f 1 EVENING HERALD HSTAUI,ISlIl:i) 1870. Published every livening. ICtcept Hunclay, nt 8 SOUTH jAltlMN HTRBET, NllAR CltNTItR. Tlio Herald la delivered InSliciiMulonli nml tlie surrounding towns for mx cent n week, lmy ablo to tlio curriers, llv mull S3.00n vonr.or i cent a month. IMynble 111 advance. Advcrtlse- Hi acwrulnnr to sino Tlio publishers reserve the right to change tlio position ot ndverrhieineiit vtiienevcrthe pinV llcation ot iiowii (IciimtitW It. Tlio right Is rccrvcd to reject nny advertisement, whether liald for or not, that tlio publishers may deem improper. Advertising rates mmle known upon application. Kntcrel at the po tolllco nt Hhcnnmloah, l'n., ni soootid claqa mall matter. TltLHI'IIONIS CONNKCTION. Evening Herald THUItSDAY, OCTOIUJU 10, 1&9B. STATE TICKET. STATE TRKASUm:i:, Benjamin J. Haywood, of Mercer. SUl'KI.IOK COUKT .TUDQKS, Jamms A. liHAVKii, of Contro. K. W. WtLLAKl), of Lackawanna. CitAnLKs K. Iiloi:, of Luzerne. Qnouqk B. OrladY, of Utmtingdon. John J. Wiokimm, of Uoaver. Howard I.hkdbr, of Northampton. COUNTY TICKET. JUDCin OF ORPHANS' COUItT, THOMAS II. !. IA'ON, of Malmnoy City. CONTltOLLKK, BENJ. It. SliVEKN, of Shenandoah. DISTIIICT ATTOItNKY, CHAS. E. 11UK0K0NS, of St. Clair. COUOSKlt, Dit. S. J. SEYr'KKT, of Pinegrovo. wnixrron or Tin: I'oon, S. It. JIIDM.ETON, ofGilberton. ' COUNTY SIIIlVKYOIt, Joseph w. oeaiiy, of rnttsviiio. Tim Baltimore base ball dub won tho pennant for 1805, finishing first of tho twelve clubs composing the National League. In the scries of games for tho Temple cup played after tlio, close of .the season Cleveland came out best and wins the cup. A yoono man charged with theft lias been in tho Tombs in Now York for ten -weeks without trial and it appears tho District At torney's ofllco knows nothing about tlio -case. Had this happened in Philadelphia tho Metropolitan papers would kick up a great hullabaloo about everybody being asleep in that city. Thk Republicans of Schuylkill county that is, those who aro so from principle havo liut one object in view in the present struggle, namely, the triumphant election of every man upon tho ticket. The question of naming tho subordinate positions in tho various offices to be filled is of small moment, and no true Republican will inject such a discussion at this'stagc of tho campaign. That is a matter to bo settled after tho election. Tho Republi can rotors aro more interested m the success of tho ticket than anything else just now. Wo trust tho gallant Major will turn in and bo with the "boys" onco more. Lord Sackvillk, he of Murchison letter fame, has tho faculty of putting his foot in it whenever ho opens his mouth. It will bo remembered that he was guileless enough when minister of England at Washington to advise a California correspondent, supposed to 1 named Murchison, to vote for Mr. Cleveland in 1S8S, for which advice tho latter promptly gave him his passports and sent liim home to England. His lordship has now published a book "for private circulation only" upon his mission. It is truly a wonder fill book, and it i6 not surprising ho was re. called. Tho only surprising thing about tho whole matter is that John Bull, who is usually very discerning, should over have put such a cousummato ass begging his lord ship's pardon in such a responsible position THE POLITICAL OUTLOOK. While thoro appears, from tho surfaco in dications, to bo a political fight on hand in this county, yet a lukowarmness exists among tho voters that is a bad omon to ono of tho two parties. Which ono will suffer most from this apparent Indifference is a question hard to decido. Tho political wisoaeros account for it from tho fact that this is au off year, and that tho voters aro quietly doing their own thinking. Schuylkill is classed in tho Republican column, under favorable conditions, and rightfully, too. The same, conditions that caused tho success of the Republican party in tho last two campaigns iu this county exist oo-day, and in sumo respects to a much groator extent. Democratic mismanagement in nation, state and county is just as much apparent, and no Democratic orator lias tho hardihood to rise to tho defensive. Thoro is not a department of public administration that does not show mismanagement since Pemoorucy assumed control. This state of affairs oxists to an alarming oxtent in this county. Hero is the indictment ag promul gated by tho Republicans in thoir platform. Read it cnrofully and ponder long aud well: "Wo condemn tlio uniform incompetency of the Democratic county oftlclals nnd especially ilenounce the present flagrant mismanagement of the District Attorney's office of pigeon-holing Indictments against political heelers who openly defy tho election laws; and call upon nil good citizens, irrespective of party, to assist us in electing to that office a lawyer of such legal attainments and personal Integrity a will en sure a proper administration of Its duties and the punishment of all offenders, regardless of party or political Influence" It would seem that tho Republican ticket should win easily, with a record such as their dversarlos aro compelled to go beforo tho lople with. Besides, every individual nominee on the KepubllrHii Urkwt exhibits pergonal slrenRth, mid collectively nnd gco graphically tlterc is hardly to b found a weak point of attack loft open fur the Democrats. "A little farm welt ttllecl. A little cellar well filled. A little wife well welled." What could you vAsi n man better than that? The hut in not tlio lengthy any menus, hut how can a wife bo well willed if she be Ae victim of thoo distressing maladies that make her life a burden? Let hor Inko Dr. Werco's Favorite Prescription nnd cure all "IMlnfUl Irregularities; uterine disorders, in flammation and ulceration, prolapsus and kindred weaknesses. It is n boom and u blessing to women. Thousands are in the bloom of health through using it, when othcrwiso they would bo under tho sod. Are you a sufferer? Use it, or some day , wo may road A llltlo wife self willed, Itoscwood coflln onrly filled, Mplto of doctor well skilled. Ovarian. Fibroid and other Tumors cured without surgery. Book, tostlmonials and reforencos, mailed securely scaled for 10 cents in stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Worse Tliau First ilnpnrt. St. PKTEltsntmo, Oct. 10. Detnlls hnvo reached here of tho capsizing of a rnft on tho lllvor Oka, near tho vlllngo of Ozcry, upon which wns n largo numbor of per sons, tho first news of which wna cabled to tho Associated Press yostcnlay. 4 It Is now learned thnt thoro wcro 200 factory bands on board tho raft when it capsized, nnd of tho largo numbor drowned forty two bodies havo been recovered thus far, including thoao of twcnty-ilvo women. It Is feared that tho death list will bo largely increased by tho final record. Vrlnceton Sluggers Victorious. Baltimouk, Oct. 10. Eleven younst men from Princeton nnd eleven other young mon from tho University of Virginia, met nt Cntonsvillo yesterday afternoon, nnd nftor they had maltreated ono another for Bomctblng moro than an hour, in a mnd struggloover a football, it was announced officially that Princeton had won by n score of 30 to'0. As an exhibition of scientific play tho contest was not edifying, Prince ton so greatly outclassing her antagonists as to mako it a one-sided nfTalr, but there was plenty of slugging, ono or two pain ful Civsualities and no llttlo blood letting. rittOiurR'n City Attorney Implicated. PlTTsnnto, Oct. 10. City Attorney Morelnnd has been implicated In tho mys terious uisappenranco ot tlio ?oo,000 inter est on city deposits drawn by his assistant, "W. II. House Chairman Tborno, of tho investigating committee, announced yes terday that John D. Scully, cx-cnshlcr of tho First National bank, told him nnd Contractor Gonrly that tho city attornoy himself hod authorized tho payment of Interest to House. Mr. IIouso refused to appear beforo tho committee to tell what disposition had been made of tho money. Accidentally Shot IlimaMf. "WELLsnoito, Pa., Oct. 10. Douglas H. Griffln.a promising young lawyer nt Mans field, in this county, was accidentally killed while ho was hnndling a revolver in his business office. A young man named Miller had spent some timo with Griffin, nnu nau just icic tno onicc, UrlUIn remark ing that ho was going to clean Ills revolver. "When on tho stairs Miller heard tho shot and rushing back found Griffin dead on tho floor, with a bullet bolo near his heart nnd tho pistol lying near him. Griffin was about 20 years of age. Hnrelars Itnld n Town. KAItATOOA, Oct. 10. Tho villago ot Greenfield, in tho middle of Saratoga county, was raided by burglars on Tues day night. Spaulding and Scott's storo was ransacked and tho snfo opened. Tho town clerk's snfo was also broken into. Tho postolllco was entered and tho safo blown open. Letters wcro destroyed nnd stamps stolon. Brico and Davis' storo was nlso plundered. Tho town was alarmed. and tho people, armed with guns, tried to catch tho bnrglnrs, but they escaped on norseoacK. Worn Out Women Should read this letter. It shows the wonderful building-up powers of Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. "I wish I could stand in some pub lic place and cry to all ailing humanity, ' Hear this, ye peo ple, what wonder ful things Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me and my family.' I cannot express what I suf fered. Only ono, ot my sex '-nows what a woman can suffer in my condition. I was prostrate with nervousness and weakness. Tho least noise would drive mo frantic, I decided to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1 am overjoyed to say that I am now well, hearty, rosy and plump. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best medicine for those suffering as I havesuffercd." Mes. O. C. Kirkfatricbt, Pine Grove, Penn. f 1; six for ?S. Hnnfl'? Pilte erto boy. easy to take. 1 Lager and Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, a.. 207 West Coal Street. THE SACKVILLE-WST LETTER. Views ot an Kngllah Vnpcr on tlio Inter national Controversy, London, Oct. 1ft Tlio statements imvlo by Lord Snokvlllts, who as Sir Lionel Sack-vllle-Wost wn tlie British minister at Washington in lsnl-89, in n pamphlet murked, "For private circulation only," hnvo caused anmzemont lu diplomatic cir cles. Trntb, commenting Upon tho state ments mado, says: "Whether it was courteous or Judicious for Lord Saekvillo to publish this attack when Mr. Hayard is ambassador in Lon don Is a dobateablo question, to which it may, however, reasonably bo replied that Mr. Bayard was Immeasurably more dis courteous and injudicious in bis behavior toward SnckviUo-West wbon tho latter was at Wasbluaton. Mr. Bavard. thoro foro, would bo mean to complain of this point. But tho mutter ncqulros exceptional Interest when it Is considered side y sldo with a recent dlsnuto recardliiir tho race for tho America's cup. It should bo rn mcnibered that Sackville-AVost was tho victim of an election trlok. An Indiscreet expression of opinion upon bis part was oxnggcratcd for tho purposo of exciting nuti-English agitation. Tho trick was successful, nnd Saekvillo-West was handed his papers. England, in tho person of lior envoy, was grossly and wantonly insulted. Mr. Cleveland, however, failed to socuro tho election. "In our relations with America, ex perience tenches us always to bo on tlie nlcrt. This has mtulo the English, per haps, over suspicious, and being so, they possibly Imagine trickery whoro it docs not exist. For this reason it Is specially advisable that international contests bo discontinued until this impression is ro- moved or tho Americans rcnllzo that tney nro sufficiently strong to depend upon themselves, without the support of sharp practice Tlio two nations nro very nearly allied, and everything should bo dono on both sides of tho Atlantic to unlto theru moro closely. B-ith nntious hnvo much It common, in America they have our peer! nnd in England wo havo their heiresses." Tho Darlington, Wis., Journal says editor ially of a ropular patent medicine : "We know from experience that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is all that is claimed for it, as on two occasions it stopped excruciating pains and possibly saved us from an untimely grave. Wo would not rest easy over night without it in the houso."' Tiiis remedy undoubtedly saves moro pain and suffering than auy other medicine in tho world. Every family should keep it in tho house, for it is sure to be needed sooner or later. For sale byGnihler Bros., Druggists. 'IIopo tor Kv. Mr. Illnnliavr. Danville, Ind., Oct. 10. Tho possibility of demonstrating tho inuoceuco of Eev. Mr. Hinshaw, who was convicted last week of wife murder, continues tolncreoso in interest. Detective Fletcher arrived in Danville, and went nt onco to tho office of Mr. Hlnshaw's attorneys and reported that ho had located the Sheridan, Ind., suspect, jnd as soon us tlio evidence against him is reduced to something n little moro definite tho man will bo ar rested. Joe Patolinn Defeats ltobert J, Lexington, Ky., Oct. 10. Nino thou sand people attended tho second day's Kentucky Trotting Horso Breeders' asso ciation races. The fcutureuof the day jyas tho defeat of Ilobert .1. by Joo Patchon. Tho crowd went wild with excitement, nml each of tho llvu heats was a battle royul. Time, 2.08, 2.05K, 2.01 2.09Ji,2.0O. Curo for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Bitters lias proved to bo the very best. It effects a permanent cure and tho most dreaded liamtual sick headaches yield to its influence. Wourcoall who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and givo this remedy a lair trial, lit case ot habitual constipation Electric Bittors cures by civiiiE tho needed tone to the bowels, and fow cases long resist tho uso of this medicine. Try it once, largo bottles only B0 cents at A. Wasley's Drug More. Hocking Valley Minora' U'-e Advanced. Cleveland, Oct. 10. In nccordunco with tho Juno ngrcement nnd their notion nt tlio Columbus meeting, two wcoks aero, tho Hocking Valley coal operators havo advanced tho wages of their nun. Tlio now price is flfty-flvo conts nt mines wliero tho men nro paid In cash, and sixty cents where thoro nro company stores. This is an lncroaso of nlno cents per ton, nnd cor responds with tho raiso mado in tho Penn sylvania fields. Train Wrecker Vto Dynamite, Cincinnati, Oct. 10. An attempt wns mado near Cochran, Ind., to wreck n iJiUUmoro & Ohio southwestern oxnross, Tho engine struck o dynamlto cartridge which had been fastened to the inner hull, and Engineer Higson nnd hisJlrcmau woro badly stunned. Great damage was dono to tho engine. Fortunately the cars did not leave tho track. Tho motive of tho attempt was evidently robbery. Mx Children Burned to Death. Tweed, Ont., Oct. 10. A llro attended with terriblo rosults occurred nt Snider, a station on tho Canadian Pacific railway, ' thirty miles north of this town. A houso j occupied by Thomas Llndsuy, his wlfa nnd i eleven children was destroyed, and six of ' thochildren woroburnedtodaatli. Lindsay himself was badly burned, aud was almost suffocated by smoko in attempting to savo tho children. Uniformed Veterans ISxnlndod from Church Detroit, Oct. 10. During u funeral of an army veteran nt Port Huron Father Spaeth, tho Catholio prlost who officiated, forbade-tlio pallbearers to entor bis church while wearing G. A. H. badges, on tho grounds that regalia of any sore is not np proved by tho churoh. Bishop Foloy wns seen hare and said that the Port Huron prlost hod committed an egregious bluii' dor. Mrs. Chanter HJvorced. New Youk, Oct. 10. Mr. W. O. Max well, of tho law linn of Chanler, Maxwoll & Phillip, is nuthorlty for tho stntoinout that a decree of divorce, on tho grouud of Incompatibility, has been grunted Mrs. Ainello Hives Chnnlor. It is Htuted that there wns no opposition to tlio decreo, und that nothing In tho pluadings or tho pro ceedings reflected on oitlior of tho partioa. If your children ore Mibjcet to croup watch for the first symptom of tho dlsoaso hoarse ness. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given us soon as tho child 'ecomos hoarse it will prevent tho ottack. Even after tho croupy cough has appeared tho attack can always bo provontcd by giving this remedy. It is also invaluable for colds and whooping cough. For sale by GruhlorBros., DrugglsU METHODS OF TREATMENT TORS' FEES. SAVE D0C- A Scperato Specific for Each Diseases Fos ltivo and Permanent Curo With Mun yon's Homo Remedlos You Can Become Your Own Physician. Read Munyon's Guide to Health. It Will Cost You Noth ing and May Save Your Life. Professor Mtinyon does not claim that ho has ono remedy that will curo all complaints, but that ho has prepared a specific curo for nearly every disease Ho does not claim that his Rheumatism Curo will curo consumption, dyspepsia or any other complaint, but ho does guamntco that it will euro rheumatism. His Dyspepsia Curo is prewired expressly to curo dyspepsia; his Cough ('tiro to cure coughs: his Catarrh Remedies to curo catarrh; his Kidney Cnro to euro kidnoy troubles. Tlio samo may bo said of all his different remedies. Why Not Try tho New Methods ? Why pay big doctor bills to have your con stitution ruined by old-fashioned dosos of mercury, quinine and morphine? Why not try the new way ? Munyon's Remedies are prepared in a manner that enables everyone to obtain them from any druggist at 23 cents a bottle. A separate specific for each dis ease. Absolutely harmless and promptly ef fectual in curing even tlio most obstinate diseases. Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 1B05 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered with free medical advice for auy disease. In Errr.CTM.Ancn 24, 1895. Passenecr trains leave Shenandoah lor Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Le highton, Slatinntnn, White IIall,Catasauqna, AlTentown, Bethlehem, Enston and Weatherly at H 114, 7 38, fl 15 a m., 12 43, 2 7, 5 27 p m For New York and Philadelphia, 6(14, 7 8t, i) 15 a. m., 2 43, 2 57. p. m. For Qua kake. Switchback, Gerhards and Hudeondale, 9 15 a ni. and 2 57 p. rn. For Wilkcs-Harre, White ilaven, I'lttBton, Lacey ville, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly and ttlmlra, o IM, 1111111,2 0. o zi p m. For Rochester, uullalo, Niagara Falls and tho West, 9 15 a. m. and 2 57, 5 27 p. m. For Uelviderc, Delaware waicr uop and Stroudsburg, 6 04 a. m, 2 57 p. m. For Lambertville and Trenton, 9 15 am. For Tankhannock, B 04, 9 15 a, m., 2 57, 5 27 p. 111. For Ithaca and ueneva, 6 114. v la a ni, 5 27 p m. For Ail burn, nam, 5 2 p m. For Jeanesville, Leviston and Beavor Meadow, 7 38 a. ni., 12 43 p. m. For Btockton and Jjumber xard, 6 04, 7 38, U 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08 p. m. For Bilver urooK Junction, AUdenried and Hazleton, 0 04, 7 38, 9 15 am. 12 43, 2 57, 52? and 8 08 p m. For ncranton, 0 m, a la a m, 2 a? ana a i p m. For Hazlebrook, Jeddo, Drifton and Free- land, 6 04, 7 38, 915 a. m., 12 43, 2 67, 5 27 p. in. For Ashland, Girardville and Lo3t Creek, 4 40, A 15, 7 30, 9 13, 10 20 a. m., 12 35, 1 40, 4 10, 6 35, 8 22 p. in. Far Raven Run, Centralis, Mount Carmol andShamokln, 9 13, 11 14 a m, 1 32, 4 20, 8 22,9 15 p. m. For Yatesville, Park Place, Mahnnoy Citj and Delano, 5 50, n 04, 7 38, 9 15, 11 05 a. in., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08, 9 23, 10 53 p. m. Trains will leave tihamokin at 5 15, 8 15 11 45 a. 111., 1 55, 4 30, 9 30 p. m., and arrive Shenandoah at 6 04, 9 15 a. ni , 12 43, 2 57, '7. 11 15 d. 111 Leave Shcnandoan for Pottsville, 6 04, 7 38,9 08, 11 05,11 30 a.m., 12 43, 2 57,4 10, 5 27, 8 08 p. m. Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, 6 00, 7 40. 9 05, 10 15, 11 48 a. m., 12 S2, 3 00, 4 4(1 5 20, 7 15, 7 55, 9 40 p. m. Leave Shonandoah for Hazleton, 6 04, 7 33 9 15, a. 111., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 "8 d. m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7 35, 10 05, 11 06 a. m., 12 15, 2 58, 5 30, 7 25, 7.' 56, p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Raven Run, Centralia, Mt. Carmel and Sbamokin, 6 45 a. m., 2 40 p. in, and arrive at Shamokiu at 7 40 a. m. and 3 45 p. m. Trains leave Sliamokin for Shenandoah at 7 55 11. m. and 4 00 p. 111., and arrive at Shen andoah at 8 49 a. in. and 4 58 p. m. Trains leave for Ashland, Girardville and Lost Creek. 9 40 a. m., 12 30 p. m. For Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, Penn Ilaven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and New York, 8 49 a.m., 12 30,2 55 p. m. For Philadelphia, 12 30, 2 55 p. m. For Yatesville, Park Place, Mahanoy City and Delano, 8 49, 11 35 a.m., 12 30, 2 55,4 58, 6 03 p.m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8 30 11 30 a. m., 1 05, 5 30 p.m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsville, 5 55, 8 49,9 32 a.m., 2 40 p. m. Leave Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah, 8 30, 10 40 a. m 1 35, 5 15 p. m. ROLLIN II. WILBUR, Genl. Supt., South Bethlehem, Pa. CHARLES S. LEE, Genl. Pass. Agt., Philadelphia. A. W.NOWNf MAC1IER, Asst. G. P. A.. 8outh Bethleliom. Pa i Chtcheiter's KnglUh DUmond Itrsnd. EftNYROYAL FILLS Urlelnal and Only Genuine. rc, alwayi reliable, ladies uk Drugclit for Chichester $ Enaluh Dia- nondBrani Id lted and Ooli meUllV uoiei, fe&iea with blue ribbon, Toko no other. Jtefuttdanaeroutauhititu twiu and imitation. At J)ruggliita, or Mod 4c la itampi for particular!, tualtmoalali mod "Heller for T.adlt-," in letter, by return ill Mil. jiiiuuu ienimgnmi. j am jvp tr, Chlheftter Chemical o..Madtaon ftqintiv ao, ruulKU. i.'h,ll-o Of a bead-splitting headache Immcdl.tcly re lieved by the use of TAYLOR'S Anti-Headache Powders. They ore a positive and speedy cure and are guaranteed absolutely linrmless. Their great success Is ample proof that they are on effective article, which can be always used with the beat of results. Procure them from Oruhler Ilros, D Celebrated Female I'owdera never tall. lafe tod lure (toer falling with Tmut ind PenDTronl 11Ui and other UU remnlle.1. Alorava kn.th. heat and avoid dltaDs poliitment. Guaranteed luperlor to all otaen. roiitim lhebf.tlnthein.tket, ANo'l. rartlculilMcU.' Wr.B.T. SIX, Hack Bar, Itottott, Uui. 11 - At lOJtr.Ul" CAMPOS INTERVIEWED m The f punish Coininniidrr In Culm on the InaurRcnt L'prlfttnc. New Youk, Oct. 10. Tho vVnrld copy right cable from Santa Clara Ott f. via Key West, Fin... says. Captain Gem-rat Martinez Campos conversed with me two hours today at tho general headquarters of the Spanish army lu this city. The statement w.bioh follows is in substance what General Campos nld In response to a series of questions "At present tho military situation in Cuba is satisfactory Tho rebellion has nt tnlnrd greater scope than 1 anticipated when I cmlmrked from Spain. "At present there are numerous sninll bands of insurgents scattered nbout tlio country in tho provinces of Santlogo.Com aquoz nnd Ln Villas. In Mntanzua thoro are only a very fow rebels against author ity. Tho insurgents aro not all armed, and thoir supply of ammunition is doflclout ln some districts. "Thoro Is a consldornblo number Of Spanish troops, on tho island thoiighjit lft not us largo us tho conditions warrant. Tlio war will bo conducted on different linos from tho last ono. I havo n doflnlto policy ln my operations. In Novcmbct thoro may bo looked for as active and as nggrosslvo campaign as I cau mako. "My present plan Is to dlvldo tho troops Into small detachments, tho numbor of each column varying according to circum stances. Were 1 to send out a column ol say 5,000 men thoy would havo tho march for their pains, Tho insurgents would molt nway in tho denso and difficult couu try where thoy find shelter. "I do not understand Gomez's course. 1 think highly of lii3 military capacity, but ho does nothing. Perhaps bo is restricted by tho orders of tho junta in Now York; 01 he may bo very short of ammunition. "Tlio Spanish blood does naturally seek alight. It rather avoids one. But when compelled to fight tho Spaniard becomes a hero. Tho insurgents aro without tils oipllno, and thoy rnroly aro aggressive lighters. Hut drlvo a Cuban Into n cor ner, with his back to tho wall, and ho will fight llko a hungry wolf. "Tho lack of arms and ammunition has always boon n drawback to tho Insurgents. They usually havo nearly as many un armed mon as armed ones. When there Is an engagement tho unarmed men carry off tho dead aud wounded, taking coro to sectlro tho fallen man's arms first." Senator Irby Indignant. Columbia, S. 0., Oct. 10. Senator Irby vigorously attacks tho report of tho suf f rogo commltteo, of which Sonator Till man is chairman, to tho constitutional convention. Senator Irby says: "I look upon that report as a political monstrosity ono of the most dangerous schemes over concerted in tho brain of mnn. In tho first place, hero is a sweeping clauso positively disfranchising overy whito man ln South Carolina who is not ablo both to read and write, or does not own nnd pay taxes upon $300 worth of propert in our stato. It is total disfranchisement of tho poor and il literate white man as well ' as tho negro laboring under tho samo political disabil ities." Tammany's Municipal Ticket. New York, Oct. 10. Tammany Hall wigwam was crowded lost night nt the opening of tho county conventions to nom inate candidates for the city and county. Tho following ticket was nominated: Forjustlco of tho supremo court, Charles H. Truan and Frederick Smyth, Tam many, and Charles F. McLean, Gorman -American Hcforni union; Judges of Iho court of general sessions, Joseph E. New burger nnd General Martin I. MacMohon; county clerk, Henry D. Purry; register, William Sohmer; justices of tho city court, Robert A. Van AVyck (renomi nated), John P. Schumann and Edward F. O'Dwycr. monument to Connecticut Volunteers. Winxiiesteh, Va., Oct. 10. Forty-ono members of tho Eighteenth Connecticut volunteers yestordny dedicated tho mon ument which is being erected in tho Na tional cemetery hero by tho surviving members of tho regiment in memory of their dead comrades. Mayor Lupton wel comed tho veterans ln a happy manner. Tho oration of the day was made by Judgo D. Torronco, of tho supremo court of Connecticut. All of tho speeches woro conservative. Tho monument, which i3 not yofc completed,, is of granlto, and is a very handsome design. New Yorkers Oolne Home to Vote. Washington, Oct. 10. Tho Now York stato Domocrats in tho eight federal de partments nnd tho government printing ofllco held a business meeting last night, nt which committees were appointed to so curo tho registration and voto of overy Now York Democrat ln Washington. A thorough canvass is under way, and indi cates that fully as many Now York Domo crats intend to return to thoir homes this year to voto as usually go during a presi dential year. Ohloago's Trolley Oar Holdup. CniCAQO, Oct. 10. Thoro havo boon threo arrests iu connection with tho trolloy car holdup of Monday night, and it was anuounccd that tho officers of tho strcot car company had takcu out warrants for two of their former employes, who, it is beliovcd, wero concorned in the robbery. Tho officers refuse to divulgo tho names of tho men who aro undor arrest. Dlipemary Law Hnstalneil. CHAKLBSTON, S. C, Oct. 10. In tho United Stntos court Circuit Judgo Simon ton rendered a decision in tho case of Lowonstoln & Co., of Statosburg, N. C , who tried to havo tlio dispensary law de clared unconstitutional on tho ground of its being a monopoly. Tho decision su talned tho law nnd tho suit was dismissed. Penimrlvanla Defeats Orescent. Brooklyn, Oct. 10. Tho gnmo of foot ball between tho University of Pennsyl vania and tho Croscont oloven, at Knstern Park yostcrday afternoon, resulted in a victory for tho Pennsylvania pluyers by a score of to 0. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Governor Altgold.'of Illinois, is a can didate for renomlnation by tho Democratic stato convontlou. Tho Australian cricket council has de cided to send a cricket team to Elngland and Amorloa iu 1890. Governor Clough, of Minnesota, issues' a proclamation to sheriffs forbidding tho proposed Neodham-Mooro prizo light. Tom Spoer, living nour Miljier, Go., killed his eight children by feeding thorn "rough on rats." Ho 18 in jail. Jealousy of his wlfo prompted tho deod. At Bayard, "W. Va., about thirty dwel lings and bIx Btores woro destroyed by Are, entailing a loss of about 50,000, nnd rendering a largo numbor, of fumllles homeless, . SICK KIDNEYS THE CAUSE OF A HUN DRED DISEASES. How Kidneys Cause Disease by Not At ' tending: ti Their putlcsHow They Can Cure Diseases by PurlfylnK the Blood Our Blood Filters How to Cleanse Them. Your lungs supply air to your blood. Your heart pumps it all over your body. Your kidneys filter it. Yon would dio if any of those three great organs stopped their work. Hut if any ono is moro important than the others, it is tho kidneys. If your heart is the cause of ono diseaso, your kidneys aro tho causo of twenty. Treating tho kidneys is a great help ia sonio lung and heart diseases. liut treating your lungs or your heart will never benefit your kidneys. When you feel dull, ambltlonlcss, dizzy, tired, nervous, havo pain in your back, head ache, chilly sensations, evil forbodings, puffincss of the eyelids, swolllng of tlio feet and ankles, when you nro losing Uosh and sleep, you may bo suro you have kidney . troubles. As Boon as tho kiducys fall sick they stop doing their work. Tho stop Altering tho blood, Tills is worso than ever. Thoro is poison iu tmflHered blood. Tho nnisnn is wlmt. riiiu c,.rill.l "Mm.? diseases," such as Rheumatism, Gout, Anaemia, Chlorosis, Neuraluia. Kruntions. etc. Tho kiducys causo those diseases. Tlio kidneys cau curo them, if they aro themselves first cured. They can bo cured witli Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills. Tho wonderful action of Dr. Hobb's Spara gus Kidney Tills on tho kidneys lies in tho great curative powers of tho Asparagus plant. You can test its tonic action on your kidneys by eating a dish of it. liut this action is a thousand times strengthened in Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills. They contain the active ingredient of Asparagus, extracted by a special process. They aro strong. They act instantly. They givo immediate relief. They curo in a very short time. liut they aro perfectly harmless, purely vegetable, and contain nothing injurious to health. Kidney troubles aro dangerous. Bright's Diseaso is tho worst of them. Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Klduey Pills will cure Bright's Diseaso. They will curo all other kidnoy troubles. They tono up and strengthen the sick kidneys. They givo them fresh life and strength. Thoy give them energy to begin work again as if they had never been sick. As soon as tho kidneys aro well, your other diseases will begin to go. Your pains and aches in your limbs, muscles and joints, your headaches, yourpalo checks, your pimples and eruptions will all disappear. Not becauso Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills nro really attacking each ono of these. troubles, but becauso they havo cured your kidneys, and your kidnoys nro beginning again to purify and filter your blood. If you will try Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kid ney Pills you will And that they will take effect after a few doses. You will feel at onco how much good they aro doing you, and you .will aa on until-you-are-curedt - This is a severe test, but Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills will stand it. They aro for sale by all druggists or mailed prepaid on receipt of prico, 50 cents per box. Writo for interesting pamphlet "A Filter for Your Hlood," mailed free on request. Hobb's Jlcdicino Co., Chicago or San Fran cisco. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys' "Witch. Hazel Oil as a curative and healing application. Jt has been, used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, Externat or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate cure certain. It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated' Wounds and Bruises. It Cures Boiis, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Drnggiati, or Bent poit-puld on reoelptof price. licnr-iiBEis'iiEu. co., til iunmnst.,Knf Vort. Easily, Qulckly,.PermancntIy Restored. Weslcneia, Nervousness, ueniiiij', ana au me train .01 oviia irom eariy errors or later excesses, mi results 01 overwork, elcknets. worry, v etn. Full strength, devel. jopment ana tono given to leverv ororan and nortlon of the body. Simple, nat 1 m ' ute Improvement seen. Pnlltira lmooMlble. 2.000 references. Book. explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL GO., Buffalo, IU, IS1. J. LAWLOR, Justice of the Peace Insurance and Real Estate Agent, 123 East Centre St. alWO-STOUV Frame Building, 30x15 Icet on Bouth Chestnut street. Kents for 818 per month ; will be sold cheap. IrOK SAI.K. 1IU lot and two houses, situated 1 on West Centre etrcct. Will pay 12 ye cent, on Investment, and can be bought on eoey terms. T7IAKM FOR SALK. A farm of 83 acres, with X! In three miles of good market, Twenty nine acres under cultivation, and four acre ot good timber. Frame larra house, six rooms, good barn and all in good condition. Will bo sold for 81,200 cash. IKOIt BALE. Valuable property on Kaet Lloyd, ' direct. Lot 41x150 feet 1 seven houxea, in cluding restaurant. Aggregate rental, 890 ne month. A rare bargain. Apply to M. J, Ijjwlor, Justice I tho Pence. No. 12U Kuat Centre at rest WITCH HAZEL OIL rfevfS. r UV LyW 11 1 6 TV i