi.Prt.