The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 24, 1895, Image 1

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H IL Bl HI j B
VOL. X.-N0. 203.
An Opportunity
Is now offered
Fall and
iO make their purchases
not only from the largest
and best selected stock
of both foreign and domestic
fabrics ever exhibited in this
county, but also-at prices fully
20 per cent, less than their
present actual value. Hard to
find such another display of
finoDress Goods as we have'
-k?.e. We call special atten
tion to the following :
FANCY 1I0UCM3, 43 In. wide, 750, worth S1.00
" CHKVIOTS, 51 In. wide, $1.00 " 1.35
flIUJPON, black only 1.65 " 2.25
CKAVENETTK CLOTH, black mid navy; CO In.
wide, very fine, quality nnd guaranteed water
proof, only $1,26, worth SI.73.
BLACK HENRIETTA, 15 In. wide, double warp
and would ho extra vnluo for S1.00, only 60c.
1 A TT
211LJl M.JL
Itt1 I
Selling out my entire stock of
Men's and Children's
Suits and Overcoats
by DECEMBER 15th, to engage in the hat and cap manu
facturing business. Big bargains in BOOTS and SHOES.
All goods must be sold at cost and below. Call and be
convinced before buying elsewhere. At
23 South IV1;
The OLD RELIABLE Dry Goods and Carpet Store,
113 North Main Street.
Latest Styles and Materials in
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
All New Novelties In Dress Goods.
Elegant line of Blankets and Comforts, at
prices unheard of before.
Our Fancy Java, or,
In regard to Tea, we occupy a
carefully selected by competent judges, and a trial ordqr will
conviiice you that we can please the most fastidious customers.
We offer nothing but good grades that are noted for quality,
color and flavor, and they are sold at popular prices
Embraces all the desirable qualities
in an instrument, at the lowest price
consistent with the best grade.
Sold on easy terms by
J. P.
all buyers of
Mack mid Colored HENRIETTA, a' full as
sortment of shades, 43 Inches wide, line
wouvo and finish and extra heavy weight
"b- 50 Cents
Can't ho matched under 7.ic.
Ladies', Misses' and Cliililren'a
All aro to be seen hero in the newest styles
and host materials, guaranteed hest mado
and best fitting garments in tho market.
Wo liavotheni in ladies' from
$3.50 to $15.00
Misses and Children's, $2.25 to $!).
Do not forget to sco our BLANKETS,
second lloor. Our prices on them mean a
saving of 15 to 23 per cent, to you.
Wo handlo Ruttcrick's Paper Patterns. Stylo
sheets given away freo of charge.
N. Main St.
iln Street,
Man, supplied with reasoning and dis
cerning powers, may improve his con
dition by the exercise of these faculties.
This can be applied with very good
effect in the purchase of Coffees and
Teas. A good cup of Coffee depends
not only on the making but the brand
of Coffee, the grade, the roasting and
preparation are very important factors.
'We feel confident that we can meet all
those requirements. A delicious cup
of Coffee is a certainty if you use
our Fancy Blended Coffee.
front rank, alhour Teas being very
Senator Tillman Taunted by a Delegate
From Abbeville.
For a Time It Was Feared There Would be
a Personal Encounter Between the Sena
tor and Mr. Gary, But Mutual Friends
Prevented a Hostile Meeting.
COLtnmiA, S. 0., Oct. 24. Last night
tlio constitutional convontlon wag cnllv
enoil by a hot wnr of words between Sena
tor Tillman and Mr. Frank B. Gary, a
doloRiito from Abbovlllo, during which tho
Ho was passed nnd It was oxpected that tho
two men would comotoblowslmmcdlatcly
after adjournment, which took placo at
Senator Tillman Is a firm ndvocato of
forming now counties, whilo Mr. Gary is
not. Tho former had been taunting Mr.
Gary with forming unholy alliances politic
ally to defeat new counties, though ho
never said ex.ictly what they were.
Last night Mr. Gary said that It ill be
como Ueujamlu It. Tillman to taunt any
ono with forming such nlllanees. He,
Tillman, hud (filtered into u secret combi
nation to rush threo new counties through
tho' convention, and it enmo with poor
graco from it man liko him to be throwing
such things Into tho faces of other men.
Senator Tillinnn got very much oxcited
and resented tho imputation against his
honor and honesty. Ho said ho did not
want to havo a personal difficulty with tho
gentleman or to break friendly relations,
but bo could not sit quietly by when such
nn untruth was ultorod.
Mr. Gary replied that parliamentary
usages and tho rospect ho had for tho con
vention prevented him from resenting
then the words used by Senator Tillman,
but ho would hold him personally re
sponsible outside. Tho convention was
in an intense stato of excitement. Sen
ator Tillmnn mndo no reply, but sat
quietly in his seat, though it could bo seen
that ho was much wrought up.
Before adjournment friends began to
try Ho settlo the matter and avoid diffi
culty, which they succeeded in doing.
After tho convention both gentlemen met
nnd mutual explanations wero made. Mr.
Gary misinterpreted some remnrks Till
man mado on Tuesday and that led him
to call tho senator to task, with tho wordy
Avar as tho outcome. Mr. Gary is n cousin
of Governor Evans, who waff qui to active
In bringing about u reconciliation.
Killed nn Offlcor to Avoid Arre.t.
Tiffin, O., Oct. SI. Leo Martin, n
farmer near Watson, yestorday tried to
strangle a small boy to death. Ills screams
brought tho nssistanco of Frank Uurk
hart, who was hunting In tho woods closo
by. Burkhart sworo out a warrant for
Martin's arrest, nnd last night Officer
Sweeney and Marshal Shulz went to tho
sceno. When they reached tho homo of
Martin a terriblo strugglo occurred, in
which Marshal Shulz was shot and died
within a few minutes. Officer Swcenoy
was also shot, but not fatally. It Is feared
Martin will bo lynched, though ho is
strongly guarded.
University Defeats Duquesiie.
PlTTsnur.o, Oct. 24. Tho scoro In yes
terday's football gnmo was: University of
Pennsylvania, !I0; Duquosno, 0. This Is
tho lowest scoro tho university men havo
mado tills season. Tho gnmo was fast nnd
furious from start to finish, Tho first
half rosultci. In ono touchdown for Penn
sylvania, no goal being kicked. In tho
Bccond half tho university mndo flvo touch
downs and kicked threo goals. Tho
Weather was flno and a crowd of about
6,000 was presont.
A Mine Fire Spreading.
Wilkesbauke, Pa., Oct. 24. Tho flro In
No. 5 Deluworo nnd Hudson mino nt Ply
mouth lias reached tho plane, nnd has at
tacked soma of tho timbering. Tills has
weakened tho supports, nnd thore nro fro-
quent falls of roof, making tho work of
lighting tho names exceedingly hazardous.
Flooding tho mino is tho only remedy, nnd
old miners say unless this Is dono there
will bo a general squeeze, such ns that nt
tho 111 fated Gaylord mino overu yeur ago.
Alt Iron Kins') Suicide 111 Tarlfl.
Milwaukee, Oct. 24. A telegram from
Paris, Frauc), received hero by tho family
of Francis Hluton, tho Mlllwnukeo iron
king, announces that Mr. Hinton had
committed suicldo In his hotol nt Paris.
Mr. Hinton was a man of great wealth,
and was well known in tho Iron trndo
throughout tho country.
The l'rltn Fight Fizzle.
hot sritiNGS, uct. 134. tuo supremo
court nt Llttlo Uock yesterday rondorcd Its
decision in tho Corbett caso. Judgo Leuthor
mnn's decision was rovorsed and tho prizo
light inw sustained. Corbett was re
manded back to tho custody of tho sheriff
or uariann county. Chief Justice Burnt,
In delivering tho opinion, soverolv criti
cised Chancellor Leuthcrman, saying ho
had no authority for his uctlon In tho
habeas corpus caso. Now tho renresenta'
tlves of both lighters, slnco It is known
thero can bo np fight hore, aro claiming
that tholr men are anxious to got at each
oiner, out thus far it has ended in talk.
To Prosecute Crooked Hank Officials.
West SUPEnioit, Wis., Oct. 24. Resolu
tions navo ueon adopted by tho city coiin
oil ordering tho city attorney nnd a com
mitteo of nldermon to Investigate tho con
ditlon of tho Superior National bank, tho
Douglas County bunk and the Bank of
ooutii (superior, with a view of starting
criminal prosecutions luminal; nlllimrs.
It is said tho city lost a largo amouut by
tho failure of tho bunks, alleged to bo duo
to reckless and negligent management. It
Is said tho Superior National was Insol
vent for twolvo days, incantlmo roceivlng
uu deposits otlored.
Just Arrived.
Now lot of enrpots, oil cloths and window
sliadoa at C. D. Frleko's carpet store
Occurred This Morning on tho Pennsyl
vania Italti'oucl.
Special to Kvkmxo Herald.
I'lTTsnuiio, Oct. 21, 1.00 p. m. A big mil
road wreck occurred noar Huntington this
morning, on tho Pennsylvania- road, and a
numbdr wero killed. Tho southwestern ex
press Is n total wreck. Engineer Johnson
and tho fireman were crushed to death. Two
mall clerks are also reported killed, and many
aro Injured.
George W. lieddall is out on a hunting trip.
Hon. Scth Onue, of St. CInir, was a town
visitor lo-day.
Mrs. V. N. Stein spent last ovening in
Mahanoy City.
David S. llachuian, of Hazloton, was a
town visitor to-day.
Hon, C. N. IJrumm, of Minorsvillo, called
on friends in town to-day.
Samuel Small has cntorcd tho employ of
tho Homo Friendly Society.
J. Oblsky, of West Centre street, Is trans
acting husinoss nt Taiuaqua to-day.
I!oss Glover, of town, has accepted a posi
tion ns driver for an Ashland laundry.
S. Ai' Reddall and wife havo gone to
Schllchors, Hear Valley, to visit friends.
Mrs. Qeorgo Richardson and Mrs. Charles
Derr visited friends at Mahanoy City to-day.
Frank H. Boss to-day moved liis house
hold goods to Green Mountain and will
locate there.
S. G. M. Hollopctor, Esq., went to Phila
delphia yestorday to visit his wife, who is
reported sick.
Mr. artd Mrs. C. J. Quinn and Mrs. M. J.
Whalcn arc attending tho funeral of Mrs.
Dover, nt Hazlcton, to-day.
H. V. Whitelock and family to-day took
imase-mimi nf the rnsidenen (m West, O.ik street
vacated by tho Oither family.
Rev. J. F. Meredith, Harry Preston and
Charles Hooks left to-day for Spring City to
attend tho Stato Convention of .tlio M. 12.
Mrs. T. D. D.ivics, of North Jardin street,
left town this morning for Ilangur, North
ampton county, where sho will spend several
days visiting friends.
liuy yinr fast black still' lints at Max
Levit's, 15 East Centra street.
J lllrthclay I'urty.
Master! Edward Roberts celebrated his
sixth anniversary at tlio home of his parents,
on East dual street, last evening, and enter
tained the following young friends: Lillio
May Brooks, Ida Mador, Muggio Bees,
Gwcnulo Thomas, IlosEie and Sarah Roberts,
Jeituio Ilftjxton, Jennie Reeves, Mary, Jane
and Ray Hopkins, Ilosnio Roe, Annie
Sliocnor, Katie Coogau, Alico Guise, Irene
Hildebnindt, Sadie Fluek, Annie and Lillio
May Roborts, Nellie Rums, Irvin Guise,
Ilcnny Iiroxton, Roes Thomas, John Coogan,
Thomas Roberts, Michael Dougherty, Richard
Coogan, Morgan Roborts and Lavero Robbins.
Now Shoo Store.
1 have opened a new shoe storo tit 223 West
Centre street with a full lino of men's, boys',
ladies' and children's boots, shoes and rubbers.
Give 1110 a call.
William Cattul, Prop.
Sudden Dentil.
Mrs. Mary E. Griffiths, of South Jardin
street, who was taken ill on Tuesday, ex
pired suddenly. Sho was seized by illness at
2:30 in tho afternoon and died at 11 o'clock
in tho evening. Her death is attributed to
brain fever. Tlio deceased was 42 years old
and is survived by her husband and eight
children. The youngest child is ono year
and seven months old and the oldest 20 years.
Tho funeral will take placo on Saturday at
2 p. m.
Holderman's jewelry storo carries a Hue of
goods equal to tho best in larger cities and
superior to any jewelry storo in Shenandoah.
Pugilists Training.
"Scaldy Bill" and Jack Davis, tlio two
pugilists who aro to fight at Pottsvillo next
month and aro stopping witii W. W. Lowis, in
Mahanoy City, train every day in tho gym
nasium of tho National Club in town.
Kcmlrlck House Free Lunch.
Sour krout and pork to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
I.ellgllH Meeting
Tho Shenandoah Republican League will
hold tho first of its Thursday ovening meet
ings to-night in the office of T. R. Ueddall,
Notice to Ladles.
The wivog, daughters and other lady friends
of members of tho Phoenix Firo Company
No. 1, of Shenandoah, Pa., are respectfully
requested to meet in tho company's building,
on Nortli Jardin street, at 7 o'clock on Satur
day evening, 20th Inst.
Atllreeu'g Cafe
Mock turtle soup for freo lunch to-night.
Port Norris primo oysters.
Beef steak, lamb, veul and pork chops.
Pig's feet, tripo and lamb's tongue.
Foot Hull Notes.
Tho Shenandoah foot ball team is booking
a number of engagements. On Saturday a
return gamo will be played at Maiiunoy
City; on November 1st the Shamoklus will
play here; tho Lansfords will try the team
hero on November 10th, and on the 23 nl a
return gamo will bo played at Lanslbrd.
How to Solve It.
A man uovor knows how puro and whole
some a bevurugo is until lie partakes of it
and finds its strengthening and nourishing
qualities. Try Columbia beer once and yon
will call for It again.
Olnclul Visit.
J. 8. Stioknoy, of Now York city, aud a
party of friends paid an official visit to tho
Win. Penn oolllory yestorday aftornoon.
Tlioy travoled hi a special Pullman palace
Dempster, McDonald and McCarncy Held
for the Car Robbery.
All the Men Have Very Unenviable Records.
Dempster Attempts to Escape at Potts
villa But Policeman Krelger's Revol
ver Caused a Change of Mind.
William Dempster, Barney McCarncy and
Hugh McDonald, tho threo men arrested
yesterday by C. & I. Policemen GcorgoGeigor
and Peter Kricger and Constable Tiillosin
Phillips, on suspicion of having broken open
and robbed the freight car near tho Lohigli
Valley depot, wero given a hearing before
Justice Lawlor and committed to tho Potts
villo jail in default of $500 bail each.
In its present status tho caso does not
appear to boa very strong 0110 against tlio
prisoners, but tlio police are confident that
they will have ample evidenco when tlio
trial in court comes up. All tlio prisoners
pleaded not guilty. McCUrney only opened 1
his mouth to make tlio plea. No amount of
"pumping" could get him to sny anything In
addition. The police say ho is 0110 of tho
shrewdest crooks in the region. Ho com
pleted a sentence in tho l'ottsvllle jail about
threo months ago for burse stealing and has a
record for car breaking. He served one term
for robbing the Lehigh Valley depot ut
MahanOy City.
.McDonald looks as deplorable asMcOirney,
but his countenance is not quite as vicioiisui)d
appears more frank. Ho talks more, and
sometimes says too much. His insinuations
became so insulting that the Justice ordered
his removal from tho office. .McDonald is a
native of Robinson's patch, near Mahanoy
City, and tlio police say his record is a bad
0110. Ho has served time for breaking into
Dempster, who residos iu town, isu rather
good looking young fellow and was very
nontly and comfortably dressed. Ills general
appearance was much in contrast witlt that
of the others, lie admitted that lie drank
beer, or rather "rushed the growler" witli a
crowd of hums iu tlio lumber yard near whore,
the car that was robbed stood, but denied
that ho had tiny hand in tlio robbery, or
knew anything of it. Harry Davidson, otic
of the witnesses, testified that ho resides noar
the scene of the robbery and was awakened
by the noise mado in breaking the seals oil
the ear doom and ho heard Dempster's voice
whilo the work was in progress. He says ho
is well acquainted with Dempster's voico.
Mrs. Hawley and Mrs. Townsend. residents
of the neighborhood, testified that they heard
the noiso when the car was broken open.
One of tho witnesses saw men carry a box up
tho railroad alter tho noise, but it was too
dark for her to see who tho men were. The
other witness did not sea anybody, because
sho did not leave her bod. Policeman
Kreiger and Thomas Connors testified to tin
discovery. Connors also said that Davidson
told him ho saw Dempstor at tlio car during
tlio robbery. Davidson said Connors was
mistaken ; he only heard Dempster's voico.
Tho hundred pounds of tobacco stolen from
tho car was consigned to Musscr & lloddall,
tlio East Centre street grocers. Sixteen
pounds of the tobacco is still missing,
While on his way to tho Pottsvillo jail
Dempster attempted to escape from tho
officers. Kreiger instantly drew his revolver
and, as ho levied it, exclaimed, "Stop! I
wont tell you again." Dempstor had run
about twenty yards and turned his head.
Seeing tlio revolver aimed he stopped. When
ho returned to tho officer ho was trembling
with fear and walked to tho jail without
giving any further trouble.
Vt'utsuii House Tree I.uuch.
Raked beans and pork to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Curs Will bo Hold.
Through tho courtesy of Manager E. W.
Ash tbo cjrs on the Schuylkill Traction
Company's lino will bo held iu town on the
evening of November 1st until after tho cloo
of the concert to bo given in Ferguson's
theatre that evening by the Royal Welsh
Ladies' Choir, for tho benefit of tho Methodist
Episcopal church, Tho curs will bo held for
all passengers through to Ashland.
The nobbiest suits and finest overcoat at
tho one-price clothing house, 10 and 12 South
Main street. Everything marked iu plain
figures. 10-23-tf
The Telegraphers' Night,
flic secoud annual telegraphers' assembly
and content will be held in Robbiiw' hall to
morrow night. It will bo a brilliant affair
and well patronized. There aro 8 entries in
the telegraphic contest for three vory valua
ble prizes and tho entire 'region will be
Levi Rcfowich Is selling overcoats nt retail
cheaper than his competitors can buy them
at wholosalo. If you want bargains call at
Nos. 10 and 12 South Malu street, Shenandoah.
Supper To-nlglit.
This evening a grand supper will bo hold
in Robbins' hall for tlio benefit of the Trinity
Reformed church. Tlio ladies of the con
gregation havo mado ample arrangements for
tho comfort and enjoyment of tho guests.
Teacher of l.locutlou.
Mrs. E. A. Buch, tuieher of elocution,
unanimously endorsed by press and public,
will form a class in elocution in Shenandoah,
beginniug Tuokday evening, Novenibor 5th.
AH wishing to join claw apply for particularx
to Dr. Phillips, Slionandoah. 10-21-lw
Got ono of those pretty oil cloth rugs for
under your heating stovo, at C. D. Frickt's
carpet store. New lot Just In.
11C and 118 North Main Street.
herself of this opportunity to buy cheap.
1. A line of all wool hose, size to
fit any child, 5 to 84- Every
where sold at a higher price,
with us 15c
2. A line of children's fleeced
underwear, only a small lot of
them. Drawers or vests, any
size, a few days only, 15c.
3. Ladies' fleeced vests, crochet
neck and front, 3 buttons,
sizes 3 to 5, until next Thurs
day, 22c.
4. Ladies' black sateen skirts, lined
all through with an excellent
quality of outing flannel, with
ruflle on bottom, now at Si.oa.
5. Two large spools of Heminway
crochet silk for 25c.
The P. N. Corsets are the best.
The wedding of Mis Mary A. Carl in and
Charles II. Gallagher occurred yesterday at
Mahanoy City.
Thomas Ilutton, of Win. Penn, and Miss
Llla C. Roe, of St. Clair, wero married by
I'cv. V.. Potts, at the Mothodist DpUcopal
parsonage ut Win. Penn last evening.
George W. N'ewlin, of Hopewell, X. Y., was
married to Miss Ilattie K. Porter, of Maha
noy City, yestorday afternoon, in tlio First
Presbyterian church, nt tbo latter place.
Thomas O. Gallagher, of Philadelphia, and
Miss Celia 1). Monagbiin, of Connors Patch,
were married at Girardvillo yentorday. A
reception was held after tho ceremony. The
couple will rosido in the former city.
Wedding rings puro in ipiality, lower prices
and tho largest assortment of any jewelry
store in Shenandoah at Holderman's. 23-2w
l.iimiii WulUcr Koiiiul.
Lmma Walker, tho 10-year-old girl who
ran away from her step-mother's homo in
Rending last week, lias been found with a
family in that city and the cause of her dis
appearance lias developed. It appears that
tho girl had a young lovor to whom tho step
mother objected. Tho father of tho girl has
taken her in ehnrgo and will bring her to his
homo in this town in tho hope of breaking
olf her infatuation.
Schellly House.
Genuine mock turtlo soup to-night.
Chicken soup. Little neck clams.
Rappahannock oysters.
Ham. Sardines. Swiss olieose.
Pish cakes. Oysters in every stylo.
I.a-l Nights Hall.
The annual ball of tho ISeor Drivers in
Robbins' hall last night was attended by a
largo number of people and many residents
from other towns of the region wero observed
in attendance. Everybody had a very en
joyable time and dancing to the strains from
Ileilly's orchestra was kept up until n late
Miss Mary Malloy, tlio fashionable dross
maker, formerly located at No. 21 South Jardin
street, lias removed to the Dougherty build
ing, No. 3S West Centre street, where sho
will bo pleased to receive her patrons.
Has llroilght Stilt.
M. P. Quinn, of Pottsvillo, has entered suit
against Chas. It. llarrett, formerly president
of the Schuylkill Kleetric Railway Coniany,
for tlio recovery of $00O, with interest from
October 23d, 1893. The action is to recover
on a promissary note drawn last June, and
mado payable October 22d, 180.).
ltid VoursulX of ltliouiiiuttsui,
lluy Red Flag Oil, 85c. At Gruhler Brs
drug store.
Rest pluiuliiim is done by P. W. Hell.
Flour is Down . . .
And we have prepared to sell
it to you at the reduced price.
Cheese is Up . . .
But we have a few week?
supply on hand at the old
price. Rich and fine flavor.
122 North JarJIn St., Shenandoah,