The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 10, 1895, Image 1

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VOL. X.-NO. 251.
Baby Carriages.
Large Stock,
South Main St.,
An Opportunity
Is now offered
Fall and
TO make their purchases
not only from the largest
and best selected stock
of both foreign and domestic
fabrics ever exhibited in this
county, but also at prices fully
20 per cent, less than their
present actual value. Hard to
find such another display of
fine Dress Goods as we have
here. We call special atten
tion to the following :
FANCY HOUCLE, 45 in. wide, 76c, worth $1.00
" CHEVIOTS, M ln. wide, $1.00 " l.Xi
CRErON, black only 1.65 " 2.2.5
CBAVHNKTTR CLOTH, black and navy, CO In.
wide, very fine quality and (yuarantced water
proof, only $1.20, worth 81,75.
BLACK IIENHIETTA, 45 In. wide, double warp
MvX would bo extra value for $1.00, only GOc.
every clay. If ypu want a good liome-niado loaf of bread or a cake give us a call.
Best accommodations and cosiest ladies' parlors in town. Families supplied at short
constantly on band. AU orders promptly
balls, theatre partics'and sociables. '
UN -TIL. JANUARY 1, 1896
, 8oq Children's Suits at from 65 cents and upwards 1
300 Pair1 Men's Pants.
250. Children's Overcoats at $1.00 and $1.25, worth $300.
A "big line of Men's Overcoats
a Jjjg stock ot. men's ana boys
Now is your 'time. ' At the
S3 South rvialr-i Street,
E. F". SU POWITZ, Prop..
Our Fancy Java, or
In regard to Tea, we occupy a front rank, all our Teas being very
carefully 'selected by competent judges, and a trial order will
convince you that we can please the. most fastidious customers.
We offer.' nothing but good grades that are noted for quality,
color and flavor, and they are sold at popular prices
Best Make, Lowest Prices.
all buyers of
Black and Colored HENRIETTA, a full as
sortment of shades, 45 inches wide, lino
wcavo and finish and extra heavy weight
w- SO Cents
Can't bo matched under 75c.
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
All are to bo seen hero in tho nowest styles
and best materials, guaranteed best made
and best fitting garments in tho market.
Wo have them in ladies' from
$3.50 to $15.00.
Misses' and Children's, $2.25 to $9.
Do not forget to sco our BLANKETS,
second iloor. Our prices on them mean a
saving of 15 to 25 per cent, to you.
Wo handlo Butterick's Paper Patterns. Stylo
sheets-given away frco of charge.
INo. 27"
N. Main St.
Bread"" and Cakes
attended to. Special attention given to
Caterer and Confectioner,
Cor. Jardin and Oak Streets. .
marked down to half prices. Also
suits. Uig bargains in
Shenandoah, Pa
Man, supplied with reasoning and dis
cerning powers, may improve his con
dition by the exercise of these faculties
This can be applied with very good
effect in the purchase of Coffees and
Teas. A good cup of Coffee depends
not only on the making but the brand
of C6ffee, the grade, the roasting and
preparation are very, important factors
We feel confident that we can meet all
(those requirements. A delicious cup
Coffee is a certainty if you use
our Fancy Blended Coffee.
Splendid House Warming by the Phoenix
Fire Company.
A Glorious Tlmo In Which Several Hundred
People Participated-P. M. Dunn, Esq.,
Eulogizes the Volunteer Firemen.
Description of tho New Quarters.
Tho Phicnlx Fire Company Inst night spent
ono of tho most enjoyable ovonlngs of its ten
years' existence in the dedication of its now
homo on North Jardin street. Tho building
was brilliantly illuminated and tho hospitali
ties of tho company wcro most genorously
extended to several hundred people, who
filled all apartment of tho structure until a
lato hour and mado tho neighborhood ring
with tho echoes of their morrimeut.
Tho company had made elaborate arrange
ments for tho nuair and they wcro carried
out successfully with ono exception. Tho
members of tho Borough Council had been
invited to participate in tho parade and
festivities and assembled at tho regular placo
of meeting to await tho call of tho company's
committee. By an oversight tho Councilmcn
wcro left in tho rendezvous wliilo tho band
and committee walked off with members of
tho Columbia Hoso Company, who were
assembled in their apparatus room on tho
first iloor of tho borougli building. Later a
special committco returned and escorted tho
Councilmen to tho scene of festivitios. It
was explained that tho failuro to call for
them in time for tho parado was duo to a
misunderstanding on the part of tho com
mittco that managed tho parade, tho com
mittee being different from tho one that made
tho arrangements with Council.
The lino of parade consisted of tho
Lithuanian band, two carriages containing
'. SI. Dunn, Esq., of Slincrsvillc, who was
selected to make tho dedicatory address.
Slcssrs. Knelley & Frederick, of Hazleton,
who constructed tho building, Frank X.
Iteilly, of Pottsville, tho architect and mem
bers of tho committco of arrangements,
followed by tho Columbia Hose and Ifescuo
Hook and Ladder companies in full uniform,
tho Phumix Company bringing up tho rear.
Upon arrival at the now building tho fire
companies formed in front of it with a largo
gathering of pcoplo, while tho speaker of tho
evening was escorted into tho building and
from tho openings at tho second story Sir,
J. F. O'Uaren delivored tho introductory
address to tho gathering on tho street. Tho
cold weather led tho speakers to brevity.
Sir. O'Uaren recited tho events leading to
the construction of tho edifice and paid com
pliments in behalf of tho Phoenix Company
to tho architect, contracting builders and
others who engaged in tho work, Ho also
referred in complimentary terms to tho
thirty ladies of tho corps of public school
teachers and two other ladies who presentod
the company with a handsome silk flag. He
said that had thoy gathered all tho valuables
of tho world and presented them to tho
company they would not have been moro ap
predated than tho flag and tho company will
always stand ready to defend it, if need bo
with their blood. Sir. O'Haren introduced
P. M. Dunn, Esq.,, as "a frieud of the Phoe
nix Firo .Company and friond of overy firo-
man in ocuuyiKiu county, an aoio lawyer,
and an honored citizen."
Mr. Dunn spoko for about 20 minutes and
paid a glowing tribute to tho volunteer fire
men. Ho said of all men In tho world they
deserve monuments to commemorate tho
great servico and heroic deeds thoy perform
in protecting life and property against the
firo fiend, but thoy are left to erect their own
monuments. Tho buildings, such as tho
Phoenix Firo Company has erected, ho said,
stand as monuments to show that the
volunteer firemen stand ready to protect tho
people, to savo the mansion of tho wealthy
as well as tho lowly cabins of tho poor from
tho ravages ofthe flames.
After tho cheers and applause following tho
address died away tho building was tiirown
open to tho public and witbln a few minutes
all parts of it were filled. Tho basement had
been converted into a dining room for tho
malo visitors and tho ladies were served iu
tho upper apartments from trays passed by.
members of tho company. Sandwiches and
liquid refreshments of various kinds were
For about an hour tho Lithuanian band
entertained tho assemblage in the apparatus
room 011 the: main floor, under the direction
of Prof. F. Zeitz, and at; abqut 10 o'clock
dancing' commenced, tho music being fur
nished by the Iilloy orchestra.
Wliilo tho fostivitios weroin progress on tho
main floor a largo assemblage on tho second
floor enjoyed au impromptu feast of vocal,
selections under the direction of Sir. P. J.
Jlulliolland. Slany choico and popular selec
tions woro rendered by tho Columbia Hoso
Company quartette, Patrick Slellale, John
Cooney. T. J. Slullahy, Edward Tobiu, P. J,
Fccloy, Tliomas Flaherty.
It wa3 a lata hour when tho last of tho as.
Ecmblago left for their homes wishing tho
Pliumlx Firo Company a.long and prosperous
career In its now quarters, and so say wo
all of us."
Tho Phasnix Firo Company may feel proud
of its new structure From an artistic
point, and in matter of conveniences aud
adaptability to tho requirements of its pur
poses, tho building is certainly one of tho
finest in tho interior of tio state. Tho
carved white stono frontago is exceedingly
attractive and as to appoaranco there is no
fire company liousu in this county that com
pares with it.
As it stands tho propqrty represents an
investment by tho company of at least $13,000.
Tiio building is two storios high, 72 feet deep
and 20 feet wido. Tho front is built of In
diana llmo stono. Tho sido and rear walls
are brick. On tho first floor there is an ap
paratus room 10x50 feet lu slzo and lias a
height of 14 feet. Thero is a fivo-foot oiled
pino wainscoting, tho floor is of maple, tho
walls are rough coated and tho celling white
cbatcd. At tho rear of tho apparatus room
there is a reading room 10x21 feet. This
opartmont contains closets for gum coats and
other paraphernalia and supplies. On tho
south side of tho building there is a hallway
fivo feet wido loading from an entrance from
tho street independent of tho entrance to tho
apparatus room. Tills hallway runs to tho
rear part of tho building, whero a stairway
leads to tho second floor. In this part of tho
building there is a commodious bath room. To
tho north of tills apartment is tho company's
meeting room 20 feet deep and 15 feet wido.
A neat brass railing in a corner of tho room
encircles a polished bras3 tubo upon which
tho firemen may slide down to tho apparatus
room instead of descending tho stairway
when an alarm Is sounded. The third apart
ment of tho same floor is .tho parlor. It is 21
feet wido and 38 feet long. It is tho front
room of tho floor and is connected with tho
reading room by folding doors. Tho parlor
has not been furnished, but will be in tho
near future and tho company promises to
make it as comfortable and attractive as any
in tho region. Tho basement extends tho
full length and width of tho building and is so
arranged that it can b'b used as a washing and
drying room for tho hoso.
Dancing school on Saturday night by tho
Schoppo orchestra. 10-3-2W
Arbitrator Appointed.
Iu tho ejectment suit of Luke Kcenan
against Thomas VaiiDusen the court lias ap
pointed Charlo8 Graeber, Charles Boycr and
Henry Hauso arbitrators, and thoy will meet
to hear tho evidence at Pottsvillo on the 19th
inst. i
Fraud Alstatt, Henry Hauso and Charles
Boyor, of Pottsville, luivo been appointed
arbitrators in the landlord and tenant caso
of J. J. Frauey against the Homo Friendly
Society, aud will meet at Pottsville ou tho
21st inst. to hear tho testimony.
Get ono of those pretty oil cloth rugs for
under your heating stove, at C. D. Fricko's
carpet store. New lot just lu.
' Collector Hon Inn Under Fire.
Collector Grant Herring, of this internal
revenue district, is charged by cx-leputy
Collector W. J. Burko with criminal neglect
in transacting tho business of tho otlice,
inefficiency and immorality. Sir. Herring
appeared before Commissioner Jliller at
Washington on Saturday, and -tho meeting
between hiin aud Sir. Burko is said to havo
been very warm. The Commissioner's de
cision lias not yet been mado known.
A lilt fur Coughs and Colds.
What? Pan-Tina, 2oc. At Gruhler Bros.,
drug store.
Tenipernnco ltully.
A business meeting of ministers of tho
Primitive Methodist church from the Schuyl
kill district at Sit. Carmcl was turned into a
tempcranco rally which proved very success
ful. Rev, John Bath, of town, was in at
tendance. Special liargulns
In flecco lined underwear. At Slax Lovit's,
15 East Ccntro street.
Normal School.
The State Normal School at Wost Chester
lias 542 pupils enrolled, 8 of whom aro from
Schuylkill county, among them being Slary
E. Burko, Shenandoah ; A. E. Lcfflcr, Foun
tain Springs; Laura E. Swartz, Park Place,
and Kathcrino E. Wagner, of Slahanoy City.
Attend tho Schoppo orchestra dance at
Whins' hall on Saturday night. 10-3-2w
Narrowly Escaped Death.
Slartin Fritz, a slato picker at Spring Dalo
colliery, near Slahanoy City, narrowly es
caped death on Tuesday. Ho fell under a
screen and his clothes were torn from his
person. Tho jagged ends of the screen
segments inflicted numerous cuts upon ills
Kemlrlck Hoiiho Free Lunch.
Fried liver and onions to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
l'oot Hall Mutch.
It has been decided that the game of foot
hall between the Shenandoah and Slahanoy
City teams next Saturday will bo played on
t)m hitter's grounds and tho return game will
bo played horo on tho 10th inst.
Trilby and Jumbo soup at Scheifly's to
night. "Will llulld Six Houses.
Edward Coylo, of town, has contracted
with John Cooney for tho erection of six
dwelling house at New Philadelphia. Sir.
Cooney will commenco operations at once.
Don't Vorget.
If you aro not feeling well, If you are run
down and need something to invigorate you,
don't forget that Columbia beor or porter is
just what you need to tone up your system.
It is puro and wholesome.
ltecelved Ills Commission.
Controller B. It. Severn, of town, yester
day received his commission from the Gover
nor, and is preparing his bond to bo filed be
fore taking chargo uf his olUco.
Trilby and Jumbo soup at Scheifly's to
night. Appointed District President.
A. IS. Garner, of Ashland, lias been ap
pointed District President of tho Schuylkill
Columbia district of tho P. 0. 8. of A.
Wutson House Frco Lunch.
Scalloped oysters to-night.
Clam soup to-morrow morning.
There Never Whs a Hotter Cure
Than Pan-Tina for Coughs, 25o. At druhlor
Bros., drug store.
Finally Solved by the Selection of Hot
Springs, Ark.
Martin Julian, Fitzsiminons' Manager, Gains
Ills Point That the Name of the
Referee Shall Not be Known Until
the Day of tho Fight.
DALLAS, Tox., Oct. 10. The Florida
Athletic club yosterday moved Its head
quarters to Hot Springs, Ark., whoro it
will hold its pugilistic carnival of threo
days, commencing Oct. !J1, the date orig
inally selected and already given out. All
tho partlosto the contest have fully agreed,
aud tho matter is settled.
Conditions having changed so quietly
and positively, tho ditto mid place of the
mill being named In loss than twenty-llvo
hours after tho conference, though tho
club had forty-eight hours from Tuesday
night to decklo In, thero were lots of
things to bo done, Including tho arrange
ments for Rotting to work on a building
nnd preparing for transportation. How
ever, a great many mutters were arranged
In tho conference Tuesday night. Tho
quostion came up nt tho oonf orenco whether
or not Julian nnd Brady would agree to
fight outsldo ot Texas. Tlioro was no dif
ficulty on this score. That bolug settled,
tho question was would they consent to
moving the dato to Nov. 20. Both opposed
this. Their men, they snid, wcro already
on fighting edgo, so to speak. Julian In
sisted particularly ou this. It seems, there
fore, that a concession was made In tills
regard by tho club.
Brady sprung n tolcgrnm lrom 1 fill .
Dwyer, of Now York, the official stake
holder, that Fltzsimmous' stake money
had been attached, tho amount involved
being $S,100. Brady and Julian hod a dis
cussion over this, ending in Julian prom
ising to mako good tho amount on Oct. 18.
Julian blamed Attorney Friend, of Now
York, for tho attachment proceedings, as
sorting that ho forced himself ou Fitzslm
mons, nnd otherwise, as Julian charges,
used Fitzslmmons as a handlo to keep
himself beforo tho public in connection
with tho A iv trallau's ivlfalrs. A claim was
put in by Julian for tho forfeit of 2,500
if tho mill does not tako placo on Oct. 31.
This was silenced by tho proving of the
fact that tho club had tho right to pull tho
mill off any time after July 1, 181)5.
Tho big event of tho conforouco was the
question as to whether or not a referee
should bo selected at once. Tho club de
manded it as their right that tho referee
bo named without delay. Brady demanded
tho same. Julian stood pat on his old
proposition that tho referee should bo
named on tho day of tho fight. Thero was
a hot discussion between Julian, Brady
aud Vendltf. tho latter declaring for tho
club that unless a roforeo w.n named at
once thoy would declare tho fight off. Ju
lian said it would liavo to go at that then.
Julian argued that tho safest way to pre
vent a refereo from being tampered with
was to keep his name secret until tho day
oftho fight. Brady said Corbstt would
never again sign articles of agreement
until tho refereo was named in the same.
Julian finally consented to consider the
proposition that ho aud Brady should each
select a namo from six, tho samo to bo
kept secret until tho day of tho fight, and
thou, if tho names were not tho samo, tho
decision botween the two should bo de
cided by a toss up. It is learned on good
authority that all conditions as embraced
In tho original articles of agreement will
bo carried out at tho new location for tho
triplo ilstlo carnival.
The Corbett Party n-leert.
Austin, Tox., Oct. 10. Tho situation
anont tho presence of tho Corbett training
party lu tho city is entirely changed. Sir.
Walsh, the foroman of tho grand jury,
when asked after adjournment -what lie
had summoned the party from ban An,
tonlo for, replied that ho know absolutely
nothing of their coming until ho was in
formed that thoy were ln tho city. Dis
trict Attornoy Burleson, on his liooki
caused tho issuaneo of the writs that
brought tho men hero. Tho district at
torney says ho desires to prosecute Cor
bett nail Fitzslmmons if they aro violating
the Texas laws, and ho believes thfcy are,
in conspiring to commit a felony. Tho
Corbett party were permitted to roturn to
San Antonio, the grand jury having no
further business with tho:i(. It is inti
mated that tho bast of feeling does not ox
lst between tho district attorney and the
grand jury on account of his arbitrary ac
tion ln this matter, and they "called him
ISInctrlo U'lre Causes a lllc Fire.
Norfolk, Va,, Oct. 10. Afire caused by
a broken olcctrlo wlro broko out ln waro
liouso D, of tho Seaboard Air lino, last
night, which dostroyod that structure, to
gether with thousands of dollars' worth of
freight stored therein, including 700 bales
ot cotton and nlno loaded freight cars. Tho
warehouse of Hood Brothers, adjolniug,
was consumed, and two men who were cut
off from escapo jumped overboard, ono of
thorn, W. H- Hull, white, being drowned.
Tho Old Dominion' -steamer" Yprktgwn,
which was in tho slip alongsldo tho doomed
proporty, backed out baroly ln timo to es
capo tho flames. Tho loss Is $300,000.
No Prize Fights In Louisville,
Louisville, Oct. 10. Vrl.o lighting ln
Loulsvlllo received a knock out blow to
day In tho shape of an order Issued by tho
board of public- sufoty to General Taylor,
chief of polloo. Tho order is a sweeping
ono and will have tho effect of stopping
all glove eontosts in tho theaters, athlotlo
clubs or elsowhoro wltMn tho city limits
If unforced, vvhijph the !vrd 'nays Jtwlll
bo to tho letter for all'tlniiuto como. Tho
order will offectually stop all ufTorts to
pull off tho SIurpby-Grllllii mill at tho
Auditorium horo on noxt Slonday night.
lU'iiumilior If you Have a Cough or Cold,
Pan-Tina always ourug, 25p, At Gruhior
Bros., drug store. -Slaloy,
the Jeweler, for silverware, watches
and jewelry, 10 North Slain street.
116 and 118 North Main Street.
is the name of one of the best
Sewing Machines now manufac
tured. How much and yet how little
most folks know about SeWing
How man do know the crust
of "expense," counted in the
usual retail price of all Sewing
It would astonish buyers if
they knew what actual cost is
and what retail price would be
were machines sold on the same
basis as the Dry Goods, Shoes,
or other merchandise.
Why not sell them so ? Time
for important patents has expired .
The field is now open, therefore
we offer you now a
$50.00 MACHINE for $19.50.
Taken all in all, we count the
"DEMOREST" the best Sewing
Machine in the market.
Light running, easily managed,
no noise, high arm, no springs,
every movement positive, hard
ened steel bearings, all steel at
tachments. More up to date in
improvements than any other.
How can we sell such a
machine at $19.50 ? Easy
enough. ,
We buy and sell sewing
machines as we buy and sell TJry
No canvassers, no installment
business, nothing to make cus
1 tomers stand extra costs.
Minors to Work Full Time.
It is announced that the Lehigh Coal and
Navigation Company, tho Lehigh & Wilkos
barre Coal Company and the Lehigh Valley
Coal Company have aft issued orders to their
minors to work full time. This, no doubt,
means tho entire anthracite field. '
It isalsoauthoritivoly stated that theRead
ing Coal aud Iron Company will continue on
the full time schedule iu tiio Shauiokin dis
trict until December 31st. Nothing definite,
however, is learned as to how long the 'full
time schedulo will continuo here. It is hoped
that it will not be of short duration.
At Uracil's Care.
Calf's liver smothered witli onions for frco
liineh to-night.
Port Norris prime oysters.
Beef steak, lamb and veal chops.
Pig's feet, tripe and lamb's tongue.
ltlrthduy Party.
Sliss Hachel Phillips celebrated her tenth
anniversary last evening by entertaining
t-evcral of her young friends at the residence
of her parents on North Slarket strceti The
festivities were enjoyed by Slary and Katlo
Lambert. Emma Bellis, Edna Portz, Annie
Burkhart, Nellio Watkins, Slay Phillips,
Eddio Folnier, Lester, Carl and Paul llurk
hart, Roy Spears, Willio Phillips and Georgo
Just Arrived.
New lot of carpets, oil cloths and window
shades at C. D. Fricko's carpet store.
filling tlie Traction Cnmpuny.
Borough Solicitor Pomeroy has commenced
suits beforo Justico Lawlor against the
Schuylkill Traction Company to recover tho
amount of claims against the borough for
damages alleged to havo been sustained last
winter by Slessrs. Little and Baird, by reason
of West Coal street being blockaded by snow
shoveled in heaps by the company's em
ployes. Tho cases aro returnable noxt
Slonday evening.
SchoppO ore bostra. dancing school at Rob
bins' hall on Saturday night. 10-3-2W
rather Matthews' Anniversary.
To-day Is tho anniversary of tho birth of
Rov. Father Sfatthews, tho Apostle of tem
perance, and it was. celebrated in Sit. Curmel
by tho Catholic Total Abstlnenco Union or
Amorica. A tniin of nlno cars was provided
on'tho Lehigh Valley railroad this morning
to tako the Ginirdvllle pioneer and cadet
societies nnd the St. Slary Siagdalene T. A. B.
and cadet soowtiwi of Lost Creek to the
Dwns f Ve.
Flour is Down . . .
And we have prepared to sell
it to you at the reduced price.
Cheese is Up . . .
But we have a few week?
supply on hand at the old
price. Rich and fine flavor.
122 North Jardin St., Shenandoah