The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 05, 1895, Image 2

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i:.staiu,isiii:i I870.
Published every Kvcnlwr, Hxecpt Sunday, nt
8 South Jardin Street, Near Centkk.
The Herald Is delivered In Shenandoah ntid the
surroiimlhiK towns for six cents a week, pay
able to the. carriers, lly mall 51.00 a year, or 3(5
cents a month, payalilo In advance. Advertise
ments charged according to space and position.
The publishers reserve tho right to change the
posit) on of advertisements whenever tho pulw
llcatlon of news demands it. The right Is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
raid for or not, that tho publishers may deem
Improper. Advertising rates made- known
upon application.
Entered at tho postoffice nt Shenandoah, Pn., as
second class mall matter.
Evening Herald
Bbnjajii.n J. Haywood, of Morcer.
Jambs A. ItinvEH, of Centre.
E. V. Willard, of I,ackRwauiia.
C1IARLK8 E. Kice, of Luzorno.
Gkouok 15. Oiu.ADY, of Hunthigilon.
John J. Wickham, of Btvor.
Howard ItEHUKlt, of Northampton.
" THOMAS II. It. LYON, of Mnlianoy City.
11ENJ. li. SKVKIiJJ, of Shenandoah.
01IAS. E. llitlCOKON'S, of St. Clair.
I)u. S. J. SEYPEUT, of llincgrove.
I)I1!KCT0P. OF Till: POUR,
S. It. MIDDU3T0N, ofGilbcrtoii.
, JOSEPH W. GEAIiY, Jit., Of I'ottsvillc.
Political weather-cocks, who trim their
vails with the varying winds, can sometimes
the found in newspaper ollleos.
Quite a number of statesmen in this
county are suffering from a Payne, excepting
those, of course, who aro painless.
1T11E prudent and wiso busiuoss man speaks
to tho people through a live and, popular
miediuni. Advertise in tho Herald.
The indications point to Republican success
in Schuylkill county this fall. And it won't
'bo by the assistance of boodlers, either.
The closo of tho courso of lectures given
-under the auspices of the National Itcforni
Instituto during tho present week, is highly
gratifying to the projectors The establish
ment of a permanent organization hero will
no doubt bo fruitfiiJ.Df much good. The
work should bo encouraged in every way
The thirty-sixth triennial convention of
tho Protestant Episcopal church of Amorica
is now in session in Minneapolis. Many
important changes in tho rules of government
of tho church will coino up for discussion, the
last general convention having appointed a
committee to reviso the constitution and
.canons, who will make their report.
The demand of tho roads and highways
committee of tho Borough Council that the
owners of properties on West Apple alloy
shall curb the properties without delay and
place gutters is not only in accord with justice
.and good government, but a very natural
-demand in view of tho fact that the borough
has gono to eonsidorablo oxpenso in cutting
tho alloy down to grado upon request of the
.parties to whom tho order is now directed.
Reading is an ambitious city and has at
tained a position among tho most progressive
sind promising places of tho state, but when
.she undertakos to entertain a crowd such as
.the annual State Firemen's Association at
tracts she bitos oil' moro than sho can chew.
Many of the flromon who visited that city
this week say that the accommodations wore
-wrotcluttlly inadequate and that the pleasure
afforded by tho gonei-ous impulse of tho people
Mt large was, to some oxtent, curtailed by
j;mpiiig speculators who opened temporary
Jictal and boarding licutes.
The continued oppression of Christian
Amieniaus by the Turks, in the face of the
strong protest of tho European powers, will
inevitably result in driving the Turk from
JSwojie itnd a rearrangement of the map of
that continent. The grasp of the Turk lias
iweit steadily (trowing weaker, and he lias
1en itripped nf a large portion of his terri
tory iu the pat 25 years, which should cftUse
liijn to pause. Unfortunately for the Porte,
llie- unreasoning fauticUm of it Mohani
lnedan subject cannot U restrained, even in
adversity, and their atrocities toward
Christians are rapidly luwUnlng the dU
iiiemlmrment of the empire, which the close
-of the century may possibly see wiped out of
.Europe, and with only a feeble foothold in
A-ia. Turkey has lwen a disturbing element
in European on politic for nearly a century,
;iud only tho jealousies of the leading pow-rs
has saved it from the fate which liefell
Poland a century ago. At present the
tendfiicy seems to favor a restoration of the
ld t.ncian supremacy in that country,
wiin li 1 1. 1.- a great niuny features to commend
ir ..Ithimk it will be dilNcult to imagine the
Muscovites foregoing their desire to possess
I'liiibtuntiiiople as the cuyital of tho Biihmuii
Carrying Water from Hillldiiybilrc.
IIoLLlDAwnuim, I'a., Oct. C Gonoral
Suporlntend-nt F. L. Shcppnrd, of tho
Pennsylvania Itnllroad company, yester
day petitioned tho llollldnysburg councils
for a wutor supply for tho cur shops, loco
motive works and tho G.000 employes of
tho cmnpany. At Altoonu, where the
water fainluo has now assumed tho most
sorlous aspects, the probablo closing down
of thoso works during tho drought necessi
tated tho petition. Tho councils decided
to send cloven train loads, containing 400,
000 gallons of wntor, every day to Altoonu.
Holllduysburg Is now tho only town In
Central Pennsylvania whero a superabun
dant water supply.oxists.
Huclilon's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo In the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo
perfect satisfaction or niony refunded. Prieo
25 cents per box. For salo by A. Waslcy.
An Octocenarlan Horned to Death.
FLEMl.vaTox, N. J., Oct. 5. Ono man
was burned to death and ono woman seri
ously Injured at Croton yesterday. Tho
handsome resldonco of King Pyntt, who
was 80 years old and known as "tho origi
nal Jersey peach grower," caught flro.
The flamos ato their way to tho upper stor
ies beforo tho family was aware of tho Arc,
cutting off all escape. Jirs. Mary Hires,
a lodger, staggered out of her bed and
aroused Mr. Pyntt. Ho tried to descend n
stairway, and was overcome by 6inokeand
fell to tho hall below, which was a mass ol
flames. Tho other Inmates escaped, Mrs.
Hires with a broken leg and Internal in
juries. Death from Witnessing a rntnllty.
Ottawa, Ills., Oct. 5. Corridons Phelps,
for many years tho leading stock buyer
and shipper of this city, and Henry J.
Rlgdcn, a painter, wcro struck by a pas
songer train on tho Chicago, Hock Island
and I'acifle railroad hero nnd Instantly
killed. John Hcisor, who lived closo to
tho scene of the accident, was sick and Hat
at his window overlooking tho track. He
was found by his wife a fow minutes later,
death evidently having boon produced by
tho shock of witnessing the accident.
Scrofula Broke Out
On our boy when a baby. "We gave him
much treatment without avail. Noticing
in the papers Hood's Sarsaparllla was rec
ommended for scrofula nnd blood diseases
we gave it a trial. We soon saw a change
for the better. He has taken tour bottles
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and is now entirely well, hearty and free
from all scrofulous symptoms. I have
also taken three bottles for nervous head
ache and catarrh. It gave me great relief."
MRS, t. m. omith, Kuttier men, va.
LI ,l n:il euro habitual
nUUU a mid tioa. Price 2icatl.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt,
West Coal Street.
Specialist in disoasos of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
207 West Market St., POTTSVILLK
Hours 8:30 a. m. to 12 m.j 1 to -1 p. in., r
8d. in. Sundays fl a. 111. to t2 m.
CMeheater's English DtaiBOnd llrnnrf.
Original ud Only Genuine. A
art, aJwayi rUUblo. ladies uk jCl
motuiBrani In ItrU u4 !-ld meUlll
itooxei, acted wlui blue nitrwn. l awe y
no other. iJu dangtrvut lubitiiu- V
turn and imitation At HrsgitUtfl. ft tend 4c
In tmr or tiartteuUri, IwUiooqUIi aoJ
"Heller ror iaui-" ihmmw, return
Cblehttfr Chemical Co.MoUm.4Uti(
nUlionsof Dollars
Oo up in smoke every year. Tako no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured in first-class re
liable companies as represented by
Also Life and Aooldentnl Companion.
Your Stomach
Ounnot stand the same wovhlng that youi
boot do, anil tho water you ilrlnk isn'l
even fit (or tliat purioe. Use
LorcnzScliraIdt;s geer an(j p0rtei
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
Tonsorial Artist.
J2 West Centre street.
Stylish hair outtlng a upecUlty. Clean towel
I? 5
EoLi U alU
Using' Atlanta's Exposition as a Means ot
llTadlnir tha Law.
ATLANTA, Oct. 5. Govornmont Immi
gration Inspector Thomas J. Solinrf, sont
horo to watch tho colony of Ghlneso men,
women and children brought to tjo expo
sition by Koo Oynng nnd Loon Lane, has
sent to tho secretary of the trensury a pre
liminary report whloh is highly sensa
tional. Ho scores tho inspector nt Ogdens
burg, N. Y., for ncgllgonco and cnreloss
noss in tho admission of the Ghlneso to tho
United Stntos, and suggosts that tho
United States consul nt Hong Kong bo
called upon to show tho manner in which
ho took tho descriptions of tho Chlnnmcn
when they loft that plnco for America.
Tho report states that there aro 135 men
In tho Chincso village horo who aro doing
absolutely nothing, and who evidently
bought thoir way into Amorica for tho
purposo of remaining horo. Ho stated
that tho wholo crowd intend to ovndo the
officers and remain in this country. Tho
womon, ho suggosts, aro to bo sold. Tho
wholo sehomo, ho declares, -was originated
by woalthy Chinamen who do not livo in
Amorica, and thnt Koo Oyaug uud Leon
Lauo aro meroly their agents.
Inspector Scharf is pushing his investi
gation, and hopes to break up tho plans
which ho is confident tho promoters of tho
Chincso vlllago horo intond to carry out.
The Darlington, Wis., Journal Says editor
ially of a popular patent medicine : "We
know from experience that Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is all
that is claimed for it, as on two occasions it
stopped excruciating pains nnd possibly saved
us from an untimely gravo. "Vo would
not rest easy over night without it in the
iouso." This remedy undoubtedly saves
moro pain ana sintering than any other
medicino in tho world. Every family should
keep it in tho house, for it is sure to be
needed boonor or later. For sale byOruhlcr
Bros., Druggists.
A Two nays' Halo Needed.
Shamokin, Pa., Oct. 5. Water comnany
officials report that Shamokln, Alt. Cnrmel
and tho surrounding territory will be
wholly without a water supply if tho
drought lasts threo days longer, nnd add
that nothing short of a two days' rain will
rcliovo this serious condition of afTnlrs.
Tho water tanks located along tho Bead
ing railroad's main lino between Locust
Summit and this pluco ran dry last oven
ing, nnd will sorlously Interfere with the
running of trains.
Arizona Wants Statehood.
"WASHlNOTON.Oct. 5. Governor Hughes,
of Arizona, lias mado his annual report to
tho secretary of tho Interior. As to tho
political situation and statehood tho gov
ernor says: "I bollove that tho territory is
safely Democratlo when but tho two stand
ard political parties nro in tho field. The
peoplo bf tho territory nro a unit for state
hood. We have earned this right by the
conquest and civilization of this region,
and have every condition necessary for
sen government."
Sandhajrced nnd Robbed.
xouuNTo, unc, vjci. t). At Myrtle, a
small town a fow miles from here, a des
perate robbery was committed in tho
Canadian Pacific railway station. Uu
known robbers sandbagged tho night ope
rator, rendering him insensible The safe
was then blown opon and $2,600 of the
Dominion Express company's funds
stolen. Tho operator was so badly in j ured
that ho is unablo to give a coherent ac
count of tho affair.
Cure for Ileadavlio.
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric ifittcrs nas proven to no tno very
best. It effects a permanent euro and the
most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield
to its influence. We urge all who arc afllicted
to procure a bottle, and giyo this remedy a
lair trial, in case oi namiuai constipation
Electric Hitters cures by Hiving the needed
tone to tho bowels, and few cases long resist
tho use of this medicino. Try it once. Largo
bottles only 50 cents at A. Wasley's Drug
J"-M.'i.. l .:, vti... Oi. 5. --Julia Kin-n-.t-
b, bro'u!'lil a tinder
do ki j,!t .-Li i.i'.on Jtnttj. iMta.coiUt-6ind that
Si ir i-.,'.t .;.( i :u.- JWCjj), :Ulfjj;Ky pin
n til,.'. (fil -7 Slw.aQiUiilotw. the Qiiino,
sn. Kiu", iKi-anw oi ner oiyvnon tonic
rnilu (it J.i-u.'s '!uG wtoy, it youn.r favijicr,
lor i"c lu.niiors numi. uiui ciimo was with li Inttohuf whllj tliovletlm
w.itU'.j0p Ui bod.
Alv-d lrii lluriier; Ciiitiirfi1.-
Nkw BnuNWirju, N. .1., Oct. f.-Ta't
plitl 'IHtiu-'ftntTi, 0B years old, who world)
ou -iHiotBrst fiUJlii, unr Weston's Miiln.
lnw hvon utroAiM, almrr.-il with lunuii-
UhwHni. Dctoctire Oliver h;w b i u Iniiif
lii!ftor.tjo uyBtorlou.s h;tru biiruer1 who
for l l.o uist two mouth.-; hu'. !i-on bnrla
Unr;ii in tliu vicinity, mid deoltuMi lie lijva
oor.vunng onueuoe ag.un4C jjongmau,-
Tilr fontht' llui'iiess Knlltifi..
New Yohk, Ocr. .V it. G. Dun (SsjCo.V.
wwkly review of j s.iys: CVmiubi4al
failures in the third quarter of ttfcio Vv.V
8,Ti'J, with lLiuilltios ot 8S,10r,17t. nmr-ivia'-ari'i
! Jlrru, ttUnst Si'J.ji.'s i,wt
ye.v.1, h i t cent, njore. Tu.i W;ily
gin In.: oudltion approaching, but
not yu. i ug, oub oi gonoral prosperity
WIIIIhui Hour)- Itnlensrd from Ouatody.
Bkooklyji, Oct. 5. Williwn Starr
Henry, wild was charged with the murder
of his father, Charles W. Henry, who wins
found dead In his home, No. 1)5 South
Portland avenue, on Juno 11 last, wiw yes
terday dlsoharged from custody in tha
court of sessions of tills oily.
Iindrd a prer with Wife Murder.
SFHiNai'JBM), Ills., Oct. 6. William 0
Honry emlwt u spree of six weeks by kill
lng his wife Iii the presence of Louise,
their lll-yenr-old daughter. He then fled,
and has not yet boen captured. Ha was
recently uu engiueor on tha "Wabash roil
When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla.
When the was a Child, she cried for Castprla.
When she become Ilss, she clung to Qastoria.
When she had Children, she gave them CastorU
The Hbiui.d no longer occupies the ofllces
In tho Uefowich building. The ouly office
the paper has in this town is at the new
quarters, No. 8 South Jardin stn-i t.
A Severe Case of Catarrh of the Stomach
That Earned the Skill of Physicians Speed
ily Cured by the Munyon System.
Mr. Elwood Allen, tho well-known lumber
merchant at York and Richmond streets,
says t "For the ist 20 years I had suffered
from catarrh of tho stomach. At times I
could not kevp anything on my stomach: I
was constantly nauseated, could not enjoy
my food, and after meals would bloat up and
my stomach would feel as if it were full of
load. I tried tho best physicians in the city
without benefit. Finally I consulted Mini
yen's specialists and within a short time was
completely cured."
Positive Cures for all Diseases.
Tho Munyon Ucniedy
snei'ifloK for every disease
, which
are sob.
all dnuinlsts. mostly for 25 cents a vial
Knecially successful cures for nervoro de
bility, and all nervous diseases. Htm all
specific blood and skin troubles. Liver, Kid
noy and Bladder troubles, Female Weakness,
diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Catarrh
and Catarrhal Deafness, Tiles and Neuralgia
quickly cured.
Those who aro m uouui as to tnc naiuro oi
their disease should address Professor
Munyon, 1503 Arch street, Philadelphia,
giving full symptoms of their disease. Pro
fessor Munvon will carefully diaEiio;o the
case and give you tho benefit of his advlco
absolutely free of all charge. Tho Remedies
will 1)0 scut to any address on receipt ot re
tail price.
Our Plans of Operation
Absolute Safety of Investment.
Dividends Payable Monthly.
SIO to
Can be Invested with larty. Wilt
convince tiny rrasonable person tbat
tbls Is a truthful statement.
Tho Iodk looted for tnuinti rerl"ol
Is at band. Every indication In tbe
financial world sxoniflft an advanco
In values. Prior to Msy 1 prices of
everything were at or below tbe cost
ot production. Will you Join tbo
procetsion and reap tbe benefits or
s boom ?
Will establish these Ictt by refer-
to some or tne leading LtanKa
Trtut Companies of our city
nc .il Our p8t twxeu JmllOes us In
Zi DBrCGnt I etatlnif tbat we feel assured of
finr Mnnth (oend of ii per cent or more on
I--- --j u investments.
I f you want to maJce monfy, all we
, ask 1b fur you to instigate our new
&rul original methods, will owwiiv
tee to convince tbe most skeptical.
Full particular sent frea on Applica
tion, iiepreeeni.-mves rvauiea,
Co-operative Trading Ass,
15 Dearborn St., Chicago, III
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
A gonuino welcomo awaits you at
Cor. rialn and Coal Sts.
Pool room attached. Finest ivhlsknye, beers,
porter and ale constantly on tap. Uholue tem
perance drinks and ulur.
For Scientific Dentitry go to
i years actual experience. Oolil, Amal
iram and Porcelain fillings, Gold Orowiw, Vttf
eelalu Crowns, Aluminum Cron-iw,
Ben teem
110.00, no better wade At any price. Teeth ex
Iracttti with vitalized air. 50c Rxtraotml with.
flxtmctwl with-
out nir, 3Ko. Allowance mute where U-eth are
!i are
I July
qui ou new piaiea. ah worK guaranteed
attendant alwaya preneut.
Ottloe lioura : Every day. 1 to 5 p. m. Sunuayr
1 to 3 p. n.
30H East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa,
SInx I loose's realdtmce, front room niwtal.
The Schuylkill Valley Cottage
Owned by Peter arifflths)
No. 122 South Mlsslssppl Avenue,
Two and one-half ncjiinren from P. & U. station
half Miuare from le4tch. H.iiulutril. renanerivi
and refurnished. Everything complete for con
vonienee nf putronit. MUM. M A. OUIPPIN.
Celebrated Female
Powders never (all.
safs sod sura Utter fsllliut
' with Tsnry and Pennyroyal I'lui sod other Ilka
pointment. . Uuarsnloed supCTtor to all c'k;
IhtUitlntliiiimrket, A Nu. 1. l'arUculm, i ctl.
lJlX, liack lly, Bo.tou, Mass.
jpDo you 0ES1RE to mako
FroTUIonat Oorernmelit Olves
to a Pornmnent Orcaulrntlon.
PnEHTO IVtiNCirK, Cuba, Oct. 6, At tho
recent mooting of tho Cuban provincial
delegates In this plnco tho roport of tho
ppeclnl committee- nppoluted to draft a
constitution was adopted without dobuto,
the fundamental laws of thu rcpubllo woro
formally proclaimed, and tho lndepondcnco
of tho Island from Spain solomuly declared.
Tho provisional government of Gonoral
Masso gives way to this permanent organ
ization: President, Snlvndor Clsnorosj vico pres
ident, Unrtolomo Mimsoj secretary of war,
Carlos HolotT; lusslstaut secretary of war,
Mario Srenocul; sccrotaiy of foreign af
fairs, Rafael I'ortuondo; assistant secre
tary of foreegn affairs, Vermin V. Domln
guezj secretary of tho treasury, Sovora
l'lna; assistant secretary of tho treasury,
Joaquin Castillo; secretary of tho In
terior, Santiago J. Saulnarcs; assistant
secretary of tlio Interior, Carlos Dubois;
genoral-in-chiof, Maximo Gomez; liouton
unt general, Antonio Maceo.
Tho provinces of Santa Clara, Santiago,
Havana, Puerto Principe nnd Matanzus
nro nil represented In tho new government,
nnd tho organization seems to glvo general
satisfaction to inaurgonts and to Insur
gent sympathizers throughout the island.
Cuban Lender Kllleil In Ilattle.
HAVANA, Oct. 5. A column of troops,
numbering 300 men, commanded by Colo
nel Sognra, has had a brush with tho in
surgentHttt Camp Arroya Hlanco. Two
insurgents wcro killed, ono of thorn being
Major Gubluo Vazquez, whoso body lias
been idciuilled. Nliio insurgent prisoners
arrived hero yesterday from Ciunaguiiy.
They wcro sent to tho fortross of Cabana.
Among them was Joso Prmlo, editor of
Tho El Cubuno, a dally nowspapor devoted
to tho cause of the insurgents. In tho am
buscade light near Camujero, province of
Puerto Principe, tho insurgent leader
Paco Ilcclo was killed. It is officially re
ported that in tho engagement between
tho insurgents and Spanish troops nt Ias
Varus, near Sauctl Splritus, tho insur
gents lost forty killed nnd 1(50 wounded.
Among tho latter was Sorafln Sanchez,
who led tho Insurgents. Confirmation has
boen received hero of tho death of Kafel
mysterious Reappearance.
Tunkhannock, Pa., Oct. 5. Henry
Harding, a prominent lawyer, who disap
peared from tills pluco early, in March,
IS!M, enmo into town on a through express
train Thursday night. At tho tlmo of his
mysterious dlsappearanco a package was
found lnhls office vault, giving directions
as to tho settlement of his estate, but
throwing no light on his disappearance.
Ho left a devoted wlfo and son, a luxu
rious homo nnd a largo legal practice. Yes
terday ho dropped Into his old office ns nat
urally us if ho had never been awny. Ho
refuses to give any explanation of tho mat
ter for tho present, but says ho may talk
Death of a T.eacllnc; Kflucator.
New YoitK, Oct. 5. Hjalinar Hjorth
Boycson, professor of tho Germanic lan
guages and literature in Columbia college
and n well known writer, died suddouly
yesterday from rheumatism of the heart,
aged 4". Ho was a natlvo of Norway, but
was a lover of our Institutions, and camo
hero to reside permanently on attaining
his mnjority. Ho hud a high roputatlon
us a lecturer, us well us a novelist nnd es
sayist, and among his friends numbered
such men ns Victor Hugo and Tourguo
nefl. Ho leaves u widow and two chil
dren. After an Itallnn Muri!err.
Hammonton, N. .T., Oct. 5. Charles
Roller died horo last night as tho result of a
bullet wound In tho abdomen inflicted by
Antonio Gartona, an Italian, during a
quarrel near Polsom. Gartona camo to
this city and kept in hiding for a tlmo, and
was then seen to board a train for Phila
delphia. Ho was followed and located in
the rear of a South street dwelling. AVord
was telegraphed to Constablo Burnshouso,
who left on an early train with a warrant
for his arrost. Roller was a prosperous
fanner and leaves a wlfo and family.
An English Criticism.
London, Oct. 5. Tho Daily News this
morning, commenting on tho South Car
olina constitutional convention, says;
"Nothing but n strong declaration of pub
lic opinion throughout tho United States
and tho civilized world can prevent this
monstrous Injustice of depriving thublnck
man of his rights us n citizon simply bo
cuuso ho Is black. This Is, in fact, qno
other offort to subjugate tho blacks. Race
hatred Is, perhaps, as strong as over In
somo of tho southorn states."
Frank ISrnn Defeats Jack Bkelly.
NEWYOHK. Oct. B. Aboxlnir oihlhltlnn
r wa given by tho Manhattan Athlotlc olub
last night, tho principal ovont being advor-
useti as a llttoen round go botwinm Frank
Erno, of Buffalo, and Jack Skolly, of
Brooklyn. Tho fighting was fast nnd fu
rious, and in tlio ninth round Skully was
knocked out nnd tho contest awarded to
Erno. Provloug to thlg event Tommy
Wot, of Uoston, dofontcd 51 ike Harris, of
Now York, In seven rounds.
Italian l.'nrli Abandoned at Sea.
Sax 1'iutfciBco, Oct. 6. The Italian
liark Beppo Is total bmg. Slie w-ng nlian
doned ut sea on Aug. 11 by her orey. ller
onrgo of ooal was Ignited by sponUinoous
oouibustlon. The Boppe wu bound from
Androasnn for San Franoiioo with 1,500
tons of cool.
ficiieral Mahone'ic Tesaoitr.
Washington, Oct. 8. General Mahono j
shows (t wonderful tonaoity, wlilch is a
Kurprise even to his physicians. At mid- '
night thero was no nppreoiablo change '
from that reported yesterday. I
T$n inchtti of snow fell ut Lnmmlo,
Wyo., yesteMny.'
Divli ttolK-jwn, a promUiout fanner of
Sinking Valley, Pa., fell from on apple
tree imd dletl mm the effect of his Injur
ies. Three vesiels, ono Vinnch aud two Hn
glial), Imve l.oen lost on tlio south ooiwt of
Now Puundiiind, unit livo men wore
A fatal runaway accident occurred nt
Metuchun, six miles from New Brunswick,
N. J., yesterday, ilr. Fremmin being
thrown from bm carriage and killed.
Gilbert W L' dli. for twenty-live years
nuditiir ol' i in' 1' lint ami Pero Marquette
BniliDail n.nipany, diopped. doad Inst
nl.rht whili- w.tlLlng ou tho stree't In Sng
luinv, Mieli.
Mri. l.ouls Jolw, of Clurksburg, llo.,
and her daughter, the wife of Alfred Mo-
IjcxhI, of Kausus City, Kun., were killed at
Kaniis City, Mo., by being crowded from
the r-Jii- platform of a cur on the ulovutod
ro4.. 1
It is Caused by a P)lson Which Can
Filtered Out.
The Kidneys are Our Natural Filters,
and Keep Our Blood .Pure. When
They are Sick We Get Rheuma
tism, Etc. The Way to
Cure Our Kidneys.
Though you may know what disease you
lmvo, perhaps you don't know what causes
Rheumatism is a blood disease.
It gives you pain in your muscles, but
this is caused by tho poison in your Hood.
To euro rheumatism you must purify your
Peoplo used to think becauso the muscles
wcro Mire, that they could cure rheumatism
by rubbing the muscles with liniment, but
nil the liniment in the world will not euro
rheumatism. .
Nothing will do it but filtering the blood.
When tho kidneys are well, they filter tho
blood and keep it pure and healthy. They
filter out all the waste mutter, the poison, tho
Uric acid, anil throw it out of the system.
When they are sick tlicy don't.
When they arc sick, you get Rheumatism,
or perhaps Gout, Anaemia, Pale Sallow Com
pleximi, Headache, Ncunlgia, UriRht's
Disoase, Diabetes, l'ain in tho liick, Sleep
kwiH'ss, and a long tmin of similar troubles.
When your kidneys aro sick, you should
take Dr. Hobb's Hpar.igus Kidney Pills.
They will euro your kidneys. When your
kidneys arc once well, everything elso will
bo well.
Well kidneys purify our blood as it ought
to bo purified. They make It fresh and clear
and healthy.
Puro blood makes a clear, rosy complexion,
bright eyes, glossy hair, red lips, clear brain,
nappy uiougncs.
Tho healthier your kidneys, the purer your
Asparagus is a plant which has a very
btrango healing and tonic action ou tho
kidneys. It is ono of tho chief ingredients
of Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills.
Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills aro
perfectly harmless, purely vegetable, plcasanj;
to uiKe, anu win cure wncn oilier prescrip
tions or medicines have failed.
Thero is no reason why you should stay
sick. If you want to get well you can. All
you havo to do is cure your kidneys. This
can bo done with Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kid
noy Pills.
a. uox oi ur. iionu s sparagus Kiuncy i-ius
should bo kept in tho house, for you don't
know how soon you may need them.
A few doses will relieve. Pain in the back,
in tho joints, in tho muscles, will all go after
a few doses of Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Pills.
A fow boxes will cure. When your kidney
are well, nothing will bring back your lis- .
case again but carelessness.
Overwork, worry, excesses, overealK
...Ml 1- , 1-
win iu:iko your Hmnuya mciv ugujn, tr
bring back your Rheumatism, Gout, Kidney
Troubles, etc.
Hut otherwise, once gone, they will stay
away. Dr. Hobli's Sparagus Kidney Pills
cure thoroughly.
Tlmv mnnw vahv VMnvfi vnnr finil
,t,. l,n.,l(l,
For rl'lhy all r"''K''-'--''r-hv-"'fliUpm-(g
paid, for 50 cents a box. Valuable medical
phamplet sent free on request by Dr. Hobb's
Medicine Co., Chicago or San Francisco.
pi.iFTON nonniNS, sr. d
No. 7 North Jardin Street.
Ofllce Hours: From 8 to 9:30 a. in.; 1:30 to 2:30
p. m.; 0.00 to 7:80 p. m.
yy N. STEIN. JI. D..
Ofllci! Itoom 2, Kgaii'H New Duilrilng, corner
Mnlu and Ccutro streets, Shenandoah, Pa.
Olllco hours: 8 to 10 n. in.: 1 to 3 p. in. ; 7 to
p. m. Nlfiht odlco No. 2110 West Oak street,
p V. BUltlCK, SI. D.
80 IX I.loyd street, Shenandoah.
OfTlcc hours : 7 to 0 a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9
p. in.
Shenandoah, Pa.
sr. iiuitKU,
OMlco Kgnu bulUllns, corner of Jluln and
Centre ttrects, Shcnauiloah.
Office. Slellet's Building, corner Centre and!
Slurkct ptrecU.
pnoi'. John 40NKS,
I.ock Itox 05, Slabanoy City, Pa.
? studied under Home of the best
u London and 1'arin, will (five Icnaons
studied under Home ot
masters 1
oil the violin, guitar and vocal cult tin- Tt rma
reasonable, AddreH in care of Strousi', tbe
jeweler Shenandoah.
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with Humpiroys'
Witoh Haswl Oil as a curative and
used 40 years and always affords relief
and always gives satisfaction.
It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and
Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas.
Relief Immediate cure certain.
It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and
Contraction from Burns. Relief instant
It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated
Wounds and Bruises.
It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers. Old
Sores, Itchinc; Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald
Head. It is Infallible.
It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts
and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable.
It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects.
Threo Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00.
Bold bj Druggists, or Bent post-paid on recelptof price.
llunrltnKIS' BED. CO., Ill lit nilUaa BU,Nw Tark.
2 iiu "
ISAFE AH0 SURE ttJo Fil.VWOI. . II -. b.Ft
iCUARC!' u-x U-'tOIFIC Co,Pr. tft .Hn.
DRua a