The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 22, 1895, Image 1

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VOL. X.-NO. 261.
W Tarns' k
South Main St.,
1 An Opportunity
Is now offered
Fall and
TO make
not only
and best
O make their purchases
nly from the largest
est selected stock
of both foreign and domestic
fabrics ever exhibited in this
county, but also at prices fully
20 per cent, less than their
present actual value. Hard to
find such another display of
fiae-Dress Goods as we have
Vrere. We call special atten
tion to the following :
FANCY nOUCI.E, in. wide, 76c, worth 81.00
" CHEVIOTS, 51 in. whlo, $1.00 " 1.35
CltKPOX, lilnck only 1.65 " 2.23
eitAVENBTTK CLOTH, black ami nnvy, GO in.
wide, very lino quality and KUimintecd water
proof, only $1.25, worth 81.73.
BLACK IIEMUETTA, 13 in. wide, double warp
and would be extra vuluc for 81.00, only 60c.
Fine white laundried shirts at 25 cents.
Boys1-waists at 2 for 25 cents.'
Men's shoes at $1.00, formerly $2.00
150 pair of knee pants at 20 cents, worth 50 cents.
A big line of Men's Overcoats marked down to half prices,
a big stock of men's alid boys' suits. Big bargains in
Now is your time. At the
23 South Main
Watoh thls
Our Fancy Java, or
I11 regard to Tea, we occupy a
carefully selected by competent judges, and a trial order will
convince you that we can please the most fastidious customers.
We offer nothing but good grades that are noted for quality,
color and flavor, and they are sold at popular prices
Kmbraees all the desirable qualities
in an instrument, at the lowest price
consistent with the best grade.
Sold on easy terms by
J. P.
all buyers of
Mack and Colored HENRIETTA, a full as
sortment nf shinies, 43 inches wide, lino
weave and finish and extra heavy weight
w50 Cents
Can't le matched under 75c.
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
All aro tn ho Been hero in tho newest stylos
and host materials, guaranteed host made
and best fitting garments in tho market.
Wo havo thorn in ladies' from
$3.50 to $1S.OO
Misses' and Children's, $2.25 to $!).
Do not forget to seo our BLANKETS,
second lloor. Our prices on them mean a
saving of 15 to 23 per cent, to you.
We handle Ilultorick's Paper Patterns. Stylo
sheets given away free of charge.
No. 27
N. Main St.
Space for
Man, supplied with reasoning and dis
cerning powers, may improve his con
dition by the exercise of these faculties.
can be applied with very good
effect in the purchase of Coffees and
Teas. A good cup of Coffee depends
only on the making but the brand
Coffee, the grade, the roasting and
preparation are very important factors.
We feel confident that we can meet all
those requirements. A delicious cup
of Coffee is a certainty if you use
our Fancy Blended Coffee.
front rank, all our Teas being very
The Pugilist's Backer Refuses to Sign
the Altered Agreement.
An Arrangement May be' Made for a Bout
Between Maher and Corbett The Cham
pion Declares That he Will Assault
Fltzslmmons on Sight.
Hot Si-rings, Ark., Oct. 23. Unless
Robert Fltzslmmons recants and, through
his manager, Martin Julian, accepts tho
extraordinary condition which confronts
tho fight situation here, thero will bo no
contest between Corbctt and Fltzslmmons
unless It bo an Impromptu ono, shorn of
purso offering, ring rules, referee and
seconds, for Corbctt says that unless Fltz
slmmons acts tho man nnd accommodates
himself to circumstances "ho will send
him to a hospital" tho first time ho moots
him, and that ho will goqultoaway out of
his scheduled thoatrlcal routo to meet the
Cornish man.
Yesterday thero was a conferenco be
tween Dan Stuart, Joo Vendlg and tho
fighters, tho latter by proxies, Hrady rep
resenting Corbett, and Fltzslmmons' rep
resentative being his brother-in-law, Mar
tin Julian. Mr. Stuart wanted a post
ponement until Nov. 15. Ho argued that
oven if tho court of final rosort sustained
tho decision of tho chancellor it would
tako that long to restore confldonco and
get tho crowd to Hot Springs. Brady, for
Corbett, was willing, but Julian was not.
Tho proposition was then mado to havo
tho men light In private for tho main
stake, $10,000 a side. Hero Stuart inter
jected an oiler of an ndded $10,000 Brady
was ofmln willing, but Julian domurred.
Ho opined that tho club, if it pulled tho
fight off on Oct. 31, would havo to niako
good Its full promise of $11,000.
In nil equity, in tho fueo of tho entan
glements which havo besot tho path of
Ban Stuart and Joo Vendlg, this cannot
bo done. Where, a month ago, hundreds
of excursion parties woro being organized
for tho trip to tho fight, there are nono to
day. Stuart asked for time, nnd Corbctt
granted It, but Fltzslmmons 1ms exacted
his full pound of llesh. As manors stand
at this moment, to uso tho words of How
ard B. Hackctt, tho highest pugilistio au
thority in America, Corbett wants to
light, but Fltzslmmons dow not.
Finally, In a moment of disgust, tho
Florida Athletic club declared tho contest
between Jumes J. Corbett and Robert
Fltzslmmons off. Tho programmo now is
to substitute Peter Mnlier for Fltzslm
mons in a contest with Corbctt, and an
other man to bo found will bo depended
011 to entertain Stovo O'Dounoll. '
President Dan A. Stuart last night gavo
tho following statement to 11 representa
tive of tho Associated Press: "At tho out
set," began Mr. Stuart, "it must bo con
ceded that I was right. The fact that I
was right Is demonstrated when it is
recollected that it took au extraordinary
session of tho legislature of the stato of
Texas to mako mo wrong. This, after tho
highost criminal tribunal of tho stato had
adjudged 1110 right.
"I seek other coigns. Ono Is afforded
mo hero in tho stato of Arkansas. Every
inducement Is mado mo to bring off tho
contest horc. I am told that there Is noth
ing illegal in what is projected. Woro I
other than sound in my bollof that Chan
cellor Lenthormnn would bo sustained by
tho supremo court I would never havo
mado tho offer to defer tho contest and per
sonally obligate mysolf to seo that the full
J41.O0O would bo paid over to tho winner of
the contest.
"I did know, howovcr, that there was a
great deal of doubt as to my ability to ro
lustill confldonco into tho light going pub
Ho by tho timo originally agreed upou. I
asked for a postponement of eleven days.
Mr. Corbctt was willing. Mr. Fltzslm
mons was not. To my offor to add a purso
of $10,000 on tho heels of Fltzslmmons'
proposition to moot Corbctt In private
on Oct. 31 Mr. Julian, acting for Fitz
simmons, domurred. Ho would have tho
contest tako plneo on Oct. 31 or not at all.
I contended that if it was worth Fltzslm
mons' while to light on Oct. 31 It woro
better to wait olovon days and win 110,000
, "My offer Is now permanently with,
drawn. I nm unwilling to beliovo that
any fair proposition will meet tho ap
proval of Fltzslmmons. I havo no partic
ular liking for tho prosent champion, yet
I must accord him that which is his duo.
Ho saw tho plight in which tho Florida
Athletic club was placed and appeared
willing to accommodate himself to cir
cumstnncos. Mr. Fltzslmmons may or
may not bo ablo to comprehend tho situa
tion, and his personal actions I would not
attempt to crltlclzo."
In tho supremo court, at LtHIo Rock,
yosterday Attornoy General Klusworthy
presented a petition for an order re
straining tho proposed fight from taking
placo pending a hearing of tho caso on its
merits. Attornoy Martin asked for further
time, und tho hearing of this motion was
thereupon adjourned until today. Should
tho restraining order bo granted tho caso
will probably not como up for n hearing
on its merits until somo time next spring,
relieving tho governor of further responsi
bility. In tho ovent that tho order bo re
fused Governor Clnrko Intimates that he
might convene tho legislature to pass a
felony net.
It is given out that Julian will have
Fltzslmmons in Dallas on tho 31st, where
tho contract stipulates tho fight shall oc
cur, and claim tho forfeit of B,500.
Fashionable hats
at prices that
can't bo boat.
At .Max Levlt's,
15 East Coutro street.
Iloer Drivers' Hall.
The licor Drivers will hold their annual
hall on Wednesday ovoning, October 23d., in
Bobbins' opo.-a houso. Kellly's orchestra will
furbish music. Tickets, 25 cents. Ladies free.
A Miner Itom'tird' l'mm Drowning lint Is
l'atall)' lniirrl.
Peter Keeker, a miner, was fatally injured
by being thrown from u cage in tho Tunnel
itldgo slopo at about I) o'clock this morning.
The accident was of n thrilling character.
Becker and Daniel and James D.iy woro
going down the slope In a cage when it
Jumped the track and knocked out a set of
timber. The shock threw llcckor out of tho
cage with great momentum and ho rolled
down into the cage holo 20 yards distant.
Jamos Day was also thrown out of tho
cage, hut quickly recovered himself
and went in search of Iiccker. Ho found
Kim floating in tho cago hole and. about to
sink. Day grabbed Iiccker by tho hair of
tflo head and kept him afloat until assistance
arrived. Iiccker was taken out of tho hole
unconscious and when last reported was still
id that condition. Ho sutlers from concussion
ofjtho brain. 'James Day was considerably
brtllsed. Daniol Day saved himself from
iiJury by catching hold of a prop and pro
vaulting a roll down tho slope.
Miss Miiry Malloy, tho fashionablo dress-
nnjkor.formcrly located at No. 21 South Jardin
stflect, has removed to the Dotighorty build
ing, No. 3S West Centra street, -whore she
wffi bo ploased to rcceivo her patrons.
1 0-22-1 w
.Tm1.-mi.tif mrleknii OH.
fho judgment for $100,000 entered against
thaboud ofex-Tnx Receiver Biggins by this
burpugh was yesterday stricken from tho
recjprds of the Pottsvillo court upou consent
of 9rough Solicitor Pomcroy, settlomonts on
all the tax duplicates under tho bond having
bee)i mado in full.
Watson Houso Freo I.uuch.
Tjwo lino hot lunches will bo served to
night and to-niorrow morning.
v Fingers Mushed.
Thomas Cloary, of South Gilbert street,
had four lingers of his right hand badly
maShod yesterday while loading a car iu the
Turkey Itun colliery. A lump of coal
slipped from tho laborer's hands and upon
Cleary's hand, which was resting on the top
of the car.
Freo sour krnut and pork at Ureen's.
f Xot u lJurglui.
Ibitransplros that tho man who was seen
prowling nhoutthe yard at the rear of Miehaol
Mulluhy's house, on lint Centra street, lato
Sunday night was not a burglar in search of
booty, hut a deluded neighbor seeking his
Free sour krout ami pork at Ureen's.
The AVoric Continues.
Tho work of removing tho remains of the
Pottsvillo ancient dead from the old cemetery
to tho rear of tho Centra street school build
ing, is still going on. Tho bones of fully 350
persons havo thus far 'been removed.
To Ho Married.
Announcement is made that Simon Ra
monat, clerk at Bobbin's store, and Miss
JIaggio K. McCuskie, of Bmndonville, will he
married on tho 30th Inst., at 130 North Jardin
street, which will ho their residence after tho
Get ono of those pretty oil cloth rugs for
undor your heating stove, at C. D. Fricke's
carpet store. New lot just in.
Intending tho I. lues.
William P. Williams, tho plumber, who
was awarded tho contract at the last meeting
of tho liorough Council to extend the mains
of tho public water works on certain streets
and in Turkoy Run, commenced work this
morning at tho latter place.
Rest gas fitting is done by P. W. Hell.
Award for Frunoy.
In tho caso of tho compulsory arbitration
of J. J. Franoy against tho Homo Friendly
Society tlio arbitrators this morning handed
in au award for tho amount of tho claim
with interest and costs.
Kcmlrick House Free Lunch.
Vegetable toup to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Appointed Deputy Collector.
John J. Murphy, a prominent newspaper
man of Pottsvillo, has been appointed to suc
ceed Alex. McDonald, of Heckschorville, as
deputy revenue collector for this district.
Tho salary is $1500 per year.
Jr. ). IT. A. 31. Annhcrsary.
Major Jennings Council No. 307, Jr. O. U.
A. M., will celebrate its sixth anniversary on
November 5th by holding a musical and
literary entertainment iu Bobbins' opera
huusc. Tho state olllcers will bo prosent.
Child 1 tor I ml.
The funeral of Raymond, son of William
and Maud Aker, of East Coal street, took
placo this afternoon. Interment was made
in the Odd Fellows' cemetery.
Kicked by a Mule.
Benjamin Hoivor, of East Coal street, re
ceived an ugly gash on the forehead yester
day by a kick from a mulo bo was unhar
nessing at tho Shenandoah City colliery.
Teucher of Klocutlon.
Mrs. E. A. Much, 'teacher of elocution,
unanimously endorsed by pross und public,
will form a class in elocution iu Shonandoah,
beginning Tuesday ovoping, November 5th.
All wishing to join class apply for particulars
to Dr. Phillips, Shenandoah. 10-21-lw
Health Heports.
Two cases of disease were reported to tho
Hoard of Health to-day. Thomas II. Evans,
of South West street, has dlphtlioria and
Richard Davis, of Turkoy Run, suffers from
typhoid fovor.
Another llleyele Hare,
A ten-mile bicycle road race, open to all
amateurs of this county, will take place at
Mnlmnoy City on the 30th iust.
One Miner Instantly Killed and Another ,
Dangerously Injured. I
The Unfortunate Men Wore at Work
Shovoling Away Debris From Under
the Treacherous Mass When
It FeU Without Warning.
Thoro was an accident In tho workings of
tho Maple Hill colliery hist night by which
0110 miner was instantly killed and another
dangerously injured. A third man working
on tho shift escaped injury, although ho was
close to tho victims when tho accident oc
curred. The man killed was Albert Defrohn,
who resided at 218 Wont Coal street. The
injured man is Anthony Rulmls, a Lithu
anian, residing on Xortli Plum alloy.
Defrohn and llulmis were contractors on
the night shift driving what is known as
No. 1 plane of tho slant gangway, lloth mon
were under tho top rock, shoveling out the
loose stuff to George Matchulis, tho laborer,
who was shoveling the debris into a car.
Tho intention was to clear fho placo and
mako ready for another shot. It was be
tween seven nnd eight o'clock. After tho
miners had shoveled for somo time tho top
rock fell without warning. A solid mass fell
upon Defielm, throwing him down upou his
face and crushing the life out of him. Death
must havo been instantaneous. Ilubnis, tho
Lithuanian miner, was fortunate, but suf
fered considerably. He escaped tho bulky
mass and was covered by smaller pieces, lie
was not as close to the faco as Dufrohn was.
Matchulis, who was not working under tho
top, but closo to tho opening under it, es
caped tho fall and did not receive a scratch.
Matchulis hurried out after tho full
occurred and summoned assistance from
the main gangway. Willing hands were
soon at work and Hubnis was pulled
from beneath the debris in a half smothered
condition. Efforts to get Dofrohn's body
out failed for a time. Tho piece of rock that
pinned it down was so heavy that tho united
efforts of nine men could not move it. Tho
men wero obliged to break tho rock in nieces
to get tho body out. An examination of the I
remains showed there were no outward indi
cations of mutilation, llulmis' right leg was
crushed below tho knee and his body was
badly contused. It is believed he is injured
internally. llulmis was sent to tho Minors'
hospital this morning.
Albeit Defrehn was 3S years of age. Ho
is survived by a wife, hut no children. The
funeral will tako placo at 8 o'clock on Friday
niorningund Rev. Robert O'lloyle, pastor of
the Trinity Reformed church, will officiate at
the ceremonies.
lust Arrived.
New lot of carpets, oil cloths and window
shades at C. D. Fricke's carpet store.
M. 12. Church Convention.
The convention of tho Northwest district
of tho Philadelphia M". E. church conference
will be held in tho Spring City M. E. church
on Thursday and Friday next. Tho pastor
and two laymen from each of tho TO charges
will bo present, and a full delegation is ex
pected from this county. Shenandoah will
be represented by Dr. G. F. Matter and Harry
Preston. Charles Hooks is tho alternate.
Tho presiding older of tho district will pre
side, and Rov. William Powick, formerly of
town, will read a paper on "What can bo
dono to save delinquent members." Other
ministers from this county will also read
"Tho timo may como when I can do thee
good." I advise thco to buy thine shoos at
the Factouy Shok Stoke,
iicddall Building.
TI10 H1-001110 Funeral.
Tho funeral of the late Samuel R. Broome
took placo this afternoon from tho family rosi
denre, in Iirowusville, and the remains weru
interred in tho Odd Follows' cemetery. Tho
attendance was very large, members of Plank
Ridge. Lodge No. 880, 1. O. O. F.; Shonandoah
Lodge No. 00. Sons of St. George; Shenan
doah Triho No. 153, Improved Order of Red
Men; Lydia Lodge No. 112, Daughters of
Rcbekah, and Juniata Council No. 31, Degree
of Pocahontas, forming juirt of tho cortege.
The deceased was an honored member of all
thoeo orgRniiatioius.
Satisfaction guaranteed by Hell, tho
The Itepiiblican League.
Tho Shenandoah Republican Lenguo held
its regular weekly meeting last evening, in
tho Ueddall building, and had us guests
County Chairman Hurd Payno and C. E.
Hreckous, Esq., Republican candidate for
District Attorney. Both geutlemen mado
addresses and spoko iu a very cncouruidng
strain on tho progress and prospects of tho
campaign in its bearings upon tho Republican
ticket. Tho league has decided to rent a
meeting room in tho Titman building and
hereafter will meet every Monday and Thurs
day evenings.
Sehellly House.
Panned oyster on toast to-night.
Chicken soup. Little neck clams.
Ranjiuliannock oysters.
Ham. Sardines. Swiss clicoso.
Fish cukes.. , Oysters in every style.
Kupper o.Tiilght.
A supper will bo held in Rohblns' opera
house- this evening, under tho auspices of tin
Calvary Baptist ohurwli, and the indications
aro that it will bo well attended.
Night School.
J. II. Mauley will open a night school in
tho Lloyd street building, on Monday, Oc
tober 21st Individual instruction in book
keeping and the English branches. 3t
116 and 118 North Main Street.
herself of this opportunity to buy cheap.
1. A line of all wool hose, size to
fit any child, 5 to 84. Every
where sold at a higher price,
with us 15c-
2. A line of children's fleeced
underwear, only a small lot of
them. Drawers or vests, any
size, a few days only, 15c.
3. Ladies' fleeced vests, crochet
neck and front, 3 buttons,
sizes 3 to 5, until next Thurs
day, 22c.
4. Ladies' black sateen skirts, lined
all through with an excellent
quality of outing flannel, with
ruffle on bottom, now at $1.00.
5. Two large spools of Heminway
crochet silk for 25c.
The P. N. Corsets are the best.
lllrtlulny Tarty.
Miss Bessie Jefferson celebrated her seventh
birthday at the home of her parents, on
South Jardin street, last evening And enter
tained u number of her young friends, among
them .Mabel Gillilhm, Stella Shcpp, Minnie
and Susie Richard, Ida Dusto, Margie Reese,
Sitdio Evans, Romeo and Warren Illaker,
Arthur and Luther Evain, Edgar Gilllllan,
James, Walter and Erhie Woods, Richard und
Garneld Jefferson. (James were indulged iu
and refreshments were served.
At IreiiN Cute.
Sour krout and pork for free lunch to-night.
Everybody invited.
Port Norris prime oysters.
Beef steak, lamb, voul and pork chops.
Pig's feet, tripo and lamb's tongue.
Licensed to Wed.
Among the applicants to whom marriage
licenses wero granted at Pottsvillo yosterday
wero Charles H. Gallagher, Centralla, and
Mary II. Carlin, Muhanoy City; William
Cressuell, Girardville, and Rose J. Kehlcr,
Eldred ; John K. Tumanski and Mary
Mttbilcwskl, Shenandoah; Thomas Hutton,
Wm. Peun, and Ella Roe, St. Clair; Issac
Thomas, Jloroa, and Alice Manger, New
Best plumbing is dono by P. W. Boll.
Ordered the Property Sold.
In tho estate of Daniel Fmck, lato of
Frackville, the court ordered a private silo
of tho property, and ordered Leonora Mere
dith und Daniel Fraek, executors, to enter
into bond in the sum of $t,20i) with Alex.
Scott as surety, which was tiled and approved
by tho court.
How to Solve It.
A man never knows how pure and whole
some a boverago is until he partakes of it
and finds its strengthening and nourishing
qualities. Try Columbia beer once and you
will call for it again.
Dauelug School Opened.
Social Club 22 opened its dancing school in
Bobbins' opera bouse last evening and it was
well attended. Many people from neighbor
ing towns wero present. Music was furnished
by Toole's orchestra. Tho club will havo
sessions of the school every Tuesday ovoning
heroafter. '
Tho greatost
FACTOItY Stoiic,
of all shoo stores.
Beddall Building.
A (Juarrclsoiuu Oiuirtette.
Justice Shoemaker lias held Adam Quaka
wlez, Joo Yankonis, Anthony Mookis and
Joe Antinowier. in (100 bail ouch for boatiug
Adam and Simon Rykuwicz with cIuIm. All
the jKirtios reside iu the First ward.
l'liii-Tlim! What Is It?
Tho greatost cure for coughs and colds. At
Gruhlor Bros., drug storo.
The greatest of all shoe stores. Tuk
Factory Stoki:, Beddall Building.
uPs V Dwns f Ve.
Flour is Down ...
And we have prepared to sell
it to you at the reduced price.
Cheese is Up . . .
But we have a few week?
supply on hand at the old
price. Rich and fine flavor.
' 122 North Jardin St., Shenandoah.