EVENING HERALD i:staiii.isiii:i ihto. l'uhtlshed every livening, Except Sunday, at 8 Sooth Junius Stiskkt. Nbar Ckntrk. Tim llrmlil is U-1lvrirt In Shenandoah nnil tlio surrounding towns for six cent a week, pay able to tlie carriers. Uy moll $1.00 a ye nr, or 25 cents a month, payable In advance. Advertise incuts eh.Trged according to space and position. Tlio publishers reserve tlie right to change the position of advertisements whenever the pul llcatlon of news demands it. The right is reserved to reject any advertisement, whether paid for or not, that the publishers may deem Improper, Advertising rates mado known upon application. Entered at the Hitofllce at Shenandoah, I'd., as bocoiiH class mail matter. TELKl'HONU CONNECTION. Evening Herald MONDAY, OCTTOI1EU 14, 1805, STATE TICKET. STATE TREASURER, Benjamin J. Haywood, of Mercer. SUPERIOR COURT JUDGES, Jaiiks A. Hihvek, of Centre. E. W. Willaud, of Lackawanna. CiiAlil.lM E. Rick, of Luzerne.. Geokok II. Or.l.ADY, of Huntingdon. John J. Wickham, of Reaver. Howaud IlEi:i)i:it, of Northampton. COUNTY TICKET. JUIK1K OF OKI'irANS' COUUT, THOMAS H. 1!. lA'ON, of Malianoy City. CONTltOLt.KR, IJENJ. It. SEVERN, of Shenandoah. DISTIilCT ATTOr.NKY, CHAS. E. I1RKCKOXS, of St. Clair. COUONKIt, Dlt. S. J. SEYl'EtlT, of 1'incgrove. DinncToit or TUB POOIt, S. 11. MIDDLETOX, of Gilbcrton. COUNTY SUltVIIYOIt, JOSEPH W. OKAHY, Ju of 1'ottsville. Dear Wimiiilm: Don't talk until after tslcctiou. Yours, Andy. THE Democratic nominees arc working on tho theory every man for himself. And tho devil will ho for them all after Xovcmber5th. " The heavy downpour of rain not only broko the dry spell and replenished tlio streams, but gave the town a beneficial clean ing. R. H. Koch, of Pottsvillc, tho Republican candidate for judge in Berks county, will inaugurate an active campaign next woek, and appears to bo confident of success. With a three-week pay at tho Reading collieries and full time, there is active busi ness in store for our merchants. Now is the time to reach the buyers through tho Hekald columns, which goes into their homes six lays in each week. A candidate for District Attorney who depends upon tho popularity of his relatives or election is certainly not worthy tho sup port of taxpayers. Charles E. Rreckons is fighting his battles upon his own resources, and 'will bo elected, too. Oun friends need not worry about tho "Welsh vote. If every element of tho Repub lican party caused as little trouble, success would crown our efforts oflener than it has in tho past. Tho sons of St. David are Republicans from principle not for ollices. The Daily News, a fivo-columu folio, mado Its first appouranco on Saturday, with M. E. JLfyle as editor and proprietor. It presents a neat typographical appearance, and in politics will advocate tho principles of Democracy. The versatile pen of its editor will no doubt mako it an interesting daily, and wo extend to tho new venture our best wishes for future success. WILHELM'S CHARGES. Tlio ticket nominated by tho Republican parly was selected by a majority of the voters of the county. There was no undue ad vantage, or tricks or schemes resorted to to .accomplish it. While thero may be one or two that may not have been our personal choice, jet it is our duty and the duty of every good Republican to submit to tho will of the majority. Every party follower, no matter what may bo his personal grievance, should have but one object in view, and that the success of the ticket in November. That obtained will give us groat advantage in tho Presidential contest next year. Several days ago wo had occasion to coin- jneut upou the cliarges preferred against I County Chairman Payne by William Wilhelm, Esq., and wo have had no reason to change our viows in that respect. We still claim that tho election of Mr. Payno to that posi tion was not the wisest move, believing that a man should havo been selected who was not prominently identified with eithor faction. But tho candidate the mon who are per sonally interested thought othorwUe and selected him to succeed himself. As wo havo previously stated, the charges aro of such a nature that they cannot be over looked by tho County Chairman, Injustice to bimsalf and tho Republican party. If ho is innocent ho need havo nofeurof an investiga tion j if tho charge can beymstaiucd, tho Re publicans of Schuylkill county should know it. Tho present time, however, is not op portune for bickerings of this nature. There is too much at stako. Tho quostiou at issue between Mr. Wllholm and tho chairman can bo deferred until aftor the election. Submit the matter to tho County Standing tiommlttcc, or some other reputable body of men, for a decision, say ton days after elcc ' ion To do this will not compromise either party, nnil will leave tire way open for all lo turn their eticrBleiiawUnst the common enemy nnd work for the MeceM of tho ticket. 1ct there ho a susponsloti of Judcment until wo net thraugh with the Democracy. To continue the titiarrel between theco two Kontlcincn at tho present time will only jeopardize lite biiccoss of tho ticket, which result we rto not think cither of them is desirous of. Wo repeat, refer tho mutter to a committor for adjudication, Aetivo Kxereise and gool fowl in plenty, tends to mako children huilthy. 11 children sufl'er, lioW' ever, from Scrofulous, Skin or Scalp Diseases if their blood is impure and pimples or boils appear, they should ho given tho right medicine. Dr. IMerco's Golden Medical Discovery hriups about tho best bodily con dition. It purifies the blood and renders the liver active as well as builds tip health and strength, l'uny, pale, weak children get a lasting bonofit and "a good lnrt" from the uso of tho "Discovery." It puts on whole some flesh, nnd docs not nauseate nnd offend the htomanh like tho various preparations of cod liver oil. Unco used, it is always in favor. Dr. Piorco's Pellets cure constipation, head aches, indigestion, dyspepsia. One a dose. Sold by all dealers. WILD SPANISH THREATS. They Will "Iteeapture Florida and maud Million of Indemnity." Havana, Oct. It. The excitement and load feeling of tho Spanish against tho Amerieau government and peoplo In creases. Ono frequently hears talk like this: "Aftor wo put down tho Cuban Insurrec tion wo will iuvndo Florida with 100,000 mon, reconquer it ami obligo tho Ameri cans to pay US$500,000,000 for allowing fllr bustorlng expeditions to bo fitted out against a peaceful and friendly nation liko Spain." In case of rioting in this city, which la not considered far off, tho Americans would ho flrst attneked. Tho bull fighting peoplo are fearful in their frenzy. Sllenco is preserved as regards tho latest fighting in Las Vilas. rrV,.. nniIi rxt 4-1.. t..4-n.ln tn.l n jto truthful accounts of tho war, as tho mails nre not respected by tho government. I'ersons to whom such correspondence Is addressed aro promptly imprisoned and i oiivus uxu uihuu tu iriico mo writers. To Instruct Cuba's Insureeuti. Cleveland, Oct. 14. Sylvester Scovcl sou of Rev. Dr. Scovel, president, of the Woostor (O. ) university, and for some tinio manager of the Cloveland Athletic club, left on Saturday for Cuba, whero ho 'goes under contract with the revolutionists, to net as Instructor in cavalry drill, at a liandsomo salary. Mr. Scovol was a mem ber of Troop A, the crack cavalry company of Ohio, and is an expert horseman, and swordsman, as well as an all round athloto. Tho Darlingtou, Wis., Journal says editor ially of a popular patent medicine : "Wo know from experience that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is all that is claimed for it, as on two occasions it stopped excruciating pains and possibly saved us from an untimely grave. We would not rest easy over night without it in tho house."' This remedy undoubtedly saves more pain and suffering than any other medicine in the world. Every family should keep it in tlio house, for it is sure to bo needed sooner or later. For side by Gruhler Bros., Druggists. Captain Smith Was Not Killed. PocATELLA, Idaho, Oct. 14. Lioutenant Miller, stationed about twenty miles from Jackson's Hole, states that J. C. Wilson, who brought the report a woek ago of tho killing ofCaptaln Smith and cc.npanious In Jackson's Hole, is a deserter from tho Soventh cavalry, In camp in the Teton pass, and that Wilson mado theso state ments in order to obtain a relay of horsos and to facilitate his escape. Lieutenant Miller gays thero is no truth whatever in the statement that Captain Smith was killed. Apples Benefited by Drought. BlJllLlKGTON, N. J., Oct. 14. The crop of applejack, for which Burlington county is famous, has been greatly benefited by the drought. Stacy B. Taylor, who owns a big distillery at Wrlghtstown, noticed that tho apples this year wero unusually pregnant with juice. A. chemical, analysis showed that they contained a larger per centage of alcohol and less of water than he had over known In nil his expcrlcnco. Escaped Convict Hecaptured. Sing Sino, N. Y., Oct. 14. Prank "W. Decker, who escaped on Saturday night from Sing Sing prison, was captured yes terday at Tarrytown. Decker was on his wny to Now York city, and was dressed in an old suit of clothes which ho said ha ob tained "up tho river." He was In had con dition, and mado no resistance when ar rested. Increased Their Miners Wages. MuRPHYSiioiio, Ills., Oct. 14. Tho Big Muddy Coal nnd Iron company posted a notice Informing their miners that an In crease of 10 per cent, in wagos would tako effect this morning. These mines employ nearly 1.00C mon and will clv employment to more. Scrofula in the Eyes fU well as lii every other form, is perma neutly cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. "I had scrofula In my eyes and tried several phy sicians but found no cure. My wife persuaded me to try Hood's Sarsa parilla. I had a choking (jensa tion, was troubled with night sweats, and had dyspep- 8 sla In very severs form. After tak ing Hood's Sarsa parilla two weeks the choking spells and dyspepsia troubled me less, I have now taken several bottles of Hood's Sarsapa rilla and find that I am entirely cured." WIixiam L. Payne, Berryvllle, Virginia. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only True Blood purifier Promi nently in the publlo eye. fl; six for $5. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass., U. S. A. II -.- rl ' o O;il0 act harroomouilr with nOOU O IT II lb Hood's erjnU, EX-CONSUL WALLER HOPEFUL lie llollerrs Onr Government Will ltYglii the Wrong Dons lllm. CLlWKLAJip, Oct. 14. CharloSt T. Max Well, It oolbrod medical Jtutlent In this city, lias received a lutter from ox-Consul John ti. "Wltllcr. Tho letter ls. iUtcd "Maison Ccntrale, du Clalrvau'x, France, Sept. 8." Aftor thauklng Mr. Maxwell for expressions of sympathy contained in a letter ho had wrltton to tho Imprisoned man, Mr. Waller says: "It gives mo great pleasure to know that I havo tho sympathy and support of tho Amorloan peoplo, who are using every lion orablo means and endeavor to socur me my liberty. I nm a victim of circum stances, nnd whether I shall finally receive justice at tho hands of tho French people or perish In a foreign prison by virtue of a hasty conviction rendered by a court mar tial in tho heat of oxcltemont undor theso circumstances rests with Goil and tho American peoplo, In yvhoso action and righteous judgment I havo the most Im plicit confldonco. "That It is tho dcslro or intention of tho French as a government to do mo ou in justice I do not for a moment believe. I am also consoled In tho knowledge of tho fact that the American people, true now ns always to their long established creed and numerous precedents touching tho protection of American citizens abroad, will not permit an lnjustlco to bo lnlhcted upon one of their citizens by. a foreign nation, no matter how humble bo that cit izen." - Kansan'a Appeal for Waller. Nkw York, Oct. 14. Ex-Governor Thomas. A. Osborne, John Guthrie, A. M. Thomas and others who havo interested themselves in behalf of John L. "Waller aro hopeful that tho petition and circular lottcr which havo been sent broadcast through Kansas will bear good fruit, and will obtain tho release of tho ox-consul from tho prison in which ho is confined. Tho petition is addressed to congress, and says in part: "Your memorialists aro in formed that whilo John L. Waller and his family were domiciled in Madagascar, and In rightful possession of a valuable laud grant bestowed upon him by tho lawful government of Madagascar, ho was wrong- tuny and forcibly arrestod by n force of soldlors commanded by an officer of the republic- of Franco, and summarily sen tenced by a pretended court martial to bo confined in prison for twenty years and tnac no was domed a hcarlncc beforo nny ttlbunal, and that ho Is now wrongfully imprisoned nnd deprived of, his liberty and property. Your memorialists respectfully pray congress to institute an investiga tion." If your children are subject to crotin watch for tho first symptom of tho disease hoarse ness. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarso it will prevent tho attack. Even after the croupy cough has appeared tho attack pan always be prevented by giving, this remedy. It is also invaluable for colds and whooping cough. For sale by Gruhler Bros., Druggists. Striking lllners Iteiumit Work. PllILIPSBURO, Pa., Oct. 14. William B. Wilson, master wnrkmnn nf fln trwl nnnn. dent Ordor of the Knights of Labor, was m ine noutzualo region on Saturday and ordered the mon who had suspended work to resumo this morning, which they did. A committee will visit representatives of the Borwlnd-Whlto Coal Mining company With a view to having tho discharged miners reinstated, the strike having been occasioned by tho dlschai go of so veral men. "Whatever may be tho result of tho conven tion to be held in Clearfield tomorrow, contrnl and northern Pennsylvania opera tors say there will ho no suspension In tho Clearfield and Beach Creek regions. South Carolina Constahlo Assassinated. COLUMUIA, S. C, Oct. 14. At Green wood, S. C J. J. Mosely, a liquor con stable,, was shot In the back of the head yesterday and Jnstantly killed. Mosely had just soized somo liquor coming In on a lato train. Ho was accompaniod by a trial justice's constahlo and had a warrant. Whilo storing tho whiskey in tho depot a negroeeizedn jug aiul ran, Mosely fired two shots at him. 1111(1 illfif", flmn U'na clirf dead from behind. Four netrroes havo beon arrested, and aro guarded in tho guardhouse. It is boliovcd that there was a consnlracv to nssimsinnrtt tlio but so far thero Is no substantial evidence against any one. ir Trouhfcd AVI III ltheumutlsm Head This. Annapolis, Md., Apr. 10, 1691. I havo used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheuma tism and found it to bo all that is claimed for it. I believiij it to be tjio best preparation for rheumatism and deep seated muscular pains on the market and cheerfully recom mend it to tho public. Jno. G. Brooks, dealer in boots, shoes, etc., Xo. 18 Main St. also head this. Mechanicsville, St. Mary County, Md. I sold a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm to a man who had been suffering witli rheu matism for several years. It mado him a well man. A. J. McGill, For sale at 50 cents per bottle by Gruhler Bros. Druggists. Famous Trick Horse Killed In a Wreck. Watkiiduky, Conn., Oct. 14. A serious freight wreck ocourrcd hero last wight, when two parts of a broken train camo togethor. Ten cars loaded with trotting horses, llvo stock and other oxhlblts from tho Danbury fair, which closed last week, wore crushed an thrown down a forty foot embankment, M.azeppa, tho famous champion trick horse of tho world, valued at M0,000, was instantly killed, ono man was fatally injured and two others seri ously hurt. The Injured aro; Georgo W, Lusgoo, both legs broken, will dlo; Henry Thompson, Boston, cut about head; Jame McCarron, Boston, contusions on hoad, arms nnd body. Counterfeiting by "Pasters." Cleveland, Oct. II. Joseph Dreyorwas brought here last night by a deputy United StatnS limrshlll mm Kfni.1.- mimiti. n.wl charged with counterfeiting. Droyer tried to pass a dollar hill which had boon fixed with pasters to represent $10. In his pos session was found u $3 bill . raised to a ISO In tho sumo way. Hp also bad pasters for 150 hills, Ho told tho Officers that he bought the pastors from u Pittsburg man, who supplied thorn by mall; This is the second arrest for n similar offenso in that vicinity within fijioit tlmu, and it is bo lleved counterfeiters are systematically at work. Ilucklon's Arnlcu Salve. The best salvo iu. tho .world for cute, brulsos, sores, ulcers, salt Thcum, fever (ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, cornB, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures plies, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mory refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasley. A fw Dbs&s of A (flffll 8 will relieve f W Pains in your Back, SideS, ' (ft) Muscles, Joints, Head, etc. (Mb J and all Kidney Troubles; jsu W Rheumatism, Gout, An- Tar t9) aemia, and other Blood Mh 1L Troubles, caused by sick u kidneys. H A few boxes will 8 cure. W) All driircints. or mulled postpaid for SOc. per box. fea "V Write for pamphlet. J W HOBB'S MEDICINE CO., CyJ Chicago. San Francitco. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS aro scientifically prepared Remedies; have been used for half a century "With entire success. o. sritritic fob 1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. S Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... 3 Trctlilna, ColicCrying, Wakefulness 4 Diorrlien, of Children or Adults 7 Couglm, Colds, Bronchitis........ 8 Xcurnlcin, Toothache, I'ncenchc... 9 Ilendnclics, Sick Headache, Vertigo. 10 Dvanciisln, Biliousness, Constipation 11 Suppressed or Painful Period.... 12 Wliltes, Too Profuse reriocb.. 13 Croup, Lnryncltls, Hoarseness..,,. 11-Salt Illiciim, Erysipelas, Eruptions. 15-llliciininllsin, or Rheumatic Pafns.. 10 Malaria. Chills. Fever and Ague 19 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in tho Head 20- WIiooplng Cough, 7-Kldnpv Uiseases, 28-JYerYous Debility 30- Urlnnrv VeaUneis,, 31- Sorc Throat, Qulnsy.Siphthcrla.... "77" for GRIP. SoW by Drnitglits.or eent prfpuld on receipt of frte't S5tj.t or for tLjtf may t rrttolr eipt SB, II. site only, JlLUritItES,BtD.CO.,lll llnilIia8tMwVor't. , Easily, QuloWy,.Permancntly Restored. "Weakness, NcrvoutnenS) veoimr, ana ait uia train ui oviis irom eariy errors or inter excesses, un results or overwork, sickness, worry, v etn. Full strength, devel- opmnni una tono given to every organ ana portion ofthotxxiv. SlmDle. nt. ural methods. Immedi ate Improvement seen. Pnilnrft ImnnMlhlp. 2.000 referencfts. Bonk. explanation and proof 3 mailed (sealed) Ireew ERIE MEDICAL CO.. Buffalo, N.V. nillions of Dollars Go un ill smoko every year. Take, no risks but get your Jiouses, slock, fur niture, etc., insured in first-class ro liaulo companies us represented by fiAVTTi PATTST Insuran Agent, UftVlU rAUOI, 130 South Main St. Also Life nnd Accidental Companies. Chtchrater'a KnslUh Dlraund Brand. Original and Only GenulnfU A SArf alwayi reliable, ladi ts DrugKlat for Chtehetttrt Xnaluh 'i''A .mend Brand In lte4 uid UoU mtulllo Vy 0X, SMJM WltQ D1U0 flbbOD. TBkO U7 no at hr r. IttfuMt danaertnt nthititti V (ion and imitation. At Pragglm, or tend 4c tn vt&mpf or ptrtlcuUn, teitlnronlali tol "itruer ior uiue, oy return ' ft! OIL lOtOOOTfitlmonUUr amJ1apr. ChlhtmwCkrmifiu IWM iliUin Hamdi w HAVE YOU More TOroat. rimnles. Conner Ulcers In Houtb, IUlr-Kalllngl Write COOK.! uoiorea upon, Aches, Old Borj t Chlcniro, 111., for proofs of cures. Cutl- lo US flayitv. lO0-puft, boon Ocev CHAS. DERR, Tonsorial Artist. 12 West Centre street. Stylish hair cuttlne specialty. Cleaa twe) with every shave. John A. Reilly, Wholesale Liquors. AGENT FOB YUENGLINQ'S LAGER BEEFi AND PORTER. 5T0CK ALE A SPECIALTY. Welter's, IJurlincr and Weiss Beer. 2-24 S. Alain St., Shenandoah, Pa. Of n head-spllttlnf; headache Immedt tely re lieved by the use of TAYLOR'S Anti-Headache Powders. They are a positive nnd speedy cure and are success Is ample proof that they are an effective article, which can be always used with the best ui results, l-rovurc ineiu iron) urunier urua. VI80Rf!IN C&Srtt- 1 I MM P 7 a W ; FUGITIVE EX-rylONK ARRESTED. tlamlcy lleaufnrt Must Answer to Charges ot fraud and Assault. LoylSVLtK, rfpt. 11. Unniloy Boaufort, tho deposed principal of Gcthsinho Col ic, near li.irtttown, Ky., was arrested Intlils city on Snturuay. nnil Is now in jnll. Tho police haro beon HcnrchliiB for Jicuufort for somo tlmo, but woro nnnblo to locate him. Ho gays ho has been In Lotilsvlllo nnd Now Albany nil tho tlmo, however. Tho causo ot Beaufort's nrrost hero wns n wnrrant sworn out by 51r. J. L. Dcppen, a clothier, charging him with obtaining jnonoy under fivlso pretenses. Beaufort, In August last, gnvo Mr. Dcppen n check for $100 on tho Marlon Nation nl bank, which was protested. Ills caso was called In tho pollco court on Saturday, but was continued until Oct. SO. An offlcor from Bnrdstown arrived In tho city with two warrants for Beaufort's arrest, chnritlng him with committing nameless offonsos upou two boys who at tended Gcthsnmno collego. Beaufort re fused to glvo ball in tho Deppen caso, claiming that ho wonld be rearrested and taken to Bardstown, whoro ho said ho wriS nfrald that ho would bo assassinated by his enemies, and he thought It was safer for him to remain lu tho Loulsvlllo jnll. Ho olalms that he will bo able to clear himself of nil tho charges against? htm nt tho proper tlmo. In the Bardstown cases bail was fixed at $2,000 each. Four Klro Fighters Hurned to Dsntli. Winnipeo, Man., Oct. 14. Four peoplo wero fatally burned near hero while fight ing pralrlo fires. Edward St. German, uged 12, was engaged with an elder brothor lu nn endeavor to savo sovoral hay stacks, when thoir clothing caught flro. Edward was burned to a crisp nnd tho elder brother 60 badly burned that ho cannot recover, At another pjoint somo Canadian I'nclflo railroad employes were endeavoring to drlva back tho llamos from tho railroad property. Edward Lukyn, a section man, and a foreman, name unknown, wero sur roundod by tho flames and both perished. It is feared othorfatalltlcs from pralrio fires have occurred, as ilros huvo boon raging on nil sides. The President Stops nt Now York. New YoitK, Oat. 14. The yacht Oncldn, haying on hoiird President Cloveland, dropped anchor yesterday at the New York Yacht club's anchorage ground at tho foot of East Twenty-sixth, street. Mr. Cleve land got In n small boat and was rowed to tho pier, where a cab was In waltlne. Mr. Cloveland juinpod Into this alone and was rapidly whirled to the re'sl'denpe. of his family physician, Dr. Joseph Bryant, nt No. 54 "West Thirty-sixth street. The president took dlnlior with tho. doctor arid his famllv, and at 8;o0 p. in. returned Vo the Oneida, wnlch started nt 'onco for tho lower bay, wTTero sho anchored for, th night. Wall Known Bleetrlelan Killed. GiieAt tiAnftiNOTo'ir, Mass., Oct. i4. Last evening Frh'u)dlh L. Pope, hn plijc- reason tho electric lights did not work to his satisfaction, and he wont down collar ,to romedy the trouble. Members ,of tie family heard its fall nnd tho lamp ex plode Mr. Pope was found lylfig beside tho convorter, lifeless. Three thousand volts had passed through his body. He was born flfty-slx years n?o In the sanio houso in which he was killed. Ilrltlsu Cruiser Ordered to Chemulpo, London, Oct. 14. A Shanghai dispatch says thai her majosty's cruiser Edgar has suddenly boon ordered to Chemulpo, whero sho will land n forco. of marines. It Is ro portod from Pekln that somo of tho Ma hometan rebels in tho provlnco of "Kr.usn havo c-.ptured tho city of Lan Chau, the capital of tho province. Dying from Fright. Coudersport, Pa., Oct. 14. A young man named Anderson, pf Galeton, this county, Is in a critical condition as tho re sult of a scare n few day's. Slnco. A boy ihrew n small, harmless snake on hint "just for fun." Ho Immediately was taken vvlth convulsions, nnd but little hope for his recovery is entertained. Naryowly Escaped Cremation. BAJVpMPRKv Oct. ,1.4. Tjio rcsl'donco of William B. Crowther, near Mount Wash ington, was burned to tho 'ground 'early yesterday,iorfl)uK , Mr, Crowther, (his wife and ."seven chlldron narrowly escap6d being burnctltq deatll, and nil the house hold effect's were destroyed. Death Uf Vhetired ltrlllsV Admiral. London, Oct. J4,T-Admlrul Sir,, Lewis Jones Is dead. Sir Lewis Tobias Jones, G. C, B., was n visitor and governor of Green wich hospital. fHo .was promoted from vice admiral'to admiral on July 14, lo71, nnd was on the retired list. Thieves Covet rostagn Stamps. Bristol, Pa., Oct. 14. The fourth at tempt wlthlu a short time to ,rob tho postofilce ut Buckingham was made Fri day night. On all four occasions the tldeves havo beon frightened off without securing any booty. Ilehxnded by Car Wheels. PoTTBTOWN,Pa.,Oct. 14. George Moyer, of Reading, was beheaded nt Packerfqrd. He and Charles Kurlomnn had boen fish ing, nnd wero about to board tho train, whon Moyor missed his hold and fell be neath tho cTTjx. ' NUGGETS OF NEWS. , New counterfeit llvo cent pieces aro cir culating In New York. Coal prices nre jumping In St. Louis, nnd thero may bo n coal famine. Low water In wells is belloved to botho cnuso of tho typhoid fovor cpldomlo in Michigan. From hydrophobia, caused by a neigh bor's dog's, bite, Martin Artors, 4 years old, of Clnclnlintl, died. On tho spot pf his attempted assault on n 14-year-old girl William Henderson, a negro, was lynched near Jackson, Mo. The supremo court of South Dakota, has reduced to two years tho term of imprison ment of defaulting ex-Stnte Treasurer Taylor. Because of disappointment in lov'o'nnd lmtucnt confinement In nn lnsano asylum, Daniel Drook, of Liborty, Intl., Tianged himself. t ( i( f i A plot to effect tho'oscapo of llarry Hay ward, the condqmncd, muplorpr ,of Cath crluo GlUg,' was'dlscovcred'by Minneapolis authorities. , ,, , The Cuban Insurgents havo tfaptilred lu Santiago bay n merchant steamer which had beon equipped as a man-of-war by Spain. Tho crew In charge wero disarmed nnd then liberated. RESCUED. On Lako Brio's Shored. Tho Captain's Wlfo Tolls tho Story. it Will Interest Many Peoplo. IProm the Buffalo Evening Aeics.) If you wero to call at 37 Front Avenuo you would And a pleasant elderly lady,' Airs. Captain Hcncsy by name. Her kindly smilo and joyous manner aro to no small extent duo to tho escape sho has had. Her own words can better describo her rescuo and ono can casllv understand her present happy condition when they realize what she has gono through. Sho says: "About five months ago I had an attack of sickness which lasted for a week and since that time I havo been subject at In tervals to similar attacks, somo of which. were longer in duration. It is hard for mo to describe how I suffered. Tho pain would commenco In my head, after which it would seem to pass down my body and settlo in my back, my sides ached, my back ached, and I had a feeling of great distress in the bowels. Tho increased pain which seemed to como from lying down, would bo almost unbearable, my face and stomach would bloat up and I could hardly stand on my feet, dizziness made it almost impossible ; this feeling was always with me even after tho violence of tho attack passed over. Tlio last attack I had was tho worst, and was so bad I would not have been able to tell this story but for Doan's Kidney Pills. As soon as I commenced their uso I found immediate relief. The pain in my back andsldes left me and the dizziness went with it; tho bloating in my face and body disappeared and all distress in my bowels was gone. I have great faith in Doan's Kidney Pills; in a short timo they did a great deal more for mo than all tho plasters and medicines which I had resorted to in seeking relief and cure. I hope always to bo able to pro cure them." For sale by all dealers price, 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y., sole agents for tho U. S. For sale at Kirlin's Pharmacy. The Backus Water Motor Is' the Most Economical Power Known,, and the Best in the World Tor Drltlttg Light Machinery, it tales but little room. It never gets out of repair. It can not blow up. It requires no fuel. It needs no engineer. Tliere.ls no delay; no . flrlilK up; no ashes to clean away; no extra Insurance to pay; no re pairing necessary; no coal hills to pay, and It hi nlwoys ready for use. It Is Invaluable for blowing Cluu-dL.PrraiUStPCJi'JJ.'l'K. .IJIjlntln I'j-csscs, Sewing Machines, Turning Lathee, Scroll Saws, Qrind Stones, Coffee Mills, Sausage Machines, Feed Cutters, Corn Mills, Elevators, Etc. Four-horso power ut 40 pounds pressure ot water. It Is noiseless, neat, compact, steady, and above all IT IS VERY CHEAP. Price, $15 to $300 Send ior circular to the Hackus Water Motor Co., Newark. N. J., stating paper you saw advertisement in. We also manufacture Patent Rotatlng and Exhaust Fans. Send 'for Special Catalogue on. Ventilating. Lager awd Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Ghris. Schmidt, Agt., 207 West Coal Street. Do you DESIRE to Make J'g MONEY ? J'i OUR PLANS OF OPERATION AS SURE ABSOLUTE SAFETY. Make your money earn you u monthly 61 Sio' 00 and more made' dsily by our new sys tematlo IMaifot Operation on hiU Investment, UweB,' TsNli'Tcsfee our new and nrlJfnniethods. l'st workings of plan and mA retereiices furnished. Our ltookiet "ftints i: l,,,,VtfV,t,,V ,n0nC3ronJ 0t"er.' "'ri'"n"er; and Ilrokers. QaoS"jloarS of Trade llldg., Chicago, III. When it comes to ' CjRbCETRIES Our stock speaks for Itself. If you don't como to town seiwl XP"r orders. They VrlU be accu rately aiid promptly Ailed. riUSSER & BEDDALL, 29 East Centre Street