J EVENING HERALD 15STAHMSIIU1) 1810. Published overy KvculiiKi l'xccpt Sunday, at 8 South Jauiiin Hthukt. N'EAn Cbnthr. Tlio lli-nild In delivered ItiHhcunndonh and the surrnuniltiiK towns for six c ents n week, pay able to tho curriers, lly mnll SB.00 a year, or 23 cents a month, payable 111 lulvnnco. Advertise ments chnrKetl lurorilliiK to ppnee nml position. The publishers reserve the rlht to change tho position of advertisements whenever the pub lication of news ilcnmmls It. The right Is reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether paid for or not, thnt the piddlshers may deem Improper. Advertising rates maile known upon application. Kntcrcd at the poptoftlcp at Hhenaudonh, l'n., as second class mall matter. TKI.KI'JIONIC CON'NKCTION. Evening Herald Tuesday. oeroiiKul, israT" STATE TICKET. STATE TKKASUllKU, Benjamin .1. Haywood, of Mercer. SUPEMOU COUItT JUDGES, Jam KB A. Heavkis, of Centre. E. W. Willaiid, of Lackawanna. Ciiahlkh E. Kick, of Luzerne. Okoikik B. OrtLADY, of Huntingdon. John J. Wickiiasi, of Heavor. Howard 1!kkder. of Northampton. COUNTY TICKET, juixn: or ourHANs' court, THOMAS II. 1!. IA'ON, of Mabanoy City. CON'TItOlXlIIt, HEN.T. H. S13VEUN, of Shonamloali. DISTINCT ATTOllNliY, CHAS. 13. lSRKCKONS, of St. Clair. COItONIIlt, I)u. S. J. SEYFEKT, of rincgrovo. 1IIUKCTOU OF Till; POOR, S. 11. MIDM.KTOX, of Gilberton. COUNTY MJllVKYOIt, JOSEPH W. OEAUY, Jit., of Pottsville. Tun best advice we can give our readers who contemplate early purchases is to patronizo those merchants who use the columns of tho Herald. Tun Republican Leaguo is making prepa rations to take an activo iutorcst in tho present campaign. A meeting has been called for Friday night for that purpose, and every member is expected to bo present, and lend liis assistance for tho success of tho ticket. A building boom has struck this town, and carpenters, bricklayers, plasterers pain ters and other mechanics are busy. This, together with full time at the mines, ought to make business boom. Our merchants aro anticipating a lively trado this fall, and wo bclievo their expectations will be realized. Governor Hastings has announced that ho will not bo a candidate for delegate to the Republican National convention, while ox Jlayor Stuart, of Philadelphia, has announced his intention to run as a Martin adherent. There is likely to bo a congest on tho same lilies us for tho state convention this year. A dixliXk in valuations as fixed by tho Commissioners is noted in almost every town in tho county, and it is especially low in Shenandoah. The decrease in this town is about S-100.000. while Pottsville has declined $183,101. This is accounted for by the re duction in occupation valuations. , Many people remember the dreadful ac cident on tho P. .t It. It. It. near Locust Clap in May, 1888, when a car loaded with powdor exploded, causing the loss of several lives and great damage to property. It is recalled by the fact that tho case of .Miles Dougherty against tho company for damagos was decided in tho Supremo Court at Pittsburg yesterday. Tho lower court gave him judg ment for $1000. Tho company appealed and the Supremo Court has now reversed tho judgment of tho Northumberland court. TiiEitn is some grouud for believing, says Harpor's Weekly, that when the Karl of Dunraven departs from our shores ho will leave a now word behind him for our use. To dunraven, it scorns, is to refuse to play with out showing adequate grounds for withdraw ing. A dunraven, accordingly, i a refusal to play for reasons not considered satisfactory. The now word is throe sylablos long, which is aguiiut it. Hut persons who uso it hold that It conveys with lucidity and despatch an idea which could not otherwise bo im parted without coiiiidemble circumlocution. It ii proper to add tliat the word is admitted to be an Americanism. Tiik application of the Citizens Heat, Power and Light Company of Maliauoy Township, presented at tho last meeting of the Borough Council, asking for right of way through the town, has been freely cjommentod upon by our cittaeus. While every mixve made j lending to decrease the price of Illumination , and power is welcomed hy nil, yet there : se. iastobea universal derire to know who' ,i re the Incorporators of the company aud its standing. Council did a very vine thiug iu n feri ins the question of the graut to a com iiitts for Investigation before taking anal action. We have no doubt that the couipauy iu question is composed of rueu who are fully title to meet all demands, yet the ex perience of our Borough Fathers in the past is stifbcicut to show them that rights once Kiven are not so easily revoked, ami promises m.ule are ofteu brokeu. Tiik question of water U daily becoming ni' of Kix-at Importance. Mahanoy Pity ll In 1 1 . 1 .1 l.UKi i i ill' I .1 nniKc dam, and Ahlund ummitteo of prominent ill l he water i.yteni of 1 1 i.uii upon the In t plan to Improve the witnc. Tho supply of the Utter town is expected to give out entirely unless It rains. The report of the committee as to tho best meant of Improving the wntor supply Is awaited with much Interest, not only by the residents of Ashland but every town In the region that lias Buffered from n liko cause. 'Tis true that Shonamloali has bad sunieicnt water for all necessary pur poses, yet thoro stems to bo an universal opinion lu favor of tho erection of anothor storage reservoir. The water committee of the Ikirotigh Council lias bad tho mutter tinder diwuasion for some time, but no definite action 1ms yet beon arrived lit. The present drouth is an exceptionally sevoro one, .i .i,n ..mKnUmWn thnt thn Tfi-lnn will .. - i not witnons such n dry spell within a num ber of years, yet there is an increnso demand for water with each succeeding summer. It is a commodity tlmt is never a drag upon the market, and the supply cannot bo too great and will never equal tho demand. The Borough Council will be upheld in overy efl'ort it makes to improve upon and increase the capacity of the present plant. The Darlington, Wis., Journal says editor ially of a popular patent medicine : "Wo know from oxporionco that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea liemedy is all that is claimed for it, as on two occasions it stopped excruciating pains and possibly saved us from an untimely grave. Wo would not rogt easy ovor night without it in tho house.'' This remedy undoubtedly save more pain and sufi'ering than any other medicine In tho world. Every family should keep it in tho house, for it is sure to he needed sooner or later. Forsalo by Gruhler Bros., Druggists. An llllnnl Kiirlltqitiiltp. "Wenona, Ills., Oct. 8. The Inhabitants of this town were greatly alarmed by mi earthquake. Tho shock occurred nt 1:80 i n. ni., and was preceded by n rumbling noiso iiiat nwuKoneu nonriy ovory one. There was n lull for two or threo minutes, followed by moro rumbling, and then moro qunkiu!?, which was so violent as to shako dishes from tho pantry shelves. Many people ran to tho streets In thoir fright, and in some instnnces women screamed for aid. Tho shock was so violent that n great deal of damage was done to tho coal mines In this vicinity. H.mnock Indians ItAVciifre. Idaho Falls, Idaho, Oct. 8. J. W. Wil son, a scout and courier for tho United States troops stationed in Grnnlto Canyon, arrived hero and reported tho killing of Captain Smith nud two companions by Indians lu tho lower end of Jackson's Hole on Thursday morning. Captain Smith wns tho man who precipitated tho Indian fight last July in tho Jackson's Holo country. At that timo ho killed ono or two Indians, and was himself shot in tho breast, but recovered. Tho Indians then sworo vengeance). Austria's Sflnlstxr SatlIIml. UNIONTOWN, I'ii., Oct. 8.i-Tho reports of murders and evictions during tho strike last year reached tho Austrian government in exaggerated form, and promped Em peror Francis Joseph to order an investiga tlon through his representatives in this country. Huron Hengemuller, tho Aus trian minister at Washington, has in vestigated, and says ho will report to his government that he thinks tho minors nro well provided for. He will also deny that there woro any atrocities during tho striko last year. Shot Into a Cromleil D.tncn Hull. Helena, Mont., Oct. 8. Whilo tho neighbors at Avon, a wood camp thirty miles west of here, wero having a dance, a man named Jack Caddiok oponed flro on tho room full of people with a revolver. Ho instantly killed Jason Iatuceford, a peaceful nud respected citizen, and shot Tom Thomas through tlio shoulder. jj0 fired several moro shots that flow wild. Preparations wero making to lynch him when ho was lunded In jail. Killed Ills Wire and llimseir. SriilXGFlELD, Mo., Oct. 8. At Vernon. Lawrence county, thlrty-flvo miles west of here, George Napper shot nnd killed his wife and ended his own life by tho saino process. Mrs. Nappor had filed dlvorco proceedings ami refused to lougor Uvo Wltu nun. l'jigub cuimruii lira ioil urpuuus, Nappor was a money lender. i I'lm ltllK Pnlsnnlni Cn.K. New York, Oct. 8. It Is rumored around pollco headn.unrtors that an important ar rost bus been mado in connection witli tho Bliss poisoning case. Tho man supposed to have been ai-rosted is Ferdinand Wllckos, who, It Is said, will bo used as a witness for the prosecution in tho trial of ilrs. Fleming. Government Alii for Flood Victims. Havana, Oct. 8. The government has increased from $5,000 to fi0,000 Its subscrip tion to the fund to assist the sufferers from tho cyclone and flood In Vueltw Almjo. The bodies of ten mora victims of the flood have been recovered. Nerves Are like Fire. They are Good Servants But make Poor Masters To keep your Nerves steady, -Your Ileitl clear, UulW up your Strength, Sharpen your Appetite, You liiut lwve Pure Rich BSood , The Beat Medicine to Vitalize ami Enrich the Blood, is Hood's SarsapariEla The One True Blood Purifier Prominent h in the Public Eyo. Mnjul'e Dllla c'an liver ilU.blllou PERHAPS THIS MAY HELP YOU. "My food does me no good," you my. Then It does you barm. Thoro is no halting placo between these extremes. DiKostcd food alone gives health ami streustb. Undigested food sours, or ferments In tho stomach and becomes n poison to the whole body. It onuses houdaeho, heart palpitation, llvornnd klilnoy troublo, distress aftor outing, pains In the chest and sides, and tho tired, languid heavy feeling we hear so much about. When the digestion goes wrong every function of the body goes wrong. Yos, and tho mind, too. Men mil In business and die poor for no other reason than this, they are weak ened, dulled and sttipifled by dyspepsia. Tho iives of a host of women aro blighted in the same way. You may bo one of this mlscmblo multitude. Tho writer of these lines was one of your uumbor a short time ago. I tried dozens of tilings to get cured; J"s as you nave none, no i ouui. J. no tiling whlcn at, last sueeeoileil with mo may suc ceed with you. It Is a discovery of those wise ami good people the Shakers, of Mt. Lelwnon, N. Y. culled tho Shaker Digestive " p" ZarSLW! 1 digestive food and also a corrector of the ; digestive function. You can eat and digest I your food wliile taking this cordial. It helps you at once and soon makes the stomach vigorous and healthy. It is not liko any I other so-called dyspepsia cures. It Is pre- jiared by the Shakers principally from herbs I dragging in tho abdomen. Positively ef cultivnted by them. They do not ask us to fectual in suppression, scanty flow, bomorr speiid a dollar for a bottle whilo we are in hages, jmins and all monthly disorders, tho dark as to its virtues. The.v take that I The Munyon lEeuictllcs effect positive cures risk themselves. Almost any druggirt will sell you a trial bottle for ten cent, so j on can see whether it is what they ' say ami adapted to your case. And isn t. even the mere chance of a euro worth that much 1 CHAMPIONS GET A 'GAME. IJaUlmore Defeats Olevxlnnd by a Score of a to o. Baltimore, Oct. 8. Tho champions tasted tho sweetness of revenge yesterday by shutting tho "Spiders" out without a run, thus, In a measuro at least, getting j evou for tho threo defeats they met in , Cleveland. The playing yesterday seems to indicate thnt the homo team will make it threo straight hero, and that thesoventh gamo of tho Templo cup series will bavo to bo played. Moro thi.u 10,000 people saw tho battkyind tho enthusiasm was unbounded, so much so, In fact, that somo of tho rougher clement forgot themselves and of fered somo indignities to tho visitors. Paper balls, peanuts, one or two eggs, and llnally a rook wero thrown at them as they left their hotel for their grounds, nnd af tor reaching thoro thoy wero hissed by a small part of the crowd, but this was frowned upon by tho majority, and thero woro no further attempts at Insult during tho gamo. It was purely a pitchers' contest, in which Kspor bad the best of it. Cuppy, though a bit wild, held the victors down to nino hits. Tho run getting began In the second, when Brodlo got homo on Carey's two bagger to center, after having reached first on a forco hit and second on Gleason's sacrifice. Two more wero mado In tho third, McGraw and Keoler coining homo on a bunt by McGraw, nnothor by Ifceler, a slnglo by Jennings, a hit by Esper and a long fly by Brodlo. This performance was duplicated In tho soveuth, Kccler going to first on balls, nftor two men woro out, to third on Jennings' slnglo mid homo on Kelly's slnglo to left, which also brought Jennings across tho plate, Tho visitors, as a rulo, went out in one, two, threo or der, and at no timo did thoy seem danger ous. Scoro by innings: n. It. B. Baltlmoro 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 x 5 1) 1 Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 1 Cure for lleuduelic. As a remedy for all forms of Hoadacho Electric Hitters has proved to ho the very best. It-cllocts a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. Wo urge all who aroaillictcd to procure a bottle, and givo this remedy a fair trial. In wise of habitual constipation Electric Hitters cures by jflving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the uso of this mcdicino. Try it once. largo bottles only 50 cents at A. Wasley's Drug Store. A Woman's Fntnl .Tump. STnoUD3l)UT.o, Pa., Oct. 8. During the aosenoeoi nor nurso Airs. John Knox Alnr- shall, wife of a prominent Boston manu facturer, jumped from the third story win dow of Croasdalo's boarding house, at Delaware Water Gap, and sustained In juries which will causo her death. Sho fell a distnnco of twenty-flvo feet, striking on her head. Physicians found that sho had broken ono rib, cracked a shoulder lilado and was internally injured. She wns a victim of nervous prostration, and her act was probably tho result of temporary Insanity. Two Bailors Shot nnd Killed. Lewks, Del., Oct. 8. Two unknown Swedish sailors woro shot yasterday by tho owners of a sturgeon skiff which was stolen from tho Jersey shoro of Delaware Bay about two weeks ago. The sailors, who wero thought to havo stolon tho skiff, wero ovortakon lu a thoroughfare between Cobb's Island nnd Cupe Charles, Vn. Thoy woro called upon to surrender, but refused, nnd uttompted to oscapo. The pursuers then opened lire. One of the sailors was Instantly killed and tlio other died as the party reached the shore. Fmira of a 0r IfamlBn. Kansas City, Mo.. Oct. . Within the next sixty ihivs there Is KlMy to bo a oar fundus on tha western railways. The movement of the crop la already taxing ouiu of J'ho linos to thalr fullest capacity, and shipper are iwlng urxt it to unload oar promptly. Although tho .Chicago, Milwaukee tvnd St, I'aul ha t,o m freight caw, and several thoiouwd moa under 16MB, the eyrtem la 1,900 oora short already. c 'Ji P'Oftl Mm OrUtoba! Colon. Havana, Oct. 8. Admiral Imas, ooui. jiuuider of the Spanish naval forces here, left Havana yesterday on board tho Spanish orulaer Contra Maestre for the Colorado reefs In order to personally direct the opera tions of trying to Hunt the wrecked cruiser Cristobal Colon or, falling iu tliU, to save her guns, to. Threw NhW Cardlnula. Paris, Oot. 8. The Figaro says that the next consistory will bo the occasion of creating tlio following cardinuls: Mgr. 1'errata, the papal Jiuuolo ttt Paris; ilgr. Agllardll, tho papal nuncio at Vienna, and Mgr. Bat ulll, the papal delegate Uy the Iloman Cnthollo ,ohuroh in the United State. llltnnU' r.ocUltttlv llriuery. SPBINOFIEMi, Ills., Oct. 8. The grand jury has mado a final report end ad journed. They found but ono bill fur bribery lu the legislative investigation, hut there Is evidence of sevoral chms on which Chicago and Peorta grand juries can llnd indictments. Emu All Approve of Munyon. Grand Work In Behalf of Womankind. What a r&mous Professor Has Accoin pllsheOy Hew Methods. Mrs. Itlblct, 1(50 Ninth avemio, New York city: "I am satisfied thnt Mtinyoil's llunio dlea can do wonders. Soveral of my friends have been cured by Munyou's Feinulo Koine dics." Mrs. George Gmyblll, Wrlghtavlllo, Pa.: "What I suffered from female troubles is in dcscrilinhlo. I was in bed four days every month. Doctors siu'd they must oporato, but Munyou's Special Female Cure, cured mo." Mrs. C. K. Tucker, lluekfichl. Mo. : "Mun you's Femalo Ilemedies are invaluable. Not only myself but many of my friends have tl..m promptly curative:." Muuyoii'a Femalo Koniedles provide a homo troatmont that effects a speedy and complete cure of all womb troubles, ulceration, enlargement, falling of the womb, whites, Iwckache, soreness and In the most obstinate cases, a separate specific for each disease. At all druggists, mostly 2S eeuts a bottle. Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 1505 Arch street. Philadelphia, answered with free medical advice for any disease. Do you DESIRE to Make MONEY? OUI I LAINa OF OPERATION AS- SURE ABSOLUTE SAFETY. Make your money earn you n monthly salary. $10 00 nml more mmlo daily by our new sys tematic Plan of Operation on smnll investments in drain and stock speculation. All wo ask Is to Investigate our new nnd orlirlnnl methods. Past workings of plan nnd I highest references furnished. Our Hooklet 'Tointe i: units" now to nmKo money ami other Information sent I'ltKK. Gilmore & Co., Hankers nnd lirokers. Open Hoard of Trudo llldg., Chicago, 111. (KM-am-iUw JOHN F. CLEARY, Temperance Drinks. Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottler of the finest lngcr beers. 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah. The Schuylkill Valley Cottage Owned by Tetcr Griffiths No. 122 South Mississppl Avenue, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Two anil one-half squares from P. & It. station: half squaro from beach. Itspalnted, repapcred and refurnished. Evcrythlnn complete for con venience of patrons. MHS. M. A. GIUFFIN, Proprietress. Passenger trains leavo Shenundoah lor I'enn Haven Junction, Maucb Chunk, Le. hiRhton, Slatington, White IIall,Cata6auqnn, Al!entown,Uethlehein,Easton and Weathorly at R 01, 7 .18, 9 15 a m., 12 43, 2 47, 5 27 p m For New York and Philadelphia, (1 04, 7 3S, 9 15 a. in., 2 43, 2 57, p. n. For Qua kake, Switohhack.Gorharila and Iludsoadalo. 9 15 a. in. and 2 57 p. in. For Wilkes-tJarre, White Haven, PitlBton. Lncevvilie.Towanila, Snyre, Wavcrly and Elmira, 6 01, i) 15 a in, 2 57. 5 27 pm. For Itoohester, Bull'alo, Niagara Falls and tho West, a 15 a. m. aud 2 57, 5 27 p. m. For lielvidere, Dei.ware Waier Gap and Stroudsbunr. 6 04 a. in. 2 57 r. :n. For Lambertvillo and Trenton, 9 15 a m. For Tanltbannock, 0 04,3 15 a. m., 2 57,5 27 p. ni. For Ithaca and Geneva,- 6 04, 9 15 a ni, 5 27 p in. For Auburn, 9 15 a m, 5 27 p m. For Jeatiesville, Leviston and Beaver Meadow, 7 38 a. in., 12 43 p. in. r or btockton ami immbor xaru.o ih, ( on, t) 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08 p. in. For Silver Brook Junction, Audonried aid Hazleton, 6 04, 7 38, 9 15 am, 12 43, '2 57, 527 and 8 08 p in. For Scranton, 6 04, 9 15 a m, 2 57 and 5 27 p m. For Hazlobrook, Jeddo, Drifton and Free land, 6 04, 7 3S, 915 a. m., 12 43, '.' 57. 5 27 p. m. For Ashland, Glrardvillo and Lost Creek, 4 411, 15, 7 30, 9 13, 10 20 a. in., 12 35, 1 40, 4 10, 0 35, 8 22 p. m. For liaven Hun, Centralis, Mount Carmel audSbamokin, 0 13, 11 14 a ni, 1 32, 1 20; 8 22,9 15 p. m. For Yalesvillo, Park Place, Mahanoy CiU and Delano, 5 50, It 04, 7 38, 9 15, II 05 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 6 27, 8 OS, 9 23, 10 53 p. m. Trains will leave tihamokiu at 5 15,8 15 11 45 a. iu., 1 55, I 30, 9 30 p. in., and arrive Rheiiiniiloah at 0 04, 9 15 a. m , 12 43, 2 57, 7, 11 15 p. m Leave Shenandoao for Pottsville, H 04. 7 38,8 08, 11 05,11 SO a. ro., 12 4S, 2 57, 4 10, 5 27, 8 U8 p. in. Leave Pottsville for Bhenandonh. n 00, 7 40, 9 05, 10 15, 11 '48 ft. ih , 12 J2, 3 00, 4 4l 5 20, 7 15, 7 55, 9 40 n. ro. Leave Shenandoah for Hasieton, S 04, 7 SI 9 15, a. ui., 13 43, 57 . 5 27, g 08 1) in. Jieave uazieton lor Bheuamioau, 7 35. 10 05, 11 06 a. m 12 15, 2 58, 5 30, 7 25, 7. 5H, P" m' 8UNDAY TRAINS.' Trains leave for Raven Run, Cenlrnlin Mt. Carmel and Bbampkln, A 45 a. in., 2 40 p ni, and arrive at Bhamokin at 7 40 it. m. ami 3 45 p. m. Trslnu leave Shaniokin for Shonamloali ai 7 65 a. m. and 4 no p. m.. and arrive at Shen andoah at 8 4V a. m and I 58 p m. Train leave for Ashland, Qiraniville arm Lott Creek. 9 40 a. in., 12 30 p. m. For Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, IVui Haven Juuetion, Mauob Chunk, Alleutown Bethlehem, Eastern and New York, K 41- a.m., 12 30, 2 55 p. in. For Philadelphia, 12 30, 2 5 .'.'). In. For Yateaville, Park Place, Mahauov City and Delano, 8 49, 11 35 a. in., 12 30, 2 55, 1 58, ft 03 p.m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8 30 11 SO a. 11)., I 05; 5 30 p. m. Leave dheimmloab for Putts ville, 5 55, 8 49,9 32 a. m.,2 40 p. m. Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, 8 30 10 40 u. in., I 35, 6 15 p. in. IK'LLIN II. WlLUUH.Ueril. 8upt., South Bethlehem, Pa. CHARLES 8. LEE, Genl. Paw. AgU, Philadelphia. A. W.NO.x Vi MACIIEII, Asit. 0. P. A., South Bethlehem, Pa Im Effect MAiicn 21, 1895. WILLIAM W. STOREY DEAD. Tho Ilinlnaiit Aiitoflrrtn Ncillptor, Artist niul 1'ont. Loudon, Oct. 8. The .Times this morn ing alUHmnco8 that William Wf'tmoro fjtoroy, (ho American sculptor, died at Vullnmbrosa.nt tho residence of his daugh ter, the Mnrchesi. Poruzzl. William "Wct moro Storoy, artist, sculptor and poet, was born at Salum, Mass., Feb. ID, 1810, and Was tho sou of Joseph Storoy, associate Justice of tho supremo court of tho United States, and tho famous commentator on the constitution. Ho was graduated at Harvard In 1888, and Its law department In 1810. Ho was admitted to the bar, mid devoted his attention largely to tho prep aration of law reports and n, treatise on contracts. At tho same time he wns a fro quout contributor of both prose and vorso to various periodicals. In 1818 his fond ness for art led to his golugto Italy, whero he had over since resided, dovotlng his nt tlon chiefly to sculpture. Purlfjlue Pittsburg. PiTTsnnito, Oct. 8. J. O. Brown, di rector of tho department of puhlla safety, who sat as judge In tho investigation of charges of bribery, blackmail, etc., against certain police officials, has mndu a report to Mayor MoKenna. Ho censures Chief of I'olicoO'Maranndsomoot his suhordln ates.and makes a number of recommenda tions, among them that the detectlvo forco bo divorced from tho bureau of police, and that the employes bo accorded the right of appeal before being discharged. Dlroctor Brown also announces that hareafterho will abandon his administrative policy and only enforce tho law, which means a continual war upon tho disorderly houses, gambling rooms, etc. Poisoned at a Wedding Tcnt. SAHULA, la., Oct. 8. Tho singularly dis tressing illness among tho guests at the wedding of John Taplaw and Anna Gage is still occupying the attention of tho medical fraternity of 'this nnd other cities, but so far no physician has beon nblo to correctly diagnose tho disease. Threo deaths lmvo occurred nnd eighty persons aro confined to their beds, several of whom aro not expected to live. Theso Include S. E. Day, mayor of Sabuln, and John Tap law, tho bridegroom. It has transpired that meat cooked for tho wedding had be come tainted, tho affair having been de layed for four days. Gonnuctlout Town Elnctlons. NEW Haven, Oct. 8. Yesterday wns town olcctlon day in Connecticut, elec tions being held in 101 outof the 108 towns in tho state. Norwich went Ilcpubllcnn nnd lu fnvor of license. In Putnam tho llconso advocates had a majority of 114. InAVatcrbury Kllduff, Democrat, is elected mayor. In Danbury tho Democrats cap tured tho selectmen's offices anil tho Re publicans tho remainder of tho town ticket. License wns voted by a majority of GOO. In Huntington, which has been dry for two years, tlio voto for llconso was 412, against 400. Tho Itepublic.ms elected their town ticket. Ohio's Free Mlver Democrats. Columbus, O., Oct. 8. Tho silver Demo cratic state central commltteo, of which A. W. Thurmau is chairman nnd W. Dur bin secretary, issues nn address to tho Democrats of Ohio, urging concentrated action looking to tho control of the noxt national Democratic convention. Tho address dcclures thnt members of the. legislature should bo uncompromisingly pledged to voto In favor of an open party caucus for tho naming of ft United States senator mid nuiiusl the selection of nny man who Is n.-.r '.i fnvor of tho frcu coln ugo of both g.d fQ d sliver. Onnuriil Ufi'tu Still llellleeront. SAN Hlas Mux., Oct. 8. General An tonio Ezetn, of 6an Salvador, who just ar rived here from San Francisco, hns Issued a long manifesto written In Spanish, He says ho will summon the legislature of 1801; that life, liberty, property, agricul ture, trado and Industries will bo in en couraged, nnd thnt ho will especially estab lish onllgutoned education in tho country. Ho says ho will adopt tho slnglo gold standard of money, using tho coins of tho United States until such timo as the country shall bo ablo to lssuo Its own coin, Illtrliteen Killed on the IEhII, BltusSELS, Oct. 8. Two heavily laden passenger trains camo into collision be tween Wnvro nud Ottlgnles, about elght eon milos from this city, and most of tho cars of both trains were wrecked. Eighteen persons wero killed outright and a hun dred injured, somo fatally. Among tho pnssongors were M, Heernaort, president of tho chamber of deputies, his wlfo and her sister, Mmo. Moulon. Tho latter wiis killed, nnd Mine. Heernncrt was injured, though not seriously. M. Heernaort was unhurt. Ilovmn' Sentence Alllrmed. "WlLKEBDAIUtE. Pa., Oct. 8. Tho su promo court, sitting in Pittsburg, yester day sustained tho verdict of murder In tho first degixo rendorcd in tho cane of Will lam Pojm Bowman, nged 20 years, lu this city, Tho condemned man was notified of tho court's decision last ovenlng. Ho wa unmoved, and sold he still hoped for tho best. A strong effort will bo mado to have the hoard of pardons commute the sentence to Hie imprisonment. Valulle Lumber Ilenlroyeil ly Fire, Gkbbk Bat, Wis., Oot. 8. At tho docks of the Jlurphy Lumber company three quarters of a million logs woro swept away hy flro yesterday. Out of 7,000,000 feet of sejeotliunboron the doek 8,000,000 to 8,000, 000 feet wore destroyed, together with docks and a number of buildings. The loss Is $100,000. The flro was caused hy a spark from a tugj NUGGETS OF NEWS. It it nojv definitely sattled thnt t here will be nu.f opt ball game between Harvard and Yale tills year. At tho socialist congress at Brcslau yos- terduy Herr 'Jobkneoht bitterly denounced 1 RniperorAVllliain. . IMBe and Addle' Evatt, bistei-s, aged 15 . nnd 10 yearsi respectively, worn burned to I death hy iv laiyp explosion at Woodlawu, j Ala. In the glove contest at linlllmore last night, between "Kid" McCoy and Abe UBinan. McCoy won in the thirtodhth ! round. Six thousaud citizens of Cliattunooga gltve a patrlotlo greeting to tho old Lilnn ty hull and Its escort when it ri-ai betl that city Igt ownlwr. Tho state U. A. H. of Rhode I land has decided toeroctHiiioiuiinwittuilio Knman ' Catholic soldiers of tho state who fell in 1 tlie civil war. Ill an Interview tit WishvilU ex hpoaker Crisp said: "I still favur the free coinage of silver, aud think perhaps 1 may make a speech or two in Georgia on tlmt Huo be fore oougrusd inoets." SICKNESS WITHOUT SYMPTOMS. DISEASE THAT DOESN'T MAKE FEEL SICK TILL TOO LATE. YOU Symptoms are Nature's Danger Signals. UrlglU's Disease is Dangerous Because Its Danger Signals are s'o Weak. Kidney Tnuble and How to Cure Them. Ilriuht's disease has no symptoms. That is, of course, It has some symptoms, but thoy are td common that everybody suffers from them more or less. And yot wo havo not all got Hright's Dis co to. W'e nearly all have headaches. Heuilaehe-t aro a sign of Hright's Disease, Norvounness, Thirst, Hot Skin, Loss of Flesh; these aro other symptoms. Who would suppose lie was daugcrously sick when he simply bad these symptoms? Yet Hright's Discaso often has hardly any others, outwardly, and s still one of the ' di?oaios most dreaded of physicians. If it in allowed to run on too long It is Incurable. Even in the lieginniiiK, ordinary drugs aro often unablo to help it. lint Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills will euro all cases of Hright's Dieaso if taken before the kidneys are so worn out tlmt re newing them is impossible. Most sicknesses aro caused by tlio kidneys, became It is the kidneys which aro supposed to keep the blood pure. When the blood is impure, it causes just tlio samo symptoms as mentioned ahovo for Hright's Disease. If, when we arosick, we would take Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills, wo would cure Hright's Disease if wo had it, and in any case wo would purify our blood and relieve tlio symptoms which made us feel sick. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills nro made from tho roots and stalks of tho Aspanigus Plant under a special procoss. They have a tonic and healing effect upon tho kidneys. Thoy ropalr tho effects of overwork, worry, excesses, etc. They strengthen and nourish the organs and give them new vitality. Kidney troubles caused by wounds or bruises can bo cured with Dr. Hobb's Spara gus Kidnoy Pills. I The kidneys filter our blood. They keep it pure and free from poisonous matter. When our blood is impure wo sillier from Hright's Disease, Diabetes and other kidney diseases, and from Itheuiliatisiu, Gout, Anaemia, and other blood diseases. The cure would bo to tako Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills. Hy curing tlio kidneys wo would make them purify tlio blood, and thus would cure all kidney and blood diseases from which wo might bo suffering. Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills aro for salo by all druggists, or will bo sent to any address by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price, 50 cents per box. Valuable pamphlet on tlio subject mailed free on request. Hobb's Mcdicino Co., Chicago or San Francisco. s sner oeers, Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Cliris. Schmidt, Agt., 207 West Coal Street. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with HlUUphroys' Witch Hasel Oil as a curative and healing application. Jt has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. , Relief immediate cure certain. It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Belief instant. It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures Inflamed or Caktd Brbasts and"Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures Salt Riiklm, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisteis, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Druggist, or lent posUpald on rooiptof price. IlUUrllHI VS'lKD. CO., lit &mttlUutt. Y.rV. Easily, Oulckly,.Permanentiy Roatured. IVonlcnrsii, Nervousness iieiiuuy, ana aiime tram 01 evus iromeany errors uv later excesses. iUt results of overwork, elokueis worry, em. x- un BireoKiu, uevoi jopmantand tone given to every orKau unit yoniuu of tha bony, feimule. nat ural method!!. linmedU ute improvement seen. clTii.... imnnniiila. 2.00O references. Book. explanation and proofs maUucl vijsalod) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. Buffalo, N.V. f3 Celebrated Female i'owdere unvur full. "w.Mi'ua'jaiSe'ffia'. fi- aiul an lifter f&lllUK with Tunny (lid rennyruyl 1'iIU mil otlu.f liko muedlt a ). Alwuyn liuy tlio biit anil uvuiil ij'OD- ncfatnient. Gunrantwl (Uwnur ta all oiuew. i-jniuw (hobnlin the marM, A Ni I. ftrtioulin, i CM. Ur.8-T. tUX, UuA Boy, Dutton, Uiwi. WilOH HAZEL OIL wiuuit w mm nFmm SUP Li f '4 -thi J