The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 16, 1895, Image 3

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Purifies and Beautifies
the Skin by restoring
to healthy activity the
Cloqoed, Irritated, In
flahed, SLuaaisH, or
Overworked Pores.
HiwiijjT Ross, London. Potti Uruo A Cncu.
Coir., 80U Propt., Uoiton, 0. 8. A
After All Others Fail
Dr. Lobb,
"XOQ N 1 Ctrl Qt Below Collowhl
11. lOlll OI. Philadelphia.
To Bccuro a positive and permanent euro of
ErrorH of Youth and Loss of Manhood and of
oil diseases of the blood, Kidneys, Bladder,
Skin nnd nervous System consult at onco Dr.
Lobb. Ho guarantees in all cases caused by
Excesses, Imprudence or Inheritance to restore
to Health and Strength by building up the
shattered nervous system and adding new life
nnd energy to tlio broken down constitution.
Consultation and examinations f rco and strictly
confidential. Ofllco hours, dally nnd Sunday,
from 9 A. M. to 3 I'. M. nnd 0 to 9 evenings.
KeAd his hook on errors of Youth and obscure
diseases of both sexes. Sent free.
SPKCIFICS are scientifically
prepared Remedies; have
been used for half a century
with entire success.
0. grtflFIC TOR
1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.
Jt Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic...
3 Teething, ColIcCrylng, Wakefulness
4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults
7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis
8 Xcurolela, Toothache, Faccnchc...
f IInnilfirhfa. filcV ItryulAi'he. VertlM.
rfOWHspepsIa, Biliousness, Constipation
.'"11 Suppressed or Painful Periods....
12 Whites, Too Profuse rerlodi
13- Croup, Laryncltls, Hoarseness
l-l-Snlt Illicum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.
15 Rheumatism, or Rheumatic Pains..
1G Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague
19 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold lu the Bead
SO-Whooplns Cough,
27 Kidney Ilisease
28 Nervous Debility
30 Urinary Weakness
31- Soro Throat! QuInsy.Blphtherla....
"77" for GRIP.
BoM by PrurgIt,or tent prepaid on receipt of price,
SSc, or 5 for tl., (may t norted), except 2, l. itte only.
HCKPnUE8,BED.C0.,lll A 118 tilUUm 8U,W York.
Chichenter Enjrllfth Dlimon't Itrantf.
Original and Only CJenuInc
Arc, ilwfcjii reliable, ladies tik
rjroB-fflat for Chtekeatera EnulUh Dia-
boiej, irsvled wltn bias ribbon. Take
mn nils a- TtrftiMa tlnntrtrout BllhitilUf
(ion and imitatUn$. At DruggUti, or tend 4c
In itatapl for particolari, testimonials ai
"Keller ror ijameiv inetioy reiurn
SUlUCVnil More Tnroat, I'jmpies, uopperf
BllAlU IUU Colored Spots. Aches. Old Sore a
juicers in Mouth, Halr-Falllngl Write COOKK
tu., 1107 Ainaomc Tempiei
Clticnorn. 111., for nroofs of cures. Cuul-I
itul, JSGOOjJOO. Worst cases eured In l&R
to 35 days 100poee book. fVee
Justice of the Peace
Insurance and
Real Estate Agent,
123 East Centre St.
mWO-STOBV Frame Building, S0x feet on
X South Chestnut street, ltcnts for J18 per
month ; will he sold cheap.
FOK SALE. Half lot nnd two houses, situated
on West Centre street. Will pay 12 per
cent, on Investment, nnd can bo bought on easy
FAKM FOU SALE. A farm of 83 acres, with
in thrco miles of good market. Twenty
nine acres under cultlvotion, nnd four acres of
good timber. Frame farm house, six rooms,
good barn nnd all In good condition. Will be
sold for 81,200 cash.
IjOIt SALE. Valuable property on East Lloyd
? street. Lot J5X150 feet , seven houses, In
cluding restaurant. Aggregate rental, $80 per
month. A ruro bargain. Apply to M. J. Lawlor,
Justico I the Peace, No. 121 East Centre street
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
All work guaranteed to be first-class In every
particular. Silk ties and lace curtains a spec
ialty. Goods called for and delivered, A trial
order solicited
Wrilten (ruarsntee to abso
luti ly cure all ): I nils or rtupturr
wnlioutoperaiion nrdrtentio
from bunloees. Examina
tion I'i'pp. We refer you to
6000 Patients. Call or write for
See our Doctor, every Tuesday, at
ONION HOUSE, Ashland, Pa.
He will furnish you with names of persons cured by
us in ymr own town.
LChas. E. Breckons
For District Attorney.
Celebrated Female
rowders never fail.
lil.lxJ Wiea Ueclura limn
life and iun (after fsUIng
ii. lusAnaiurvtuicr ", V
ntdleal Alnn but Hit bnt sd STOld J P-
potatment. Ou.rtnteed uptrtor to, all other. VoMnjl
1UX, lltck Br, Doiton, Uus.
Of European Governments on tlio
Sultan of Turkey,
The Demands but Slightly Modified from
Those of May Last Details of the It
cent Massacre of Armenians at Aklilsutr.
The Discontent In Crete. '
CoxsTANTlNOI'LK. Oct. 10. M. Cnmbon,
tho .French ninbnssndor; M. Ni'lldoff, tlio
ItUBslnn nmbnsiador, mid Sir 1'lillllp Cur
rle, tho British mnbii- tor, on Monday
foreign affairs, the final demands of tho
Powers for Amcnlnn reforms. If this Is
not accepted an ultimatum will bo pre
sented. No further modifications will bo
Tho scheme drops tho demand for a
Christian high commissioner, but other- 1
wise It is almost identical with tho pro
posals of last May. It Is believed, however,
that Russia hesitates to rorco an accept
ance, because she fears ultimate Armonion
Nows received from Trcblzondo is to tho
effoct that a Russian ptntnl steamer is ly
ing there with 8,000 Christian refugoes on
board. Two other vessels, also full of
refugees, are there awaiting tho arrival of
Russian ships to transport thom to Bn
toum. Reliable nows has beon received hero that
fifty Armenians were killed and a number
wounded at Akhlesar, in the villayet of
Aiden, on tho Anatolian railway, by a
Moslem mob. The slaughter occurred on
Oct. 9, which was market day, when many
Armenians had gathered from adjacent
Early in the morning a Turkish rough,
finding that tho Armenians were not
armed, picked a quarrel and shot one of
them. Tliore was then rulscd on all sido
tho cry: "Why hesitate to massaeretho In
fidels?" A mob of Turks, armed with re
volvers nnd knives, then looted the market
and massacred tho helpless Armenians.
Tholr bodies wero thrown Into tho wells.
It Is stated that the mudlr was responsible
for the attack.
No women or children were injured,
probably on account of tho arrival of Kal
malkan from tho vlllago of Qlevo, three
miles distant, who made valiant efforts at
tho risk of his own life to safe the Chris
tians. Otherwise the slaughter would
havo been complete.
The panic is reviving in Constantinople,
on account of the continued Isolated at
tacks, and tho Armenians aro again flock
ing into the churches. Tho police disre
gard tho safe conduct cards given to tlio
Armenians bv the foreUsn embassies, and
they insult and maltreat the holders of
Tho Constantinople correspondent of
the London Standard blames the Ar
menian revolutionary committees for forc
ing tho Armenians to close tholr shops
and to maintain tne appearanco oi a panic
when tho Armonlans themselves are ready
to rcsumo business.
"I visited tho prison," tho correspond
ent says, "and questioned the prisonors,
and found that there wero no serious
complaints, against tho police. Tho in
specting commission sont a list of flfty-slx
prisoners for liberation while I was there.
Tho revolutionary leaders are responsible
for tho continuance of tho deadlock."
The Ill.content In Crete.
London, Oct. 10. A dispatch from Ath
ens, describing the growing discontent
with Turkish rule on tho Islnnd of Crete,
says that a baud of a thousand armed
Christians recently met at Kll ma to peti
tion the sultan to restore tho charter abol
ishodin 1889, and for a reform of taxation
and of the gendarmerie The governor of
Crete sent troops against the petitioners,
who withdrew to tho mountain fastnesses,
whither the troops did not dure to follow.
Thoy now threaton to foment a robollion
in favor of annexation to Greece. The
Greok government, fearing complications,
deprecates such a Cretan movement,- but
tho situation is perilous.
Milwaukee's Two Days' Jubilee.
Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 16. Milwaukee
started hor two days' jubilee this morning
at sunrlso tho colobratlou of tlio fiftieth
anniversary of the chango from a village
to a municipal corporation. Never was
the city so gaily . Illuminated and docked
in flags and bunting. At 8 o'clock com
mltteos met the gubernatorial parties from
Minnesota, Iowa, Michigan and Wiscou-'
sin. This afternoon there will be a civlo
parade of different organization, aggregat
ing 17,000 persons. In the evening there
will bo an Illuminated bloyclo parade, In
which 6,000 men and women will take
No Threat to Spain.
Madrid, Oct. 10. El Nnclonal says that
tho Spanish government has not received
any threat from tho government of tho
United Statues rospocting the reception or
treatment of tho United States consul nt
Havana, Mr. Ramon O. Williams. El
Nnclonal adds that tho government of
Spain, in consequence of the friendly rep
resentations of tho government of tho
United Stutes, has recognized the Amor
loau consul as a diplomatic agent.
American Ship llurned at Sea.
London, Oct. 10. A dlspateh from Val
paraiso, Chile, announces that tho Amer
ican ship Pnrthia, Captain Carter, from
Liverpool June 25 for San Francisco, with
coal, was burned at sea on Oct. 1. She is
a total loss. Several of her crew lauded at
Valparaiso in ouo of tho ship's bouts, but
the captain, chief mate and nlnetoen of
tho crew, who left the wreck in boats, are
still missing.
Killed While Cliestuuttlng.
Beading, Pa Oct. 10. William Booser,
aged SO, years, died In St. Joseph's hospital
from the oftectsof lujurlos Sustained in
falling from a chestnut treo on Mount
Ponn. He sustained a broken leg and
arm, and internal injuries which pro
duced hemorrhages and death. Ho leaves
a widow, but no ohlldren.
Fell with a Mine ( ase,
WlLKESBAKRE, Pa., Oct. 16. Tho engi
neer in charge of tho hoisting carriage at
tho Empire shaft lost control of tho on
gine, and ono of the carriages, with ten
men aboard, went down the shaft with
consldernblo force. All tho men wore more
or less Injured, but uono fatally.
Fears of nydrtiphobla from a Horse lllte.
New YortK, Oct. 10, E. E. Bowen, of
Lynchburg, Va., went to Pasteur insti
tute yesterday as a patient, having been
bltteu by a horso at his homo a week ago.
Tho horso had been bitten by a dog, aud
has slnco died. t
Dr. JT. It. Watt a, druggist and physi
cian, Humboldt, Neb., who Buffered with
heart disease for four years, trying ovory
remedy and all treatment! known to hlm
self and fellow-practltlonorst believes that
heart dlscaso Is curablo. Ho writes:
''I wish to toll what your valuablojnodl
clne has dono for mo. For four ycnialhad
heart disease of tho vory worst kind. Sov
eral physicians I consulted, said It wa9
Rheumatism of the Heart.
It was almost un
endurable; with
shortness of
breath, palpita
tions, novoro
pains, unable to
sleep, especially
on tho loft sldo.
No pen can do
Bcrlbo my suffer
ings, particularly
during tho last
four weary years.
I finally trlod
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure,
and was surprised at the result. It put now
llfo into and made a new man cf me. I
havo not had a symptom of troublo Blnco
and I am satisfied your mcdlcino has cured
mo for I havo now enjoyed, slnco taking it
Three Years of Splendid Health.
I might add that I am a druggist and havo
Bold and recommended your Heart Cure, for
I know what It has dono for mo and only
wish I could stato more clearly my suffer
ing then and tho good health I now enjoy.
Yonr Nervlno and other remedies also
glvo excellent satisfaction." J. H. Watts.
Humboldt, Nob., May 9,
Dr. Miles Hoart Curois sold on a posltlvo
guarantoo that tho llrst bott le will benefit.
All druggists sell It at tl, 0 bottlos for M, or
will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of prlco
by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
Restores Health
SrjrTKMDEii30, 1803.
Trains will leave Blienandoab nftcr tlio above
date for Wljrp;nns. CJilberton, I'YaokvlIle, Dark
Water, St. Clair, l'ottsvillc, Hamburg, Reading,
l'ottstowii, Plioenijcville, Jsorristown and Phil
adclpbta (llroad street station) ut 6M and 1143
a. ni. nnd 4. IS p. m. on week days. For I'otts
vllle and intermediate stations 9 io a. ni.
For WlBRnns, Ollbertou, Krackvllle, Dark
Water, St. Clair, Pottsvillc, at 0 OS, 9 10 a. m. and
3 10 p. m. For Hamburg, Heading. Pottstown,
Phocntxvlllc, Norrifctown, Philadelphia utOOO,
9 40 a. m.. a 10 n. in.
Trains lenvo Frackvlllo for Shenandoah at
10 40 a. m. and 1214, 5 01, 7 42 und 10 27 p. ui.
Sunday, 11 13 a. m, and S 40 n. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah ut 10 15, 11 48
a. in. and 4 40, 715 and 10 00 p. m. Sunday at
10 40 a. ni., .1 15 p. In.
Leave Philadelphia, (llroad street station), for
iieiiauuonli at u w anil Hiuu. in., 4 lu ami 7 11
ii. ni. week davs. Sundays leave at 0 50 a. m.
Lenvo llroad street station, Philadelphia, for
Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean drove, Long
israncu. and intcrnictuaie stations. n.uo.
11.39 a. in., 3.30, 4.00 p. m. week-days. Sundays
stop nt interiaKcn lor Asuury j-urKj, n.&y. in.
ieavc iiroau street station, i-niiaucipuia,
Express, week days, 3 20, 4 03, t 00, 5 15, 0 50,
7 33, 8 20,9 50, 1030 mining Car), 1100, 1114 a.
in., 12 noon, 12 05 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p. in.
Dining Cars), 140, 2 30 (Dining Car), 3 20, 4 00,
5 00, 5 50 (Dining Car), n 00, 6 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. in.,
izuinigm. sunuays, ii.ii, iu), 4 ou, o id,
9 50, 1030 (Dining Car), 11 Oi a. m., 12S5, 2 3C
(Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited 4 22), 5 20, 5 50 (Din.
ing unrj, b it), u riu, 12, lu uu p. in., ii ut nigut.
Express for Boston, without change, 11 00 a.
m, week days, and 6 50 p. in. daily.
For Baltimore and Wnslilncton. 3 50. 7 20. 831.
9 10,10 20,1118,1138a. in., (1231 Limited Din-
ing uarj, j. iz, anj, 4 it id id congressional
Limited. Dining Car). 0 17. 0 55 (Dining Car).
7 40 (Dining Cur) p. in., and 12 05 night week
aays. aunuayg, a ou, 7 20, v io, ii i, lira a. m.,
1 12. 4 41. 0 53 (Dining Car), 7 40 p. m. (Dining
car; anu ii i nigut.
Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia,
Express, 8 60 a. m., 2 10,4 00, and 5 00 p. m.
week days, Sundays, 8 45 and 9 45 a. in.
For Capo May, Anglcssea, Wlldwood and
Holly Bench. Express, 9 00 a. m., nnd 4 00 p. m,
week davs. Sundavs. 9 00 a. ill.
For Sea Islo City, Ocean City and Avalon.
Express, v ou u. m., ana 4 ou p. m. wees uays
Sundavs. 9 00 a. m.
For Somers Point. Express, 8 50 a. in., and
4 ou p. m. wcck uays. sunuays, h 4.? a. m.
S. SI. PnnvosT. J. It. Wood.
Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Pass'g'r Agt.
Pilsner Beers,
, Purest and
' Healthiest.
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
Do you DESIRE to Make
Make your money cam you a monthly
S10 00 and more muilo dslly by our new sys
tematic l'lau of Operation on small Investments
in Bruin and stock speculation.
All we ask Is to investigate our new and
original methods. Past workings of plan und
highest references furnished. Our liooklet
"Points it Hints" how to make money aud
other Information sent FREE.
Qilmore 4 Co., Bankers and Drokers.
Open Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago, 111.
When It comes to
Our stock speaks for Itself. If you don't come
to town send your orders. They will he accu
rately and promptly filled.
29 East Centre Street
i sal
Annual Report of James Slioakly,
Governor of Alaska,
Says thf (lnvmor, for (lie Itttthtrst lie.
strurtlnn of Kmimle Oi'n's nt Pen, by
Wholly iKiiorltig the l'i ovl.lnrn I.ulil
Down hy the I'arls Trlln1n.1l.
WAMHNnTos, Oct. 1(1. .Tnmi'H Rhcnkly,
govern. ir of Alaska, in hit nnuuul report
to tne secretary ()f th0 interior, says re
garding tho dlsanpwirmico of tho seals:
"iNoonont all familiar with tho nast
history of the Islands can look upon tho
deserted rookeries today aud not renllzo
wiin onioning force how great has been
tho diminution of Benl life, especially of
tho reproductive class, tho females."
llio governor says that tho claims of the
Canadians and the British that tho ex
cessive killing of s'.-nl on laud is the causo
of the depl-tlon Is dlsprovcn by the
statistics. Ho says that on the rookeries
now there aro many male seals, while
lemaics are scarce The diminution is
duo directly to tho killing at sea, where
no uneriiiiinutlou can be made as to tho
sox of tlv.i seals. He says that better
protection must bo grunted them tlinn is
afforded by tho Paris tribunal, nnd that
tho schooners have not been able to )nake
the usual catches this season, tho catch of
tho British vessels bolng not over 200
per vessel.
Ho says of the British vossels: "Their
only iiopo of saving themselves from loss
was B.'hrlug sea, ns the supply hero
(Prlbyloft) is greatly diminished, Great
Britain gave to tho Canadian soalcrs In
creased facilities by availing herself of a
technicality, and violating tlio clear In
tent of tho Paris regulations relating to
firearms. When tho Canadian authori
ties secured from Kngland what is prac
tically a repudiation, or at least a nega
tion of tho Paris tribunal, they knew It
would be possible for British Columblnn
schooners coming from tho Asiatic sldo of
tho Bea to uso the allowed firearms and
evade detection by asserting that tho skins
found ou hoard with shot wounds whllo
lu Bohrlug sea were skins taken on tho
Japan coast."
The governor says that tho remedy for
tho evil Is simple, but "under existing
conditions Its application Is difficult, un
less Great Britain has forfeited, by her re
cent action, nil right to consideration, nnd
the United States hold with a firm hand
all vossols engaged in destroying seals.
The remedy laid down by the Paris trib
unal has proved a failure."
Tlio governor says that 15,000 skins wero
taken on tho Islands this year, and 88,000
wero taken by poachers, 75 per cent, of
which were females.
Tlio governor says that tho patrol of the
sea by tho United States has been of the
best, and tho government has acted in good
faith In its efforts to enforce tho Paris tri
bunal. The governor discusses at some longth
tho mining industries of Ahuka, and says
that th: production indicate that it will
bo a profitable and permanent Industry.
Tho laws of tho mining oountry aro ad
ministered by the miners themselves, nnd
it is wholly impracticable to try to exer
cise government control uf tho mines at
Upon tho subject of tho Alaskau bound
ary tho governor says: "Tho people of
Alaska, over tho wholo country, expect
and bellevo that tho government of the
United States will defend and maintain
our right to all tho territory, Included
within the boundary lino fixed and ugreed
upon by treaty mado between Great
Brituln'aud Hussia In 1823, and acquiesced
in for nearly throe-quarters of a century
without question or dispute"
Wot Virginia OH I'rospi-cttnc,
Huntington, W. Vu , Oct. 10. A syn
dicate composed of foreign and local
capitalists has succeeded, it is said, in
securing oil leases of nil the lands in tills
country between tho Ohio river and Chesa
peake and Ohio railroad. Arrangements
wore mndo yesterday to drive six to eight
test wells at once in u part of the territory
covering six miles, and this plan will bo
kept up until the entire section lius been
Out lu Two by Haw.
Altoona, Pa., Oct. 10. Hackctt Lohy,
tho 16-year-old son of Cnron Lehy, a
prominent coal operator of Lilly, Colum
bia county, was pluylng In a sawmill at
that place when he fell against a circular
saw. His body was cut through from the
left shoulder to the left leg, and death was
Closing; Quotations of th New York aud
Philadelphia ISzohauges.
New York, Oct. 15. The speculation today
was Irregular In Its course at the outsst, and
remained dull until practically the last hour.
when an animated movement set in. The
spurt carried the record of business for the
day above yesterday s total. Closing bids:
Del. & Hudson 133 N. Y. Central 101U
D.. L. & W .109 N. Y. & N. E - 61
Erie 1 Pennsylvania 65?j
Lake Erie & W... 24 Heading 21
Lehigh Nav 48 St. Paul 7H
Lehigh Valley 41J4 W. N. Y. & Pa 3J$
New Jersey Cen.,112 Wost Shore
Genoral Markets.
PniLAUHLVHlA, Oct. 13. Flour Bteady: win
ter superfine, $2.25(2.40; do. extras, $2.50
2.75; Pennsylvania roller, clear, t2.00iS3.15;
do. do. Btraight, $3.203.30; winter, clear, S3
8.25. Wheat strong, with 67Mc bid and d7Kc
asked for October. Corn quiet, firmer, with
370. bid and 38c. asked for October. Oats
quiet, strong, with 26c. bid and 20c. asked for
October. Hay firm; choice timothy, $15ai5.50.
Beef and pork quiet. Lard dull; western
Bteam, $8.15. Butter Bteady; western dairy,
0Ho.; do. creamery, 162Ic; do. factory,
8W12Ko.; Elglns, 23c.; imitation creamery,
liaiBo.; New York dairy, 13(821o.; do. cream
ery, 23H025o.; Pennsylvania, and western
creamery prints, fancy, at 23c; exceptional
lots higher; do, choice, 21o.j do. fair to good;
2133o.; prints Jobbing at 2fi2Cc. Cheese
firm; large. tv9Uo; small, 610Ho; Part
skims, 8H7c; full skims, 2M3o. Eggs
steady; New York and Pennsylvania, 20O3Io.;
Icehouse, lOai'c; western, 1820o.
I.Iyo Stock Markets.
New Yohk, Oot. 15. European cables quote
American steers at 0310)40., dressed weight;
refrigerator beef at 7?i9o. Calves steady,
but slow; poor to choice veals, $5Q8.23 grass
ers, $2.6033.23. Sheep and lambs very dull
and weak; poor to prime sheep, $I.603.1u;
common to good lambs, $3.50S4.37M. Hogs
lower at $1.4031.75.
East Liberty, Pa., Oct. 15, Cattle slow
and unohanged. Hogs weak and tower; prime,
$4.43Q(.60; best Yorkers. $1.85(34.40; common
to fair Yorkers, $4.151.23; heavy grades,
$1.2034.30; rounds, $334. The demand tor
sheep continues light and the market is very
low t about unchanged prices; extra, $2.80
04; oqmmon, 60c. 311.
Battle Ax Plug
;Has jumped into public favor on
account of its size and quality. its
aG&eayBig Piece
of Bees,
tne swelling
go fishing,
For all pain internal or external
8 IQCll?
8 trn
1 TO A 1
Morbus, uiarmoea ami Dysentery, it is almost a specilic. hold every
where nt 25c. a bottle. (Quantity lias been doubled.) Accept no imi
tation or substitute. The genuine
Sometimss nee Is a reliable,
tho purest drugs
They are prompt, sslo ard certain In result. The Pennine (Dr. Feal's) never dlsap
nulut. Boat anywhere. 1.00. Address Peal Medicihb Co., Cleveland, O.
For sale hy P. P. D. KIRMX, Shenandoah, Pa.
The Backus Water Motor
Is the Most Economical Power Known,
and the Best in the World for Driving
Light Machinery.
It takes but little room.
It never gets out of repair.
It can not blow up.
It requires no fuel.
It needs no engineer.
There Ih iuitrU; m flritiK up; it twites t
clean awuy, m ixtru Insurance to pay; no re
pairing net'cssary, 110 coal bills to wiy, anil t
always ready for dm. It Is iuviili1!1! Ii toi
blowing Church Oririina, for running l'rliitlnii
I'mweK, SfwIiiK Machines, TnrnlllK I-nthcs.
Scroll Saws, Grind StoiU'a, CoUee Mills, Htiiiwiuf
Machines, Feed Cutters, Corn Mills, Elevators,
Etc. Four-how power at 10 pounds pressure ol
water. It it iioUcIchs, ucut, compnit. steady
and abovo all
Price, $15 to $300
Send for circular to tho Ilacltus Water Moto
Co,, Newark, N. J., stating paper you sa
advertisement In.
We also manufacture Patent Rotating
and Exhaust Fans.
Send for Special Catalogue on
SIBflUQatMitL'" Wit-ax Specific Co., Pki
in the lead
Wasps, Hornets, Centipedes or!
bites of animals, reptiles or in- j
sects, are instantly soothed and quickly cured
with Pain-Killer. It counteracts the effect!
of the poison, allays the irritation, reduces j
ana stops tne pain. v. .icn you
on a picmc or on any outing (
trip, be sure and take a bottle of
nwTcr "Briar wttb
it has no equal, and for Cholera i
bears the name Pkrry D. vis & Son.
month 't
should b.
? modi cine. Only barm loss and
1 1 you want the best, get
No. 7 North Jardln Street,
Olllco Hours: From 8 to 0:30 a. m.; 1:30 toiSO
p. in.; 0:00 to 7:80 p. in.
p F. IIUltKK, M. V.
80 K. Lloyd street, Shenandoah.
Odlco hours :7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9
p. m.
y ii. FOMintoY,
Shenandoah, I'a.
Office Kuan building, corner of Main and
Centre street1, Shenandoah.
Oliloe. Mcllet's Building, corner Centre and
Market street.
I.ojk riox C3, Malmnoy City, Fa.
Having studied under some of the best
maxters In London and I'aris, will give lessons
on the violin, gultur and vooal culture. Terms
reiu.i able. Address ill care of Strouse, the
jewi 1 Shenandoah.
Tsams to Hire.
If vou want to hfro a safe and reliable
team for driving or for working purpose
pay Shields' livery stable a visit. Teams
constantly on hand at reasonable rates,
No. 110 East Centre street.
Oppi-fte Heading railroad station.