The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 09, 1895, Image 4

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A Clrent l'utli ror I'Hll hihI Wlntnr Ilulmi
nl till! MlllllllMltll CIllltllllR IlllUKO.
V appreciate the want of and graip tlio
conditions of lower prices. Wo ectahlish n
new basis of lower price. Wo took out tho
trout nml unlHrgctl the cajwicHy of our More
ilfty per cent, nml tlieii landed It with the
larn"t stock of Overi-oat by tho carload and
added the largest stock of Full and Winter
Clothing for Men, Youths and Hoys and all
the Latest Stylos and Novelties In Clothing
for tlio Children.
No hack numbers ! No inisjudgments 1
No by -gone mistakes I No Imnkrupt trash 1
Hut new stylish overcoats and clothing made
to he sold this season. Kvory man who buys
an oWTcoat or suit at our prices is bound to
see that his friend knows what Is going ou.
The way we're soiling. It will tako half tho
money to buy what you're used to In clothes.
No doubt about it multitudes turn to us to
savi- money. SB or J0.75 all-wool suit, good as
before $10 or $12. $10 suit now. good as you
used to get for $115. $25 suit now, good as you
li-ed to get for $36.
We're told we're getting too little, but wo
arc not paying attention to tho prollts. Wo
arc looking for tho trade. Ovorcoats almost
given away. Note our prices. We are not
content to N-ll at onco. We wunt your
friendship. If you call attention to any de
fect in our clothing wo will esteoin it as a
gnat favor. Your money will bo refunded if
the goods are not as we represent them. We
are promoters of low prices.
Our entire store represents suierior taste
which niakos competition impossible.
Don't forgot the place. Mammoth Clothing
House, largest in Shenandoah, Nos. 0 and 11
South Main Street.
l. GOLD1N, Prop.
WliUXI-HDAY. OtTOUElt 0, 1803.
Muliaimy City Itiislness t'olli-si-.
This now college opened Mnnduy, Septem
her 0th, in the Hoppos' building, 205 Kast
Centre street, Muhanoy City, and already
show-, plainly that it will soon 1)0 one of the
best business training schools in tho state, for
the nvmy students now in attendance are pro
gressing rapidly and new ones arc continually
The teachers are the very best that can ho
secured. They are practical business ineu,
are highly educated, and havo had long and
succc-sful experience in touching thoroughly
all the branches that arc of uso to the busi
ness man. liookkeeping, Businosa Arith
metic, Grammar, Spelling, and the Law of
Rusiness aro taught plainly and fully in the
Commercial Depnitment; and Shorthand,
Typewriting, Spelling and Grammar aro
given in tho Shorthand Department. In both
departments student must nUo tako l'HN'JiAX
bhip and CoRiui'ONlr.KCj: so as to bo able
to write plainly, neatly and correctly the
difl'i rent kinds of buVpiees letters.
This college is a branch of tho splendid
Wilkesbarre liusinuss College, and tho same
effective, methods of teaching liookkeeping
and the same kinds of typewriters aro used.
The Commercial and the Shorthand and
Typewriting courses together (time un
limited ) can now be had for $30 in tlio day
school, or $10 in the night school. If only n
few subjects are taken special rates will bo
made to suit. Send for catalogue. Students
may enter at any time.
9-H-tf G. W. Williams, Principal.
Tlio Discovery S:uci! Ills Life.
M-. ii. Caillouctte. Druggist, Beaverhvillc.
HI , .!.: "To Dr. King's New Discovery 1
nui in - life. Was taki u with La Grlplve and
tried all the physicians for miles about, but
of no avail and wan ghen up and told I could
nol live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery
in iuy stun- 1 n.-nt for a bottle mid began its
use ..'iid from the fust done began to get better,
and iitteriiMiig three bottles was upaiidabout
again. It Is worth its weight in gold. Wo
won l keep store or house without it." Get
fu.- trial at A. Wastry's Drug Store.
Sprung Any Lcnhs Tjitely?
We can't stop tho leaks from tho clouds but
Beli. t'.io plumber, comer Main and Centre
streets, can atop all your leaks in water and
ga: mains with satisfaction.
Whea Baby was sick, wo gavo her CaMorla,
When she was a Child, sho criad for Castoria.
When she beoaine Jliss, sho clung to CaUoria.
When she had Children, sho ga o them Castorii
When you want good rooting, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tinmithing dono call
on E. F. Gallftuher 18 West Centre street.
Dealer in stoves. 8-1-tf
Keller In Six Honrs.
Distressing kiduoy nnd bladder disoaeos
relieved in six hours by tlio "Now Groat
South American Kidney Curo." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exf ceding promptness In relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male or lomale.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost Immediately. If you want
quick relief and cure tills is your remedy.
Sold by Isaac Shapini, druggist, 107 South
' Ma'i street.
I..,,.,.,,. Ttuiti I!m-.
For a tine boot, shoo or rubber at lowest
prices, any limn, womau or child should not
fail to iy Winner, the shoe dealer, la North
Main street, a visit. Call and lie convinced
whore you can buy tho cheapest footwear.
If Troubled With ltheiiiiuitlsiii Iicud This.
Annapolis. Mil.. Anr. in, 1801. I have i
used Chanilwrlain's Pain Balm for rheuma
tism and found it to he all tliat is claimed for
it I lielieve it to bo tho best preparation
for rheumatism and deep seated muscular
pains on tlio market and cheerfully recom
mend it to the public. Jno. (1. Brooks,
dealer in boots, shoes, etc., No. 18 Main St.
ALSO 11KA1) THIS., St. Mary County, Md.
I .Mild a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Italm
to a man who had been suffering with llicu
mat ism for several years. It made him a well
man A. J. McGill. For sale at 50 cents per
bottle by Gruhler Bros. Druggists.
it ,11 in k.t ira r nnr I'rnviHionn. jcu.
, i-tr ocuidi ivered.
Mrs. Nella Daggct of llostou has recently
written a book, "Fancy Work ntnl Art Decor
ations" that gives practical Instructions for
making dollies, tahlo covers, scarfs, tmy
cloths, pin cushions, etc., etc., with llfty
illustrations. This hook together with
"Successful Home Dyeing," will be sent free
to any reador of tho HrntALD who forwards
tho following coupon to Wolls, Richardson &
Co., Burlington, Vt.
This entitles any render of the IIkh
ALU to one copy of "l-'om-y Work nnJ
Art Dccorntlons," nml "Successful
Home Dyeing."
Tlio above liberal oD'cr is mado to advortiso
tlio old reliablo Diamond Dyos and to get
their book upon homo dyeing into the homes
of women who want to dress well by making
their old clothing look like new.
In some towns dealers sell imitations of
Diamond Dyos simply hocause they can make
more profit on those weak, adulterated sub
stitutes. Sonio of these dyes claim to color
both cotton nnd wool with tho same package
hut this is an impossibility, as the usorsoon
tlnds when sho has tried to color cotton witli
a dyo that is not especially mado for that
purpose. Diamond Dyos havo different dyes
for cotton from tlioe that aro used for wool
and aro the only package dyos on tho market
that ran be relied upon to give colors that
will not fade or crock. Tlio fact that Dia
mond Dyos havo been the standard homodyos
for nearly twenty years and that their sale
increases from year to year, is proof positive
that they have never had an equal.
Happenings Throughout tlio Iteglon Cliron
leleil lor Hasty l'oi usiil.
The llazletou Mnuncrchor celebrated its
20th anniversary with a concert and ball.
A branch from tho steam heating plant is
being run into the building of William
Krick, on South Main street.
Malmnoy City has added Piiil Malcy to its
foot 111 team and expects to do up Shenan
doah in the game ou Saturday.
Senator Kline, of Luacrno, has returned
from Asbury Park fully recovered from tho
sickness which, at one time, threatened his
' life.
A thief robbed tho office of W. II. Bright,
Ashland, of a type-writer, pens and pencils
and fifty postal cards. Ho was evidently a
"literary feller."
The manager of tho Girardville theatre is
making arrangements with tlio Schuylkill
Traction Company to run curs after eacli per
formance at his opera house.
At Iliuleton some people found their water
supply much ies.s than their neighbors. An
investigation unearthed a shirt and a coat in
tho pipes. Queer things happen in that
Ivdwnrd Delaney and Harry Anderson,
two Tumaipm railroaders, wero injured in a
collision near Pottstown yesterday. Tho
formor was mj lmdly gealded that his re
covery is doubtful.
Physicians recommend Dr. Wood's Norway
Pino Syrup bemuse of its prompt, positive
action in all cases ot lung trouble, ft is a
positively reliablo tine for coughs and colds.
Literary Notes,
The Oetobor iiumhi " of The Forum will
contain threo notable aiti -les on the "Signifi
cance of the English elections." The first
paper is contributed by Sir Herbert Maxwell,
M. P., lute Junior Lord of the Treasury, and
a distinguished member of tho Conservative
party. He considers the htte election "A
Crisis in English History," and ho sets forth
What ho believes to be the causes of the
Lilwral defeat. Mr. George W. E. Kusscll,
who was a member of Mr. Gladstone's
second and fourth administration, and who
remained in olllco until Iiord JJosebory's
resignation last June, adduces nine- reasons
for his party's defeat, tho most important of
which lie considers to be tho temperance
plank in its program. The third article,
"Why, Whence and Whiter." is from tho
pen of Mr. Justin M'Cnrlhy, tho loader of
the Irish party in the House of Commons.
He discusses the liberal defeat from tho
Irish point of view, and considers its boar- j
ings on Homo Hulo. which ho thinks may bo
delayed, but is bound to come, sooner or
levelling Schools Isotico to l'liieiith.
Evening schools will lie opened on Monday
evening, October 1 1th. Tickets of admission
can bo procured at tho Superintendent's office,
Main street school building, on Thursdayund
Friday evenings, October 10th and 11th, from
fi:30 to 8 o'clock j or during office hours .Mon
days and Tuofduys. from !1 to 10 o'clock a. m.
Tickets will bo issued to hoys and girls, but
only to such as aro employed during the day
and can not attend day school.
10-l-0t M. P. Whitakijr, Supt.
Coming Kveuts.
Oct. 22. Grand suppor, undor uusp'icos of
hl vary Baptist church, in Bobbins' hall.
Oct. 21 Grand supper by tho Trinity Re
formed church, in Bobbins' opera liouso.
Oct. 23. Second annual Telognipliors' As
sembly and contest, in Bobbins' auditorium.
Oct. 31. Tenth annual bull of National
Social Club, in Bobbins' opera house.
Jtucklon'H Arnica Solve.
The host salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovor sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to -give
perfect satisfaction or niony refunded. Price
25 cents per box . For sale by A . asloy .
John S. Snjdor Dead,
John 8. Snyder, who was chlof clerk to the
Countv Commissioners for sevoral years prior
t j 1802, but since that time in tho employ of
A. W. Sohalck, Kan., died at his homo in
i,,iuvllln vosterday. He had an attack of
vertigo about 11:30 a. m. and fell down tho
cellar stairway, striking tho hack of his head,
which caused concussion of tho brain, result
tni? in death a few hours laUr. Ho was well
and favorably known throughout the county.
Cut by Coal.
Martin Clengo, a Polish minor 20 years of
na,. unstained severe cuts about the iioau,
nrms and back by a fall of coal in tho Shen
Citv colliery. He was starting coal
in a chute and was caught by tin- sudden
H. J. Yost transacted tuighiM nt Treverton
Itev. K. Potts, of Wm. Pouii, wis n town
visitor to-day.
John Minchof, of Mahanoy City, transacted
business in town to-day. 4
Superintendent Hnrry Zerbey, of Muleton,
was a town visitor to-day. ,
Mrs. William Moyrick nnd daughter, rtotta,
aro visiting friends at Tromont.
John Gatviu, formerly night clerk nt the
Kaior llouso, Mahanoy City, was a town
visitor to-day.
Daniel Dully, of St. Clair, spout this after'
noon in town discussing nfliiirs of tho ap
proaching election.
Miss Till th Morgan, left yesterday for
Wilkosliarro to rosumo hor musical studies
undor Prof. Mason.
Hilly Watson, tho Gorman comedian, is
witli O'Hoollgan's company. Ho is well
known in Shenandoah.
Hcnjamin Marshall is In Heading receiving
medical attendance. Ho has sullercd from
tumors in tho neck for somo time.
Mit) Susio Bedford, of Pottsvillo, nttonded
tlio Iluntzlngor-Lowis wedding to-day. She
is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. lloddall, on
South Jardln street.
Whitelock, tho shoo dealer, will move his
household effects' from Pending in tlio near
future, having routed tlio rosidenco on West
Oak street, recontly vacated by tho Cathor
family. .
Mrs. Thomas Holhrook and Mrs. Joseph
Holbrook havo returned to their homes in
Philadelphia, after spending several very
pleasant days as tho guests of Mrs. George
Seagor, of East Coal street.
I. Polsucr, u cutter nt tho Schuylkill
Manufacturing Company, returned yesterday
from New York witli his bride, and will take
up their residence witli Mr. nnd Mrs. Meade
Peters, on Nortli Jardin street.
Itev. 11. D. Sclmlt., of Allcntown, visited
friends in town last night, stopping here
whiloon his way homo fromShamokin, where
he attended tho dedication of tlio now United
Kvangellcal church, liov. Schultz was
formerly pastor of tlio Evangelical church of
Buy Koystouo Hour. Be suro that tho
name Lkssio & Baek, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on overy sack. tf
Political V urngriiplis.
County Chairman Payne and William Wil-
helm, Esqs., wero in consultation yesterday
in ruferonco to the chargos preferred by the
latter against tlio County Chairman. Neither
gentleman would talk for publication.
Evidently the Hon. Jack Whitoliouso is not
a stalwart this year. He improved a visit
to Mahanoy City, with G. V. Sclirink, yester
day to do somo very zealous electioneering
for Edgar Bechtcl, Democratic candidate, for
District Attorney. It's all in tho family, you
know. Mahanoy City Record.
Tlio meeting of the Republican Lcaguo on
Friday evening should bo woll attended.
Thcro is little time for effective work, and it
cau bo dono none too soon.
Tlio enthusiasm of tho Democrats is so
thick you can cut it with a knife nit.
Tho political weather-cocks uro sllll
trimming thoir sales to the favorable breozos.
Tho Republican ticket is worthy the sup
port of overy man who desiros economical
administration of public office.
An Increased Surplus.
Tho Schuylkill Traction Company makes
the following report of its operations during
the year ending September 30, 1C03, in com
parison witli tlio previous year: Gross ro
ceipts, $90,081, an increase of $2,003 ; operat
ing expenses, $52,851, and net earnings, $38,
130. From which is deducted taxes and in
terest for tho year, $4,770, leaving a balance
of $33,370. Deduct interest on tho company's
bonds for the year, $25,000, leaving a surplus
of $8,300, being an increased surplus for tho
year of fl.OSO.
Sluilci) oil' ltheuinatisiii nnd Neuralgia.
Rub woll with RoU Flag Oil, 25c, UU
Gruhler Bros., drug store.
They Sneak.
At tho present time tramps are very Humor
ous, in town, but nono of tlioni havo become
audacious thus far. It is remarked that
while they go about in drove during tlio day
they keep very shady after the night police
go on duty. Thoy aro evidently aware of
the fato that awaits them it they fall into tho
clutches of tho police. Sixty days in tho
county jail is almost preferred to fivo days in
tho colls of the local placo of confinement
witli a menu of bread and water.
Max Reese's Employment Agoncy has
places for six good girls for general house
work, and ten girls for factory work. Oall
at once. Ofike, Egan's building, room No, 2.
Concert lit Win. l'enii.
A grand concert will lio given this even
ing at Wm. Penn for tho bonoht of .tho
Methodist EpiMXMKil ohureh of that place.
Mine Iiui-ector William Stein will bo chair
man and Misses Mahala Fairohild, Gwendo
line Reoso and Arabella Gilpin, William
Waters, Harry Reoso, James Patterson
Tliomas Tinimoiis, William Jacolw and the
Solioppo party, of town, will tako part in it.
Commissioners' Clork Phil. J. Council will
give recitations.
Jllue Inspectors Meet.
Mine Inspectors William Stein, of town;'!!.
MuDonald, of Pittston ; G. M. Williams, of
Wllkosburre j E. Roderick, of bemntonj
John Muguiru, of Pottsviwo ; James U.
Roderick, of Hazleton, and Edward BrennUn,
of Shaiuokin, met at Sliamokln yosterday to
havo tlioir yon rly confab on tho bottormtmt
of mines nnd mining. After enjoying dinner
at tho Winder tho gentlemen loft for their
respective homes.
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
All work guaranteed to be flret-claiiH In ovqry
particular. 61 k ties aim lace J"'" "If?
lolty. Ooods called for and dolivered. A trial
order solicited.
Teams to Hire.
If vim want to hlro cafo and reliable
twin for driving or for working purpoBoa
pay Shields' livery stable a vUl . Teams
constantly on hand at reasonable rates.
No 110 Itaht Centre street.
Opposite Itiadn.g railroad station
Sir. I.ciim Appointed Teller.
Harry L. Lenin, who has been doing ex
cellent newspaper work in tliis and other
sections of the state, has leen appointed toller
of tho now Guarantee Trust and Safe Di posit
Bank of Slinmokln. There wero six appli
cants for the position. Mr. Learn is a nephew
of oz-Oouucllnmn A. II. Lamb, and has many
personal friends in this county who arc
pleased at his appointment.
A Large Tunnel,
A large tunnel will bo driven from tho
llepplior slope to tlib old Wttdloy bronkor,
and will bo 000 feet long and 12 feet wide.
Tho Bast colliery, when tho tunnel is com
pleted, will employ 100 additional men,
I'lnger Smashed.
Warren J. Port!! had tho second tlngor of
his right hand pretty badly smashed yodtor
day whilo handling a case of hooks, tho cmo
toppling over and falling on his hand.
lteinoveil to Philadelphia.
Mrs. Kato Wilhelin and family, of Ash
land, will loavo for Philadelphia on Monday,
whero thoy will make their future home.
Publishers' Announcement.
Tho local circulation of tho Evknino Hun
Al.i) continues in tho hands of Messrs. Hooks
& Brown, stationers, No. 4 Nortli Main street.
People who are not receiving tho paper can
havo it sorved ovory evening by carrier upon
leaving their orders at tho placo stnted.
Ordors for job work and advertising will also
recoivo prompt attention if placod in tholr
Waterproof collars and cuffs that will
uot wilt, arc not effected by moisture
and look just like lincu arc all the
fashion now. Thoy arc made by cov
ering a linen collar or cuff with "cel
luloid " and are the only waterproof
goods made with an interlining, con
sequently the only ones that will stand
wear and give perfect satisfaction. Try
them and you will never regret it. Al
ways neat, and easily cleaned. When
soiled simply wipe off with a wet cloth
or sponge. Every piece of the genu
'nc is stamped as follows :
Ask for those so marked and refuse any
imitations, as they cannot possibly
please you. If your dealer docs uot
keep them, wc will scud a sample di
rect on receipt of price. Collars 25c.
each. Cuffs 50c. pair. State size aud
whether staud-up or lurucd-dowu col
lar is wanted.
4127-129 Ilronclwuy, Kcv Xorlu
171011 SAI.13. One p-irlor and one bed room
1 suite and other articles Xo. 21 lJnst Oak
street. 10-fl-lt
WANTK1). Two female bookkeepers. Must
be good In writing and figuring, and not
under UO years 01 age. lu-sidcnls 01 foiienan
doiib preferred. Address "C," euro of 5vi:nino
iiku.m.i, aueiianuoan, i'a. iu-ou
WfANTUD A reliable, nctlvo gentleman or
lady to travel for reliable established
house. Salary 8780, payable $15 weekly, nnd
money ndvanccd for expenses. Situation steady.
References. Kuclose self-nddressed stamped
envelope. II. K. Hess, President, Chicago.
9-1-1 mo
Proposals for Laying Pipe.
Proposals M'Hl bo received by tlio umlerniKncd
up to Mx o'clock TlturMlny ovenlnir, October
10th, 1803, for tlio extension of the borough pipe
lino on tlio following htreets:
Tliree lumrircil feet, moro or Ichs, of four(l)
ineli nine on AVe-t Coal htreet: one liumlretl feet.
mot o or let, of four (1) inch pipe on Houth
1r... r..n ..t f....Mit I....1. ..I...
Viivnutiii nil mi in , ui i.'iit ij iiiv-i. .iiu,
moro or leh, on South 'West htrect: fifty feet of
four (1) inch pipe, moro or Iojm, on South Jarilln
ntreet; one bunilml nml fifty feet of four (II
Inch pipe, more or lcs, on South IJowera htrei-t ;
llfty feet of four (1) iueli pli-e, more or lesw, on
North L'atliai'luo ntreet! fifty feet of four (I)
inch pipe, moro or liw, on Wttt Line Mrectj
fivo humlriHl feet of one Inch pipe, more or less,
on Turkey Hun hill.
The contractm-M to ftirulfh all nlno nnd
material for Hame, anil the eommittccTe-Qri'jL-j
me rigut to reject any or all diuh.
A. 1. CiAllt.R,
ICWWt C'lialrmau Water Committee.
flood beer builds up both bono nnd
lirawn. It Is Mreiigtheulng, nnuriiihlug
museu--makliur. Ion will feel that luuut
lug Hrewlug Cnmimny beer is pure and
wnoicsonie, niiecmiiy nonpteii lor lumtiy use,
M. C. WATSON. Agent.
South Main Street, Sheiiaiidoah.
Liquors, Wines nnd Cigars at Wholesale
uuu netau.
For the latest Stylw and
lowest Prices In . . .
Call at
No. Ill North Main St., Shenandoah.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking !
13 N. Jardin Street.
(y.'Mmai 1 1 iiinlBMyEmMauMiiAwmimuuLiiui
1 M W a nnrn Us mwmw 1
Hwau ojaVJ tiki VtfMIU XJU t&SMa&a Q0
bift one quui of flonr, two rrmndlne Umpoonfals of bukln powdir, nd on tMxpoontuI of is
lllnto bowl( nld tlirooteniipoonfaUof rOTTOI.ENK a-i run toB.itlii-runtlHhorouRhlr n
m salt
v ?.. K Va nl"r'ent I"" to mike a oft
rj uu .uic., nu cm a imaii dhouii cuirer. nac a nuio apart In a greased pan, aud bako (ft
O ,n f 5P.'f 0tr,n fif.t?,'n tirwitr mluutM. There bl.culU ahould ba a delicate blown top S
8 and bottom, light on the aldee, and anowy white when broken open. y
g The secret of success in this recipe, as in others, is to use but
S two-thirds as much Cottolcne as you used to use of lard. Cot- f
g tolene will make the biscuit light, delicious, wholesome. Better jg
g than any biscuit you ever made before. Try it. Be sure and" get o
a genuine Cottoleue. Sold everywhere in tins with trade-marks
S 1 ' Cottolcne ' nndsiter's head in colton-planl wreath pn every tiu. 2
Till! N. K. FAI1U1ANK COMPANY, CIIKA..0 and 182 . Delftttsre Ato.. Philadelphia. Q
Sold by all Grocers at $2.50 a Sack
Ask your grocer for it. If lie cannot supply
you let us know and we will see that you get it.
Thos. E. Samuels- & Co.,
Wholesale Grocers,
105 South Main Street, Shenandoah.
f H ART FY TNC NEW Chinese laundry,
liimiYljJL JL kJJLil M9 N0 6 S0UTH JARMN street.
First-class Work st Low Prices.
All Work done In first-class manner, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shirts washed
and ironed, loc; shirts ironed, 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c; undershirts, Tc;
underdrawers, 7c; handkerchiefs, 2c.
Garden's ART WALL PAPER Store.
Wo lmvo just received a fino lino of tho most beautiful anil artistic papers in tho
market, which wo will sell at very reasonable prices. Wo havo also in stock a
great deal of last year's patterns which wo aro selling at a sacrifice. Como and
sco our lino of goods. Wo have tlio most beautiful and artistic papers.
Largest Paper Store In Town. ,
i Finest Stock and Lowest Prices.
Wo aro tho solojigcjitsJlirJliiucolchratcd "Lauta" healfrjnacle. by tho liuckwalter Stove
orks, Koycrsfonl. l ou can buy this heater Irom us-from 5-1 to ?5 less than anywhere
else in this town. Tho square heater "Happy Greeting" and tho "Art liinggold" sold
at barpiins. A full lino of cooking stoves, such as tho "Apollo" rango: ".New Crestn,"
"Art Canopy" and "Sun Canopy" besides othor makes. Also all kinds of Tinware
and Hardware Call at
123 &
SAM LEE, - Chinese Laundry,
10 North tVlsain Street.
Clothos of all description neatly dono up in first-class manner. I can refer to scores of
amilles in this town as to my caro in washing and superior neatness in doing up clothing.
I do my work better and quicker than any other laundry in tho city.
John A. Reilly,
Wholesale Liquors.
Woltcr's, Borlincr and Weiss Beer.
22-24 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Fall and Winter
' Cheapest place in town.
No. 8 East Centre Street.
with n full line of Millinery Goods, of
the latest New York styles, at Prices so
Low to surprise you. Trimmed Hats
$i.oo up. Sec thcut before buying.
Closing out our Children's Saoka nnd
Cuva at Cost.
Our Tntrons nnd the Public nre invited
to insnect ouroncnimr on Saturday. Mon
day nnd Tuesday, next, aud every day
after. Don't forget the number.
Cheapest place in town.
Steam Renovating Company.
- Tho Steam Itcuovatliifr Company is
now prepared to
Clean Carpets, flnttresses,
Feathers, Upholstering, Etc.,
in excellent ntylo. All work called for
and delivered Irce ot charge, and
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
OrcliTH left at tho factory, or by postal card,
will receive prompt attention.
Nortli Uoweru Htrcct, Shenandoah, I'a.
dough, kni-au llBhtlr, roll out about half an n
House, Sign and Decorative Tainting.
221 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, Fenna.
224 S. Main St., Shenandoah.
Go to tho Shenandoah Dental Eooma for
painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver
lllliugs. If your artiflcal teeth do not suit
you call to seo us. All examinations free.
We inako nil kinds of plates. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown
and Uridgo work and all operations that per
tain to Dental Surgery.
No chargos for extracting when plates aro
ordored. Wo uro tho only users of vitalized
air for tho paiuloss extraction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
(Titman's Block)
East Centre Street.
Olllco Hours: 7 a. m. to S p. m.
Get Our Prices on
and Headlight JL
Our delivery wagon does the rest.
Oils, Gasoline, Candles, -
Lamp Wicks, Burners. ,
Eclipse Oil Com'y,
213 South Jardin Street.
Mall orders promptly attended to.
Hooks & Brown,
The Stamp of Newness
Is on our lino of aftor-dlnncr cups
and saucers. .
Bisquo flguros.
Bisque ornaments.
40 now stylos.
Sco window display.
Agents for all Daily Papers.
4 N. Main Street